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Fund. Check your local listings. Greta is on the record. She is sitting right next to me with very special guest. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. We will see you later for coverage of the Democratic Convention here on fox all eyes are on philadelphia, big night at the 2016 Democratic Convention president barack obama Vice President joe biden and Hillary Clintons vp pick tim kaine is speaking tonight. Security is extra tight and burning with expectation. Cohost of americas newsroom, martha . Good evening. Here is some of what were picking up on the floor tonight about what you can expect. Look for Mike Bloomberg who has a very high speaking spot today. He is going to come right before tim kaine this evening. Look for him to take down Donald Trump New york billionaire to new york billionaire. I have detected quite a bit of air the delegates is doing some well. Mike bloomberg thought about running himself, of course, he decided not to. Now that its such a tight race he may be rethinking that or having buyers remorse, who knows. He expected to slam donald trump and try to take him apart tonight as someone who knows and understands him from new york city. Also, in terms of what we expect to hear from president obama this evening, he will go line by line, talking about how he has improved during his administration the economy, including housing, talk about the fact that they were losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office. Expect him to talk about the Auto Industry again. In many ways its reminiscent, greta what we heard last time around four years ago from obama and biden. You remember the phrase gm is alive and bin laden is dead. You may hear a refrain from g. M. Being alive. I doubt very much you are going to hear bin laden is dead too much tonight because, of course, isis has taken the place of that threat that faces the United States and our allies as well. But president obama wants to reclaim his legacy. He wants to put it down in writing and on stage and on video for what he remembered about what he says tonight about his own understanding of what he achieved as president and then move on to Hillary Clinton. Back to you. Martha, thank you. Lots of excitement here. This is a huge, powerful night at the Democratic National convention. President obama, Vice President joe biden will both take the stage. The president is expected to tell the American People about the Hillary Clinton he knows. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is here to go on the record. Good evening, leader. Good evening. You have said that we shouldnt vote for a candidate simply because she is a woman. Right. There is a certain amount of excitement, is there not, that secretary clinton will be the first woman to head the president ial ticket once she formally acceptance . Very exciting. I think she will be chosen because she is the best, the best person to be president of the United States. And thats why people should vote for her. The fact that she is a woman is exciting beyond words. Its really thrilling. Is she going to be a third term of president obama or is she different from president Obama Policies . They have shared values about an economy that works for everyone, not just the privileged few. About respecting the judgment of women about the size and timing of their families. That Climate Change is real and not a chinese hoax. That we should have comprehensive Immigration Reform that we should have common sense gun safety laws in the and arrests. She will bring her own priorities and freezing rain structure in a bigger way, i think, to the presidency. But she will tell us herself what her priorities will be. But she is a different person. She is a person who has ha lifetime dedication at Public Service. How does she get that . One of the hurdles she does have. The polls show that her trustworthiness is not in a good number. A lot of people dont trust her. How does she gain the trust of the American People . Well, neither of their numbers are that good. Both are lousy. But thats what campaigns are all about. And in an election you decide who is going to hold the seat. Who is going to win the election. But its also a discussion of your vision for the future. And her vision for the future, i think, will be much more positive one for america than her opponents and in the course of engaging with the public. Showing what her presidency means in their lives again, ache woman president doesnt mean anything excepts what it means in the lives of the American People. All right the dnc took a beating this week with revelation of the emails. Certainly looked that senator Bernie Sanders had a legitimate beef that the dnc had been impartial and fair throughout the election. What do you say to Bernie Sanders supporters. A lot of them are fine. I think they are not a monolith. Senator sanders presentation was that last night . It seems like a long time ago. Monday. Did a great deal to bring people together. Its hard to bring your people over just like that. And i think it will take some time. But overwhelmingly, i believe his supporters understand why they have differences between bernie. Whoa, isnt it mean dont you sort of understand at least Vice President biden does the anger of Bernie Sanders supporters those emails did look like the fix was in. Well, i understand about emails. I dont think it would have made the difference in the election. I dont think the dnc or the rnc should have any role in the primary i sympathize with the concerns that they have Debbie Debbie wassermanschultz schultz has stepped down and go forward now. I dont think that even Bernie Sanders is saying but for those emails he would be the nominee for president. Everyone is talking about Vice President biden and president obama