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Crump and michael badennen who incidentally performed autopsy on the decedent Michael Brown. We begin with Steve Harrigan outside the courthouse in clayton, missouri. Steve . Greta, tremendous sense of anticipation here outside the courthouse. Small groups coming out to see whats going on here and the Police Station in ferguson as well. This grand jury of 12, nine whites and three blacks worked in the shadows as grand juries do. Now we know they have reached a decision. We dont know what that decision is is that announcement is two hours away. Really a range of options before this grand jury. 9 out of 12 have to vote to indict. The charge could be anything from involuntary Second Degree manslaughter all the way up through charges of murder. In anticipation of possible violence here, we have seen a number of stores deciding to shut down, close, board up and really just in the past couple of hours, any stores that we have seen open have been shutting their doors. People here are concerned. People you talk to are afraid that being said. The protests we have seen the past couple of nights have been small. Just 50 to 70 people. A handful of arrests. But the police presence, the Law Enforcements presence is growing. Just behind me we just saw some National Guard troops go into that courthouse. Its a very visible and Strong Police presence. And, of course, the governor here is saying that violent unrest will not be tolerated. Greta, back to you. Steve, thank you. And police in missouri setting up a command center near the location of the violent protest last summer. Lessons lawyer and former homicide detective ted Williams Joins us from the command center in ferguson. Is there any word tonight where Darren Wilson is . Well, greta, no, there is not a direct word where Darren Wilson is is but i can tell you, greta. This has been a town since august under siege. You have got 22,000 citizens here, greta. And when i go around this town as i have in the last few days, there is one common thread. They are on pins and needles about what is to take place in another hour to two hours. And also, they want their town back. Their town, they believe, is not representative of the collision court that took place between officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown that led to Michael Brown losing his life. Ted, does that mean that if there is trouble tonight, i dont know that there will be. I suspect, in fact, that if there is an indictment there is less likely to be any protest. If there is trouble tonight, is there an outside element that has come into ferguson . If you say people in ferguson want their town back and want this continue its ordinary course through the court system. Are there outsiders there . Yes. Thats one of the difficult problems here when you talk to the citizens. There are a lot of citizens here who want to peacefully exercise their constitutional right. Their First Amendment rights to speak out. But their greatest concern here are are there is a fringe element that there is known about, that they are afraid is going to come in and create havoc for them. Exercising their First Amendment rights, greta. And, also, i have got to tell you. I have spoken to Law Enforcement officers tonight. A great deal of them are concerned as to why this announcement is being made in the dead of night because it gives the fringe element camouflage. And these officers are afraid for their own safety. And so there is this big question mark here, greta. Why is this being done tonight in the dead of night . This announcement . Well, i saw a tweet by donald trump. Donald trump tweeted just a few minutes ago why would they announce a finding of the grand jury of ferguson 9 00 in the evening prime time for riots. Not smart. Thats the donald trump tweeting. Wes lowery of the the Washington Post tweeted earlier one of the reasons put off at night that they wanted to get through rush hour traffic and kids home. Still lots of unknowns about this, ted. Why tonight at this time but we will soon see it. My pleasure. Earlier today the brown family nervous, wondering what to expect and when to expect it and then the call. The brown family was notified of the grand jurys decision. We will hear all of that decision tonight at 8 00 p. M. Criminal central. Brown family lawyer Benjamin Crump joins us. Good evening, sir. Good evening, greta. Ben, have you spoken to the family in the last couple hours . And, if so, how are they doing . As you said, they are very nervous, greta. They are on pins and needles waiting on the decision. And an emotional roller coaster. You know, this has been tough for everybody on both sides of this. Sort of interesting that Michael Brown senior issued a Public Service announcement calling for calm. Yes, maam. And they are trying to find positive things to deal with such a negative situation. And as attorney williams just said, the people in ferguson are trying really hard to put on their best face and hopefully we have learned from three months now dealing with this. Now, governor nixon, governor of missouri says he doesnt know what the verdict is of the grand jury. What they have decided to indict or not indict. Do you have any information, does the family have any heads up or any information . No, maam. Greta. We are going to be notified by the prosecutor. His office said, before they make the announcement publicly. And did they tell you how much they are going to give you