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With trumps family yesterday. He has another meeting coming up this afternoon with alabama senator Jeff Sessions. That announcement is expected at any time. Former New Hampshire governor john sununu goes on the record. Good evening, sir. How are you tonight, greta . Good. Well, i bet you are on pins and needles, everyone is playing the veepstakes game. Tell me, Newt Gingrich or mike pence . Im leaning towards mike pence. I think there is an advantage in the age difference i think this is advantage having been more recently involved with governors. As a practical professional. So i think mike pence, if i had to give the djt some advice i would tell him it should be mike pence. Its interesting, i think, and of course this is all voodoo. I think this race will be determined at the debates when they are side by side president s and Vice President ial candidates. Everyone else has decided except for the undecides watch that im surprised he doesnt pick Newt Gingrich because i think he would be powerful at the debate. Well, i dont think thats the only criteria. Although it is part of it. I think what you need is somebody who is going to make the current conservative base a little bit more comfortable. And i think pence has been much more active involved with them in recent years. But, look, he is lag at four people that do have political experience. And, frankly, im very comfortable with the fact with the four people that he is looking at right now. How about governor Chris Christie of new jersey . Whats the plus and minus for him for donald trump . Well, i think chris biggest problem which is that he is from new jersey which is adjacent from new york. You would have a lopsided geographical mix on the ticket. And even though Vice President ial picks dont win you places sometimes that kind of a lopsidedness could be a problem. Im sorry . I said there is a report out apparently just crossing the wires right now that trump got his christie. Im not sure what that means. I didnt understand what you said, greta. That it is gut it is christie. Thats just the report im being told. So wild, governor. Everyone is wildly speculating and looking at all sorts of trying to read the tea leaves. Look, he has got a great talent at playing the media. And keeping your attention. So, give him credit for that. He is taking this to the last moment. Is he squeezing the last drop out of it. And he is getting all the political advantage he can get out of the intrigue. So i guess thats a positive for the ticket whomever he adds to the ticket. Everybody is certainly standing by. We are watching everything. We are watching airports and tail numbers and see who is leaving what hotels. What family members are moving. Almost breathless in this pursuit trying to figure it out. Let me bring you another topic. A brand new feud for donald trump. This time with the United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg, stunning move shocking even the New York Times editorial board, Justice Ginsburg hurled insult for republican nominee which is a no no for a Supreme Court justice. Trump as were not surprised hit back hard on twitter. Justice ginsburg of the United States Supreme Court has embarrassed all by making very dumb political staples about me. Her mind is shot. Resign. And just a few moments ago trump spoke to bret baier about it. For her to come out and to say the kind of things almost something wrong with her. I dont think anybody has ever seen that before. Are you questioning her mental capacity . Yeah. I think i am. I think im questioning, perhaps, her mental capacity. Yeah. For her to do that was either a very dumb mistake. She has been criticized by people who would always be on her side. You are telling me the New York Times just wrote an editorial. I think i have to frame the editorial. Might be the only good one i have gotten in the New York Times. Honestly, for her to have done that was an absolute disgrace to the Supreme Court. She owes the country, our country an apology. And she owes the Supreme Court of the United States an apology. It was disgusting. Governor, he had a spat with the pope and i think he won. Because i think the pope sort of backed down on that one. Now you have this spat with Justice Ginsburg. What do you think . Well, lack, the the Washington Post pointed out that she violated the code of conduct for u. S. Judges. More specifically, i think this puts her in a very tough position because a lot of the questions they have to answer have to do with executive branch versus legislative branch. And i think she has put herself in a position where somebody might be pressuring her to recuse herself on those issues. So, if she doesnt resign she might have to think about a lot of recusals. Seems almost like a gift to donald trump because the Republican Party has been saying since the very beginning the Supreme Court is so important. So important hot Supreme Court is now you have the New York Times editorial board, you know, going after Justice Ginsburg for this. I mean, no one is defending her on this. She has just handed that to trump for 2016. I think youre right that amongst a lot of reluctant republican hostile havent come aboard after this primary interesting primary season that weve had, that she might be reminding them again of the importance of this visavis the scalia replacement appointment and perhaps her retirement and another one as well. Certainly is never dull. Thank you very much for joining us. Thanks, greta. Take care. Okay. Im going to do something a little different tonight. I couldnt wait for the end of the show to talk to you off