speaking tonight. We are going to meet senator tim kaine tonight. Very exciting. What do you think is going to surprise the American People about him. Before you went into that you said president obama and Vice President biden. Nominee tim kaine. We also heard from Senate Democratic leader harry reid it was very well received and moving and i want to recognize that my view of tim kaine my word for him is answer gel lick a beautiful lovely person. Values based in his Public Service courageous in going forth with what he believes in. And a life of commitment to helping people. I dont envy any of them tonight having to speak because there is a lot of competition up there in terms of, you know a lot of attention on all of them. Well, right now we have gavin newsom, Lieutenant Governor of california. Thats your home state. Yes, indeed last night president bill clinton spoke your thoughts . Beautiful. It was beautiful. Typical he has his own rate of time of unfolding the story but at the end of the day a very powerful speech in support of Hillary Clinton. All right. 30 seconds left. What do you want to hear most from secretary clinton on thursday . Whats the one key thing she has to zero in on . The difference between democrats and republicans trickle down economics that benefits the very few or an economic an economy that works for everyone. I think that is really the message that has to be delivered. How she chooses to do that, by story telling, by her own priorities will remain to be seen. She is the nominee for president of the United States, the first woman ever she will have her own original presentation to make and im sure it will be magnificent. Leader pelosi, thank you very much for joining us. Dont be a stranger to fox news. I wont be a stranger. Invite me, i wont. Thank you, greta. Thank you. Thank you. And donald trump as you no doubt suspectside not sitting back on the counter. Trump on the offensive and blasting the Democratic National convention. They havent mentioned isis. They dont want to mention. Why . Because they created it. So they dont mention isis. I told you before they dont mention our police or our Law Enforcement and they wouldnt have those doors open for two minutes if it werent for the police. [cheers and applause] they wouldnt have them open for two minutes. Okay, this poll may interest you. A recent Pew Research Center poll finding 59 of americans saying too many people are easily offended over language, 39 say people need to be more careful with language to avoid offending people. Former New Hampshire senator john sununu goes on the record. Good evening, governor. I always try not to offend anyone, greta. You know that. How do you do on that . Are you good or not good at that . I guess im not very good what do you think of trump going on the offensive and basically getting right back in the news in the midst of this democratic connection . He is never going to sit back and wait. Is he going to do that whenever there is an opportunity. And for the first two days the democrats seemed absolutely committed to the obama ostrich head in the sand theory of Foreign Policy. They figure if they can hide themselves from it will go away. But, unfortunately, this is a tough world and the president of the United States has to lead in that direction. And if mrs. Clinton persists in having her convention avoid National Security issues, she is going to really get burned in the election. Do you expect to hear from her on thursday night about National Security . Well, now that we have been pointing out that they havent said anything about it, she really has to bring it up. And unfortunately, she probably will bring it up as a continuation of the same policies that she supported in the obama administration, which has produced the disaster of isis. So is she better to sort of pivot away from president obama . She certainly wants his aggressive support on the campaign trail this fall. Does she pivot away from him on National Security and other issues or does she embrace it fully and say, look, this is a third president obama term . She will do what the clintons always do in certain groups she will embrace it and other groups she will pivot away from it and hope that the press will cover her trail. And donald trump, what do you expect him to be doing over the next couple days as this winds down here and she becomes the first woman to have head a major party ticket. I wouldnt be surprised if he had a News Conference tomorrow and another one on friday. I wouldnt be surprised if we all took it as well, right, governor . You will run it live. Governor, always nice to see you. Enjoy New Hampshire, sir. Thank you. Byebye. And, of course, as we alluded to, trump imimmediately seizing on the two email scandal. News the dnc email hack. Both scandals now playing secretary clinton in this weeks Democratic Convention and trump is not holding back. You know, i put whyself through your News Conferences often, not that its fun. 235 days. No News Conference for Hillary Clinton. You ought to check it out because there is a lot going on. Her great disloyalty to the person who rigged the system for her, Debbie Wassermanschultz, she totally rigged it Bernie Sanders never had a chance. And total disloyalty. Its like youre fired, get out fast. The email situation, i call it the double email situation both very serious. What was said in the last ones to the dnc was horrible. Absolutely horrible. If i would have used language like they used about religion, about race, about Everything Else that they discussed in those emails, would have had to run and hide and probably drop out of the race. With her, everything is just fine so just ask yourself why she doesnt have News Conferences. And honestly, the reason is because there is no way she can answer questions because the job she has done is so bad, when they talk about change, i noticed they have change. She has been there for 30 years. 