Wake up america already on amazon , best a and in just days, eric youreoutnumbered but bring us joy. I love being on here, its great to be back with you guys, you guys look beautiful. Thank you, good have you. We have a lot to get to, you know the big story thats been breaking. Lets get thenews. Security is being fortified at airports acrossthe globe and here in america. At this hour, investigators working the scene at turkeys largest airports. A bustling travel hub descended into chaos when three terrorists opened fire before exploding their bomb vests. Witnesses put it this way. People were shooting. One side, we all ran the other way and then bombs went off and people were starting to run the other way and there was more shooting area people were very sad. One guy had a whole backpack and then a blast. President obama is receiving updates from his National Security team. We are told the president speaking on the phone with turkeys president short time ago offering condolences to the turkish people and he has just made some remarks which we will have a moment that we will bring in, a meeting this morning morning right at the top. First, lets get the latest from john huddy at istanbuls airport. Harris, as you mentioned weve been seeing a graphic, dramatic video of one of the explosions, one of the attackers opening fire with kalashnikovs before being shot by Security Officers and about 20 seconds later, detonating his explosive device. The explosive best or belt he was wearing, this is where it happened. Behind me is where one of the explosions went off at attaturk airport in istanbul. Cleanup and repairs starting this morning after the airport reopened which has flights coming in and out but you can see the glass there was blown out. It was shattered. The there was blown out as well but throughout the day, workers have been covering that backup and one of the walls they covered, the brown bear, behind it was a wall that was riddled with bullet marks and thats just a sign of the chaos last night. Three attackers burst open fire here at the departures terminal at the airport before then detonating their explosive devices, a suicide attack. At this point, 41 people killed, 239 injured. And while no particular group has claimed responsibility and as i talk, i want to just walk and set the scene a little bit. Obviously theres a huge media contingent here and obviously a massive Security Force and contingent obviously in the wake of these attacks. As i was saying, while no particular group has claimed responsibility, turkish officials including the countrys Prime Minister maintain this was the work of isis. Isis has carried out as we know other attacks in the country including two recent attacks here in istanbul and others in other parts of the country including the capital of on cara. Isis at one point, turkey had a somewhat handsoff approach to isis because isis and turkey share a common enemy. We are walking into the security area of the martyrs area but it turns out that handoff approach because they shared a common enemy, syrian president bashar alassad. That is until turkey joined the Usled Coalition efforts against isis and also allowed the United States, im sorry were being asked to leave. Also announced the United States to fly out of one of its southern airbases. So that said, isis has vowed revenge and said it will continue to retaliate, no problem. We are being asked to leave the terminal understandably so that said again, continues here. Isis bowing revenge, carrying out these attacks saying it will continue to carry out these attacks and as i said, while the cleanup is going on there is certainly the marks of the chaos last night including bullet marks like these. John, weve been hearing from witnesses. I shared with our viewers, one man was talking about being able to see the glass or whatever in the back of someone else. That scene was just run for your life and it sounds and looks so familiar. We saw something just like this in belgium. Now theyre starting to hold out as you said and move forward. Im curious though, thats a crime scene. There are a lot of people in there. Reporter this is true. Not even 24 hours after the attack, just about 12 hours in fact, they reopened the airport. They started the cleanup process and over here, if you plan to the right you see all the media and weve all been walking around, obviously they have areas that are cordoned off so you can go in there, watch your back. Watch your back. But business continues as usual and the airport has been crowded throughout the day. I spoke to one woman, ive spoken to a lot of people but one woman in particular, i asked her were you concerned about flying in today. She said no, not at all. Im not going to be deterred by these terrorist attacks. I continued with my plans as usual so again, the airport is reopening, flights going in and out but there definitely is, having said all that, there is anunease and concern that this is the start of more to come. The enemy, if it turns out to be this particular enemy because theres more than one group of enemies out there, this one, isis has said this is exactly what they were going to do. John huddy reporting, thank you very much. Lets talk about who would have taken responsibility. No immediate claim of responsibility yet for what just happened but all signs as i mentioned are pointing to isis and hours after that attack, john kerry raised eyebrows by saying that isis or dyess is targeting airports because its quote, desperate. Here it is. Its been more than one year since daesh has