the record. Here goes. Here is off the record. When i heard that Ruth Bader Ginsburg went off on trump calling him a fakeer and says trump just says what comes into his head . My thought, oops. Justice ginsburg might want to check the mirror because thats just exactly what she did. Says whatever comes into her mind. We all know she hates trump, hates him big time. Even threatening to move to new zealand if elected. She has a First Amendment right to sling insults as trump does. She might want to check in the mirror on that one. If trump does become president she better recuse herself on all cases involving the white house. No one not even the New York Times editorial page could ever think she could be fair. Now i wonder what other biases are consuming her. And, by the way, she also took a slap at the press for being too gentle on trump about not disclosing his tax returns. Meanwhile, she has no criticism for the press for being too gentle on secretary clinton for not disclosing transcripts of her speeches to goldman sachs. Now, whats with that . Double standard . Bias, and thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Okay. I know what some of are you thinking. What if a conservative justice like Justice Clarence thomas said this about secretary Hillary Clinton . Chief counsel and policy director of the Judicial Crisis Network and former law clerk for Justice Clarence thomas terry goes on the record. Nice to see you, terry. Good to see you, greta. What would you think if your former boss had said this about Hillary Clinton. It would be explosion. Stump speeches calling for his resignation. Have people trying to impeach him it would have been just out of control. I think that really shows as you were saying there is a clear double standard here about what people are expecting. And while we have thankfully, i think, the the Washington Post and the New York Times admitting this is so far out of bounds of what justices have said, they certainly have not said the kind of things had done if Justice Thomas had been there. I think its frightening. I know we all walk into every case as a lawyer with a bias and try to set the biases aside. Never quite so passionate as. This you clerked in the Supreme Court. I mean, its sort of frightening to me to think that the Supreme Court has a justice i guess i should be happy for the transparency she laid it all out for us but i think its frightening. Again, were not totally surprised because unfortunately her tenure as a justice has been marked by using the law to achieve her Political Goals and ends, and she has been more and more transparent about that in her comments lately. But i think its also a discouraging because it really shows the court in a bad light. I think its discouraging also to see that someone like secretary clinton, who has not stepped up and said something criticism of this because Justice Ginsburg basically decided to work as her surrogate as she wants to be a surrogate for Hillary Clinton. She should step down and do that honestly. I think she has hurt secretary clinton by. This because i think she has given a great fundraising issue to the republicans as well as, you know, it feeds right into the theory that we know how important the Supreme Court is for this next presidency. We have also got the situation where you have got the attorney general having a meeting with secretary clintons husband on the plane. A lot of people are suspicious about this. I hen, its almost as though these people are making it very difficult for secretary clinton. Yeah. And it just says another area can people really trust her to now appoint someone who is not going to be politicized. Remember, ginsburg was a bill clinton appointee to the court. And do we want another judge appointed by another clinton who is going to do the same kind of thing. Someone who is basically a politician in robe trying to use the court to achieve their political ends. Unfortunately, ginsburg has done that and as we all know not just scalia vacancy that hangs in the balance of the next presidency. Possibly ginsburg and other vacancies as well. A. Assuming they fill the scalia and donald trump becomes president , how could she ever fail to recuse herself on any cases specially Something Like executive powers . I think it would be very difficult. Certainly if we saw bush v. Gore type case she would have to recuse herself during the election season. So clear and doubled down and tripled down on their. I think she has faced a lot of pressure to recuse on almost any president ial issue. Thats going to be a real issue Going Forward if she stays on the court. Got to give her credit for transparency. She is not hiding her hate for him. No although i have got to say like the old saying better keep your mouth shut and better be thought politicized judge in this case than open your mouth and prove it she opened her mouth big this time. Shocking. Anyway, terry, thank you for joining us. Thanks. Make sure you read kerrys piece on Justice Ginsburg woe just posted a link on our website. Former prosecutor katie phang and ted williams. Kate and ted, you and i talked a little bit before this, you may the only one who i could find who is supporting ginsburg on this at least not calling for her head. Did you hear katie. Im not calling for her head. She is a Supreme Court justice Supreme Court justices are like god. Nobody can get them but god. So god is taking sides up there. I dont know about god but i will say this Ruth Bader Ginsburg has lived enough about to see what she believes as an american what is wrong about donald trump. Stop. She should step down, stop right there. Tell me one code