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Youre welcome. Nice confidence builder. Thats right. Great to have you, guy. Thank you. Lets try this again. House back in session, trying to pass a slimmed down border bill what was supposed to be day one of a fiveweek vacation. Republican leaders confident the measure can sail through today, following a few weeks after yesterdays mess. House leaders yanking the measure for consideration amid much confusion and complaints from conservative members that the bill didnt do enough to deport illegal immigrants. But the senate side not much better when it comes to addressing the human hewlettpackard crisis on the border. Their efforts to pass a fix yesterday, sinking on procedural vote. With senators not planning another vote today, any action by the house could be all for show. Because with no senate bill, there will be no final bill for the president to sign. So were going to start off with you. You get to do heavy lifting here. Explain this to us. What both sides are going through and what you think the expected outcome will be. Starting on the senate side. Theyre not going to pass anything. Harry reid put out his bill. Democrats bill. It was filibustered by republicans because not a single amendment allowed for democrats and republicans. That failed, theyre going home. On house side is looked like things would blow up as well yesterday but a bunch of members came to speaker boehner, said, no, were not leaving town without trying to do something about this border crisis. There were some issues, lets say, getting necessary votes, 218, with some recalcitrant conservative members as you mentioned in the intro saying no, thank you. They have been spending the last 12 hours plus trying to hammer out some tightening of language to bring just enough people on board to pass a thing before recess. President obama says he would veto it anyway. So you can argue its a show vote. I would argue you have to try to do something. You have to attempt to govern when you have a crisis on your hands. What happens if they dont . What happens if they go on recess . Dan pfeiffer, he already put out a tweet from the white house saying that the house gop proved why obama must act on his own to solve these problems. Sounds like theyre sending a clear message that he will act on his own. That is the next step. Do expanded executive orderings looks like taking what he did in 2012 with minors, dream act style order and expand it to millions of adults. That seems like lunacy given context on southern border, that magnet drawing people n the house can only do what theyre equipped to do, pass a bill to try to fix the problem. They will attempt to do it today. Leadership says theyre confident. We heard that before. So well see. When dan pfeiffer says that the president will act on his own and this is why he has to, he is talking about a separate issue than what were dealing with the crisis on border right now. Were not talking about comprehensive system Immigration Reform which is completely separate issue than what is going on right now. I think this crisis has been going on more than a month now. For congress to leave town and not put agents into a position where they feel more confident doing their job. I talk to those guys all the time. Guess what . They feel like their morale is in toilet. Why work hard to enforce the law potentially congress will leave town without fixing basic problems, a lot in the bill that was on the table do fix. And b, that, congress doesnt seem really willing to fix and so theyre just saying were doing our job . It doesnt matter because they will let these guys go anyway . What is the point . They feel like theyre getting railroaded into the ground on whole number of issues, including being taken advantage of by washington because theyre not doing anything about it. Kirsten . I think everyone knows how i feel about this issue. Tell us again. Im not going to get back into that. I dont, you know, i think this is a more of an asylum issue than immigration issue. Im sort of interested to hear both of you think in terms of politics how is this good for republicans if you think about immigration . That the only thing they will do on immigration is deport children . They cant, they arent willing to do anything in terms of passing a comprehensive immigration bill but politically, stepping back from how you feel bit personally. Politically, how is this good for republicans to say, only time were actually going to pass a bill is to deport children seeking asylum. I think that is maybe an unfair caricature of only thing theyre willing to do. What other bills hang on within the bill, there is lot of humanitarian stuff in the bill to help take care of kids while theyre there. Take care of them there theyre warehoused by federal government attacks payer expense. If you look at poll, the American People think these kids need to be deported. Depends which poll. We want to be welcoming compassionate country and we have laws. Demagoguing it like only were willing to deport that is not demagoguing. If you accuse me of demagoguing. That is not demagoguing. That is a fact. This is what you guys have been able to get together and get passed. That is a fact. And it is not theyre not doing anything illegal. Seeking asylum is not illegal. This is the current law. They want to change the current law to make it illegal. Currently unthe wilbur force act you can legally come to the border if youre from these countries to seek asylum and determine whether this is granted. She says this makes republicans look bad, meanspirited towards children not having an open mind about this whole process and