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I have ever witnessed. I have been here in washington nearly 20 years. The bottom line for folks at home is that the sentencing of the former National Security advisor, Michael Flynn, has been put off for another 90 days. There will be a status report filed in midmarch. Let me just walk you through what has happened in the last couple of hours. The federal judge in this case, emmet sullivan, began the proceeding by stating to the court i cant think of a day when the court has accepted a guilty plea from a defendant that is not guilty, and that is not going to start today. He then walked the former National Security advisor Michael Flynn through several elements of the case. He gave him multiple opportunities to withdraw the guilty plea, the guilty plea agreement, with the special counsel. He gave flynn multiple opportunities to challenge the circumstances of his fb interview in january of 2017. These are the specific issues of not having consultation with the white House Counsel being feed they scurried for having a lawyer. Also, not being formally advised that any false he was could be used in future prosecution. Michael flynn declined to do so. He told the court that he was aware that false statements the fbi at any time could be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We just had a brief pause in the proceedings. The judge has come back, and he has tried to in my view sort of mellow or walk back some comments. He directed flynn as to whether his contact with the russians ir december, right after the election, amounted to treasonous behavior. He said to general flynn that he felt his crimes were quite serious. He was a sitting National Security advisor. He was making these contacts in the west wing, and he lied about the nature of those contacts to other members of the transition team, as well as the Vice President. He said you raise the question about whether this amounted to reason treasonous behavior. He came back to say that he didnt mean to imply that Michael Flynn had been treasonous. He also said, i want to note, put the special counsel under scrutiny and possibly even on notice. He asked the special counsel, where they talking to the Russian Ambassador in december of 2016 was a crime. The special counsel representative commented that it could be a violation of the logan act, and then the judge, in a very unusual way and a slick way, said isnt that the act that no one has ever been charged with . Which was sending a signal as to what was at the heart of this case. A lot of drama, a lot of opportunity for Michael Flynn to withdraw his guilty plea, to challenge the conditions of his fbi interview in january of 2017, which the judge said he found troubling personally. But flynn has declined to do so, and sentencing has now been postponed for another 90 days, harris. Harris Catherine Herridge, thank you very much. I want to bring in robert ray, former whitewater independent counsel. You took over the Kenneth Starr case and wrapped it up. So you see the beginning of the ends of things. I want to get an idea from you is this the ending or is this just the beginning for general flynn . I think there was just a simply a pause today. That doesnt mean that things werent accomplished today. The judge, first, had to determine you and i raised this in our prior interview on fox about the question of whether or not to, really, there was cause to withdraw a guilty plea. The judge wanted to be sure before he proceeded forward to sentence that the defendant knew that making statements to the fbi was unlawful. Because there is some suggestion by virtue of the fact that he wasnt advice. We now know, intentionally so, by the fbi. Making a false image of the fbi was a crime. That was not done. One of the reasons you do that, all prosecutors and agents generally speaking provide that advice, because that means its far easier to prove that the defendant, in fact, did know that lying to the faa is a crime. There is no legal requirement that that advice be given, does make it easier to prove. So the judge wanted to be sure that the defendant was pleading guilty because, in fact, he was guilty. Thats why he asked the question, first, did you know that lying to the affair was a crime . And general flynn answered in the affirmative. The judge want to know and be certain that that was so great otherwise, there is no crime. The second thing he wanted to know is is there any other basis for you to withdraw your plea . I had raised the issue before, but i wonder since the ages already knew the answer to the questions, since they had recorded conversation between general flynn and kislyak, they knew whether there was Material Information they were trying to elicit as to the result of the interview with general flynn. Again, the question from the judges, general flynn, is there any reason why you are seeking now to withdraw your plea . And he answered no. Those are the things he wanted to satisfy himself about. Harris why . As he said in his career, he has never taken a guilty plea from someone who isnt guilty and he wont start now. Harris general flynn has walk out of the courtroom and is getting into a vehicle now. From what we can see and hear, lots of things we chatted. No response from flynn or anybody in his camp. These people who are with him now, getting into that vehicle, as