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Ties with israel. The president , who helped broker both agreements, expects others to follow suit. Pres. Trump we made a deal with uae, then bahrain came in and we have many others going to be coming in over a short period of time. The palestinians will come in, too. You will have peace in the middle east. This is outnumbered, im harris faulkner. Here today, melissa francis, host of kennedy on fox business kennedy, executive director of serve america and Fox News Contributor marie and joining us in the Virtual Center seat, Washington Times opinion editor and Fox News Contributor charlie hurt. I mentioned history to be made this hour and were all here for it. Well get to everybody in a moment, i want to first go to chief White House Correspondent john roberts, he is there on the lawn. John, what is the very latest . John good afternoon from the south lawn of the white house. Hundreds of people are assembled for the signing of what is known as the Abraham Accords. The president is with israelis Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I can see the adem bell assem pools. Here is how it will unfold on the south balcony behind the president ial seal, there is a podium. President trump will come up and speak and israelis Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will speak and then the foreign minister from the United Arab Emirates, the brother of defactor leader, and foreign minister of bahrain will speak and come down and sign the Abraham Accords. This is a watershed moment in the history of the middle east, maybe not as significant as camp david accord in 1978, which established peace between egypt and israel after fighting several wars against each other or joe jordan and israel in 199. Normalization of relations is a very important one and part of the strategy, the president has of surrounding palestinians with peace or normalization agreements to force them to the table. The were seeing reaction to that in the gaza and west bank where hamas and fatah say they have to present a united front against what is happening in the arab world here. The president is banking eventually the palestinians will see the writing on the wall and say we have to come to the table, as well. As much as this is normalization of relations in diplomatic and trade, military component to it. The United Arab Emirates really wants United States built f35 fighters. This morning on fox and friends, President Trump said he would be happy to sell them to them. Listen to what he said. Pres. Trump i know the leader very well mohammad, i would have no problem selling to them. Tremendous jobs at home. Talking about a large number of planes, reasonably large number of planes, not the biggest. John the f35 comes in various configurations it is most advanced fighter and the thought of United Arab Emirates having f35s gives israel heartburn. It is likely in the conversation going on right now in the oval office between the president and Benjamin Netanyahu, that may be a slight point of contention. Overall, harris, what we will see is history unfold for the fourth time since the creation of israel, normalization of relations between israel and two arab neighbors. Quite a day. Harris the beautiful part of what you are describing, no matter how chippy it gets over fighter jets, they are having the conversations right now, Just Moments Away perhaps signing a peace deal. So already the ground is changing. John roberts, thank you so very much, well come back as the news warrants. Bring back the virtual couch and welcome in a special guest, the former israelis ambassador to the united nations, ambassador dan gilerman, live frtel aviv. How does this change not Just Relationships and friendships, but also economics. You heard our correspondent john roberts talking there and the military expectations in the region . Dan this is a watershed moment and as you all know, we all anxiously awaiting a vaccine against covid19. I hope it will be available soon, but what were witnessing today is actually a vaccine against war in the middle east. It is indeed a very significant move, which i believe will prevent any further wars because what were witnessing today is significant representatives of the arab and muslim world who have finally realized that israel is not their enemy, the threat does not emanate from jerusalem, but from tehran. They have made the wise choice to align with israel in order to together, not only face the threat of the extremists in tehran, but make the most of incredible capabilities we all have in this region. This will lead to tremendous Economic Cooperation to innovation, to creativity, it will help both all countries involved, both bahrain and the United Arab Emirates and i hope others will follow, especially the saudis and maybe others and we will actually witness a new reality in the middle east. It is a very, very important day and it is also changing the paradigm because until recently the arab world said we will not make peace with israel, not normalize relations, but the palestinians have yet again proved that they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, they could have accepted the president s peace plan and they could have embarked on a on peace with israel. Instead, they keep saying no and at the end of the day, their arab neighbors, who want to live in peace and make the most of the great resources we all have, have decided to make peace with israel, normalize relations. I think it is significant