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Stake. But he says the former fbi chief was not motivated by political bias. Meanwhile, while he welcomes the report, attorney general Jeff Sessions once the findings could lead to more firings. It watched. I think it will be a lengthy report and a careful report. It will be released soon, and i think it will help us better fix any problems that we have and reaffirm the American People that some of the concerns are not true. If anyone shows up in this report that has done something that requires determination, we will do so. Harris White House Correspondent kevin corke has more from the north lawn, and already information as we know is leaking. Reporter no surprise there, harris. Anytime you have a circumstance like that, we expect it in little bits and pieces and the conclusion will dribble out between now and to say, 2 00, which is when we expect the report will make its way out there. Maybe 3 00, we are still battling back and forth between sources about that. But i can tell you the Deputy Attorney general did arrive here a little more than an hour ago, and given his presence and so many of the president s senior cadre, he will get a full accounting of the findings of that ig report. White house officials are remaining tightlipped at this hour about whats happening as we speak, we can tell you there will be a press briefing today at 2 30 p. M. And we will bring you the details live right here on the fox news channel. You mentioned of the ig report. Michael horowitz is of course handling this and if there are some members on capitol hill that want to make sure that what comes out ultimately in the ig report isnt watered down. Let me share part of a letter issued by a few congress persons. It reads in part, people may have changed the report in a way that changes the findings. By congress as oversight authority, we request you supply your original drafts along with the final published form. They also add, the trust of the American People depends on it. Now, horowitz has been working on this report for the better part of 18 months. His charges somewhat complicated, but for the most part, it has to do with this. Uncovering some of the decisions made by his former colleague, jim comey, and former ag Loretta Lynch during the clinton email server case during the runup to the 2016 election. There have been some reports that suggest that comey intended to follow established rules of the fbi that we are also learning that this report is expected to spark fresh scrutiny of former ag lynch who reported comey to report to the probe as a matter. He also was urged to announce that it would not fall. Thats usually her role as the ag. Also Christopher Wray from the fbi will address this whole circumstance with reporters later today. We look forward to them at down like that. Harris kevin corke, information is breaking on all ends. We appreciate what you brought us. Now my first guest, republican senator john kennedy of louisiana sits on the Senate Judiciary with Michael Horowitz, which Michael Horowitz will testify before. In fact you were just giving me some details on that and some things that you will hit. Lets start now with the nomenclature of broke from procedure. Its almost like, leak it to leak. Your first thoughts on that . I havent read the report, my staff is being briefed as we talk at the white house. We will have a hearing at 2 00 on monday. I think it took about 12. 7 seconds to leak. So im told that the conclusion is that mr. Comey didnt follow protocol but he wasnt biased. I have to read that in context. But i do know this, usually when someone is biased or not is a question for a jury. Not necessarily the report writer, although i certainly respect mr. Horowitzs opinion, i think hes very fair. But i will tell you that nothing would surprise me here in lala land in light of what has gone on in the past with the fbi. It breaks my heart. I think the average man and woman in the fbi rank and file, they are part of the best Law Enforcement agency in the history of the world. But we have some folks in the Upper Echelon over there that are rotten apples. Harris so is breaking, and i want to get your thoughts on what the motivation would be. We would want your the Washington Post is now reporting that in this batch of reported documents now, from the ig, his report, newly revealed Text Messages from those former fbi employees only first started to learn about bias of the fbi through their Text Messages. Peter strzok and lisa page. We are going to stop trump from becoming president. Thats part of the batch that is coming that gets revealed in this ig report. Senator kennedy i dont know about the protocol part but in the louisiana come up we call that bias, we dont call that objective. And once again i suspect that these issues will ultimately be referred to a u. S. Attorney. If it proceeds to trial, that will be an issue for the jury. Im interested in the facts. Im not interested in spin, speculation or rumor. Im interested in the facts and getting out in front of the American People. Some of the bacon wrapped shrimp crowd in washington think the American People are not smart enough to figure it out, and they are. The American People dont have time to read every day but they draw their own conclusions. Harris when they do draw their own conclusions, what do you see the outcome is . Number one, in