30 years. There is no change. Its going to be the same. Going to be an extension of obama and in my opinion worse. A little bit earlier today top clinton policy aid Jake Sullivan saying in a statement that reads in part this has gone from being a matter of curiosity and politics to being a National Security issue. Ouch. I bet Donald Trumps first thought when he heard what sullivan said that clintons email server in her house is likewise a National Security issue. The on the record Political Panel is here from u. S. News and u. S. News and world report hide ideal. Nice to see both of you. Good to see you, greta. First to you, hidy. I think what Jake Sullivan was talking about is the whole idea donald trump was making russians should check to see where 30,000 emails is. It does seem that Jake Sullivan stepped right into the trap by saying that its a National Security issue because naturally people are thinking well what about that server in the house . And that was the bulk of Donald Trumps News Conference on message and on point talking about what this means in terms of the server being hacked and in terms of the wikileaks told us about the dn cs meddling and Hillary Clintons rise. But, unfortunately, the one joke and i guess his campaign is now saying its a joke, sent everybody into clean up mode and took that headline away to now be that donald trump made this joke, you know, encouraging the russians to try and continue to hack into Hillary Clintons emails. And that, unfortunately, kind of became the narrative. Is it a joke, david, first of all, the Trump Campaign says it was. And then you have got Clinton Campaign saying National Security emails while they are letting her server in her basement being so vulnerable and suddenly emails are National Security. Both campaigns have weaponized the whole topic. I dont think its a joke at all. I think trump knows exactly what he is doing. I think the democrats got their acts together last night and looked like they were having a more United Convention after a raucous first day. Donald trump looked at that and said im going to change the subject. Im going to hold a News Conference and make a provocative statement about russia and emails. Get emails back into the headline so on night three of the Democratic Convention when they are rolling out owe bomb marks biden and cain you have emails as headline. Thats not a headline. I talked to a trump advisor today. They dont think when they are talking about emails thats not good for the Democratic Party. Trump is trying to crash the Democratic National convention and get them off their messaging tonight. He is trying to crash the convention. Can he do that in many ways. People including on his own campaign are now in cleanup mode because jason miller took to twitter after that and said trump is not encouraging espionage here and his Vice President also came out and said look, if we find out that the russians are behind, this there will be strong repercussions. So he had a very different response than donald trump did. Point taken he stole the headline though, right . He did steal the headline. As long as theyre talking about emails, thats a better night for trump than it is for Hillary Clinton. That to me. And if these emails werent so serious, i would say part of the democratic platform should be we are not going to do emails anymore any place any time. Its a serious issue. Heidi, david, thank you both. Sure. Now outside to the streets of philly on the record Griff Jenkins has been out in the blistering philly heat with a few protesters. Griff . Greta, parched they are certainly feeling the burn no, intended pun, if you look behind me, there is only about 100 protesters gathering here outside the broad street main entrance where we have seen all the protests ending all week long can i spin you around here, just a few people here, there was talks there would be a bike rally coming down here. We were at a march a little earlier down by city hall. That also much smaller scale. Once again we must give kudos to the police here for their tremendous work. To date, there have been 69 citations for disorderly conduct. And actually the police have not arrested so far one Single Person there were four people arrested yesterday who scaled the fence and they were taken into custody by the secret service. Federal arrests of sorts. As you see behind me, things are fairly calm. Perhaps the most interesting thing when you walk out here and talk to these protesters are the san ders delegates who have left. I talked to one who says she is not even going to go back. She is done with it she doesnt know whether she is going to leave the Democratic Party but she is very frustrated. Whether or not we continue to see these protests tomorrow, it certainly died down today and can i tell you for sure the weather may have had something to do with it. Greta . Griff, its been punishing, indeed the weather. Thank you, griff. And a bombshell in the freddie grey case just a short time ago Marilyn Mosby dropping all charges against the police. But in a weird twist, she still says its a homicide. Thats next. Also, we are back straight ahead you will hear Clinton Campaign are they ready for donald trump . Whats their plan . You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. 