like 5 minute notice, two minute notice. Any information at all . They did not. They only said they would call before the District Attorney tells the world. Whats been like for the family dealing with the Prosecutors Office since this started . Whats the relationship . Its not very much of a relationship are, greta. Its one thats a little difficult because they thought that they were going to gets in the today of the decision. But they actually found out from the media that the decision was coming today. So there is a lot of mistrust on behalf of Michael Browns parents and the Prosecutors Office. But what they want is everybody to voice their opinions but they also want people to be peaceful and do things constructively and not violently. How much pressure has been on the family . Lots of times families when theyre under pressure like this whether its someone injured in iraq or someone arrested for something or has a serious illness, lots of pressure on families when they go through things. The last couple months, how has it been for the family . Well, as a parent, greta, you can only imagine losing your child and losing them in this manner and then not really being able to grieve, but for the last three months, they had to have this very public fight to try to see if the killer of their child would be held accountable. So its been one of those stressful situations where emotions take their toll on them and they are just not praying and saying that we hope that the killer of our child is held accountable and no matter what, were going to find a way to get something positive out of this. Now, the use of the word killer suggests to me that and i understand the grief and pain, you know, that they are going through, of course, i havent walked in their shows shoes. Certain that he should be indicted or are they going to wait to hear what the grand jury is . Can they grand jury evidence accept their determination what that is or not . If someone told you your unarmed child was killed in broad daylight, it would be hard for you to try to reconcile your mind that a person will kill your unarmed child and not even have to face the court of law to have the evidence against him brought before a jury. Thats all they have asked for is to have a court of law to be transparent what they believe justice is. They havent got all the facts based on what happened in the grand jury. Apparently this secret proceeding may never be made public now. But what they do know is what witnesses have told them about what they witnessed what dr. Baden has told them based on his autopsy. They believe that their child was killed and it was the killer should be held accountable. They do not feel it was justified. I dont know if you are able to see any of the pictures of missouri tonight as we have live pictures to see what the jury decides. Do you expect, when you talk to the people on the street there, do you expect that there is going to be trouble or not . You know, greta as you said Michael Browns father did the psa. His mother and everybody on our legal team we have continued to try to stress that people be peaceful. We understand the frustration. Nobody can be more frustrated than his mother and father. If they can exercise their Constitutional Rights in a peaceful way, everybody else should. The Ferguson Community is doing it so all these people are coming from outside. We want them to follow the example of the Ferguson Community and be nonviolent. Okay. In the event i have no idea what the grand jury is going to do tonight. In the event that they return a no bill, meaning that there is no indictment, does the family intend to sue the Police Officers civilly since that a much lower burden of proof . That doesnt ask for incarceration but asks for compensation, monetary compensation . Is that the expectation to try to make themselves whole . Do they expect to do that . Well, we are exploring all their legal avenues to get some sense of justice. But, at the end of the day, they really want the killer to be held accountable, greta. And, of course, we will be watching tonight when the jury does return are. Mr. Crump, i very much appreciate you joining us tonight. I know its been quite a day and your day certainly is not over by any means, sir. Thank you so much. And Griff Jenkins is also live in ferguson. Griff, what is going on where you are . Hi, greta. We are at the Ferguson Police department. And tensions are rising. Here you can see across the street a couple of hundred protesters. Their signs say justice for mike brown. Indict now. I talked to some of this crowd. Were still just under two hours away from this decision coming out. And, yet, they are going to be out here, regardless. Can you see they are sort of halfway into the street. We have seen in recent days some of the protesters not quite this large. This is the largest. Them coming out and blocking the street. If we look over here. Can you see some the press here and the police not having a huge show of force right now. They have barricades. This is a Police Department over here. Now, when you talk to these protest errors protesters over here. They tell you this is partially about the decision. Its about respect. Strong show of police is a sign of disrespect. They want to push back against it push back against authority. Interestingly, minutes ago i saw my first National Guard humvee drive by. Thats significant. Because, for the first time, as the authorities have told me, the National Guard will be