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Experience with horrific situations like this to the couch. Geraldo i was therefore hurricane rita and hurricane ike which came exactly as harvey di did. Harvey has a magnitude far larger than those previous storms. Im watching the relief efforts now that they stabilize the situation, they make sure the rescues have gone wonderfully and now youre seeing animals, so you know most of the humans are in a safe place. Youve got to give them shelter, youve got to give them food and most importantly, you need to give them assurance that the federal government is there for them. Thats the biggest untold story is the Chemical Complex there, these fires breaking out everywhere. We are now paying the consequences of a lack of regulation. That is the real story, the pollution, the instability. Sandra lets get to where we are at this moment. The death toll has been rising. Its now at least 39 people in houston and folks are beginning to return to their homes, those who have a home, if they even have it. The citys mayor believing the metro area of more than 6 Million People has turned a corner and is open for business. The 100 tony thousand residents of beaumont, texas, east of houston have no clean water for at least the second straight day now and more flooding is expected as the river to the south continues to rise with more evacuations ordered. Texas governor, greg abbott on where Recovery Efforts stand no now. Where things stand in part is we are still involved with recovery and rescue operations. If you look at beaumont, texas which is east of houston, we still have catastrophic flooding going on. We have water rescues going on. We are in lifesaving mode in that region. Also as waters begin to recede in houston, texas, we are still involved in the lifesaving process there. Sandra Griff Jenkins live in texas outside of houston where the braziles river has been rising fast. We can break news now. According to county officials, the brazos river, just near here has crested at 55. 19 feet. That is larger than last years record set on memorial day which was 54. 7 feet, so that is good news. Tragically, nobodys returning to these homes anytime soon. Im with the sheriff here. What does this crest mean . Its the saving grace. Right now, the water will not exceed the 55. 19. Hopefully, we will see the waters around these communities that have been devastated recede, but it will take several days for us to be able to travel around here in a personal vehicle. We are just a few hundred yards from the river, telus, what is it that President Trump needs to know from these communities as they prepare for what is going to be one tough long road, having suffered the beating they took last year on memorial day . I heard the president was in texas a few days ago. Its my understanding that hes coming back. I have a spot on the airboat. You need to jump on here and survey the damage here and then meet with these residents and look them in the eye and try to reassure them because theres so much emotion going on right now. Reassure them and let them know that youre going to do everything you can to eliminate the red tape and washington, the bureaucracy in washington to get these people back into their homes. As we pass automotive shops, gas stations, Small Businesses, the reality is some of these folks may not even have Flood Insurance. As we look at this damage, you cant just pick up and move on from this. Many Small Business owners along here have just started to rebuild from last year in these Small Business owners are going to need assistance and support from our federal government and there are people who are going to be suffering. Sheriff, you also have a responsibility of law enforcement. Tell us what problems you have seen in houston, some looting, what are its happening in this community . We have seen very little of that, ive heard some horrific stories. The residents of Fort Bend County, they support the second amendment. Many of them are armed. My caution to the looters out there, those who want to rob our people, you may want to stay out of Fort Bend County because theres a potential possibility you could leave this county in a bag. Tough words. Ill finish with you here. As we look at these unbelievable pictures, you look at this, for the folks who were here last year, folks like yourself, does this reach a point with this level of storm, Geraldo Rivera pointing out, theyve never seen anything quite like this. Some of them say, im not staying, im leaving this. Many of them have rebuilt in his community from the flood of memorial day of 2016. We are a strong people here at Fort Bend County and im going to Say Something right now, many of them want to continue to call Fort Bend County their home and theyre going to continue to rebuild. Sander, thats the situation we see here. You can see our driver, i want to give our drivers a shout out because they have navigated and very torrential waters. We are just a football field from the brazos river. Sheriff, we want you to know that you have the admiration, the gratitude from all of the First Responders here that have tried to rescue people. Thank you. We have our family and we have our faith. Stay strong, america. Sander, back to you. Sandra important words to hear right now. I know youve been with a lot of these people throughout the week, Griff Jenkins, thank you. Mean welcome a peter doocy riding along on a u. S. Customs and Border Protection air marine unit black hawk helicopter. Theyve