economically, militarily, im not that happy about the f35 being available to the emirates not because i am afraid they will use them against israel, proximity to the iranians and threat of Technology Finding way to iranian hands. Im sure the president and this Administration Issue as the u. S. Always has, will make sure israel maintains kwathe age militarily, we live in fragile and unpredictable region. This is a great day and hopefully a vaccine against war. Harris amen. Melissa ambassador, this is melissa francis. If i could ask about the approach, the president has taken a completely different, very patient and very deliberate approach. He started out moving the embassy, his next step made sure and emphasized to the world that the u. S. Is energyindependent, therefore shifting that dependence on the region. Then he started to make deals with the players around the perimeter, rather than as you pointed out, starting with the palestinians or iranians, we will make other deals around the region in order to maybe isolate the palestinians and by extension, the iranians and have everybody else sort of benefiting from the ties from the economic ties, from the normalization. Do you think that this approach in the longterm will be more effective . Others obviously had what looked like very significant peace deals that didnt hold together, do you think this has more staying power, sir . Dan yes, i do believe that this is here to stay and i do believe that this is a very wise and very original, but thoughtful new strategy by the president. As you said, time and time again, for years, u. S. Administrations and israelis administrations have tried to bring the israelis and palestinians together. We were very near who at the last minute walked away from them. I think the president realized that the middle east as the whole world is changing, people dont want wars and conflicts anymore. People want to live in peace and make the most of their resources, to give their people a better life and to be arab and the arab and Muslim States have realized real fight is supremacy in their region, between two countries that are not arab, that is turkey and iran. They have decided to take fate into their own hands and to agree to the president s strategy, which says we will now recognize israel. We will normalaize relations with israel. We will enter into Economic Cooperation and other cooperations with israel and at the end of the day, what theyre really saying to the palestinians is enough is enough. You have had your chance, weve always tried to perfect you and look after your interest, but saying no time and time again is not the answer. The real answer, palestinians should have yes, but, and then maybe we could have embarked on some kind of understanding. Now that the other arab and Muslim States and especially the emirates in bahrain and i hope others, including saudi arabia, will follow, have created a situation where the palestinians understand they have been left behind, that the real interest of their breathren is to live i peace and normalcy and improve the standard of living of their people. If the palestinians dont hurry up and join this train, which has already left the station, but maybe there will be a station on the way where they can jump on it, they would be making a huge mistake because they will be left alone and all theyll have at their disposal is the horrible terror, gangs of hamas and hezbollah, who at the end of the day are making the lives of palestinians worse and the palestinians really care about their people, they should join those other enlightened mother arab states and say okay, lets do it together. And im sure that if they do, this indeed will be the end result of what i do believe is a very, very successful strategy by the president , by the administration, by jared kushner, who i understand played a major role in it. I salute all of them for the effort. It didnt look like it had a great chance at the beginning, but today at the white house we are truly witnessing history and witnessing a new chapter and indeed a new middle east. Harris with that former israelis ambassador to the United States, ambassador gillerman, you find a way to tell us what the stakes are and hearing you almost directly talk to those not at the table for this, you said, i quote you, the palestinians who never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity, tough words, tough love not to be missed. There is a lot going on, we appreciate you joining us live from israel. Night time your time and always the right time to have you, a pleasure to have you part of the show. Thank you, sir. Dan thank you very much, great to be with you. Harris charlie, i come to you first, you know, there are a couple things you really cant miss and when you look at the moment and we heard john roberts talk about, you know, egypt in 1978 and jordan in 1994, these are the third and fourth arab states now to normalize relations with israel. So the list is short, these moments are always big. But ive heard you point out that we arent seeing as much coverage of this asa we should. Is that still the case and why do you feel that is significant to say today . John well, any discussion about the coverage we see of anything that goes on these days has to sort of center around President Trump and i think a lot of people in the media are loathed to give credit for anything. The New York Times tried to dismiss this Development Today as some sort of a gift from Benjamin Netanyahu to President Trump