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And josh is here. Hes an asu grad. Is that a problem . Wildcat. We love each other anyway. Well talk about the football game. Nice to have you. Thank you so much. You ready to go . Im ready. Third type a charm. Republicans on capitol hill can count on this hour. The president is coming to talk tax reform. Plus as i mentioned, he was supposed to sit down with bipartisan congressional leadership in the oval office today to talk about year end issues such as the budget and immigration. But the Top Democrats pulled out after the president attacked them on twitter. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer. Saying they want to meet with Republican Leaders not the president. He tweeted earlier he didnt see a deal with them. The focus is on your tax dollars. Senate republicans say theyre not there yet. Still more votes to get to pass this. John cornyn the texas, remains hopeful. We have to get it done because we need the economy to grow again. We need to get middle class taxpayers additional take home pay. We need to get competitive in a Global Economy thats left the United States behind when it comes to investment in jobs being created overseas. Im optimistic. This is the typical fine tuning end of the legislative process here. At the very least, they have to get to 50. Then the Vice President can break the tie with republicans. Among the holdouts are deficit hawk who worry tax cuts will add to the mowning 20 million debt. Bob corker of tennessee is one of them. Weve been working with finance committee and over the thanksgiving holiday. We were talking earlier with the white house to try to create a backstop for a trigger mechanism that to the extent the growth estimates that have been laid out arent achieved. We dont pass on greater debt to our children. I dont think most people realize that this bill will automatically over the first two or three years, generate far more deficits than we have today. Pop up the wild cards. Last check there were six of them. And couple of wouldbe noes if they voted today. Ron johnson, steve of montana. The senate bill does not cut taxes enough for Small Businesses. The president has said hes open to making changes. He still have positive and constructor meeting. Good talk about that. Well see where it goes. Where are we josh . Theyll get there. This is part of the process. Its an improved sales job. The tax package now with the president going up there this afternoon. That is marked improvement what we saw on healthcare when the unveiled the bill. The werent totally congealed. Everybody is on the same page. President is in there making the case. In particular senator ron johnson who has enormous amount of clout. Its a huge accomplishment for senate republicans. Its very interesting that rand paul said hes going to vote yes on this. He wrote op ed yesterday. The argument he made, this isnt everything i want. This is not the final end all be all bill. We talked about comprehensive tax reform. We can actually tax reform every year that we have the votes to do. Hes saying get what you need now, we can change some of the details as we go into the rest of the week. They want it done by friday. This doesnt have to be everything right now. We can work on this next year. We should point out this big meeting with nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer, it is not happening were told. Chuck and nancy pulled out. They said the president said it would be a waste since trump said there will be no deal. Lets pop up that tweet from the president. We can show you that. Meeting with chuck and nancy today about keeping government open and working. Problem is, they want Illegal Immigrants flooding in our country. Weak on crime and i dont see a deal. I guess big question here, thats on immigration and spending bill. However, when you have this on the day, that the president is also Meeting Senate policy on tax reform. When you have the president going to the hill, when you have that going on, it kind of all affects the other. Everybody is out there negotiating. I think one thing that weve seen today is the president is saying, dems arent going to get on board. Its time to stop pretending like a deal will happen with any of them. You look at people getting what they want. You listed last murkowski who is a maybe. She got that drilling open up in anwar. Its something separately that she wanted. She then wrote an op ed saying she was in favor of this because it repeals the individual mandate. Youre hearing the ask from everyone what they want. That top rate on last two percent. Isnt that key for the holdout . You look at the so closely. You look at those, those wild cards. That steams to be really at issue with republicans that this would benefit corporations more than the Small Businesses we depend on so much for growing the economy. Two thirds of our economy. I heard you talking to senator cornyn about that earlier. Saying, what about what they want to make that top rate a little bit lower. He said, thats about those two percent. The top two percent of Small Business owners. I dont know, they dont need a tax break. He sort of made the argument theyre not going to bend. I dont know. That didnt sound like it was going to get it done. It goes back to each senator having their own preferences and own conferences with their constituents. There are people in wisconsin calling the office and saying, this is what our concerns are with this piece of legislation. Its so amazing were talking about them sounding optimistic. Why isnt the tax cuts they sound excited about . This is the moment. Not only representatives