Ahead with an independent investigation of alleged voter fraud in some battleground states which President Trump lost. The group also claims the fbi asked them to turn over their findings. Here is what the groups director said last night. Looking at arizona, 75,000 republicans it is estimated we have contacted thousands of them. 75,000 republicans voted, but was not counted. Additionally, over 204,000 republicans had their ballots requested by other people than themselves. And we go through all of these categories and then each and every major swing state. We are talking far more ballots involved within the margin victory. Harris and this is happening. Attorney general bill barr in a rare break with the president told the associated press, the doj has not found widespread evidence of fraud to overturn the Election Results. His remarks brought a Swift Response from the president s Legal Team Led by Rudy Giuliani who wrote in part with all do respect to the attorney general there has not been the semblance of the department of justice. We have gathered ample fraud in voting which they have not examined. Also this, giuliani set to appear before the Michigan State House Oversight committee where he will testify in a hearing on detroit ballots. So much to get to this hour and as you know with the press briefing coming up we are watching that. You are watching outnumber and a host of kennedy and cohost fox friends weekend. Fox news headline 24 7 reporter carley shimkus, hosted the next revolution which airs sunday night right here on fox news. Great to see you come everybody. Let me start with you. We are about to hear from the White House Press secretary and the developments that have come up will be part of a conversation Going Forward with regard to the president of the united states. Your reaction. Steve i think it is important we hold onto the big picture as we await these details. What is this . Massive late changes to the Voting System. When you put them altogether, the four key elements of the changes, you have the massive increase in mailin ballots. The weakening of security like signatures. You put that on top of voter role played with error according to those who looked into it. And then you look at the way in which these changes were politically motivated, they werent virus driven but why do i say that . They were all in a bill hr 1 the first piece of legislation nancy pelosi put in the house midterm elections but all of these changes were pushed by democrats because they believed they were advantage democrats before the election, william barr said mailin voting was massively acceptable to fraud, error and other regularities but now he says there is no evidence of it. But frankly, that response and just the simple statement of that is an adequate bowl and unacceptable. To assure the American People this was a fairly conducted election we need to have an open investigation into all of this pier there were so many allegations being put out there. We dont know which ones are right or which ones are wrong, but we do know the massive late changes to the system made it much more likely we would see fraud and other irregularities. It needs to be properly investigated. We have not seen that yet. Harris you know, as we prepare to hear from the white house, we know things are simultaneously rolling out. And i mean just an immaculate idea that we would have a vaccine at this point and its coming down the pipe. That is one lane and then you know what we see laid out and asked steve said, voting irregularities that are being looked into. You have those two things simultaneously. Obviously whats going on stuck in the vaccine is so much needed good news that many vulnerable to people around the country and people who know vulnerable communities want this to be a success and wants it to be delivered as soon as possible as light at the end of this tragedy we have been living. But on to steves point to your real irregularities. The courts exist for it. What we have seen as that this step in press conferences and twitters, more politically driven and Public Relations campaign, that is not alleged in court as of yet and its not proven in court in terms of allegations of a stolen election, a rigged election or a widespread voter fraud to change and outcome of an election. So im curious what these new affidavits and information we have today. What will Rudy Giuliani bring to court because i think comparing the two, and im left feeling if there is widespread fraud which would be a deep concern and everyone of us should be concerned about, why isnt that being alleged and repeatedly thrown out by trump appointees in court and by g. O. P. Appointees in court . What exactly is going on here . I think we have to be careful with the language and yes, i have no issue with three counts for the Trump Campaign bringing the stuff to court as they should, but this is an evidence game. Ultimately, there has to be enough evidence here to back up these claims at some point, or they are just claims. Harris you know, i was just talking with the former acting at turner attorney general and what he told me on e program, each day the Trump Campaign and its legal team has to have action so arizona certification earlier this week, they would be fighting what they are fighting in that state and the hearing that they were taking a part of the legal team virtually. And you have seen each day. But where do you put the fight right now. The American People are watching very closely, given what is coming up in georgia. Steve and jedidiah bila is right but steve is right in that you have a system that is ripe with corruption and a magnet for bad actors to do things to affect the outcome of elections outside of voters preferences. Aunt jedidiah bila is right, there is a threshold you have to reach inside of the court, but the problem is when you draw too big of a picture, you are taking different elements and trying to connect them to one scheme or one person who is working in various states for various means in order to change the outcome of the