involved out policing on the streets should this get into a situation that needs to be controlled. That wasnt the case last time. In this crowd over here says that that National Guard is only going to make things worse. That its arrogant and a sign of disrespect. Now, as we see again, the police, we showed you. There is only a few officers here. We have seen more officers come out. Then we saw them go back in. They they are not trying to be in an aggressive position. You see none of them have on riot gear. Clearly this crowd lets cross the street and get closer. This crowd is starting to get energized and we have hours to go before the decision they are waiting. How are you doing . Whats your name . I cant tell you my name. Are you going to be out here all night regardless of the decision. As you can see they are very upset. Take you a little bit into this. There is a lot of excitement going on. We hope that it doesnt get out of hand but as authorities told us, the one thing they worry most, about one word, guns. Greta, back to you. We will check back with you a little later as we await the grand jurys decision as our coverage continues all night on fox news. Right now the evidence from the gun. We do not know everything the grand jury knows. But one key piece of evidence may be powder stippling. What is that and why might that be an important clue. Stephan howard joins us. He is an expert in ballistics. Nice to see you, steve. Nice to sigh. Happy holidays. Happy holidays. What is sip bring . One of stippling . One of the things important is how far away was the gun barrel from the decedent . Is there a way to tell that . Yes, there is. Stippling is even unburned particles of gunpowder or articles still on fly forward and strike the persons flesh and other clothing. Is there i assume that it goes a certain distance. Its not going to go, for instance, 300 feet. Is it going to go likely with the the type of weapon, is it likely to go a feet. 10 feet . 2 inches . How far would you expect to see that . Depending on the gun and the load, we usually see it in as little as 2 inches and as much as 6 to 8 inches further if magnums are involved. Thats not the case in this case. Is there any other way to determine if you are not there as an eyewitness. You are note there measuring is there any way to tell how far the barrel of that gun is from the decedent . Yes, there is. Gunshot residue. Now, gunshot residue actually originates from the primer. But, if its on mr. Brown, it really doesnt mean much. But if its not on mr. Brown, that means that the officer and mr. Brown were several feet apart, if not several yards apart. All right. But that would not be in the autopsy report. That would be in the lab reports. Okay. And that would be after you do an analysis of the clothing that the decedent was wearing at the time of the shooting; is that right . Thats right. Okay. So, and it can be as far away as, what . Because, you know, when a Police Officer is talking about reasonable fear. Reasonable expectation of fear, or selfdefense. Obviously the distance between the decedent and the end of the barrel becomes important. How far out would you expect to find gunpowder or not . I mean, where is the cut off . Thats hard to tell and there is no clear cutoff. If the wind is blowing in my face, it could be a foot. A little more. If its blowing towards my target, it could be 50 feet. But if its if there is none at all on him, then they were obviously several feet apart. All right. And would the diameter ofa le is i dont know that there is or not, lets say that the grand jury saw clothing clothe gunpowder residue per the lab. Would the diameter of the gunpowder residue on the clothing have any determination in terms distance . Yes. If you are talking the gunshot stippling, the wider the pattern, the further they are apart. The closer the particles are together, the closer the muzzle was to mr. Brown. And, of course, this is just one small piece of evidence that we would expect that the grand jury might have seen. Right . I mean in a typical investigation, they may put that kind of information to sort of help corroborate other testimony, right . Yes. One thing i find very interesting is the angle of bullets, which angle they struck him and went into his body i find those very irregular. What does that mean to you . It means either somebody has got it wrong or somebody not telling the truth. In terms of, what . In terms of what happened on the day in question. What does it indicate now does it indicate . Which direction does it fall . Im not understanding you. Okay. The bullets entered in a downward position. The men are struggling for the gun. One is not going to be standing over the other. I would have to see the autopsy photographs and do a full shooting reconstruction before i could tell you for certain but i find these irregular. All right. Well, dr. Baden who did the second autopsy on the decedent will join us. Let me get more information on that. Steve, thank you. You are most welcome. Our breaking News Coverage continues live from ferguson up next you will hear from our legal panel, plus dr. Michael baden as promised. He is here. He performed an autopsy on Michael Brown. He also testified before the grand jury. Dr. Baden goes on the record coming up. You pay your Auto Insurance premium every month on the dot. Youre like the poster child for paying on time. And then one day you tap the bumper of a station wagon. No big deal. Until your Insurance Company jacks up your rates. You freak out. What good is having insurance if you get punished for using it . Hey insurance companies, news flash. Nobodys perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Because it helps me skip the bad stuff. Im good. Thats what i like to call, the meta effect. 