russia did try to influence on our election and we know that. Number two, did they influence our election . I think so and i dont know how anyone could prove that they did. The real issue is, was there illegal collusion . And lets wrap this thing up. Harris so what i understand you are saying, you understand that russia tried to hunt interfere in the election . Senator kennedy there is no question. Harris but they didnt interfere . Senator kennedy i dont believe they influence the outcome and i dont think you can say that people voted this way because they read that, at silly. Harris this ag report brings scrutiny to people like Loretta Lynch, and former Deputy Director of fbi. We invited all of them to our hearing on monday. I understand that mr. Comey is out of the country. Now whether he is out of the country or has left the country, i dont know. I think ms. Lynch, i think she turned us down and mr. Mccabe wants immunity. Im not going to vote to give him immunity, i would love to have him come testify in front of god, country and the American People what happened. But if he wants to escape prosecution in return for that, if thats not a deal that im willing to make. Harris i tell you senator kennedy, all eyes are on this report as it comes out because it sounds like there are some people that dont want to talk. Senator kennedy let me say it again, the fbi is the premier Law Enforcement agency in the world. Im talking about the rank and file. Its clear that we have come up we may still have, i dont know, some folks in the Upper Echelon who were biased, and there was some hankypanky in the 2016 election. We will get to the bottom of it and find out about it. Harris senator kennedy from the great state of louisiana. Its nice to be in your town today. Senator kennedy its a big part of america. Harris fox news alert, President Trump said he will not settle a lawsuit filed by new yorks attorney general against the president , three of his children and the Trump Foundation. The lawsuit claims they use the charity assets to promote legal bills and even the campaign. President trump tweeted this they are doing everything they can to sue me on the foundation that took in 18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in 19 million, 200,000. I wont settle this case. Snyderman who ran the Clinton Campaign in new york and never had the guts to bring his ridiculous case which lingered in the office for more than two years. They brought it in when we would not settle. David lee miller with more. Reporter in a 41 page harshly worded lawsuit, new yorks attorney general said the Trump Charitable Foundation was used by mr. Trump to illegally subsidize his business interests and political campaign. They are calling for 2. 8 million in restitution and in the findings in the suit, the Trump Foundation is little more than an empty shell that functions with no oversight from the board of its directors. Mr. Trump ran the foundation according to women rather than laws. The suit says quote because of oversight and lack of direction, mr. Trump was able to use charitable assets to satisfy the obligations or otherwise benefit himself and other entities in which he had an interest. The lawsuit describes numerous examples of alleged financial abuse. Among them, a Trump Foundation fundraiser for veterans one week before the iowa caucuses. Suit maintains the televised event was used to benefit the campaign, including signs of the slogan come up make America Great again. Another example cited in the lawsuit, maralago settled a lawsuit and agreed to make a 100,000 charitable foundation. It is noted though that after new york interred in general began the investigation, mr. Trump reimburse them for the foundation plus interest. He issued a statement saying, this is politics at its very worst. He went on to say this is unconscionable, particularly because of foundation previously announced its intention to dissolve more than a year and a half ago. The lawsuit seeks to bar natalie mr. Trump from serving on the bar of any charity for ten years, and his three oldest children who are listed as the foundations directors would receive a oneyear ban. Harris . Harris david lee miller, thank you very much. Lets bring in the next guest, former u. S. Attorney michael moore. Michael, thank you for being on the program. I do want to get to that Inspector General report and what it says about james comey, but first, a Quick Reaction from the breaking news on the lawsuit. Michael i dont think its good news for the Trump Administration and the reason is, its pretty clear when you look at the release that came out, some of these contributions were directed for political purposes. I think there is an email that they have shown from a campaign higher up, where he asked, can we get these contributions made before the election . Thats a problem, because it ties it to the political purpose as opposed to a charitable purpose. Its unconscionable to have a charity that you use for personal gain, and this is sort of part of a story or pattern that we have heard about concerns with the president. That is that he will use an otherwise Public Institution or Charitable Institution for his own personal benefit, and thats why we have had so much discussion about whats happening with the white house and whats happening with the amalgam this clause of the trump hotel and that sort of thing. Harris this should