election. And that is what you have to prove. That is what is so critical because right now we have what appear to be loose correlations, but we dont have a uniting element that shows it was one person working in concert with all of these different places. If you dont have that, then it means you have either corruption or incompetence, both of which are obviously unwelcome and free and fair election. Harris so, carly when we learned the doj through attorney general yesterday saying they had not found evidence of widespread voter fraud so one and so forth and giuliani pushing back, well, youre really looking at it . We have given you evidence but you havent looked at it. What is your reaction to that . Carley i think the comment came down from bill barr and in a way he was responding to President Trump, telling Maria Bartiromo wheres the doj on this . What she is saying is they are on it. They just havent seen anything to overturn the election, meaning overturned the election in such a way that President Trump would regain the swing states that are currently in joe bidens column. So its not like he is saying they have concluded the investigation. He is just saying the things he has seen so far are very specific and not widespread. With that said, there does seem to be a rush to sort of brush off President Trumps allegation of voter fraud, and that does appear to be because, like jedidiah pointed out, they havent been able to make legal and ropes just yet. But these are repeated allegation of people across the country with significantly recorded to the level that they should be of postal workers, that you know, across three state lines with 100,000 ballots and all the other thing President Trump has been complaining about there should be legitimate behind it but there should absolutely be an investigation into those things. If joe biden should want that, because right now we are dealing with the situation where half of the country would feel like the election was stolen from them. I dont think that is a situation joe biden would want if and when he enters the white house. Harris or if and when democrats decide they want to put him or Kamala Harris or somebody else in 2024 because this will hang over everything like a very dark cloud. All right, we will move on. Potential collision force attorney general barr appoints john durham as special counsel so his team can continue probing the origins of the russian investigation. Why Top Democrats say the door could still be slammed shut on that investigation. How is that . We will get into it. Three thousand dollars a year. E with newdays va streamline refi, theres no income verification, no appraisal and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 3000 a year. 3000 thats a big deal. mnow every bath fitter bathbath fis installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. The beautiful bath youve always wanted, done right, installed by one expert technician, all in one day. Weve been creating moments like these for 35 years, and were here to help you get started. Book your free virtual or inhome Design Consultation today. When you drive less, you pay less with pay per mile insurance from allstate youve never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today allstate the teams been working around the clock. Wire, weve had to rethink our whole approach. Were going to give togetherness. Logistically, its been a nightmare. Im not sure its going to work. Itll work. I didnt know you were listening. Harris we are awaiting the White House Press briefing next hour. As we do, a potential battle is brewing. Attorney general bill barr has appointed john durham as special counsel in the russia origins investigation. So it can continue and the Biden Administration. Barr a new Senate Letter to the senate, said durham will move ahead with looking into where laws were broken during the proe centered around the Trump Campaign in the 2016 election. Barr made it very clear this decision was made back in late october. Writing in advance of the president ial election, i decided to appoint mr. Durham as special counsel to provide him and his team his Team Assurance they can complete their work with regard to the outcome of the election. However, Top Democrats in house intel chair adam schiff who claimed for years there was evidence of trump russia collusion fired back suggesting that Biden Attorney general could fire durham. Watch this. If not consistent with the language of the statue he is relying on and can be rescinded by the next attorney general, i would presume the next attorney general would look to see if there is merit to the work that john durham is doing and make a rash decision with that they should continue at any level. Harris but now one republican senator is warning it would be risky for president elect biden to fire john durham. As the special counsel continue investigating former obama officials actions. The washington exam or i think there would be a big price to pay, and i think they would be illadvised to do that. Steve hilton, why do you think that john cornyn says that . Steve i think he is right because exactly the right thing. This is a really serious matter because for four years, this country was put through a completely unjustified pursuit of something that was essentially a political tactic by the democrats. Remember where this all started the steele dossier, which we know was paid for by the dnc and the hillary campaign. The question is, is that what led to the fbi investigation spying on rival Political Campaign and everything that followed . We still dont really know that. Thats what we have to get into. If as possible, adam schiff said we shouldnt listen to what he said because hes a lunatic who lies every time he opens his mouth practically. However, it is clear however if they wanted to the Incoming Administration could fire at the special counsel just as when President Trump was there and a lot of people encouraging him to fire mueller. He didnt do that in the end. But if they did it, it would be clear what they are trying