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President trump if you are weak, that some would like you to be, if you are pathetically weak its overrun with millions of people. If you are strong you dont have any heart. Thats a tough dilemma. Melissa we are waiting to hear from the democratic lawmakers at any moment who blasted the president zero tolerance crackdown at the border. We also learned that the department of home lant security secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will head to capitol hill to talk to lawmakers and answer questions about the immigration bill. Its an extremely busy day in the Nations Capital with a lot of moving parts. No one better to talk to than john roberts with more on the north lawn. Break it down. You could get better and you could talk to the president directly. But we have i think a good handle on what is going on. The president is looking for a fix for this. The open question is what will this fix be . The president said that he wants to make sure that people who cross the border illegally are prosecuted for the crime of crossing the border illegally but he doesnt want families separated. So we assume that the fix is an executive order to allow parents to remain with their parents in the adjudication process. President trump president the republicans want security and insist on it for the country. We will have that at the same time we have compassion. We want to keep Families Together. Its very important. I will sign something in a little while that will do that. The people in the room want to do that. They are working on various pieces of legislation to get it done. I will do something preemptive but ultimately well be matched by legislation. John take that apart a piece at a time. On the legislative front the president was up talking to the House Republicans yesterday about two bills before the house. Likely voted on tomorrow. The goodlatte bill and a compromise bill to handle children being separated from if parents. I would address daca, Border Security and funding for the wall and a number of issues. We are told that the president didnt give full throated support for either one of the measures. The secretary of Homeland Security is asking the president to get behind this saying that the white house needs to get one of the bills passed. Particularly with the political fire storm that erupted over this. If either bill passes the house or the senate because there is a question whether they will question whether it will pass the house let alone the senate. Then the president should consider a standalone bill. The executive order, if he signs an order that mandates or allows children to stay detained with the parents through the entire immigration adjudication process, that is likely to run foul of july 2015 court ruling by a district judge in california, donna ghee who told the Obama Administration they could only hold children for a certain amount of time. That period is 20 days before the children had to be turned over to a. H. S. Or the family unit had to be released. The president doesnt want to release the family unit so its likely he will enact the measure to allow the children to be detained. If that runs a foul of the ruling from 2015 they need to get the judge to overturn that part of her ruling or they are likely going to face the court action on it as well. Just to show you how similar the situation is now to the situation it was in the Obama Administration, the judge issued that ruling citing widespread deplorable conditions the children were being held in, in the Obama Administration. Melissa . Its incredible. The two bills, the goodlatte and the compromise, how much support do each have . How realistic is it that eier could pass . The compromise bill has a et beer chance of passing. But the goodlatte bill being a more conservative bill will have the suspect port of the more measures like the House Freedom caucus. Its an open question whether or not either one of them will everyone pass the house. The chances for them passing the senate are unlikely which is why the secretary of the Homeland Security is proposing planned b, a standalone loopholes bill, something that cornyn at the white house and Mitch Mcconnell talked about yesterday. There is not language of a bill but if either of the bill fail they will have to get something together quickly because there are people in the administration who believe if the president does try to keep children and the Families Together, the aclu or the immigrant groups or somebody is going to immediately file an injunction. Or file for injunction against that saying it runs afoul of the 2015 ruling based on the 1997 consent agreement flores versus reno. This goes to the clinton administration. The contractible problem. Melissa thank you. The first guest is on the forefront of the immigration compromise and introduced a bill to address family separation, dreamers and Border Security. Republican congressman jeff denham of california joins us now. What do you think is the solution at this moment . First, its important we keep Families Together. As a father i know i would always fight to keep my kids safe, keep my kids with me. That is a big part of not only the compromise but part of the language we put in the compromise bill. My democrat colleagues while they have been very frustrated with the executive orders think this is something to be done constitutional. Congress needs to do its job. We need to pass a bill on the floor this week to get it done. You talk about being a father and you dont want to see the people separate from the children. What about the 10,000 kids that are in custody . The parents or most of them thought it was a better idea to put the kids in the care of strangers an take a chance to get in the country to stay where they are. What do you say when that is the best option . The immigration system is broken. This does not deal