already done about 500 rescues in and out bringing food to people in flooded areas and surveying the areas. Peter, tell us what youre seeing right now. Sandra, we are now above fort arthur with some of the Marine Operations crew. Theyre using these blackhawks to rescue people. Now were looking out at some of these neighborhoods that are still completely submerged. You can see that the roads are accessible, but there are a lot of abandoned cars in this neighborhood that people are still not able to get to their homes. The other hardhit areas that weve flown over today, there are entire families heading back and taking basically their entire life, all there really possessions out to the curb because they are either warped or moldy. This is an area that is almost completely inaccessible. We are think to our friends at the air Marine Operations for Border Protection to take us up so we can see this because the water is still very high here. It is like this for much of the terrain. Things from the air look better closer to houston right now. Out here, we dont see a lot of people from the air. We dont see many emergency operators, we dont see many residents because a lot of water still up to at least the threshold of a lot of houses. You can see the high watermarks on some of the singlestory homes is up much, much higher. I want to cfl can point the camera out here at this neighborhood. You can see there are some very, very small patches of land that are visible. You can see a little bit of grass, but cars, houses, anything in the backyard, boats, people clearly left ear in a hurry and they will not be back anytime soon because it does look like this water is still going to be here. Again from a flood where the water is asserting to recede a bit in other places, but not here just yet. Sandra peter, i know its hard to hear us in studio, so well try our best here. Talking to were volvo herrera who is gone up in choppers following hurricanes many, many times. He is wondering, looking at the situation that you can see in the way you can see it right now, were just getting word of the river cresting in the beaumont area, are you getting a sense of the emergency cresting at this point from your eyeballs up in the sky . From my eyeballs, the sense we get is this is a completely abandoned part of texas. You can see there are one or two cars moving, they appeared to be emergency vehicles, but there are a lot of cars on the side of the road and then there are entire parking complexes come up parking lots and apartments and condos that are completely full and there are still couple of inches of water in those parking lots. The crew we are writing with the u. S. Cbt, they say these houses and many neighborhoods were completely underwater and you can see again, if some but he wanted to come back here, they would need to take a boat, but we dont see a lot of boats. That gives you the sense that the rescue efforts have stopped for now. The recovery effort has still not begun. All they can do is wait for the water to go down and again, it does not look today like there is much of a threat for any further whether because there are blue skies, not a whole lot of land. Its been a smooth helicopter ride for the last hour or so. Theres not much people can do because theres not much people can get to. Im going to have the photographer point the camera out here again. You can see entire neighborhoods where there should be a culdesac or a street and people driving and kids playing, just complete the underwater. There is a new warning from authorities in the area to stay out of this water because it is so toxic, they dont want kids playing in it, they dont want people walking through it. It does look like here, and sander, i want to point out, you see the tops of what looks like mailboxes and thats how high the water is. You can see the very top of a mailbox and thats how high the water is. You see the height that this harvey rainfall that this storm brought here just a few days ago. Sandra looking at these images, so difficult to even break away from this because its an unbelievable vantage point, to think that so many of these people considering their evacuated before i got this bad, they dont know the situation of their homes and their propertie properties. Peter, if i can stay with you a little longer if i can. Conroe, texas is the land over which you are surveying. This is a city about 40 miles north of houston. The population they are, about 2,000 people. You just keep looking at these pictures and you keep reminding us, the absence of people, the absence of vehicles, and the absence of boats with makes me think most of these people got out of there. Youre looking right now at a picture of the flooded refinery at fort arthur. This is a part of the story thats going to affect people way outside of texas because this is a big part of the region. Gas prices will go up. They cant refine any oil. Look how high the water is around the facilities at this refinery. If someone he wanted to come and work here and someday wanted to perform maintenance, if somebody wanted to go about their normal process, they would have to take a boat and you think about how regulated that entire industry, there are two mentis safety concerns anyway. Theyre not quite to do Something Like go to an office or a facility or a boat and high waters. This is an incredible look at why when you hear about gas prices going up after harvey, they cant get in there and refined stuff, refine any oil because of the water