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Jimmy fallon, everyone. Thats it for special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Good to be back. Greta goes on the record right now. This is a fox news alert. Missouri governor jay nixon has declared a state of emergency. The National Guard is moving in on ferguson due to violence reaching alltime high. In ferguson, angry protesters, riots, fear and chaos. Police using tear gas, rubber bullets and even making arrests in an effort to calm massive unrest a second autopsy has just been completed calling into question whether Michael Brown surrendering at the time he was shot. In moments Michael Baden will go on the record. A former federal agent in st. Louis before becoming a homicide detective. Ted williams on the ground live in ferguson. What are people saying to you there in ferguson . Hi, greta. I have got to tell you this place is like a volcano waiting to erupt. On the main on the street, the man and the woman on the street were very pleased to find out certain circumstances about this shooting. But, they are still, most of them saying they want justice for Michael Brown. But it was interesting, greta, that i also found a lot of fairminded people out here who said that they also wanted the officer to be treated fairly in this case. But i got to tell you, it is right now the volcano can erupt any minute. Now, if you will look over my Left Shoulder here, you will see what is like a command center back there, greta. Back there at that command center a a lot of Law Enforcement officers. They are all prepared, getting ready for tonight. They are hoping that they dont have a a night like last night where they were in just a shear riot, where there were gunfire. Where many people got hurt. Not only Police Officers but civilian citizens of this town. And, greta, one thick they wanted me to tell you you is that they believe that a lot of this is being caused by raber rousers that are not from ferguson but outside of ferguson. Who do they think are the rabble rousers . Are they Certain Group or certain people . It it appears as though that there are groups of people who are waiting until after dark to come in to ferguson and to create and cause problems. You have quite a few of the citizens here who have decided from talking to them that they are going to form their own task force to try to keep these revel rousers as they call them from creating havoc for the good citizens of this town there are a lot of good people here and i have met a lot of good people, greta. Everybodys justice. Obviously justice takes a little time. Need to be investigation. I can understand the patience of so many. What do they say about that . Because thats why they have the protests. Yeah. Greta, this is a bigger picture. While everybody is concerned about the death of Michael Brown, and the circumstances of that death, there is an under current here that apparently has been percolating in this town for some time and all of a sudden like a volcanic eruption, it is now erupting. So, it isnt only about Michael Brown. Its about their collateral issues in this town. And they couple it all together and they are hoping that something can be done about it. All right. Ted, if you will stand by, i will come back to you in a few minutes. Ted, thank you. My pleasure. And today lawyers for the family of Michael Brown announcing the results of a private autopsy conducted by our frequent guest here on on the record. Former chief medical examiner for new york city dr. Michael baden. There are six bullets struck him. Six bullets struck and two may have reentered and three bullets were recovered at the first autopsy. So according to our report. One thing is that there are abrasions around the right side much mr. Browns face, rubbing against the ground, which happened, as best we can tell, when after the gunshot wounds he fell flat down unprotected and got those abrasions. Otherwise, no evidence of a struggle. Dr. Baden confirming the unarmed teenager was shot at least six times, including twice in the head. Dr. Baden joins us right now. Dr. Baden, i always think you are the smartest, you are the best. You are the most experienced at. This im glad to have you be the one that conducted the autopsy. Thank you, greta. There are some things you didnt have. You didnt have the clothing, right . Right. Okay. And you dont have a a toxicology screen. Those are the two big things that you dont have yet. Thats right. Although i heard that the medical examiners report from the first been furnished to the prosecutor and, according to the the Washington Post, that it does say that marijuana was found in the toxicology. And that the findings of dr. Mary cases office, who is the chief medical examiner are very similar to the findings that we found as to the bullet tracks in the second autopsy. All right. In terms of the toxicology, and i will get to the Bullet Wounds in a second, does the fact that they found marijuana, does that exclude the fact that there might be other drugs in his system or that the marijuana was laced with anything . Is that the final analysis or could there be more information to come in terms of the toxicology . I dont know, because i havent seen the toxicology report yet. Thats part of the autopsy and that should be coming to the family in the next day