Sandra possible Nuclear Crisis averted. State media reports he decided to wait on the launch and watch the foolish and stupid conduct of the yankees. James mattis. Its called war if they shoot at us. If they do that, then its game on. Sandra meantime, Trump Supporters of saying this is a big won for the president. Corey lewandowski praising President Trump and the administration or how they handle the situation. What this president said was you dont want to mess with me. He and general mattis were very clear. If they launch a weapon at us. He will react swiftly, decisively, and it will be complete annihilation at all think theyre ready for that. Sandra david, you have been following this closely. Is this, at least for now, a big win . David its a huge win. This shows the administration has put together the strongest, most experience, most realistic team dealing with foreign affairs. You look at everybody they have, jillian, tillerson is a great secretary of state. You have mcmaster, you have kelly, you have nikki haley at the u. N. , these people have balance, their Good Cop Bad Cop. It seems the sound bite you just played contrast with something he wrote in the wall street journal yesterday in which he and tillerson said, the u. S. Has no interest in regime change. That kind of scared ambassador bolton and myself when we talked about it, but again, theyre constantly playing this Good Cop Bad Cop routine and it seems to have had tremendous effect. Sandra the wall street journal said theres a couple big problems with that. They might be together on this and they would be engaged in constant conversation and constant strategy, but it went on to say President Trump is not on that same page and there are mixed messages coming out of the white house. Gillian, at least for now, theyve stepped away for this. Where does this go next . Gillian i would describe this ratcheting down on the part of north korea, its absolutely a success for the president , but more importantly, its a win for the American People because it deescalate the situation and takes some tension out of what has been a very tense two weeks now. Were going to point out, i see it more of a tactical success rather than a big strategic victory. This crisis is not necessarily averted, certainly not for the longterm. Its a good step and direction, and it indicates the president and his team have had some successes and dealing with the north korean regime. David its the first step weve taken as a country in the past four presidencies, i would say, against the existence of north korea in their belligerence. Its something there to deal with, live with. As has been a push back by the president ial administration on north korea that i dont think weve had in at least the past three administrations, if not the four. Melissa number one, its not over. Thats the point youre making is that this is just one tiny victory, weve turned on the heat for a moment. They are building, obtaining, amassing, whatever weapons they want over there and its relevant at this point that we have some buddy at the home who the rest of the world believes is going to pull the trigger. Thats different, like you said, from recent past. As much as there was talk about two mad men, there was a comparison between our president and kim jongun, which was ridiculous, what is accurate as we have somebody who is willing to follow through on whatever redline they lay down. Trish that means if it takes the next step. I agree, its not over and we need to put a ton of pressure on china to make sure that they are on board with us and part of what you saw yesterday, with the president saying, were not going to stand for this. That threat for china, that we are willing to go after them in terms of trade, and terms of intellectual property, that exists as a threat. I think north korea knows to get someone new now. Its a new administration, its a new universe that we are living in and theyre not going to test us because they know that we can do it. David one thing that was overlooked yesterday that happened that is in reflection seeming very significant, north korea recalled ambassadors from three places yesterday, from the united nations, china, and russia. The same day, as you mentioned that he came out with our new sanctions against china. It was supposed to be focused on intellectual property and that is a concern, but clearly, this was a message about north korea as well. It really had an effect. For them to pull back their ambassadors which means they are trying to construct a brandnew approach to the world, one that probably will be less belligerent than it has been, very significant. Sandra when he warns that he could change his mind, youre left wondering what that catalyst could be. Gillian completely unpredictable in that sense. I would also hedge a little bit against what you guys are laying out which is a new vision for the north koreanu. S. Relationship. I dont believe the trump administration, they may be planning that, they may be thinking about it and strategizing, but they have not brought that to the table. If you look back over the last three administrations, Strategic Deterrence remains the official policy, it remains the policy at the united nations, on the ground. That was something, thats more of a talking point, thats a coined phrase, used to describe something thats actually happening on the ground, but there is no more troops in south korea today than there were six months ago. My point here is that i think what President Trump is doing is bringing