that she has to step down. Well, i think we would like to think that the Supreme Court is not as politicized as that. Well, when Justice Thomas had his wife with a committee and she sat there dealing with obamacare. When had you cheney going hunting with scalia. When you had kagan who was already in the white house obama and came over to the Supreme Court. All of them had conflict. Cant just hold ruth bader gipsburg to a different standard. You know, katie, i think ted raises a good point although i must say that Justice Ginsburg bias is a little more passionate although i have given her credit for transparency. You can give her credit for transparency but ultimately guys we know. This procedurally there is one vehicle by which she does not listen these cases thats a recusal. Who decides to recuse . The justice him or herself . So even if they try to get her off these cases ultimate lid its her decision whether or not she is going to be off these cases. I think she played her hand improperly. If you really dont like donald trump as much as Ruth Bader Ginsburg claims she doesnt like him, why not be a little bit more insidious and subtle . Why not keep your mouth shut and rule the way you want to rule. Taken judicial activism too far. The problem is the very thing she criticizes trump for are sort of the things she is doing. Thats sort of the thing. She doesnt recognize hypocrisy. I sort of want to respect the institution. We all come into the stuff with bias and even Justice Kagan used to work at the justice department. I have known her around town. I think she could set aside her past experience. This actually though goes way too far for me. This is like way too ugly. And she is acting just like she accuses trump of doing of just blowing her mouth off. That may be true. Katie just said something, when it comes to recusal, the only person who can recuse Justice Ginsburg is Justice Ginsburg. Thats not going to happen. If she doesnt, ted, that says so much more. After expressing such vitriol and hate for trump, yes, its her choice, she gets to decide whether to disqualify herself, but if she doesnt, doesnt that say so much more about the system . Wait a minute, trump has already come out and said what judges he wanted on the Supreme Court and he has already made a litmus test for those judges and now we want to jump on ginsburg . Give me a break. Katy . Listen, there is a federal code 28 u. S. C 455 that actually says if there is a reasonable fear or reasonable concern that there is gonna be a lack of impartiality then you got to get yourself off of a case. And that applies to United States Supreme Court justices. But really . Trump, if he makes the presidency, you dont think he is going to make a retaliatory aappointmentment . Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 83 years old. Its a life aappointment, i get it two other justices breyer 80. These seats are going to come up. You dont think trump is going to stack that court . So, again, i would have been a little more subtle and played my card a little more subtly if i were her. I would have hoped at the end of the day at least when people get to the Supreme Court would try to be decent. Whether its who you put on the bench use your best mind you think is fair and the right person. I just actually find this rather shocking. Even though i think ted is angling for a clerkship with Justice Ginsburg because he is the only one. Ted, even the New York Times and the the Washington Post. I dont care. Were all human. She is an american. She has her opinion. And she can exercise that opinion from the bench. Nobody said she doesnt have a First Amendment right to say it what we are questioning her judgment. Anyway, ted, katie, thank you both. Exactly. Oh, brother, more disturbing news tonight. Man is threatening to kill cops and he is on the loose. Police in baton rouge are at this hour frantically searching for this suspect who is plotting to kill cops. Three other suspects in this plot are already behind bars. Fox news correspondent will carr is live in baton rouge. Will . Good evening, greta. The manhunt continues for a suspect who police say is potentially gunning for officers and who could be armed with two stolen weapons. And in the wake of the tragedy that happened in dallas, they say they are not taking any chances. This started on saturday when they say four people broke into a nearby pawnshop and stole 8 happened guns. Now, one was caught when he was trying to get away. And according to authorities, he said that they plan to use those guns and find bullets to shoot officers throughout this area. Since then, undercover officers in con junction with the atf have arrested three people including a 13yearold. And they believe that the fourth suspect is armed, dangerous, and looking to hurt officers across this region. Now, the members of Law Enforcement here in louisiana have received criticism for their reaction over this past weekend to protests when they were wearing full riot gear. In fact, the aclu today filed a lawsuit saying that they reacted with Excessive Force going against the First Amendment rights of the protesters, but, in response, members of Law Enforcement have said they were responding directly to this threat that was going on at the time while this search continues, the search continues for. We heard from his 13yearold son he asked for peaceful protests not only here but across the country. Protests to not have alcohol and drugs and guns. And to continue to not have any violence or sterling will be laid to rest on friday. They are expecting thousands of people to flood in to this area, greta. So we will see if that plea