be easily checkable. He said they gave out to charity more than they took in and those numbers are very specific that he is giving in a tweet. So its not like you are looking at something and trying to figure out where the facts are. This is very simple to figure out. His point about schneiderman, the former ag of new york, what do you make of that . Those facts are pretty easy to check. Michael while i could be a gypsy at the county fair and have a crystal ball and collect all kinds of money because i knew when this story broke, the first thing the president would do would attack the prosecutors in the case. The problem he has here is that snyderman is gone. The acting ag as a career prosecutor, not a political person. When you look at the lawyers involved in the case, they are career prosecutors, so i think he loses some steam when he lent wants to blame the prosecutors and point back to that. We dont have to look at snyderman. Harris and you dont have to look at the relationship between these two men or any of that. We will follow that. Michael and there is a portrait hanging in a private golf club that was apparently purchased by the charitable organization. Thats a hard figure, thats a hard fact and it will be hard to get out from behind that portrayed. Harris if it was between the numbers and more was given out when then was taken in, we will have to see what happens. That inspector ig report we are waiting to get, but now there is action, because you know in washington we go from lake to leak. Government Reform Committee chairman trey gowdy has released the following statement after the department of Justice Office of Inspector General released this report. Some members are getting to read it, senator kennedy said his staff is working on it so we know thats happening here on the hill. And rosenstein, the deputy ag is at the white house right now. Gaudi says, im alarmed, angered and deeply disappointing by the findings of numerous failures by the doj and investigating potential espionage act violations by former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. What this report apparently shows, michael, it is that in fact, james comey did not follow bureau procedures. What it goes on to say, and we will have to see what contextual contextually they mean, we will get reaction in the news breaks. Michael i havent read the report yet, its not public at this point. But i have read some news clips about what is alleged to be in there and i think the fbi deserves its share of criticism. Im a big supporter of the fbi, its a great Law Enforcement agency and great men and women work there. But clearly there were issues during dates prior to the election, and i thought jim comey made a mistake when he came out and talked about an ongoing investigation. We had a policy, theres a clear doj policy about that, you dont want to come in and influence any election. And, im reading now more from congressman gaudi. The report confirms investigative decisions made by the fbi during the pendency of this investigation were unprecedented and deviated from traditional investigative procedures in favor of a much more permissive and voluntary approach. This is not the way normal investigations are run. Again, this is the igs report, looking at how the Hillary Clinton email investigation was handled by james comey and the like. Fbi, what do you make of that . I just heard you say, michael, and i want to point out to their audience in case they are just watching, you were from the other side of the political aisle, he worked under president obama. But you are saying you have a problem with this . Michael i do, and i think thats a fair share of criticism that can be allowed back to james comey and the fbi and how they handled it leading up to the election. But if you look at the report as a whole, horowitz has a reputation for being a straight shooter. His group had the opportunity to get to the evidence, to take statements, basically uninhibited to develop an investigation and come up with a conclusion to tell us what went on. That tells us how important it is to have cut transparency and a complete and thorough investigation. That something we are lacking as we move forward with the mueller investigation. People are saying they couldnt negotiate terms for an interview, its very important. I think that something we need to remember as we move forward. Harris the ig report is on the hill right now, staff and the lawmakers are looking at it. This news is breaking. Michael moore from the obama administration, thank you for joining us, interesting to get your take. Republican chairwoman mcdaniel has a warning that anyone who does not support President Trump is making a mistake. Will loyalty to the president be a big factor in movember . The power panel weighs in, coming up. Plus, President Trump reportedly signaling report for a compromised immigration bill being drafted in the house. There are a pair of them, actually. As lawmakers gets up to vote on two immigration bills next week. Will a nod from the president be a game changer in this debate . House Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy will sit right next to me, lives. You are watching out numbered over. Overtime. And if i can crash your perfect day, imagine what i can do to the rest of em. So get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem. Like me. And help you feel more Strength