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There is some irony in the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault sits in the oval office and man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls campaigns for the senate goes with the full support of his party. Harris we will get reactions on the moments away but there are others who make developments, big ones on capitol hill. The head of the fbi being grilled over allegations of bias against President Trump. Lets go outnumbered overtime, im harris faulkner. Fbi chief Christopher Wray is getting questions from republicans and amid claims from republicans at the agency harbors and antitrust bias. This after an agent was scanned from the russia investigation after his Text Messages critical of the president were revealed. That same agent also was a key player in the investigation into Hillary Clintons secret email server. Earlier the director answered a range of questions as to whether the fbi applied a double standard in favor of Hillary Clinton. I leave it to others to conclude whether extremely careless and gross negligence are the same thing but i will say that the particulars of the investigation and the decisions that were made and whether or not it was handled appropriately is as i think it should be the subject of an outside, independent investigation by the Inspector General. I have never been asked by the president to take any kind of loyalty oath, my loyalty is to the constitution. The fbi i see is tens of thousands of brave men and women who are working as hard as they can to keep people they will never know safe from harm. Harris our own Catherine Herridge is following it all and she joins us on capitol hill. Catherine . We are entering the fourth hour of this public testimony by fbi director Christopher Wray. Hes taking questions, multiple questions this morning about this weekends tweet from President Trump where he said the fbi was in tatters after the tenure of james comey, who he fired in may. In his response its important to note that director wray acknowledged the recent controversy over the fbi agent, his 10,000 Text Messages, some of which showed an antitrust bias. Lets listen. The fbi that i see is tens of thousands of brave men and women who are working as hard as they can to keep people they will never know safe from harm. Do we make mistakes . You bet we make mistakes just like everybody who is human makes mistakes and when that independent factfinding is complete, we will hold our folks accountable if that is appropriate. Heres the thing, the agent is really at the center not only have the key milestones of the clinton email investigation but he pivoted to the Russia Collusion Investigation and he is emerging as a key player in that probe as well. Earlier today we heard from republican chairman and the ranking democrat, you can see here in this section how its divided along very artisan line lines. It is absolutely unacceptable for fbi employees to permit their own political opinions to contaminate any investigation. Even the appearance of impropriety will devastate the fbi investigation. I predicted these attacks on the fbi will grow louder as the special council does its work and the walls closing around the president. Evidence of obstruction becomes more apparent. The Justice Department independent internal watchdog the Inspector General has been doing an internal investigation for the better part of a year looking at how the clinton email case was handled and specifically the actions of then fbi director james comey, recommending against criminal charges as well as his boss, the attorney general and loretta lynch. Then fbi director said today, he will take no further action until that report is complete, lets listen. The Inspector General is looking at the very important question of whether or not improper Political Considerations factored into the decisionmaking. If you were to conclude that thats what happened, i think at that point we are in a situation where we have to assess what else might need to be done to unring that bell. A point to note is that an investigation typically has some type of administrative action at the end if there is a negative finding against an employee but at this point, almost all the key players are out of government. Harris catherine, thank you very much. Our next guest has his own questions for director wray, he stepped out so he can talk to us, republican andy bigs of arizona. Has taken a break from the hearing to join us now. I want to first start, we learned, and we knew hed only been on the job for four and a half months but im curious to know what americans should be watching for and really what the goal is, having him on the hill today . I think we should be watching for the way he answers the questions, if hes going to continue to divert or assert some kind of privilege. He specifically said he wasnt asserting any privilege but he keeps referring everything to the Inspector General s investigation. The key thing as you heard over and over this morning, congress has oversight, we are entitled to know whether you use the dossier, to spy on americans during the term campaign. It was these are very important and we want to make sure he is not diverting attention. The other aspect is since we do have oversight we want to know why is he delaying and dragging his feet in producing the evidence weve been requesting. Harris you have not had a chance to ask your questions about some of those have been addressed. I have the letter you sent along with the representative of florida and texas. You hit on one of the key ones of the dossier, specifically you sent them so they would have your questions already in front of them and you want to know if the fbi actually had any money flowing for that antitrump dossier. Absolutely right. Its been reported that after the dnc paid it for that dossier, it was given to the fbi and the fbi used some federal funds to pay for some of the expenses. And turned into a federal document and use that to get federal fisa warrant to spy