is upheld on friday when the funeral starts. Greta. Will, thank you. And on another very sad note, mourners gathering today in dallas. Funeral services for three of the five murdered Police Officers held today. Fox news correspondent Rick Leventhal goes on the record. Rick . And, greta, all the men are being remembered as brave warriors who protected and served and ran towards the gunfire while everyone else ran away. And loren aremembers is the a. Rens said would have made the best partner. College Football Player 300 pounds who one friend called super sized can of kick ass. He has two kids 8 and 10 who must grow up without their father. Moore is the type of officer that when you are on the radio screaming for help, you can count on loren to be the first one there loren appeared invincible. When your with loren, you also felt invincible. During a dangerous assignment lorens told him tonight worry, i got your back i will take a bullet for you. Retired from a short vacation in florida with his wife and two kids. Last thursday was the first day back on the job after that vacation. U. S. Army ranger once received a top cops award. Incredible husband and father who always chose the path of righteousness. There is no comfort for us right now. We are raw and we are wounded. But i know michael is in the arms of god now. I have no doubt. I know he is watching over us, guards us. Father and grandfather just remarried two weeks ago to a fellow cop. He survived multiple trips to iraq and afghanistan as a private contractor and living his dream as a police officer. His wife and kids spoke at his funeral today. One thing i would always say to my dad when he walked out the door was goodbye, daddy. I love you, be safe. And we say our final goodbye, daddy, we love you micl be laid to rest on friday. Patrick zamarripa on saturday. The Dallas Police command wanted me to pass on their great thanks and gratitude to all of the officers who traveled here from across the country for these funerals and also to the people across america who have shown so much love. They say its really helping the dallas ph. D. Get through this very, very difficult week. Indeed it is. Rick, thank you. And switching gears. Watch out secretary Hillary Clinton. Apparently she is not out of the water yet for the private email scandal. One senator standing by with his plan. Also, we have brand new swing state polls. Who has the advantage . You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacement™, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands wh you™. Liberty mutual insurance. It takes a lot of work. But i really love it. S. Im on the move all day long. And sometimes, i just dont eat the way i should. So i drink boost® to get the nutrition that im missing. Boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. All with a great taste. I dont plan on slowing down any time soon. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. Uhoh. More bad news for secretary Hillary Clinton. Two g. O. P. Chairman ramping up the probe into secretary clintons private email server. The two chairman want answers from two companies that managed her email system. Chairman of the Homeland Committee and governor ron johnson goes on the record. Nice to see you, sir. Hello, greta. Your partner is over in the house. Tell me what are you dog. Well, we are really just beginning our oversight work on this. Im chairman of the Committee Homeland Security Affairs Chairman of the oversight committee. While there is investigation going on, there is really no access to information. So, now i think were doing doing the legitimate oversight work that is the responsibility of our committees. My first question, i think its a very legitimate one is how much did secretary clinton extreme carelessness cost american taxpayers . There is the first question. Second question which i have not written the letter yet on this but we are assembling right now, who else was on that email chain . What other, you know, employees, folks at the state department or the white house or other places of government were fully aware of the fact that they were sending classified information to unsecure site. You send an email you know whether its going to greta at g mail or greta. Gov dot classified. From my standpoint, those gross negligence is dangerously reckless handling of our National Secrets. We need to know. Congress needs to know. American public needs to know who else should have their security clearance yanked. Who should never be confirmed for a higher office. We need to understand and, of course, what were doing this is doing that oversight work in terms of understanding. Has this been done by any other committee . No. We sent oversight letters back in 2015 but we got virtually no response because everybody always copped out in saying well, there is an fbi investigation so now hopefully we will get more answers. This has not covered by any other committee. It hasnt been covered by the House Committee on this as far as you know. Not that im aware of. No we dont have the answers. Lets face it, what director comey in his press conference laid out a lot of information. There is still an awful lot of Unanswered Questions including like who was involved in that chain . I think those are legitimate issues for us to be investigating and really conducting oversight on. I take it that you dont agree maybe i should ask you. What do you think about what director comey said . He described it as extremely careless. The statute describes it as gross negligence. One of my questions for him is whats the difference between extremely careless and grossly negligent . What is . I think its