with those seeking asylum or the unaccompanied minors coming across not just now but every summer months melissa but how do you deal with that . What is the solution . We need expedited new process to make sure we is the judges available. Soth raer than say a court date a year from now or two years from now we have due process right there on the border. Melissa so do you support Something Like senator ted cruz was talking about where you have 72 hours from the time you arrive and you get your time in front of the judge . I think that is important. Absolutely. That is expedited due process. Melissa do you think there is a way or have you talked about trying to figure out if the children really are if children of the adults that they are with . That is a challenge. When someone illegally crosses the border, whether they have the forged paperwork or no paperwork at all. Trying to figure out the safety of the child and who they should be released to, verifying who the parents or the relatives are can be a challenge. Melissa what do you do with those that are already separated . How do you solve the problem . Its a growing problem in summer months but we have a current law to address that. We need to make sure that to fission the dreamers but also have greater Border Security. So they are not putting their lives in danger. Melissa do you think either the goodlatte bill or the compromise bill become law if they make it through . Or is that hopeless . I think the whip count on the goodlatte bill for quite some time and the reason its held up it does not have the votes. They want to read the recent version of the bill. But we are close. This is the best bipartisan way to get through the senate and have something the president supports. Melissa are you comfortable with the idea that by virtue of having the president solve the problem with the executive pen you are creeding you are ceding your responsibility to him rather the Founding Fathers want you to ride the law and figure it out. And you havent been able to do that and the American People are frustrating. Are you comfortable ceding your power to the ped . Power to the president . No. Part of why were here is unconstitutional executive order creating the daca system. Congress is the one that does laws, makes laws, we need to do our job. It took a discharge petition to force a new timeline to get us to this point today. Ultimately weve got to have a compromise and it shouldnt a bad thing to have something that is bipartisan that is american solution. Everybody wants to point to the other team to say they are the ones holding it up. I hope you can get it together. Thank you for joining us. I appreciate your time. Thank you. Melissa for more on the legal fallout, joining us the immigration attorney francisco hernandez. How are you . Melissa thank you for joining us. What do you think of the solution or potential solution having a shorter time period, 72 hours maybe and have the hearing on the boarder . Does it solve the problem or no . It doesnt solve the problem. The solution is more simple. The pottery barn rule applies. We broke it. Now we buy it. All we have to do is give out a year worker permit, renewable year to year to throw up and renew and show they are paying taxes and well process asylum in due court. There is no reason to rush. Do you know what it costs to house the adults and the children . Put a dollar value so that, it will cripple us in to paralysis. Melissa educate us on what goes on at the border since you are an immigration attorney. We have 10,000 kids in custody that did not arrive here with the parents. What happens to them . This is the baby moses. As you earlier commented, the parents prefer the children be up here in the foster care rather than lawless nation like honduras where adolescent boys and girls are recruited to the cartel and the gangs. So the children if they are victims of child trafficking can get the papers here. We have to deal with it. The problem is that once they get to border there is no turning back. By the time the folks get to the border they have already paid the smugglers. People have paid sacrifices. There is no turning back. We have to figure out how to keep them from coming to the promised land. Melissa they are in a country where the lives are threatened and they drafted in the drug cartels. How do we fix Legal Immigration system. How do we treat them if theyre in difficult situations and would be good citizens . How do we do that . We believe a line is forming that people come here to do labor jobs. We need manual labor but there is not a system that folks come to apply legally. A bad political asylum process, the system is not a loophole. Its the law. A bad law. But this is the only way to do it. If they were to sit down and write something what does it look like to h people come to the country legally who President Trump says we want people, we need people; we want the right people and we want to be choosy. How do you do that physically . Physically you establish process where the employer can apply in an interview. We have a h2bv system but there are only certain amount of visas issued every year. Both parties oppose that because its not politically saucy or salty solution. The best solutions are the simplest. There is a job or theres not. You pay your taxes or you didnt. You make it year to year renewal so they dont have to feel like they bring the wives and the children over here. The breadwinner can come to the country, make money and go back to rebuild the country. That is how you deliver it to the source country. Because if people have a way to make a living, educate children and create better life they wont have to join the gangs. It would disable the gangs. Melissa thank you for your time. We appreciate it. Thank you. Melissa we have much more on the immigration developments and the power panel as we await for President Trump to sign the executive order to keep the my grand Families Together at the border. Plus we are learning that the f. B. I. Official peter strozk was escorted from the agencys headquarters amid an Ongoing Investigation in the antitrump text. Some lawmakers want him to to testify before congress. How likely is that . I think if we were to come before the congress it would be nationally televised theater where he was tripping all over himself. I welcome it and i think he should do that. Greatness of an suv . Is it to carry cargo. Or to carry on a legacy . Its show of strength. Or its sign of intelligence . In crossing harsh terrain. Or breaking new ground . This is the time to get an exceptional offer on the mercedes of your midsummer dreams at the mercedesbenz summer event, going on now. Receive up to a 1,250 summer event bonus on select suvs. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Im a tin can tied to your bumper, cause. I dont think enough people heard about your big day. But nothing says we got married like a 12 ounce piece of scrap metal. Yo we got married honk if you like joint assets. 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One of the agents who meadows identifies as sally moyer writing after the 2016 election, expletive trump you can guess what that means. The other agent identified as Kevin Kleinsmith writing about the election, i am numb. I am so stressed about what i could have done differently. Kleinsmith also worked on muellers russia team. Catherine herridge is live in washington with the latest. Thank you, melissa. In yesterdays marathon testimony from the Justice Department Inspector General michael horowitz. In the final minutes of that hearing, the republican lawmaker unmasked two more f. B. I. Employees who set antitrump, proclinton messages on the f. B. I. Internal network. Do the two attorneys work for trib anderson . They work in the general counsel. Would one of the attorneys be sally moyer . Ill refer to the they dont work in the counterintelligence. If that is the reason they are giving they are working for the general counsel. Is the other kevin clinesmith. They talked about the other attorney there we have. There are Text Messages they were concerned about with the other two. The focus has been on the antitrump Text Messages exchanged between peter strozk and the f. B. I. Lawyer lisa page. Those were on the f. B. I. Government phones. There appears to be additional messages messages from the internal network that reflect political bias in the opinion of the Inspector General. The congressman said the lawyers are among the five employees referred for disciplinary action by horowitz. Horowitz said he is looking into the allegation that the witness interviews known as 302s were altered. They said that edit the 302 is considered the official interview record akin to tampering with evidence. Though it may not carry the same tapingses. That is something to watch going forward. Sandra great reporting as always. Thank you. Bring in republican congressman andy biggs from the house judiciary committee. Let me ask about kevin clinesmith. He said he was so stressed that he said what he could have done differently. What did he do to try to help he would have like to have done more of . How do we interpret that . That is how i interpret it. He is disappointed that the candidate didnt win and they didnt do more to obstruct the trump campaign. So he is saying i wish i had it back and i wish i had done more. I think it gets to why so many of us view the report with skepticism but he is out there looking and pitching. The f. B. I. Masked people to protect them and they asked ran an investigation that had predetermined outcome it looks like. They took the whole team, many of those people and just threw them in the russian investigation. Problematic. Melissa yeah. And eventually, i mean, we do know he was removed from muellers team when all of this was revealed. But he was on there at the start. I bet it makes you more interested in seeing the documents how the mueller investigation, how did they get on this track in the first place. Right . Absolutely. That is why myself and colleagues have written series of letters to say unmask these people, let us know who they are. Give us the documents that we are supposed to have. This is well beyond time because we continue to slow walk. Give them a subpoena. Hold them in contempt. Lets give the documents, the American People need it. If we will restore it and turn the republic back to the direction it needs to be. Start with the top Law Enforcement agencies. Melissa meanwhile, we know that peter strozk was escorted from the f. B. I. On friday. We just found out about that. What do you read in the notion he was us courted out . It makes it sounds like a Service Weapon has been taken from him. That the is the thought of the familiar with the process. What do you make of that. We have been able to gen up enough public pressure, that i. G. Said he looked at it more. Christopher wray is sick and tired of the disdain that f. B. I. Because of the activity. They have to go through the process. Its in some ways have been derailed because of the strozk conduct. Im grateful he is out of there. I home he is determinenated and there should be criminal prosecution frankly. Melissa let me ask you quickly. Deputtorney general Rod Rosenstein did not turn the texts to congress. I took the i. G. To go and get them and bring them in the light of day. They would say it doesnt matter because they were taken off the case. How do you feel about that . Do you think he has responsibility or something should be done for the fact he didnt expose the texts to you . He has culpability. He gave certain email and certain text and the electronic messages to the i. G. But the big bombshell when strozk says we are going to stop it. Meaning not the russian collusion but the trump campaign. That one doesnt come out until basically a few days