heard a lot from voters from state and local taxes and the pass through legislation to Small Businesses. Thieve seen that. Theyve seen that. You see the fake news out in full force. You got the headlines in New York Times today. This is benefiting the rich. Look at the top tax bracket. Its not benefiting the rich. What theyre aiming at is the individual mandate which they repealed. You dont use a tax credit in order to buy it. And the senate. They count that tax increase on the poor. Theyre not buying what they offer. Its absurd. Hes talking about the president and republicans and their kind of their selling effort if you will. Lets watch. More people know about it i think the more they will like it. You got 41 million subscribers that agree that he educates people on what the conference are. Senate colleague and folks back home has he done enough . Hes worth it. Hes making sort of a rare appearance on capitol hill today. I think its safe to say, hes out there pushing this and selling it. Communication from the administration as a whole. They are criticized a the beginning from being disorganized. Treasury department is on the same page. The president is going to missouri tomorrow to give another speech about tax reform. Specifically hes going to talk with clare mccaskill. Hes gone to other places to give these speeches recently. Hes been to the hill three times now to try get this moving. Theyve been very organized in having one message on this across the board. By the way who know whos buying the message, the stock market. Record high after record high. It seems to be believing that this is going to get done. When we first saw the senate bill roll out, we saw that little pull back youll remember. It look like they were going to pause on the tax cuts for corporations. Its high today now. As weve gotten closer. You seen them come together. The market continue to love this. When they talk about we have to have a safety net to make sure that the growth comes through. I stay go for it. I cant imagine it wont work out. Have some sort of sun set if they think needed to that will sun set along with other taxes that the middle class maybe hit with in ten years. You could do that and proof is in the pudding. Then youd have more power after its working. New developments in the Sexual Misconduct allegations. New accuser come forwards against john conyers. The longest serving member of congress. The other lawmaker facing serious allegations of his own. What senator al franken is saying. A fellow democrat saying it is time for franken and conyers to go. There are a set of resumes that apply to people who are not politicians in washington. Theres a totally different set of rules that apply to elected officials serving in congress. I had been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. Metastatic and it spread to my bones. Time is very important when time is running out. 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Yours. Fox news alert second former staffer coming forward against john conyers. Deanna mayers who served as his deputy chief of staff tells detroit news he made unwanted advances including inappropriate touching and asking her to share a hotel. She never reported the harassment because conyers is a powerful man in washington. Adds she continued working for him because she was 57 years old at the time. Its tough to find new work at that age. Nancy pelosi appears changing her tune after down playing accusations against conyers. Saying she believes her first accuser. Melanie sloan who shared details of her ordeal yesterday. While sloan welcomes house ethics probe into the congressman conduct, shes not optimistic that it will amount to much. The House Ethics Committee is never been known for taking a tough stand or unethical conduct by any member of congress. Its a black hole where allegations go to die we never hear about them again. That way all the members of congress saying its before the House Ethics Committee. We cant talk about it. Well wait for their review. They never come up with the review. Im little concerned about that. Senator al franken returning to capitol hill for the First Time Since allegations surfaced that he subjected several women to unwanted kissing and groping. Franken apologetic as he jow vows to get back to work. To all of you, i want to say im sorry. I know there are no magic words that i can say to regain your trust. Now thats going to take time. Im ready to start that process and starts with going back to work today. Franken apology not enough for one democratic woman of congress. New york cathleen rice first call for conyers to go. Believes the senator needs to step down. She tear into pelosi for not taking a tougher stance on Sexual Harassment. People are seeing us circle the wagons and protect our own. Whether its donald trump, not coming out against roy moore and supporting him to the extent that he is or if its nancy pelosi protecting john conyers and saying she leaves it up to him to make the right decision. Thats ridiculous. Josh . This is so disheartening. Weve seen an amazing level of hypocrisy out of nancy pelosi. We saw on sunday shows, say hes an icon and hes great on women issues. She walked that back she did. Let me tell you what liberal code for women issues is. Hes good on issue of abortion. That is no way compatible what were talking about in a workplace. This kind of behavior which shouldnt be tolerated. Funny thing is, you see scum bags like Harvey Weinstein and you got john conyers and al franken saying, sorry about all that. If eye did it im story. Thats completely absurd. Idea Congress Know what the rules are and laws are. You