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And new or worsening heart failure. Before treatment, get tested for tb. Tell your doctor if youve been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if youve had tb,. Hepatitis b, are prone to infections,. Or have flulike symptoms or sores. Dont start humira if you have an infection. If youre still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. With humira, remission is possible. Now its war, they band i want them dead lves. The fleas and ticks . Their whole gang. We can do that. Only bravecto kills fleas ticks for up to 12 weeks with one tasty chew. Starts killing fleas in two hours and kills nearly 100 in under twelve. And its fda approved. Bravecto is for dogs 6 months of age or older. Dont worry, princess, well settle the score. Tonight we ride, with bravecto ask your vet about 12week protection with bravecto. On the record is live in philadelphia at the 2016 Democratic National convention. We are kicking off prime time in the Number One Network in all of cable. Right now the feeling inside this arena is electric and it is getting more so by the minute. You can feel the an face nation by tonights speakers. President obama, Vice President joe biden and maybe the next Vice President of the United States senator tim kaine. Bill hemmer is on the Convention Floor. Bill, we just heard the secret service has released all of the candidates code names. What are they . Well, mike pence will be hoosier, given his home state of indiana, greta, with me now is senator Chuck Schumer the democrat from new york city. Thank you for your time. You will in all likelihood be the leader of the Democratic Party in the u. S. Senate. God willing. Nd today donald trump made two appearances. One of the comments he has had is that isis has not been mentioned enough at this convention. Do you agree with him . Here is what i would like to ask donald trump. He says is he going to lick isis. Is he going to put troops overseas . If so how many and in what country . How f. Not how is he going to lick them . Hillary clinton has a much stronger record she has been a hawk on these issues. And trump is simply saying im going to lick isis doesnt solve the problem. He was in miami. He was in scranton, pennsylvania. Two events in one day. Never been done that way before. Well, thats fine each person can campaign, ask donald trump, fox news, is he going to put troops overseas . How many and where and if not how is he going to lick isis you . Cant just use words in this world. And the same thing with middle class income . How is he going to get them moving . All the negative words, calling hillary all the names he wants doesnt put one nickel in the pocket of the working class. This will be Barack Obamas last address before the Democratic Convention as president. What are you feeling about this tonight . I have heard a lot of comments about nostalgia, whats the word you use . Every american should celebrate that he broke a barrier. Thats what america has been about since we were founded since in new york when the english came and the dutch didnt like them. Its a great thing. How would you grade the convention . Give it a letter so far. It started out as probably a c minus. Today its an a minus. By tomorrow night it will be an a plus. We shall see. Senator, thank you for your time. Senator shuman from new york. Greta back to you. Tonight president obama and Vice President biden. Before they take the stage people American People will be introduce to do Vice President ial candidate tim kaine. Hillary clinton will make it official tomorrow she will tell everyone she does accept the nomination for president. She does make history. The first woman to head a Major Political party ticket for president. Right now National Press secretary for hillary for America Brian fallon goes on the record. Nice to see you, brian. Nice to be with you, greta. Speaking now is governor Martin Omalley of maryland. Ran a spirited campaign. Now endorsing secretary Clinton Campaigning for her. Actually made appearances in several states. Thats another sign of how united we are. A lot of question about that at least for the people outside the protesters outside. They are not happy. Nuts and bolts hipsd the scene. Has secretary clinton, has she written her speech . Its probably going to be in progress right up until tomorrow. She has been working on it for a while. She is involved in this . Very involved . Very involved. Its going to be a deeply personal speech, i think, make the overall case for how this campaign and everything she is talking about fit into the arc of her career and fights she has waged in Public Service. President clinton talked about that a great deal last night. That speech was a home run. Hillary clinton is going to take it home tomorrow night. Senator schumer just dodged a question that bill hemmer just asked. Is he my old boss. He dodged it. Bill asked him why so limited mention of isis. Are we likely to hear that thursday night . We have had terrorism. We had what happened in france yesterday. Thats on the minds of many americans. Are we going to hear from are we going to hear more from isis the next couple days. This is such a trumped up allegation. The reality is we have been quite clear for the last few weeks about what the themes each night of this convention would be. We said from the beginning monday was going to be about economic tuesday about Hillary Clinton and her biography. Wednesday would be about Foreign Policy and National Security. You will hear from former military officials. From our current commander and chief. From Vice President biden. Going to get that tonight. You will hear a lot about what it takes to defeat isis and confrontation about terrorism and hear about it tomorrow night, too. In the last few weeks and months, Hillary Clinton has given speeches council on foreign relations, university in san diego laying out her plan for isis. Chuck schumer had it right she has laid out a plan. Donald trump says we are going to beat them but doesnt tell you how. Is her plan different from president obama but extension. Intensification of it. Some differences she has called for nofly zone over syria which is something president obama has not supported. Called for stepping up our efforts to combat