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A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man. A news show featuring the top headlines of the day from pop culture to politics, which are discussed by a rotating panel of four women and one man. Country that are talking positively about tariffs and that we need to protect workers, going to talk about the ohio special election, we all know what happened in pennsylvania. Its incredible a complicated here. I understand the president s argument that you need to do this when things are going really well, but if this does hit in a few months from now, thats right in the middle of the midterms and there was already a number of unhappy people who are Soybean Farmers were working at places like harleydavidson and people who like to drink cocacola still were saying why are the price is to go up from this . He promised everybody a lot of stuff and he is delivered for the wealthy for sure, bring it on the tax rate. Trish he has not delivered delivered. The wealthiest americans are paying more because they can no longer deduct state city local taxes which we can have that argument another day. But i do not believe that the wealthy have disproportionately benefited from the tax cut it all on that as a Talking Point benefit us because of the chinese move their purchases to other countries to brazil having more purchases, they will be compensatory in that way but just remember this is an overlay. No matter what, democrats have a hard time on this issue and you are starting to allude to it, the head of the weakened lavish praise of these tariffs. This is a liberal democratic issue. This is their issue that donald trump is taking. Lisa senator Lindsey Graham is on board at least. He stated his support. Chris this is a liberal democratic issue, some of the five or for a long time so trump is eating their lunch. The cio says we might endorse trump in 2020, he says we might endorse trump in 2020 which prompt the head of the Teachers Union should say what you even about . So this is a hard one for democrats because they believe in tariffs. Harris is an interesting point, and the e. U. President also throughout their his perspective, we can talk about getting rid of some of the areas that the president is trying to achieve. So theyre talking as you said and thats important. President trump at last nights rally in pennsylvania, did you see it . He took on illegal immigration and what he might do if he does not see action. We are building it, we are building it. So we started the wall, 1. 6 billion, we are fixing walls all over the border. And we are going to start to get very nasty. We are either getting it we are closing down government. We need Border Security. We need Border Security. Harris that was more than a double down. The president tweeted earlier in the week i would be willing to shut down government of the democrats do not give us the votes for Border Security which includes the wall. Must get rid of lottery, catch and release, et cetera. And finally go to system of immigration based on merit. We need great people coming into our country. In this Border Security, National Security, longterm Volunteer Viability of our country. Now the thinking goes that the president sees this as perhaps a Negotiating Strategy which fits right in with how he does business, but the grim prospect of a government shut down just before voters head to the polls is giving some republicans heartburn. Mitch mcconnell, leader of the senate, majority over there says a shut down just is not going to happen. As a shut down simply not going to happen . Chris with the senate is doing right now and theyre working very carefully, trying to empty out the ocean with thi this. It is. Harris a very salty. Chris very salty. Theyre carrying over a smaller Budget Pieces because with the president is trying to avoid and What Mcconnell is try to help him avoid as a debacle that surrounded the last on abyss spending package. So you sign in this. Harris he regretted it. He regretted signing it. He said i shouldve just done with i said i was going to do. Chris i always take politicians with liberal salt on when they say i regret it, im sorry and i want to it again. This is how you dont do it again because instead of doing one on abyss, 1. 1 trillion Deficit Exploding Holy Cow hog trough, you do little pieces and you get them across and thats What Mcconnell is doing now and passing with 92 votes, 93 votes. What mcconnell is trying to do is pending, so jim jordan is running for speaker or minority leader. We dont know yet. Theres a lot of football left to play. The house caucus is deeply divided right now because the political ambitions of Kevin Mccarthy and all of the stuff so What Mcconnell is going to try to do is say here is the package, you want to take it or dont take it and he is trying to put the senate and the drivers seat on this because the houses are divided. Harris can i just jump in with one thing . When you specifically control both chambers of the house and senate, you cannot come out and be wishywashy. When theyre ready to move on something that not only got him in the office but that many to capitulate and see his way of the road. Lisa to that point also, President Trump sees immigration as a driving motivating factor for the Republican Base and i think he is aware that we have a Midterm Election coming up in that democrats are really motivated. I