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I was anticipating wisconsin. How about it. Contenders appear. Check it out online. Thats it for special report tonight fair, balanced and unafraid. Here comes greta. Tonight on the record is donald trump launching a new strategy . Just hours after a stinging defeat to senator ted cruz in wisconsin, trump is back up on the horse. Trump is storming long island for a huge rally in beth page. On the record has Live Team Coverage both inside and outside this massive trump event. Plus, we have new information developing about the possibility of of a contested convention. We begin with our own Griff Jenkins live outside be grummond studios, grif . Thats right. We are here in beth page, new york, where a few hundred protesters have turned out here, heckling some of the supporters coming. There are 10,000 inside the studios. We were able to talk to them earlier and we found out that they are nothing short of furious of what they view as the g. O. P. Establishment, the republican establishment denying trump this nomination. Take a look. Vs are you supporting donald trump . [cheers and applause] he tells it like it is, and thats what we need. I am going to support donald trump because is he not a politician. Great. Thats what we believe in the young generation and the youth coming up. He is the only man for this job. I think he is the only one that has the guts to stand up to big government. I think he is the only one that can help make America Great again. [crowd booing] butterfly and stings like a be. Trump is the man for 2016. The lobbyists will be out, special interests will be out. He will fight for america. Is he a nationalist. He will fight for all of you us. He is honest and truthful and thats why i will only vote for trump. Set only choice. Im aggravated at what they are doing to donald trump. I think donald trump is going to be an asset to this country. I think is he going to make a great president. The Establishment Republicans who i followed all these years promised you the world. They say when you vote for me and do this or that and that is not what we receive. I think im going to stand behind trump. Because i have conservative views but if the Republican Party wants to be wishy washy like that, then thats going against what i believe and im going to support the guy that supports what i believe in. Stop trump you will vote. And, greta, freedom of speech is obviously out here. These are folks that are antitrump. Can you see the black lives matter and just on the other side, the police have separated the trump supporters. So they are having fun yelling at each other across the way. The police keeping it very peaceful so far. I would say there is probably about two or three hundred dread of 2 or 300 of the an tri trump folks. The set up their own protrump area. And they are going to yell all night long while 10,000 folks get ready to hear donald trump inside drummond studios, greta . Griff, all those people inside the studios protrump. Obviously you have antitrump out there. But you have got protrump as well. In terms of out there are there more protrump out there or antitrump . Well, there is less protrump folks because this group over here, greta, that you can see has really just formed within the last 20 or 30 minutes. This is the path here. You dont see anyone coming now. But this is a road that a lot of the 10,000 supporters came up to go in to the studios that you see just over my shoulders. Thats where we wereq talking to people. [chanting u. S. A. ] you can hear the antitrump people actually chanting u. S. A. At the protrump folks. Anyway, griff, thank you. And fox molly line is inside the grumond studios where trump is holding his rally. Molly, whats it like inside . Exactly right, greta. We are inside the building here. There is incredible crowd here. This is Donald Trumps first big event returning back to his home state and final before voters to the empire state head to the polls. You can see a lot of red hats here. A lot of fans. We actually caught the shuttle bus before 3 00 today riding in with some of these rally goers. Packed, standing room only in by that bus and here we are at the event and just as crowded here. Windy and cold out here. A lot t fans waited in some long lines in the cold but they are dedicated and they made it inside. A lot of hats and tshirts. They have chosen their candidate. This is not later in the process, many of these folks are committed voters. Regarding protesters announcement made to rally goers despite the area outside, specifically of thedi protesters, where griff is stationed that maybe some protesters will still chose to infiltrate, come inside and interrupt the ongoing rally and specific instructions were given to the crowd not touch or harm the protester this is a peaceful rally. You did just see one individual actually escorted out. Trump tweeted a little earlier on today teasing this rally in bethpage saying it is so great to be back home and trumps swift return to the home state that the Trump Campaign is moving forward. The