on americans. We want to know what was the role of the fbi. We received no answer to the letter yet. I am hopeful that maybe we can get an answer im not real hopeful i should say because i think its going to be diverted to the Inspector General but we are pushing on that issue because its important. Harris i heard you from watching this morning and i want to point out, i know soon you will be up and youll be able to follow through. But ive heard on the idea of that evidence that you are waiting to see, you feel like the fbi director is dragging his feet on it. That actually you have every right to see that and theres not much they can redact a little bit but theres not much they can change, particularly with regard to the requests that were made. I want to move on to another part of what i thought was so interesting in your letter. You asked Christopher Wray, the meaning of the word special as it pertains to the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Why is that important . What happened here is they pulled this investigation back in house to a small group, they said its special, its going to be somehow unique and they had a small special team doing this instead of a normal investigation. Tell us what in the world they were thinking at the time. Christopher wray probably cant give us full insight but he can go back and find out the information, how they deemed that and give it to us. Harris what popped into my head, does special mean special treatment . The only reason i ask that is because we are finding out about that antitrust bias via the person who sent those antitrump Text Messages. We also learned today, there is no discipline for that employee yet, they moved him but there is no discipline. Do we anticipate there would be . Thats a great question, thats one of the ones i want to get to. I highlighted that when the director said this was not a disciplinary move. Is that a lateral move . Why did he not get a disciplinary move, you dont just move him on the basis of no reason to this lateral position, any of the normal fbi agent functions, thats a great question, i highlighted that because you are exactly right. Harris can i also ask about the president weighing in on the situation, calling the fbi in tatters, as the american public, weve been telling them of the 35, 36,000 employees that exist in the fbi and we are only talking about a few of them. It is not in total the fbi. Does that kind of thing help illuminate or is it on the sidelines, how do you treat that going into a hearing like this . I just put it on the sideline, i think hes accurate that the reputation not of the full fbi, but of the higher level executives that are involved in all of these political discussions, their reputation is in tatters and it goes down on the entire agency, are we seeing blind lady justice or are we seeing political favors, special treatment and does that denigrate the very reason for americas rule of law idea . This very idea that some people are treated special is a huge problem and i think the only thing i saw here was that the democrats i think its a red herring. We really want to get to his tax relief, whats happening in these investigations and that gets the idea of politicization and special treatment. Harris i understand as you put it, this word special can have a different context and all of this and americans get it, special treatment to something that should not happen in any of the Government Agencies we are talking about, particularly the fbi. I have to let you get back in, one of the gentlemen you wrote that letter with is about to wrap up. From the great state of arizona, congressman andy bigs. Thank you. What is the political impact from todays hearing and can we expect republicans to keep the heat on the fbi . Lets bring in chris wallace, always good to see you. What popped out so far in the testimony today with regards to Christopher Wray . Not much and i think you could get that from your interview with the congressman. A lot of the questions they are asking about peter strzok, various things that have happened in the trump investigation and Hillary Clinton investigation, Christopher Wray has said thats all part of the investigation by the Inspector General , the internal watchdog at the Justice Department. We also need to point out, Christopher Wray is not an appointee of the obama administration, he is an appointee of donald trump so there is very little reason to think he is trying to protect Hillary Clinton any of this. He has decided this is a matter for the internal investigation and thats what happens when you get that kind of an ig taking something to look at, someone like Christopher Wray cant talk about it. Harris you point this out, hes only been on the job for four and a half months. When you see tweets from the president , thats a call out would imagine. We know a few hours later, Christopher Wray tried to boost the morale of his troops if you will by sending out that memo that says the president , everybody has every right to question what we do because our job is so important, i am paraphrasing now. About looking at this overarching if you will, what is the process getting out today . Whats the take away for americans . I dont know that there is much take away, republicans are trying to build a case that Hillary Clinton was treated special as you say, i think that will come as news to a lot of people in the Clinton Campaign who blamed james comey and the fbi for the fact that she lost the election. It certainly was not particularly lenient ten or 11 days before the election. I mean, the real argument is whether or not the fbi bent over backwards to help Hillary Clinton. Conversely, in the case of peter strzok, the fbi agent who apparently sent some emails who showed antitrust bias. I think you have to wonder a little bit about whether or not the effort to go after President Trump because as soon as he heard about this, almost half a year ago the special counsel fired peter strzok from his investigation, he was given a desk job and Human Resources at the