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Jonah and i were on a speaking tour with indigo girls and ralph nadir. I think it was at berkeley when you said more people died in Teddy Kennedys car than nuclear accidents. That was before text. Sg the indio girls were controversial saying things about the president back then. An eye for an eye. Jordan people are acting swiftly after the execution of a member of the terrorist group after they set on of their pilots on fire. They said there would be retspeaks about. He does want want to impugn an enti religion but if there was a cult of christians running around you would think we would want to come out and say listen they dont represent the full religion. They have preverted our religion and identify this sect in this way. You would think if he wanted to preserve the people and traditions of islam he would to. As a christian, i would want to stand up for jesus christ and if i were muslim i would stand up for the koran teaching of stability and loving one another. This is a president who is not calling them terrorist. This is evil and barbaric and so hard to watch. This is burning a human being, a child of god alive. Someone needs to stand up and say something. If your president doesnt want to call this terrorism i dont know what is. You would think he would want harshing words for people that are preverting a peaceful religion. This stunner from the Counter Terror chief saying isis has been recruiting American Children as young as 15 and people have been in contact with the terror group loving in the United States right now living and as the feds try to keep track of them he said what worries him the most is the unknown saying i am worried about the individuals we dont know have training. What we know we know. But there is a number greater than that we dont know. I think a lot of people are listening to this saying they are recruiting kids on our domestic soil. How is this different than the boston bombing trial . We are able to identify a recruiting arm now. We saw this with Nidal Malik Hasan in fort hood texas and the reach across a thousand miles is effective. There is going to be an insurgeancey and i will use the word again because this is what steve said. They need people within the culture to help them. They cannot work alone. They need a coalition of the willing; the killers and savages. It only makes sense to attack us within and there is unfortunately the devil among us and the weak and young and it is up to us and our own country making sure we have the line of communication up. Jonah, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his brother were posting videos online. I remember i tried post a video of a concert i went to and they told me to take it down. They are so good at providing the rights but what about stopping other stuff . That is a good question. Why cant there be search terms they look for. Back on the insurgencey, isis is creating a foreign legion for users. You want to get girls, have fun torture people make everything look like a crazy violent video and live this wildlife we are the guys for you. And everyone is talking how burning this guy is going to turn off people but i think it will attract exactly the people they want to attract. The people that think this is cool and wild. People use to say suicide bombing was going to turn off rebels but it skyrocketed. Most of the video is propaganda. Which is the sense with the beheading. This killing took place as early as january 3rd. This story continues and this is going strong. The debate over vaccines intensifys amid a measles outbreak. Key doctors are saying they support kids getting their shots. This is all a skilly controversy drummed up by the media as senator ted cruz said. President obama tried it clinton did inhale and two republican hopefuls say they smoked pot when they were younger. Does it matter with the conservative base . And if you ever wanted us to talk more about a topic, or wonder what happened behind the scenes, you can find out. Go to foxnews. Com outnumbered. Tweet us anything you want within reason and we will try to talk about them after the show. Okay, listen up im reworkin the menu. Mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and Minerals Antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensureĀ®. Nutrition in chargeā„¢. [ hoof beats ] i wish. Please, please, please, please, please. [ male announcer ] the wish we wish above all. Is health. So we quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. Expanded minuteclinic for walkin medical care. And created programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. Introducing cvs health. A new purpose. A new promise. To help all those wishes come true. Cvs health. Because health is everything. Whats that thing . 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Democrats are pointing to senator pauls original remark as evidence that some republicans are out of step with science disturbing a number of high profile, political figures have weighed in on his in a negative way. I would say this is parents should make the decision and i have seen some children that have been deeply affected by vaccines in a negative way. But senator ted cruz another possible 2016 hopeful who is provaccine suggests the controversy is a way to put the republicans in a bad light saying this is silly. No one thinks Chris Christie is opposed to vaccinating kids other than a bunch of reporters that want to write headlines. If you would have told me the was the republicans with this title i would not have believed it. I think it is silliness. I am not voting on whether or not the next president of the United States believes in vaccines. I am voting on the economy, National Security how we handle isis. But if you are a parent i feel like you are obligated to teach and