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There you go. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. And unafraid. Greta goes on the record right now. I see your facebook post. I see your tweets, your emails. You are not just a little you arex3h n furious. Its not just republicans. Republicans,ln5fmocrats, and independents, you have all had it. I get out of the studio, i9k travel, take to people. I hear you. Fair shake so you can get ahead. Have you had empty promises and unending struggle to get anything done. So this 2016 Campaign Matters it matters big 7time whether you are a democrat, a republican, or an independent. Tonight, we have new information thats bruising 2016 battle for the white house it starts with former president ial candidate mr. Herman cain. But, first, here are the candidates. I do want to finish this off. Im dealing with two smart, tough guys. And you know, we are not going to get there by bashing one another. Donald has a hard ceiling of maybe 35 to 40 . He cant go above that he has proven over and over again. The last person Hillary Clinton wants to face is me. And i mean i know that for a fact. And we are fighting for the future of this country, for the spirit of this country. Not only do i beat donald but i beat donald by double digits. I want to make sure i end up winning. I would like to get to q the finish line. Im pretty good at getting to finish lines. Joining us former president ial candidate herman cain. Good evening, sir. Hello, greta. Thank you. Lets start with the Republican Party. Is donald trump unbeatable for the nomination . Donald trump is not unbeatable for the nomination but he can win the nomination because i dont buy the delegate math that says he is not going to get the 1237 votes that are required. I happen to believe that some people who may not have made up their minds in some of these states may come over to donald trump when they hear accurately what some the proposals he has made will do for those issues thats important to them. Jobs, the economy, strengthen the military, building the wall, et cetera. They just have not been exposed enough to what his true message is because of the perception thats being spoon fed. What do i have such a perception that there is a huge rupture in the Republican Party that they are teetering on this i dont know whats going to happen but it looks really bad. Because you are correct. The Republican Party is shooting itself in both feet. You have donald trump, who is leading who could sow up the nomination. But you have this faction out there. They call themselves conservatives, not necessarily republican conservative activists who are dead set against donald trump. nnjv c c now, you have other outside sources that smell blood in the water. You have anonymous, which is a group thats threatening to bring down trumps organization. You have black lives matter, who are threatening violence if trump gets the nomination. And now you have harry reid piling on. So what they see is a fractured Republican Party as you pointed out. And they are taking advantage of this, trying to continue to get the Republican Party to destroy itself. All right. Where is senator ted cruz and governor kasich . Where dop7 they fit in this narrative of this growing, at least what i consider growing rupture in the Republican Party . Well, i think they are basically using the negative fracturing of the party to hopefully to their advantage because they realize that they have got to take some body blows against donald trump in order to hopefully begin to increase the primaries that they are going to win. Heres the other thing about all of these attacks on donald trump and all of the other efforts out there to bring down trump. They are trying to scare voters into not voting for trump with things such as international angst that he is going to upset some of our allies. Weii already know that the conservative activists as they call themselves, that they are determined that they might try a third party. All of this is to try and scare voters away from trump and, greta, i dont believe it is working and i dont believe it will work. But donald trump has sort of done the reverse scare. He has said he has made noises about that pledge if the Republican Party is not good to him, is he going to bolt. Well, they wanted him to sign the pledge and he did. Now they are reneging on the pledge that they wanted him to sign. This is hypocrisy. Im telling you that the people that are supporting trump, they represent this bigger tent of conservative republican voters. See, getting hung up on the labels is what a lot of the supporters of donald trump arent getting hung up on. But, yet, the label people like the republicans and conservatives, they are getting hung up on these labels. So, yes. Is he going to challenge them and say you want made me sign, this so now you want to undo all of that and create a double standard. I dont think its going to work. And i also happen to believe that the convention, the convention if they play by the rules, donald trump can still win. Mr. Herman cain, thank you, sir. He ripping donald trump on twitter. Governor kasich calling out trump after trump said this about what will happen if trump is denied the g. O. P. Nomination. I think well win before getting to the convention, but i can tell you if