fbi. It doesnt sound like he was okay with this, sounds like he was very upset at the idea that peter strzok was expressing antitrump sentiments another employee at the Justice Department. Harris it has been reported, peter strzok, some of the things huma abedin told him werent true. You cannot lie to the fbi, that is breaking the law. Removing peter strzok, would that make them out of the way so the fbi cant be held accountable, how does that work . I dont know exactly because you are throwing something at me but i wouldnt think that he wouldnt be the one who was in jeopardy, it would be huma abedin using your hypothetical. James comey was sufficiently concerned about these emails, ten days, 11 days before the election he sent a note to congress saying we are reopening the investigation. A lot of people in the Clinton Campaign thinks that is what peter, its only was not helpful to her. Why would they do that and on the other hand cover up for huma abedin in the next ten days . It doesnt seem to make a lot of sense. Harris i hear you. I also question why would the president fire james comey, what democrats were defending against that, saying the president cant do that, its obstruction. We could go back and forth all day but right now on the hill is the director of the fbi taking a whole lot of questions, chris wallace, we appreciate your time, thank you. We are awaiting the start of the Daily White House press briefin briefing. We expect to get the administrations reaction to todays testimony from fbi director Christopher Wray. And reaction if you will to some of the comings and goings on capitol hill, not to mention al franken, a senator, democrat from minnesota stepping down and resigning amid sexual allegations against him. At least eight women with accusations again him. A lot to ask Sarah Sanders about today, we will take that live in minutes as we expected to begin. Stay close to overtime. Let me be clear, i may be resigning my seat but i am not giving up my voice. I will continue to stand up to the things i believe in as a citizen and as an activist. Minnesotans deserve a senator who can focus with all her energy on addressing the challenges they face every day. Harris that was embattled democratic senator al franken of minnesota announcing he will soon be resigning from his senate seat amid a growing number of Sexual Misconduct allegations. Dozens of Democratic Senators in the last 24 hours have called on him to step down including Chuck Schumer. Who spoke with franken personally yesterday. Lets bring in tammy bruce, conservative radio talk show host and fox news contributor. And liz smith, great to see you both, thank you for being here. This is a huge day and al franken chose to do this on the senate floor. I want to talk with you quickly about why you say this doesnt bring an end for democrats. It doesnt, they think it ma may. They think with john conyers being gone what you say on the senate floor versus someone else in another avenue. I dont know what is anna senator frankens mind about who knows. If they think this is going to end the inquiries they are wrong. We have what they call the shush fund. From 19952017, 17 million paid out, your viewers will know that. Jackie spear has found it involves 260 payouts and settlements. That includes not just Sexual Harassment but it could be a variety of discrimination. We are now learning that it may not have broken down what those claims are for internally. Another way to protect themselves. To keep it obviously not transparent. This is not going to go away but they are also preparing for the election next week. Harris i want to get you to step in here a little, this would mean a shift strategywise for democrats. And there are some spots where republicans could get hit. I am glad al franken finally decided to resign. Harris you think he decided, thats how it worked out . There were eight women yesterday there were clearly fingernail marks on his desk and he had to go earlier and i think he shouldve gone earlier. It should not of taken seven women for us to finally believe them because its usually not just seven women. If there are seven there are probably a lot more. But look, this is reality. Democrats are cleaning house. John conyers is gone, al franken is gone. You still have republicans standing behind roy moore and blake baron holden id like to see republicans showing the same leadership democrats are on this issue. And i agree with you, we need to get to the bottom of that shush fund and understand that its going to hit both parties equally. There are going to be democrats in there and republicans in there. Harris women on both sides of the aisle, barbara comstock, you mentioned jackie spear. But you also have marsha blackburn, a bipartisan bill that she put forward that has to do with you call it a shush fund, i call it a blood fund, it doesnt matter, it is taxpayer money. These women have been in congress for years if not decades, this has been in place since 1995. And only now harris there are so few of these female voices. This is also, id love to hear more men. This is the other good question, men, with men who are doing this, this is what we have to expect. Of course its women from our Life Experience we are going to say we want better. It is the men in our lives, though good men in that environment should say enough is enough. Those are the people that need to step out. This will in fact hate republicans but i am looking at probably more like a 7030 framework. Its going to hit the democrats more specifically because of how they handled the clinton dynamic. If you complained about this, you are at least republicans harris lets talk about that. I brought up bill clinton and the heat on twitter, how can you talk about that now, its been 20 years. Kristin gillibrand talked about it. She had a very strong relationship with the clintons in the early days of her politics. Women in the Democratic Party have to start to look at the legacy that left behind. We are talking about people in powerful positions against people who are not in powerful