online propaganda so that we are not seeing no radicalization here on the home front. The problems that iseasingly arh all these recent instances is we no longer even have a problem of people traveling over to syria getting radicalized and training there and coming back. Its an issue of people just Reading Materials online and selfrad laying. Its been inspiring and recruitment. Senator tim kaine. A lot of people dont know much about him tonight. What are the American People going to learn tonight . This is exactly going to be an opportunity for him to introduce himself. I think its going to have a lot of echos to the speech he gave after the day weighs selected and went and campaigned with secretary clinton. They debuted in miami, florida. Somebody who has been waging fights all his life to help others, dating back to his time, leaving law school for a year to go to work in honduras with jesuit missionaries to help impoverished children down there. A lot of echos to Hillary Clintons life when she left law school to go to the work for childrens defense fund. That brings the two together. Leaves law school and goes to work at civil rights lawyer makes hay one of his big case against nationwide insurance about housing discrimination in the late 1990s when a record amount in terms of a jury trial there. An accomplishment im sure you can respect. And then he goes on to have a storied career and in every elected position he has held got a promotion. City counselor who became the mayor of richmond, became the governor and senator and now next Vice President. That says something about the fact that the people of virginia are constantly seeking to promote him. This is a big chance. The American People is a big first exposure to senator kaine. Exciting tonight. Pig night here in the Democratic Party. Anyway, thank you very much. I hope you will come back. Dont be a stranger to the show. Absolutely. Thank you for having me. President obama and Many Democrats including secretary clinton should be worried. He will be in here in philly tonight. Will he take that same tone on the Convention Stage . I thought i married an italian. Did the ancestrydna to find out im only 16 italian. So i went onto ancestry, soon learned that one of our ancestors was eastern european. This is my ancestor who i didnt know about. You doyoull see whatet but in youre really made of. After five hours of spinning and one unfortunate ride on the gravitron, your grandkids spot a 6 foot banana that you need to win. In that moment, youll be happy you partnered with a humana care manager and got your health back on track. Because that banana isnt coming home with you until that bell sings. Great things are ahead of you when your health is ready for them. At humana, we can help you with a personalized plan for your health for years to come. On the record is live in a sky box above the 2016 Democratic National convention and down on the floor, the party here in philly is just getting started. Tonight has democratic star power. President barack obama, Vice President joe biden and nominee for Vice President senator tim kaine from virginia all speaking just a short time. Were going to bring you back to philadelphia straight ahead. But, now, another big developing story that we have been following here at on the record for months. All charges have been dropped against Baltimore Police charged in the death of freddie gray. This bringing an end to one of the most high profile criminal cases, trial tops in baltimore history. Of course, you will rather remember in april of 2015 grays death sparking violent riots and looting. Gray suffered spinal cord injuries while in the back of a Baltimore Police van. Baltimore sun reporter kevin recner has been following this case from the very beginning. Kevin is live at the baltimore courthouse. Kevin, what happened today . Well, the prosecutors came in to a hearing that was supposed to get the next trial of officer Garrett Miller underway. Instead, in rapid succession, they announced to the courtroom to the judge that they were dropping the charges against the three officers who still face charges in the case. That follows the judge, circuit judge berry g. Williams acquitting the other three officers of all charges. Meaning that there will be no criminal convictions in this case. Bombshell news that she is bailing on these cases . Im sorry . Was Marilyn Mosby the states attorney there made when the announcement made they were not pursuing the case. I dont believe she was there. I did not see her in the courtroom. After the Court Proceedings concluded she held her onus conference in west baltimore in the neighborhood where mr. Gray was arrested and she explained her reasoning and defended the case that she brought against the officers and she broadly condemned what she said were failings in the judicial system, the process by which police are supposed to police themselves and she said in a later interview with myself and one of my colleagues that she intends to follow through with trying to get reforms pushed in annapolis. Kevin, thank you. And earlier today. You are welcome. As just noted Baltimore States attorney Marilyn Mosby explaining why she dropped the charges. For those that believe that im antipolice, its simply not the case. Im antipolice brutality. We do not believe that freddie gray killed himself. Thats right thats right we stand by the medical examiners determination that freddie grays death was a homicide. Yes, yes. The on the record legal panel is here former homicide detective and criminal defense attorney ted williams and former prosecutor katie phang. You have been to the courtroom a number of times. This was her choice to proceed. This was her choice to drop the matter and now she has single judge. Now she is trying to inkite the judicial system because she simply brought