write the rules ayou pass the laws. You know what they are. You read the bills, your staff briefs you on whats in them. Youre voting. On it. They know what they are. This is about a lack of accountability. Right down to the matter of keeping power and holding power. Nancy pelosi doesnt want to roundly condemn Sexual Harassment and col up with a zero tolerance policy, that would mean relinquishing of power. Thats what this is all about. Theyre willing to sacrifice women victims of Sexual Harassment and assault for the sake of power. Nancy pelosi has been doing it for years while claiming to be this big feminist icon and champion for women. She has to do it again. That interview was from yesterday. Melanie sloan said she went through all the ranks. They got to the journalist, they talked with the office of conyers she said the feedback was she was mentally unstable. To which i said. Theyve been calling us basically crazy when we speak up as women for decade. Nothing has changed. Their investigations ethics investigation that have to go through. Theres a money trail with chron conyers. Pelosi saying she believes Melanie Sloan theres a cost to everyone to speaking up and standing up for whats right. Whether its unpopularity, whether its a loss of power, whatever it is. Theres a cost and as a society, we are all paying the price now. I think as a step backwards when you see people stand up and pivot to point the finger at other side. I dont want to mention names. It is so disgusting and wrong. Its a step backwards when you use someone terrible on the other side to defend someone terrible on your side. Lets stop with that. Right now. Not to mention, theyre behavior in some cases so similar that theyre all the same this is not a partisan problem. This is a real problem. If we found anything out over the last two months, this problem runs deep. Its systemic and expensive. We cant just discount like this is a new problem. This has been going ton since the 90s. The question is is it really going to change . This is a big project. This isnt about one account or one function of government that pays it out under the table. This is about a number of congressmen using money to send hush money. Anyone going to hold anyone accountable. You know how you make sure. Its very painful and very expensive. People lose money and power. Weve seen it sweep all of these Different Industries and for every network and for every company and every agency and the government. It is incredibly expensive, painful and embarrassing to rebuild. Everyone is going to have to do it. Weve all suffered and this is the price. When you go through that pain, then you dont do it again. The financial industry gotten lot better because of the tremendous price at various banks and people on wall street paid to clean up their act. They dont want to repeat it because it was painful and expensive. Everyone needs to go through that pain. One of the reporters asked al franken yesterday what is the bar for resignation . What is the bar for resignation . Leadership battle at our nation Consumer Watchdog Agency its getting more and more tense. Battle is brewing. The president s pick budget director Mick Mulvaney making moves within the agency. While the woman who said shes running it. Shows up for work. How all of this can play out in court. Roy moore still defiant two weeks before voters heads to the poll. Now battle is to take off the gloves in the final stretch of the race. This is not really odd at all. This is simply dirty politics. Let out your inner child at the lexus december to remember sales event. Lease the 2017 is turbo for 299 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Pepsoriasis does that. It was tough getting out there on stage. I wanted to be clear. I wanted it to last. So i kept on fighting. I found something that worked. And keeps on working. Now . They see me. See me. See if cosentyx could make a difference for you cosentyx is proven to help people with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. 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Safe driving bonus checks. Only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. New developments in the battle between two bosses. Whos the boss at the cfpb. Were awaiting a Court Decision over who should be running the Consumer Watchdog Agency. Is it Leandra English or Mick Mulvaney. A protest is going on outside the Bureau Headquarters in support of english. She was appointed by former director richard cordray. Those are live protest. Anyone carrying a starbucks . Sanders was noticing that yesterday. English is suing the Trump Administration to keep the job. Democrats timed in support of her. She said, she would be at her office today. She wasnt there yesterday. Mick mulvaney, President Trumps budget director and his pick for the acting director listed as director on the agencys website. In his first move yesterday, he ordered a 30 day freeze on any potential new regulations of hiring both sides arguing the law is with them. Heres former director cordray. I think its clear in the law which says that the director of the agency and that was me as of friday, has the right and has the duty to pick a Deputy Director. I did that. Its Leandra English. Then it says that the Deputy Director shall serve as acting director when director is unavailable for example through a vacancy. We dont know what the outcome of this is going to be until a judge decides it. It is a serious question. Thats where it should be decided. Its in the court. I know why theyre fighting over this job. I was listening to Mick Mulvaney yesterday. He mentioned that if we could read all the power