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From the head of the cdc and also talk with senator marco rubio about the immigration crisis. Im Chris Wallace in washington. On the record is straight ahead. This is a fox news alert. Were moments away from the house vote on the newly readvised border bill and lawmakers are scrambling to get something voted on before they take off on the fiveweek vacation. Mike emmanuel has the very latest. Reporter after the bill was pulled yesterday, they went back to the drawing board last night. Its 694 million package, a lot of it focused on border security. Theres a separate component essentially trying to make sure president obama doesnt do more executive actions to allow more illegals into the country and doesnt put off people being deported back to their home countries. So weve talked to a lot of republicans throughout the course of the day. Some were skeptical last night and a lot have come on board at this point. Every republican i talked to at this point feels they have the 218 votes to pass this bill. Now, a complicating factor, the senator has gone home for a fiveweek recess, president obama signaled he would veto the bill if sent to him but not calling the senate back into action. At this point the house is expected to act tonight. They are expected to pass two separate bills but at this point its not expected to go anywhere. You can expect a war of words over the august recess between republicans and democrats and house and senate and president over what was done over the border issue and what more needs to be done to tighten up our border. Greta . Is there anything that would draw Senate Majority leader harry reid to come back to work, to bring the senate back here to pass some sort of bill to reconcile and do any work on this . They are caught in a humane tar yan crisis. The house is passing something the senate doesnt want and president doesnt want. At least they are working. Would anyone agree to come back . Reporter at this point it does not appear that way. I cant speak for senator reid if theres intense pressure that builds up over august will he change his mind . But the president came out late today in the White House Briefing room and was critical of the house measure but there were no signs of him trying to put pressure on senate democrats. His own party, to come back to washington to do something on this humanitarian crisis. From people ive talked to at this point, nobody seems to think senate is coming back before september. Well, so much for humanitarian crisis they say is so important and get out of town and dont deal with. Whatever. Mike, thank you. Thank you. Greta. What do House Republicans hope the new version of the border bill will join us. Jason chaffetz joins us. As they put on my microphone, greta, im glad the house is doing its work and glad were being the responsible party for all of the rhetoric from the president , the reality is House Republicans are acting, were working to fund this and empowering the National Guard 70 million, half of the money going down to the actual states. Were funding this so they can detain these people, reunite them with families and put them back in their own country where theyve come from. I dont know if you have a great bill or not. I have no idea. Ive read and see you couldnt get it passed last night so there have been revisions and expectation to get 218 votes today. I find it rather appalling that everyone in the senate, many members of the senate, including Senate Majority leader called this a humanitarian crisis and president called it a humanitarian crisis and yet everyone leaves town. The president takes no responsibility, doesnt call the senate back and harry reid doesnt give a damn because hes out of town and wont call the senate back. My hat goes off to you, at least youre working. We rolled up the Shirt Sleeves, it wasnt perfect. We had literally hours and hours and hours of discussion to try to get this right. It is a better set of bills now than it was before. Thats what were supposed to be doing. And any spending bill has to originate in the house of representatives so we have to go first. Why the senate add adjourned and said they were going to go their own way, i dont know, i cant answer that. The president did what the president just does and that is, gather the press together and have a press conference but in terms of rolling up his Shirt Sleeves and asking the senate to come back and act, you have to ask harry reid. Thats the way they roll in the senate. I dont know whats going to happen with the midterm elections but i hope American People think long and hard because if youre going to come out and Say Something is a humanitarian crisis and so important for the nation and leave town, i think i cant think of a more i cant think of a greater way to not do your job. When you say its so important, its so important except for your vacation. Now, like i said, i dont know if your bill is any good, at least what should be happening, the president should be talking to Speaker Boehner and harry reid trying to work out something for this humanitarian crisis, something. I dont understand the president wont even do that. Were going to be working late into the night to get this done. The house of representatives is the peoples house and the people are speaking tonight. Well pass out these two bills. I do think they improve the situation and think they are better bills than they were yesterday. It is a crisis and were talking about children here and of course weve got to deal with it. They have to have funding