Energy in just 2 weeks. Ill take that. Ensure high protein, with 16 grams of protein and 4 grams of sugar. Ensure® harris fox news alert, President Trump reportedly signaling support for a compromised immigration bill now being drafted in the house. But it remains unclear whether the legislation which would reportedly give socalled dreamers the path to citizenship garnering enough votes to pass. That bill and a conservative bill could offer a more limited path to citizenship with stronger Border Security. Peter is breaking it down on the hill. Reporter harris, right now republicans are all trying to get on the same page. We know the majority with Steve Scalise spent part of his evening running through possibilities for next week. Priority number one is getting 25 billion in appropriations for a border wall. But near the top of the list we are told is a way to prevent immigrant families from being separated at the border. I do think this ought to be addressed, it should be addressed in legislation. So what happening at the border is because of a court ruling and thats why i think legislation is necessary. Reporter so the court contends when the authorities begin the process for prosecuting them for bringing their child into the country illegally but democratic leadership does not think that is the case. Nancy pelosi argues, its President Trumps fault. This is an active administration and theyve been planning this for a while. As a mother of five children, i am sure any parents here mother or father knows that this is barbaric. This is not what america is, but this is the policy of the Trump Administration. Reporter so as of right now the house is planning to vote on two immigration bills next week. One of them is preferred by very conservative members of the house, it does not include a special pathway to look citizenship for people that are in this country illegally right now. Then a second package, the details are being ironed out but they are expected to address d. A. Ca recipients and trying to figure out a permanent solution for those brought to the country illegally. Harris house Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy, republican from california. We have a lot going on right now. It seems like a deadline is something that we always need in washington. Is that something you think you can get the bill done now without a deadline . Im hopeful that we can. I was listening to the report and they havent looked at the second bill. The second bill has stronger Border Security because what they will do is, it happened in past immigration bills. The promise to always have the Border Security, they actually tie the wall to being built to other mechanisms in the bill. We change catch and release, we take the top ten items from Homeland Security and what they need, we sit there and listen to them and we take with the president wants and there is no special pathway. I find you have an opportunity to vote yes and yes on this process of Going Forward, and this is having from the most conservative to the most moderate, sitting in a room and working out kind of what the founders asked us to do. Harris as you go forward and try to get democrats to a yes, perhaps not this most conservative bill but the second bill, its amnesty technically. Chuck schumer had a Government Shutdown on helping dreamers, and the president and the bills that you are putting forth are trying to help the dreamers. If you do nothing, the process gets worse, thats why you want to solve this problem. But the democrats, remember not one of them voted for the tax bill. They just voted against our veterans and our appropriation bill. They are voting against opioid reform. I mean, i dont know what they want to vote for. Nancy wants to stop everything and try to blame the president. The one and this is a very prickly issue, they have actually been met out on the trail by some unhappy dreamers feeling like the democrats have not actually done enough for them. So the bottom line though, you have to put something in front of the president that he will sign. You have these two, what do you think he will sign . If the president will sign these bills so you want to get a bill that goes through and protects the border, but changes the process so you dont have another d. A. Ca problem Going Forward and deals with that issue. This is going off of the president s four pillars that he laid out. Border security, dealing with daca, and thats what we built a bill off of. Its based on what the president with sign, and heres an opportunity for the democrats who wanted to shut government down to deal with immigration. They dont want anything to do. Harris it so i wrote in all caps, hashtag the senate. I learned there are 503 bills that made it through the house. So what happens in the senate . Is Mitch Mcconnell like you . Will he deal with immigration . The senate went and had their work on immigration and it didnt get to a place where they could pass it. You have humor over there kind of shutting everything down like nancy, and he has some power over there because it takes 60 votes for everything. This will show the real line to the democrats. The president has gone out there pretty far to solve this problem. I think more than people thought he would come because he wants to have a secure border. He wants to know what happening and he wants to solve the daca issue. Ive learned from you and others