we didnt, and if were 20 votes short or if were, you at 1100 and somebody else is at 500 or 400 because we are way ahead of everybody, i dont think you can say that we dont get it automatically. I think it would be i think you would have riots. I think you would have riots. Governor kasich firing back in a series of tweets saying donald trump said there could be riots if he is denied the g. O. P. Nomination in a contested convention. Thats more unacceptable language. This implicit acceptance of violence is the kind of rhetoric thats pulling people apart. A true leader urges peaceful debate over violence. The on the record Political Panel is here from the Washington Post tumulty and from the daily beast jackie kucinich. No one thinks of me as you see can ing riots. He has a very bad situation right now because there has been violence at hisdw arenas, using that term riot for him, the thought is much different. It is. Very much so. The language used at his rallies. People believe it . People believe it no his lead because is he a leader. That said, i do think that if you see the socalled elite, socalled establishment go into a room if there is a contested convention and come out with a choice like marco rubio or mitt romney, essentially saying to the base, you know, youre too drunk to drive to the white house. Im going taking to take the cos and get us there people are going to be upset. I dont know if its going to be a riot but]รท its going to be a very upset convention floor. You would think that donald trump either he believes that the riot business or he is using incendiary words or is he a careless speaker or whatever. But if you are running for president you ought to get the message now that there are certain words that he might steer clear of. Especially since a pattern of a kind of language that he uses at his rallies about protesters. Its not that he is necessarily predicting riots. He sounds like he is condoning them. That he thinks they justified. And, you know, its really the first time i have heard a president ial candidate of a majornqn party who does this on a routine basis. Justifies violence. Have you ever seen someone who is a frontrunner have everyone gunning for him. Frontrunner and have socalled republican establishment gunning for him. I can use that word. I mean can i use that word. Exactly. Well, its true. I mean, the republican z establishment is used to getting its way. We have always seen the script for the primaries is always there is some insurgent contender who has a few months in the sun and then the establishment ultimately steps on him. This is not happening with donald trump, which is why we are in uncharted territory. And you agree, jackie . Yes, i absolutely do. I agree with karen. It does seem like it is an unprecedented situation where you have a party that doesnt agree with donald trump and some of the things that he stands for. Having to go along to get along. But its sort of funny in the sense that come run for our party and then when you win oh no, we dont want you. Donald does have some culpability here. Is he talking about banning muslims. He is talking about very incendiary things that he has said. In a party that actually was trying to be wyden the tent. Why cant the socalled republican establishment, why arent they getting the votes . Thats a good question, right . Because people are mad. Karen and jackie stay with us. Congress. Executive action on immigration. The house setting a stage for the possible battle. Executive a;yrn. Also a controversy out on the campaign trail this year. Executive power as we all know has been the preferred vehicle of president obama, abusing his authority. He just signs executive orders all over the place, then he will be sued on that. He will bev7 out onxu the gulf gulf golf course when it comes up. Since he has given up working with congress he thinks he can impose anything he wants. He is not a king. He is a president. I will rescind every single illegal and unconstitutional executive action barack obama has done. That means on day one, his illegal executive amnesty goes away with the strike of a pen. Back on capitol hill todays vote authorizing the speaker of the house paul ryan to file a brief and, thus, joining in an already filed case that challenges the president s plan to shield 11 million Illegal Immigrants from deportation. South carolina congressman and lawyer trey gowdy goes on the record. Good evening, sir. Good evening, how are you . Very well. Does this mean anything to a judge . That the house of representatives may be filing a brief saying me, too on this lawsuit brought by states against this executive action . You know, ordinarily, i dont think amicus briefs i mean, judges will never tell you that but i dont know that judges are that persuaded by amicus briefs. I think it may be a slight exception. This is a constitutional question. And the house definitely has standing. I think we would have had standing to bring the suit quite frankly, but the states brought it. I would think the Supreme Court would be interested in our perspective on the constitutional equilibrium. When will this be filed likely . As soon as we can find a lawyer smart enough to drafted the brief for us and that rules out most members of congress. So i think the resolution allows paul if he wants to to seek the