positions. We have to come to terms with what happened during the clinton administration. Harris what does that mean exactly . Do you have a Cocktail Party and talk about it . I wish. We need to say if this happened today, he would face real ramifications. Harris you would think you have to leave the white house . I think you may have had to, yes. I was 16 when this happened, i cant say i was out there on the front lines. I was getting my information from my parents and the news. I do think he would be facing a very different set of circumstances today given the cultural moors and i think the Democratic Party would be a lot tougher on him. I was on the front lines and a lot of people, republicans said that behavior was unacceptable, democrats were saying including Democratic Women and people like Gloria Steinem were saying leave him alone. They created this environment, this is where the chickens have come home to roost. It is finally our generation saying weve had it. End of this is now going to be the result. The democrats are going to be in particular trouble because they afforded this kind of environment for decades at this point. Republicans at least to some degree said this is unacceptable behavior and thats what you will see fewer of them affected by this. Harris interesting conversation. The reporting apparatus put into place on capitol hill, and other places we well know this is talked of backandforth. Take the focus of the women who have come forward. Liz smith, im a little bit jealous that you were 15 but im going to try not to take that too hard. Great to see you both. A fox news alert, we are awaiting a White House Press briefing set to start a short now. We expect to hear about senator al frankens resignation and the fbi directors testimony on his agencys integrity at this point as it was found out about those antitrump Text Messages from a key agency member. Later today at the white house, President Trump is set to sit down with congressional leaders. The last time democrats canceled including the Top Democrats who abruptly pulled out of last weeks scheduled meeting with a budget deadline this weekend. Did i say it was a busy day . We will talk with one republican lawmaker, stay close. 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Stop taking victoza® and get medical help right away if you get symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. Serious side effects may happen, including pancreatitis. So, stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have severe pain in your stomach area. Tell your doctor your medical history. Gallbladder problems have happened in some people. Tell your doctor right away if you get symptoms. Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. Common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, indigestion, and constipation. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Harris a fox news alert, President Trump is getting set to host a highstakes meeting at the white house. The president to meet with congressional leaders and Republican House speaker paul ryan. Moments ago, he said he feels good about the prospect of avoiding a shut down. Thats a good sign, considering last week the president sat between two empty chairs after Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi pulled out of the meeting with him. Joining me now, congresswoman diane black of tennessee, chair of the house budget committee. We want to go live to ask about where they are, with democrats coming back to the table. Always great to see you. It mightve been forecast that this was going to happen but it was a moment of drama last week. Over 80 80 days ago we compd our work in the house. If the senate wouldve taken the time if theyd been dealing this all along we went to bed in this place at this time. It creates a lot of uncertainty which is not where we need to have uncertainty. The military needs to know the dollars that are going to come for equipment and so on. This is very disappointing that we are at this point in time. We are making progress, so thats a good thing. Harris there are some other big issues that have been sticking points. Where are you on that because this is a lot to get done in the next few days. If you hear on the senate side, the push to slow things down and not make the date this weekend. You have so much to accomplish. We have to do, we have a tremendous amount to accomplish. It is our role to take care of daca. President said we Want Congress to address it and we do need to but i dont think we ought to address it in a haphazard or quick manner. I know they are working on solutions. Im not sure if this is the right time. We need to give it time, this is not the measure where daca needs to be addressed, this simply means keeping the government functioning. Harris we need to remind people as you have just said, this is a situation that was openended for those dreamers anyway. What you are trying to do is give them a firm footing and what that can look like in a bipartisan matter is you talk more about it, you think it needs more time and people need to take that into account as well. Lets talk a little bit about tax reform if we can. The nature on the hill, republicans in the house and senate and Going Forward in a conference committee, is that still there . Absolutely. We are excited about the fact that tax reform has not been done in over 30 years, president reagan was the last president where that tax reform was done. 10,000 pages, larger than the bible with more good news. We really want to be able to get this economy moving. We already see some optimism because the markets are looking good but we need to complete our job and give a jolt of the economy. In tennessee it means another 18,000 jobs for my folks in tennessee in addition to that, almost close to 2,000 in their pocket in wages. This is a big deal. Harris are you saying that about jobs because you think potentially these companies will come home because of lowering the Corporate Tax . I want to get one last question and before you have to scoot on