well. Now he will be whisked away from the u. S. District court come away from the crowd. It was quick. This was the right world, there. Nothing out of him. We didnt really anticipate it until now. I want to bring this up with you. Sure. Harris robert ray, former white house and appellate counsel winning is to stay on ts video. The status hearing was requested by the defense on march 13th to kind of find out where they are. The judge in my opinion, why would judge sullivan have not gotten clear from the government today that Michael Flynn was still part of that case . And how important he may or may not have been to the investigation . Because you generally edge judge napolitano just told us last hour must be 25 you dont see sentencing of an individual who needs to give testimony. Thats the usual course pray that means that they were really effectively done with him, which is why they will allow it sentencing to proceed forward. Harris but now we know they arent. So they are probing. I dont know how much is remaining in the Eastern District of virginia. I dont know if its a grand jury, wherein connection with a prosecution that has already been brought. I further dont know if hes supposed to testify against. Harris Catherine Herridge giving reporting but also some of her notes as part of her reporting, complementary to it. Supplementary to it. Citing that that case in virginia may see flynn be asked to testify. What do you make of that . I guess this is in connection with people that he worked, underling, in regards to to turkey and representing turkey as a foreign agent. Of course, the judge was concerned in this case here about that as well. Thats why he raised the arguably you betrayed your country. Harris they said he was just curious, but, come on we know what the word treason does. Its like yelling fire when there isnt one. The headlines across other networks, they took out the word open arguably. He raised a question i had to walk it back and correct the record. Im not saying its treasonous activity. And he put the special counsels office on the spot to say is it or isnt it treason . And they made it pretty clear that they were not contending that it was treasonous activity. Know that they were contending that it was a violation, really come of the logan act. Finally they also had to sort of correct the judge with regard to what was happening in january, right before and right after the inauguration. There is nothing wrong with the National Security advisor having contact with russians prior to the time the Administration Takes office. You cant lie about it. Thats what he pleaded guilty to. Harris what about the turkish government . This is a different situation. He was taking money for doing a job, and now we know what that job looked like. That he was taking that money up until the middle of november. Which means that, if he had anything to do with things that were going on and look at our relationship with turkey right now. Kind of interesting, right . He was slated to be the National Security advisor. Harris thats problematic for him, but not the president. Or is a question mark its that he should be held to a higher standard. First. Second, he should have been disclosing that to the administration during the vetting process. Currently, that was not done. Third, he raises the question, did the president know about whether this activity was ongoing . The suggestion appears to be that, since general flynn didnt disclose it, no, the president was not aware of it. Harris will be talked about last hour is that he filled out the paperwork that is necessary to declare yourself as a foreign agent. He left gaping omissions, which, you know, as an attorney, thats a lie. I will say, with regard to registration of foreign agents as a result of this prosecution alone, i get emails all the tim. Trying to figure out and advising clients what type of activity triggers a requirement to register as a foreign agents. Its not so simple as you might think. Harris many of them are former federal officials, right . Sure. Its a complete kid question and a lot of people have failed to register. Perhaps innocently, sometimes because they dont want to actually affirmatively disclose who they are working for. Its an area that is fraught with some uncertainty. Harris before that you go, quickly, i want to get on record with what the government said about treason to the judge. This is the federal government. After looking at the definition of treason, we have no reason to believe he committed treason. That is stronger than well, we dont think he did it. He had not pursued that is line. We are going to give him zero prison time. Thats an important concession. One that prosecutors dont often make. They typically dont say what it is they are not charging or what it is they believe has not occurred. Generally speaking, prosecutors only speak by virtue of bringing charges. Harris but because this judge brought up treason, they had to. They were in an awkward position. They didnt initially want to respond to the question, in light of his comments. Im glad they did. Its a board that people not misunderstand what happened, here. There is no evidence to suggest that general flynn committed treason. Harris robert ray, always a pleasure to have you on the mezzanine and all the program. Think you come here and sprayed by the become a great interview of the president. Harris thank you, i appreciate that. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is back with us now. So, caffeine, things are still developing outside the courtroom. Whats happening . To answer this question of future cooperation it was in the context of what the sentence would ultimately look like. Judge sullivan said that he did not rule out incarceration to the former National Security advisor, mike flynn. Flynns attorneys said that he saw the laster meeting piece, the final piece of cooperation, as testimony in this case in vio friends of Business Associates for their legal lobbying. Also, false statements. What caught my attention was when the defense attorney said we see this is the last remaining piece of cooperation, which may be an indicator that they dont anticipate any future testimony in a special counsel investigation. A detail from inside, what the cooperation would be for the fair case. Not for a Russia Special counsel and desiccation. Harris catherine, you and i will sometimes take a look at things like dates. I want to take at look one with you. The status hearing that the defense proposed for march 13th i want to be good clear what has happened the week before, and that is Michael Cohen going to prison if he doesnt mitigate by also cooperating with the meal investigation. Those no way their semester calendar inside the courtroom. Im not looking for that. Any connection point. But i do want to point out that thats an interesting detail to have wrap up before you would get a status report on a man who just had his attorney throw away his sentencing because of participation with the investigation. Its important just to line up the data points, especially with the timeline. Although it was a big one from judge sullivan today that he was looking in the case in a very independent way. Independence in the sense that he thought there were no other similar or analogous cases. He told the defense you have the comparison to george papadopoulos, as well as a british attorney, were not really analogous. Not really relevant, because their lives were not made from the west wing of the white house. Also come on that point, the defense had argued that the other three or four star generals who had been found guilty of lying to the fbi also were able to plea to a misdemeanor and avoid any jail time. Specifically, general david pretorius, about his handling of classified information with his biographer. As well as former National Security advisor sandy berger and the quick demonstration. The judge, as we left today, in my view, seemed to ridicule the petraeus decision to plea to misdemeanor pretty city found that striking them out in the same wheelhouse as he was looking at with flynn, harris. Harris thats all very interest in craig Catherine Herridge, we are grateful to have you along for the breaking news. Of course come harris. Youre welcome. Harris we will bring you back as the news warrants as you are outside the court is in d. C. We have the walt know mike deputy editor. Lets break it down for the president right now. Because thats what everybodys kind of watching for. This was his former National Security advisor, and a delayed sentencing today. What is in favor and what is against it president today in terms of politics . I would see whats in favor of the president is at the average person out there is having a very difficult time understanding exactly what is going on here. And how it impacts the presiden president. Judge sullivan himself seems to be trying to get to the bottom of what exactly was general flynn a posh risk of ability. But, for what reason is he supposed to be handing down his sentence . When he opens the hearing by saying i do not want to be sentencing a guilty man who is in fact not guilty, that has to suggest that the judge himself had doubts about what is at stake, here. General flynn went into the courthouse on the expectation that he was going to get no sentence for his cooperation with the special counsel, and that he had pleaded guilty to lying to the fbi. Yet, the judge is raising the question on whether some trees in this crime committed by his conversation with the Russian Ambassador, kislyak. Ultimately, the judge asked the special prosecutor was that a crime . And they said maybe, it was a violation of the logan act. And the judge says nobody has been prosecuted for filing the logan act. That brings it back to what exactly general flynn did that was wrong, other than live to the fbi, which is, in fact, a crime. Harris, i am having a very difficult time seeing that that sequence does political damage to the president of the United States. I dont think it exonerates general flynn for his life to the fbi, but it looks like this thing is sort of melting down to something very small and specific that the judge is trying to focus on. Harris i want to read just a little bit from our crew again. We just had Catherine Herridge on, we have a wide dearth, if you will, of reporters there now. Heres something coming up. Judge sullivan said he still had further questions regarding the circumstances of the fbi questioning that were raised in the defenses sentencing memo, which he hopes will be answered before sentencing from both sides. So, this is partially why all parties have agreed now to a status report due march 13th, by 12 00 p. M. Eastern. Politically speaking, kicking