4in1 multihealth metamucil now clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. Experience the meta effect with our new multihealth wellness line. Celebrate whats new, the bigger, better menu at red lobster with more of what you love try our newest woodgrilled combination maine lobster, extra jumbo shrimp, and salmon so hurry in and sea food differently. Breaking news, the grand jurys announcement of the Michael Browns shooting case is expected at 8 00 p. M. Central time. Will the grand jury indict officer Darren Wilson or not and whats next in legal process. Joining us our legal panel ted williams is live in ferguson. Former prosecutor katie fanning is with us. I read one of the reporters on site who has said that Darren Wilson the Police Officer had not yet received any information about turning himself in. There is no certainty what that means you would expect if he is going to be indicted some arrangements would be undertaken right now. Would you not . Absolutely. I mean not only to secure his presence if he is going to be indicted but to also make sure that he is safely arrives in the custody of Law Enforcement. Some arrangement should have been made by now. Im surprised to hear that it may be an omen or some type of indicator of whats happened with this grand jury. Or it could just be wrong information. He may if he has been indicted although that may be going on right now and the person who reported said that might have got continue wrong. There is so much, yet, we are really not going to know until that verdict is read. Greta, you are absolutely right. Our viewers need to understand what a grand jury do. Most people i have heard out here are talking about divilt and innocent. Grand juries dont decide guilt or innocence. Grand juries issue either a true bill, meaning the charge or no true bill, meaning not to charge. One of the things that has happened out here, greta, is that the prosecutor has said he wants to release all of the information that the grand jury heard. And that has been very alarming and concerning to such a degree that the judge out here has said no, im going to look at everything and i will make a decision if anything will be released. And thats important there are a lot of people who gave testimony on behalf perhaps of the officer who lives in that community and would be placed in danger. Katie you may he have just heard the ballistics expert we he had on the air. And eyewitness testimony is so inherently unreliable. Two people witness a car accident. One sees a white car. One sees a green car. Thats why i tend to go more towards the scientific. Towards the ballistics. You know, what, i mean, what is it if you were in the grand jury, what is it you would want to see . I tentd agree. He want to look at hard evidence. When we say hard evidence. We want Scientific Evidence anden from sick evidence. We want to know not only the official autopsy results. We also want to know the ballistics. We want to know was there gunshot residue . We want to know whether the wounds are consistent with brown surrendering himself or whether or not he was charging at the officer. Then what do you is you combine that with the witness testimony and even the testimony of officer wilson himself as we know he testified for four hours before the grand jury providing sworn testimony that may or may not have helped him escape being indicted for murder or for manslaughter. Ted, i cant even imagine officer wilson has testified before the grand jury. As a defense lawyer. I dont think i ever put a client in the grand jury because the defense lawyer cant go into the grand jury and you just basically surrender your client to the prosecutor in the grand jury without the protection of a lawyer. And that is the danger if you talk to most defense attorneys, its like cryptonite with your client. You keep him completely away from the grand jury. But because, greta, this has been such an unusual set of circumstances and case. It may very well be that officer wilson helped himself, because as katie said, he was before this grand jury for four hours. And, greta, can i tell you either a grand jury is going to love you after four hours or he they are going to displik you. Indisead if you will stay with us. More breaking News Coverage coming up as we await the grand jurys decision. Dr. Michael baden who examined Michael Browns body and did the second autopsy. Is he going to be here next. Ing. A pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until. The am. New aleve pm the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. It says here that increases at the age of 80. Helps reduce the risk of heart disse. Keep hrthealthy. Live long. Eat the 100 goodness of post shreddedheat. Doctorrecommend it. Weigh violent protest and next guest testified before the grand jury. Dr. Michael baden, he also performed a private autopsy on Michael Brown at the familys request. Good evening, doctor. Good evening, greta. How long did you testify before the grand jury . What were they in . Well, as you know i cant say what they were interested in. The first thing they ask you is make you swear that you are not going it reveal anything you say to anybody. A lot of people