that, it happens in the senate. They know they need each other and it seems like the president has them in mind. Very quickly, opiates. You are about to have a huge week next week. You have 57 bills coming through. Talk to us about the difference you think you can make. 174 people will die today from addiction. The same thing tomorrow. The thing that viewers need to understand, this isnt somebody that you think is addicted to drugs, whats happening is its the best and brightest in high school. Maybe they are a good athlete, they were injured and they had a surgery. They got prescribed 30 or 60 days of opioids and they became addicted. This is something that is deadly that is breaking the fiber of our country, so we are going after prevention, treatment and then we stopped fentanyl from coming into this country and killing people. That stuff has got to stop. We got that autopsy report back on prints, and others, too, they thought there was this mystery pill. That particular drug you are going after, why . Because even a small dose of the drug will kill you. People get addicted to an opioid, it becomes too expensive and they get heroin. They are using our postage and sending it over from china, working in so many different areas. So we have a number of people that have been u. S. Attorneys before working to stop that. Harris a bipartisan, from what im reading. House Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy, i am in your house technically, great to have you on the program. We will be covering the opioids as they come out next week. Thank you for being here. Stronach growing showdown between republicans and the House Intelligence Committee and the Justice Department. Chairman devin nunes and kissing the doj from quoting high information and they met with Trump Campaign officials. We will get reaction from lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle. Stay put. vo we came here for the friends. And we got to know the friends of our friends. And we found others just like us. And just like that we felt a little less alone. But then something happened. We had to deal with spam, fake news, and data misuse. Thats going to change. 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Harris fox news alert, a growing battle between republicans and the House Intelligence Committee and the Justice Department second in command its all coming ahead of a briefing today on the fbi informant who met with Trump Campaign officials. All 13 republican members and a letter to Deputy Attorney Rod Rosenstein say that limiting the briefing to the socalled gang of eight, which is bipartisan, is unacceptable and a front to the House Oversight powers. And that it does not satisfy a subpoena from april. Committee chairman devin nunes suggested there might be a coverup. At watch. How do you get to obstruction . How do you get to Misleading Congress . By taking this information that weve been asking for, a legal subpoena, then you move it upstairs and say, this is going to be super topsecret information that we are only going to give to the gang of eight. Thats whats happening here, people in america should be alarmed. This is a way to hide information. Harris we have reached out, so you know, to the Justice Department. No Immediate Response and we will continue to do that. Joining me now, Chris Stewart of the House Intelligence Committee, and russian christian morphy from the House Oversight committee. I think its so important now that we are down to the nittygritty on this to get some response. Congressman, i will start with you first. I think there is a number of things. This is why im uncomfortable and angry about the Justice Department response. The House Select Committee on intelligence, this is the reason we were created. We are the select committee, we were created for situations such as this to provide oversight over a very sensitive pieces of information. The gang of eight is for very sensitive, active, ongoing at and more than that, they cant brief us on this. We have seen the briefings and seen the reductions and route frankly dont trust them any longer to do that. They have to make the documents available to us so we can review them ourselves. Harris republicans have a problem, but its bigger than that. When you talk about an informant from either side of the political aisle looking into the campaign of another, what say you . First of all, thanks for having me on, i feel outnumbered. Harris if you do . [laughs] you know, the gang of eight met with the doj and fbi officials for two and a half hours to review all of their questions, provide numerous pieces of information and i think that was appropriate, especially given the sensitive nature of the information. With regard to the informant, as you know, the fbi is approached on occasion by people with evidence of wrongdoing or the legality. They were approached in this particular instance and they received that information and that is what that informant was doing. Harris so there is criticism within republican party, congressman stewart, that not enough is being done on this. It could be either party. I think he and i would agree on this, and that is what kind of country do we live in and it has enormous authority and in some cases as we have demonstrated here, plan people around you who are essentially spying on you or observing you, and allow them to have that type of power and not provide