the can down the road does what . Kicking the can down the road 90 days suggests that, well, at the least, may be Robert Muellers final report, the wrapping up of all this, isnt going to come for 90 days. A lot of us have been hoping and expecting would come sooner than that. Its typical with special counsel investigation, as robert ray can tell you, himself having been through this before, that they can go on seemingly indefinitely. Dragging into 2019, and the president s term is kind of hanging over his head. I have said before, harris the special prosecutor has an obligation to try and get this thing wrapped up, because of the kind of vagueness that we saw today in this sentencing over what exactly is at stake, here. It looks like were going to have to wait at least another nine 90 days for that. Harris the next bit of news we are breaking, which we were waiting for, developing them and said the White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders said to hold a press briefing today. We are told, 1 30 p. M. Eastern. Thats just about 11 and a half minutes away from now. We are on it. Stay close. A migraine hope to be there. For the good. And not so good. For the mundane. The aweinspiring. The heart racing. The heart breaking. Thats what life is all about. Showing up. Unless migraine steals your chance to say i am here. Thats why, we created aimovig. A preventive treatment for migraine in adults. One dose, once a month. Aimovig is proven to reduce the number of monthly migraine days. For some, that number can be cut in half or more. The most common side effects are pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site and constipation. These are your days what will each one bring . Doesnt matter, as long as you can say. I am here. Talk to your doctor about preventing migraine with aimovig. And be there more. honking when your craving strikes, you need your wing nut. no one can totally satisfy a craving, quite like your wing nut. Harris fox news alert now, we are waiting White House Press briefing and we are expecting reaction to the judges decision to delay Michael Flynn sentencing that has been happening this hour. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts life with the latest. I look forward to our conversation but i first want to get from you the latest reaction, because they are waiting for that press briefing. We havent gotten to the white house just hit come up we expect it will be in the next few minutes prayed there doing the prep ahead of the briefing, here. Probably getting their talking points in order. You can probably bet, one of the first questions that Sarah Sanders is asked. On the surface, this whole delay doesnt seem to have anything to do with president trump. Its about two of his Business Associates, and it was his cooperation with the Eastern District of virginia prosecutors that was excited by the office of special counsel. And the reason why the sentencing have been the delay because he will be continuing to testify against these two people as the government tries to build their case. The president certainly was keeping a close eye on all this, treating first thing this morning good luck today in court. No mike to general Michael Flynn. He will be adjusting what he has to say, despite tremendous pressure being put on him about russian collusion and are great and obviously highly successful political campaign. There was no collusion but that youve collusion didnt even come about today sentencing hearing. He believes that he was not treated fairly by the affair. He was encouraged to not bring an attorney to question. He says he wasnt in traps, discovering up this morning Sarah Huckabee sanders fell short of using the words either trapped or entrapment, but she did think that he was treated unfairly. Listen here. We are arguing that he was certainly ambushed, and that the fbi that we know had clear political biases we have seen that time and time again. One thing that we are 100 sure on this of the president made the right decision in firing james comey because every single day we learn more and more. All of the things that he did that were so far outofbounds for what the fbi director should do. Of course on capitol hill yesterday, james comey said the president was undermining the rule of law. But Sarah Huckabee sanders pointing out that in the interview with general flynn, comey circumvented his own fbi guidelines by not negotiating with the white house over the terms of sit down with general flynn. But just sending a couple of agents over to the white house to talk with him, without laying down the ground rules first. Heres what sarah said about that. I think the last person that we are going to take any lecture from about the values of this country is from a selfadmitted liar and leaguer that we know james comey to be. There is no doubt that he did a tremendous number of things wrong and brought outrageous corruption to the fbi. He let it with the political bias that is unheard of at an agency like that. I think, like most people, the white house thought this was all going to be over by now. That Michael Flynn would receive a sentence and would probably not get jail time, just a short pearl period. This is all been delayed by 90 days, it adds a another degree of uncertainty. Again, everything hurts today from judge sullivan and the court and to the prosecutors