to do was cover up their own corruption. Remember, half of the obama and clinton people are being picked by biden for his team. It would be incredibly corrupt and if they dare to do it just as john cornyn said, there will be a massive political price to pay and it would tell people there is something they really are worried about coming out. Harris you know you mentioned special counsel robert mueller. I do want to share this. I dont know if anybody remembers and its been almost exactly two years from now that adam schiff said previously talk about the need to protect special counsel mueller during the russia investigation. Lets watch. We ought to act affirmatively now. We ought to take up this bill in the last week of this session and make sure that mueller is protected so we dont have to wonder what happens to follow a fast or slow moving massacre. Harris so kennedy come if you are looking for facts that you might like, protect a guy. But if you are looking for facts you dont like, dont . Kennedy that is exactly right. Im sorry to say it, but adam schiff is a lying troll. His words right there just portray his hypocrisy. And everyone in any party should want to make sure this type of corruption and surveillance abuse doesnt happen again. And we dont have enough answers. We need more answers, and there could be more indictments. That is why john durham was shifted into the special counsel role. Now, what adam schiff is suggesting that joe biden could dismiss him because of some technicality that special counsel technically to work outside of the government. In john durham is a u. S. Attorney. There have been u. S. Attorneys in the past who have operated as special counsel. So you have to move forward with the investigation. Otherwise, you are engaging in the exact type of behavior you said was so despicable that you completely denounced that it was not even happening from the trump administration. So yes, let this play out. What does it mean to let it play out . It means we finally get some answers who was lightning, who was fudging emails, who was using the power of the surveillance to spy on innocent americans, which cannot happen again. Harris so jedidiah we were promised this report over and over and over. It will come in the summer. Oh, it will come before the election. These things take time. That is what we do know now. What are your topline thoughts about it . Jedidiah out, they do take time and remember we were all hit with the coronavirus, which you know, has put a dent in anybodys schedule. That is what they came out and said essentially. Durham is saying he needs more time and if he saying he needs more time, he is discovering things that needs to be looked into. This is something that everybody should care about for the reasons kennedy said. It will be detrimental for the Biden Administration to step in this because it would absolutely look like they were trying to cover something up. They were not introduce interesn transparency and let it play out and if criminal indictments to come. Lets learn the justification for this and let people feel their questions were answered because they clearly have not been as of yet. Adam schiff, by the way, the fact that he has a platform and i echo steve on this. He has lied repeatedly. He should not have a microphone at this point. Harris all right. I want to go to some breaking news right now. The health and Human Services said talking about operation warp speed vaccinations that you know were coming. I wont be able to stay throughout todays q a because of another and media engagement but i will be back next week for the full hour. But before i close, i would like to make a plea to individuals who have had covid19 and recovered. If you are within three months recovery of covid19, we need you to donate plasma. Over a quarter million courses up convalescent plasma have been used on your fellow americans to help prevent severe consequences from covid19. We unfortunately have so many individuals who have gotten covid19 and have recovered now, fortunately, but we need donations. Please contact your local american red cross, your local American Blood Bank or go to coronavirus. Gov for more information about how you can volunteer to be a donor and give the gift of life here and with that, i will turn things over to extremely capable hands, the doctor, who will lead the rest of this briefing and q a. I will see you at this briefing next week. Thank you very much, doctor. Thank you mr. Secretary. Just a few points to add that the secretary has provided. Very, very rich week in the new days of information. So on the Moderna Vaccine side of things, the final analysis has been completed with 94. 1 efficacy. Harris all right, so we have been dipping into a little bit of the operation warp speed news conference. You heard the hhs secretary alex azar had to leave for another immediate engagement but will be taking questions in the coming days. That is when you will finally get to see the action. I say finally. This has been warp speed, stars star trek style and people have now distribution questions and supporting the vote that came out, the recommendations they voted on in the cdc yesterday. So hhs, alex azar joined by others on the date of getting questions asked of them answered as they make more statements. You know, steve hilton is with us today. Steve, i think it is interesting. We did speak to the white house chief of staff mark meadows yesterday. The fda chief stephen hahn to talk to why the agency is not moving faster on the Covid Vaccine emergency authorization. You got some thoughts about that. Steve i think every american, harris, should be outraged of the behavior of the fda throughout this entire process. Through the Warp Speed Initiative that was remember initiated by the white house, President Trump doing something with his team there, its never been done before in history. To gather vaccine so quickly an incredible achievement. They have the fda at two stages, two vital stages slowing it down. They have slowed it down in september in order to