loss in wisconsin in the rear view real clear politics average shows trumps leading here in the state of new york but also leading in california to. A certain extent is he looking ahead to that other contest down the road heading out to california for a press conference there on friday. Is he looking ahead. Looking to capitalize in these states where he expects to see some success. Trump hopes to win here in new york and carry momentum into the nortc molly, thank you. Note to the viewers as soon as donald trump takes to the podium, we will go back there. This is the first time he has spoken since last night when he got beaten in wisconsin by senator ted cruz. In the fight for g. O. P. Delegates is now reaching new heights. New Convention Rules and closed door meetings. Theyre all on the table. Former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich is standing by. But, first, Governor John Kasich and his team meeting to look at ways to get the g. O. P. Nomination thrown into the contested convention. Fox news correspondent Garrett Tenney is÷. Here. Garrett, tell me whats going on. Greta, we know winning the nomination is all about numbers. Right now those numbers are not in john kasichs favor. His argument is and this is part of what his campaign was delegate donors and g. O. P. Operatives this afternoon behind closed doors is that that could quickly change at the convention. I spoke to kasich senior strategist john weaver after the meeting. He told me that they have had scores of delegates telling the Kasich Campaign for months that they will be going his way at the convention after the first round when they are no longer bound to a specific candidate. Bound to donald trump and ted cruz, but, if it plays out asi campaign imagines, you would have 300 to 400 delegates shift from the two frontrunners going his way. Making the delegate count much closer than it currently appears to be, according to kasichs campaign. Its secret sauce that will carry him across the finish line is the general election. Delegates dont want to nominate someone only to see that person lose in the general election and when you look at many of the recent polls, john kasich is the only republican candidate that consistently beats both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in the general election. So kasichs Campaign Says everyone should just calm down and wait to see how things play out. Garrett, thank you very much. And senator ted cruzs wisconsin win bring as contested or broker the Convention Much closer to a reality. a either before cleveland or at the convention in cleveland together we will win a majority of the delegates and together we will beat Hillary Clinton in november. [cheers and applause] i think we close it out before the convention. I think we actually close it out before the convention. We have had 10 contested Republican Conventions where only three times did the leader get picked. Where do the rubio delegates and where do the kasich delegates go . I think they naturally come to us. Former speaker of the house Newt Gingrich is here. Nice to see you, mr. Speaker. Good to be with you. I have a quote here, supposedly yours, which reads as follows zero possibility trump and cruz are dumb enough to allow Convention Rule overhaul meaning the changes which would allow for kasich to be on the ballot. Well, kasichs one opportunity on the ballot would be to get enough people in seven other states, he already has ohio, to basically say they support him remember. You are required by law to vote for the person who carried your district or your state. You are not required by law to to÷p help nominate somebody else. If he could talk to these tellings they claim to have and if he could get a majority of them. You dont have to win a majority, you have to assemble a majority, but he has to have 8 statements. Okay. Thats the 2012 rule with the romney convention. Yeah. Does that rule bind now or will there be a new rules committee that will create and will decide either to go with that rule or not go with that rule . My only reply was yes, there will be a new rules committee it could recommend new rules. But theyre controlled by the cruz and Trump Campaign . The cruz and Trump Campaign have 80 of the delegates. The odds are theyre not going to go ohc please let us make life harder for ourselves. Thats the zero possibility they are not that stupid. I will say if you look at the poll you had up a minute ago. Kasich is running second in new york. If kasich were actually able to sustain that and actually able to pick up some delegates in new york. He begins to be a little2mj4 p more viable. This whole argument that he is the most electable is undercut every time he doesnt win. Okay. You said to my colleague over at the Fox Business Network Maria Bartiromo that trump has now normalized cruz. What do you mean . If cruz was running without trump. Cruz would be the guy the establishment would be totally opposed to because they didnt like cruz. I mean they really didnt like cruz. Now that they are terrified of trump, they have decided that