that he had that we would be terrified. This agency has absolutely no oversight if they attack you, you have to recourse. Youre god if you run this agency. Do you want the job . Were going to go to senate floor. Chuck schumer is speaking. Just pulled out the meeting with the president by the way. All the counterparts in congress. Rather than going to the white house, for a show meeting that wont result in an agreement from a president who doesnt see a deal, weve asked leader mcconnell and speaker ryan to meet with us this afternoon. We dont have any time to waste addressing the issues that confront us. Were beginning to negotiate with Republican Leaders who may actually be interested in reaching a bipartisan agreement. If the president who already earlier this year, said, our country needs a good shut down, if the president isnt in interested addressing the difficult year agenda, wants to make the government shutdown, well work with those republican who are interested in funding the government as we did in april. We have so many things to do. We have to fund the government. We have daca, we have the Childrens Health insurance program. We must reinstate cost sharing for Health Premiums and out of pocket cost. They have to deal with disasters. We have to fund our defense and our nondefense side to the government in a reasonable way. Theres so much to do. Were eager to get that done in a bipartisan way. Obviously, the president isnt but hopefully, leader mcconnell and speaker ryan are. We look forward to sitting down with them to resolve in an amicable way as we did in april. When the president wasnt involved and we got it done. Now on tax bill mr. President. Republican tax bill. Were only a few days away from a final vote. But from all reports, the republicans are still debating significant changes to the text to the bill. Some are angling for change to the pass through provide provision. New tax hole for high income individuals need to be widen further. Right now its reported that 70 of these pass throughs go to the top one percent. The changes that are being proposed would make it even worse. Help Small Business, yes. Dont open a giant loophole for wealthy hedge funds, big shot law firms, lobbiest. We dont need that. Others are rightly worried about the impact this bill would have on the deficit and debt. What i remind all my republican colleagues is, with any more changes, its virtually certainly youll be voting on a bill without any expert analysis of its impacts. Youll be voting without any estimate whether it will grow and shrink the economy. Youll be voting without a good sense of the long term impacts of the changes youre making to the tax code. Certainly, one week of mark up in the finance committee with only one Expert Witness is not a satisfactory process. Changing the tax code in broad brush is a difficult thing. Theres so many unintended consequences if our republican colleges should pass this bill and becomes law and i hope it wont, week after week well find new things in this bill. Some spended and not not intended. The people who voted for it are going to regret it. The public will ask why didnt you know. In the tax bill its impossible to know these things unless you sit out there in the sun and bake. People and experts around the country, there are ten of thousands tax lawyers paid to figure out ways around our tax code and help the wealthy who are their clients. Unless you examine the bill carefully in sun light, unless you hear from all kinds of witnesses, the result is usually quite bad for america with so many unintended consequences. Our republican colleges and their rush to get a bill done, are legislating in an irresponsible way. Especially when it comes to something that is important as the tax code. If the product were a great one, a will be one thing. We all foe this is not a great product. We dont hear republican colleagues bragging about this product with a few exceptions. Everyone says this could be better, that could be better, this could be better. Every independent analysis shown that the tax bill will end up raising taxes of millions middle class families. Despite the early intentions of the president , the Republican Leaders. The tax policy senator estimates that 60 of middle class family will see a tax increase, 60 of middle class families will see a tax increase by the time the bill is fully implemented. While folks making over a Million Dollars a year would get an average tax cut over 40,000. Some say they should get a bigger tax break. No. I like to take every dollar of that 40,000 a millionaire get and give it to the middle class. Theyre the ones who need the help. Not the wealthy people. Theyre the one who buy the products, keep the economy humming. Theyre ther ones creating the best economy america ever had. Not just the few millionaires. Astounding. If the president and republicans in congress set out to pass middle class tax cut as they claim, this bill completely misses the mark. Meanwhile, the big winners, big corporations, very wel wealthy, estimate emate estimates get a tax break . Why is that when average middle class people are struggling. Corpses corporations get a permanent reduction while individual tax rates expire after a few years. The bill would even open up drilling in the Atlantic National wildlife refuge because this tax bill wouldnt be complete until it helps big oil too. All of this saddled the next generation of americans with larger deficits even larger debt. Something many of my friends on other side of the aisle labeled against their whole career. Weve heard so many about deficit reductions. My colleagues were sincere. Why are they