in an Election Year as if Benjamin Netanyahu hasnt fought for peace for his country for his entire political career. It is stinginess we see. President trumps critics are always going into hysterics about how he does things differently, they dont like who he talks to, how he talks, but this right here is the fruit of somebody doing something differently. Melissa pointed out earlier, hes willing to reinvent the wheel here. Two other points are important. One is in reinventing the wheel, first thing he did was stop kowtowing and getting into bed with iran and stop giving them billions of dollars of palettes of cash. Iran is state terrorism, not good idea to give them money befriend them to seek peace, that will not work. The second important point, this kind of success begets success. When you develop a real economy in the middle east that israel is the sort of a linchpin in, that opens up an opportunity for others to come out into the light of peace and if that happens and the media can be fair about it, President Trump will go down in history as a one of the great master minds of peace in the world. Again, if he gets credit for it. Harris yeah, you know, history has a way of looking back and seeing it irrespective of what was going on and maybe the hearts and minds of the people tweeting, so on and so forth. Well hope history gets it right. 1978 and 1994 were important, not everybody can tell you how normalization of israel came about, but can tell you significance of them. Kennedy, i dont know if you caught it, Jared Kushners name coming from the mouth of ambassador gillerman, former ambassador for israel at the u. N. Im wondering when you talk about reinventing the wheel and having different voices at the table, now if there is more clarity around what jared kushner, the president s soninlaw and Senior Advisor might have been doing in the middle east. There were criticisms and questions and so on and so forth, are we seeing anything clearer today . Kennedy obviously hes one of the president s most trusted advisors. He does think nontraditionally in a way we havent seen typical establishmentarians operate within the white house and his work here and on criminal Justice Reform have been very fruitful. Another thing the ambassador also said, he mentioned saudi arabia and getting saudi arabia onboard and capitalizing on their fomo, could be something that really brings about stability and peace through prosperity in the middle east. Because what they are going to see is the United States now that our economies are inextrickably linked with canada and mexico this, is the western world. These are consumers. We move into postfossil fuel age, saudi arabia is going to have to modernize at least economically, they see other countries doing business with israel, doing business with the west, they know they are in danger of being left behind. Harris nothing speaks as loud as the economics of a situation as we bear down 49 days away from an election and people say always it is the economy and now a few other things. Marie, as i come to you, having been at the state department, this is a day that both sides of the political aisle want. I would imagine it is a day we all can celebrate in. What do you think is the way that history for democrats in particular, will look back on this day and say, this happened, this happened. How will they see it through a political lens . Well, democrats and republicans have been pressing gulf states to recognize israel, that should have been done decades ago, we had seen over past years quiet discussion between the gulf states, including saudi arabia and israel. Thought it was extraordinary to hear the israelis ambassador openly embrace relationship with saudi arabia, a country with huge antisemitic history and current tone in many ways. But harris, what this shows, the arab states who were united in supporting the palestinians in helping them work to get a homeland, now care more about iran and the palestinians, a people without a state, a people whose land in the west bank in gaza has been increasingly taken over by israeli settlements today, were at a place where while they were negotiating with israel, more and more of the land they have been living on has been taken. I think the iranian threat is important and israel and gulf states standing together economically and militarily against the threat is very important. We are left today with a group of people, human beings who have no rights, no representative government, who are still under occupation and no plan, no pressure from the arab side, to advance that peace process. And so, i think that is one of the things well be looking for going forward, that the arab states may have economic ties with israel, certainly, but the palestinians are the ones who are left out here in an increasingly perilous situation and well see if approximate there is any ability to get them to the table. Im dubious of that. Harris yeah. The former israelis ambassador we just had on, gillerman was saying the same thing, speaking directly to anybody who might carry that message to those watching today from afar or wanting to know the news from afar that comes out of this. You know, there is still hope to come to the table, but you got to take the first step. Were watching the situation. The israelis Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu just wrapped up talking with the president. As the remarks come live, we can show you via tape. Stay with us. If your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. 