just a synonym. I dont think there is a difference whatsoever. Why do you think he did that . You know, im not a lawyer like you. Im not a prosecutor. The lawyers and prosecutors. I was a defense lawyer. I defend stuff. The ones i talk to that watched his press conference, their thought process was, wow, is he going to recommend indictment. Is he going to recommend indictment and then all of a sudden he didnt. I didnt believe he didnt recommend indictment. So his statement there that no responsible prosecutor would actually take up this case i think is just false. I think its just flatly wrong. The fix was in. He said he didnt talk to anybody. You were watching the behavior of the Clinton Campaign a day or two before that. They were totally relaxed. I think they knew. So, what this also represents is that there is two systems of justice. There is a system, a legal system for the clintons, for those that are wellconnected and then the rest of us. Were going to bear the real brunt plus, you know, greta, understand the risk to National Security when people that arent as high up as Hillary Clinton when they see her getting off, just skating on this thing, are they going to be careful with National Secrets . Im hopeful that people have learned by now about servers in the basement. Anyway, in National Security. I think they knew ahead of time. Senator, nice to see you. Nice to see. You a mystery so full of intrigue. Everyone is standing guy find out who is donald trump going to pick get. You have to admit it is intreelging the trump veepstakes. It could be announced at any time. We dont think in the next hour. But with donald trump is he so full of surprises. Form everywhere speaker of the house Newt Gingrich and mike pence and Chris Christie all reportedly meeting with trumps family and more 2016 news tonight. Brand new swing state polls. The Quinnipiac University poll of registered voters show a tight race in florida. Donald trump leads secretary clinton by three points. 4239. In pennsylvania. Trump leads by two points, 43 to 41. But in ohio trump and clinton are tied 41 each. Brand new fox news polls in virginia secretary clinton leads by 7 points. 44 to 37. In colorado, secretary clinton leads by a whopping 10 points, 44 to 34. The on the record Political Panel is here from the boston globe anna linskey and from real clear politics. A. B. Stoddard. Everybody got that . Real clear politics. Everyone is saying mike pence tonight. So, tell me, are you going to go follow the bandwagon and say he is choosing mike pence . I just dont think he is choosing any of the three. Im happy to be wrong but im shocked if im not shocked. I think he is going to choose someone we are not focused on. I think these are head fakes. He likes drama and surprise and he likes buzz. Any of three of those would take a nice job in the administration if he wins. And he could use their talent and their backgrounds but i just have a feeling. Give me a name. Who are we looking at . Ivanka . We cank can a ivanka is not off my list. She is on my list. I dont think its Jeff Sessions or those three. I dont know if its flynn or the surprise. I dont know j thats intriguing. Is he a showman. Thats what he wants dispvment thats sort of interesting. You add more intrigue to it annie . Look, i think, you know, listening last week to that event that trump did where all of a sudden you started hearing people in the audience yelling newt newt newt. I sort of felt that gave newt a little bit of an edge. I dont think trump wants newt to get all that attention. I think that might mitigate against him. He seems to they clearly have the chemistry that they talked, about given that they composed that tweet together on the plane. I can see them certainly more than christie or pence seems, i think im not sure what pence would bring to the table. Im not sure he would bring his home state with electoral votes. Im taking off the list tonight Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg. Im taking her off the list. Maybe thats premature. Polls, swing states. These are the all important states. I mean, florida and ohio, florida, ohio, and pennsylvania. Trump is either up or tied. It really is incredible. Those are the states he has to win. And there is going to be another four or five where he has to concentrate his time and organization and resources. The numbers in florida all the polling in florida has had clinton up until this week. She has taken a huge nose dive because of the fbi directors assessment of her conduct. And i think its really damaging her because this is a sudden reversal. And in pennsylvania, there is nbc marist poll out tonight and she has a nice lead in pennsylvania on trump. But the point is. This one says trump is up, too. If you look at all of them, you are seeing a pattern where this is a tight race and he is in the game and she cant take any of those important states for granted. We cant have a recount come november because we only have eight justices because Ruth Bader Ginsburg would have to disqualify herself on this. Annie. One of the thing that gets lost here when you look at ohio the Libertarian Party did not get on the ballot in ohio. Log at that poll, the Libertarian Party was polling, i think, 7 . But they are not going to have that option. I think trump gets that. But, jill stein is on the ballot in ohio. And so that is going to suck away that bernie endorsement we saw yesterday was a pretty tepid endorsement of Hillary Clinton. And those people, i think, they may go. They may go to jill stein and trump is not going to have that problem. Well, any minute is what i say with trump and the vp. And i dont think its