they dont like cruz, at least they could tolerate him. So you now see lots of people who are dealing with cruz as sort of the acceptable, he is the normal candidate because he is a u. S. Senator. You know, he understands the law. Is he a lawyer. He knows how to talk like government. Without trump, cruz would todayse be the conservative insurgent candidate and somebody else would be in the establishment position that cruz occupies. A lot of people have said that trump has not laid out his policies. Has trump laid out his policies . Whether you agree with him or not . Has he laid out his policies . He certainly told us about a lot of policies. He wants to build a wall with mexico. He wants the mexicans to pay for it. He wants to deal in a very tough way in key places like china. He questions whether or not we should continue to allow our european allies to not pay for their defense and rely on us to protect them. I mean, he has really raised a whole series of issues. Some of them jarring washington very badly. Its not fair to say that he has not been substantive. What he hasnt done, with the exception of the aipac speech, he has not given the kind of set piece structured speeches that you would like to see a potential president give that has a lotyj of substance and a lot of thought in its structure. People dont like some. His critics dont like he has done it actually laid out policy but they dont like the way he has laid it out . The form . Well, i think, look, i do who become rabid when they think about donald trump and its hard for them to get any incoming information. So, no matter what he says, you know, i will bet almost nobody says he has no substance has read his aipac speech which is actually a and good speech. People may not like the fact he is questioning allies doing. The truth is george w. Bush and Donald Rumsfeld have questioned how much european allies are doing because some arent doing anything to defend themselves. Its that they dont like trump. They dont like trump. About trump. Said anything. If he did Say Something he cant have said it because is he trump. Mr. Speaker, nice to have you here. Good to be with you. Mr. Trump dairy state to the empire state. Tonight is he working a home crowd in new york. Where are the rest of the 2016 contenders, they are also out on the campaign trail. Im so encouraged after what was a terrific victory yesterday in wisconsin. We have now won seven out of eight of the last caucuses. Tonight is a turning point. There is a primary in pennsylvania on april 26th. I help i can count on your support. Hillary, get ready, here we come. You just cant wait until you are president. I have got to get there. Political panel is here from town hall. Com guy benson and from the washington times stephen dinan. Steven, bad night for donald trump last night but at least big night for him tonight in new york. Of course, there is a big difference between winning a primary and having a lot of people cheering for you at your rally. Roll in new york tonight. Yeah. And the latest polling suggests that he certainly goes into that state with a lead which is obviously helpful for him. We have seen him lose leads lately in wisconsin where you had a oneonone essentially battle with ted kun cruz. 4j4 p c 4j4 p c a lot of time there doing multiple rallies a day. Cruz was able to surmount that cruz starts much further behind in this situation. So its going to be a real test. Let me stop you one second thats ivanka trump, his daughter who is about to introduce him. We will go back to you, stephen, sorry. The real problem for ted cruz is he has got to do what he did last night 20 more times. He won 80 of the delegates out of that in order to first ballot at the convention he needs to keep up 85 pace, almost impossible. Guy . Yeah. He wont pull that off at all. His goal is to get to the convention with donald trump shy of 1237 so he can then have a shot on the second or third ballot of that convention. What he did last night really trouncing donald trump in wisconsin helped him in that regard. Up next as you say, greta, new york, 92 bound dels at stake. Donald trump has a wig lead there although there are multiple opportunities across the state per Congressional District for cruz to pick off delegates here and there. You know whats sort of interesting about cruz and the reason why i think he has been effective in wisconsin, he wins caucuses because he has got a great ground game. Much better than obviously the other candidates he has contended with in wisconsin i heard he had a great ground game gevment deny trump the 1237 delegates goingc into ohio, he has got my guess is he has got a good ground game thats already beginning to round up these delegates and that is sort of the sneaker part of his campaign is that his opponents should be looking at. Thats exactly right. Its not just something that they will begin doing. They have already started looking at the delegate selection process. That meaning trump or cruz . Cruz. So he is getting that ground game now. Absolutely. 