ago. Why is that . Because Rod Rosenstein is the guy that is receiving all the emails and the texts. He is receiving the request from the i. G. He is not giving them to him. This has to come out. That is ridiculous. I am still comfortable with impeaching Rod Rosenstein. I think he needs to go. Melissa i dont want to run out of time without asking you the breaking news now that there is a report that the president will sign executive order to keep migrant Families Together. What do you think about that . I think he is probably doing the right thing. But i think that this is congress prerogative. We need to get something going. I signed the bill sponsored by congressman meadows coincidently to solve the asylum problem we have. I think President Trump is fire and is fed up with congress because we move so slowly. Sometimes the event move quicker. I think he has taken the appropriate action for the temporary measure. Melissa its your responsibility to get the job done. So i hope you get to it. Coming up, the former director James Comey Firing back at Hillary Clinton saying she doesnt understand why she was investigated after comments she made. Whether comey has a point. Man it takes a lot of work to run this business, but i really love it. Im on the move all day long, and sometimes i dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost to get the nutrition im missing. Boost high protein now has 33 more protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. And it has a guaranteed great taste. Man boost gives me everything i need to be up for doing what i love. Boost high protein. Be up for it. Boost high protein. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable after just 4 months,. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. 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Call for a free quote today. Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Melissa fox news expected to sign the executive order at any moment to keep Families Together at the border as influx of the Child Migrants prompted authorities to open at least three special shelters to hold the babies and the Young Children separated from the parents. Jeff paul is live from one of the socalled tender age facilities in tornillo, texas. Jeff . Well, we are one of the tent cities far away from the tender age facilities but i know we have crews over there. We have seen protesters, demonstrators and people showing up here in tornillo to see what is going on. We are hearing ten mayors from some of the biggest areas like los angeles and miami who will be here tomorrow because they are concerned about what is going onioned the road over here. That is where the tents have been set up by the government to house the younger kids who have been detained. You can see these are provided by the government. No media has been allowed to take pictures or even go inside. This is separate from what is happening in mcallen where some of the younger kids are being housed. We are learning the government has set up at least three tender age shelters in south texas for toddlers. A Fourth Center could open up in houston but the mayor there says he doesnt want the shelter saying it would be enabling inhumane proc tis. This issue is different. This involves our children. This comes a time when americans, houstonians and the texans have to say to those higher than ourselves this is wrong. This is just wrong. In our time out here we have seen several buses pull up to the port of entry. They enter in the facility and drop off several young kids, and several groups of the young kids. We have requested to go inside and take a look at what is going on just with the eyes, not the cameras. But so far our requests have been denied. Another point to make is we are told the tent facilities do have the air conditioning but the high today is supposed to be around 104 degrees. Melissa. All right. Thank you for that. Well talk a lot more about the immigration controversy with the power panel that is coming up a little bit later here on outnumbered overtime. Meanwhile, James Comey Firing back at hillarylinton after the failed president ial candidate commented on the revelation that comey used personal email account to conduct official f. B. I. Business. So clinton tweeted but my emails, alongside news of the finding. Here is what the former f. B. I. Director had to say. I dont want to criticize her but it shows me even at this late date she doesnt understand what the investigation in her case was about. It was not about her use of a personal email system. It was about communicating about classified topics on that system. Melissa joining me now is the president of Judicial Watch tom fitton. What do you make of this . When it comes to Hillary Clinton no corruptee goes unpunished. Comey covered the email crime for her and Hillary Clinton was unhappy with the way he talked about some of what she did and she is pushing back against him. There is irony because he did improperly use a private email system to do some government business. On top of that he is being investigated for mishandling classified information like hillary was so they are two peas in a pod. What Hillary Clinton did was egregious among all things with the purpose to keep the email away from the American People without a care about the impact on the National Security and the public interest. Melissa does she not have a care or issue really . Sometimes when she answered the questions it did seem like she is clueless about technology. That kept trying to say to her when you take something that is classified or the secret out of a domain where its protect and you have it out in another place, its being exposed. She would say its on a server but is there any chance that its all technology to her and she needs a 10yearold to come over and set up her system and explain it to her like i do . No. She testified that it was her idea to have a separate