that you see there. Just an enormous amount of water here and even the areas we can see here at fort arthur that are receding. The water has gone down enough you can see the streets and grass. People have not been back here which would give you the impression that the water has only just gone down today because in other parts of houston yesterday, as soon as the road was passable, every single house on the block had family and friends there pulling moldy, wet furniture and clothes and books out to the street corner, things they cannot have a more because of harveys high waters. Sandra i cant tell you how important those images are and were of the refinery that you just showed us. Thats the Largest Oil Refinery in this country. It shut down as a result of this flooding and by the latest reports, it could be shut down for up to two weeks. Thank you for those pictures. Peter, if you could stay with us and doing your newsgathering, well keep you close and well open it up to the couch as peter doocy will keep flying over these devastated towns. Geraldo rivera is on the couch with us. Geraldo am a former resident of new jersey who got hit terribly by sandy. What happened as a result is regulations were passed that made home owners elevate their structures 1214 feet. The petroChemical Complexes that peter and his cameraman were able to grab for us, there has to be a rethinking. The world is getting warmer, the world is getting wetter, we cant build willynilly in the low lands of texas or wherever. Like the brazos river. Last memorial day, they had an epic thousand year flood. 16 months later, they have another epic thousand year flood. There has to be recognition, as we build infrastructure and our homes that we are going to be dealing with a whole different situation. Climate change, you can be a split because you want, i wont go there. Sandra you went there already. Geraldo more people build and cheap land low lands and those of the people who get wiped out. They dont get Flood Insurance because their properties are uninsurable or they can afford the premiums of the Flood Insurance, so this is the resul result. This is going to be a cycle that repeats and repeats. Rachel when the government gets involved, there is a role for the government, there is a role for the private sector as well. When we subsidize Flood Insurance, we sort of unintentionally subsidize people to build in areas that they shouldnt because if youre Flood Insurance reflects the real market risk of building there, you might reconsider where youre going to build your homes. Theres a lot of factors here and Flood Insurance, by the way, is up for reauthorization. Thats my husbands bill. It is a very political issue, as you know because youve had homes on the coast. This is something thats going to be dealt with, ironically next month. Sandra i want to bring abby in here as we continue to watch these images. Peter doocy still up in that chopper. The report from Griff Jenkins of the top of the hour that the river level there, at least for now, the rising of that water seems to be ending. Abby Griff Jenkins interview and the sheriff sang at the end of the day, weve got family and faith. Those of the words we need to hearing now. Those images coming in from peter doocy, this is the first time many of us have seen it from this perspective. Seeing the big picture of just how long this is going to take to recover. Also, as you mentioned, sandra, everyone who evacuated that area, some may be watching this for the very first time, seeing their neighborhood, seeing their homes, seeing everything they owned their whole life basically completely underwater. My reaction to this at this moment is how emotional, how real, how we can talk of what the politics and debate all day long, but this is peoples livelihood that will never, ever be the same. Sandra i want to bring Gillian Turner in and remind her he buddy this is a live helicopter look from peter doocy on the left side of the screen. The right side of the screen, we have flooding from lake jackson, texas. Gillian just looking at these aerial shots courtesy of peter, im thinking about the devastation thats so obvious. There is water up to the roof switches hideous to think about, but theres also will remove into the relief and recovery part of this process, these people on the ground now have to worry about horrible, horrible waterborne illnesses and diseases. We have to ensure the people to really sick from that. Not only is everything wet, its now polluted with all these chemicals and materials and animals and bugs and things like that. Sandra one week after harvey made landfall, unbelievable to think were still still looking at these images and some of the floodwaters are still rising and some parts of texas. We are on this for you, live pictures coming from the air from peter doocy. We are all over this for you, continued harvey coverage and texas. Well be right back. S dance gra you dont let anything keep you sidelined. Come on thats why you drink ensure. 