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We want to bring you bilateral meeting with the uae foreign minister, now normalized populations with israel, only third country to do that in the history of israels young life. Arab state to do that with them. And then also bahrain, earlier today, the president holding a bilateral meeting with Bahrain Foreign minister, too, we hope to bring it to you. Well start here with the uae foreign minister. Lets watch together. Pres. Trump domestic friends, it is our honor to have you leading the path, leading the way. Your country is a great country with a great leader and a warrior and smart, respected all over the world. So this was a natural and having you be signing and doing the agreement today, so in 72 years, they have done two agreements and weve done two, as you know, in the period of a month. I will say, because of your leadership and because the fact you are leading the way, we have many countries in your region and your part of the world that will be quickly signing up also. They frankly would have been here today, if we wanted it to happen, but will be signing others. This could lead to peace, real peace in the middle east for the first time. Weve taken a very different path. You could say a backdoor, i call it a smart door, not a backdoor. This was a vision i had a long time ago, we had some incredible representatives. I want to thank everybody here because representation was brilliant. We watched as we were criticized for going this path and it just all came together and now the same people that criticized, they will find Something Else to criticize. We have other things equally as good, worldwide very important. It is an honor to have you here, say hello to your family and your brother and the people we so respect. Thank you very much. Israeli pm netanyahu mr. President , we are humbled to represent a nation, which is only 48 years old, but wants to attract more hope in our region. Our region has suffered far too long and we would like to show our people and our region and the world, that there is some good news from our part of the world. I mean, this is one and all it is good work weve been doing for decades, mr. President , with your great nation. Weve been the strongest trading partner of the United States in the middle east. We want to continue doing so in all fields. This is a clear message that more should be done between the United States and the uae, but now we can do it with more nations, with israel and so many more. Thank you, sir, for your leadership and if it wasnt for that, it would have been far more difficult for all of us to achieve. Pres. Trump oh, i understand that, something we felt strongly about and being friends with you, your brother, your family, you made it happen and we appreciate it. I think your country appreciates it and the world appreciates it. Thank you very much, it is really great. Any questions . What message would you like to tell sir . Pres. Trump i think they see what is happening, a lot of countries are joining us. We dont make payments to them, we are paying a lot to the palestinians every year. We were not being treated properly, they were not saying nice things for many years and nobody has ever done this before. I stopped payment, it is a term used for a lot of things. We stopped payment f. They are not going to respect us or speak well of us, we are not going to be involved. They, i think, are seeing what is happening and weve been given strong signals they would like to be part of what is upon haing. Well see the palestinians at some point, before we do, we will see other important countries come into the transaksz, they would be here today if we wanted them. You will see great things happening in the middle east. You can have peace without blood in the sand. For years you had blad in the sand, all you had, blood in the sand. You got nothing for it. They got nothing for it. Now you can have peace, it will be a real peace. You have the most powerful countries, as an example, the great warring nation, if it wants to be with tremendous military, powerful military and they are really great warriors. It was very important that we had you and had great talks with saudi arabia, with the king and i think hes going to be terrific, has aa very open mind. Ive had very personal talks with the king and the crown prince and i think their mind is very hope very much, i think they will come along really well. So it is an honor to be here, well have a ceremony outside. And i want to say that being the first, you were the first. Being the first was very important that you be the first for us because you are leading a path, leading a way, it is something people were very surprised at. I will say, even the biggest optimists were shocked when they heard about this transaction and shocked in a very positive way. I want to thank you for making it all happen. Thank you very much. Mr. President critical of this and [indiscernible] last 24 hours will you be extending any security guarantees pres. Trump well, we are working together and will see what happens with iran. I would say right after the election, within a period of a week, maybe a month, in the peri period, short period, within maybe, literally a very short time, youll have iran coming back and saying, lets get this whole thing worked out. Iran is suffering. I dont want them to suffer, but their economy has tanked. They have a minus 27 gdp, nobody ever heard a number like that. I think it is perhaps a record