for Michael Flynns attorneys, which seems to suggest that this has anything to do with the case in Eastern District of virginia against two of his Business Associates, bijan kian and kamil alptekin, nothing to do with president trump. As always, with the special counsel investigations, the twists and turns can lead you down a lot of different rabbit holes. Harris i want to talk with you just for a second, because we have covered things like this before. Even Catherine Herridge described it this way, unexpected drama inside the courtroom today. Just from a journalist perspective. Yeah, the sentencing hearings are usually pretty you walk in, you maintain your plea, heres with the guidelines say, the prosecutor makes a statement, the defense make a statement, they say with the terms will be. In the case of Michael Cohen, it was pretty much agreed to head of time. The fact that judge sullivan brought up the word treason, and then had to walk it back this was a very, very unusual sentencing hearing for it is no question about that. Harris john roberts outside of that house today. Thank you very much. Lets bring in now someone from the other side of the political aisle watching this process. Congressman David Cellini of rhode island, who sits on the house judiciary committee. Good to see you today. I say the other side of the political aisle because they always describe you that way from others who may have been on the program. But, really, i want to lean on your expertise just in terms of what we are watching today. John and i were just talking about the drama inside the courtroom. Is this what you expected . Yeah, i disagree with john a little bit. I dont think this is anything surprising. That judges are required to conduct sentencing hearings across the country. The first thing judge sullivan did as he wanted to make sure that Michael Flynn knowingly and voluntarily entered the plea, that he was in fact guilty of the crime. He reaffirmed that with mr. Flynn, so all these ideas about him being snookered into it or mistakenly stumbling into this crime were put to rest. He said i knew what i did was wrong, i new line to the fbi was a crime, and i admit my guilt. The question then became, was he entitled to acceptance of responsibility points . To have his sentence reduced because he genuinely on authentically exited a full responsibility i think the judge clearly probative on that some. But its clear that the judge thought this was a very serious event spring lying to the fbi, by the president s National Security advisor. And he intends to impose a severe sentence. I think he basically invited the continuance in the event that mr. Flynn had more help to give this investigation that i be taken into account before he is ultimately sentenced. Harris he said severe sentence, the most he could get would be six months. The day he got to that courtroom, he had zero. Im sure it wouldnt be a pleasant three to six months, or whatever he might get. But at the end of the day, is this where you are kind of looking . We just saw Michael Cohen. He got half of what he was exposed to. Is there enough there to go forward for Robert Mueller . In your estimation . Again, i think these are very serious offenses. This investigation has now resulted in the indictment or plea from 30 people. You know all the actors. These are very serious crimes. They ought to be taken seriously by the court. I think judge sullivan is. I think we have not seen mr. Muellers complete report, but when you have the National Security advisor to the present to the United States working for a Foreign Government and hiding that, and then acting on it, then you have to wonder, why is he keeping secret these conversations with the Russian Ambassador . What else is there . Harris let me stop you there. You are talking about lengthy affair, lying to congress for those of been the things people have been found guilty of, among the list of bank fraud and tax fraud with Michael Cohen. So on and so forth. But this situation with tricky kind of lives in a different lane. The company in a matter of finding out that he may have been accepting money for whatever he was doing, through midnovember before the electio election, is interesting. I want to get your take on just that segment of it. Welcome idle think its just interesting. I think its a crime. In fact, the judge asked, could mr. Flynn been charged in the Eastern District of new york . And the prosecutor said yes. Hes not only getting recognition of no jail, they have also declined to prosecute him for other crimes he has committed. They said that in open court. You have to wonder what is the full nature of mr. Flynns cooperation. Hes been interviewed 19 times, has a lot to say come apparently. We may not know all that per the judge probably knows most of it. Hes giving him an additional opportunity to come forward with Additional Information he has related to an investigation. The judges serious tone about the gravity of these offenses, i think, reflects the sentiments of mostly mega people. Its a serious crime. Harris we get that. We dont see any ties to the present United States. In fact, this judge doubled down on general flynn getting the Vice President to lie, because he lied to the Vice President pray that they were people in the white house who did not know what general flynn was doing, potentially. Well find out more, no