actually launched a fullscale military offensive area thats because our coalition is moving forward relentlessly on every front. Yes, you can bomb and airport. You can blow yourself up. Thats the tragedy. Daesh and others like it no that we have to get it right 24 seven, 365. They have to get it right for 10 minutes or one hour. House Homeland Security german mike mccall says isis is far from contained. That to say theyre on the run is absolutely, it defies reality. I was in cairo in egypt up in the sinai province where isis is very heavy. Tunisia, libya, theyre expanding beyond the caliphate now into Northern Africa so they are not on the run, theyre on the rise. Is that on an alternate universe looks like, eric, where people look up at the same sky and see Something Different . It where the white house is been for the better part of eight years now saying that isis is on the run, isis is the jv team area john kerry is saying the reason why isis is blowing up airports and blowing up brussels and maybe has a link to orlando is because theyre desperate is tone deaf. Hes wrong, mike mccall says hes wrong, john brennan who heads the cia days ago said isis is not on the run. They literally have thousands of fighters, thousands of fighters looking to infiltrate the west refugee programs and immigration to kill westerners read their not on the run, theyre not pushing back, theyre not killing people because theyre about to be defeated. Theyre telling people because they can. The sooner we get together as a globe, not just america but all freethinking countries get together and declare war on these cockroaches and put them out, then those instances will back off. I think were going to have more and more timber. Theyre doing what they said they were going to do. Use John Brennans words, it is so conflicting to whats coming out of the white house now. What exactly he said earlier this month, our efforts have not reduced the groups terrorism capability and global reach, use words like resilience when talking about isis and said theyre only going to index and intensify their efforts and all this in contrast, president obama shortly before brennan made those comments saying theres more pressure on us to regroup than ever before and then this happens. If this is how they react to pressure. What john kerry did when paris happened. They convened a Global Leaders on terror, president obama didnt go, joe biden didnt go, john kerry wrought james taylor to sing a song for the parisians. If this commentary yesterday doesnt tell you they are clueless, then being clueless, thats trouble for us. As i mentioned, turkey is one of our key allies and well while theyre having an interesting relationship with isis, there is some word of maybe shared oil revenues, we cant confirm that but its interesting. [overlapping conversation] we can confirm that, harris. Im sorry, i dont want to occupy this but we saw the terrorists, the isis terrorists driving oil trucks from iraq and parts of syria in through the Turkish Border. The Turkish Border waved them through and we literally said as a country, we are not going to bomb those people because we worried about collateral damage. For me i think youd have to search the truck but really, what else would be in there so i get your point. Julie, you have never liked the way this president has handled isis. And i dont and i continue not to. Eric and i have a rare moment of agreement because i dont think it matters whether there on the run militarily in falluja or not. If i were at the attaturk airport or at the Brussels Airport or in paris or any of the placesthe infiltrated including orlando , i would say it doesnt really matter. There are dead westerners and their targeting turkey for a specific reason. Its a much less sex secular city that was but nonetheless its a secular Muslim Country that is a member of nato, they been a member of the eu though not recently and as a result they pose the biggest threat to isiss perversion of their religion because here is a westernized, civilized muslim nation and that is something isis lobes and hates. They dissemble which is one of the most beautiful cities ive ever been to in the fact that john kerry said what he said today was incredibly tone deaf when there are dead people less than 24 hours ago lying on the floor of that airport where john huddy was reporting from today. What youre talking about megan is that democratic experiments that they were trying to do to merge their religion with their politics and obviously this is a referendum on that for whoever the sellers are. You guys are not going to be that beacon, were taking you out. This is the legacy of the Obama Administration. They have called ice is a jv team, that they were contained and its anything but and the ugly truth is they have to take responsibility for the rise of isis. If obama had a son of a rack, isis hadnt attacked us in the way it has grown and now were dealing with the ramifications. We can take them out, we can put boots on the ground, we can go after them but they refuse to and thisis the legacy. But this really requires a unified strategy and when you hear all the different voices literally looking up at the sky and say no its blue, purple, its whatever. I dont know how you can take these guys out if you cant even agree upon that. I think the problem is the following. Youve got people in the world both in this country and inside britain , you see in france and the netherlands and other places in the eu that want to disengage from the world. We may not agree, but we agree that you