or two. And very important with marijuana is the levels of the different drugs that are present in marijuana to have an opinion as to whether or not he might have been affected by the marijuana so that he may have been acting in a crazy way and may have done things to the Police Officer that normally he would not have done. All right. Which would be the issue that might arise. All right. The advantage of having the clothes and i have learned this from talking to you over the years is that there may be a gunshot residue on the clothes that might be sort of helpful in determining distance between the end. Gun and a the body. Now, you didnt have the clothes, but was there anything on the flesh that would give you any sort of hint as to distance . No. Yes. The flesh around the bullet holes of entrance were clear. There was no gunshot residue, no stippling, no powders present around the entrance wounds, which indicates that the muzzle end of the weapon was a foot or two away at the time of discharge. It wasnt a close contact. It wasnt very close as would have to it be the case if they were fighting inside of a car. Now, the clothing though, as you point out, can filter out gunshot residue, so that it would be important to know and the crime lab, im sure, in los angeles county, in st. Louis county, im sorry, is doing is looking at the built perforations of the clothing to see if there is any gunshot rest due there. And that will be important. In terms of the actual wounds, i notice that from the drawing that there are a number of Bullet Wounds to the right arm. Would that be i know there has been at least some eyewitness testimony say that his hands were raised. Are those wounds because its hard to tell from the diagram consistent with the hands raised or not . They are consistent with hands raised. They are consistent, yes. With the arms, with the arm forearm and right forearm and arm being raised because they were on the right arm. But they are also consistent with the arms being at the side. So, there could be either way from the gunshot wounds themselves in the arms. Are they consistent with having coming at someone aggressively . Because i know there is that wound on the head, which could either be shooting when someone is down or perhaps someone is charging, either one. Can you in any way sort of reach a decision whether or not the wound on top of the head and the arms would be consistent with someone being shot as is he going down or someone being shot as he is charging . These wounds could be, again, done in either way, because the head is so mobile up and the arm, the shooters arm is so mobile, that they can have many different positions in which you get the same bullet track in the head. But what we can say is that when the bullet wound at the top of the head entered Michael Browns body, he immediately lost consciousness, collapsed, and died. The mom wanted to he know, for example, did he have any pain and suffering . Not after that gunshot wound. And he was then immobile and collapsed immediately on that shot. Are we to assume and i realize that there is assuming sometimes a huge mistake but that that would be the last shot if thats the one that took him down since thats the fatal one or not necessarily . That would be the fatal one and the one that took him down, yes. I assume it to be the last one because the discharge the discharge of the weapon would stop when he collapsed. We can tell just from the Bullet Wounds of the arms and the rest of the body because he could be down and Bullet Wounds could have still injured the arm and forearm are in a similar way. But i think thats unlikely. But the point you make, greta, also, is that he died because of that bullet wound in the head and brain. The other five wounds would not have been lethal in themselves. How close, based on the fact and i realize you dont have the clothes that would be very helpful in looking for gunshot residue, but from what you said is that it was more than a foot away but you cant say whether it was 2 feet . 3 feet . 4 feet or 6 feet . Thats right. It would be as close as a foot but no closer . The muzzle could be but no closer, right. And he could be as far away as 3 a feet, and after a foot, it would be the same 2 feet to 35 feet would be o would look the same. No powder would get on the body. All right. What question should i be asking you that i havent asked you that would be sort of instructive or i have covered the main ones until we get more information . Oh, well, to bring in a little bit of the law, you could ask hows come there is a third autopsy being done and could the government perform an autopsy without the permission of the family . I will ask you that and, of course, he has also been embalmed, too, which makes it somewhat difficult. Yes. He was embalmed before i did the second autopsy. Whats interesting is that the government, the medical Examiners Office and the police and the can do a order an autopsy when somebody dies, even if the family objects to it. But once thats finished and the body is returned to the family, the family has total control over the body and even if president obama wanted an autopsy done, a third autopsy, if the family didnt agree, the only thing that could happen would be a court order by a judge to do it. But the family here requested. They wanted the fbi to do a