oversight. We dont care what you do, dont come to last, we dont want to know. No one wants to leave in the country like that. The department of justice is essentially taking that track. They are essentially saying, trust us. We are not providing information to the congress, just trust us. This is a fundamental issue of, what does our country mean, what does it mean in our country. We are a nation of the people, not of power. And we push back on those who are protecting themselves which i believe we are doing at this time. Harris its interesting to have you both here to go back and forth, and i want to give you an opportunity to answer congressmans story. Beco i agree, the Justice Department as well as the fbi should be overseen by congress, and i think that what was happening here in the two and a half or three hours of interviews and ongoing back and forth between congress and these particular Law Enforcement institutions. However, at the end of the day, regardless of the president , we do need to preserve and protect the integrity of Law Enforcement. At the end of the day, keep our people safe. The one i step in with this because obviously information has leaked about this informant. We seem to go from lily pad to lily pad. So the information is out there, what is it that you think will happen if you give information to republicans and they can take a look at the whole gamut of it . Obviously, the informants a particular identity has been leaked, but we dont know all the sources and methods associated with him. And we cant endanger that. Theres a reason we have doubt with the department of justice. They indicate that Opposition Research was provided and funded by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton and they said that was national security, but it turns out it wasnt. In this case, they will essentially leak it to the news but they wont share with congress. Theres a reason why we push back on that top. Harris congressman from from both sides of the aisle, thank you. We could be minutes away from the emails in the Hillary Clinton case. Our power panel weighs in, stay close. This is your wakeup call. If you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, month after month, the clock is ticking on irreversible joint damage. Ongoing pain and stiffness are signs of joint erosion. Humira can help stop the clock. Prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Harris the fox top story and breaking news this hour, doj watchdog Michael Horowitz is set to release his muchanticipated report on the agencys handling of the clinton email investigation. Its expected to take james comey, Andrew Mccabe and former attorney general Loretta Lynch to task. A fresh scrutiny for all of them. In recent days, trump attorney Rudy Giuliani said this about what the report could mean for james comey. Watch. The first thing we are going to get is a report from Inspector General horowitz on comeys handling of hillary, which i think it should be very critical. Comey really should have a chance at being prosecuted, but we will see. Harris it time for the power panel. Kayleigh mcenany, spokesperson for the rnc, great to be with you. Apparently this new report from the iga shows newly revealed peter strzok and lisa page from the fbi, remember they had their affair and showed bias allegedly, they reveal new Text Messages. One of them says they will stop trump from becoming president. Kayleigh this is unbelievable. I will even go as far as, jason chaffetz, who tweeted recently, this is treasonous. You have an fbi official who signed the opening document for the rest investigation, signed it. This individual says i want to stop this president. Harris is this treasonous . Is that the question on the table . Adrienne i have to agree with her, there is no question that this is very terrible, it makes the fbi looked terrible, and its bad for the two agents involved. The one thing i want to reiterate is that Robert Mueller did remove both of these agents from the russian investigation. Harris he didnt fire them them. Adrienne he removed them from the investigation though, so we have to keep that thought in mind. It certainly doesnt help the fbi. Harris there was one point that senator rand paul was on my program and said he was trying to figure out why peter strzok and page were so on the payroll at the fbi and had security clearance that they may not normally get out theyve been fired. So thats why i bring that up. I want to talk to you about the fresh look at Loretta Lynch, and Andrew Mccabe, and what do you make of that . Kayleigh its interesting, we know Loretta Lynch called the same matter, and we know that tarmac meeting violated anything in attorney general should do. They are supposed to avoid the appearance of corruption, so what her hand is in this will be interesting. One other point about jim comey, another text came out that indicated that he knew a month before he made that Hillary Clinton announcement that a hostile actor had invaded clintons emails and gotten a topsecret email. Why then did he come out a month later and said its only possible that a hostile actor had gotten an email . Harris we know that on the hill they are reading the ig report right now. We know that Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein at the white house with the president breaking him. We look at this moments from now. Stay close, more conversation