advice of outside counsel. You know, i dont want to get into the weeds but its sort of interesting because you might notje be able to bring this yourself not having whats called standing. Its sort of interesting is that with somebody else you can weigh in saying this is how we feel it does let you get in the back door to be heard on this. Well, youhne because the states filed the suit. Let me go to the other side of the hill to your brother chamber or sister chamber. The republicans on the senate say that they will not hold a hearing. If it were your decision, would there be a hearing for the Supreme Court nominee judge garland . Well, thank the lord it will never be my hearing because i will never i cant sleep sitting up in a chair, so i will never be in the United States senate. So no i would not. I would meet with the nominee because i think thats the respectful thing to do and is he a very accomplished judge so of course you are going to meet with him. But the reality is, greta, elections have consequences and, yes, the president won in 2012,nk and, yes, the voters in 2014 fired harry reid and replaced him with a majority in the senate. We are 10 months away from an election. If you will keep in mind whenever there has been a vacancy in the past, the president and democrats have always said we have to keep this equilibrium. You have to replace a progressive with a progressive, a moderate with a moderate. Scalia was the most conservative judge on that court. So if you are going to keep that equilibrium you need to go find the second most conservative person in the country and replace scalia with him or her. And this judge would not be the second most conservative person. Well, i will leave you with most of the last word but i dont know if equilibrium stuff isnt in the constitution. I think the president gets to choose who he wants and the senate gets to advise and consent. Im going to sneak in the last word. Congressman, thank you for joining us. Yes, maam, thank you. Senator ted cruz who has been campaigning and even bragging that he is not the republican establishment may now become the republican establishment darling. Go figure, right . Senator Lindsey Graham when he was running for president had these very harsh words for senator cruz. Vn7 youre u choice is donald trump and ted cruz in a general election is the difference between poison or shot, you are still dead. And cut to3c today where senator graham says he is now fundraising for his former rival. Im going to be doing a fundraiser with and for senator cruz. I think he is the best alternative to donald trump. He is certainly not my preference. Senator cruz is not. But is he a reliable republican conservative of which i have had many differences with i doubt Donald Trumps conservative, and i think he would be a disaster for the party. Im going to try to help raise money for senator cruz and the community. Will more Establishment Republicans turn to senator cruz in the on the record Political Panel is back. Karen, if this werent so rolling my eyes. I dont get is that now senator ted cruz, who is the antiestablishment candidate is the establishment candidate and now senator now many senators are embracing him who didnt like him. This makes number two in endorsements. This is the weirdest endorsement. In that its not. Its not endorsement. He is going it fund raise for him. Well, and give me the you know, the distinction without. I totally agree with you but they are saying thats what they are saying. His rationale is not that ted cruz would make a good president. Its just basically ted cruz is the last thing standing between donald trump and the nomination, so im going to support him. It is, again, its, i think as i was saying before, we are in to uncharted territory. This was truly one of thel strangest semi endorsements that i have ever heard. What should senator ted cruz say thank you very much. Yeah. Is he fundraising for him. Is he i mean i think what you are going to hear from the Cruz Campaign is were happy for the help. Dont you think though the American People are sitting at home saying what happened . A little bit . I mean, i have got to go back to beat a dead horse but i think there should be a hearing on garland so the American People can hear from him and the senate can reject him, thats heir right. The American People are sitting back watching their campaign a guy running saying im not establishment, is he now embraced by the establishment. He is happy to have it odd man out. A lot of chess going on here. A lot of political chess to figure out who is the best alternative. Or slide of hand. That too. Its really seems that they are now so afraid that donald trump could end up being the figure head of their party. That Lindsey Graham will actually endorse ted cruz. Its just amazing. I mean i understand why the American People are furious and getting angrier by the moment, both parties. You know, this election started with dissolutionment and people, i mean not getting better. People are angry about it, you were saying, they dont believe anything coming out ofuu washington. And then they see these sorts of sort of strange sen than begans. All right, panel, stand by for a second. Senator marco rubio is now out and about after tuesdays stinging defeat in florida. Heres what the senator, now former president