immigration issue. Going forward for elections, coming up midterm and president ial election, this is necessarily where they want to pin themselves . Im not sure why this is opinioned on republicans considering president obama said we need to repeal 2008 law to make it easier. If we only want to deport children, that is not true. The left can not make argument inhumane and unfair to keep, to break up families when they want to keep kids here who dont have their families with them and their parents with them. 9 others of the those kids are reunited with their families. Living here in the United States illegally. That is the thing. Theyre going to be with their families. I think that is more humane. I think obama was wrong, katy. Youre right about that. This is one of my biggest frustrations with immigration debate it gets watered down to basic statements and issues when there are some issues in this debate to talk about. There is illegal immigration issue. There is comprehensive reform. There is Border Security issue. Issue these children who are getting transferred by i. C. E. To people who have been living in the United States, adults who have been living in the United States illegally for years. And there is just a lot of different issues at that arent getting dealt with. And dan five, again, wants to make this about a different issue while congress is trying to address issue at hand. By the way agents on the ground want 2008 law repealed so think can do their jobs and enforce the law. Keep your passion. After a ceasefire deal was announced to stop fighting between israel and hamas, new violence breaking out in the gaza strip. An israeli soldier is feared captured by hamas. For now the deal is off. John huddy is live from israelgaza border right now. John, whats the latest . Reporter well, the search continues for that missing soldier who is believed to have been abducted, taken by hamas militants. This as the fighting has continued all day. We saw heavy artillery fire earlier this afternoon targeting the area outside of a town called rafah. This is in the most southern part of the gaza strip. And this is, that area is where according to military officials, just an hour 1 2 in to the 72hour ceasefire, Israeli Ground troops were ambushed by hamas militants. Now two soldiers we understand were killed and again, that third is believed to have been abducted by those militants. By the way the Ground Forces were working, were doing demolition work on one of hamass crossborder tunnels when they were ambushed. Were hearing about a high casualty rate at this point, in an around rafah. We dont have exact number because obviously things continue to develop by the hour. So fluid at this point. But again the fighting continues in southern gaza. Up here in the northern part of gaza, behind me in the distance, weve also seen and heard action. We have heard outgoing israeli mortar fire. Weve also seen and heard explosions in the distance. You can also smell the smoke as it is drifting with the wind towards us. Weve seen some apache helicopters above as well. So at this point again, yet another ceasefire agreement falls apart as fighting continues to go on and were now going stretching over three weeks, almost 3 1 2 weeks of fighting. Guys, back to you. John thanks for that update. That is john huddy on israelgaza border. When it comes to the middle east conflict most americans dont approve how president obama is handling the situation. A new hgh poll, find 60 of the voters disapprove while just 37 approve. As for president s handling of relationships of countries overall, 43 approve while 55 disapprove. Kirsten, seems no matter which poll you look at, americans are just not happy with our handling of Foreign Relations right now. Which is ironic when you consider how obama got reelected, when he was up for reelection his numbers were very high on Foreign Policy extremely unusual for democratic president s. Typically more associated with republican president s. So he ran a lot on Foreign Policy, on strong Foreign Policy. Think almost as soon as he was elected the world sort of exploded. We started having all sorts of right out of the bat. New information on benghazi for example. You saw a lot of people very unhappy about that. Naturally, guy, one would assume this, situation were in and disapproval of president obamas handling of Foreign Policy, would be a good thing for republicans come midterm elections . I think the president s unpopularity in general of course, historically is a huge indicate or for how midterm elections go, especially 6th year of eight year presidency but im not sure American People know what they want when it comes to Foreign Policy. Theyre unhappy with the president. Lets have more hawkish approach and intervene more. No, we dont want that either. People are uncomfortable. Youre rudderless in terms of what our role in the world ought to be. That is not a very comforting thought frankly. I think that confuses a lot of people, katy. While the polls show that americans dont want us to interact more in these Foreign Relations theyre still not happy with way things are going and asking the president to do more. So it is very confusing. There is danger too on global level when we dont know where were going and dont have direction and strong stance when it we have Foreign Policy it creates vacuums. That is why were seeing chaos all over the world because there is not leadership stance from the United States to follow. We cant follow things but cant do it without a path forward. On israel and hamas fighting going on there, i think administrations response to entire situation is abhorrent. Bottom line if hamas isnt firing