doubt, for the update here and come if you will come on march 13th. Congressman selena, this is the only time i think that you and i have gotten together. And it didnt get to be. [laughter] will have to make sure we do it next time. Harris i can only imagine pregood to see you, sir. Lets get a look at whats happening on the other side of the screen, life. There it is in full. We waiting for press secretary Sarah Sanders to set up to lecturing. A lot of news being made. Also, the white house indicating that they will want to see a negotiation that would avoid a partial Government Shutdown before christmas. All of it, we expect her to be asked about. We are awaiting the White House Press briefing. Keep it here rcent of your home the newday va loan lets you refinance your mortgages, consolidate your credit card debt, put cash in the bank, and lower your payments over 600 dollars a month. Call today. And get the financial peace of mind every veteran deserves. Go to newdayusa. Com, or call 18778068332. Oh oh ozempic® vo people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. 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Theres no heavy bucket, or mop to wring out, because the absorb and Lock Technology traps dirt and liquid inside the pad. Its safe to use on all finished surfaces tile, laminate and hardwood. And it prevents streaks and hazing better than a micro fiber strip mop, giving you a thorough clean the first time. For a convenient clean, try Swiffer Wetjet with a money back guarantee. Brand power. Helping you buy better. And just like you, the further into winter we go, the heavier i get. And while your pants struggle to support the heavier you, your roof struggles to support the heavier me. [laughter] whoo. [crash] and your cutrate insurance might not pay for this. So get allstate, you could save money and be better protected from mayhem like me. Mayhem is everywhere. So get an allstate agent. Are you in good hands . Harris a lot of news breaking this hour. We were see what the right abstraction to some of it is. The judge in the Michael Flynn sentencing agrees to delay the sentencing process. They will have just an update hearing on march 13th. It was really interesting. Republican congressman peter king of new york joins me now. Before we talk shutdown, lets talk Michael Flynn and get your first reaction now. First of all, he had an outstanding career is general. I was on the Intelligence Committee when he was part of the Defense Intelligence agency. More than anybody else in the government, he warned us about isis. He went against the obama administration, trying to downplay it back in 2013 i guess it was. He was describing in advance what isis is going to do. Hes not seen them until your man as far as the indictment, and the plea, the fact is that hes been fully investigated since august of 2016 by the fbi and then buy them mueller. There is no evidence at all of any collusion or any improper activity. As far as russia is concerned. As far as the cooperation he had with kislyak command a subsequent interview with the fbi, the fact is that at the time first of all, those conversations with kislyak are totally legal and appropriate. Harris we had robbery formerly of the whitewater independent counsel say exactly what youre saying in terms of the legality of those. Of those. Right. As far as his interview with the fbi come afterwards, the fbi agents and combing himself looking for the transcript of what was said were not certain that he was lying. Could have been confused customer could have been somehow turn makes a big sound better than it was . But not lying. Right. Ultimately, he decided to plead guilty and to that account nothing reflects on any involvement with russia, nor at all roof dont like it own peasantry. If anything, one of the things the judge was critical of is that general flynn was not more honest with the trumpet ministries in itself. Again harris i would check but this case in virginia pretty keeps coming up. He came up with the judge prayed hes curious to know what kind of testimony, what sort of cooperation Michael Flynn could give to the two men who were sentenced yesterday, having to do with the turkish government and work it was being done with those men, including flynn. And paychecks that handover. Money that was handed over for that work. It was said that work stopped before he was looked at as National Security advisor. But the payment seem to have happen in november, in that election year. Yes, but again, that was before he was national secured advisor. Again, it could have been he is paying don mike being paid for work he had done. Harris why wouldnt he have disclosed that . Went up with that information on your form that talks about foreign agents . Again, thats not what he was charged with. We dont know all the details. Obviously, the judge was confused today. He thought the general fund was still being played. Harris the judge wasnt even clear if he committed a crime. Thats why his opening line was i want to make sure im not looking at a sentence for a guy who hasnt even committed a crime. I want to move on for the Government Shutdown and where we really are. How do you look at it in terms of the white house now saying that they would look at a way to get around to the funding, the center of the fight for the wall . The border wall system . So that we dont see a partial