delay the news of the vaccine until after the election. That was the politicalization by the fda. And even now more outrageously on the day where the u. K. Health system, a system i know very well, one of the most bureaucratic organizations you could ever see approved a vaccine made by u. S. Company pfizer appear that happen today. The u. K. Approved it. Our fda isnt even meeting until the end of next week to discuss approving it here. That is an outrage. Harris so when you say politicization of this back in september, i want im just going to ask what evidence we know for certain. If that is truly the case and this has been a rampup. I did see that with the u. K. And the first thing i saw this morning. Well, if they did it even with the time difference, we have an advantage to get it done today. Why isnt it happening, right . You know, steve, how do we know that is what it was in septemb september . Steve they put extra steps into the Clinical Trials. The people who are very involved in these processes, they were not justified. Silicon valley, pretty much the center of the biotech world in terms of developing these kind of things. They are mystified and cant think of any other explanation, especially when you look at the incredible coincidence that the news delayed days after the election. That is all in the past now. What we can do now is put pressure on the fda to get on with it. Emergency use authorization. If this is not an emergency come i dont know what is. Every single day that they delay will cost lives. That is on steve hawn and the fda. I dont know what he is still doing and his job with behavior like this through this process. We have to get on with it and waiting until the end of next week is completely unacceptable. Harris im hearing some head shakes. Currently, i will come to you. Carley well, steve is not the only person who has voice of concern. I have also heard a doctor stating that all the bureaucratic red tape is slowing down this fda process. But i think the overall picture is american achievement. The fact that in the same year we were hit with a pandemic, we have potentially three vaccines that will be able to cure it. And made by American Companies made possible by operation warp speed and sent incentivizing faxing creation and removing the red tape to get this vaccine so quickly. I also wonder if the fda expedited this process. And steve is sagging they slowed it down to a ridiculous level. But if they really approved it very quickly, would people trust the vaccine . There is a lot of conversation about that too. Harris and the Health Professionals have said yes, they would, because they are on the front lines in all of this. If you have 20 million doses and 1015000000 firefighters, Police Officers, you are starting to make a dent. By the way, that messaging to get people to trust, that has to come from everybody. It cant just come from the task force now. Kennedy come i know you have a thought. Kennedy bureaucrat to bureaucrat unfortunately. We have seen that with the fda and also mayors in denver and san jose. You are seeing it with the governor of california and one of the l. A. County supervisors. They are passing laws and making edicts that ruin peoples lives. Then you have someone in charge of the Largest Health bureaucracy, fda, withholding help which would get economies and families working and moving and thriving again. I dont understand why you would have a weeks delay or moments delay in this spirit because the science has shown an Clinical Trial after Clinical Trial have shown these vaccines are safe and ready, my god, ramp those emergency use forms so these companies can make the vaccine and give them to people who are most in need. Like we talked about yesterday. The fact that withholding, it is utter incompetence. Either that or he is a horrible person to make people languish with businesses that are failing or family members that cant see one another because they are locked away in nursing homes. It is completely heartless. Harris that is a binary choice nobody wants, you are either horrible at your job or a horrible person, wow i will make a prediction right right here, the biggest quote of the day. Can a cat, bureaucrats or bureaucrats. Kennedy true. Harris we are awaiting the start of a White House Briefing and sure to come up is the covid19 vaccine. We will have that for you once it begins live from the Briefing Room. And when will they learn . Kennedy just alluded to this and other Top Democrats saying what the rest of us cant do, how the hypocrisy is undercutting the message of safety. And getting their respect. It gave me peace of mind. Aging is a journey. You cant always know whats ahead. Since 1995, seniors have opened their doors to right at home for personalized care. To be their guide. To steer them through uncharted territory. And when it comes right down to it, to keep them safe at home. After all, home is the best place to be. Right at home. Navigating whats to come. Harris nl for the latest chapter of the game we like to play, oh, look, there is more covert hypocrisy. London breed dined at a fancy restaurant in napa valley last month a day after california Governor Newsom attended a birthday bash at the same restaurant. That landed him in the hot water because you know what the rules are. They dont include together without masts. And while the mayor did not violate local covid rules, it have violated the restriction she herself imposed on her city just three days later. Now mayor breed is warning harsher restrictions could be coming saying we have been worried for months, but now it is real. The truth is we have to take more restrictive action and it pains me to say that. Meanwhile the democratic mayor of california is apologizing for spending thanksgiving with his family in violation of state rule saying he will commit to do better. Commitment, doing better, steve. Steve i dont know im hearing in the thick of all of this unbelievable hypocrisy. There is when you did not mention, sheila, l. A. County supervisor. Harris yes, of course. Steve so