a different stylistic approach and putting a fine point. Sandra based on what just happened, is that winning . Gillian thats what i was trying to say earlier. So far, it seems to be improving for him. Six months from now, if we are in a position where this has been completely ratcheted down and we are no longer at a crisis point, then ill be happy to say that this has been a tremendous strategic victory. David can i push back . There have been very substantive changes. One of the biggest things, a buildup of our military. We havent had this for at least the previous administration, the second one is the economic sanctions with china, we are getting serious against china. China is seeing that we are going to turn the screws on them, so i want to say one of the thing, not only should American People breathe a sigh of relief because of what has happened, but lets not forget the south koreans, particularly the people in seoul were people were in the cross hairs. We had a producer at fb on who is from south korea and she just returned from south korea, she said theyve got a pretty thick skin, have been through war, they are getting nearly nervous and finally can breathe a sigh of relief. Melissa you are looking for an official document Going Forward and said of laying it out, writing it. Gillian the people who are saying this is entirely new approach, those folks are reading too much into the tea leaves. Its a new rhetoric and its a new stylistic approach which is a problem. Trish it also carries some risk and potentially some award. The risk as he gets mad enough, his ego was bruised enough, he does something really disastrous that he hears this message in a way he hasnt before. The rhetoric, i think the language really does matter. David it would not have turned around at the chinese would not have forced his hand. They forced his hand because they were feeling the pain. Sandra i bring this back to that piece in the wall street journal this morning which ended saying the situation remains tense and dangerous and there are more moving parts than a parent. Track them, keep a close eye on this show. Going back to your original point. President trump calling racism evil and denouncing white supremacist groups following the Charlottesville Violence, but the Mainstream Media slamming his latest response. Is there criticism unfair . No reports showing the Trump Campaigns rejecting meetings with russian leaders. What helped put to rest the questions about russian collusion . And after the show, he can join our live chat by clicking the overtime tab on foxnews. Com are numbered or go to facebook. Com outnumberedfnc facebook. Com outnumberedfnc. You can also tweet us. During the conversation, well see you there. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. 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Sandra strong words from President Trump yesterday condemning them by names following the violence of a white supremacist rally on saturday. The Mainstream Media renewing its attack on the president. Why did it take so long for the president , u. S. Operatives are behaving like nazis and to call these actual nazis . Speak out what a difference a teleprompter makes. He sounds like a kid whose parents made him apologize for egging their neighbors. If theres any Silver Lining to this, and there is and by the way, its that whatever vacation was hoping to have is now ruine ruined. Sandra President Trump taking to twitter to respond writing made additional remarks on charlottesville and realized that once again the Fake News Media will never be satisfied. Truly bad people. Some democrats also joining in on the attack, nancy pelosi saying this, from the beginning, President Trump and courage the forces of bigotry and discrimination. Edging to take the states two days to some of the basic decency. They laid it on thick. They were relentless. David when i was watching this whole thing unfold on saturday morning, i just knew they were going to find some way to blame President Trump for it. Didnt you realize, somehow they were going to fit him into the mix. Read the notes of the mother of the woman who was killed on saturday. She came out with a note to the president after his second note about what happened on saturday, she said, thank you, President Trump for those words of comfort and for denouncing those who promote violence and hatred. I think its very callous not to respect the words of the mother of the woman who was killed. She thanked the president , unequivocally, she think the president and said he said we needed to be said about what happened here thats enough for me. Sandra youre not just hearing this from the left, Ari Fleischer was on fox news a little while ago and he said he cant defend the president s initial response to this. Gillian i think theres a lot of emotion infused into the situation right now, understandably. This is the most pressing hotbutton issue probably of the century so far in the United States. What i would say from a policy perspective, the way i look at it, it is fair to criticize the president s initial response and the fact that his good response came two days after the fact, but i dont think its fair to extrapolate from that that somehow the president is racist or he is unsympathetic to the victims. I think thats a bridge too far, that brings a motion and judgment into a situation that we really need two more responsibly talk about. I think he was probably not well served by whatever Staff Members sold him to wait a beat before he spoke out on