the hill because i know its a busy day and it has to do with where you come together in this situation. Can you explain it to me, you dont want a situation where you get everything thrown in because you are also talking about the spending bill into the tax conversation, how do you keep them separate and what of the moves on capitol hill to make that happen . Is that the goal . Its not the first time weve had more than one large measure take place at the same time. Fortunately we are able to handle both at the same time. As i said before, it has to be just tax reform now because that is where we thought we would be. Harris you say unfortunate because you got so much to get done again. Because we shouldve had this done in regular order by passing a bill that funds government and that is the way to do it. The resolutions essentially puts the money in the same spot its been in, the appropriation bill changes that. It looks at whats needed now. Thats the reason why its so important for us, they are ready for the senate, get your job done. Harris ive heard you say that before. Now its almost christmas, you really mean it, diane black, always great to see you, thank you very much. Thank you harris for having me. Harris the seats are starting to fill up, we know this is a big day in the white house, we are awaiting a press briefing this hour where we expect to hear more about the president s meeting with congressional leaders and tax reform. You just heard diane black talking about that with democrats now back at the table, we think there wont be empty chairs where they are supposed to be sitting. The world continues to react to the president s announcement from yesterday, you saw it live on overtime, recognizing jerusalem as israels capital, plans to move the u. S. Embassy to the city of jerusalem. Many Companies Pushing back on that move. In palestinian territory, rage, even. We will talk to israels ambassador to the United Nations. Some countries are calling for an emergency meeting, stay close. Harris breaking news inside the White House Press briefing, it is underway, Sarah Sanders, lets watch. The president will meet later this afternoon with congressional leaders from both parties to discuss the need to fund the government, particularly our military and the department of veteran affairs. The president and republicans are eager to pass the bill fully funding the federal government and the military. With the threat we are facing, our National Security should not be held hostage for irresponsible demands and we certainly hope that wont happen. Now with Christmas Season in full swing i want to shine a spotlight on some of the incredible stories of generosit generosity, and show of the Christmas Spirit and the american spirit are all about. Id like to start with the story of saint matthews, a church in west virginia. The story starts over 100 years ago when a young girl tragically died around the Christmas Season and her family donated money to the church in her honor. And as for the money to be used for the children at christmas. They did not realize that this act of kindness in the midst of incredible heartache would bless countless children for the next entered century. To this day they continue helping children and families during the Christmas Season. They usually do it anonymously but word of their generosity spread through social media this year. Families will come to pay the bill for christmas toys on layaway and be told there is no need. Saint matthews churches wasnt looking for credit and neither are so many others but these stories are important because they remind us what the season is all about and that is the greatest gift of all. Hopefully we can all focus and take time out of our busy schedules to enjoy the Christmas Season however you may celebrate and with that, i will take questions. Reporter thank you, sarah. I want to ask about the possible Government Shutdown and the optimism the president might have that he can avert a shutdown. And if i could follow up and asked the california fires, with the latest the white house has on that . Secretary sanders in terms of the Government Shutdown, we expect, funding the government, particularly our military is always important but particularly now with so many threats that we face globally, it is certainly an important priority for the administration and we hope that will be agreed to later today. On the fires, was there a specific question . Reporter the white house in coordination with folks in california in battling that wildfire, if more money would be available, for areas which are under siege . Secretary sanders the administration is staying in regular contact with both fema and folks at the white house or speaking regularly to state and local authorities and making sure we are ready and able to help when needed and requested it. Reporter on taxes, could you say whether the white house would support a 22 Corporate Tax rate . And a few hours later, saying something about it needs to be 20 . Secretary sanders our focus has been on getting the lowest corporate late rate possible, 15 is better than 20 , 20 is better than 22 and 22 is better than what we have. We are going to continue to push but we will not negotiate that from the podium. We are committed to getting the lowest corporate rate we can. The president is somebody you wanted to visit with, nothing more than that, nothing more than a checkin. Reporter donald trump jr. Refused to talk about his conversation with the president , claiming attorneyclient privilege. With the president released him from any such privilege and allow him to speak . Secretary sanders that is a question you would have to ask his attorney. We believe his lawyers had a legitimate reason for not answering those questions but that something i would direct at his attorney. Reporter can you explain to me how it can be attorneyclient privilege when either donald trump jr. Nor President Trump are attorneys . Secretary sanders that is something you would have to talk with don jr. s attorneys about. Reporter senator