setter. But they are down 27 . And i think they want to make a deal, would rather deal with Sleepy Joe Biden than me. We are going to make a deal and i will make a fair deal. I suggested, wait until after the election, make yourself feel good. Well see what happens with iran. I think iran will end up being a part of a very large and very difficult part of the world. The middle east has been a very complex, difficult part of the world. Were making it easier, making it a lot simpler. I think right after our election, the american election, if we win, well have a deal with iran. I think well make a deal with iran. Mr. President , what do you expect other countries and regions to follow the uae lead and normalize relagszs with israel . And which countries are encouraging that . Pres. Trump i dont want to say the countries, but we have many of them, coming along very rapidly, some before the lksz, perhaps, but a lot of them after. In that case, they wont wait for the lksz, just the case of getting it done. They are very excited about being a part of this. Some would have been a part of it today, in my opinion, if we wanted to. We didnt want to press it and we wanted to give you dignity ez and respect because you were the first one and we have bahrain here, as you know and bahrain is signing today, also. We have a list of whos who, theyll be signing the deal and it is incredible thing happening. Israel and the middle east has come a long way. It is good for everyone, not just israel. Great for your country, great for your country. And so it is an honor to be here, so well received all over the world. Its been a real honor. Thank you very much, well see you outside. Harris the president with the first to come on board with his idea for peace in the middle east. You saw the sheik and minister of Foreign Affairs honored to be here and of course, next on the list after uae and bahrain and right now the Prime Minister of israel, who just met with the president , as well, in bilateral, get to see first reactions as this is coming together. We are just a short time away from the signing ceremony. Lets watch as Benjamin Netanyahu and the president of the United States talk peace. Pres. Trump this was a special token of affection given by myself and the first lady to Prime Minister and the first lady of israel and its a key. We call it a key to the white house. It is a key to our country and to our hearts and you have been an amazing leader for a long period of time. This is in many respects, the big day this, is something that is very special and we just left uae and bahrain, well meet outside in a ceremony and it is just a very important event. It is an honor to have you with us, thank you very much israeli pm netanyahu thank you, mr. President. I said, and this is true, you have the key to the hearts of the people of israel because all the great things you have done for the jewish state and the jewish people. Thank you, thank you. Pres. Trump thank you very much. Fantastic. We look forward to being outside. Yes, please, any questions. [indiscernible] israel is getting a lot, what is israeli pm netanyahu this is Israeli Press that wants to chip away at this. Pres. Trump i think what really israel is getting and what were all getting, but what israel is getting is peace. They are going to have peace. As you know, uae, United Arab Emirates, is a great warring nation, a very powerful nation in the region and they very much wanted to do this. Mohammad is a tremendous leader. It is important to have them first very early and the relationship is fantastic and a lot of people are surprised to see it and as you know, we have bahrain and we have many nations ready to follow, many nations. No, not now i wont. You will see, we will sign up other nations. These are strong agreements. This is peace, this is serious peace. And so i think what israel gets, most important thing they are getting by far is peace. [indiscernible] pres. Trump excuse me, one at a time, please. Which one . The one in the white. Pres. Trump in the white, go ahead. Thank you. Which countries will be following the emirates will be announced, yeah, very far down the road with five countries, five additional countries, frankly we could have had them here today. Out of respect, uae deserved it and bahrain came immediately after, they really wanted to do it. Well have five or six countries coming along very quickly and were already talking to them, they want to see peace. They have been fighting for a long time. They are tired. They are warring countries, they are tired of fighting. You are going to be seeing further announcements, this is a very big day. I guess they said two countries over 72year period and we did additional two and these are great countries, an additional two in one month. 