abandoning it now . They all know every one of our colleagues knows, that we can do a lot better job in a tax bill at reducing the deficit. We have here. Democrats have from the very beginning hold our republican colleagues away want to work with them on tax reform. We want to lower taxes on the middle class. We want to reduce burdens on Small Businesses. We want to erase the incentives that send jobs overseas and bring jobs back home. We want to do all these things in a way that doesnt add to the deficit. Republicans from the very beginning have said to us, were not interested in working with you. Were going to draft it ourselves. Use reconciliation so we dont need your votes. You can count for our bill, you can vote for our bill if you want. Thats not bipartisanship what the republican leader done. I know there are some republicans wish Work Together. We can. Today at 11 00, there are more than a dozen, large number of democrats went to the press gallery and said, we want to work with our republican colleagues to create a better bill. They came and visited me last night. I encouraged them to do it. This leader is not going to stand in the way of bipartisan reform. That meets are the foles that goals that we talked about. Helping the middle class and reducing the deficit not aiding the one percent. Bipartisanship and compromise mr. President are very possible on tax reform. Its an issue crying out for bipartisan solution. There are lot of areas we agree. We have to work to find a middle ground thats acceptable to both parties. I dare say it would be a better bill for the american middle class than the one were looking at now. Finally mr. President , briefly because i know my colleagues are waiting on the nomination. The d. C. Concert called the second most powerful court in the nation. It adjudicated so many highly charged political issues including cases that deal with the limits of executive power and regulations issued by federal agencies. As examples, major cases on crime at regulations, cfpb on safety laws in the District Of Columbia are now before that court. On such a court, we should prize independents as Chuck Schumer was speaking on the senate floor, the president s motorcade arrived on capitol hill. Hes meeting with senate gop Leadership Today to push for tax reform. What you just heard from Chuck Schumer there, was first a response to why he and nancy pelosi pulled out a meeting with the president that was supposed to be happening today. Chuck schumer saying the president made up his mind about no deal with democrats on funding the government. Schumer saying trump wants government to shut down. Theyre pulling out that meeting after the president tried to follow all this. Tweeted this morning that he doesnt see a deal happening with democrats. He said, he accused of democrats being weak on crime. They want to substantially raise taxes rather than lower them. Theres so much happening here. Josh holmes sitting on the couch now. Would you please react what you heard there as we have a live shot on capitol hill the president again has just arrived. I passed out far couple of minutes. I apologize. It was really just a scintillating performance by Chuck Schumer. He wants to throw a wrench into everything. He wants to make sure republicans dont get to the finish line on taxes. He knows president is trying to rally republicans to get it done. He want to extract everybody which is progress on a tax bill. Heres what gop leadership, Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan. Reacting to the democrats ditching that white house meeting. We have important work to do. Democratic leaders found new excuses no to meet with the administration to discuss these issues. They write, democrats are putting Government Operations resources fur amen and for men and women at on the battlefield. If democrats want to reach an agreement, they will be there. A challenge. Its interesting. We were all anticipating that the president will be there. Chuck schumer starts speaking at a time when you can pretty much guess based on the fact that you can see the motorcade leaving on some closed circuit somewhere that the president is leaving. Just as those members, some of whom are in the chamber i would imagine. Smarts are supposed senators are supposed to be meeting with the president. How does that politically work . Chuck schumer talks about being frustrated that republicans dont want bipartisan and they will push through reconciliation. It was harry reid who set it up. Chuck schumer is taking a line out of harry reid play book and obstruct everything they are doing. He admitted that the tax coated was complicated code was complicated. He also said that anyone who votes for it will regret it. I dont think thats true. The republicans will enjoy a political win if they get this through. Theyre going to praise their constituent will praise them for giving people a tax cut. A middle class which democrats claim to be standing up for. Flight the high road he took. He thought there will be political retribution. I watched Chuck Schumer stand up there and talk about how as he refuses to cooperate hes talking about republican who refuse to cooperate. As they danced around whos not meeting with whom, is there isnt one working american out there who cares about whos fault it is that theyre not meeting. Theyre just thinking, im at work today while you clowns are standing up talking about why you will not Work Together and not meet with each other. I have to pay my mortgage and feed my family and figure out how to send my kids to school. You guys are a bunch of idiots. The white house is officially weighing in a