going to be Ruth Bader Ginsburg and a. B. Doesnt think its anybody on the list. Were all going to be wrong. Thank you both. And isis has new plans. They are changing their m. O. What is it . Thats next. Plus, people are obsessed with pokemon go, but heres the big news, its helping Small Business owners. How can that be . Thats losing on the battlefield. Now isis intends, according to reports to shift its focus to more terror attacks and where . Reports say around the globe. Illinois congressman and air force pilot Adam Kinzinger goes on the record. Good evening, greta. Great news isis losing territory but whats the story about changing strategy . Yeah, i think whats important to remember is they may be losing territory but i dont think they are close to losing all their territory. They will continue to have a base of operations for a while. Raqqa and other places in syria, iraq, mosul still the second largest city in iraq still occupied by isis even though that battle is forthcoming. This isnt eminent thing. Eventually isis is going to lose. Now they are realizing that and saying in last desperation we need to go out and basically do these shootings, blow things up, whenever we can to bring attention to ourselves and recruit. I remember i think it was the last time you were on and i thought it was interesting about how what was so attractive about isis they were winning. Everybody in chicago want to wear the bulls shirt when the bulls are winning. Packers they always want to wear packers. Anyway, now, if isis is losing, does that sort of does that really impinge on their ability to fund raise with social media and inspire . Isnt that a really good sign . Yeah, i think it really does. It has impact because now somebody who is basically on the edge of jihadiism. So now maybe they believe that this is actually the foretold caliphate in the quran. Maybe they believe that well, when they see they are actually losing ground and they see they might be defeated now all of a sudden they think maybe this isnt the foretold caliphate. That is important. The other thing, too, when isis is winning, when they are perceived as winning, everybody wants to be part of a winning team, especially in this case people on the edge of it. If you see that they are loading, people dont necessarily willingly go to their death. They may be willing to die but dont choose it on the onset. Not that we should necessarily look at in these terms hit president obama over the head with things. Isnt this something president obama, i mean, his strategy is working . I think his strategy and i have always said that his strategy will work eventually because, i mean, can you put enough bombs on target, can you wear down the enemy to eventually make some gains. The problem is its taken very long and i think its going to take a lot longer. I dont think we are at the end yet. The other thing is what comes after isis. This is a long generational fight we have. Just like it took cold war 50 years to win the war on ideas. Thats the fight we will be in now. You will have isis ii. Al qaeda iii next generation. President obama would l. Say yes it will take some time but in this stage we didnt lose a lot of american boots on the ground. So, you know, his strategy has worked, maybe not as fast. We didnt lose a lot of americans although we lost a couple. And if its going to impede their fundraising and inspiration that, you know, were on the right track. I think there is positive momentum here. To say though that this is the end of the caliphate, its not to. Say that raqqa is going to somehow be liberated soon its not. What we are hearing is isis is recognizing they are losing territory. Prevent us from losing more territory and keep this movement alive, we now have to strike outward and we have seen the results of that i everywhere. I have been very hard on the president different terrorist attacks around the world and the result of not moving fast enough on isis. This is a positive sign tonight. It is. Congressman, nice to see you, sir. Thanks, greta. Breaking today, wow, busy day are to the queen at buckingham palace. Queep elizabeth making the change in prime ministers official. Theresa may is now the countrys second prime minister. David cameron saying goodbye with his family at his side. Cammeron called his time as prime minister, quote the greatest honor of my levee. His family emotional farewell to 10 downing street. Essentially brips white house. The cammerons are leaving somebody behind. Larry the cat. Known as chief mouser to the cabinet office. He remains an official resident of the home. Historically the cat has been used to keep mice out of the house. Look at this tweet. With it David Cameron putting to bed any rumors that he did not like larry the cat. And pokemon go is so hot. It is dominating mobile gaming. Would you believe its also helping local businesses . Can it help yours . Thats next. Yesterday, we explained pokemon go. The mobile game that is a massive hit. Its fun. But, guess what . Its great for business. Now, how could that be . Well, one pizzeria where sales have jumped 75 all because the pokemon go. Owner of the pizza were bar goes on the record from his pizzeria. Okay, so, tom, tell me, whats in your pizzeria thats attracting these all this increased sales . Well, hi, greta. How are you . Welcome to the pizza bar. Its been astonishing the past few days whats been going on with this pokemon craze. We are a hot spot with our portrait of our hot italian. We incorporated a lure, a module that we dropped into the restaurant. And since we have done that we have seen more pokemons around the interior as well as the garden