this. Sandra but then some in the Mainstream Media went a little far but there criticism. I think you would agree with this, the New York Times saying he only denounced in the violence because of their 2020 ambitions. Sorry to be cynical, but most of all, rubio and ted cruz seem to be doing a tremendous job. Senator ted cruz respond to that saying youre right because nazis have such a love for america. Trish part of this is identity politics. Its becoming the norm in this environment. President obama played to the politics and those who are in the left criticizing President Trump are criticizing him for part of the politics. Lets not forget where this playbook came from. I would think, yes, there is more he could have done or should have said, he thought he had enough ground cover, it wasnt enough because of the rawness of the situation, and frankly because hes been put in this box by many members of the left, but he accused him of having this kind of horrendous support from a horrendous part of society that doesnt represent who we are as americans. Because of that, he would have been better to served and come out very strong against it initially. Okay, fine, you know its never going to be enough with the media. Melissa if you dont take the time to understand the other side, youre never going to solve the problem and i see so many people out there who are intentionally misunderstanding the other side, not make any effort to hear the other side is actually saying. Even when you look at so many of these protests, its about violence, its not about trying to get out there and actually solve the problem or maybe im the cynical one, but i feel like you hear so little of people who actually want to solve the problem. The First Step Towards that is trying to understand whats really going on. David i just have to say, one thing thats overlooked is the country, in many ways has gone beyond the political rhetoric of this issue. We have mixed relationships within our family. Like me, like many people. Youve got africanamericans, asians, latins, within your family and thats changed america much more than the people who have a stake in this politically. Sandra new emails obtained by the Washington Post show the Trump Campaign rejecting several requests to set up meeting with russian officials. Whether this could help at accusations of collusion to rest. Plus the new source that the obama and administration was warned as far back as 2014 that russia was planning to disrupt the u. S. Political system. Obamas team did very little about it, showed special Counsel Robert Mueller be looking into this . Just like the people who own them, every business is different. But every one of those businesses will need legal help as they age and grow. Whether it be help starting your business, vendor contracts or employment agreements. Legalzooms network of attorneys can help you every step of the way so you can focus on what you do. Well handle the legal stuff that comes up along the way. Legalzoom. Legal help is here. And lifes beautiful moments. Ns get between you flonase outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. It helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause symptoms. Pills block one and 6 is greater than 1. Flonase changes everything. Hi. And i know that we have phonaccident forgiveness. Gent, so the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Melissa the Washington Post obtaining details from emails showing the reluctance among trunk Campaign Members to set up meetings with russian leaders. The campaign refusing at least half a dozen requests sent through a Young Campaign aide. The exchanges are part of more than 20,000 pages of documents the trunk campaign turned over to congressional committees this month. The emails reportedly showed advisors were concerned that the meetings could violate sanctions, among other issues, and Paul Manafort was among those who rejected at least one of the meeting requests. A spokesman for manna him sayis is fake news. These emails showed the russians were trying to penetrate the trump team. David the point is the russians were trying to penetrate trump and hilary. I cant remember her name come up with this russian woman who set up the meeting with manafort, the lawyer, she was also working with fusion gps which was turning out this antitrump stuff, including the famous dossier which was apparently untrue, so she was working both sides. Their purpose has always has been to so doubt and the American Public the security of their system. They want americans to think that their system sucks and theyre putting all this information to try to prove that point. There was no collusion, there is an attempt to undermine the u. S. Gillian we have to take care whenever we talk about russia in this administration to point out, theres two issues at stake, two separate investigations, one is the collusion narrative, one is interference, just interference in u. S. General election. This story about George Papadopoulos who was a very minor player, low on the totem pole, the sigs exactly the kind of person that provides a potential weak link for an outside adversary. What we need to look at here is not necessarily, as you said, this may very well undercut the collusion narrative, but we need to look at the very Important National security issue which is their attempted interference because as a lot of former obama intelligence officials told us, they saw an uptick in these attempts and russian capabilities during 20142016. This is a National Security