on the other side of the break and more analysis managing blood sugar is not a marathon. Its a series of smart choices. And when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. Glucerna. Everyday progress. Harris what are democrats saying about this . We are back now with Adrienne Elrod and kayleigh mcenany. During the commercial break we were talking, is that on air moments ago, it was horrible. If im james comey, im out of the country. The senator from louisiana told me that hes out of the country. Adrienne if you are literally the arch enemy of both democrats and republicans as a former fbi director today, with this scathing idg comic ig report, i think you have to get out of the country. We were talking during the break, its really hard to not have any allies on both the democratic and republican site in washington, and james comey has managed to anger everybody. Harris i always thought that the goal when you are doing your job, and at the top of the food chain and the fbi was not to have enemies or friends, just do your job . I always thought, why in the heck was james comey on twitter at the point when, i mean, his job is and tells sensitive. Adrienne he has a higher loyalty and thats james comey. And he should be in another country because we know this about Michael Horowitz, hes not afraid to make criminal referrals. Anthony mckay become a criminal referral there. Harris s of the senate intel is going to meet with horowitz and that will be public. It should be very interesting what the public will see about what he will be asked. As a democrat, how concerned are you at this point about what this says was happening after the obama administration, and even after . Kayleigh im concerned about the number one factor that the fbi showed bias. But he certainly had no problems injecting his own opinion, whatever you want to call ed, into the way he handled. We will never forget that july 5th press conference where he spent 15 minutes talking about his own feelings about how Hillary Clinton handled her own private email server. And hes had to come by the way, we are not filing criminal charges which of course was the right decision. But he didnt have to pontificate on his own viewpoints from that. He could have gone out there, given a 32nd statement, read it, in one paragraph say, we are not filing charges, and move on. Theres no reason they need to inject that into the situation. Harris great to see you as the story breaks this afternoon. By the way, the facts dont know feelings or problems. Stay close. Man i got scar tissue there. Same thing with any dent or dings on this truck. They all got a story about what happened to em. Man 2 it was raining, there was only one way out. I could feel the barb wire was just digging into the paint. Man two bulls were fighting, thud bam hit the truck. Try explaining that to your insurance company. Woman another ding, another scratch. Itll just be another chapter in the story. Every scar tells a story, and you can tell a lot more stories when your truck is a chevy silverado. The most dependable, longestlasting, fullsize pickups on the road. [voiceover] this is an urgent message from the International Fellowship of christians and jews. There is an emergency food crisis for elderly Holocaust Survivors in the former soviet union. This is a fight against time. What were dealing with is coming out, meeting someone whos 85, 90 years old, cant get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. And thats where we come in. We are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. [voiceover] for just 45, well rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. In ukraine, theres no supper network. They dont have food cards or neighbors that come in to help. Theyre turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. [voiceover] your gift is a life line to help these elderly jewish Holocaust Survivors, help them to live out their final years with dignity and love. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. What i pray is that you wont turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. [voiceover] with your gift of just 45, we can rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly person for a month. Call right now. [eckstein] call the number on your screen. With tripadvisor, finding your Perfect Hotel at the lowest price. Is as easy as dates, deals, done simply enter your destination and dates. And see all the hotels for your stay tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites. To show you the lowest prices. So you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. Dates, deals, done tripadvisor. Visit tripadvisor. Com harris did you hear former clinton aide tell me right here on set that democrats like herself are angry at james comey over this ig report . Its about to come out. Im harris. Heres dana. Dana fox news alert. Its 2 00 p. M. Here in new york and it feels like high noon as we expect to see an Inspector Generals report on the clinton email investigation any minute now. As we also await the white house briefing. Hello, everyone, im dana perino and this is the daily briefing. Details are already trickling out from the Justice Department report among the headlines the internal watchdog finds ousted fbi director james comey broke from the bureaus procedures but that his actions were not politically

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