3 so come an open convention, should that occur, ted cruz will be exceptionally well organized in cleveland. And you agree . Sure, absolutely. We have seen over the past week or two that he has actually won delegates that he did not necessarily he didnt win at the ballot box and he has already claimed those ballots iniocr places like north dakota, louisiana, and colorado. He has that ground game. Trump is getting a late start on that. Whats the strategy for trump now . What does he do . Is he a little bit i mean, he had the wind kicked out of him in wisconsin last night. The strategy is to regain his footing in a place like new york to try and notch a as big a wins a possible and deflate that cruz bubble. Steven, guy, if you will stay with us, of course, we are waiting for donald trump to take the podium. And in the meantime, president george w. Bushs press secretary has some words of wisdom for donald trump. Ari fleischer is here coming up. Plus we will take you back to donald trump live when he goes to the;c podium. Antitrump protesters stomping on our american flag. Thats all next. Then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you shouldve done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Family road trip fun check engine. Not fun bu thats like driving with this guy. All you do is press this, and in plain engliscoolant , youll know whats wrong. If you do need a mechanic, just press this. Thank you for calling hum. And if you really need help, help will find you, automatically, 24 7, even way out here. Because you put this, in here. Hum by verizon. The technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. Put some smarts in your car. Cant afford to let heartburn get in the way . Try nexium 24hr, the 1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection this is a fox news alert. Donald trump taking the stage in front of a packed house in bethpage, new york. In wisconsin. Lets take a listen. Thank you, thank you, everybody. Unbelievable. [cheers] [crowd booing] [chanting u. S. A. ] [chanting trump] [chanting u. S. A. ] thank you, everybody. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. First of all, its great to be home. This is home. Its great to be home. [. [cheers and applause] we love new york. We love new york and we are all together going to make America Great again, folks. [cheers and applause] so, i was driving over from manhattan and i passed queens. I love queens. Do we have a lot of queens . I love i grew up in queens. I grew up in queens. And i used to play you know, i used to get here at like 2 00 in the morning to bethpage. Yall know what i mean, right . [cheers] but i love this city and i love this country and we are going to start winning again with our country. Because we dont win. We never win. We never ever win anymore. Military. We dontlaa]l win on trade. We dont win on healthcare. We dont win on anything. We are going to start winning again, folks. [cheers and applause] so in coming up, i said to myself and i said to some of the people when we are in the car, i said, you know, im selffunding my campaign. Im putting my own money in. Right . All these people running for office are off the trough. From special interests where they cant make proper transactions for you. [crowd booing] thats going to stop. Its going to stop. [shouting] i love you too. I love these people. These are my people. [. [cheers and applause] [chanting] i have got so many Family Members here today. Look at that boy oh boy, my sons and my daughter. Did ivanka do a good job . [cheers] you know, she had a baby like five days ago. So she did a good job. So i should not say ivanka, youre fired, right . No. I promise, i promise. I promise. I love this somebody else crowd. It is. We love this crowd. We love you people. We love you people. So, heres what were doing. On june 16th, i came out and do. It takes guts. I came down the escalator with melania, i said come on, lets go. I took a deep breath and it was all about trade. It was all about borders. It was all about all sorts of things. And today its that. But its also about our military. We cant beat isis. Were going to knock the hell out of isis. Believe me. [cheers] can you imagine what our great generals, general george patton, general i9 if they saw whats going on with what were doing and the way we fight . We dont fight like people from long island. We dont fight like people from new york. So we are going to rebuild our military. You know it we know it they dont like talking about it we are going to rebuild our military. Its going to be bigger and better and stronger than ever before. And nobody is going to mess with us. Nobody. [cheers and applause] and very, very important. Were going to take care of our vets. Our vets are not taken care of. [cheers and applause] so, ourscountry owes now 19 trillion. We owe trillions to china. We owe trillions to japan. The whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. Its going to change around. Its going to change quickly. We are going to negotiate our trade deals. In china, the case of china a billiondollar trade deficit every single year. Its