come into that grand jury assuming their testimony will never be heard by anybody in the public. Rye leasing the testimony puts a damp on further people testifying freely in the grand jury, i think, although i like the idea. What happened to me, greta, was illustrated today we had two bad deaths on the police. Mr. Garner Staten Island chokehold. Young for the other day in brooklyn stairwell shot by police. Medical exrl came out the next day and told the community what the cause of death was. The District Attorney and the police chief came out in the brooklyn case right away and said the police were at fault. It calms the community down. What happened here was that there was a silence. The family could not hear get any information as to why their loved one died. Thats why they actually do an second autopsy. Doing the second autopsy. What was the disadvantage you had in reaching your conclusions by not doing the first autopsy or doesnt it make a difference . It does make a difference. The body is washed off. The body was embalmed. So, that there is certain things that are no longer present. Certain organs have been removed. The bullets were removed. Its a little bit hard irbut i had a little more information when i do the second autopsy a week later than the medical scwer had at the time doing the autopsy initially, there is advantage for doing it first. Are there six Bullet Wounds . I got a lot of new information the day before i testified for the grand jury with photographs taken of the body before the autopsy and my interpretation was there was seven bullet bullets struck mr. Brown. The one in the hand is the only one that had any powder residues on it and it was close. It would have been within a few inches. For a medical examiner point of view, the closer the muzzle of the gun is to the hand, the more residues there are are and in this situation the looks like a few inches away consistent with the hand being in the car. Okay. So you would expect that for any wounds to penetrate clothes, maybe the clothes absorbed some of the gunpowder residue but he had some entries to the head . I do d. Look at the clothes. I went over to the Police Station there is no gunshot under r. Residues on any of the clothes. Only residue on the hand. All the other wounds were a distance away. All we can say is more than 2 feet but it could be 200 feet or 20 feet. We cant tell the difference. Any gunshot entry wounds in the back . Or the back part of the arm. One gunshot entry one had the hand, which was the hand in the car. One in the back of the forearm. Those and then there was another in the front of the forearm. In the front of the upper arm. Is there one fatal bullet wound or combination of Bullet Wounds . There are three bullets that struck mr. Brown right in sort of of a cluster. One in the top of the head. Wj in the top of the forehead that went down into the upper shoulder. Upper chest. And run in the upper crest. They are all the only way that could have happened is if mr. Garner was about 6 a. Inches tall and the officer is had to be bent down with his head the top of his head facing the gun because the bullet struck him in the want to head and the other two bullets were parallel. All right, in looking at sort of the direction of the bullet track. Is it consistent that the wound show either someone falling and shooting downward or is it consistent with with someone lunging . Or both . We cant tell the direction of a person going fab for wards or backwards. I assume the bullet track is downward direction. Its in a downward direction which means either im falling and you are shooting me and its going down in a downward direction or im lunging at you and you are shooting; is that right . Or you can just be crumb bring to the ground so that at some point the face is parallel to the ground. The face and the forehead and the lung are parallel to the ground and can be bent over severely. It could be falling. It could be lunging. But lunging from 35 feet away the closest he could have been was 35 feet. Dr. Bae den thank you, sir. We are awaiting decision on grand jurys decision. Expected at 8 central. While we wait a look at how this case unfolded next. Shes still the one for you. 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Minutes later see Michael Brown walking down the middle of the street. Accounts differ about what happens next but brown and officer wilson encounter each other. Brown is shot multiple times and dies. Sunday, august 10th, the st. Louis police chief announces Michael Brown was unarmed when confronted by officer wilson, the chief also says brown physically assaulted the officer. Allegedly pushed the Police Officer back into the car whereby he physically assaulted the Police Officer. During the struggle brown reached for the officers gun. One shot was fired in the car, followed by other gunshots outside the car. That night a candlelight vigil turns violent. 