i know your thoughts. You cant defend the indefensible. Marilyn mosby did not have a case, greta, from the very beginning. Marilyn mosby has sullied her office by bringing these cases. Had you these six officers out there. Yes, something happened to freddie gray, nobody is denying that. But you cant show which one of these six officers so with a broad brush she painted them all as being criminal. She prosecuted them. There was one brave detective darn yelle taylor who came and pealed that onion back showing this was a prosecution that was brought because she was trying to pour water on the riots in baltimore. The first thing she did after this broke out and the riots and charged the cops, she sits down for an interview with vogue magazine with a celebrity photographer as well. Goes up on stage prince concert. Done everything she can except show up in the courtroom and prosecute the case. Instead she sends her poor assistants in to take the heat today for her embarrassment. She milked the celebrity spotlight as much as she could and once again today, we heard inflammatory rhetoric from a prosecutor who has not only flirted with prosecutorial misconduct but married herself to malicious prosecutions at this time. It was the right result. But it took too long to come around. You are right greta and ted. Where was she . Where was she in that courtroom to prosecute these cops if she really believed that she had enough to prove it. And we have heard from judge williams himself, she didnt have enough. She had insufficient evidence, and for that she should pray pay the price for prosecuting. She should be out of a job. She should go. She should get out right now. Thats terrible. Ted, lack, one of the things that happened very early on without a full investigation is that the city quickly settled with the estate. The thing thats always sort of bothered me is the pace in which 6 million. Freddie gray should not have died in custody. Lets get that straight and thats terrible. But here the case was settled with one of her Close Friends as the lawyer Billie Murphy and i would like to see that investigated. Whats up with that . Well, you know, i think in the coming weeks, they are going to be investigations on investigations into the process that led to that resolution or that settlement of 6 million of the citizens of baltimore. There is something very smelly here. I think in coming weeks, a lot is going to come out from behind the scenes here, greta. And let me repeat again. Freddie gray should not have died in custody with those police. But, we have a prosecutor who should not also be so renegade as to go after the cops and one after another get a not guilty verdict from a judge and continue to stand up today and act like she was right. Truly amazing. And, remember, greta, this was an africanamerican judge. And he was very good and he was very brave and courageous in making his decisions. Katie, i will give you the last word on this. He will with, ted is right. You cant use this case to say that there was anything that was prowhite, antiblack lives matter. The reality is you had an africanamerican judge. Had you africanamerican defendants and had you white defendants. And in the end the law prevailed. Not Marilyn Mosbys inflammatory rhetoric but the law prevailed in these cases. Well, i hope she is investigated to see how she did this because she did a huge disservice that Community Coming out and becoming a celebrity and fanning the flames and doing all she did. And now today not even having the courage to go to court to drop the cases herself. Instead send her line assistants in. Shame on her. Now she will be hunted because she has civil suit going and a bar complaint. Remarkable. Ted and katy, thank you. On the record is live in philadelphia at the Democratic National convention. Go back to the Convention Floor. 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If it is russia its bad for a different reason because it shows what little respect they have for our country when they would hack into a major party and get everything. But it would be interesting to see i will tell you this, russia, if you are listening, i hope youre able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Lets see if that happens. Nothing is off the table. He may be striking a nerve. Today president obama saying democrats should be worried. My advice to democrats, i dont have to give this advice to Hillary Clinton because she already knows it is you stay worried until all those votes are cast and counted because one of the dangers in an election like this is that people dont take the challenge seriously. They stay home. And we end up getting the unexpected. Are the democrats shaking in their boots . Former democratic president ial candidate congressman Dennis Kucinich goes on the record. Nice to see you, sir. Hi, greta. President obama said the democrats should be nervous until the votes are counted. Well, i understand the spirit in which he has communicated that but the democrats have to be careful in not, you know, making this election continually attacking donald trump. I will give you an example. Back in cleveland there was a sheriff who ran for judge by the name of mcgetrick he was widely opposed everyone said dont vote for mcgetrick. Who do you suppose they voted for . Mcgetrick. Find the emails of Hillary Clinton. Democrats seized upon that saying is he trying to seize the help from russia to go into her server, the dnc emails and donald trump says its a joke. Well, i mean, i think that when trump said to for russia to go into her emails that obviously was a joke. And i hope the Clinton Campaign doesnt keep taking the bait. This campaign ought to be about inspiring people. Thats what im hopeful is going to happen here tonight with the Vice President and president. I hope thats what will happen