third autopsy. Because they feel that this will show how improper the shooting of their son was. Dr. Baden, always nice to see you. Thank you, sir. Thank you, greta. All best. Good to see you. And the most i do lent night to date. Tear gas, rubber bullets, riots, arrest. The National Guard moving in ferguson. Mike mike tobin live in ferguson. Mike . Can i tell you, greta, as we look around ground zero for all the demonstrations, the numbers are considerably smaller. That is largely because of the police technique. What they are doing is not letting anyone form up a group, loiter, congregate. That seems to be where the trouble boils out of. So what is happening, they are letting people come out and demonstrate but they are keeping them moving along. They dont let anybody hang around, so that has thinned the numbers considerably. You see a much larger Police Presence tonight than taksim previous nights. We did see arrests earlier in the evening. We got video of that they come up on somebody, bind them up and get them off of the scene. Police never explain why the person is being arrested. Not the officers there on the scene. You have got to get that information from the pio. The demonstrators who are out there will always say it was unjust. The reason this person or person wasnt doing anything wrong and the police came up on them and bound them up. Of course, what they are trying to avoid is to get another big scene of another big clash like they had last night. State Police Captain ron johnson saying with all the molotov cocktails with all of the barricades and bottles being thrown they had to move in last night. They had no option o. So you had this scene repeat one more time with a big clash on the street. The real consistent thing we are seeing, every time the authorities out here take a step to try to restore the peace, it generates more anger. We know now with the National Guard arriving, that generated another demonstration. People marched on one of the state buildings and last i heard they are still there. So whenever you see the authorities try to make an effort to generate the peace, it generates more anger, brings more bodies out on the street. Contrary counting myself, it looks like the numbers are thinner tonight, greta. Mike, we were talking a moment ago to ted williams who used to be a federal agent in st. Louis. He heard on the street that there are people outsiders coming in and causing trouble. Do you have that sense that there are outsiders coming in . If so, are they part of any group or who are they . Absolutely. Its interesting that the governor has said that they are organizing. Usually what i see is these outsiders. You see these parking lots that are kind of on the flanks of the road. They will hang around up here. And lay low until the sun goes down and then they will get inside the crowd of demonstrators. You see some of them with their faces covered in the crowd of demonstrators. I cant say that the people i have seen are the ones causing the problems because it all happens very fast. But you do see people who kind of lurk off to the sides and make their move and these are the people that the governor and state Police Captain have said are the ones who infiltrate the crowds and start the trouble. Mike, thank you. Coming up next, a friend of Michael Brown who was walking with him when approached by Police Officer aPolice Officer. Is he telling his side of the story a lawyer joins us next. A missing marines wifes body is found in an abandoned mine shaft. The person just arrested for her murder. Probably not how would expect. Angies list is revolutionizing local service again. By making it easy to buy and Schedule Service by toprated providers, conveniently stay uptodate on progress, and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with the angies list mobile app. Visit angieslist. Com today. A brand new start. Your chance to rise and shine. With centurylink as your trusted technology partner, you can do just that. 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We met with representatives of the county Prosecutors Office, the detectives and get can spem star did intea three hours. They examined dorian be johnson at length what he did when he woke up in the morning. They stepped him through the whole thing. He told him about him and mike walking down the street to the ferguson market. He told them about the cigar dches ellos walking out of the store and being engaged with the Police Officer. Told them about the struggle at the car and subsequent shooting resulting in mike browns death. Did he actually witness the shooting or was he leaving the area when it was happening . Your client . No. He actually witnessed it. There was a shot fired at the car. The father then let mike go and mike and dorian ran. There were three cars stacked up behind the officers car because he had blocked the street. And dorian ran and hid behind the first car. And then big mike runs back. Then right behind big mike is the Police Officer. After the officer passes dorian, dorian then looks up and he sees the officer in hot pursuit right behind mike. He then sees the officer fire some shots. And mike turns around and the officer hoots him some more and ultimately kills him. Did your client say whether the officer and big mike, as you refer to him, did they have any conversation