needan engaged west to do that, whether diplomatically, militarily, we disagree on the specifics but the strategy is the same. We need a unified west in order to do that. This context of saying we need to take our marbles and go home or say we have fortress america fortress france is impractical and unrealistic. We live in a Global Society and this is what you see happening. They dont respect borders and nationality. One thing is what we have to do with the referee refugee population and situation thats going on. It is complicated by the war in syria and unrest around the world. Everyone said what the heck is the uk doing . Theyre pulling out of the eu, its going to be terrible for them. I was in favor of this because the real reason why the uk pulled out of the eu was immigration. Their concern about the free travel of immigrants, even refugees into germany, across the borders ending up in london and they were concerned over people of the uk voted against that. Think about what you said. You said turkey wanted to be part of the eu, it continues to want to be part of the european union. However, they very often petition to be part of the eu which would mean they have traveled into these european countries. Can you imagine with whats going on in turkey, turkey is bifurcated. You have part of them who are antiasad syria and part of them were antiauntran4a over here, then theres a border that they allow isis fighters to go up the middle. Its a mess, it allows that mess to immigrate, to move in parts of the west in britain, its crazy. We are going to get a twominute warning shortly. We know the president is having a bilateral meeting the mexican president and that right off the top of their meeting they are expected to talk about what happened in turkey. We will bring that to you as soon as we have that videotape play out, it will be brandnew. The divergence from what weve heard, secretary of state john kerry say, former new york city mayor giuliani reacting saying this is an accidental responding to kerrys remarks, saying something is wrong with his analysis. He says isis is following their plan so what do you think the president will say . Lets talk about john brennan. Across the board, james colby fbi director tells us hes got 1000 investigations going on three single state. Its bigger, its a bizarre occurrence where every intel head in the administration is telling a story and the white house and secretary of state are telling a different story. A winning the war over here and the intel people really know whats going on. Many people have predicted this for a long time, thats whats so frustrating is the Obama Administration go on tv and explain in a way that john kerry did which finds offensive. Im going to step in, breaking news right now, bilateral meeting between president obama and mexicos president , and here it is. Lets watch together. I just want to thank president pena nieto and his delegation for anexcellent discussion. For proceeding our trilateral meeting. Before i discuss the importance of the us mexican relationship, let me publicly extend my deepest condolences to the people of turkey for the terrible attack that took place in istanbul. I had a chance to speak to president erdogan earlier today to discuss with him not only how heartbroken we have been by the images of the injured and those killed but also to reaffirm our strong commitment to partner with turkey, with nato, with the broadbased alliance and structures around the world to fight isis. Its an indication of them being unable to govern those areas they taken over, that they are going to be defeated in syria, theyre going to be defeated in iraq,thats has an impact on the entire civilized world. And i know that he was chaired by mexico, its shared by canada, its shared by all the people in this hemisphere and its shared in every region of the world. So we stand with the people of turkey and we intend to do whats necessary to make sure that these kind of terrible events are not happening. Now, on a happier note, the cooperation thats been taking place between the United States and mexico across a whole range of issues has been outstanding. We had the opportunity to discuss the continuing strength of our business, commercial trade, politics, our business and any time in which we all too often our hearing rhetoric that ignores the enormous contributions that have been made by that we draw from the relationship with ourgood neighbor to the south , its been useful for us to reaffirm all the different issues weve been working on together. We are strongly committed to making sure we have high labor and Environmental Standards in everything that takes place between our two countries but also ensures we are able to enforce our immigration laws in a way that is orderly and sound. We are watching now, you heard the president say off the top even though you see messages for the president there, this is a trilateral because canada is part of this meeting to but he has pena nieto to washington ents before president obama would leave office so thats what this visit we were told is about. He did make some remarks as you saw about what happened in turkey. He said the broadbased alliance to fight the Islamic State, he calls them isis, proves they are going to be defeated in syria and iraq that you is shared by mexico, canada and all our allies and then he said we are standing by turkey to do whatever it takes to make sure these terrible events are not happening. Eric, its hard to to critique a president in the moment where hes there with other country