protect your kids. If you dont want to vaccinate them and send them to school and they get the measles. Do you blame yourself . You made the choice . Your child is not protected. So i if were a parent i would chose to vaccinate. It is bringing the issue to a head which is interesting. The antivaccine trend has been outspoken but this is where the measles hold is taking part. Wealthy parents in california. It is the liberal, west side of los angeles is where the cluster of this is happening. And parts of northern california. So the idea it is bizarre. I agree with ted cruz saying this is an attempt to smear republicans. Bill mar and Jenny Mccarthy have been on this for years. But at the same time what the hell is wrong with Chris Christie and rand paul for making it so easy . There was a beautiful mother saying look at you crazy hippy lefties, you are giving people measles again, and instead Chris Christie grabs the ball and says i will look like the idiot. I feel like i should put facts in that might matter of where it started. I dont know the makeup of disney land but this started where there was a heavy International Population that knows to visit and those are the facts if you look at the map of the New York Times on the clusters. Where it spread perhaps. Even the School Districts with with a much higher optout rate. I was reading the twitter feeds yesterday and this starts with the lefties and the progressive wing trying to paint republicans as the antivaccine crowd and the media is fueling it. Republicans coming out in favor of vaccinations and i thought since when were they the anti antivax party. Doesnt it speak politically to how vulnerable Chris Christie feels about being a conservative. Like the government cant tell you what do to with your kids. Instead of saying rationally parents should be vaccinating he is the one who said morons, get off the road there is a hurricane. Get your kids income taxvaccinated. We have to worry about whooping cough and logic as well. Dozen of republicans are skipping the israeli president s visit and speak to Congress Next month. And the 5. 6 Unemployment Rate sounds great and celebrated by the white house and wall street but a gallop poller says that number is a big fat lie. What we are not being told coming up. Ing else. Its works, simple as that. Its a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. Try Sunsweet Amazin prune juice. Also available in light. Jacks heart attack didnt come with a warning. Today, his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. If youve had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before your begin an aspirin regimen. You are watching outnumbered and we are glad you are. When the israeli Prime Minister addresses the Congress Next month he could be sited with empty seats. Vice president , joe biden, said he is not going to attend yet and we know the president isnt going to be meeting with him. This is after the House Speaker john boehner invited the Prime Minister without notifying the white house first. He is expected to talk about stopping the threat of Irans Nuclear weapons and that has been a major contention point as the administration tries to secure a deal. We know that the Prime Minister is up for reelection and we can watch his campaign ad on youtube. All of that aside, the white house said his political life is one of the reasons they dont want to meet with him. I think it is a position you dont need this close to the election. The fact on the ground is he is going to address congress. It is insane for joe biden and the democrats to boycott that. I would love to see them do that because it is unbelievable and bad politics. With biden, maybe something was going on at chucky cheese and we could not make it that night. Can i just stop you there. Why do you think they would care . They dont run anything on capital hill. They just lost. It is a bicaramel shellacking. Is that the term we are using this week . Having the image of the camera folkcused on the steps and not seeing biden there will be a snub. There is a rift isnt there within the proisrael communities in the United States. Some are very liberal. Some are more conservative. And what are they telling their friends and congress about the speech . Well as the ambassador for the jews here only the upper side of manhattan gets this that is andreas territory. She is up there with you. Roman is not conservative but it as it full of jewish people who are proisrael and in favor of Strong Defense for israel. But obama is seem at best ambivalent about israel and there is a lot of hostility. Let me ask you about where we are with this march toward dealing with isis and coming up with some sort of language that would reflect the president knows what their ideaology is and he is coming up a bilateral plan. Our friendship with israel is critical. How can you have creditability in that part of the world if you dont treat your friends with respect . That is right. They are the the only democracy in the renal region and being attacked by people who are beheading and setting people on fire. I am curious, jonah, and i think this sends an absurd message and i am wondering how much pressure the white house is putting on the democrats . We know the democrats in the sen at that were maybe going to help the president override the president s veto on iranian sanctions backed up. It makes you wonder whose side are we on. If we dont show up and listen to the Prime Minister, and by the way president obama had the joint conference with David Cameron who is running for election. His is in far more limbo. I wonder what side they are on. If they dont hear him out they are sending the message they dont have his back. There is an enormous amount of spike and it is hard to separate from Foreign Policy. Moving on. It is a big lie. That is what the chief at gallop says about the Unemployment Rate of 5. 