franken announcing his resignation said hes aware there is some irony in the fact that i am leaving while a man who has bragged on tape about his history of Sexual Assault is in the oval office and a man who has repeatedly preyed on young girls runs were sent with the full support of his party, what is the white house response to that . Secretary sanders the president address the comments back during the campaign, we feel that the people of this country also address that when they elected donald trump to be president. I have addressed it several times from here and dont have anything new to add. Reporter what about the differences in the way these parties are handling the accusations of Sexual Misconduct . Secretary sanders i think that would be up to the party leadership, i am not sure there is a question in there. Reporter to any of the president s counterparts around around the world contact the president s, following the president s lead in moving their embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem or acknowledging that jerusalem is the capital of israel . Secretary sanders im not aware of any countries following suit. Reporter would you expect that the others would follow the president s lead . Secretary sanders i am not aware of any countries we anticipate that happening. Im not saying that they arent but i am not aware. Reporter last week the president said the u. S. Is imposing additional sanctions on north korea today, do you have an update on that . Secretary sanders we expect the department of treasury to put out more details on that. Jennifer . Reporter what are the president s to u. S. Allies who have expressed opposition to the actions recognizing jerusalem and also does the fact that he kept his promise to give him more credibility negotiating in the middle east . Secretary sanders i think one of the abilities to follow through on something youve committed to as the president has done but also lets not forget this is Something Congress voted on starting back in 1995 and has reaffirmed ten separate times over the last 20 years. This is something the president took action on in a very courageous and bold action and something that frankly the members of the United States congress have voted on many times before. Reporter yesterday you put out a statement that the president was directing other officials in the administration to reach out to saudi arabia and immediately allow the humanitarians in yemen. Are there any consequences for saudi arabia if they dont immediately allow this . Secretary sanders my understanding is the president did bring these up in previous conversations. And i believe there are actions taking place for a court to open. We will keep you posted as those details become more available. Reporter any consequences consequences secretary sanders as i just said we have reason to believe they are moving in that direction. Reporter when the president became aware that Michael Flynn lied to the fbi, thats unknowable fact in this building, not a legal matter . Can you just tell us when the president became aware of that . Secretary sanders attorneys feel differently and they feel this is a question that should be answered by them. I will encourage them to respond to you but i will have to refer you back. Reporter this is not about something the president did. Secretary sanders i am going to listen to the attorneys on this one, hopefully they will followup with with you in short order. Reporter this one is really simple. Its an open question whether the United States participates in the winter lipids in south korea, is it an open question, is that now in doubt . Secretary sanders that wasnt exactly what the ambassador said, no official decision has been made on that. I know the goal is to do so but that will be a decision made close to the time. I think that is an interagency process but think ultimately the president will weigh in. If we felt there was an issue, that would come up. Reporter secretary sandei havent had the specific conversation but i know we want to fully fund the government. Beyond that i am not going to get into any more details. Reporter bipartisan leadership is coming up in a much different atmosphere, he tweeted about how he didnt think a deal was possible because democrats were so bad on illegal immigrants. Has the president changed his mind about that . And also specifically what was he referring to in a Government Shutdown . Secretary sanders the president is very much committed to a strong order and a border wall and i can imagine that will be discussed at some point. I think we all hope a deal can be reached, we hope the democrats are willing to set aside partisan politics and focus on fully funding the government. Reporter on the hill today Christopher Wray praise the fbi, the president said its in tatters, can you explain this discrepancy . Secretary sanders we dont think there is a discrepancy, we agree with chris wray that feel agents are respectable. The president was talking about those who played a politics with Hillary Clinton email pro. We dont see a discrepancy. Reporter the ramifications that people wont trust law enforcement, that people will say we are not going to interact with the fbi when its in tatters . Secretary sanders the president is referring to the political leaders at the fbi. Particularly those involved in the Hillary Clinton probe. Reporter about the Government Shutdown, the president s Party Controls the senate and the house, a shutdown would fall on his shoulders, how is that not just a reflection of political realities . Secretary sanders they may control washington but it takes some democrats to be engaged in the process and we hope frankly that democrats will play by the Chuck Schumer rule and not hold this bill hostage by playing partisan politics and help fund our defense department, fund our military, fund veterans affairs. Secretary sanders at some point daca is going to have to be brought up, is the white house willing to make daca six with Government Spending and if so would that be the case . Secretary