system. She was warned by the National Officials and the state department. We uncovered the documents. The d. O. J. Covered the documents up and warned about the impact of using the private devices in terms of the security. And she was contemptuous of that. She called them the security hawks. Even the latest tweet, you know, im sure she is having fun at comeys expense. There is nothing fun about what she did. Frankly she still faces criminal liability if the Justice Department and the f. B. I. Are finally going to honestly approach this issue because we know the prior investigation had zero credibility and needs to be redone. Melissa so james comey, his response was that all he was doing is he would sit at home and write a speech for something he was supposed to do, something innocuous that contained no classified information. He did it at home and email it in from the personal email to work email to have the work there later when he showed up. What do you make of that . Its the convenience excuse which is something we have heard from player clinton disingenuously. It raises question of the Judicial Watch issues and whether the email account personally should have been searched as well. You cant take anything that he says at face value anymore. We need to investigate. Melissa does the American People have stomach for another investigation . To chase down james comey out of the public eye, he has been fired and how relevant is that in your opinion . He is being investigated for the mishandling to the classified information. That would be died from email use. No big deal to clarify what went on here in the least. Melissa what do you make of the back and forth of james comey and Andrew Mccabe about whether or not comey knew that he was communicati the New York Times and the others. They are both pointing the fingers at each other. You have experience to give documents about who is telling the truth. What needs to be done there . What do you make of the mess . It is hard to tell who to believe. You can be sure that the leak was inappropriate. Either of them want their fingerprints on it. So it explains that maybe both are pointing fingers in an inappropriate way or a way that is not credible at each other. Again, this is the league that was inappropriate. Mccabe says he has permission and comey says he wants no part of it. In defense of mccabe we know comey improperly leaked the f. B. I. Records of the president of the united states. So again, mr. Comey is the worst witness. Melissa he says it wasnt a leak. So there you go. Anyway, tom fitton, thank you. Thank you for your time. Youre welcome. Melissa President Trump gearing up to sign the executive order to keep migrant Families Together at the southern border amid backlash over his Administration Zero Tolerance policy. What we can expect and the impact it could have on the midterms. The you noter panel is up the power panel is up next. Sometimes, bipolar i disorder can make you feel unstoppable. But mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. Help take control by talking to your doctor. Ask about vraylar. Vraylar is approved for the acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes of bipolar i disorder in adults. Clinical studies showed that vraylar reduced overall manic symptoms. Vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia due to increased risk of death or stroke. 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President trump is going to sign this. But he has made clear, Mitch Mcconnell and secretary nielsen made clear this requires a legislative fix. But we cannot get there because Chuck Schumer was transplanter in his ambitions and he said he will notome to the table because he wants to keep the focus on trump. That is absolutely sick that democrats put politics above people and above daka and children separation and above american citizens who are plagued by ms13. Melissa zac, we know where Chuck Schumer stands but certainly there are reasonable democrats that will come over for a good plan. Are they not . Who might they be and what might they go to . Im confused. President trump and kayleihgh just now saying that nothing can be done but a legislative fix. So President Trump is going to sign a legislative order to fix the situation. Melissa hang on. Hang on. But once we do that, it doesnt solve larger problem. That is not what you brt up Chuck Schumer which is not what they were talking about. Melissa hang on. Lets have a calm conversation about how we can solve this problem. Im thrilled but you cant lie about kids. Melissa are there democrats that would come together for republicans for a legislative solution after the executive order is signed . Democrats have been talking about having a legislative solution for Immigration Reform for years and years and years. The stumbling block has been the republicans so what donald trump tried to do is change things up. He decided in april to announce a new policy to separate children from the parents to hold the people hostage. Melissa we are not going back to history, we are trying to solve the problem. Then let me finish my point. Melissa then well try to solve the problem. Go ahead. Its important to understand where we are. He couldnt break a log jam. He said ill separate them from the parents. Melissa to create pressure. To create pressure. Melissa right. We agree. So how is that not hostage taking . To take kids melissa hang on can i finish my sentence . He is only going to let kids out of the cages if Congress Comes together you are telling lies. Melissa stop, guys. Stop. That is not true. He is signing the order and then Everybody Needs to come together for a bill. Kayleigh, do you think either of the bills we are looking at right now the goodlatte or the compromise will have the votes to pass . I think we can all agree that the system is broken and we need a new system. And only the lawmakers can make the law. Go