rockets there is no conflict and somehow john kerry and even president given credit to kind of negotiating with that. That israel should finish the job. Their response, kimberly . Critical of lack of response . A lot of criticism on president obama here is that he is talking about things and not doing things. There hasnt been a lack of action. He like shows up, oneman s. W. A. T. Team and everyone goes, yeah, right. Nobody is worried about him or what he thinks because there is no consequence. There is no followthrough for his verbiage, okay . He is longwinded on talk and very, very short on action. And Everybody Knows that. Our allies and our enemies. So you see this situation here where israel is really out on a limb. Theyre out on their own. Thank god they have benjamin netanyahu. Let me tell you something. This escalated it to a whole different level. If that israeli soldier has been kidnapped bysrael will not stop until hamas is destroyed and they get their soldier back. Can i say, this is the fifth time in this conflict, that hamas has broken a ceasefire. Thats right. That is outrageous. Theyre a terrorist organization. This, sort of equivalency we see in a lot of media is disgusting to me and, it is i just feel so terribly for the in the people who do exist in gaza. The innocent people of course in israel as well who thought maybe they would get a weekend of quite quiet at least. They got 90 minutes. We heard that sentiment from enbenjamin netanyahu over the weekend five times. When hamas calls for ceasefire they dont ad by it when they call for it. No they dont. One of my favorite subjects. Big jobs report. The numbers keep telling us the jobs market is improving. People keep saying theyre not really feeling better. Unemployment rate hitting fiveyear low or near a fiveyear low but major poll find americans feel worse about the economy than they have all year. What is going on here . And were seeing a change in heart and hollywood. At least one actress, changing her mind when it comes to her support for president obama. Well tell you who is feeling disillusioned by the u. S. President. H. Heartburn. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. Welcome back to outnumbered. The Labor Department reporting today while hiring was up in july for the sixth month in a row the Unemployment Rate also went up because more people were out looking for work. Analysts say that is showing a strengthening job market. Why is a new gallup poll showing people havent been down on the economy since last september. 6. 2 Unemployment Rate, sandra, doesnt show whole picture. Isnt real Unemployment Rate more like 12. 2 . Such an astute comment. Try my best. The president and white house touting at multiyear low and it is. Unemployment rate is at 6. 2 . It did nudge up a little bit last month. But the real Unemployment Rate, which is those people given up looking for work, they dropped out of the workforce and also parttime workers, which there are at love them, would like to work full time, the real Unemployment Rate is like 12 , 12. 2 . Youre still looking at doubledigit real unemployment in this country. But the real problem, rage r wages have not returned to prerecession levels. Talking about average Family Income in america now is 6 below where it was prior to the recession. You can tout the unemployment report all you want and the fact were around 6 unemployment. People are earning less and cost more. And that doesnt feel good at home. Summer of recovery, 6. 0. You remember when the administration, joe biden, this is recovery summer, 1. 0, 2. 0. Here we are in summer six. People feel like they cant get their head above the water. Still waiting for shovelready jobs to appear. We referenced those gallup numbers and people show are not feeling good about economy. Maybe it shows uptick in peoples confidence. Here is the bottom line, everyone understands this is not the sort of roaring recovery that we need. There are statistic tweeted by 53, not some conservative outfit earlier today that i thought was so telling. This is 50th, out of 51 months in a row where more unemployed workers stopped looking for work than found jobs. That i think is the most telling stat out of the jumble of numbers we see on big jobs day which i know gets you super excited. Businesses throughout the recession and coming out recession during this recovery have learned to work with less people. Okay . So theyre not even hiring in tax environment, health care law. It is still prohibiting a lot of businesses from wanting to hire. Those are all disincentives. That is how it operating in the job market. It is killers. Only record highs middle class americans have been seeing these days, gas, energy and food costs. So Many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Nobody has savings anymore they need. This has not been any kind of a recovery. We dont have someone in there that actually knows what to do from strong economic standpoint. These are the results of that. Youre laughing and i beg this question of you, and i want to ask this question of president bill clinton, literally the last couple years, but do you think we have created a businessfriendly environment in this country . Especially with the past several years . Just difficult for businesses. One of the things, i dont know because there is a strange contrast of unemployment but then there also does seem to be a lot of growth in our economy. For example, if you talk, im sure, as you know to investor they will tell you, the u. S. Economy is turning around. Well be more aggressive. My investment advisor, i talk to different investment advisors, they say, time to get back into the u. S. Market