ial candidate, just said about the very real possibility of a contested convention. Perhaps, you know trump has gained enough delegates to kind of move closer in that direction but there is still an open question whether he gets to 12034. We will see if it plays out. I dont think thats the ideal outcome for the party. I think ideal world you have a nominee and people coalesce around the nominee. It gives you a stronger position in the general election. I dont believe donald trump will ever be able to do that. I mean, if this goes to the convention, which i think a lot of reporters are kind of doing because none of us have ever covered one, or a lot of us have never covered one. If trump does not get that number of delegates, even if ted cruz has, you know, 800, youre going to see a lot of debate and horse trading. It does weaken the eventual nominee. If they are not elected to be their partys nominee on the first ballot because then its a free for all. The calculation is going to be whether that is worse than in having donald trump at the top of the ticket. A lot of establishment figures in the Republican Party think not only would he go down to a goldwater sized defeat, but that he could take the United States senate with him and a lot of down ballot races, too. Lets get the . Viewers in at home on this. Now is your chance viewers at home on twitter would a brokered on contested convention rupture the g. O. P. , tweet yes or no using greta. Im going it show you your live twitter votes throughout the show. Jackie, i think that if donald trump has 1236, one shy, and he doesnt end up with the nominee, his supporters will not be voting in november. On the flipn side, there are a lot of people in the Republican Party say they will not vote for donald trump under any circumstance. So somebody is going to have a big job of trying to get all those republicans together. Absolutely. Its basically like the worst fight your family ever had only on National Television that we will see at the convention if, you know, no one gets the number of votes that they need. Whats going to happen . Well, you know, again, the people should sort of the republicans should cross their fingers and hope that they actually have the nominee before the convention because what this would look like is ugly. Dont forget, these delegates, even the ones pledge to do donald trump, not only dont have to support him on0v a second ballot, t irmv dont have to support him on any of the rules fights or on any of the credentials challenges or any of these other things. This party did k. Rewrite own rules on the spots in convention. This convention could last weeks i think. Anyway, both of you, dont go away. This is a fox news alert. Secretary Hillary Clinton Just Announced the winner of tuesdays democratic primary in missouri. The race was razor tight. Saying no to a recount and conceding the primary to secretary clinton. Both cancer democrats receive 32 delegates each. And karl rove has he has well, now, he has some advice for donald trump. Karl tell what you will it is next. Convictedl der sloot just confessed it the killing of Natalee Holloway. Thats coming up. Jake reese, day to feel alive jake reese, day to feel alive we dont win with our military. We dont win in trade. We dont win anymore. We are going to start winning again. This country is start going to start winning again. [ applause ] we have something happening that actually makes the Republican Party probably the biggest political story anywhere in the world. We have to bring our party together. We are going to win for the country. Were going to win, win, win, we are not stopping. We are going to have victories for our country. That was, of course, donald trump right after his big wins on tuesday. As the race moves forward, does donald trump need to change his strategy if he ends up taking on secretary Hillary Clinton in november . Former Senior Advisor president george w. Bush, karl rove says yes. And he is in austin, texas to go on the record. Nice to see you, carl. Y karl. Thanks, greta, good to see. You wall street journal for donald trump. So lets start with first what advice does donald trump need to beat secretary clinton should she be the nominee and not senator Bernie Sanders. This was all framed with an idea towards were at a critical moment here. If he is going to become the nominee of the Republican Party there is essential task he needs to undertake starting with changing his tone. He goes to these rallies. He says knock the crap out of them when protesters pop up. I think thats a wrong tone for the general election for swing voters. Might be great for the people who are already for him and voting for him in the republican primary. But it stureng off general election voters and he needs to recognize that he needs to begin to make the turn to the general election and changing the tone at these rallies. He ought to think to himself reagan or lincoln, would they Say Something like that if they were in myeenc place . Ken, do you think is he capable of changing that tone . Well, well see. All of these things are challenging to him. You showed his tape from tuesday night. He said its time for our party to come together. Well, thats a good recognition. Lets look at it for a moment. 7. 5 Million People have voted for him in the primary. Thats 37 of the poem people so far. 12. 