30 people arrested. Two Police Officers are headquarter hurt. Monday, august 11th, hundreds gather outside the Ferguson Police department to demand justice for browns death. Police arrest at least seven people. Also that day. The fbi announces it will do a parallel investigation. That night nor violence protests Police Use Tear gas to disperse crowds. Protesters and police crash for Third Straight night. The Justice Department opens a federal civil rights investigation. [gunfire. Thursday, august 14th, more arrests and more Police Officers injured after this fourth night of violence. Missouri governor jay nixon announces the missouri Highway Patrol will take control of security in ferguson. Quite frankly i know that ferguson will not be defined as a community torn apart by violence. Darren wilson is named as the officer who shot ground. Brown. The police chief says wilson did not know brown was a suspect in a strong arm robbery that happened moments before the shooting. [gunfire] later that night, police and hundreds of protesters clash. Proat theres throw rocks and officers fire back with tear gas. Armored trucks return to the streets. August 20th, the grand jury convenes for the first time. Violent protests continue through august 21st, then, september 16th, officer Darren Wilson testifies before that grand jury. The panel that would decide whether or not to indict him in browns death. November 11th, missouris governor activates the National Guard to respond to any potential unrest after the grand jurys decision. The National Guard has been and will continue to be part of our contingency planning. Michael brown senior calls for peaceful gatherings no matter the outcome. Destroying property is not the answer. No matter what the grand jury decides, i do not want my sons death to be in vain. And our legal panel is back. Ted williams and katie fang. Indicatey, i had hoped that some the scientists would give us autopsy and ballistics as to what might have happened on the street. Im curious if you were the prosecutor in this case, would have you felt obliged to show the video of the decedents behavior in that robbery moments before he was killed . Is that part of this story . I would have presented that evidence to the grand jury. And by all accounts the assistant county prosecutors who did present to the grand jury presented quote, unquote. All of the evidence. In fact, there is there is a report that the District Attorney insisted that the grand jury actually get more evidence than it typically would have received would i have presented presented it j . Yes i would have. Am i inclined to believe that this grand jury saw that video if they had not already seen that video from the media, yes, i believe that they have seen that video showing him committing the strong arm robbery at the Convenience Store ted what are your thoughts as we await this grand jury decision tonight. If there is an indictment, do you think there will be protests . I think most of the people there protesting are looking for indictment if they get one, will that be the end of it at least for tonight . Greta you would think that would be the end of it greta, issue out among the protesters as i said earlier there are a lot of peaceful protesters, also a lot of individuals here have their on or about own personal ageneral does, some individuals here clearly dont like authority, dont like Law Enforcement. Im not painting a broad brush here saying peaceful demonstrators are that way. There are disrespectful people here that just dont like Law Enforcement, greta and authority. Indicatey, we think of this case as we lack at it as first degree murder case. I think thats what most people think grossly negligent past backing into someone at the Grocery Store because your behavior is so negligent you should have looked there is a wide range tonight. Its not just a murder possibility indictment but also manslaughter look at it five results here. First degree murder, Second Degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, Involuntary Manslaughter or ultimately a no true bill. If i were a betting person i probably would be inclined to believe its going to come back a no true bill on the indictment or the most Case Scenario being Involuntary Manslaughter. I dont believe if you are incident electric actually and legally honest that first degree murder or Second Degree murder was presented by way of the evidence to the grand jury of course i wasnt privy to it so im not sure what the extent of it was. Was there reckless behavior on the part of officer wilson . Perhaps. Was there premeditation or deliberate act, im not sure if we have it rising to that level. Again, thats me reading tea leaves and without knowing the full benefit of what was presented to the grand jury, im knot quite sure whats going to turn out tonight. I dont think any of us can can i Say Something . Quickly, ted, yes. Quickly, the question is the Justice Department going to get involved and bring a civil Rights Action if they dont like what took place tonight. They wont be able to meet he that high threshold there will be no civil rights cases. Ted, i disagree, i think there f. There so no indictment tonight, i think the Justice Department jumps in with both feet. Thats what i think dr. Is no point in the Justice Department getting involved if there is indictment. They wont get involved. Well put a bet on that one. Thanks, we have more live breaking News Coverage next. Will the grand jury indict officer wilson or not in the latest as ferguson and the nation await the announcement. Coming up. But i dont want my breathing problems to get in the way my volunteering. Thats why i asked my doctor about breo. Oncedaily breo ellipta helps increase airflow from the lungs for a full 24 hours. And breo helps reduce symptom flareups that last several days and require oral steroids, antibiotics, or hospital stay. Breo is not for asthma. Breo contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. 