that your client overheard at any time . Well, at the car, you know, the officer reaches out, according to my client and grabs mike by the throat, okay. So you know. Unprovoked. That starts conversation. Was that unprovoked . They are arguing. The first instance he sees big mike he reaches out and grabs his throat he . Doesnt have a conversation with him . Well, heres what happened. They are walking down the middle of the street. They see the officer coming in the opposite direction. As he approaches them, they slow, the officer slows. He tells them get the f on the sidewalk. Dorian says i live right up the street here, officer. We just going to keep on going. And they walked past him. By the time they get to the end of the car, the police car, the officer throws the car in reverse and speeds backwards and catches back up with them. Then they start arguing. He says something to them and they starting ing. They are close at the car. The officer then reaches out of the car with his left hand and grabs mike brown. Mike is big, is he like 64, 270. And so officer really cant do much with him. So he kind of moves away from him. Then the officer now is grabbing his shirt. Is he pulling him close to the car. Then as mike is trying to get away, the officer pulls up a gun and says im going to shoot you. And then mike, i guess they are still arguing and all of a sudden the gun goes pow. The weapon is discharged and officer lets them go and they run down the street. So at this point, as i had indicated earlier, hides behind the first car because there is three stacked up there. He sees big mike run by. The officer is in pursuit of big mike, and then as he passes my client, dorian gets up and he sees the officer running close behind big mike and then he fires those bullets. And then big mike then turns around and puts his hands up in the air and the officer continues to close the gap, firing it at mike and he is down. Is he down and he is dead. I mean, the one thing im sort of curious, mayor, is that your client, at least im told, says that big mike was shot in the back, and the autopsy doesnt show that which then makes me wonder whether sort of the cloud of what was going on is that your client may have confusion about details. Well, you could argue that but, here, lets think about this. The man is running, Police Officer is behind him. The shots are fired. He stops and he turns around. The autopsy report just released just said that one of the shots in his arm looks like it could have been shot while he was from the back. So, that, you know, is not a perfect explanation of what he saw in terms of shooting him directly in the back, but he shot him and hit him somewhere in the back, possibly along his arm answered turned around, and the officer continued to shoot him. Mayor, thank you very much for joining us this evening. Thank you, sir. Good day. And the owner of the store Michael Brown allege lid stole from moments before he was shot is speaking out. His lawyer is next. When a pro at any 2014 pga tour event sinks a holeinone, quicken loans could pay your mortgage for an entire year. Truly amazing enter today at pgatour. Com quickenloans moderate to severe is tough, but ive managed. I got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. When i finally told my doctor, he said my crohns was not under control. He said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohns disease. 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Somebody came in, they grabbed the cigarelos they reached around a the counter and grabbed additional products. My client came around the corner with keys in hand to lock the door and to request that that individual pay for them. And there was an exchange and pushing and shoving. Did he have any i take it he has never seen him before and didnt know him that day as a regular customer . Not before that weekend he had not seen. No one in the stosh had seen that person on the tape. Did the person on the tape say anything to the store owner . From what i understand in talking with the clerk, there were some words exchanged. It wasnt it was kind of the what you might expect the clerk himself doesnt speak english very well there was profanity, otherwise, it was more or less, you know, this is what im doing and get out of my way. So it wasnt necessarily i dont want to put words in your mouth or store owners, but it wasnt a denial of taking the cigars, but was it sort of provocative, obnoxious hostile conversation . Is that the way you would describe it or not . I would say that the conversation was more of aggressive. Im taking these, get out of the way you can see in the video he comes back in at the your client. The client follows him out. He comes back in at your client . Thats correct. Thats what the videotape shows. And my client doesnt remember what was said in that exchange. At that point he was obviously quite nervous. And his initial reaction was please pay for, this dont take them. After that it was obviously a much smaller and its not worth, you know, this confrontation. Thank you, sir. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, greta. And a lot of questions swirling tonight about the private autopsy results. So how does the second autopsy impact the legal case . And will there be a third autopsy . Whats ahead in the investigation . Joining us defense lawyer and former detective ted williams is back and former prosecutor katie, first to you, indicatey. You have been a prosecutor. As you look at this case, what do you want to know . Whats missing . Well, there is a lot of information thats missing. In fact, the generation of the second autopsy report, creates more questions than answers, right . All we know now is that mr. Brown wasnt shot in the back. But what we need to know now is what is officer dorian wilsons statement about what happened at the police car. Because frankly there is only two people who really know. Putting aside Dorian Johnsons recollection of what happened, although spotty it seems. Officer wilson and the deceased Michael Brown were the only two people who were there when it happened. Make sure all the Police Reports are done and eyewitnesses come forward. Look at any video that occurred at the time of the incident so we can find out what really happened. Ted, do you have a sense that the Police Officers on the street are standing by the officer . Do you know anything about him, his reputation . People talking about that yet . Yeah, i have spoken to at least two Law Enforcement officers out here who said that this is a young veteran of the Police Department but that he has been a good Law Enforcement officer and that he was a good police officer. But i have got to tell you, greta, when we talk about these various autopsy reports, im deeply concerned when you take three different autopsy reports, because, any time you are dealing with three different autopsy reports like this, you could very well be dealing with inconsistencies. And that could help the investigation either way. What i would like to know, katie, is i would like to look at those clothes which im sure will be done. Dr. Bae den didnt get a chance. That would at least show whether or not if there is gunpowder residue on the cloghts it. It would indicate that the muzzle was closer to the clothes or the body which might indicate that he was coming at him. Then if there is no gunshot residue. Yeah, what we do know is that dr. Bae den autopsy was a privately retained autopsy that occurred. In fact, the original autopsy report which none of us has ever seen was done by the medical examiner for st. Louis county. Thats where the clothes are thats where all your evidence is requesting to be. So really all you have seen thus far is dr. Badens results which was generated in that diagram that you have seen. We really need to look at that physical evidence because, remember, the st. Louis prosecuting attorney, he has installed a grand jury. Is he going to present this evidence. So thats evidence that were also going to want to know about. Ted, besides having been Law Enforcement in st. Louis, coin debtly, how fast you can discharge six bullets . Pretty fast . Oh, you you can definitely discharge them pretty fast. Its according to whether you are using semiautomatic weapon or using like a 38. 38 caliber. Yeah, these weapons can discharge very fast. And i sense that the officer had a semiautomatic weapon and that led to the very fast discharge here. But i have got to tell you, Law Enforcement has its job still cut out. This is nothing crystallized in this. The autopsy report shows certain things, but, greta, what i want to hear right now is the toxicology report. I want to find out whats in that toxicology report. I think thats going to be significant and important in this investigation. And at best, at most we know right now is that there was some marijuana in his system but testing for a lot of things. Dr. Baden says that will take a couple weeks. Continue to watch for that indicatey, ted, thank you both. My pleasure. Thank you. Governor rick perry indicted, facing the 99 years in prison. Harper how is he fighting back. Plus colonel oliver north is here next. 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The president also announcing the kurds have regained control of the largest dam in iraq, averting a major catastrophe which posed a larger threat to the u. S. Embassy in baghdad. Fox news correspondent greg palkot joins us live from you iraq. Greg . We just got word from the pentagon that the forces, iraqi forces have gained control of that dapgd and expanding their area of control it has been an he impressive achievement both for the kurds and the iraqis. They have swept down to the dam now reportedly they are still dealing with explosive booby traps at the dam making sure it doesnt detonate with deadly effect. Officials tell me it could not have been done without the coordination of the u. S. Air strikes. The pentagons latest tally, over three days, 35 bombing runs, destroying 90 different isis assets, including armed vehicles, guns are a till rather, check points and fighters. Finally we were out on another front third miles from the west of irbill. Not far from the biggest christian town in iraq, which is now empty. Isis has taken it over. Turned all the residents into refugees. Tell me they are ready to duke it out with isis. They just need better weapons to deal with these terrorists. Finally, one more note, greta, president obama also said, stated very frankly, it is the in the u. S. National security interest to contain isis. He called that group savages. The accounts, firsthand accounts i have heard from people in the past week, i