going to end mexico, i love the mexican people. I love hispanics. I lovej0 hispanics. They are unbelievable people. We have now 58 billiondollar trade deficit with mexico. And our businesses are sadly leaving our country, going to other countries they are leaving our jobs. In long island you know it better than almost anybody. Our companies are being uprooted, taken out, they are moving to mexico. They are moving to other countries. Everybody is looking for jobs and you know what . Were going to end the practice. We are going to keep our companies here. And we are bringing Companies Back to the United States. [chanting] we are going to have a strong border. We are going to build the wall. A real wall. [cheers and applause] are you ready . Are you ready . Are you ready . Who is going to pay for the wall . Mexico. Who . Mexico. By the way, 100 percent, when these politicians come up, they say you cant really get mexico to pay. I just put out a plan three days ago. So easy. When we are losing 58 billion a year in trade deficits, and a wall is going to cost 10 billion, folks, how easy is that . Its going to happen. Okay . Its going to happen. 100 percent. Its going to happen. [chanting so whats happened and very strongly whats happened, is we are going to have those strong borders just as you saw last week. The Border Patrol 16,500 people in the Border Patrol endorsed and i didnt even ask, endorsed donald trump for president. [cheers] the first time they have ever done it. They have never endorsed anybody for president , but they want to have strong borders. And you know what . I thought to myself, has anybody heard the snake . Has anyone heard of it . You have heard . Should we do it . Should we do it . The main thing, you can hear me all the way in the back . Can anybody not hear me clearly . All right. I want to thankn my brother, my cousins, my nephews. My beautiful daughterinlaws, my son, wonderful ivanka as you know, they all came to see this i mean, they cant even believe it. Youzyq know, lyin ted cruz came today. He couldnt draw 100 people. [crowd boos] im telling you, in fact, it was a big headline today in the new york post. He couldnt draw 100 people. Now, do you remember [shouting] do you remember during the debate when he startedi  lecturing me on new york values like we are no good. [crowd booing] and i started talking to him about the world trade center, the bravery, the incredible bravery of everybody, our police, our firemen, our everybody,. [. [cheers and applause] [chanting u. S. A. ] you Better Believe it you Better Believe d it. So, i looked at him and started talking about our incredible police, our incredible firefighters. [cheers] our incredible people, our unbelievable construction workers. Who could have done that . Who could have rebuilt that . There was never anything like it in this country. The worst attack in the history of the United States. The bravery that was shown was incredible. We all lived through it we all know people that died. And i have got this guy standing over there looking at me talking about new york values with scorn in his face. With hatred, with hatred of new york. [crowd booing] so, folks, i think you can forget about him. [cheers] you can forget about him. [chanting lying ted] he is lying ted. You know, i came up with the idea. But you have to spell it right. Its lyin lyin ted. The bible held high. He puts it down and then he lies. You know, the wonderful thing, he lies like crazy. But most of the time i win the evangelicalesa9,en vote. The evangelicals. A quick break. We will be right back with more with donald trump. Im a straight shooter. I shoot straight. Like new yorkers. When a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. 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Low prices. Eskimo kisses . How about a handshake . Oh, alright. The lowest price. Every time. Staples. Make more happen. We are monitoring donald trump speaking live at a rally in bethpage, new york. We will take you back when and if he makes news. Needs to stop ted cruzs momentum. Can he do it. Ari fleischer has advice for donald trump. He joins us live from dallas. Good evening, ari. Good evening, greta. Ari, donald trump, even though he got beating last night, he still is the frontrunner in the Republican Party. You have advice for him. What is your advice for him . Well, number one, i think he could be the nominee of the party. I want whoever our nominee is to win. I wrote him an open letter and i suggest to do him number one that he stop fighting with everybody and not be so nasty. But he is doing it is pushing away the people he needs to get over the 50 threshold. He is energized and locked tough i should say the party by being tough and being an outsider. The high hanging fruit, that which remains between 40 and 50 is he repelling with his tweets about heidi cruz as being too tough, too hot, too off. He needs to be more policyoriented, give some master facts and tone it down. Stop fighting with everyone. Of criticism for people say they dont know his policy. And, frankly, whether