in the back. And people have been coming here trying to capture the pokemon and increase in sales has been astonishing like you mentioned about 75 at least. The past few days for sure. Unbefore my colleagues micah tammero has been in there with his pokemon go. I dont know if you have seen him but i will out him. People come in and just looking for this . You know, people coming in like you see people back of me at the bar. On their phone looking for pokemon. Its a game. People sitting down having dinner. They will come and grab a slice. Grab a beer or wine and sit in our vegetable garden in the back and just play the game and try to cap the temperature pokemon and get points. Yeah. Its been great. People have been respecting each other. Im sorry. To have an increase in 75 in sales, thats extraordinary. Amazing. It really has been amazing. Last week was fourth of july and thats probably our biggest day of the year. In the past five days its been like that every single day its just astonishing and i think its a fantastic idea for all Small Businesses to jump on this, to increase their revenue for sure. And how do they do that . How do they get part of it . Well, i would tell them just we spent 10 for a lure module. Thats all it took was 10. It has done us wonders. Just try it out. I think all Business Owners should try it out and see what happens. It happened to us for sure. Tom, im sure that all our viewers are going to rush out and spend that 10. Your sales up 75 is amazing. Tom thank you very much. I wish i were there for some of that pizza, it looks good in the background. Thank you and you should come one by sand check it out for sure. We have roman style pizza like no other for sure. Get ready for our special series the deciders. Griff takes to you business gravitating toward donald trump. When donald trump will announce his Vice President ial pick. Thats next. America made its chiss clear, again, choosing it trust fox news over all other news sources, choosing to watch fox news more than any other cable network. Fox news channel is the most watched and the m beyond has a natural grain free pet food committed to truth on the label. When we say real meat is the first ingredient, it is number one. And we leave out corn, wheat and soy. For your pet, we go beyond. Squuuuack, lets feed him lets feto the sharks sharks yay and take all of his gold and take all of his gold ya and hide it from the crew ya. . Squuuuack, theyre all morons anyway i never said that. They all smell bad too. No you all smell wonderful i smell bad if youre a parrot, you repeat things. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Squuuuack, its what you do. This is a fox news alert. Donald trump will announce his Vice President ial pick on friday in new york city. Part three of our series the deciders heads to Hydraulics Company in salem, ohio. A swing state where donald trump is striking a nerve. Where did you get that trump hat. I bought it from donald j. Donald trump. Com for president. Meet bill a blue Collar Worker in salem, ohio who is ready to cast his ballot in november. Im afraid these good manufacturing jobs are getting harder and harder to find. I worked in the Automotive Industry for 30 years building stamping dyes for ford, dm and chrysler and now all that stuff is made in china. Were in salem, ohio at bco water hydraulics Steel Industry and oil and gas clients. They feel the impact with regards to trade and monetary issues. They want both secretary clinton and mr. Trump to know exactly how theyre impacted. Trade policy matters and its impacting our business. In the last two years we have struggled to sell internationally as many, many of our bids are rejected because our prices are skyrocketing when nothing else is changing. We reduced our workforce by about 20 . For more than 20 years the workers here better known boc had been working on hydraulic valves, a Critical Service for large scale manufacturers. Our clients are largely global steel manufacturers, oil and gas refiners. But these days, with increased foreign competition, business is tough. Its not so much the individual trade agreements between various nations at the end of the day. Its all about currency rate. And i watch how the chinese manipulate their currency. We need politicians who understand the real economics of how a Global Economy works. And thats why these workers like so many blue Collar Workers in critical states like ohio are voting for trump. Blue Collar Workers traditionally democrats. They are really responding to mr. Trump. They are. It might be mr. Trump. It might be a movement. It might be there is anger out there. I think there is a lot of anxiety. The blue Collar Worker is very intelligent, very smart. And they are actually ironically probably smarter than a lot of our politicians. We just hope that he we just hope that he tries to fulfill what he is telling us he is going to do. The latest polls showed this race is essentially tied. And with nearly 120,000 democrat voters switching parties, ohio may be anybodys to take. And tomorrow, we take you on the road in pennsylvania inside an 18wheeler to find out what truckers think. Greta . Welcome to red eye. Hello, everyone. I am tom shillue. Lets check with andy levy at the redeye desk. Andy . Thank you. Coming up, the New York Times defends donald trump. Time to lace up those ice skate, dayton. Plus, a member of a singing quartet is being demonized for what some are calling his racially insensitive viewpoints. But enough about tom shillue. And finally, Jennifer Aniston said she is fed up with tabloid gossip. As sing it,

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