8 1r voted against him by voting for somebody else. Is he right. There comes a time when the party needs to unify. His problem is its not being our party for him. He supported john kerry for president. He gave money to Hillary Clinton in 2008. He applauded and contributed generously to Nancy Pelosis speakership. He has given money to harr reid, ted kennedy, john kerry, you maim it over thehe hs independent candidate for president. There is a lot of skepticism inside the republican ky party. More than time for us to unify its time for us to unify the party. He has to4 show its his party and convince those skeptics that he wants to bring everybody together. Thats going to be tough to do. Could you support him . Well, look, i have never voted for a democrat for president. I dont intend to start now. Like a lot of people im watching to see whats going to happen by the time we get to this convention. He needs to, for example, he made a mistake by not doing the fox debate next week. He said well, they are just going to attack me. Good, let them attack you. Better for him to take these attacks on his Business Record and his bankruptcies and his failed Business Records and misog nist comments and come up with a good answer now than wait until the fall when the democrats come at him with thishlyz stuff. You vote for donald trump or home . Come support Hillary Clinton. Disaster. I want to vote like a lot of people, want to vote for the republican nominee. But he has got to do better in order to give get the nomination. You know, look, we have had plenty of candidates who have beendnominated, starting with Abraham Lincoln who did not go into the convention with a majority of the votes. And the reason they were nominated rather than the time between this time and the time of the convention, those second place people did better at convincing a Broader Group of people to support him. Karl, thank you. You bet. Thank you. And the 2016 race as you know is far from over and is now heading west. Were going to take you live to the next state that might clinch the nomination or shake up the Political Party even more than they are already shaken up. Thats next. Cant afford to let heartburn get in the way . Try nexium 24hr, now the 1 selling brand for frequent heartburn. Get complete protection with the new leader in frequent heartburn. Thats nexium level protection. Hey, jesse. Who are you . Im vern, the orange money retirement rabbit from voya. Orange money represents the money you put away for retirement. Over time, your money could multiply. Hello, all of you. Get organized at voya. Com. Type 2 diabetes doesnt care who you are. Man. Woman. Or where youre from. City. Country. Were just everyday people fighting high blood sugar. I am everyday people, yea, yea. Farxiga may help in that fight every day. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. One pill a day helps lower your a1c. 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In arizona i think over the next few days we are going to see it become really ground zero in both the republican and the democratic races. Its turn out to be a battlefield. All the candidates are coming. Donald trump is going to hold at least two rallies here. Ted cruz is going to tour the border tomorrow with Carly Fiorina and rick perry. And Hillary Clinton is coming in on monday. Bernie sanders is maybe the most surprising candidate who is really investing hard in arizona. I think he has got 1. 5 million in tvay5i ads that are going to go up over the next few days. He is going to hold multiple rallies all over the state. What is the what is the closest race there . I mean, is it the republicans or the democrats . Well, its kind of hard to say. Side, donald trump is the frontrunner. And i think even the cruz supporters kind of acknowledge that he is probably going to win. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton is the front runner. But the way Bernie Sanders is campaigning here, he seems to be betting big. It seems like he does dan, thank you. We will be watching arizona on tuesday. Thank you, dan. Thanks, greta. Now we go from arizona to utah where both parties are holding caucuses to hand out 40 delegates for the for the democrats. Associated press reporter Michelle Price is in salt lake city. Michelle, how does it look there on the ground. We have really interesting dynamics in utah, greta. Its unclear how well donald trump is going to play with utah republicans. He certainly has supporter ghs this state. School of thought that. So as the speculation of his personality brash demeanor, some of his rhetoric might not resonate that well in a state where 60 of the residents are mormon and cultural emphasis on liteness. Idaho donald trump lost that state to ted cruz. Thats why we are seeing ted cruz and Governor John Kasich campaigning pretty aggressively here in utah, hoping that they might land a little better with utah republicans. Now, you have some online voting. What is that . Our utah Republican Party is doing this hybrid caucus system this year. You can vote in person but they are offering online caucus vote. So, we dont know how many people have opted to sign up for. This they are still allowing people to choose this option through tonight. Were waiting to hear from the party if they are expecting, you know, large