issue. I think thats whats relevant and talks of this particular story if its proven true, if all of this stuff is as being reported. Melissa it shows youre casting a very wide net. Who is out there that we could possibly influence and try to get inside one of these campaigns . Trish this is what they do. We should anticipate this. They do it on both sides. They want to delegitimize our system and i think donald trump would be well served. It doesnt delegitimize him in any way. He has some concerns about that, but lets remember, the russians did not hack the election i. E. They do not hack into peoples voting machines. They may have influenced things on the margin, but i think they were doing that on both sides. That said, President Trump tweeting out today, according to report just outcome up president obama knew about interference three years ago, but he didnt want to anger russia. They got multiple warnings a far back as 2014. Russias intention to disrupt the u. S. Political system. One current official who served under obama saying we started getting stuff in april, may of 2014 that was extraordinary about the extent of the threat and the capacity the russians were building, we were worried putin would try to test us. Demonstration was reluctant to engage against the kremlin. Isnt this exactly what he needs to be doing right now to go after the russians themselves for what they did . Sandra what about mueller . Were the chances that they will go back and look at the Obama Administration . David zero. Mueller is on a crusade to find something against trump. I want to stand up for the Obama Administration because i do think its something that russia has been doing for decades. Its not unusual, and im sure that whenever julian, you probably know better than anyone what happened in the Obama Administration, but when they saw these examples of russian interference, a lot of people said, what else is new . Theyve been doing this for years, lets investigate and keep our eye on it, but its nothing, the former cia rio chief in moscow was talking about, he is the one who said theres no collusion of trump or hillary and the russians, its ongoing so they looked at him and said weve seen it before, well try to guard against it, but is not going to affect us. Melissa you cant conflate the idea of russians trying to interfere with delegitimizing the trump presidency. He makes that point when he says this is not real, theyre trying to make up for a bad loss. Dont connect them. Its not necessary, it doesnt have to be like that and you also sound a little bit foolish because they so clearly are trying to influence this. I think on every side, just to disrupt and seek with and get their hooks into you, its not rooting for a specific candidate more than trying to get your hooks into everywhere. Trish would it make sense for them to say enough, we know the russians did this, we are going after them and go after them hard and also from a political standpoint because as melissa says, you dont want to be seen as linking those two. He won fair and square. No one broke into the voting machines, but he needs to be going after these guys. Gillian its helpful from a national scaredy perspective, but its also helpful politically to the president and his administration. It baffles me that they have not been making a greater effort to do this. Think how great it would be tomorrow, President Trump making remarks in the Briefing Room and saying, exactly what trish just said. This attempt was amped up, it was a bigger attempt, more well coordinated than weve ever seen, it was the word and thankfully, but the russians tried to do, b, and c. Ed was thwarted, theres no question about their capabilities actually infiltrating the American Voter infrastructure. Sandra deal and back and say they should have done more knowing what they did . This before they can always do more. Sandra they didnt do much going back to 2014. Gillian i dont know that thats true. Thats anecdotally whats being reported, but i dont know that thats true. If you were an obama and Administration Intelligence official dating back to 2014 and you saw chatter that this is something that was being looked at by the russians, what are your options . Its not the same as launching a military invasion or announcing something publicly. Those are not options on the table, so actions that were taken were probably covert in nature. There were probably a lot of cyber warfare stuff going on. I dont know but its fair to say the Obama Administration did nothing. Also keep in mind, they are trying to deal with a rush russias illegal invasion of crimea along the same time. David everybody was caught off guard by the sophistication cyber terrorist. Think of all the companies in hollywood that were hacked into, think of all the attacks from other governments like north korea, over the past two or three years, weve seen the sophistication of these attacks that has heeded the understanding of a lot of people in government. By the way, can i bring up a show that you and i love, its very real in what appeared to raise which is a group of russian spies back in the 1980s who are doing exactly the same thing that russians are doing now which is trying to undermine americas confidence. Gillian this reminds me of the criticism that was levied against president bush in the aftermath of 9 11. You have intelligence telling you that something is going on, how could you let this happen . Its not always that simple. When you dont have a specific threat with a specific target, and