to deal with this. Weve got to help lockdown the border and get the National Guard there to help out. Thats what were doing tonight. Whats the feeling on the floor, that this will pass or not pass . I dont know if if its a great bill or not, is the thinking youll get 218 votes . Clearly they would not bring up the bill if they did not think its going to pass. Im going to need to scramble back down there, greta. I know you have to vote. Well be watching to see if republicans get the 218 now. Jason chaffetz, thanks very much. Thanks, greta. This is a fox news alert, Israeli Forces moving deeper into gaza searching for a soldier kidnapped by hamas. Two other Israeli Soldiers killed. Lasting less than 90 minutes. Heres the latest, conner. Reporter one of israels leading newspapers is calling todays event a game changer and not in a positive way. Today we had two important events that are not sort they dont bode well for the future of this conflict. First, you had this ceasefire, 72hour humanitarian ceasefire. It really failed and crumbled before it started. Within minutes of the deadline, we had fighting and it never stops. During that ceasefire, during the time it was supposed to start, hamas launching an attack on an Israeli Group trying to destroy these cross border tunnels. Two killed and another one reportedly captured. The Israeli Military saying he was captured by hamas. Hamas political wing and military wing saying they dont know anything about this missing soldier. That doesnt mean in fact they havent captured him, but they are right now playing very coy and not announcing it. There are a lot of other militant groups aligned with hamas and maybe one of those groups have actually taken the lieutenant who israel announced is the missing soldier. Right now hamas leadership is playing dumb on this. But the act has been condemned by the United States and white house secretary of state john kerry calling the act gross violation, unilateral violation of the ceasefire. President obama saying that hamas needs to return the soldier immediately unconditionally and u. N. Also declaring and condemning this act by hamas. But what we are seeing right now in Southern Gaza where this soldier went missing is a massive search operation. We are seeing heavy, heavy fighting tonight and all day today. Its the exact type of door to door urban warfare the israelis did not want to have in gaza, the nightmare scenario for is really forces and only draws them in even further into gaza. They said in recent days they wanted to destroy the tunnels and get out. This capture of this israeli soldier does just the opposite. It keeps them here evening longer. Conor, thank you. The u. N. s top human rights official accusing israel and hamas of defying International Law and criticized United States but not giving similar help to people of gaza. Former spokesperson joins us. Good evening, rick. Greta. I dont know what it means for u. N. Human rights head of the human rights to criticize us, but now were dragged into it and were defying International Law, the United States . Its crazy. This is the Human Rights Council that the bush administration, if you remember withdrew from the Human Rights Council at the u. N. , simply because it was very antiisrael. What we did is said were not going to fund this organization and be a part of it because its really full of all of human rights violators around the world. The Obama Administration put us back on the Human Rights Council and said it was reformed and that it was all better. What were seeing is that once again, antiisrael. The idea that somehow because weve helped with the iron dome in israel, that we need to give money to hamas so that they can have their own iron dome is a moral ee quif lency argument. Hamas is like al qaeda. Would we be giving money to al qaeda to help fight a war . No. Hamas is a terrorist organization, a terrorist organization that the egyptians and jordanians feel they need to condemn. Were not the only ones that think this. To take it one step further, thats like saying she should also condemn hezbollah for not funding israel equally since they fund hamas, if we want to take it one step further, to be completely silly. She attacked both hamas and attacks israel but then attacks us for supplying this. Does it make any difference, rick, does this commission have any impact whatsoever other than as sort of they just say stuff . Do they have any teeth . Any the dont have any teeth and waste a lot of money. There are 47 members on this committee. They are based in geneva andish issue a lot of reports. They waste a lot of money and time. If you are a world human rights violator, you run and get on this committee, we tried to reform this committee through the bush years, its unreformable. What we need to do is have a body at the u. N. Or a team, a small team that can speak very clearly when theres a human rights violation, no moral equivalency arguments. A terrorist organization is not equal to a country. We need to have that person or team that can really call out the violators. At this point though, i guess the best they can do, they can maybe sway Public Opinion in one way or another or other than ch . Right, they are like a bully pulpit. They issue reports and theres a lot of media that follow and pretend this is some sort of investigation. Its not an investigation at all. Its 47 members who come together and majority wins. Again, the violators are in control of this committee. Its a Regional Organization membership organization. So you know, a certain amount from latin america, a