statement through sara sanders. She says, its disappointing that senator schumer and leader pelosi are refusing to come to the table and discuss urgent issues. The president invitation to the democrat leader still stands and he encourages them to put aside their pettiness. Stop the political grand standing, show up and get to work. Get to work. Theres not a single american out there who gives a flying trump why theyre not working together. The meeting will proceed as scheduled. Where speaker ryan and leader mcconnell committed getting things done. When Chuck Schumer accuses republican of regretting a decision to vote for that, this light fires for republicans like ryan johnson who is on defense whats in the bill. Chuck schumer is the one insulting him as a result of the bill. You also would think that republican have to come up with a way to deal with ron johnson. I dont think theyre going to come up with that 300 billion that you were talking about. Who knows. Did i add on to it . Its all over the place. To this point, too often we trivialize whats happening here. This is really the peoples business. There are troops on the field now that need funding. Thats not an option. Thats not a fun game to play. Its not whos up and whos down. This is real stuff. The juvenile activity simply not showing up for the meeting. Maybe you convince me he didnt know. He certainly knew the timing of it Chuck Schumer. He knew the timing of the president meeting with republicans on the hill and coming again to talk tax reform. The idea that Chuck Schumer felt like he had to make a Senate Floor Speech in response to canceled meeting says it all. It wasnt about the meeting it was for him to stand up and attack the republicans. Meanwhile, checking to see if were hearing anything directly from the president. As you note, he just arrived on capitol hill. He could still feet. Well keep monitoring that. Meanwhile as we were getting too Chuck Schumer there, we were talking about rally happening outside the Consumer Financial protection bureau. Senator Elizabeth Warren has arrived with other activist. Shes rallying outside. Thats interesting. The president is going to need some democrats on this if they cant get to 50. Weve been talking about they wont get democrats. Hes planned this trip to missouri, home of senator claire mccaskill, he will try to speak with her. Maybe try to make some friends across the aisle. This felt like a gauntlet from Chuck Schumer today. You know whats so smart the president is blowing through Chuck Schumer. Can i challenge this for a second . What you just heard from Chuck Schumer, one thing stood out to me, he said, youre not even hearing republicans excited about tax reform as the president out to sell this. Thats not true. He said with a couple of exceptions. As a whole would you say you are hearing excitement. I dont know. I think initially, they were going back and forth on the points people were saying, overtime as they went through it more. It parallels how the market reacted. Right away, there was like, we were hoping for big bold and simple. The postcard. That didnt happen. That was initially disappointing. As you drill down on the details as people start to get the things they want and it makes more sense, i do think people are excited about it now. I do think it turned a corner. Nobody will party hats before its done. Theyre in the middle of end game. Small businesses are key. Those gop holdouts are their problem. This is not benefiting Small Businesses in the way that major tax reform should. How do you get ron johnson across the line . I want to correct the record. Correct myself. I have just found out there was open clock time apparently it would have been mcconnells time and senator schumer able to speak in that open clock. Because mcconnell was down greeting the president. Thats how that works. The majority leader goes down to meet the president. When hes not there the floor is open. Chuck schumer knew what he was doing. I was setting it straight. Go back to sandra question. I heard the answer to question in an interview you did earlier today. About senator cornyn. He said when hes drilling down to Small Business, he said, theyre not being totally genuine in their critique. It brings down that tax exemption. The exemption is good for smaller Small Business. Youre talking about the biggest of the Small Business. He said, i dont think those people necessarily deserve a break. Its interesting because hes talking about this nugget. It is the Small Business owner score making the most but then theyre in that weird category where that two percent is forced pay more than Small Business and more than corporations. Thats not fair. Thats not fair. Theres also one caveat. You have a corporation youre paying the corporation and individual rate on your income. We were talking about what was going on the floor with Chuck Schumer speaking. We wanted to point out, that was senator Mitch Mcconnell. The president on the hill today. Mitch mcconnell hasnt always had the best relationship with the president either. This is going to be big test for the president. Deal making in washington d. C. Is hard. What made the difference . We know its rand paul. Remember they were signing legislation, the president said i know i got rand paul on taxes. I said, what did he give rand paul in terms of lets talk about the future. What do you think made of the difference for Mitch Mcconnell . What would have been the sweetener . Majority leader and the president have been absolutely intertwined on his agenda throughout. Theres no daylight at all. Theres some what were the reports of problems . The problems were