number of their registered voters, choosing this new route. But they did actually extend the deadline to sign up, so they say that they are getting a lot of interest here. All right. Well, lets hope it looks better than healthcare. Gov, your website on dealing with this, because its certainly is a surprise there. In terms of overall though, opportunity to bet who is going to win this one on the republican side . Its really hard to say. Both the kasich and Cruz Campaigns are campaigning pretty aggressively here. Governor kasich has some establishment backing in this state. But senator cruz, ois9v very chosely aligned with senator mike lee. Holding events here. They both represent that Tea Party Wave here in utah. It will be interesting to see how it works out. Michelle, thank you. And from the great state of utah we move to the great state of idaho. Only the democrats though will caucus on tuesday. Idaho statesman reporter rocky barker is live in boise. Rocky, whats up with the democrats . Well, its gotten very exciting here in the last couple of days. Bernie is going to come to idaho falls tomorrow and then he comes back to boise to the taco bell arena, the same place in 2008 that barack obama really pulled in about like 15,000 people could come. You know, when you drive around the city, you can usually get some sort of sense of who isis doing really well and who has a big ground game by the number of signs. As you drive around boise, well, i do see more bernie signs. There is no doubt about it bernie bumper stickers. The excitement that bernie has got. But i will tell you whats really interesting here is that the democrats in general both here and up in the other places where democrats like cortilane they are going to expand the places they will caucus because i think they expect a really big turnout from both sides. Rocky, well be watching your state as well on tuesday. Thank you, rocky. Thank you, greta. New information tonight about secretary Hillary Clintons email troubles. Catherine herridge is standing by. Plus, 11 years after her disappearance joran van der sloot is talking. Thats next. This is a fox news alert. Former cia director David Petraeus will be interviewed for the second time before the house benghazi committee. It will be on this saturday. And january general petraeus was first interviewed behind closed doors about the deadly benghazi attacks that killed four innocent americans. Including our ambassador chris stevens. And developing right now. Potential new problems for secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Fox news chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is here with the latest. Catherine, whats going on . These are the new documentstu obtained by Judicial Watch as part of their federal lawsuit in the court here in washington, d. C. They are from the state department and what they show is that when mrs. Clinton became secretary of state, sort of right out of the gate her team were trying to rewrite the way that classified information was being handled and they wanted the ability for her to take her blackberry anywhere along the along the executive floor including scif security classified information. Anyone in the Intelligence Community, military Intelligence Community and retired they almost have a heart attack when they say they want to do use Electronic Device in a scif. It completeli defeats the purpose. Any like a blackberry can be a bug or eavesdropping device. The clinton team was warned about that as well. In the state department they have lockers where you have to lock your stuff. Thank you for mentioning that make you give your cell phones. Lock it up in a cubby whole. The whole idea of a scif is you do not have electronics inside. Here is the thing we learned from our reporting when we talked with the state department about the documents. They said there was never a waiver that was grant to do mrs. Clinton and her team to use their blackberries on the executive floor, but they did confirm that a special office was set up outside her executive suite to check her personal email on her blackberry. And, of course, the irony of that is that that the blackberry was the only device she was using for government business. It was not a secured device, and it was not certified as business. Talk about her team, do you know who signed that document . This document, in particular, was signed by eric boswell, he was head of Diplomatic Security at that time. He said very clearly and can i read the quote here that you cant under estimate the especially unclassified blackberry for its ability to eavesdrop as well as access calendars and other emails. Date is what. March of 2009. Sworn into office in january. She registers the server. Which she then uses exclusively for government business, and this document is not the first warning but its in march. I think the significance to it is its notice. Its notice that they knew. Very good point. Notice is more important than anything else. Its a problem. Catherine, thank you. Youre welcome. Get ready to speed read the news. Joran van der sloot just confessed to the almost 11yearold disappearance of american Natalee Holloway. The National Enquirer and radar online capturing a video of the convicted killer seemingly confessing to being involved with the holloway mystery. His lawyers, however, claim this video wasedd van der sloote last person to see Natalee Holloway in aruba. Her disappearance remains a mystery. He is in prison for the murder of a a peruvian i dont think woman. Small explosion near the otter and beaver habitat. No animals. S[,n or zoo visitors were injured. Likely caused by chlorine leak. 