you agree with him or not, i actually can go through the list. I know what he thinks about immigration wall. I know what he thinks about trade. I know what he thinks about healthcare. n i know what he thinks about education and jobs. I know what he is going to do about it he sees it through a business construct. Its not so much whether you agree with him or not, i dont thinki actually think he has done that part. Well, he has stepped on his own message. His rhetoric is so hot and5 attacks so severe that very few people hear his policy beyond build a wall and we lose to china and we lose to japan. My advice to donald trump would be give three or five policy speeches. Focus uniquely on a specific policies, energy policy, for example. And surprise people by going not full but some level of detail and substance. String together a few of those and people will already think he is tough he has a chance to also think is he thoughtful. And do you think he can tone it down . I mean, stop being what you say is nasty . Do you think he can do that . Well, you know, i have worked with three congressman, one senator, one president. Everybody has their own style. And they have to be the one who decide these things. But for donald trump, he needs to be true to who he is, a provocative outsider. But, he has to be smart enough to stop  fighting with everyone over everything. And to be so nasty about it his tweets about what heidi cruz looks like he and he is going to spill the beans on her turns people off. Its exactly how you dont get to 50 . I do think, greta, there are some things within his control he can be drew to himself but tone it down a few notches. He will still be many more notches above everybody else when it comes to being provocative. Thats his style. But he should tone it down a few notches. And i think his wife melania has said that she has told him to do that maybe he needs to listen to her a little more. Ari, thank you. Nice to see. You thank you, greta. And antitrump protesters caught on video stomping on our american flag. Thats next. And it keeps my investments fully mobile. Even when im on the move. Ahhh. Is it keeps the food out. For me and it keeps my investments fully mobile. Before those little pieces would get wbr id wbr23648 in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. Just a few dabs is clinically proven to seal out more food particles. Super poligrip is wbr id wbr23950 part of my life now. b im bushed ive been on my feel alyea me too. Excuse me. 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A group of protesters throwing fuel on the fire by stomping on the american flag. The group calls themselves the f your flag tour. Are Matt Matt Kenseth following this disturbing trend. Matt . For Many Americans the flag is the most sacred symbol of the United States. So it seems this group is trying to insight extreme reactions by stepping on it and defacing it we first spotted this group outside of a town hall event in milwaukee. When people symbol of visual on the ground they typically stop dead in their tracks, take a deep breath and start arguing and pleading with the protesters. Some break down in tears. One man who said is he a veteran got in the face of these protesters, put 8fs belongings down and said he was willing to get them physically off the flag because he fought for this country. The people that man was with pulled him away. At a donald trump rally at a high school in west allis, wisconsin on sunday. These protesters posted right up next to the line of thousands of people waiting to get. In we saw at least a dozen people get into some heated arguments with the flag stompers. The police had to pull several of them away. Here is a taste of some of the responses. This is the United States of america. No hate no, violence. Come out here do not step or burn our flag. Theyre just trying to argue their right. To argue that that is wrong. Not worth it. My brother is a marine. The flag stompers tell us they are doing this against black suppression in america. Specific little pointing to cases where White Police Officers shot black men. We researched this group and testimony as it appears they started last year. Burn flags on september 11thth. After that the movement died down. Now using election events as stage for protesters. We received thousands on this story. Most people extremely disturbed. This type of expression stepping on the flag is protected byv  americas freedom of speech, greta. Matt, thank you. And u. S. Marine veteran dan witnessed one of those disgusting displays by antitrump fleforts milwaukee. Happened right outside on the record town hall with donald trump. Protester standing on the flag turned and flipped him off. Dan shot this video. [chanting] u. S. Marine veteran commercial Airline Pilot dan goes on the record. Thank you for joining us and thank you as well for your service to our nation. Tell me what happened. . n i was walking to a town hall and had a hard enough time finding it because kids were taking the arrow signs down pointing to it. And i turned the corner and they were