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Were also going for a look at what may be coming next. Rick . We still have what was harvey, the remnants of a lot of rain, some of this could cause a little bit of flooding, also putting us tornadoes off to the east side. Yesterday, we had about ten tornadoes and some stronger ones. Now we are watching the flooding. Runoff flooding across the lower ohio river valley. Some spots around 3 inches, could see spots up to 6 inches. The east side, thats where well looking at the tornadoes for today, primarily in the south parts of north carolina. I will tell you across the gulf, we have been seeing a potential of other developments, over the next week, maybe a few scattered showers. Nothing is going to exacerbate any of that flooding. Weve also been watching Hurricane Irma and a really strong storm in the atlantic. Thats a way out in the atlantic, that means it has a long time before it comes anywhere towards our side of the atlantic. A category two storm, it will probably get to a category three. We need to act certainly some impact from that. The bahamas around ten days, we have a long time to watch the storm. The good news is, the models trending too far out to say any thing for sure, but have been trending to the north and keeping up short which be great news. I will tell you, statistically, a storm is that far out and that strong generally deflects up towards the north and misses the u. S. The european model showing right now in the american model doing the same thing, keeping it offshore in the u. S. Hopefully that will be the case. That said, were about 1012 days away from that. Lots of time to watch out. Sandra just has a harvey cleanup begins, Something Else may be coming. Thank you for the update there. Were looking at live images, geraldo, of lake jackson, texas. This is an area that weve heard many people one camera saying they were sending their family out of the houston area to lake jackson to safety and then they had a mandatory evacuation and this is what it looks like there now. Geraldo i heard general russell henri who was the commander who took over the Disaster Response to hurricane katrina. Houston should have been evacuated. I defer to his expertise. I remember very well and hurricane rita where an evacuation was ordered and people were on the freeway, on the interstate, clogged in a way that theyre sitting on the highway, running out of gas. The evacuations are very problematic and it should only be ordered in the event of a really extreme urgency. The vast majority of houston, we dont cover houses that dont burn or dont flood, is intact. 90 or more of houston is fine. Its the low lands, its almost always the poor people. Why do tornadoes always hit trailer parks . Because the only people who by and those corridors are people who dont have the option of relocating in a safer place. Its a same thing with the low lands. You have to recognize that Mother Nature is profoundly powerful. Abby are a lot of people cant catch a break. Speak of how many folks left during katrina to go to this area, the houston area to find safe place. This is a great place to live, this is where you want to keep our family and now theyre going to devastation. Geraldo i dont mean to interrupt, but its also very important for people to understand that as horrifying as this is and how disruptive of peoples lives, when i hear people saying this is worse than katrina, i say, you were obviously not in katrina. Katrina was almost 1,900 people dead. This is about 40 people, god rest their souls, i feel awful for them, but in the epic scale of disasters, this may be more expensive. Abby the number of people dying in katrina, because it was so mismanaged and terms of making the call, is it bigger, but better managed . Thats something may be the media outside of this network doesnt want to talk about. Geraldo a quick example, 2004, the response was fabulous and people expected that george w. Bush was helping jeb bush, governor of florida, but whatever the motivation, there was amazing federal response. 2005, katrina comes, they stay home. You ask why people died, i dont know why they died, but there were bodies floating. There were a couple of dead people at the convention center, remember very well in new orleans. So much depends on the attitude and im so glad the president is going back to texas with the first lady to show them that the federal government cares, the federal government is engaged. Rachel the local government had a role there as well. Geraldo a role in screwing it up. Sandra we continue to look these live pictures of lake jackson, texas and the flooding continues there. We will continue to stay on top of all of this after harvey hit almost one week ago. Meanwhile, President Trump making another trip to texas and louisiana this weekend. Some say he needs to show more emotion when he gets there. Is not fair or does it show his critics will tear him down no matter what . We will be right back. Your budget wont go up in smoke. Cabelas pellet grill. Great price. Lifetime guarantee. Only at cabelas. But he hasoke up wwork to do. In. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. Its time for the biggest sale of the year with the new sleep number 360 smart bed. It senses your every move and automatically adjusts on both sides to keep you effortlessly comfortable. And snoring. Does your bed do that . 