think he is pushing the Immigration Issue because it is something that gets republicans. Youre right, and i actually think that President Trump is smart about this because he gets his cake and eats it to you in the sense that he gets to go out there, gets to rile up republicans, out there at the rally saying im fighting for immigration, we need a wall, but i dont think hes going to veto any sort of spending package the democrats and republicans ultimately come to get around. I think he gets to eat his cake. Trish i think this actually could turn into a strategy that benefits the Republican Party because the economy is doing okay. People have gotten bonuses, they can get a job, the gdp number is good, so theyre like okay, things are fine. So how do you get them . How do you the Republican Base to the polls for the midterm . I think immigration is. Lisa i saw Jessica Nodding her head when i was saying that a little bit. Jessica the things that President Trump is extremely lucky for is that he doesnt tend to get blamed. They couldnt sort this out, i was willing to make a deal, no one wanted to work with me. Harris establishment of publicans have helped him in that regards because it took them months to get on board with whether or not they were even going to support this president. Jessica absolutely uncertain when it comes to immigration, theyve taken their time because they are counting to very different constituencies. You have a whole caucus that has been running for decades on reining in Entitlement Spending and fixing the debt and the deficit and president trim comes out with a tax cut thats added over a trillion in lost revenue thats going straight to the deficit and paul ryan think thats a big deal but he sees these crowds that are saying we got to build a wall, lock it up and hes in a tough spot because of it. Harris we talk about bringing voters to the pole, health care. The g. O. P. At risk of losing a reliably led red seat in the heartland. Can he help the rebel can get it across the finish line . The parties having a good track record, we will talk about it. And the president is slamming the russian hoax just hours after the administration sounds the alarm on Election Meddling. Is it mixed messaging which is the president venting some frustration . We will debate it, stay close. So, i needed legal advice, and i heard that my cousins wifes sisters husband was a lawyer, so i called him. But he never called me back if your cousins wifes sisters husband isnt a lawyer, Call Legalzoom and well connect you with an attorney. Legalzoom. Where life meets legal. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Motorcycle revving Motorcycle Revving Motorcycle Revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. 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And so there was a News Conference in houston, texas, on the left of your screen talking about that confrontation and the fact that this man killed himself in front of Police Officers. That former president ial bush doctor operated on the suspects mom more than 20 years ago and she died on the operating table. Police say that the suspect went after the doctor in texas, that dr. Was riding a bicycle and was fatally shot while writing that bicycle. They pointed to the 65yearold suspect and now that suspect is dead, committed suicide in front of Police Officers today. As we learn more about the story because as you can see on the left side of your screen, that News Conference is ongoing so perhaps we will learn more about that suspect, but for now, we know he is dead. There is no question that anyone that aligns themselves with the president , he brings a winning message. He is the one who is able to help so many of these individuals. We know at the end of the day, its because of President Trumps policies that we are seeing such success. And i have to tell you, just seeing him in action, he is resultsoriented. Lisa republicans hope President Trump is a key to winning how special election in ohio. Mr. Trump is looking to help republican beat Democrat Danny Oconnor next week, the President Tweeting looking forward to being in the great State Of Ohio On Saturday Night Robbie Campaigning for a truly talented future congressman. See you all then. Meanwhile, a new poll shows that candidates neck and neck with voters heading to the polls in just four days. Ohios 12 has long to be considered a republican distric district. What can we learn from the special elections weve seen so far the cycle . Chris democratic intensity is up substantially. They are outperforming the numbers that they should as one might expect in the first midterm of any president s term. That you would see that. But democrats are performing even beyond that to a certain degree. Ill tell you what, this district has been in republican hands for 94 of the last 96 years, this is not a swinging district. This is a red, traditional Republican Coalition district. I wouldnt say i dont believe the polls, i will be shocked if the republicans can manage to lose this and if they do, and then light every alarm, everything that they can, they have to Pay Attention to this. If they can lose this seat, they can as in any digit in the country. Lisa for the viewers at home, lets show this poll that shows the interest in the special elections as you can see, there are 66 of democrats are interested, 55 of the g. O. P. And the independents 51 . The President Trump is