and things like that. So i do think you see people saying they see the trajectory going in the right direction. What the administration would argue this type of collapse that we saw, you cant really compare it to other recessions because you saw entire system kind of collapse in a way that is different than other recessions. But youre doing what i fear is going to happen this fall. Youre touting the stock market. Youre saying that theyre telling you as investor to put your money in the stock market because it is at record highs. Guess what . There has been zero involvement from the momandpop, small Retail Investor because Household Wealth is still significantly lower today. Im not arguing that there are not problems in the economy. Im saying there is a strange contrast going on that i dont entirely understand. Why are we seeing a lot of growth, kind of up here, but were not seeing a lot of growth with this sort of average person. Because the only people that have benefited from the trillions of dollars pumped in is wall street. Not the average american. Not americans sitting at heem wondering when the hope and change will happen and when will it hit my pocketbook. I always thought republicans said it would trickle down and why is it not trickling down from the rich people. I will answer your question about growth and earnings arguably propped up stock market. Big corporations producing record profits. Guess what . I go back doing it with less people. They trimmed the fat. They shed workers. Microsoft shedding thousands of jobs. They learned to do more with less. That is not good for American Consumer and especially employment. Speaking of other things weighing down the economy, obamacare, he said what . Warning from a Top Administration official what to expect during the next obamacare Enrollment Period. Welcome back to outnumbere outnumbered. Buckle up, we could see another rocky obamacare signup period. A top official says we should expect more bumps during this time. Follow the report management failures played a key role in last years debacle costing more than 800 million to fix. So, you were saying during the break you have a theory o up wih some of these bumps would be . I would say perhaps the next Enrollment Period may not go well again because the back end of healthcare. Gov is still not built, and wont be until 2015, for which we have poured almost a billion dollars and this thing and the back end of it dont exist yet, that blows my mind. It seems to me it wouldnt have just been cheaper to figure out how many people need health care and cut them a check . It is starting to look like that. The administration is pointing a lot of fingers at the contractors. Investigators turned up i and te contractor says the administration kept changing their mind so many times increasing costs substantially as this went on and they were confused t exactly what they wanted, they drove up the cost. There is so much fingerpointing and so much blame game putting taxpayers on the hook for it. Who is the dummy getting caught with all of these expenses . The American People. They pushed this through and win. They had no wheels on it. Who isnt outraged by this . Everybody should be. Demand some accountability, these are dollars wasted like flushed down the toilet. Not carrying with righted quality care for American People. If the premiums were not going to go up, this whole system has been very disappointing and should be and accountability. They hired the contractors, right . To have a response ability to hold the contractor responsible but it wasnt the contractors problem. The idea we spend a billion dollars in taxpayer money on a website is so utterly disrespectful to the American People i cant even think straight about it. And the guy who is overseeing the rollout now says the rollout may not be perfect for everyone. First of all we are talking about real people who need health insurance. Pushing obamacare on the basis we care about people to get access to health care, and guess what, now dislike sorry, you may not be able to get the plan you wanted because the plan was no longer eligible. So disrespectful, so many lives on the line here. Quite literally be at they needed treatments. This is going to affect real people. To just say sorry, we need your money to not fix the problem we should have been fixing already, we should have rated to do. Not only are we going to have a rocky rollout, expect higher premiums. Premiums were supposed to go down especially to get the Health Care Plan through healthcare. Gov. My premium doubled. I have firsthand experience on that. I was a huge obamacare supporter and i still support the idea of it and no love for them to sort this out and make it work. Many have insurance family didnt have it before and have cheaper insurance and other people paying double for worse insurance. My insurance is worse than i had before. I dont know why obama ever said they wouldnt go up. There is no way we reverse that, short term. They were going to go up regardless. They have increased more now as a result of government. Now they cannot even signup for it because obamacare does not work. The flaws in the verification system, so i dont know, this problem is not going to go away anytime soon. Calling in sick illness report for obamacare. Democrats now calling for john fred to resign after allegations they snooped on Senate Computers did so should he step down . Hey. Im ted and this is rudy. Say hi rudy. [ barks ] [ chuckles ] id do anything to keep this guy happy and healthy. Thats why im so excited about these new milkbone brushing chews. Whoa, im not the only one. Its a brilliant new way to take care of his