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Try new fixodent plus true feel. The smooth formula helps keep dentures in place. Its free of flavors and colorants. For a closer feeling to natural teeth. Fixodent. And forget it. Breaking news at this moment. The eyes of the nation are on ferguson, missouri. You are looking live at protesters already gathering in the streets. The announcement of the grand jurys decision, Michael Brown shooting is expected shortly at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. We have live team coverage. Fox Griff Jenkins and Garrett Tenney are on the streets of ferlgson. We start with garrett. Garrett . Yeah, greta. Can i tell you here at the unified command center in ferguson just this last hour, there has been a significant pickup in activity. We have seen a couple hum fees for the National Guard pull in wells a couple minutes ago a fleet of ambulances that pulled in. We have also seen a fleet of about 10 to 15 state Highway Patrol cars zipped out of here in just in this last half hour as well. It really is, you can see they are gearing up for any protest that do happen in any unrest. But they are keeping it low key. Last time. We saw police, they were set up everything they had at their disposal. This timere setup is behind this buildings out of the rather than the hope is just not to agitate any protesters that are already on edge. And police are hoping that will continue. Can you see that video in ferguson. Things are picking um. Here in ferguson and really across the entire st. Louis region. Greta . Garrett, thank you. Just a note, there is a big difference to our viewers between peaceful protests and riots. Two very different things. Garrett, thank you. Now lets go back to Griff Jenkins live in ferguson. Across the street, a gentleman sort of antagonizing the police. But, really exercising their First Amendment. We have seen nothing but peaceful protest. Made that point. Its also against police and regardless of that decision. They plan to be here and they hope for it to be face peaceful. We have mothers out here like yvette. Why are we out here. Im out here for justice im here for mike brown. For Leslie Mcfadden she lost her son, mike brown. As you see the folks out here. This has been going on for more than three months waiting for this decision. And now the groups are gatherings p gathering. We will take you down and give you just a sampling of it. Some of the protesters we saw earlier started to march on their own. One difference is. They are trying to be a little more secret about their movements. We saw them on we were on friday night. Now we are about a mile away. Part of the Police Department. Well take you over now and show you whats going on. You can see this protesters. Wanting to get not only his voice heard but also to confront the police. This is about standing up to what they believe is unjust Police Department and with just about an hour atogo before that decision is made public. These tensions are going to rise even more. Greta . Here at the Police Department in ferguson. Griff, thank you. Coverage continues next. For practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a germanengineered volkswagen. Like the sporty, advanced new jetta. And the 2015 motor trend car of the year allnew golf. If youre wishing for a new volkswagen this season. Just about all you need is a finely tuned. Pen. Hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first months payment on select new volkswagen models. Hello. Im an idaho potato farmer and our big idaho potato truck is still missing. So my buddy here is going to help me find it. Here we go. Woo who, woah, woah, woah. Its out there somewhere spreading the word about americas favorite potatoes heart healthy idaho potatoes and the american heart associations go red for women campaign. If you see it i hope youll let us know. Always look for the grown in idaho seal. 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Farxiga can cause serious side effects, including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, low blood sugar,kidney problems, and increased bad cholesterol. Common side effects include urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and runny nose. Do the walk of life yeah, you do the walk of life need to lower your blood sugar . Ask your doctor about farxiga and visit our website to learn how you may be able to get every month free. Governor jay nixon calling for restraint and powers of the grand jury about to be announced. Prosecutor is expected to announce a decision at one hour 9 00 p. M. Eastern. The grand jury had to decide whether or not to indict Police Officer Darren Wilson. Last August Wilson fatally shot unarmed teen Michael Brown. Sparking weeks of riots. Tonight increased security in place, of course, fox news, of course, will bring you the announcement live as it happens. Be sure to stay with for the latest. Go to gretawire. Com. P. M. Eastern tomorrow night. Good night. Oreilly factor son. Tonight. The grand jurys decision on the shooting death of Michael Brown expected momentarily. We are live with the latest details on a case galvanized the nation. Caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. Hi,im bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. We are live with breaking news awaiting the grand jury decisioned in the Police Shooting death of Michael Brown last august in ferguson, missouri. Reports are authorities are bracing for confrontation. Thats all we know at this hour. You may

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