Government Shutdown before christmas . Yes, i support building a wall, but i think would be a mistake to shut down the government because of that. If they can find a way to negotiate to get more money for Border Security and find a way the president perhaps can use a military or defense funding to build the wall harris cannot really happen . To negotiate this. It can. It has to be they may have to transfer the money come a get a legal opinion to make sure how its done. Again, if they can avoid the shutdown, i think its bad governmentally. It just people that we cant even run the government. Also, let me tell you as republicans, it will hurt the Republican Party politically. We will be blamed for the spring maybe not in the states of the Freedom Caucus represents, but in the states with suburban areas this is a bad issue. Harris why . With the 2020 elections, they should keep that in mind. Harris why would it be bad in the suburbs different from i understand from of the Freedom Caucus areas would be different because they want to look at president keeping his promises and spending the money the way i get the lanes that they drive down. Yes. A small majority would favor building the wall, which i do, they believe that its not an issue that warrants shutting down the government. When we have so many other things going on. China, north korea, yemen. You can go down the whole list. Iran. The economy itself. Thats what we should be focusing on. This creates a sense of confusion and also a sense that we are destroyed to build up an issue which i think is important but if you shutdown the government, of all issues that are out there, do shutdown the government harris have you talked to the president about this customer no, i havent. He hasnt asked me. Ive spoken to people in the carcass better, people in leadership. I understand where hes coming from. This is a strong commitment he made. Im just saying they could work out a compromise to avoid shutting it down. I think it would be the right thing governmentally, and not the right thing politically for the republicans. Harris you had a plethora of information on this. I appreciate it. He gives me a lot to talk about with my panel, now. Congressman king of the great state of new york. Thank you so much, good to see you. Merry christmas. Harris merry christmas. Okay, there you go. We are awaiting the White House Press briefing at any moment now. We were told to expect a lot of questions on the sudden delay in Michael Flynns sentencing. Stay tuned. But then, we were like. What are we doing . The nicodermcq patch helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. Nicodermcq. You know why, we know how. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Fiveyear cancer survivor. Being diagnosed with cancer made me rethink everything in my life. The things that became important to me were the relationships with people. We pulled together closer as a family. I had so many people at ctca helping me find a way to go through the treatments, to prepare me for anything i wouldve faced. Cancer showed me what true living is all about. So i started helping at a school for special needs children. I think they do more for me than i do for them. The reality of cancer is not everybody survives. 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He doesnt know whether or not there was a crime committed pretty wants to know exactly whats happening in this, to get more detail. I would, as well. I also heard congressman peter king, nicely to myself its not exactly the line is very fine. Its very fluid. What was going on here, and what the crime of Michael Flynn is very concerning. He knew that he was representing the government of turkey. Harris thats the lane people concerned about. And thats a problem. He intentionally misled people to believe that he was giving their objective opinion as somebody who has been there, done that. And thats where the crime lies. Harris the judge today said that it was problematic that that flynn lied to the Vice President. And then, based on information the way that brad just described it, wouldnt have been an opinion. It should have been a professionallyinformed view. Yes. Harris but hes telling the Vice President , and hands of lying. Because repeating what flynn told him. No question. But todays Court Appearance was a bit of a roller coaster. We settled time and in daytoday cases. The judge first indicates a push mail those documents harris is that kind of drama normal . You will see a situation where he will analogize, ask for documents, and if you will think hes very concerned about the issue. Then he lambaste the defendants. Through quick final point, everybody we were discussing this. You dont sentence somebody into a lot of loose ends are wrapped up. I was surprised they were Going Forward in the first place. Harris whose responsibility is that to make sure that the judge knows that flynn is still deep in a process where he is helping out prosecutors. In the virginia case, or the federal case. Whose job is that . Does the judge have to ask for a question mark doesnt the federal government have to volunteer it . If you dont mind me answering the legal question im a former state prosecutor but i dont have quite as much expense in the criminal world. Its a good question. The answer is both side should be singing the defense and im asked to write a memo