angry. If you are putting peoples lives at risk to go to a restaurant even to do Outdoor Dining, literally within minutes she goes to the restaurant and does the exact same thing. It is someone raging. Yes, one level hypocrisy and that is something we can all get upset about. But you know what is the deep point here . Is what it really shows is that they themselves dont believe what they are saying. If it was really true that doing these things actually puts peoples lives at risk, they wouldnt be doing it because they would believe it themselves and they wouldnt do it. They are not evil people who want to put peoples lives at risk. If it is truly what they believe is right is what they are doing, that is what undermines the whole lockdown restrictions. Harris you know, jedidiah commit makes me think perhaps this is the behavior of the genesis for i dont have to because my stuff dont stink but yours does so follow the rules. Jedidiah that is exactly right. They feel entitled to behave in a way to have a good time and go to their birthday parties, go out to dinner, but you cant. The reaction of people in the community will be outraged because a lot of people on businesses that have been shut down. They are struggling to stay afloat and put food on the table for their families but they have to watch the mayor having a party. Also, they will say we are not following restrictions anyway. A lot of businesses around the country are saying we will open in violation of the rules. And the reason they are stating that is because they dont believe what is being told to them anymore. They feel like to and as steve said, the politicians if they really believe the stuff they would be concerned about the only opening up their own families. Wait a second, if im being lied to, you have to do something about it. I can afford to feed my family. I understand the reason for these restrictions, to be honest. I understand when you are in a city and hospitalizations are rising and you are worried they will not be enough hospital beds. I understand the logic we have to do something. Nobody wants to be a governor and mayor and on your watch have these hospital beds vanishing with a pandemic roll out of control. But you have to remember, there was not a lot of Science Behind these decisions when it comes to Outdoor Dining and school closures. The science does not add up. If you are going to feel passionately about something and impact a community, you better be following those rules yourself. Harris which is why mayor de blasio said he will reopen schools. You have to have science. By the way the president said that months ago. Lets move on. Former president obama is waiting in on the defund the Police Movement. How he says it could be hurting democrats and the pushback he is getting, wow. ua . 9 . nn[tsx ocoan0d8 some things are good to know. 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Kennedy welcome back so for 80 law upper servers have been trouble report fatally according to new statistics released by National Fraternal order of police. Meanwhile, the mayor of Seattle Jenny Durkan with a new city budget to reduce the Police Budget by 18 . That despite homicide reaching high not seen in a decade, and barack obama weighing in on the defund the Police Movement. And it is hurting democrats. I guess you can use like defund the police, but you know you lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely you will get the changes you want done. The key is deciding do you actually want to get something done . Or do you want to feel good among the people you already agree with . Kennedy do you want to make 100 billion from netflix . Ilhan omar is pushing back on the former president on twitter. She posted we lose people in the hands of police. It is not a slogan but a policy demand. And a demand for equitable investments and budgets for communities across the country get the progress and safety. Steve, slashing the Police Budgets in places like seattle where homicides are on the rise. Does that equal safety in progress . Steve it is exactly the opposite of that. This is the most disgusting. And this is ridiculous rhetoric but puts people at risk and the very people that these politicians like ilhan omar claim to defend. Put their lives most at risk, minneapolis you mentioned they defunded the Police Exactly in line with the slogan. Months later the rise in violent crime. They were literally importing Police Officers from other jurisdictions because they had cut their own budget. And it could have been helpful for obama to make these points at the time instead of waiting after the election and seeing the political consequences. Kennedy harris, did they go too far . If they were seeking police reform, did they go too far with what James Clybourn has said about slogan hearings . Harris of course they did and james clyburn, by the way helped deliver the black vote that got the president elect through primary process, right . He said this and representative, blue dog democrat in texas stop using that phrase defund the police. You are not helping in districts. We love the police and certain things. Dont say that. Come up with other ways. Yes, these are people of color. Of course they went too far with the slogan. I mean, but look at the pushback. You have ilhan omar. You have alexandria ocasiocortez come at those two congresswomen i think it will sw everybody something up on the screen in a moment. I dont want to steal that to make that go a different direction for you, but look, all of this matters because remember joe biden said this is his party now. I dont hear his voice as loudly as i hear the voices of the other people who say it is their party. The progressives. And particularly on this issue. Kennedy and you hear the former president weighing in. Harley, it wasnt a huge surprise to hear joe manchin say defund my in response to aoc and they have been an ongoing twitter war which shows the two factions of the democrat party. So who wins here, carley . Carley well, lets hope defund the Police Movement dies out because as