sanders the president said with daca he wants to make sure we have a responsible Immigration Reform including a border wall and other things weve laid out in those principles and that something that we had to be part of that discussion. Reporter from that podium, they assured us that when a final tax reform bill is passed, the minimum tax would disappear immediately. Recent statements by the president as the conference is about to begin indicate that it might not disappear completely, and not immediately certainly. Is the Administration Still committed to ending this right away . Secretary sanders i dont think our position has changed on that front at all but the countries were just names, we want to let this thing work through its process. We are very committed to making sure the bill and final piece of legislation delivers on that. Reporter a lot of attention to Sexual Misconduct and harassment, is the president confident that congress and its leaders can investigate themselves on this issue . Secretary sanders i think we have no reason at this point to see otherwise. Hopefully that process will move forward. Reporter on taxes, as long as his taxes are under audit he is not going to release them. His 2016 taxes are not under audit. Unless they are . Secretary sanders the president s taxes, know who the president is immediately go under audit after being filed. I will double check to be 100 . Reporter again, and brought from a 30,000foot way, does a president believe he has a credible role in leading this conversation . Are there specific steps the white house has taken to make sure that women feel they are in a comfortable environment to talk about these things . Secretary sanders i think the president treats as a woman myself ive never felt anything but treated with the highest level of respect and been empowered to do my job and i think thats what ive seen the president do day in and day out since weve been here and during the campaign. I think thats a pretty good start and a pretty good example on that front. Reporter are you guys talking about in recent days what people in this Work Environment can do . Secretary sanders there are certainly white house policies that we are reminded up and i think all of us expect each person to live up and meet those policies and not cross the line that is not only not legal but not appropriate or ethical. Reporter weve seen democrats call for john conyers resignation, al frankens resignation happened today. Do republicans and the president risk losing their moral authority on this issue, a huge issue right now by endorsing a candidate like roy moore who has now been backed by the rnc as well . Secretary sanders i have addressed this in depth, we think the allegations are troubling and ultimately this is something the people of alabama should decide. Reporter the president failing to lead reporter was the proclamation on jerusalem delayed because of concern about security that they wanted to get Adequate Security in place for u. S. Embassies around the world . Secretary sanders we want to make sure we had a thoughtful and responsible process and that this decision and the components of that decision went through the full interagency process. Once that was completed, the president will move forward and take action. Reporter i was under the impression that the president pulled out of the process yesterday based on the jerusalem decision, how do you direct that . Secretary sanders the president s remarks, he said we are as committed to the Peace Process as ever and we want to continue to push forward in those conversations and to those discussions and hopefully the ultimate goal is to reach a peace deal. Thats something the United States is very committed to. Reporter given the recent revelations that at least one prosecutor was ascending antitrump texts and given the revelation that another one was congratulating someone for refusing to uphold and defend the president s travel ban, the appearance of impropriety would devastate the fbi. The question is, does the white house believe that the fix was in, that Robert Muellers probe secretary sanders we are fully cooperating through this process. As i said a few minutes ago, we felt that some of the Political Leadership at the fbi was problematic. We are glad that director wray is there, we feel he will clean up some of the messes left behind by his predecessor and we look forward to this concluding and showing what weve been saying all along, that there was nothing to see here and certainly no collusion. The president has an event here in a couple of minutes, a couple of lastminute notes. The president has an event and we will also have at the top of the congressional meeting this afternoon at 3 00. Harris really quickly, the israeli ambassador to the United Nations is here. You saw Sarah Sanders being asked about jerusalem. Will there be any other countries following . You say . Absolutely. Its a leadership decision. You were the first run, the only one. We are grateful for that. Today is a reality check for the palestinians. They cannot come to the u. N. And pass ridiculous resolutions. Harris im glad you were here the last couple of minutes because this topic came up with Sarah Sanders being asked if we are committed to the Peace Process. We all know the Vice President will be in the region. The president made the announcement when he said we as a nation recognized jerusalem as the capital of israel. We welcome the president , the first visit after the declaration. Thank you very much. Dana the White House Briefing just wrapping up. They were asked about the government budget and possible shutdown and al franken. Hello, everyone. Im dana perino. Sarah sanders was asked about al frankens departing shot to President Trump. I may be resigning my seat but i am not giving up my voice. Ly continue to stand up for the things i believe in. Dana mike emanuel is live on capitol hill. Theyre keeping you busy. Reporter after saying he would resign in the coming weeks

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