certain amount from asia, certain amount from the middle east, a automatically get on. Its not a true representation of the world. Do you know the woman who is the head of this, out of south africa, do you know anything about her . Shes had a long history of being very antiisrael. We have called her out for a very long time. She doesnt have credibility. But again, shes placed as the head from all of these organizations these countries that join the Human Rights Council. We have not for a very long time we have not put money and our faith in this council, only since the Obama Administration did they rejoin it so the United States is a part of it. But for a long time she has been very antiisrael and we tried to highlight a long series of comments and reports that she put her stamp of approval on that are one sided and bias. Rick, thanks for joining us. Thanks, greta. This is a fox news alert, an american aide worker suffering from ebola is now in the air heading back to the United States from liberia, the other stricken american is expected in a few days. Both very sick patients will be treated in a specialized unit of an atlanta hospital. Live at emory with the very latest. Whats the latest . Reporter its been a fluid situation this afternoon. They were initially bracing to receive one of these patients and director of the clinical Isolation Unit that will be caring for the patient got a call about 20 minutes before a press Conference Today saying can you take both of these critically ill missionariries. They have been identified as dr. Ken brantley and nancy whiteball, infected while taking care of ebola patients. One has lifted off and the other is standing by. They could expect them here at emory in the next few days. Doctors have told ugs the patients are stable enough to fly. Theyll fly on a special aircraft designed to contain germs. Once they are flown here they are put in a special unit, one of only four in the country that allows them to treat but also medically isolate from all of the other patients in the hospital these patients who have a severe Infectious Disease like ebola. This is a big deal because we never had a case of ebola case in the United States. But emory believes it has the capability and has the team and equipment and this unit to take care of these patients in a way they need to be taken care of. Dr. Bruce ribner believes they deserve the right to come home and have the best access to care. Really they dont have a great chance of survival right now, theres a 60 fatality rate with the west african outbreak and no standard treatment or vaccination. They have to asupply supportive care, help the kidneys that might be shutting down or liver that might be shutting down function. They keep the patient on a ventilator to help the patient breathe. They are trying to help the patients body survive long enough to be able to fight off this very deadly blood borne virus. Which of the two missionaries is on the flight now . Reporter we got a notification this afternoon from samaritans first, the charity that both belong to that it was nancy may be the first one coming. She is the one who received this experimental blood treatment from a boy who had been treated you about dr. Brantly and recovered from ebola. We havent had any word what they plan to do here but they are talking to the cdc and National Institutes of health and fda about possibly using an experimental treatment to try to help these two american missionaries but they are both medical workers so they will get their input and permission before they try anything thats unproven. At this point, you just have to let ebola run its course and hope the patient can survive. Thats what they are going to do here at emory in atlanta. Beth, thank you. And developing now, were monitoring the house floor. At me moment lawmakers will begin to vote on the border bill and well bring the latest and our Political Panel is here next. And theres news from dr. Ben carson, heres a hint, 2016. H. Did someone say burn . Try alka seltzer reliefchews. They work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. Mmm. Amazing. Yeah, i get that a lot. Alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. Enjoy the relief. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. This is a fox news alert. The house vote on the newly revised border bill, lawmakers scrambling to vote on something before they leave for the fiveweek Summer Vacation. Joining us our Political Panel, Betsy Woodruff and josh letterman. They said this is all the house gop, not his fault and not the senates fault and the senate has gone home. The senate has gone home and house is still here trying to get some type of bill through before they go home to say theres a crisis on the border and we voted to do something to provide resources but the fact of the matter is none of that money is going to get anywhere during the month of august because senate has already gone home and two bills have to agree before the money can be spent. Betsy, why cant senator harry reid come back and vote on it, maybe they can agree on Something Else . I hate to say it but it sounds like politics. Reid is not going to want something the house passed. He said its a humanitarian crisis, doesnt make a difference . You would hope. You would assume but that doesnt seem to be the case, which is absolutely wild. We passed its almost like mad libs, if theres a disagreement, they point fingers and president blames House Republicans and here we go again. Wheres the president s leadership, why doesnt he call them up, we all agree its a