would agree with that assessment. Back to you. Yes, indeed. Greg, thank you. As u. S. Air strikes continue to infiltrate areas of iraq, president obama announcing the strikes have succeeded in pushing back terrorists. What does that mean for the hundreds of thousands of christians under siege by isis and is enough being done . Joining us is lt. Colonel oliver north. Where are we on bottom line og just said, the largest Christian Community in iraq is now empty of christians. That was a church built by paul after he jumped off his horse on the way to damascus and saw the light. And all of what you are seeing now is ethnic and religious cleansing of iraq. Its wonderful that we got the dam back. When i say we, interestingly enough, the president s language changed very subtly. He gave the credit not to person but to kurdish forces. First time i heard the president do that he may have said it before and i may have missed it second change of language today at the pentagon briefing. According to the associated press, the pentagon says that the strikes are, quote part of a broader u. S. Mission to help protect iraqs critical infrastructure. Which is beyond the humanitarian and protecting ourselves . Which is what the president said. Now, you have got the to ask, is this a new mission . Is this Mission Creep . I dont know. I think its important that we understand who the adversary is here. Its not just isis or ice sill or the islamic state. Interestingly enough, David Cammeron, the british prime minister today that the brits have a significant contingent on the way. Some already on the ground and what they are doing is preparing a way to and i quote him, take the fight to isis. Now, the president mentioned containing isis today. But, in fact, he didnt say anything about dealing with other than containment. And what we need to be looking looking at what is it going to it take to make sure is that true islamic state, this caliphate as they call it doesnt prosper and in fact gets rolled back. I would is suggest the president needs to order a battle group to the mediterranean the british cypress is not adequate to support the operations that are going to be run out of the northern part of iraq. Number two, launch attacks attacks not just dropping humanitarian supplies, drop bombs on the isis command and control nodes, logistic sites and high value targets. 35 becomings they have done in three days . No, no. All they are doing is pinpoint right down to that particular vehicle thats trying to attack the dam. Im talking about taking the fight into syria and going after high valued target, command and control nodes inside iraq. Number three, provide the troops that dont have adequate supplies, they dont have armor and night vision equipment and they dont have enough ammunition and heavy weapons. They need them and we ought to be supplying them. We ought not wait for france to do that. Number four, they must rebuild a relationship with the sunni secular tribes in the central part of iraq. You cant do that without putting americans on the ground to reassure them we are not going to bug out again. Number five, be a leader, for heavens sake. Why let David Cammeron be the one calling for a summit. We ought to be the ones calling for the summit. We invested enormous blood and treasure over there finally, mr. Obama dont do any deals with the ayatollah. Work with our allies instead. Colonel nice to see you, sir. Thank you for joining us. Thank you, greta. Rick perry indicted on abuse of power. Facing 99 years in prison. I will tell you what i this about this offtherecord, of course. Thats next. [ dog barks ] [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive. Being able to see so clearly. To respond so intelligently and so quickly, they can help protect us from a world of unseen danger. Its the stuff of science fiction. Minus the fiction. And it is mercedesbenz. Today. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. See your authorized dealer for exceptional offers to fill your Viagra Prescription online . Go to viagra. Com to find out about viagra Home Delivery. Millions of men have some degree of erectile dysfunction. Talk to your doctor, if viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy, or check out viagra Home Delivery and get started at viagra. 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No one can can tell you whether a trial jury will decide guilty or not guilty. A Travis County attorney is not sharing with me whats in her file. A prosecutor can indict a ham hand witch. Rose mary may have found her ham sandwich governor rick perry. Facing 99 years in prison. D. A. Convinced a texas grand jury for indict him for misusing his office. The. The d. A. Claims that governor perrys veto with a no ordinary one but sinister to starve her office of money. Thats rotten it is politics. It can be rotten. Its Public Knowledge though that he wants her out. He says she sun fit for the d. A. Job because last year she was convicted of drunk driving. She open bottle of vodka on the front seat of her car and driving the wrong way down the street. You display seen the video of her arrest. Has lots of youtube hits. Perry is not running for governor again though so she cant campaign against him. Cant run him out of office at the ballot box. Throwing her punch with a criminal indictment. Does that mean every vito by a governor equal indictment. That sounds like a ham sandwich to me. Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Does our Political Panel think. Abc director rick cline the Washington Post karen item multiy and a. B. Stored dard. Stoddard. I think there is likelihood if the prosecution collapses his history in this particular Prosecutors Office rick perry has something to point to. Look at the video of the person i was trying to go after. Democratic prosecutor i was going after. Look what they brought against me. A big if. It has to collapse for evasion gotowork. If it lingers other bad stuff comes out, thats it for him. I expect that he is going to be received very warmly by republicans in new hampshire. Just this weekend. All right, i reluctantly did that offtherecord because karen is from texas. Probably going it he will me im dead wrong. Any time you hear Travis County think back to the prosecution of Kay Bailey Hutchison collapsed on the first day of trial. Tom delay that destroyed his political career and overturned but destroyed his career. One degree of separation because it was brought by an independent prosecutor who is a guy who is not a particularly political guy. We dont have in front of us all the information the grand jury does. But the history is there. That this is a very political town. And this is come under almost unanimous criticism from republicans and some democrats like david axelrod. I dodged that bullet. Point out that National Democrats are laughing this off. It is really truly hard to imagine that this isnt kick backs or corruption. We dont have all the facts, but really if there is nothing behind closed doors, it is his as a governor,. He can do it . His discretion to veto a bill. And its just not its unthinkable that is he going to go to jail for this. And, therefore, of course its christmas in august. Its going to be great for his president ial run. And he has already redeemed himself in a lot of ways what was a goofy campaign the last time around. Being considered quite a serious candidate now because the other ones are falling away. I think this is going to be a badge of honor. Now that you said serious im going to go to the silly. Rick klein tweeted today about president obama not wearing a tie at the press conference. What provoked that . I just was struck by the image of him at the podium without the tie. I was wondering what white house staffers might have said behind closed doors to come to that conclusion. Senior advisor said look the only thing we were discussing whether we can take off our ties as staff. The president can do whatever he wants. She says president obama is channeling dr. Spock. I read it first as mr. Spock. You said dr. Spock. I completely destroyed my nerd credit. Cred. I meant mr. Spock. The theories on potty training too. Why do you think that . Im joking. I meant mr. Spock because his affect was so flat and i couldnt tell whether that was because hes was exhausted because he was irritated or maybe because, you know, there are so many conflicting bits of information in this coming from all Different Directions that maybe he was just being extra cautious. But he just seemed sort of distant and, again, a very flat affect. A. B. , couldnt find any tweets from you. Dont you tweet . I didnt i cant believe youe putting me on the spot right now. I dont. I want everybody to write in a. B. Stoddard needs to start tweeting. I read twitter. A. B. Stoddard is going to start an account tonight. Thank you all. The disappearance of a u. S. Marines pregnant wife ends with a gruesome discovery. Police confirm the body of 2 o0yearold aaron corwin found in abandoned mine shaft. The pregnant wife vanished after allegedly going to visit a park side. Following day husband. Police have arrested a fellow marine. Brandon lee. Investigators say the two having an affair. Reports surfaced that he could be the father of the womans unborn child. On the record take you back to ferguson, missouri live next. This is a fox news alert. Right now the National Guard moving in on ferguson. Lets go back live to on the record griff jenkins. Griff . Greta, the latest is the National Guard showed up for the first time. In fact, all of us in the media here broke off ran over four humvees. Command center. Went inside and now we dont see the National Guard. We dont know whats going to happen the first we have actually seen them. Why is that important . Because the situation as everyone has been saying is its volatile. We were in the community. We were where Michael Brown got shot. We were down at the market store. Folks are on edge. Folks who live in the community are very stressed. Children are having trouble sleeping. As one black panther told me as long as the cops are here its going to get hotter. The National Guard is here as well. Already residents are calling me to tell me that theyre blocking streets off. Indeed, were all worried tonight, all eyes are on ferguson hoping that nothing does happen tonight especially when that sun goes down. Griff, thank you very much. Thanks for being with us tonight. See you again tomorrow night right here at 7 00 p. M. Oosh. Right now go to gretawire. Com can. We have a question for you. Do you think the indictment against Texas Governor rick

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