going to be in ohio holding a rally trying to get the Republican Base excited. Midterms and special elections are about turning out your base, who do you think President Trump will be the Difference Maker here . Trish he could be. As we were just talking about, things are kind of good right now. The economy is doing well, so let them people may sit back and say okay, everything is under control. I dont need to go to the polls and i think hes going to help motivate that base in ohio and i think there are issues that are relevant right now to everyday americans. This idea of we need borders, we cant get rid of grace, we cant be unrealistic and say were going to open up to everybody in mexico and canada, come this way. And i think if he appealed to that sort of common core interest that so Many Americans have right now and protecting ourselves and our security, itll help. Harris i think is going to have to drill down more on other areas of policy. Hes really got to come in hard on the economy. Watching the rally last night in pennsylvania, there was one sure thing, he spent a lot of time talking about having been elected in 2016 which is all about him, a candidate was brought up on stage, facing bob casey in that state and the president did keep lots of praise weve got to get more like him, these types of republicans on the hill and that sort of thing, but a lot of time as well on his journey to get here and the policies are what will make people come out. People can see what hes done with the economy. It can he do something with health care which is again the top their list. Space jessica which democras are well aware of. Harris go ahead, ill be quiet. Jessica they do, Danny Oconnor has come out against single payer as a nationwide plan, hes also come out against abolishing eyes. Ohio was a long way from the border wall. So that particular Talking Point i dont think works as well here. Much like conor lam has done a great job of making himself into the moderate candidate, he stumbled a little bit about support for nancy pelosi. Lisa the thing that impacted him or it hurts him . Jessica what hes targeting right now from that poll you show there are the independent voters. Independents are now right for the taking for democrats. So he is focusing there. Whats interesting about balderson on the republican side is he is a trump republican and cusick republican and that doesnt exist in a lot of place places. He is a huge fan of his and has said hes been great working with me in the State Legislature then you also have a trump rally, so maybe the secret sauce is somehow to have a moderate republican and trump. Chris the secret sauce and im not sure what the net effect for trump in these districts are because yes, he does energize the base, but he also energizes the other base. Jessica he only has a same margin as mitt romney, wasnt a big, big district for him. Chris a rising tide excites both bases. But the secret is if you want the president to come dear district, be running in a county that is important to him in 2020 and he will show up. Lisa winwin. Have your cake and eat it too. Our intelligence chiefs Sound The Alarm on russias Election Meddling bring out their fight against the threat, hours later the president slams the russian hoax, whether its a mixed messaging or just the president of venting over collusion accusations. Plus, a growing showdown between the president and the media as he went after the favorite targets last night. The winners and the losers in the latest skirmish coming up, stay tuned. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them. For drivers with Accident Forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty feeclaritin and Relief Fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. Like those from buddy. Because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. Feel the clarity. And live claritin clear. Harris it was the deadliest mass shooting in American History and so many questions after the gunman on the left of your screen was found dead inside of a hotel room that he had fired onto a crowd at a Country Music festival since that day in october. It was our very first day on the air route numbered over time and i remember it well. Police now reporting that they may never know outside of the motive to actually kill why he did this. The sheriff in las vegas saying moments ago at a News Conference that just wrapped up that shooter Stephen Paddock was an unremarkable man who showed signs of a troubled mind. Again found dead in that hotel room where he had opened fire, killed 58 people, Injured Hundreds of others at that Country Music festival last october. And now police are saying that their final investigation has yielded no other suspects to charge in the deaths of those 58 people. If they are now completing it with the knowledge that they may never be able to pinpoint an outside motive. Outside of obviously wanting to kill. Stephen paddock, the suspect on the left. The scene of that awful night in october. We will report any other details that come out of that News Conference that has now wrapped up in las vegas. Trish the white house putting on a show of force against russia, Top National Security officials answered a Press Briefing Morning that russia is still trying to interview and interfere in our election and they are trying to combat the threat, watch this. The Intelligence Community continues to be concerned about the