humanitarian crisis, lets meet and sit down and talk. Theres a lack of trust. In the past when the president has done that, hasnt been effective in Getting Congress to do what he wants. He gives up . No, hes trying to create a threat. You started to hear him talk at the press conference and few days ago about look, im going to have to make a decision what im going to do unilaterally in the month of august and go as big as i can within the confines of the law. The republicans say, we better do something or hes going to to it for it. Whenever he talks about taking unilateral action that xarz republicans even more. The Worst Nightmare is them extending the program that lets them enter as minors illegally and stay her longer. Every time he talks about going along, going rogue, House Republicans bunker down and less inclined to be cooperative. To me listening to the three of you talk about how they are gaming each other and playing each other, its distasteful. In a sense that they are like hoping one doesnt do the other, instead of sitting down and solving it. You wonder if thats the key right, theyll have to remember this deadlock. Its not new. Its not new. There was a really interesting segment, even the campaign ads are the same as they were in 2010, over and over were having the same issues debated in congress. Nothing is getting done. You wonder what enough is enough. Do any of them act like they feel bad about this . They feel bad the other house isnt doing anything. But seen republicans in congress say we cant go home without doing something. It would be irresponsible. Theres a realization if they go home and we didnt even do our version on what he want, voters might say, what are we sending you here for . You would think the senate would take a hint off that, but the fact they have gone back to their home state for august is pretty telling. When listening to the president today, not one lick of responsibility like maybe i could help, meaning he could help. Didnt see one lick of that, did you . Talking about executive action. Did he talk about sort of the normal channels, having the house and Senate Sitting down and crafting a bill they could agree on . Did he say he had any responsibility at all in the process . I think at this point theres a lack of trust they dont think the white house and congress for that matter know that they are not going to get anywhere at this point. But they dont even try. The other thing too, they just passed va reform. Its possible for both houses to Work Together and get things done. We cant be nilistic about that. They can do things. But veterans are different than immigration. Everybody wants to help veterans, not everybody agrees on how to solve immigration. But youll never get anything done if you dont try, if you point fingers at each other. Panel, thank you. Thanks. Secretary of state john kerry is clueless in gaza. Here to explain that to you next. The back to School Savings at staples. From the customers, to the staples associates. With guaranteed low prices on colored pencils, youll flip out now go tell your friends. Staples. Make more happen for less. Nothings missed with tenatwist dont miss a beat. Nothings missed with tenatwist oooh discover the Fearless Protection of tena. So absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. Nothings missed with tenatwist how can i ease this pain . man when i cant go, its like rocks piling up. 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Charles krauthammer calling secretary kerry clueless and oblivio oblivious, author of things that matter been on the New York Times best seller list forever. Good to see you. Good to be here again. Clueless in gaza. Why . Two weeks ago the egyptians put forth a ceasefire in place. And instead of just accepting it and saying this is the u. S. Position, insisting on it, kerry went off to paris and negotiated with hamas lawyers and allies qatar and turkey, and came back with a proposal that essentially backed all of hamas demands. The reason he was clueless, is it wasnt just an egyptian proposal but supported by the arab league, wall to wall coalition. An amazing new kind of coalition, israel, saudi arabia, jordan, the gulf states and egypt and Palestinian Authority 22 members of the arab league minus syria. To see hamas and qatar saying rewarded, flourish, they want to see it diminished and overthrown. It is one of the leading edges of islamist radicalism in the world. Presented with arab partners what he did was stepped all over it and astonished the Palestinian Authority, the moderate wing by bringing back all of the hamas to terms. In the end it didnt work and kerry was able to arrange Something Like the original egyptian ceasefire. Finally he got a clue, the criticism he got especially from the arabs and i dont blame him at all for the breakdown of the ceasefire. That lies in the hands of jihad and why were in a crisis that will absolutely escalate. Is it possible i see from what you wrote and others, having gone to paris, he sort of validated hamas and now cant dial it back that hes got to give hamas somebody maybe hamas shouldnt have as israel tries to protect itself long term. I think the breaking of the ceasefire and kidnapping of the soldier has given kerry an opportunity to walk it all back, which he did and i commend him and the president. What they did today is they seized on this gross violation of a ceasefire. After all, if your policy is to arrange it, israel wants to have one, Everyone Wants to have one and other guy within an hour and a half kills two of your soldiers during a ceasefire