6 . It has been celebrated by the media, the white house and wall street but there is plenty that is not counted into that number. You will be shocked when you find out what that is. Gallops chief says as many as 30 million americans are out of work or severely underemployed and that includes those who have given up looking for a job, those who make 15 an hour working odd jobs and those who work parttime but want fulltime. 44 of the adults in the country have jobs but it needs to be 50 to have a healthy economy. Not even 50 of the economy working for adults. The number doesnt include if you mow someones lawn and get 20 you are employed. They dont factor in the higher skilled workers doing lower paid work. And you have people that cant find work for weeks on end they are not factored in and jack walsh cracked this code in 2012 saying they are doing a funky formula to alter the Unemployment Rate and it has been backed up by the New York Times and forbes and now gallop is calling them on. They should be saying we are in trouble with 30 million americans out of work. And white house likes to say the employment rate is 44. 9 which isnt true. Why are they doing this . Why are the numbers so misleading . It didnt start with the Obama Administration that politicians tend to goof the numbers to their benefits. This problem with structural unemployment, longterm unemployment, some of the trends go back to the Bush Administration and earlier. But the problem is they have gotten worse sense the recession and president obama. These kind of people during the Bush Administration are silent now. What i thought was interesting it was late last week we talked about a statisticing of people being so money at their jobs. Statistics if you lost a great paying job and had to replace it with not one not two, but three low paying jobs and you are spending less time with your family your quality of life has taken a dive and no money replaced and your esteem is down. You are beginning the hamster wheel running. How does that factor into the unemployment figures is important because you will give up faster if you are unhappy. There are People Living pay check to pay check and couldnt afford to pay bills and this doesnt talk about people that gave up because they could not find work. There are companies that push for the disability rights so they can pay parttime workers less. Tragedy chaos on the tracks bringing new york city to a halt after a commuter train collides with an suv this is the scene described as nothing short of horrific. And after two president ial republican candidates admitted to smoking pot when younger some are asking if it will hurt the race and the base. And after the show you have to head to outnumbered overtime. Log on to foxnews. Com outnumbered and click on the overtime tab. Send your question, comments and tell us the topics you want to hear about. Andrea said you can ask her anything. I said within reason. Click on the last tab. We are there. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like shopping hungry equals overshopping. 73 of americans try. To cook healthy meals. Yet up to 90 fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. Lets do more. Add one a day 50 . Complete with key nutrients we may need. Plus it supports physical energy with b vitamins. One a day 50 toenail fungus . Dont hide it. 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And senator ted cruzs team admitted he tried it as a teenager with his spokesperson saying he hasnt done it again. President obama says he definitely did a little puff puff, pass and president clinton said he tried it but didnt inhale. Could this hurt the candidates or do voters not care any more . Is it 1992 . It is 2015. I think people still care about this. I put it on the live chat. People are saying they still care. I tend to believe that. I dont know if it would factor into a vote but we were talking about how it isnt the issue of marijuana but the idea of freedom that is going to be a topic in 2016. And this factors into that. A majority of states decided they want medical marijuana and some want full legalization and End Prohibition so why would it matter if when a candidate was younger, he tried a few things. I agree. I think there is going to be a powerful social movement backlash against pot coming. With the legalization forces having the sales and there wasnt the same pushback. It is coming. I will not say it will be banned everywhere but it is coming. If any of them said smoking pot is great, i love it i am high right now or teenagers could smoke that would be a problem. Berry johnson, the former governor of new mexico said he tried medical marijuana several times. Some people their age might look back saying i tried it to and dont do it anymore. I will not hold it against them. They are selling pot in vending machines in seattle now. Explains the super bowl. Right. It is new machine. President obama admitted he spoked pot and me got elected. I think the younger candidates and when you see more coming from the younger generations than we have profanity and a chunk of his base probably doesnt like this. You can see jonah, dont you think a lot of evangelical christians are seeing kids and getting tattoos and trying marijuana. This is america. They know there is a reality their children are not perfect. And i think recently Mike Huckabee is out in the far area of a different orbit with things he said. He can take that position but i am not sure it is grounded in reality. Rand paul admitted he did or didnt . Here is my list of yes, no and no choir boy. It is a short list now but we will see if we can get them to sing later. We are going to take a wonderful moment that is an annoying moment. Life at the super bowl champions the new England Patriots fans braving