29 days. Pres. Trump youll see a lot of great activity. It is going to be peace in the middle east. Pres. Trump we will work that out, that is going to be an easy thing. We fought with uae, four times, four different wars, they have been loyal to us, we have a better relationship with them now than we ever had in the past. In the past, it was very strained, we have a Good Relationship with them. All of that works out, that is going to be easy to work out. [indiscernible] israel isolated today than last week. Mr. President , you can answer that question, as well. Pres. Trump i think israel is not ice latsed anymore. I can tell you, two countries, plus additional two, you know from many, many years ago and now you have a situation where many of the countries and i can actually say most of the countries, many of the countries want to sign this deal. When that happens, hopefully after the election, i believe iran wants to make a deal, they have had a very tough time. Their gdp is down 27 because of the sanctions and all of the other things and i dont want that to happen. I want iran to be a great country, great nation, that would be a wonderful thing. I think and ive said to representatives of them. You should wait to see the election first. There is nothing they or china or probably russia would like to do than have Sleepy Joe Biden become the president , then they would own the United States, all of them. China would own the United States. I told all of them, wait until after the election, aftera the election, we do have to make a better deal, i do say that, a better deal than we would have. Iran should certainly wait until after the election. If biden wins, theyll make a better deal. I will make a good deal with iran, great for iran, it will get them back, it will help them in every way possible and iran will be very happy. Iran will be very rich and very quickly, but i think they should wait until after the election, you understand what i mean by that, because dream for those countries would be sleepy joe. Say it. Broker a deal with the palestinians . Pres. Trump yeah, i think they come along, they are already, obviously we speak to them. They have come a long way. We used to pay them their 750 million a year, when i got here, i said to people that negotiated with them before, why did you pay when they treat the United States with such disrespect, they speak so badly. Death to america. Death to israel. I said we give them 750 million a year, why didnt somebody cut off those payments . Well, we didnt think it would be appropriate. Well, i do and we cut off the payments. Other countries give them money, you are dealing with rich countries. The countries are signing with us all of them will be siebed with us. I spoke to the king of saudi arabia, we had a great conversation. I think positive things will happen there, too, hes a great gentleman and the crown prince, we spoke with the crown prince. Weve made tremendous strides and this is peace in the middle east without blood all over the sand. Is say it. Right now its been blood all over the sand for decades and decades and daek eds. All they do, fight and kill people and nobody gets anything. This is strong peace, really strong peace, and it is a different way. We went in the backdoor, i call it the smart door. We are getting people and the palestinians will absolutely be a member. I dont say that with any bravado, the palestinians will be a member at the right time. At the right time. Will they have your peace . Pres. Trump were working a deal, we are talking to the palestinians. At the right time, theyll be joining too. As long as you are president pres. Trump we dont want to talk about that right now, that is working out fair and good for the people that are coming in and for israel. And again, israel wants peace and theyre a great warring nation, they have to be. They have the best equipment, best of everything. They dont want this, after all these years, even bibisp gets td of war. They are strong military, power, military nation. They want to get on with their lives. Israel wants peace. They really want peace. I give this gentleman a great deal of credit, done a great job. Israeli pm netanyahu thank you. Mr. President , i heard a question from someone here. Does israel feel isolated . Heck no. Were breaking out to the entire world because we have a strong free economy, strong military, a strong relationship with the president of the United States and the american people. And i can tell you that we have a strong relationship throughout the middle east. The president intimated how many countries are waiting to join this circle of peace. Israel doesnt feel isolated at all tis enjoying the greatest diplomatic triumph of its history. I think the people who feel isolated are the tyrants of tehran because of the pressure that the president has applied on them, because of resistance to this bad iran deal. They are under pressure, i hope they will all come around. I hope everyone will come to the circle of peace. No, we dont feel isolated at all. Quite the contrary. Pres. Trump i would say this, there is less isolation for israel than there has ever been. Today they would be less isolated than ever been. Thank the great ambassador, thank you. How do you feel about isolation . I think you are starting to see the light, huh . Imagine what will happen if this is what isolation looks like. Pres. Trump thats good, we love israel. I tell you what, we have Great Respect for the countries that have stepped up so beautifully. You will see that in a little while, were having a ceremony. Thank you for being here. Thank you very much. Harris right now, there are simultaneous events on the screen, you saw the wrapping up of the bilateral between the United Arab Emirates foreign minister and the president inside the oval office and now we move to this live scene just outside, this is the south fortico. Remember from john roberts reporting, they will set up a leaern and walk there. They are wrapping up, we can see the live action with the president. You see the Foreign Ministers there joining the israelis Prime Minister, Foreign Ministers for bahrain and the uae, we just heard from tuae foreign ministe, who is holding a bilateral with the president. Abopportunity to hear from the third and fourth arab states only in the history of the 48 years that israel has been a state. Egypt, jordan were the first two. Its been decades since they joined to have normalized relationships with israel. 