teeth. Clinically proven as effective as brushing. Ok, here you go. Have you ever seen a dog brush his own teeth . The twist and nub design cleans all the way down to the gum line, even reaching the back teeth. They taste like a treat, but they clean like a toothbrush. Nothing says you care like a milkbone brushing chew. [ barks ] two Democratic Senators calling for cia senator to resign. Theyre calling for the cia chief to go following the agency admission that spied and members of congress. These are two big names coming out strong, calling for him to step down. Im so grateful for the work intelligence. He does for us in total anonymity. I do not appreciate and the director of the cia is asked directly if they are spying on the senate and he says that is crazy, absolutely not, there is no way it turns out they were. Sorry is not good enough. Either he was straight up lying or he did not know what was going on with his agency. Neither one looks good. This is a nefarious activity. Tube interesting to see if senator Dianne Feinstein was the chairwoman of that committee, what she will do for this. She came out in may and did a speech on spying on the senate, and not so sure she will accept the apology. Probably take it seriously and call for it. This is something she will be very upset about. How could they only think this would be okay . Is this something you think runs all the way to the top or they get approval . This inside the kind of thing you would do. What is the possible justification . Can kind of see where they might feel trying to prevent a terrorist attack or something, what are they trying to protect people from investigating u. S. Senators . The reason was because they were under investigation for enhanced interrogation and the cia was worried about what the senate was going to do with th that, and that was the issue at hand, so they were going in to see what kind of dirt does the Senate Committee have . You called this a tremendous failure of leadership, must be consequences. Something we dont hear or see that often anymore. Somebody is going to pay the consequences and be held accountable. Do you believe that . On the whole debate, i probably side more with the cia. Not an excuse to spy on them and lie about them. Everybody is watching everybody. As we go back, a story developing as well. We hear from the nfl start at the center of the storm of controversy. Baltimore ravens breaking his silence of the violence incident that got him arrested. Landing a twogame suspension. A suspension many say they slap on the wrist and not enough, and insult to the abuse. Apologizing to his wife calling the video we sought him dragging him out the biggest mistake of his life, inexcusable and a onetime incident. And there is also this. We will help as many people as we can to speak out against a mistake violence because of something that is totally inexcusable. He seems very apologetic, i watched the whole thing. Do you buy it . He is story because he got caught and it is on video. You know how hard you have to hit some way to knock them out and dragged him out of the vid video . I dont know why im looking at him, he should be in jail for this. This is a very serious situati situation. If they behave in this fashion, what kind of message does that say to the rest the players, two americans suffering from Domestic Violence the very serious crime. If you talk to domestic as brooks they will say this being a onetime thing is is very unlikely. It wont be the last time probably. In these situations often when women dont press charges nothing happens, but why is that . Repent and what kind of evidence you have if you have eyewitnesses, videotape eviden evidence, what of times they may make an initial report with the economic situation, dont have a job or financial dependence, they were not feeling good about themselves, usually a cycle of violence of repetitive behavior, physical and emotional and psychological abuse when you are beat down like that everyday, you devalue yourself. You cannot have the strength to testify with the husband you go home with that night. Argue we not enough punishment for the nfl appointive controversy that will need him banned for two games, actual proof the actual video footage we continue to watch in that elevator. We were just talking about consequences and the lack of consequences. Here we are the sports world with this horrific violence he clearly is responsible for, and as for an apology, i believe in forgiveness, the American People are a forgiving public but you have to stand up and be held accountable for what he have done before the forgiveness can be given. The fact he has been suspended for two games for the active acf knocking out a woman, the nfl is absolutely responsible for this disgraceful, not even close, are you kidding . One of the worst parts of his speeches he keeps on saying over and over again this is what i have to live with the rest of my life. And everybody will see the video for the rest of their life of your wife. How embarrassing is that. The nfl only proceeds they do things like give a twogame suspension when they get Something Else much more suspension for smoking weed. It is pathetic and continues to happen because there are not consequences. They have a problem to have to address inside the nfl. Plenty of evidence to support. They want to go out and help other Domestic Violence victims. Clearly this shows the nfl cares more about winning games and having thei the stars on the field then accountability and sending the right message. There are some harsh words from Supreme Court justice, wait until you hear what she had to say about the men of our Nation Highest