some always easy to prevent something catastrophic from happening. Things like that will happen. Is it fair to talk about what culpability the president has . Absolutely. Is it fair to the point of the president of the United States and say this is on you . Trish in this case, they were trying to use our biggest strength, our freedom, our openness of society against us and we have to hard against that in the future. The special election primary underway today and alabama where President Trump has been ramping up public support for g. O. P. Candidate Luther Strange. How much does the president s endorsement matter . And what the vote could tell us about the 2018 midterms. We are back after this. Your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Adult 7 promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. ray the difference has been incredible. She is much more aware. She wants to learn things. vo purina pro plan bright mind. Nutrition that performs. Get your ancestrydna kit. Here. Spit. Mail it in. Learn about you and the people and places that led to you. Go explore your roots. Take a walk through the past. Meet new relatives and see how a place and its people are all a part of you. Ancestrydna. Save 30 through august 15th at ancestrydna. Com. Sandra fox news alert, voters heading to the pool today to decide alabamas next u. S. Senator. Luther strange, mel brooks and roy moore are the candidates. Strange has been temporarily filling the seat since february. All have embraced President Trump during their campaign in an effort to compete for his supporters. The president decided to officially endorse Luther Strange earlier this month. Since then, hes taken to twitter multiple times to showcase a support and recorded this just yesterday. Speak out is President Donald Trump and i love the people of alabama and i hope you go out and vote for Luther Strange force on it. We are doing things that a lot of people thought were impossible, but i need luther to help us out. Go to those polls and vote for Luther Strange. Sandra heres what strange is set on fox friends this morning. Why did the president pick you . Its based on a couple of factors. Weve developed a personal friendship, we like each other and we have the same goals, to make America Great again. To implement his agenda, thats with the people of my state want and thats what ive been doing from day one and the senate, since i took Jeff Sessions place in february. Sandra obviously going to be interesting to feel this plays out. David the interesting thing about this is this is the one thing that President Trump and Mitch Mcconnell agree on. They both like Luther Strange. Theyve both talked about how wonderful donald trump is, but they both attacked Mitch Mcconnell in the senate. Its interesting to see that the president , even though he and Mitch Mcconnell have been sniping at each other, he is helping mcconnell in the sense sense. Mcconnell has told the president that he needs strange because strange understands what mcconnell is trying to do in the senate and the president is going along and helping mcconnell. This is a rare instance where they are working together. Sandra and roy moore, what do you think is going to come of all of this . He could be the dark horse, hes pulling pretty well. Gillian and most of the polls, strangers coming in second right now. The point being, i was watching the interview this morning and steve said to him, why you . Why did the president 20 . I wanted to say because hes on board with the president s vision for tax reform. Thats one of the most important assets he has right now. He is a lockstep in sync with that and he wants to get on board and help drive it the way he. Melissa we are pounding the hammer every day, if there is one thing that we can get behind is this idea that we need tax reform in order to unleash the economy might create more jobs. A lot of the problems we have would be a lot smaller if we had an economy that was growing more robustly. I hope thats why the president is focused on the selection in particular, i hope hes working to head tax reform. We talk about this all the time, we always say we need the president to get out there and really excel at tax reform in order to get it done. I think its already priced in. If they dont get everything together to get it done in this calendar year, i dont know its going to happen with the market. Trish people are anticipating and expecting the market. The selling party is going to be hard and the reason is, the left is going to paint this as you just want tax cuts for the wealthy, you just want tax cuts from corporations and with the left always misses on this is that those tax cuts for corporations will help to employ all those people in america that need jobs. Its businesses that actually employee. And the people who are actually paying the taxes. You cant cut taxes anymore, certainly federal taxes for nearly half of the country. This is going to need a hard sales pitch, its going to be a pitch that needs to be dressed up. With a little bit of a bow because its a little bit complicated and i think people immediately recoil and think this is going to the corporations. David he has to use all the salesmanship like he did with the health care issue, hes going to do it doubletime. Sandra meanwhile, progressive hero Elizabeth Warren taking shots and claiming liberals have overtaken the Democratic Party. Is she right and is this a winning direction for democrats . We are not a wing of the Democratic Party, we