leaders and so on and so forth area but i would say arguably, this is the moment that the world looks at americas leader and it says this just happened in orlando. You have a special message for . President of the United States. Were listening around the girl. He literally took 45 seconds a minute addressing this. Then he moved on to happier notes. We stand with the people of turkey and we will take the necessary steps, what does that mean to ensure these kind of events are happening, what does that mean . They are. Ill do it. Its 24 hours out, the president of the United States should have sent a stronger message. This is ridiculous. On a happier note . There is no happier note right now. Its insane. This pc crap where we cant call islamic terror what it is and pointed out and say we will defeated is why it keeps happening and its happening there and its happening here as you pointed out in orlando. [overlapping conversation] give me a break. As he continues to say this is the biggest threat to the globe after this terror attack less than 24 hours ago, see talk about Climate Change . [overlapping conversation] why is his head exploding . As we gone back and forth and i know democrats will say and someone in your party will say you know, it doesnt matter what you call it. It has not helped us one iota not calling radical islam in terms of building that Broad Coalition among the muslim countries. Like saudi arabia, who might want to take refugees by the thousands or whatever. It has not helped at all. Turkey being a prime exampleactually of somebody whowould take offense potentially to the fact that you would call them , their religion terrorism. I will tell you theyre probably not calling radical islam. A moderate muslim would say this is version of their religion. Having said that, heres where the difficulty lies with turkey and i dont think the president can say this now especially when there, way they are today. You had president s erdogan who has spent more time going after the kurds, who has spent more time going after a sod then he has going after isis. We pointed out he has in many ways, theres evidence he has collaborated with isis on oil purchases. Today, erdogan is shot this is happening and i understand whats going on at the moment but the turks need to look inside. They need to stop going after countries that oppose the fact that they dont want to call it the genocide in armenia from 100 years ago, they need to stop going after the kurds. They need tostart looking at what is threatening them and what is threatening them has been isis. They are on the border with syria. There on the border because theyre allowing those fighters from go to turkey to syria read they know they have this in their country but they dont have an agreement anymore. Reports as an opportunity for the president to give us more specifics on how we are going to continue to fight this. His exact words were the us is doing what is needed to stop these attacks. He did not go further to explain are we changing course, is there going to be a different strategy Going Forward . He cant change course, that would mean admitting the course hes been on for the last seven years working. Hes defended this leading from behindthing. San bernardino, orlando. He could create some concern, some alarm andshake up the Global Community and say we need to join together. [overlapping conversation] i agree with you but practically speaking, you have an ally, a nato ally that despite this has been more obsessed with going after the kurds in the south then they work with going after isis. [overlapping conversation] youre the one who has that open border. You want him to call out our strongest nato muslim allies. [overlapping conversation] lets get megan back in. What should he have said today . Is angry as upset as we are, dont look like youre just biding her time in the four months that you are president for six months, whatever and he just looks like somewhere along the line somebody in the Administration Knows their failing and knows they lead from behind and they know they have to take culpability. Obama hoped with the rise of isis, history will remember and just look angry. I agree with eric. Were apparently not going to do anything about it until we get a new leader in office and i thank god that whoever ends up being president , at least its no longer this president was making it worse. Thats what you guys are upset about, the tone smr. [overlapping conversation] you dont treat erdogan with kid gloves, worry that might get mad and not be our allies. There a nato ally, yes we need them. You think turkey is going to pull out and not be an ally of nato. Hey erdogan, close your borders. We need turkey for a whole host of reasons whether its fueling stations. They need us more than we need them. Youre not want to stand up right now and say publicly, you want him to stand up publicly within 24 hours and safe erdogan, you brought this on yourself i think youre responsible for what happened. [overlapping conversation] nothing that happening would lead us to believe hes standing up privately, why should we say it . None of us know that. I can tell you in the investigation today we have offered our fbi, thats pretty typical. But theres nothing on the landscape we can see and maybe it will come up in the middle of the night area. As we head into november, we have ramped up security efforts across the country. The average American Voter is going to be reminded constantly that they just dont have space right now. They just dont feel safe. Itll feel like were