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Donald trump and secretary Hillary Clinton trading blows and yesterday donald trump released this video on his instagram page. [barking] [ laughter ] well, and today the prohillary super pac priorities u. S. A. Firing right back, releasing their own version. Who are you consulting with consistently so that im speaking with myself, number one, because i have a very good brain and i have said a lot of things. [ laughter ] well, the on the record Political Panel is back from the Washington Post Karen Tumulty and daily beast jackie kucinich. I wish we could see what george washington thinks. Im sure he is spinning in his grave. We are allo laughing. If this offenders anyone, buckle up if those two have to face off in the general election. Its going to get nasty. Its going to get personal. Thats not nasty. Thats silly. I actually laughed. This is silly its middle school humor. It is sort of unbecoming on both sides of people who want to be, you know, the commander and chief of this country. But, i mean like do you expect its either that or there can be a lot of lies. I mean, some of the nasty ads in prior campaigns where they just make up horrible stuff about each other. At least this one is sort of funny. I mean, i dont think its going to change a vote. It doesnt enexpire me to vote for anybody. But its like at least its not as bad as some of them. Well, what about engaging each other on like where you would take the country . Who is going to watch that . Well, at some point people who want to make up their minds who to vote for. Is anybody really going to change their minds because they see these kinds of. No one is. This is only because if they cant make president they are going to do saturday night live. Right, exactly. This is audition. K completely. You know, it also just the on slot of negative ads that is coming. Everyone complains about them. But they work. They just do. But i dont even think i guess its negative ad in that it is sort of making fun of people. Sort of trying to demean hillary for laughing, trying to demean trump because he says he listens to himself or something. I guess its negative in that way. I guess im used to the ugly ones where they make up stuff about each other. These arent as bad. But they really have to for an ad to be an essential truth about somebody. Its why the, you know, the daisy ad against gold water was so famous because it got you an essential, actual fear that people had. Gingrich ads in southuoz carolina in 2012. These are just silly. I guess, i mean, the only time there is really any serious discussion are town halls. I mean, thats really, but there you know, there are a lot of people who arent going to watch town halls but might be more incline to do watch these ads on youtube. They are to the facing off at each other in town halls. They get a moment to think and talk and answer questions rather than have the pressure of attacking each other. And maybe thats a format that were going to see more of this cycle because the debates have sort of been frivolous. So where do we go from here . Where do we go from here . Well, i think the big drama is now heading into the republican convention. I think that story is going to eat the summer. And i was doing some, you know, looking into exactlyr how these delegates get selected. It is a very process take place largely at state conventions over the next couple of months. I think you need a hd in matt matt particulars to figure this stuff out. I dont have that karen and jacque, thank you both. Coming up, i think there might be Something Weird in the water at the white house and at the state department. Maybe we should send someone in to test it i will explain offtherecord next. Out on the town or in for the night, at t helps keep everyone connected. 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In my judgment dash is response cybil for genocide against groups in areas under its control, including the yazidis, christians, and shia muslims. Seriously . Not to be mean but seriously in the Obama Administration is just figuring that out today in the Administration Says the delay has been due to a legal review to see if isiss actions met theh9รท genocide. Let me say it again seriously they need a review. 27 months ago i went to a refugee camp with Franklin Graham and the writing was all over the wall. You dont have to travel to iraq. Pick up a newspaper, log online or turn on the tv. Three months ago i asked this youd we have young woman why she came to the u. S. I came to the United States because of thelj genocide that was committed against my people, against the yazidis by isis. Genocide, yes, isis is committing genocide. Its not a mystery. What is a mystery is why did it take the Obama Administration so long to figure that out . Thats really disturbing. And thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Live twitter results on the screen would a brokered

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