thursday with Hillary Clinton. If we inspire people we can get them out to vote. But, just simply opening up a prod attack on trump, i dont know about that. Thank you, congressman. Right now on the Convention Stage, a very talented director lee daniels. The cocreator of the hit show everyone is talking about over on the Fox Broadcast Network empire. Lets listen. Im here because the next president of the United States invited me. I was a little scared at first. I wondered if hillary really knew ohio was not just the work i do in entertainment. But who i really am. Who is lee daniels . Does she know that my sister is under house arrest . Does she know that my brother maynard is in jail . Does she know that my nephew is in jail . That my cousins are in and out of jail . That my father was a police officer, shot and murdered right here in philadelphia when i was 15 . Does she even know that i have been to jail . Thats the mercury know and still i rise. [cheers and applause] it hit me like a bring. Hillary knows me. She knows me. And thats what gave me the courage to come and speak in front of yall tonight. [ applause ] hillary has stood with families of people who died due to gun violence. She has helped turn their heartache into action. I wish she was around for me when my dad died. Hillary understands our right to bear guns but wants to stop guns from getting into the wrong hands. [cheers and applause] you guys, 33,000 americans i do each year from gun violence. Thats 90 people a day. Enough. We need to take action and we need to take action now. There is only one candidate willing to take down take on gun violence excuse me, there is only one candidate willing to take on the gun lobby and keep our families safe. Im bad at that this teleprompter stuff. And for that millennial who comes from where i come from, who doesnt think that you have a voice, you do. And there aint no choice. This is the most important election of our lifetime. Come november, vote for her. May god bless you hillary clinton. And god bless america. [cheers and applause] that was director lee daniels the cocreator of the foxs hit show empire. The truth is donald trump knows nothing about Foreign Policy. And nor should he based upon his background. [ applause ] but trump says there is a good reason he hasnt gone into detail about his Foreign Policy plans. Im not saying anything. I dont talk. Im not like obama where he tells you everything he is going to do. We are going to go and do this and go and do that i dont talk. Special on the record panel is here marilyn congressman triewber and john hicken lopper. I want to do talk about the Foreign Policy first. Listening to lee daniels speak and i think to myself i started off in poverty law. Thats where i started my career. And but the thing is in the last eight years, and thats really under the democratic leadership and before that under the republican, things have not gotten better for these inner cities. There is no question. You have to break the culture and you have to really, in my opinion, deal with the children. We talk about a lot of issues in inner city. Inner city needs education point of view and child care point of view. People want pride in their homes. I think a lot of it has to do with helping people get into Home Ownership so they have pride in their homes. Governor, the problem, i see sort of the rise of senator Bernie Sanders and a donald trump is that i think that some of the people in the country are thinking for all of those served in government, time is up. Have you had all this time going back from the war on poverty that Linden Johnson started in the mid 60s and things arent getting better. So they are grossly dissatisfied which is why sanders had so much wind by his sales and trump does. There is anger out there. Some of the greatest job displacement since the 1920s. People arent making as much as they did 10 years ago. For anybody thats very, very frustrating. As government, we havent used technology or innovation to get people who lost one career into the new one because they are coming out. Why arent we figuring out ways give bank tellers numerous High Precision into throwing a hail mary pass as the governor said has gotten so bad whether its our manufacturing jobs are gone or whatever and thats why i you see the rise in these outsider candidates. But, you know, i think right now america still is the best country in the world. In my role, i have been involved in National Security and intelligent for the last 12 years. I have been to a lot of countries not bermuda or iraq, afghanistan, pakistan, yemen. When i come home to my country i want to kiss the earth. This is still the best country in the world. It really bothers me when we say that were not good. Look, we need to work on a lot of things. Can i tell you when you see our troops on the front line protecting our country and we hear these negative comments about our country, america is america and we are the best. Now we have got a lot to do and we do it and i do understand the frustration out there. If i werent in some of these inner cities where my whole family has been living on poverty and food stamps so long i would say, look, have you so left me behind. I want to do things but why should i believe you this time . Well, i think you have to keep working at the level of incremental growth. Education. I think the congressman is exactly right it starts with making sure kids can read at 3rd grade. Making sure that theyre up doing all their multiplication tables and fourth grade that they are keeping pace. How do they get to the point where we why wasnt this four years ago or 8 years ago, 16 years ago, you know, both administrations . Can i answer the question. First thing i think one of the best programs we have in the inner city is the head start program. It helps Young Children before they even get into kindergarten and first grade. What it does even more it takes usually a single mother, takes her into job training so she can earn independence and also provides day care. These are programs that we have to fund and we havent been funding them like we should. We also need to have a team effort. Not just about education. Its police, its social services, its education coming together. And, again, i really focus back to the Home Ownership, too. Governor, i imagine we are going to hear from senator kaine tonight thats sort of fun . Yeah. He dual a great job. Is he an awesome perch person. Remarkable person. Well be watching. Gentlemen, thank you. Governor. 