Court and their understanding of womens rights. Can i get my actual Credit Report. Like, the one the bank sees . [ male voice ] sheesh, i feel like im being interrogated over here. [ male voice ] shes onto us. Dump her. [ pay phone rings ] hello . Oh, man. That never gets old. No, it does not. [ female announcer ] not all Credit Report sites are equal. Experian. Com members get personalized help and a real Credit Report. Join now at experian. Com with enrollment in experian credit tracker. Take them on the way you always have. Live healthy and take one a day mens 50 . A complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. Age . Who cares. Reference. Ah, got it. These wifi hotspots we get with our Xfinity Internet Service are all over the place. Hey you can stop looking. I found one. See . What do you think a wifi hotspot smells like . Im thinking roast beef. Want to get lunch . Get the fastest wifi hotspots and more coverage on the go than any other provider. Xfinity, the future of awesome. More outnumbered in just a moment but lets get to jon scott with what is coming up in the second hour of happening now. The deadly outbreak of ebola in africa continues to spread. More than 700 are dead. Now two infected americans will be allowed back to the United States for treatment. Is that a good idea . And a live report out of atlanta where the medical workers are headed. Theyre calling th for the resignation of cia director over revelations the cia was spying on the senate. Investigators pored over the demolition airliner and fighting around eastern ukraine. They are in ukraine. Thank you. Supreme Court Justice getting a lot of attention after she delivered a scathing dissent into the 5for hobby lobby decision. You will recall the ruling allowed some corporations to opt out of providing Birth Control to employees if in so goes against their religious beliefs. Phyllis and how the justice answered this question. Do you believe the five male justices truly understood the ramifications of their decision . I would have to say no, but justices continue to think and can change. Im ever hopeful that what is a blind site today will be open in months. You do feel they had a blind spot . If i can be honest, yes. Thank you katie couric for that highly leaning question, and she knocks it out of the park by saying the men on the court just didnt understand what was going on because they are not women. I have two names for the justice, janet brown. And diane sykes. Circuit court judges who are women who rule against you administration on this mandate in previous cases, they are women with all the lady parts required to understand the issues. Lady parts . It is unfortunate she went there. For by the gender and made the wrong decision. Uphold the competitio constituti believe they did just that. This article or case is wellsuited on this issue. This is an argument on the left, but that they may miss his there is another difference between the justices that ruled this way and the justices that ruled that way. These are liberal and these are conservative. She probably would have been ruling that way. Are we to assume base in the comments that she influences the decisionmaking . I wen am going to go back toe question, do you think they understand the ramifications which mark what ramifications . They still provide contraception options. How is it that he is ignoring the fact the legal team for hobby lobby that win a Supreme Court case was entirely made up of women . Why is it they are not giving those women despite the disagreements for winning a historic case for women . I think it does a disservice to women as a whole. She shares that. She kind of got robbed in a little bit. It is beneath her. It really is. Appropriate question for justice, unfortunately she got caught up. Just leave it there. Bad move. Which American Woman would you want to be on a dollar bill . Five, 10, 20. How one girls letter to the president has sparked a very interesting debate about women and the u. S. Currency. So what famous woman would you want on the money in your pocket . A young girl asking president obama is not on the currency. The president mentioned the letter and calling it a pretty good idea. I dont think you want katie courrieshgs c. My pick is rosea parks and courageous and brought us out of a dark chapter and rosea parks would be my pick. Solid choice. You can stay. Elanior roosevelt. Little elannor. She kind of did her own thing. I modelled my first ladydom. And i wanted to pick her. And annie oakley before the women had a right to vote, they could own a fire arm. Perfect for her. Abgal adams. The wife of the second president of the United States, john adams and had a huge influence over u. S. History and unbelievable account of the relationship through letters that were there. And abgal adams. Thats excellent. I wanted to pick helen keller and shes well repreponderated in alabama. I am outnumbered today. That does it for us. Well see you on monday. Happening now starts right now. Happy friday. Right now three developing stories we are following. Independent panel finds the military was too weak to deal with todays international crisis. And that was joined by the pentagon and Congress Said downsizing the American Military is a misstep. Two democrats calling for the resignation of cia director john brennan. And a massive storm with strong winds slammed a trailer park in arizona. Several rvs blown on their sides and two people are injured. Now the clean up begins. But first, will congress act on a plan to address the Immigration Crisis on our southern border . Welcome to happening now. I am jon

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