threats of upcoming u. S. Elections both the midterms in the president ial elections of 2,020. In regards to russian involvement in the Midterm Elections, we continue to see a pervasive messaging campaign by russia to try to weaken and divide the United States. Trish meanwhile, president Trombetta Rally in pennsylvania defending his summit with russian president Vladimir Putin and taking a shot, a new one at the russia investigation. Watch this. We are being hindered by the russian hoax, its a hoax. Ill tell you what, russias very unhappy that trump won. Trish the president s remarks on the same day that a Bipartisan Group of senators introduced a bill to slap stiff new sanctions on russia for interfering in our election. And from moscows action in syria and ukraine. So theres a little bit of a disconnect here between the president saying and what members of his administration are saying and what senate and congress are doing. Chris every white house especially in the era of the Permanent Campaign likes to talk out of both sides of its mouth. And this white house is no different. You have on the one side talking to the squares, talking to the straightlaced saying we reckon mike pence at the other day on ambiguous, the Intelligence Communitys findings about the 2016 election are accurate, we affirm them, this is real. So you have the squares and answer that is we take it seriously, we understand it and remember, every human being in this country regardless of their political affiliation should be concerned and should demand of the people who are Elections Officials and their counties and in their states that they take this seriously. If this is Serious Business and that shouldnt be a partisan issue. You have for the squares, we acknowledge it, we take it seriously, we support the Intelligence Community and in the president is free to go out and to his face and say whatever. We won, its not about that, so you can have two messages and a sound contradictory but every administration. Trish are they two things that are going on, in other words collusion one thing and interferences another. And its important to the president understand and recognize that because he ought to be able to say there was interference and were going to make sure its not going to happen again but let me make very clear i did not. When deliberately conspire with the russians actually take this election from hillary clinton. Its basic thats where he should have begun all of us and thats where he got about four or five days after helsinki when enough people had come into his office and said there are two different issues here and you need to be very clear and supportive of the Intelligence Community on this front and you can also tell your base that mueller come up to 17 angry democrats are coming after you for no good reason. I totally take your point, but i do think it is actually more dangerous than just talking out of 2 sides of your mouth because this is still part of russias Information Campaign to have the president of the United States of america up there confusing people as to what is actually going on. Chris is also part of russias disInformation Campaign, the facebook account that got shut down would come from the left and get everybody riled up. Its about extremity of position, pulling out the grossness that is all the way down at the bottom of the bucket, bring it up to the top and divide americans. Harris im just going to say thats kind of where the president was on the stage next to putin in helsinki trying to parse the difference between the investigation that was going on and what we need to do to keep the russians out of our electoral process. And youre right, the president needs to do that im a part of is political. It is in all just about him trying as democrats and critics have said save his hide in the investigation, he also has the politics of being slightly oppositional with the establishment still. If lisa real quickly, President Trump should have done this a long time ago during this Press Conference because he can say ive been tough in russia in regard to sanctions, done everything began to look ahead to 2018. Trish policy buys your saying one thing and the rhetoric on the Campaign Trail is a little bit different. Resident trump taking aim at his favorite target, blasting the Mainstream Media every rally in pennsylvania after Huckabee Sanders took on a White House Correspondent saying the personal attacks against her and the hostility has gone too far. We will debate it. Has attacked me personally on a number of occasions including your own network. What do you have there . P3 its meat, cheese and nuts. I keep my protein interesting. Oh yea, me too. I have cheese and uh these herbs. 