the cold to cheer on the teams brady and the victory over the seahawks who almost one if not for bad one call. And can telling their daughter they are beautiful doing more harm than good . We hear a moms reason for saying to their daughter they are powerful instead of the bword. Major heres our new trainer ensure active heart health. Heart i maximize good stuff like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. New ensure active heart Health Supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. Ensure, take life in. More outnumbered in just a moment. First to jon scott with what is coming up in the second hour of happening now. President obamas nominee to be the new defense secretary is getting a grilling from the Senate Armed Service committee. The republicans have tough comments on white house Foreign Policy we are keeping an eye on. And a transasia plane crash caught on tape. There are survivors amazingly. We will have live report on what went wrong. Stocks up but oil is down 6 after several days of gains. Falling prices of oil and gas. Could telling your daughter she is beautiful actually hurt her . One mom seems to think that in a blog published in the Washington Post she tried not to tell her 4yearold and 7yearold girls they are pretty instead of saying how fancy you look and how well the colors go together. She doesnt want to put pressure on them to be beautiful or convey looks at the most important thing. Why are you giggling . I am laughing about something a producer said in my year. Honesty. You look beautiful when you say that. What did she say . I have two daughters and i have had conversations with other moms who have daughters and i agree with her. I dont want the focus of my girls life to be how they look. I want them to be strong, smart, warriors who you know, are gracesious and loving. Little girls ask you do i look beautiful and i tell them do you feel beautiful . So when you look like this beauty is inside and out but when you look like this beautiful person it means i have gone to hair and makeup. I dont look like this when i wake up. I have seen you without makeup you are beautiful. How did your parents handle . My mom was a School Teacher and said the most important thing you can teach your kids is autonomy and standing on your own and be independent. The name of your show. It wasnt named after me. I think any positive words you tell your children is fine. General, your thoughts . My daughter is beautiful but i tell her the most important thing is crushing her enemies. No, i tell her it is important who she is on the inside my Favorite Movie about this is from the movie the help he was kind, smart, and he was important about the little boy she was taken care of and none of them are related to looks but it makes you feel beautiful. What happens when the moms put pressure on the adult daughters to tie the knot . Do sons get the similar grief for being a bachelor . Huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker . I look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. You have potential. You have. Oh boy. Geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Can this decadent, fruit topped pastry. With indulgent streusel crumble, be from. Fiber one. Fiber one streusel. Ive smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. Now. I use this. The nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release Technology Helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. I want this time to be my last time. Thats why i choose nicoderm cq. Well, yes, we love our moms. And 126yearold womans instagram about her mother is gone viral. It is crazy mom. Happy birthday spawn, welcome to the the wrong side of 25. Expiration of your eggs is officially in sight. Tick took. Wear black and look thin and bring your business cards. No ring on the finger you must not linger. Wow. Is this funny or unhealthy. I was in a sororitty with a lot of jewish girls and their moms remember hard on them about appearance. They would send them text. My mom is not doing. This she is the coolest mom in the world. Shes awesome model. And i remember coming home when i lived in paris and gained weight from eating croissants and i said i think i am chubby. Rather than say you lose weight. She said you are young, you look great. I think these moms drive them crazy. I think it is cross cultural. I think it is entertaining for people reading this. I think hopefully a lot of moms settle. Her mom has a great sense of humor. But it is important for parents to disconin fact tw the childrens adult choices. . We talk about building up a child too much and tearing them down as well. You want to be honest as a parent. And when i was reading the story this morning i want to hear what this mom has to say. She will give you advice and i read the tweets and Text Messages and you are so mean. And i know her mom has the best interest in mind and that is called like toughening up your kid. I would be bawling if i read these things. 26 years old is not old. Wear are black, gorgeous daughter. I am blinker torture in mors code. I dont have going to add. I am expecting a lawsuit for this terrible stro jewish stereotype. Guys would not want to date a woman. That would be pressure on the guys, too. We have to get to happening now now. Stay right here for out numbered over time. Well take your questions. Fox news. Com outnumbered and well see you tomorrow at noon. We start out with a fox news alert, live from capitol hill. Secretary of Human Health Service defending obama care. One day after the house is opening a battle on health care. We are covering all of the news, happening now. Outrage in the middle east and around the world at the barbaric murder of a jordanian pilot caged and burned alive. Well be vil be vigilant on

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