taking the right course of action to combat this terror group. One thing about tone because you seem to think thats important. I remember after 9 11 when the president saidwere going to smoke them out dead or alive. That gave me comfort, that i had a leader was actually upset and seeking vengeance. I think part of the problem with whats going on with the Obama Administration is they are so tone deaf to the anger of the American Public , and when he response to terror is when i like him. Hes seeing them for the monster they are and he will actually say radical jihadist extremism x donald trump and Hillary Clinton also responding to the attack in turkey as you heard megan say, shes set up for that. But they are responding in very different ways. Is that a shocker . Number whose approach would be more effective in taking on terror and which will resonate most with voters. Stay close. You dont let anything keep you sidelined. Thats why you drink ensure. With 9 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals. For the strength and energy to get back to doing. What you love. Ensure. Always be you. 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So Hillary Clinton taking a bit of a different approach, responding with a statement, calling for International Cooperation saying, quote, it reminds us that the United States can not retreat. We must deepen our cooperation with our allies and partners in the middle east and europe to take on the threat. Such cooperation is essential to protecting the homeland and keeping our country safe. This as a new quinnepiac poll showing more American Voters that donald trump to handle isis over Hillary Clinton 5239 . According to that poll, eric bolling, like trumps take. That pollen compasses brexit vote. You saw a tightening. Most of the polls have tightened. There were outlyers win had 13 point lead by clinton. Based on some of this terror, people perceive donald trump tougher on terror and on the economy. This will probably help him. Theyre in deadlock a dead heat. Trump had probably the worst three weeks of his whole entire 13month campaign. So its a good sign for let me add, i think both are right. Donald trump is right saying we need to fight fire with fire, put these people out, put them down. Hillary clinton is right, we need to get the Global Community on board killing terror. Meghan can i ask you a question. Do you think it hurts Hillary Clinton being part of the Obama Administration . Harris that would be the point i make. Meghan if im donald trump i would make the point you helped rise of this. Harris Hillary Clinton is more of a hawk than barack obama but she doesnt get credit for that because she is trying to yoke herself to obama to get forward and pick up women and white males and all those categories and blah, blah, blah. If she didnt do that she would have much more of a oppositional view and might look closer to donald trump. Sandra look at his tough talk, donald trump, you wonder why people like that so much after we just heard, meghan, criticizing Barack Obamas soft tone after this attack. Theyre hungry for it. They are hungry for it you want to see backed up with action. Donald trump tweeting out essentially saying these are people who are beheading westerners fight with fire, took, should do waterboarding and worse endorsing torture god forbid we waterboard. God forbid we pour water on terrorists face. Talk to people, including a lot of republicans, including your father who dont agree with that notion. Having said that is is great. See outrage and tone. Nobody has better bluster than donald trump. Nobody has more reality, how are you going to do it . How are you going to do it . What is donald trump going to do . Will he deploy troops on the ground to do this . He is going as meghan suggests put thousands of troops into syria, iraq, into libya, Sinai Peninsula . Is that what he is going to do. Harris do what president obama hasnt. Speaks to what sandra brought. I will not lay out every detail. Doesnt want everybody to know. We has a plan. We saw that with the Foreign Policy speech that he has a plan he will go forth. He outlined some not all details. I got this. That is not what were hearing from president obama. How will he prevent you castigated barack obama not coming out giving specifics and you he will do this. Not praising donald trump for doing this. Harris no. No i got this i will not give every detail. Is lot different than barack obama. How is it different . Barack obama is not giving details. Harris i dont have a complete strategy. Which is what he has said. You dont think obama has a strategy at all . No, he has no strategy. All five people on this couch right now, 80 of the audience right now, where is the power center of isis . What town is it . In raqqa. You have to destroy raqqa. Why is raqqa not a parking lot right now . If all of us know it, barack obama knows it, military knows it, level the city. It is training ground. Because they have half a Million People live there. Warn them. You have two hours to get out. Isis wont let them leave. The point is sitting back doing nothing isnt working. Harris we could set up demilitarized zone. Sandra a fair point, eric, is it time for donald trump in the general election should he give out specifics about how he will do it . That has been a criticism. There is a time. And if im running Donald Trumps campaign now is not the time, to continue to do what youre doing. You know when it will come up . In the debates. Cant wait to hear it. Why give it out now . Why give Hillary Clinton opo