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Despite only negative publicity, only negative stories from the figures back there. They can make anything bad because they are the fake disgusting news. Whatever happened to fair press, whatever happened to honest reporting . Harris that of course is President Trump at his rally renewing his beef with Mainstream Media going after journalist at a Pennsylvania Rally Last Night and casting them as his true political opponents. This on the heels of a testy confrontation earlier in the day between Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and Cnns Jim Acosta over whether sanders would disavow the president s claim that the press is the enemy of the people. Watch it. You did not say that the press is not the enemy of the people. The media has attacked me personally on a number of occasions including your own network, said i should be harassed as a life sentence. As far as i know, im the first Press Secretary in the history of the United States thats required Secret Service protection. The president of the United States should not refer to as of the enemy of the people. Ive addressed my question, and my personal feelings and ive here to speak for the president come hes made his comments clear. Harris a frequent critic of the Trump White House and would leave that Press Briefing just moments after that and a half, a tantrum, then later on his own network he suggested that members of the press should gather and protest on pennsylvania avenue. Where are we . Chris we are at a point where the white house is very rarely and when they do. Harris only three times in july. Chris when they do, its useless. We should stop the televised briefing, it is counterproductive, its turned into showboat theater, no one, no questions get answered, not no questions but the substance of issues is not addressed, it has become a forum for personal achievement and Clinical Utility for the Administration Just as if i may submit and im sorry, we should stop having reporters at those trump rallies. Everybody should stop having reporters penned up like veal in the back of those things for the president to use as a prop and in some of the reporters then exploit that for their own personal benefit. It is not helping anybody, leave the cameras, get the reporters out, quit letting him leaves you. Harris having a journalist on the ground at a rally should not be a problem but doing it the way you say for political debate is complicated. Its an interesting way of looking at it. I would say this and the reason why i came out with a wow is because of the day before this News Conference, we saw something that was legitimate journalism going on with all of those members of the president s intelligence and Protection Team if you will on the issue of cyber warfare come november. And it was impressive to see dan coats, director of National Intel they are an impressive to see the current fbi director there. Led by ambassador bolton and the National Security advisor. That was the way it was supposed to lay out, it was a surprise for all of us as journalists to have that much access so thats fantastic. 24 hours later, its a food fight and jim acosta in the middle of it, the reason im popping my head is out of all the things that were said the day before now the news that was going on, he wanted to lean in on what Sarah Sanders thinks about journalism. She said its my job to represent the president. Jessica should be an easy one for her to say. Stay when you think she should answer it on behalf of the president . Jessica it be helping where she clarified and said i do not think the president s the enemy of the people and then he had to fix what he was saying at the rally were he said i meant the fake news media, i dont mean the ones actually who adore me which of the only ones who doesnt think are the enemy. I do think Sarah Sanders has an incredibly difficult job, one that i dont think anyone on this couch. Harris anybody in that position. Jessica this is especially hard because the number of times a policy gets updated because no one knows what theyre talking about or what happened and protecting. Harris people seem to forget some of that because they knew they had an outsider in the white house. And they looked at this, thats one way of looking at it. But this is also problematic for the white house that once again for a second day, we are talking about the people rather than the policy . Trish i dont know that that much of a problem because i do think the majority of americans look at Networks Like cnn and they look at msnbc and they realize that they have a very extreme bias. The problem is, if you listen to all of jim acostas reports and ill be the first to defend him, he doesnt deserve to get heckled at any of these things and i am a big believer in diversity of thought. Having the intellectual diversity and people can have different opinions but the problem with cnn over the problem with jim acosta is if they are trying to present this as straight unbiased news and thats not fair. At least call it what it is. Lisa i also think the Mainstream Media is not used to being held accountable and i think President Trump takes it too far but the media has culpability in driving some of the frenzy. A look at some of the false reporting on ferguson which led to changes with policing in the ferguson effect, look at some of the fake news in the way that the separation of families has been presented. It never happened before or under the obama administration but i think the media is culpable here as well. Harris im going to jump in. And im sure this topic will come up again and we will cover it as it does. New developers in the battle of a President Trump Supreme Court nominee, but democrats are accusing him of trying to hide a Brett Kavanaughs record as it continues to heat. Theres a lot to love about medicare. And learn more. Like, Medicare Supplement plan, give you the freedom to go with any doctor who accepts medicare patients. Its nice to have a choice. And your coverage goes with you, anywhere you travel in the country. We have grandkids out of state. They