personality conflicts about how to handle members. Whether or not it was appropriate for the president to attack Certain Senate republicans. He took exception to that. Its his role to protect senate republicans. In terms of this tax plan, i think this is a good model going forward. Hopefully they can get this done. They have been absolutely attached at the belt loop and lock step to get this done. This is an extraordinarily important piece thats true, they have been on the same page what they want to get done. There has been a lot of finner pointing about whos fault it was if things fail. This is a situation where they dont want another failure. They dont want to go into finger pointing again theres a lot of at stake. If we can reset this up as this meeting on capitol hill. The president making a rare appearance. He arrived. You saw Mitch Mcconnell arrive there. Just after he released a statement, saying they will not attend that meeting with the president today. Mitch mcconnell saying we got work to do. Democratic leaders found no excuses. If democrats want to reach an agreement, they will be there. Theres a challenge right now coming from Republican Leadership. You better be there if you want to get this done. We just heard from Chuck Schumer on the senate floor saying, theyve made up their mind. The president made up his mind. No deal. Republicans are in power. They means they get to set the rules and agenda. If democrats want to be part of it, they have to come to the table with some of their idea. They night not go through. Thats not reason people will not vote for democrats in 2018. None of this is optional. The business of governing is essential. You got to make sure there are that was a quick meeting. Theres President Trump coming out. You see Mitch Mcconnell on his left. The big talk was supposed to be tax reform. Im wondering if Chuck Schumer got mentioned in this meeting as well. He exited the floor. Lets listen in. Sometimes theres some loud audio. Wait a minute. We get the inside scoop from josh holmes who worked for senator Mitch Mcconnell. Youre walking down the ohio clock corridor. Behind us where the camera is is where all the press line up and taking left to go in that mansfield room. Are you read the body language there . I seen your face with the cameras turned around. Its interesting to see who was picked to walk out with him. Well see if they exit the same way. There werent any question. We couldnt hear why is that the ohio clock . Thats a good question. Lot of history behind that clock. Im not acquainted with all of it. Probably from ohio [laughter] let you know. By the way, this is before the president goes on to meet later on this afternoon with congressional leadership. This is a busy day for the president. Extremely does other half show up now theyve been called out by Mitch Mcconnell and paul ryan . Do the democrats go, shoot, maybe we should be there. Didnt quite work out exactly. Theyre dug in at this point. Theyre going to have to come back to the table. Its a spending bill. Its about keeping lights on in the government. Theyre going to have to meet. The source of the clock name is unknown. The clock was meant to commemorate ohios admission into the union. 17th state. The shield on the front of the clock has 17 stars in it. Howeverhowever, theres no reco. It was 12 years after ohio became a state. We dont know. Thats the ohio clock. Thats what its called. Youre right about that. It was from thomas boyd in 1819. It stood near the chamber. There you go. History lesson. We should have seen this coming. It started out with that tweet this morning from President Trump. Who said i dont see a deal with democrats. We saw Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi they pulled out. Chuck schumer seeking, the president arriving. Republicans saying, show up. If you want to get this done and get back to work, show up. Quite a battle brewing. Hugely busy day. Republicans need to find a way to get to yes on taxes. They will. Its going to be ugly. I imagine in the next couple of days its all dead and buried twice. Theyre going to get to the end. They have to. Its essential. Mitch mcconnell, the president few moments ago. Huge day. Lot at stake. What a wild hour this has been. Its been awesome. Well be right back. When youve been making delicious natural cheese for over 100 years like kraft has, you learn a lot about peoples tastes. Honey, what do you want for dinner tonight . Oh whatever youre making. Triple cheddar stuffed sliders. Sold thanks to josh holmes, it was very good timing to have you here today. It was fun. The color inside the capital is very good, thank you. We learned all about the ohio clock. Apparently they use to hide liquor in it and prohibition. Its only tuesday, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much, we are back tomorrow at noon eastern, and now heres harris. Harris okay, lets keep this going. A fox news alert, President Trump on capitol hill, we watched it play out. He was rallying republican senators on his tax plan, their version that they are about to pass now they say, a bigticket item on this end of your agenda. As the Top Democrats in congress back out of a critical white house meeting. This is outnumbered overtime, im harris faulkner. The president made his second trip to the hill to tout tax reform today. At least two of his fellow republicans her nose at the moment. Senator steve daines of montana became the second g. O. P. Senator to oppose the bill, joining with ron johnson. Most calling for the plan to do more to help Small Businesses. Republicans can only lose two

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