Research Time to spend. Harris that is interesting point. Refuting everything he will say. Put it out in the debates. You dont think the American Public deserves to hear what he thinks about it right now. If they demand it they will put it out. What were Hillary Clintons specifics. Hillary clinton was very specific. Get our partners involved, doing what . Hillary clinton wanted give you one. Want as nofly zone in syria. Something barack obama opposes. Perfect. One i gave you one. Donald trump has gone back and forth. Harris she distances herself from president obama. She will begin to sound more like donald trump. Look, she wants to win. Yeah. Harris but right now she is sandra julie do you like hillarys message on terror. I like her message on terror, more than donald trump. A lot of people dont necessarily love the fact these are candidates we have but in the land of blind, one eyed man is king. Do i like her message better than donald trump. Of course. Harris meghan . Ifamily. My brother is currently serving. The rhetoric donald trump is saying right now, red meat to voters not just republicans but to democrats. Eight years of president wont say radical jihadism. Go back to the bush era, smoke them out, dead or alive. When it resonates with people like me been heche and critical of donald trump. I dont trust Hillary Clinton will not just extend the Obama Administration. I dont believe she is as much of a hawk maybe she says in kills to republicans and people like me. I have to say one thing about that you guys talk about George Bush Bush wanted dead or alive. Usama bin laden, guess who didnt get osama bin laden. Im florida rhetoric appeals to you guys. I have to say this. I have to say this. Let me say this for real. That is wildly inaccurate thing to say. Had we not pulled out of iraq we sandra terror attack in turk kip. Latest from the Intel Community and what counterterrorism sources are saying about the several he have sophistication they havent seen before. Harris lets hug first. Put some distance between you and temptation with. Meta appetite control. Clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. New, from metamucil, the 1 doctor recommended brand. Harris fox news alert. New information coming in now. Terror in turkey. At least 41 people dead, more than 239 wounded after attackers armed with guns and bombs strapped to themselves targeted istanbuls busy ataturk airport. One of them caught on surveillance tape, wow, you can see moments after he falls the explosion. No claim of responsibility but all signs seeming to point to the Islamic State savages. One witness describes it, what it was like to be in the middle of all of it. I think what goes, what went through my head was, images you have from paris and from orlando, that they come around and shoot you now. And so it is the scare you have that coming for you. Harris wow. Chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge. I want to get right to it. Youre live in washington. What is new, catherine . Reporter thank you, harris. What has attention of intelligence and terrorism contacts this morning is level of sophistication they have not seen before. Unlike sells, istanbul bombers relied on combination of guns and suicide vests. The power of bops suggest they used weaponsgrade explosives. Lets look at video. It does have the attention of investigators. It suggests the goal may have been to take hostages and use suicide vest in standoff with police. Bomber comes in guns blazing, shot in the hip, falls down and detonates the vest. If the suicide bomber only wanted to blow himself up he would have walked to the most crowded passenger line in the terminal and quietly, silently detonated. Isis has not claimed responsibility but the mike mccaul, said the group recently sent trained operatives into europe. Intel reports indicate that the caliphate sent operatives into turkey and into europe to conduct terrorist attacks during the season of ramadan. Its a holy season. This has all hallmarks of isisrelated attack. It involved a airport just like brussels. Like the sequel to brussels. It, second anniversary of the caliphate. Reporter cia director john brennan is speaking here in washington two hours from now at the council on foreign relations. This morning he told yahoo news istanbul attack has isis signature all over it and he is believes the group is planning similar attacks inside of the United States. This attack is having clear and direct impact rather on airport security. You see that with the more visible patrols at pickup and dropoff zones, harris. Harris you and experts are talking about hallmarks of isis imprint. We get it. It is death and mass death. Catherine, thank you very much. Big nugget of information there, sandra alludes were talking about before. This played out in cameras. Level of sophistication. He is positioning himself not quietly in a line. Talk about all the people with phones out. These guys are positioning themselves so the world sees this. Orlando, facebooking during the terror hit. Sandra yeah, sorry to harp on this, julie, but it just would have been nice, the president knows all of this. He has been briefed on all of this. To have heard him comment on level of sophistication we have learned involved in this attack. The timing is going to be one to watch about when and if isis ultimately takes responsibility for this. Weve seen variance in the timing of when they take responsibility for these attacks. But that could come soon. Two thoughts and two questions to pose. One thought, did the suicide vests i think