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Its sunny, the storm has moved on so many people might think of a certain rescues are over with. That is just not the case. We are here with fema, thiers teams from around the country and quitting new jersey, california, and tennessee. Right now, they are uncertain rescue, still looking for victims or evacuees. Overnight, this town flooded again because towns from the north are ending up here. Theyre calling this the bathtub of texas and as you can see, the town is still widely flooded. I want to introduce frank from california. Most important is saving lives right now. What you doing . Our main mission and main goal is to do a wide area search, we are gritting off the area. Right now, we have two search teams which consist of a hazmat component, canine, we have National Guard working with us, atf, and we have technical search. Were marking areas of people that may need help. Besides having the Army Vehicles that are in the high waters that we cannot walk, we will drive to areas whether theyre trapped, whether they need food, within each shelter because the infrastructure is gone. We wish you well and think you for your service. This hurricane made landfall about a week ago and here we are, still doing search and rescue. It is not over here on the ground in texas. Back to you in new york. Sandra matt finn, think you for your reporting pred President Trump is excited to be briefed on harvey Recovery Efforts in less than an hour now. Thats ahead of his return to the region tomorrow to visit areas devastated by the storm on tuesday. He toured her Chris Christie and yesterday, he pledged 1 million of his own personal fortune to the relief efforts there. The Mainstream Media has blasted the president for not showing enough empathy. Some have criticized him for not going to the hardest hit areas. Is that fair . Geraldo ive heard that it was former governor rick perry, secretary who advised the president to not go downrange to Corpus Christi which was a couple miles from those devastated area. The president and the first lady and at first visit seem to be rookies in terms of the way they responded to or behaved during that visit, during the crisis. The president is the healer in chief. Ive known donald trump for 4 decades. Hes a compassionate, loving person. There wasnt enough interaction. Show me one picture of the president with a victim of the storm, sandra. Sandra had he made that prevalent to the cameras, he would have made that it geraldo im trying to be helpful. Melania can go with stiletto heels. Gillian its fair to criticize the president s leadership style, hes the president. Its fair to say things like he isnt here to be and carly a motive, he didnt appear to necessarily act as a consoler in chief, he didnt hug a lot of people, but i think its unfair to extrapolate from that that he is on empathetic. Abby you know the president well, thats on his personality. The people there are suffering and are not big at the pieces of their lives. Do they want a hug right now . No. I think they want solutions. They want the president on the ground, hes now giving 1 million of his own dollars. They want the federal government to say we will give you everything you posit we need to survive this into recovery. Rachel the last election was as much about policy as donald trump is going to bring forward as it was about people getting sick of phony politicians. When we saw Hillary Clinton faking a black accent, the trumps are who they are. He flies with a jet with his name on it, he is what he is. He went there and hes a ceo. What i saw in those images was not what i sow is a ceo managing it. Geraldo i will bet every dollar in my wallet that President Trump visits texas in the next day or so and will be a totally different personality than the person who visited the first time and i will bet you money that the first lady will have boots on and they will ask a victim how are you doing. Sandra she did and could off of air force one in texas and heels, she departed in them. Well continue to follow the devastation of texas. We have these unbelievable pictures coming up and President Trump expected to end an Obama Era Program, but democrats and Business Executives are slamming that news today. Should he do it . We will debate next. woman when you have type 2 diabetes, theres a moment of truth. And now with victoza®, a better moment of proof. Victoza® lowers my a1c and blood sugar better than the leading branded pill, which didnt get me to my goal. Lowers my a1c better than the leading branded injectable. 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Taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. The most common side effects are headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. Nows the time for a better moment of proof. Ask your doctor about victoza®. Sandra fox news alert, President Trump expected to soon announce he will end daca, the Obama Era Program that refers deportation of children who came to the country. The president is being urged not to scrap daca. Obviously, geraldo, youll have some strong thoughts. Geraldo you think . I want to be Crystal Clear and unmistakable and my message to donald trump. You cannot do this. You cannot make true the stereotype that you are cruel and uncaring. You must do the right thing. These are the most invented emigrants weve ever had. Theyve been background, theyve been fingerprinted, they need to be gainfully employed or in college. Most of them have citizen siblings. If we were now to unleash the power of the federal government, to root out 800,000 of these dream act students, it would permanently tarnish the reputation and legacy of President Trump and it will affect how i feel about him. Sandra im bringing in rachel camposduffy because this is very near and dear to your heart, its something you deal with every civil day. Rachel it this morning on fox business, we had steve cortez. He said hes been talking to folks inside the white house, advising him to do just what you said, not to take away daca. This what i think is happening. I hope, at least, that hes using this i will, i