1978 for egypt. 1994 for jordan and now in 2020, with President Trump, two more countries coming onboard. A couple of breaking news points to let you know about. Much of the time that the president was talking on tape there, moments ago, with Benjamin Netanyahu, the u. S. House speaker, pelosi was raising her issues about what is happening today. Saying that the u. S. Sale of f35 aircraft to the uae says israel can maintain military edge in the middle east. She goes on to say that again this is speaker of the house talking while this simultaneously is going on with her criticism of it saying it is critically important or questions about it, to understand the details on israels announced freeze on west bank annexation. This via reuters and associated press, some words off the hill from the speaker of the house. You heard the president include saudi arabia, as not just a possibility, but he believes they will come onboard. He says hes been having continued conversations with the king and crown prince and he quotes, their minds are very open to coming onboard, meaning they would also normalize relations. Now think about that. Think about whether or not there would be other arab states in that part of the world and where that would leave the palestinians, who you heard the former ambassador to the u. N. , who joined us off the top of the hour, ambassador gillerman tells us the palestinians need to get in on this. If their neighbors begin to form a future that doesnt include them and they need to be part of that future, getting onboard later and later is going to become more complicated for them. Im paraphrasing him, that was the jest of what he was talking about. History being made today, you cant miss it because it is military, as you see, and even ambassador gillerobberingman said, he has his discomfort with the f35 fighter jets being sold to the uae. He said, he doesnt worry about them, he worries about iran somehow getting its hands on those materials and iran is such a big deal in this whole picture. What weve been talking about this hour is laying out of these countries choosing peace and wanting to be able to formalize a path Forward Together should iran start to to even more provocative things than they already have in the region. The virtual couch is with me today. Charlie hurt, i come to you, weve seen big moments already. Yes, indeed, great to hear Speaker Pelosi is concerned about israels security, but gee, i wonder where that concern was when the Previous Administration sent palettes of cash to israels mortal enemy that vowed to wipe israel off the map . Also, i dont know what shes thinking wandering into all that as this ser moan seunderway at the white house. One of the things that triggers trumps opponents more than anything else is he likes to measure things. And that line about how weve had two only twice since 1948, have we seen such agreements such as this. Now here he is ushering in two of them. Thats a great line for him and well hear that a lot between now and the election. The other thing that is crucial, hes continue this without launching a single war in the middle east. And hes done this without sending a single palette of cash to terrorists in the middle east. Those are really, really, really historic and important points that well be hearing over the next five weeks. Harris you know, marie harf, also with us today. Marie, well set the politics that we sometimes will debate here on the program, aside and lock into your experience at the state department to talk about what happens next. At that venue, as you see this peace accord, two of them getting ready to be signed, were seeing in the center of the screen, that walkway that, balcony, that south portico balcony is where the gentlemen will go and the peace accord signing will happen. Marie, what are next steps, protocol at the state department at this point . Marie harris, it was interesting, President Trump mentioned five other countries in the region that may be talking about normalizing relations with israel and determine which five those were. I think that is the next step. Normalizing relations between arab gulf states and israel is very important. And going back to something i said earlier, the idea of saudi arabia, who in their School Textbooks to this day teaches incredibly antisemitic teachings to students. The idea that saudi arabia might normalize relations with israel is a really big deal. I think the state department will be focused on these pieces of it. I also think there will be discussions with israel about how much military support the u. S. Should be giving arab gulf states. We heard israelis ambassador on this program display hez tensszh hezbollah hesitancy. Military between the United States and gulf states because they may be friends today, but there is a lot of water under that bridge. I think negotiating arms deals with gulf states and how the israelis feel about that is a key component of what the state department and Defense Department will be doing next because there are a lot of thorny issues there and it is always u. S. Policy that israel maintain qualitative military edge in the region and that anything we sell to the arab gulf states not upset that balance. That is very important to israel, very important to democrats