theyre going to nail this down very quickly and who is responsible, the materials they used to build these vests are very specific. Theyre very trackable. So it wouldnt surprise me if they find out who it is if no one takes credit. Number one. Number two, John Brenneman reiterated we have a problem here in america, wake up and president obama having something completely different to say. Two questions though, allegedly there was a travel warning issued by the state Department Day prior to this explosion. Wonder what intel they had. Julie, maybe you can weigh in does have anything to do with recent talks between turks and israelis . Is this some sort of hamashezbollah push back. Isis, hezbollah and hamas dont get along. Yes, turks with russians. This could have been chechens potentially involved in this. Had a, when the chechens obviously some strain of chechens hate russians. Israeli component is interesting one. Great observation. Harris well continue our discussion on the other side of the break. You mentioned wake up america in your conversation and it is one of the things we are going to talk about today. You have a new book out, one lucky guy, eric bolling, has the new book. His take on virtues that make America Great and why they are under attack. Well be right back. Crowd sounds ] oooh [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Excuse me, try this. But just one aleve can last 12 hours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. [ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part. With 12 hour aleve. Harris has been spirited hour. More coming up in just a moment. First to jon scott what is coming up with second hour of happening now. Hey, jon. Hey, harris. President obama arrives in ottawa, canada, with a summit with the president of mexico and Prime Minister of canada. He is pledging to disman tell quote, organizations of hate. Death toll rising in the attack on the istanbul airport. 41 people are dead. Hundreds more injured. Despite the bloody carnage, the airport is already reopened today. Stocks recovering again, building on yesterdays rally. Stocks around the world are coming back after steep declines sparked by the brexit vote. Well keep an eye on wall street for you. All ahead, on happening now. Harris you will have a busy hour. We cant wait. Yes we are, thanks, harris. Sandra other oneluckyguy, eric bolling has a new book out, wake up america. The nine virtues that made our nation great and how we need them more than ever. He describes how the nine distinct virtues that built our nation are under attack. Chapters, first three, grit, profit, and manliness. I knew you would go to the manliness. Fix that banner a little bit . Harris oh. Can i, i wrote the book because i four lucky ladies. Under president obama harris i have it here, your dedication. He said he would fundamentally change america and we elected him anyway. Taking america away from the core values and virtues. We didnt need to be changed president obama. So i wrote the book. And at end of the book, who do you want to dedicate it to, got to be dedicated to president obama, right . He is the reason i wrote the book. Sandra did you send him one . I am going to sign a copy on the five do and put it in the mail to the white house. Hopefully he gets it. Smitty, im blessed to sit in this seat, sit in the seat on fox news, coming from background innercity of chicago. Rough times ahead growing up, to be able to grow and profit do well. Im not afraid of profit. Not embarrassed by it mitt romney, thank you very much. Hard work allowed it. America allowed it. That is why i wrote the book. Harris you said i would not be so exceedingly motivated to write the book, and stop you, president obama and liberal pals to achieve your goal from changed america. It is road map back to conservative values, what the country was, done very well for the last 250 years. I think we were on the right path. Yes, we vary a little bit. If we left it up to the left they would pull us away from those values. I think down the road, failure in schools, sending my 17yearold son off to college. In schools diversity is more important than algebra. Safe places are more important than science. Well get our clocks eaten, lunch eaten by chinese and countries who value education over feeling good. Bolling, i love you so much. Im so happy for you. Im not going to comment. Im going to let it go. Sandra wake up america, the name of the book. I have known you for 10 years, eric, the passion is real. Thank you. Sandra more outnumbered in just a minute. I work round the clock. I want my blood sugar to stay in control. So i asked about tresiba®. Tresiba® ready tresiba® is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. Tresiba® ready tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. Releases slow and steady. Works like your bodys insulin. When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. Tresiba® ready i can take tresiba® any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. 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Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Harris i tell you, social media calling this a heated, spirited fun hour. Lots of hot topics. So glad you were here. Thrilled to be here. Thanks for having me back. Harris good luck with the book. Thank you very much. Harris top seller on amazon. Boom. Drop the mic. Well stay right here for outnumbered overtime on the web. Foxnews. Com outnumbered. Tap the overtime tab. Facebook live. Now, happening now

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