wont, as a chip, if you will to get democrats on board for Border Security because geraldo, as we both know, if you want comprehensive immigration reform, you need better Border Security and thus the only way to get both sides, republicans and democrats on board for comprehensive immigration refor reform. The president is doing really good on Border Security. Thats what i hope. Abby hes following through the promise he made on the campaign trail to get rid of this. Rachel he promised on the campaign trail to be compassionate with the dreamers. Abby you say one thing on the campaign trail and then you get there and youre president of the United States and you see the reality of how many lives are being affected when he puts him in forward like that. If Congress Puts it forth, he could put the blame there. He saying im following through on at least what i told many of my base i would do. Gillian and the last segment, you are saying how americans see the president needing to be more emotional response to harvey. Heres an issue or hes incredibly emotional so far, talking about this. Hes taken extra care to much every opportunity he said public leak, hes said i know i said this on the campaign trail, im telling you, im conflicted. Im torn inside. This gets the root of my humanity, religion, all the things i think about in life, all things that are important to me and its a hard issue. Its nice to see the president show sandra hes a said many times how difficult this has been for him. The floodwaters still rising in parts of texas, but beginning to recede near houston. We will have continuing coverage as some residents begin leaving shelters to head back home to see how much is actually left. Well be right back. Drink ensu. With 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy, to get back to doing what you love. Ensure, always be you. We spent weeks canvassing the sthe quadranttense. To pinpoint our perfect location. Once locked in on our target, we knew we had to move fast. Fortunately, we were already preapproved for a no money down loan with Navy Federal Credit union, and were able to put an offer on this place immediately after it went on the market. 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Liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. Sandra we are following the latest of the aftermath of hurricane harvey. Youre looking at an image weve gotten used to. A submerged pickup truck and the right side, late jackson texas which i had mentioned earlier, you got word of some of the houstonians sending families to these areas on the outskirts of houston to go to safe ground, but lake jackson, the flooding there, the residents were evacuating out of that area, floodwaters still rising and we are about one week now after harvey first made landfall. I want to open it up to the couch, your thoughts, as we continue to see these images and people making their way back home, some of them are able to at this point, only to find out that their house is not much left. Gillian you think how horrific natural disasters and tragedies are like this, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and theres wonderful things that come and the story so far, from what weve seen in texas has been one of american resilience and thats one of the heartening things to take forward. Its been an immensely depressing week for americans all over the country. People who are affected because they know their countrymen are suffering. One of the beatles for things were stirring to see is the compassion coming forward. Its turning into a narrative of goodness and unity and i want to point that out because it can get overwhelming to watch this and talk about it all week long. Its nice to have some thoughts that are little that more inspiring. Abby at a time when it seems like the summer has been so divisive. This brings everyone together. This broke last saturday morning and it was a sense of relief as it went from a category four to a category one. We knew that wasnt going to be the big part of the story, it was the aftermath and picking up the pieces. The local community, thats the story coming out of this. People coming together, people bringing each other up, getting the support they need. Geraldo its also going to be a big building boom. Many cars will be sold, this will be a stimulus. Texas will thrive. Sandra it seems like were so far away from that. Maurice outnumbered and just a a moment. And make stuffing from scratch. So that you can spend time on what really matters. Marie callenders. Its time to savor. When they thought they should westart saving for retirement. Le then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. I have to do it, i have to thank him. We love having you, nice to have you and nice to see you as well, rachel. Everyone have a lovely Labor Day Weekend and a safe one at that. Happening now starts right no now. Leland just before this Labor Day Weekend, a fox news alert. President trump getting ready to head to texas. Hard to believe we are now one week since harvey came ashore, the second hour of happening now on this friday. A speech of the president is set to land in the Lone Star State tomorrow, mr. Trump tweeting today that there is still so much to do to help texas recove recover. The president also personally donating 1 million to the cause. Leland we have live fox team coverage. On the projected path of Hurricane Irma, now a category to go but gaining strength out in the atlantic

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