are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party sandra more outnumbered in just a moment, but first lets get to jon scott with whats coming up in the second hour of happening now. Jon new pulling from gallup on the president s approval rating. The Charlottesville Violence continues to flame emotion. The president turning toward infrastructure today, well have that for you. Also, california sues over its sanctuary cities. That and much more ahead, happening now. Gillian Elizabeth Warren slamming clinton era policies and proclaiming that liberals have taken control of the Democratic Party following Hillary Clintons failed president ial campaign. She spoke at a gathering of thousands over the past weekend. We are not the crashers of todays Democratic Party. We are not a wing of todays Democratic Party, we are the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. Gillian throughout her speech, she didnt shy away as this prospect from a 22 and a run, in fact, she took the opportunity to outline her vision for the party in the future of the party. We are going to be the people who leave the Democratic Party back from the wilderness and lead our country out of this dark time. We cant waste energy arguing about whose issue matters more and who and our alliance should be voted off the island. Gillian part of the reason we are seeing this, tell me what you think, is there is in the wake of president obama wrapping up his second term, a bit of a power vacuum, so we are going to see a lot of positioning and jostling to take the reins over the next couple of years. I think thats what we saw. Melissa thats always the case after these big losses. Do we go extreme, i would say its about who has the fire. I dont think its about the left or center or right when the power vacuum comes around, i think thats what we learn from the last election and its something we learned in cable news, that being broad from any capacity doesnt work anymore. The people have too many options, whether its television or politics, you dont get enough support that what you have to do is stick out a territory and really get people excited in that group. I think both sides have a chance, it could be someone firing towards the middle or someone to the left. President trump, they said we have to not have a white man. Gillian hes neither centrist nor more to the right or left. David the rare occurrence where im going to disagree with my work wife. Republicans should be very happy with what Elizabeth Warren said because its a recipe for failure. The democratic seat is lost in congress. 63 in the house, 11 and the senate and the state legislators are even worse, 960 state legislators, 12 governorships. We now have more than twice the number of republican governors than democrat. 34 verses 15 and thats because of the obama policies. Melissa your proving my point. Its about the person and how you felt about president obama and the passion people had. David it didnt work because the policies didnt work and thats what liz warrens for her, she for policies that dont work. Trish and other words, youre talking about star power. Donald trump had star power, people were excited by him. Thats why toth is a people would show up at some of these rallies. Hillary clinton didnt have that, john kerry didnt have that. Does this person understand what im going through . Do they have any empathy western mark sandra shes fighting for women and she saying were fighting to put more women in the position of power from Committee Rooms to boardrooms, but she says it with almost anger in her voice. David even bernie who is a likable guy personally, hes gone a step too far. Hes coming in september for fullblown socialized medicine and it would be interesting to see how lives were in response to that because policy does make a difference beyond personality and if she goes with bernie for a fullblown socialism, i think she goes well. Melissa hes still got a zillion people out there. David it less than a zillion. Melissa they have to really kill themselves do not give him the nomination. We were laughing the first day he came out that they found a socialist in the end, he gave her a run for her money. David the genuine quality that Bernie Sanders has come out warren doesnt have. Sandra more outnumbered in just a Moment Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Ykeep you sidelined. Ng thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. Can make anyone slow downt and pull up a seat to the table. Thats why she takes the time to season her turkey to perfection, and make stuffing from scratch. So that you can spend time on what really matters. Marie callenders. Its time to savor. Many thanks to mr. David asman. Many thanks to you. You can see us again at 4 00 this afternoon. We are going to keep it right here for outnumbered over time on web, find us at facebook. Com outnumberedfnc. I will see you at 2 00 p. M. , happening now starts right now. Heather we begin with a fox news alert from the fox news Global Headquarters in new york city. A brandnew poll on President Trumps job performance, nearly seven months into his presidency. Jon 41 approval, 49 disapprove but the president s compliment since ovulation day. We are covering all the news happening now. I want a very big infrastructure bill. Jon President Trump a sec to talk about fixing americas crumbling roads and bridges today. Will he get bipartisan support for one of his big Campaign Promises . Racism is evil and those who cause

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