steve said, it is extremely dangerous. And the only way it will because progressives are energized on this. For ilhan omar to pushback in that way against a former president shows how truly energized and how deeply they believe in this very dangerous idea. But it is no coincidence as these Police Department budgets go down, the crime rate is going up. And the most tragic thing to come out of all of this seattle voting to cut the Police Budget by 18 . Two people were stabbed in seattle. One was a social worker and the plan is to replace police with social workers. So that one to me is not going to work out. Kennedy they may have missed the window by overshooting the mark. Just minutes from now white house White House Press secretary Kayleigh Mcenany will take questions from reporters. We will bring you that press briefing. It will be fiery so keep it right here. So we only pay for what we need. Its pretty cool. That is cool grandma very cool. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. [whats this . ] oh, are we kicking karly out . We live with at t. It was a lapse in judgment. At t, we called this house meeting because you advertise gigspeed internet, but we cant sign up for that here. Yeah, but im just like warming up to those speeds. Youve lived here two years. The personal attacks arent helping, karly. Dont you have like a hot pilates class to get to or something . [ muffled scream ] stop living with at t. Xfinity can deliver gig to the most homes. Harris we are awaiting a White House Briefing that we are told will set take place at any moment. Fox has learned that they have raised 75 million over the past month as the battle over those two Georgia Senate runoff seats is redhot. The results of next months contest will determine which party will control the u. S. Senate. President trump is set to campaign in georgia this saturday for the g. O. P. Incumbents. Trump former Campaign Manager Brad Parscale said those incumbent should repeal appealed to georges handling of the november election. I would take all of those republicans in georgia angry at the Republican Party and they are met and dont want to vote. I would do the opposite and watching two senators with big problems right now you will push for Senate Investigations of Judiciary Committee of all these issues. Do that and i bet you all those people show up. Harris lightning round no now, jedidiah, i come to you. Jedidiah these two runoffs are incredibly important for the Republican Party. Obviously, this is your chance to be check and balance on the Biden Administration. There has been a lot of concern. You see Ronna Mcdaniel facing questions where if decided already were rigged, do i need to vote . That is something coming up. What you are having now the institution of Republican Party coming out and saying, you need to get out here appear this is not decided. Your vote matters and this is incredibly important and explaining why. Republicans in georgia who want to make an impact and want that check and balance on all the policies that potentially could come through a Biden Administration, this is a chance to make your voice is if indu helmick they do come in fact wat that check. Harris kennedy. Kennedy i think that is actually not a bad piece of advice. But im interested to see what the president is going to say this weekend in his rally on saturday. I will definitely be watching because i want to see how he lands this plane. He is somewhere between massive widespread voter fraud and wanting to help these two senators across the finish line to make sure republicans maintain control of at least one chamber of congress. Hes got some work to do. He really does have to swear some of his own statements. It will be an insane rally. Harris steve. Steve i think the great idea from brad Brad Parscale to connect these issues and see if you vote for the senators and keep control of the senate, we will have a proper investigation into all of these massive late changes of the Voting System people are suspicious about peer that is good advice. Kennedy is right. We will watch the president in charge of the debate between Kelly Loeffler and her opponent sunday evening. We will be covering it on the next revolution on sunday too. Harris of course you will be there and we will be they are too with corn popped and ready to go, carley. Carley this election is almost important. The election in georgia almost as important as the president ial election and the balance of power. You have to look at where motivation lies, if he loses legal challenges the democrats win the white house and republicans feel angry and that piece of the puzzle can push these two republican candidates over the finish line. Harris no doubt, all of this will come up. We are told the top of the hour, looking there as soon as possible to Kayleigh Mcenany comes out. We will take it live and days away from potentially crucial debate between the Senate Runoff challenges Ralph Warnock and Kelly Loeffler. We have been talking about it. And Martha Makela with special coverage ahead of that debate sunday night starting at 6 45 ad you can catch it on fox news. And i want to thank everybody on the panel today. Steve mentioned friday night coverage he will give on the revolution, this will be americas first chance relate to zone in on the Senate Runoff, which is fascinating because we just came out of a landmark election where so many people voted and now we are focused again on an important state, and i will see you on the flip side of this commercial with White House Press briefing. Its at the press Briefing Room where theres site to begin at any moment as the legal team has stepped up claims of fraud in the 2020 election. Youre watching outnumbered overtime, im harris faulkner. The president s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, said to testify before the michigan House Oversight committee but that happens later this afternoon. The Trump Campaign is contesting Election Results in several key battleground states. Its not

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