and republicans putting politics aside. Harris we will continue the conversation, the live event playing out, we want to Pay Attention to, they are starting to announce arrival of dignitaries, you see the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump there and that is sara netanyahu, wife of the Prime Minister. They were greeted hours ago and we can see all four with both th husbands on the south portico, as well. They are getting ready to take their seats. As this comes into play, we dont want to get lost in the moment and miss the entrances of people as they announce them. We may not be able to hear all of it, we certainly know who they are. Melissa, i come to you, you have been in this region and understand better than pretty much anybody ive ever met about the economics of what is happening. Melissa so thank you that, is kind of you to say. It is the gulf nations, those are the ones who tend to cooperate through opec, the ones, as well, who could coordinate the best with the u. S. , easiest approach, they were the middle man in a lot of different ways and i watched these kind of conversations go on through opec, through the gulf naegszs. It was brilliant of the president to try that approach first tochlt go to these almost, i mean, they would be considered peace makers, although peace is not something this region is known for. It is a brilliant way to start and to maries point, that is also the brilliance of the president he would mention here something that would be upsetting to israel, he is going to have harris melissa, i will step in and lets listen to the president of the United States. [cheering] pres. Trump thank you very much. Please, thank you. The first lady and i are honored to welcome to the white house, Prime Minister netanyahu of israel and mrs. Netanyahu. Thank you so much. Thank you, sara. [applause] pres. Trump and foreign minister abdullah, United Arab Emirate emirates, uae, thank you very much. And foreign minister of bahrain, thank you. Thank you very much. Were here this afternoon to change the course of history, after decades of division and conflict we mark dawn of new middle east. Thanks to great courage of the leaders of these three countries, we take a major stride toward a future in which people of all faiths and background live together in peace and prosperity. In a few moments these visionary leaders will sign the first two peace deals between israel and the arab state in more than a quarter century. In israels entire history, previously been only two such agreements, now we have achieved two in a single month and there are more to follow. [applause] pres. Trump israel, the United Arab Emirates and bahrain will establish embassies, Exchange Ambassadors and begin the cooperate and Work Together so strongly to cooperate as partners across the broad range of sectors from tourism to trade and healthcare to security to going to Work Together. They are friends. The Abraham Accords also open the door for muslims around the world to visit the Historic Sites in israel and to peacefully pray at the mosque in jerusalem, the third holiest site . Islam. [applause] pres. Trump together these agreements serve as foundation for comprehensive peace across the entire region, something which nobody thought was possible, certainly not in this day and age, maybe in many decades from now. But one founded on shared interest, Mutual Respect and friendship to honored guests from israel, the United Arab Emirates and bahrain. Congrat populations on this outstanding achievement. Congrat populatiulations. [applause] pres. Trump i also want to thank Vice President mike pence. Thank you, mike, great job. Secretary of state, mike pompeo, mike, thank you very much. National security advisor, robert obrien. Robert, thank you. Mr. Jared kushner, jared, thank you very much. Ambassador brian hook, thank you very much, brian. Thank you. Thank you. And abi berkowitz. Special thanks, hes been an credible ambassador, david freedman. Thats a very great group of people, great group of patriots. They wanted this to happen so badly, they worked so hard. Nobody thought it could happen, they never doubted it. Thank you all so much. Thank you. To generations, people of middle east have been held back by old hostility, lies, treachery, so many things held them back. Lies that the jews and arabs were enemies and that the mosque was under attack constantly, they would say it was under attack. The lies passed down from generation to generation fuelled cycle of terror and violence that spread across the region and all over the world. These agreements prove the nations of the region are breaking free from failed approaches of the past. Todays signing sets historiy on a new course and there will be other countries very, very soon that will follow these great leaders. The people of middle east will no longer allow anger of israel for radicalism or extremism. So important. They will no longer allow the great destiny of the region to be denied. My first foreign trip as president , i had the honor of addressing leaders of more than 54 arab and muslim nations in saudi arabia. My message that day was very simple, i urged the nations of the middle east to set aside differences, unite against common economy of civilization and Work Together toward nobel aim of security and prosperity. I offered americas friendship, offered americas help. But i said clearly the nations of the region had to decide what kind of a future they

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