love our long visits. Not sure about their parents, though. Call unitedhealthcare and ask for your free decision guide today. The Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is going to destroy womens reproductive freedom. Note to Brett Kavanaugh serving on the Supreme Court of the United States. Brett kavanaugh is in effect a get out of jail free card for President Trump. The president would in effect be a monarch. The president would be a monarch. Will you fight to the end against Brett Kavanaugh . We will not rest until Brett Kavanaugh is defeated in the American People win. Jessica Senate Democrats coming down the calling of the president Supreme Court nominee, now saying it will take until october to review all of the documents requested from kavanaughs white house service. Republicans plan to begin Confirmation Hearings in september and say the bush president ial library will likely be able to expedite the documen document. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer saying the National Archives confirmed our worst fear, that the vast majority of these in a small portion of records the American Public will see will be prescreened by political operative and attorney for george w. Bush. This unprecedented process appears to be designed intentionally by republicans to deny the senate and the American People the information they need to evaluate this critically important nomination. Harris do you put hunting on a sour grapes to try to sweeten them up . I dont know whats worse, the visual there, and you cant deny this. It seems like members in your party are so angry about so muc much. But you need positivity to motivate people. And even on this issue, they are talking about will sit down with Brett Kavanaugh, will do certain things if we can get whatever it is theyre asking for. They probably wont happen before october 1st, well have to see. Jessica some red state democrats voted for neil gorsuch and i imagine they will do that again this time. Harris has more than one set down . So total of three out of all the democrats. Jessica thats big, thats what you need. Its completely possible with whats going on as how elections are looking here. Do you feel that if the situation was reversed or do you think back to what went on with every garland where he is going to come into your house. Harris if you look back, republicans have been tough on the issue of thats not my candidate, my nominee. But they still sat down. Written opinions from that individual, they have so much more to look at. Im sitting there missing an opportunity. Lisa youve got the same three democrats who voted for neil gorsuch as you pointed out that are planning on either sitting down with joe manchin or heidi heitkamp and donnelly sitting down to meet, so this is happening, hes going to get confirmed and grassleys office put out a statement saying that the National Archives is expediting the process working with the Bush Library Center to try to expedite these documents to get it done at the same time line as previous Supreme Court nominees, making sure that the statement right but this is happening. Chris it is happening. First thing i would say is, you have vowed to stop him, but you need his records urgently to decide what youre going to do is not a good look. The ideal situation is not to be i need more time to consider how he will ruin america and destroy life as we know it. Those things are not in sync. The other question now becomes the republic is one of the stunned by the start of the first term on the first of october. The threat from Mitch Mcconnell is get it done or i will carry this over through the election and we saw what a good motivator it was in 2016. To have an open senate Supreme Court seat, got a lot of her publicans to the polls, and will work again and warning democrats get this done or will leave it open. But for democrats, its not entirely clear that it wouldnt be a good thing. Its not entirely clear that it wouldnt be a Base Motivator for them to have an open seat so they can do that. So this is where the clock is running in this verdict from the National Archives is quite significant in terms of how this plays out in the election. Jessica i thought it was interesting, both Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins that they werent as concerned about this is the Health Care Vote for instance because they were seeing a lot less resistance. If you think this is going to be as big of an issue . Trish i think this is another very emotional issue for voters and the chance of getting him on the court were keeping him off is going to get both sides really excited. Harris said you do it before after the election . Trish if i were the president , i wanted done just because i want my person in there and not have to worry about it but in terms of overall turnout, it can motivate a lot of people to get out. Harris you know its about to happen . We are coming right back. Allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . You shouldnt be rushed into booking a hotel. With expedias addon advantage, booking a Flight Unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. Addon advantage. Owners always seem so happy . Because theyve chosen the industry leader. Subaru forester holds its value better than any other vehicle in its class according to alg. Better than crv. Better than rav4. Better than rogue. 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