on where things stand him i want to let them know that we are continuin continuing we are continuing to give our cooperation and information. And willingly giving testimony. It just seems like that again, maybe i had higher hopes or Higher Expectations of this court proceeding. That they would have it all tied up. He says its not the case. At the same time, harris, you have a zero to six month sentencing range, which is the lowest range in the book. And you have a cooperation letter already filed by the government, what we call a 5k letter. The point is, it seems like he was ready to go. I want to study what happened today a little more closely and see why exactly this happened, because some people were saying the judge seemed as though he might tag him with a prison sentence. And was giving him the lifeline, like i want to put this over . And apparently he said no twice and on the third round he agreed. Harris enters her delaying, yeah. The judge also asked of the very beginning, trying to get to the heart of whether there was an actual time. He kind of factchecked the government. I was telling them in the green room ive been in zero cases known in the hundreds and hundreds of cases ive been in on both sides the courtroom where im debating whether or not something is a crime. Again, im not trained to be sarcastic. But in the time we charge political cases, you often get that. Is it, isnt it . To your question really quick, the judge come in and the usual move, appear to be giving him the option to withdraw his plea. We should never see. The only exception is when he started making the case that he was entrapped by the fbi. Once you do that, they say youve already given up lena, negra saying you arent guilty but you see were entrapped. Harris which is it . Stay put. The power panel stays. Press secretary Sarah Sanders also said to take the lectern at any moment. And we expect reaction to the judge delaying the second sentg for the National Security advisor. Moving. Paying the rent. Trying your best to save up to buy your own home someday. Today is that day. Because, by using your spouses va home loan benefit, you could buy a home with no down payment. No. Down. Payment. At newday usa, you dont have to save up to move up. Why rent when you can buy . Newday usa has been granted automatic authority by the va, too. That means they can say yes when banks say no. And they can close your loan faster. You could be moving into your own home in a matter of weeks. Thats why they can do more for those who serve and their families. Helping veterans and their families buy a home of their own is what newday usa is all about. Call newday usa right now. Go to newdayusa. Com, or call 18555959641. Harris awaiting a White House Briefing there was press secretary Sarah Sanders. In the meanwhile, we are going to continue to talk about the delay in sentencing for the former National Security advisor, Michael Flynn. The power panel stayed. Doug burns, former federal prosecutor. Brad grossman, attorney pretty filled out your resume. Have things in common interned of that federal level. Should the president pardon my claim . Ive made the same joke over and over, which is if he gets reelected, hypothetically on tuesday, he might pardon him on wednesday. Joking aside, hard to say, harris. Pardon is a politically toxic football. I dont think he will do it now. Not now. Theyre filling up. Additionally not, harris. Harris brad the president doesnt know what Michael Flynn said. Harris apparently the president and member deals didnt know what Michael Flynn had been saying. I think thats the point. [laughter] Michael Flynn himself is not so certain of what hes been saying, and hes been very inaccurate. I putting a very delicately. In some of the things he said. To me, the president from the president , i need more information of whether or not Michael Flynn is somebody i want to pardon. Then again, the part and the thing again, like doug said and like everybody knows, its just such a hot potato. Harris can we talk about the politics of the beginning of a presidency . We knew and we always know with president s that it is a whirlwind in the beginning. It is unhelpful when people at this level are not on. Oh, sure. My goodness, youre putting the administration together. This is like trying to build a car. Doing 100 miles an hour on a parkway. Its nearly impossible. If you dont have people exactly and completely accurate in what they are sings to you, you are throwing a major Monkey Wrench into the operation. Flynn did that. He should be punished for that. Although that wasnt what he was charged with. Harris the most he can get a six months . He has zero. Now its a tossup. The range of 0 to 6 come with cooperation. We are suppose it would have been put over. Harris gentlemen, thank you so much. Ill be right back. Soso pizza . Not in this house. cause thats no soso family. Thats your family. Which is why you didnt grab just any cheese. You picked up new kraft expertly paired mozzarella and parmesan for pizzahyeah kraft. Family greatly. Mauntil i held her. Diabetes wasnt my top priority. I found my tresiba® reason. Now im doing more to lower my a1c. Once daily tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. Tresiba® is a longacting insulin used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. 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