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And you saw that. It also showed that it was a fixed race. I have been saying that long before i saw the emails. It was a rigged race. It was totally rigged. And Debbie Wassermanschultz rigged it for Hillary Clinton and the sad part is Bernie Sanders has, to use an old word that i use on occasion, he has lost his energy. He wants to go home and go to sleep. Donald trump is doing his very best to steal the show. Here in philadelphia, the democrats are celebrating as on the record comes to you live from the wells fargo center. Florida governor rick scott goes on the record with a big announcement tonight. Governor, whats your announcement . Im going to be the National Chairman of the super pac thats going to get donald trump elected. Its called the rebuilding america now. You can look at the two ads we already have up at rebuilding america now. Com. Can you donate. But we are going to do everything we can to set the record straight and make sure Everybody Knows the difference between donald trump and Hillary Clinton. All right. How much money do you intend to raise . I mean, this is a big business these super pacs. Its a big business. We have raised 6 million. We have millions of dollars committed. We have a lot of work to do. The clinton pac has already, i think, committed 100 million in ads. They are planning on raising 250 million. Our work is cut out for you. Go to rebuilding america. Com and donate. Were going to do everything we can to make sure Everybody Knows there is a difference here. A business person, donald trump, wants to destroy isis, build the military, take care of our Law Enforcement, a career politician on the other side that had her chance and has failed. All right. I have to confess that i dont like all the money in the campaigns. Both sides have to do it because the other side does. Surf pacs on the democratic side and super pacs on the republican side. The thing that i also and i understand the First Amendment implications of it. Do you sort of find it, i mean, i dont know, do you like the money part of this business in politics . You know, greta, i had to raise in my race is 100milliondollar race. And so in my reelection in 2014, i had to raise 100 million. You have to do it to get your message out because the other side is going to do it. Like in florida these races are national races. They knew that if the democrat won that race it would have helped the democrat nominee there is a loft money in these races. You have got to work hard to get your message out. Thats what we are going to do with this super pac. Of course, you have got situations where even the down ticket. You have a senate race in your race senator marco rubio has gone back into that race. But the, you know, who is going to run the u. S. Senate is going to be a big deal. Competitive races in New Hampshire, wisconsin. This is a big year this election not just the president ial ticket. You have to raise a lot of money, greta. You have got to get your message out. Do you some of it through tv but the truth is you have got to run the ads. Get the grass roots doing. Do all these things to win elections. This is important. This is about the future of our country, the very survival of the american dream. Governor, thank you. And i agree. Poet sides do it so both sides have to do it or you are not going to get anybody elected. Anyway, governor, thank you. Have fun in philadelphia. Lets go down to the Convention Floor in philadelphia. President obama taking the stage soon on the record Team Coverage on the floor with martha and bill. Lets check in first as martha and hand it over to bills side of the floor. Martha . I spoke to one democratic insider who told me what to expect from joe biden tonight. He said last and labor. The long claws are clearly out tonight for donald trump and joe biden will look to make fun of him. He will make jokes at Donald Trumps expense. Thats whats expected from him tonight and he will speak to Blue Collar Workers a group of voters that he has a very close relationship with. Yet, many of them have been drifting toward donald trump. It is his job tonight to bring them back into the fold to tell them not to trust donald trump, that they need to stick with the Democratic Party if they want to secure their future. This is a group that is the biggest potential swing group in the independent voters in particular, and joe biden is here to bring them home tonight. Greta. All right, martha. Thank you. Lets go to marthas cohost of americas newsroom. Bill hemmer, bill . I spoke with the former attorney general eric holder just a moment ago. He worked with president obamas for six years as a. G. , he said history is going to be very kind to this president. I said how do you define history he . Said give it five or 10 years and you will see the decisions he made in office will be proven to be the right decisions. How do you feel tonight the final address before Democratic Convention. He said tonight is a night of nostalgia for me and im certain that is that for him as well. President obama will be here

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