right in front of me. And i seen it on the news maybe in arizona before. So i was a little bit prepared for it. And the only thing i could get out was that corny line i said i did 10 years in in the marines so you could do that and looked at me andgb nodded. Later when i walked in and checked in is when i took that video. He had to be able to wear marine corps shirt. When he read that he gave me the bird and everything else. How do you feel about this . I mean, having served in the marine corps and actually giving the rest of us the right to protest the first amendment. You defended our right to do this. But how do you feel about this when you see this . Its kind of a shock. Its hard to get used to. The intellectual side of me wants to say hey, they are just trying to provoke a reaction, throw water on the fire not gas. They want you to react. Look at them. Maybe we should just go buy them some beer or coke and bring it over and pat them on the back. Totally reverse psychology on them. Im with scalia when he said i dont like these scum bags who do it but they have a right to do it. Dont let it become an election wedge issue it is still a shock when you see it its just blatant. Were they protesting donald trump or were they protesting the United States . Do you have any sense of that . I went to the chicago rally trying to get in. And i tried have intellectual conversations with people there. And, wow, it wasnt w possible. I dont know what they even know what theyre doing. You try to talk to them and they dont know. And, of course that video of them stomping up and down. You know it, upsets a lot of people who have served in our military and actually disturbing to a lot of people who havent served in it they are trying to provoke you and trying to provoke others. Dan, thank you very much for joining us. Thank you. And standing room only inside that packed donald trump rally. Trump supporter, governor jan brewer, she is here next. Wrapped him up all cozy cozy  thats where they are going it make their product 100 percent. 100 percent. Now, that is donald trump in bethpage, new york. Once again Donald Trumps controversial wall is dominating the headlines. Mexico to pay for the trump wall. Former governor of arizona and trump supporter governor jan brewer goes on the record. Good evening, governor. Hi, greta. Governor, tonight the crowd has been chanting at least one point build that wall so they are interested in it. Says one of the ways he is going to pay this is by threatening to cut off the flow of billions of dollars of payments 1 that immigrants and that would include legal immigrants here in the United States send back home. Is he going to grab the 50, the 100 from people sending it back home to help their parents or their families. So he is going to go after those people. Do you like that idea . I read his plan, greta. I do like that plan. I think it is a solution one that hasnt been presented to us why any other candidate. Bottom line is, we all know that the immigrants do come across the border. Some of them are here working. And sending money home to their families. But more than that, let me say that we also know that that money is being shipped by Money Transfer back intoav mexico by the drug cartel, by their mules up here and thats how they get the money down there. I dont have any problem going after the drug cartel money. I dont have any problem going after the government to get government to try to do whatever, you know, i understand that. I have a real hard time understanding sort of a hard working United States trying toe a bett lerfe for a Family Member back home and that person can be here legally in the United States and sending that money back and suddenly that money that person has worked hard for and is here legally. Those are here legally is snatched by us. And can i concur and im sure that mr. Trump also concurs with you. Bottom line is that they will set up the Money Transfer so you have to show that you are legally here. Billions of dollars are being taken out of our economy, sent down into mexico to build up their economy. By all different kinds of methods. So this is the way that we can address that. Frankly, i think probably we could if people really want this wall paid for by whatever way, frankly, i suspect we could probably just comb through some of the money spent here in washington, d. C. , some of the waste and fraud we could probably have that in an hour. I think we are going go ahead. I think we are going to see that with mr. Trump, you know. He has a plan. Growth, job creation, immigration to secure our border. He has laid it out there. The bottom line is that he is the only candidate that has really come out with solutions. Everybody. Governor, and i have got to go. Im sorry to do that to you, governor, i have got to go. Im for securing the border as well. Governor, thank you very much. For joining us. Coming up. Minutes away from something brand new. Trust me. You dont want to mississippi this. I will explain next. Whats going on here . 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