ahead. Sure. I think it will ps and the republicans will come together and held up in the senate. The democrats are recalcitrant. They resist. But it would take me the entirety of the show to correct what zac said. The picture from was put out from obama era claiming it was trump. Its also. It did not change. Trump started to prosecute the parents. Are you kidding me . Melissa we are not making headway. Lets not litigate the past. Move forward. There are currently kids that are separated on the border so its not the past. That is the present. There are 10,000 kids at the border now not with their parents. What is a so is a logical solution for them . We need reform but its separate from what trump did which is to separate kids from the parents. Melissa how do you reform the system to take care of kids . The first thing to do is ensure a system that allows people to move through the system in an expeditious way that does not do what the two bills do. Which is cut Legal Immigration. Not it Legal Immigration. Legal immigration. That is not how you fix the system. What we do before we touch anything at all is stop kids from being held from the parents in cages. That is not happening. Melissa hang on. Well take a quick break and i will let you respond to that on the other side. Deep breaths. We will solve it on the other side. Well be right back, guys. 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There is mounting pressure on the white house to stop separating children from their parents a it the mexican border. They have yet to commit to the immigration bill. The Homeland Security secretary heads to capitol hill and we are tracking the breaking news to washington. We are hearing from a republican. Hoping his more conservative bill will still be considered. Ill see you at the top of the hour. Melissa fox news alert for you. Any moment President Trump expected to sign executive order to keep migrant Families Together at the border. Lets bring the panel back in. Rnc spokeswoman Kayleigh Mcenany and zac petkanas former Hillary Clinton staffer and former d. N. C. Adviser. Where we left off you were going to tell us what do we do about the 10,000 kids in custody right now whose parents are nowhere to be found. How do we deal with that . We need the democrats to act with us to pass funding and fund detention facilities. I heard zack talk about the democrats and the Immigration Reform. He said democrats have been talking about this for decades. Well, time to start talking, time to start doing. Melissa do i hear in that they had the majority and did nothing. Its time. President trump wants to work with you. Melissa you say keep them in detention system and fund them more and keep them down there the 10,000 kids . How long . Expedited removal. Ted cruz has bill to do this in 72 hours and send them back to the home country. We need democrats. Melissa is that possible, 10,000 kids . How do you figure out who they are and send them back where they came from . We have a process to do that. But its extraordinary to gloss past the Current Crisis that they are to talk about the other things more defensible for the trump administration. The reality is what is going on now is a hostagetaking process. Melissa he is signing the executive order. We are saying what do we do from here . We dont know details to the executive order. We dont know if this is moving children to adult prisons to stay with the families on the border. We know nothing about this. What a ridiculous assertion. What we know is donald trump doesnt need executive order to stop the kids hold on. Trump does not need executive order to take them out of the detention facility. He could make a phone call in the way he started the process in april. But he is not. He is doing a big signing ceremony for something we have no idea what the impact is and it could be worse than the problem we have now, but everyone is really ready to move on from the fact while kids are currently at this facility. Melissa we are not moving on. We are trying to figure out how to solve the problem instead of pointing at other side and screaming its their fault and relitigating the past. How do we solve the now at this point . I will give you another shot, kayleigh. How do we solve it now at this point . You have 2,000 kids there with the adults. How do you figure out if the adults that brought them are the parents . And what if those are people who have already been deported once before . What do you do . We need expedited removal and make sure detention facility are humane and the kids are taken care of. We agree with this on the baseline. Instead of using this moment to correct the mistruths you said i want to say one thing. Maybe it will come pet the democrats to action. The lifers of cuevas and mickens and we saw their parents at the state of the union with tears in the eyes. They lost the teenage daughters walking in a neighborhood in long island. That should not happen. Those are u. S. Citizens and if the laws were enforced they would be here today. Start working with us and stop demonizing the administration. I agree but there are no infants committing crimes in the united states. If you want to talk to callous reaction to what they are doing look at what president s former Campaign Manager did. He mocked a kid separated from her parents melissa we are out of time. Thank you. Well be right back. Thank you. I have type 2 diabetes. Im trying to manage my a1c, then i learn type 2 diabetes puts me at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. Can one medicine help treat both blood sugar and cardiovascular risk . I asked my doctor. She told me about noninsulin victoza®. Victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. While not for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. announcer victoza® is not for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. 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