and kidnaps, how can you have a ceasefire . They were very tough in demanding the soldier and it has given him an opportunity to walk back the demands he made or the proposals that hamas had demanded that he brought from paris. Hamas is just getting pummeled on the ground, maybe not in the world of Public Opinion because theyve been very effective in the world of Public Opinion and many slapping israel and not hamas. But they are getting hpummeled n the groun, if they had been an errant officer that did the kidnapping, they back it up by doing nothing. Its going to be worse. They are going to play cat and mouse. Is he alive, is he not . Hezbollah did that for years with two israelis they kidnapped. In the end it turned out they were dead the whole time. Israel changed a lot of prisoners in return for their bodies. Theyll play that cruel game and wont let israelis know. I think the fact that kerry and the president were very angry about this, this is a fundamental issue, whatever the merits of the case, they are quite strongly on israels side. Even if youre ag nostic and have a ceasefear, the only way to progress and save lives then dont honor it and kidnap and kill, that means everything is gone and you are truly to blame. I just hope that we stick to our hard and consistent and honest line now in saying this will rest on the shoulders of hamas. The own us is on them to establish a real ceasefire. If only the rest of the world would likewise get on that program. The rest of the worlds reaction to whats happening in gaza is shocking. Especially in europe. It is a resurge enlt of antisemitism, all over the world, dont tell me its antizionism. A sign in germany saying this is a veneer that is a front for antisemitism and back all over the world. Thats what were now beginning to face. 53 up in antisem itic attacks in london alone. Nice to see you, charles. A u. S. Marine has been langishing in a mexican president and now heading back to court. His Court Hearing is on monday. Uncertain what will happen, on the record is staying on the case. Didnt mean to be in mexico, it was an accident. A prisoner in peril. Punched in the stomach a few times to the point where i couldnt breathe. Marine tahmooressi suffers in prison and on the record has been there from the start taking you to the border. Bringing you the answers. I can tell you what i would be doing, burning up telephone wires. And thousands of you giving support. You did it, 100,000 of you have officially signed the white house petition to get the sergeants case in front of the president. Now a critical Court Hearing just days away. Will Sergeant Tahmooressi finally come home . On the record takes you to the trial monday night. Be sure to join us monday for complete coverage and dr. Ben carson has news. He has big news that has to do with 2016. Start guessing. Thats coming up. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. And its not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. All prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. They all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. 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I should say its not just any panel, it is the National Defense panel review of the 2014 quad renal defense review and says were not ready, that we wont be. Its a bipartisan request not only from congress but from the administration to review what were doing overseas and its very critical of the fact that our military is as small as its been since preworld war ii and older planes than ever in American History flying. We dont have enough navy ships and bad all the way around because the United States is pulling back from world leadership when it comes to the war on terror but also our other threats with iran, north korea, china and russia and different terrorist groups in africa and middle east. The language which is nice language, says consensus conclusion of the report is that a growing gap between the strategic objectives of the United States military is expected to achieve and resources required to do so. That seems if we have some objective were not going to be able to do it. Why do we have this problem . Do we not have the money . Whose responsibility is this . What do we do . We need to be we need to have a different approach, strategic approach as to what the United States role will be as the world leader not just for freedom but militarily. U. S. When its strong worldwide is a stability for all of these different groups who want to cause chaos in their neighborhoods and look to us, nato, for example, looks to us to protect our nato allies. What is our plan . What is our strategy . Our strategy plans to be now well withdraw from world leeldership and let the bad guys, terrorists do what they want to until it affects us directly. Then we still may not have enough military equipment, whether its air force or navy, to combat that. Our philosophy has been for years that the United States should be prepared militarily to fight really two wars at the same time, two conflicts at the same time. Now, im not sure we would be able to fight one conflict much less two. What can you tell me about this panel . Are they a bunch of republicans or bunch of democrats . Who is this panel thats saying were not going to be ready . Its not a group of republicans or democrats, they are experts in really world peace and whether the United States is ready militarily to face our goal. Thats why they were picked by the administration and congress to review our strategic plan. So they are experts in the field of military defense. They have no axe to grind, not a bunch of peace nicks or war mongers they are not that. Just stepping back and trying to say what we have and whether we can achieve the objective. Thats exactly what they do. Congressman, thank you very much. I know you have to run back and vote. Thank you for joining us. Senator john mccain blasting Senate Majority leader harry reid, saying shame on you. Find out why next. Shame on you. I say shame on you. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the United States, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. Today the grand opening of a new south texas immigrant detention facility, opening the doors to immigrant women and children. It is not just any Detention Center. It looks more like a luxury hotel. Big screen tvs and hair salon. Its not your Summer Vacation or nice hotel. This is a taxpayer funded Detention Center for illegal immigrants. The majority of people will be coming from the area that are apprehended most likely by the u. S. Border patrol. Thats right, crossing the border illegally might land you at the ritzcarlton of federal Detention Centers outfitted with weight rooms and teddy bears for children. This is nothing like youve seen before. The cost 140 tax dollars per person per day with a total of 532 detainees, a whopping 74,5. They are planning for an average stay of 23 days per family. Coming up, blasting harry reid and other democrats over an immigration bill. Now we have a humanitarian crisis on our border, a humanitarian crisis of incredible proportion, where thousands of young people wildly being transported by coyotes and young women being raped and what are we presenting here in the United States senate . I say shame on you. I say shame on you for not allowing those of us who represent the states that are most affected by this to have an amendment. Lets face, it most republicans and democrats cannot Work Together, even to take care of urgent matters such as a humanitarian crisis. We found two lawmakers on opposite sides of the aisle who can Work Together. We spoke with them here we have a democrat and republican, always fun to have on the set. Good to be here. Do you know each other . Were really good friends and gotten to know each other by working together on the Foreign Affairs committee, both having served working on the Foreign Affairs committee. We found a common bond and sometimes points of disagreement, but also shared experiences that, i think, has helped us become friends this this environment. It gives you a real perspective. Were not going to agree on a whole lot, but we can find areas that we do. Even when we do disagree, it is respectful. Congress and d. C. Needs a lot more of. Whats with the rest of your parties . It is just not like that. They are at each others throats. I think its a decision that both of us make about how we choose to do our jobs and how we serve our constituents. We work for the same people. We may have different ideas on how to get there, but when we do our campaigns or speak to people its done in the same way that we actually conduct our work, which is respectful and sincere. But it feels more poisonous than that. I know you two Work Together and youre both vets. You have served the country. I get the sense this is unique. Its more poisonous. I think there is a lot more of this that gets out there. Its tone. Im not going to yell and scream. Its about having a calm discussion, being passionate about what you believe, but having a calm discussion. We have a unique perspective in that i think were both willing to take careerending votes on behalf of the country. Its not about our own reelection. Its not even about our own parties. Its about what we can do best for america. If you ratchet the tone down a little bit and you see your job from that perspective, it makes washington a little more functional. More of this happens than you see, but this is an example of frankly where it needs to go. I think it is somewhat unique. What we saw far too often of is both parties more concerned about which party will win that election or vote rather than actually understanding that were in this to make sure the American People win at the end of the day. Both military. Ive been giving the house and the senate a hard time taking a fiveweek vacation coming up. What do you think about it . Am i being unfair . Is the job done . Is five weeks a good idea . I think you have perfect criticism if we dont get the issue at the border fixed and the va issue out there. Bipartisan. Theres always going to be big issues to deal with. Look, im not justifying going home. Im going to do twoweeks of military duty when im home, for instance, but we have handled the immediate things that have to get done. Theres always going to be a lot more to do. Sometimes congress operates better under pressure. I guess you can say your party doesnt run the house right now. We dont. Im looking forward to getting back to hawaii and spending a lot of time working in the district though. I have a district that covers every island in the state. Thats an important part of our job. As a representative, you have to listen to people. She lives far away. She goes home when she can. I go home on weekends. You can see more of our interview with the representatives on our website. Go to gretawire. Com. Lets all go off the record for a minute. Have you heard . The Buffalo Bills are for sale. Donald trump has a bid in. How about selling it to the fans . Give them a chance to match a trump offer. Put the Buffalo Bills on ebay or something. You can be an owner or buy a share. Youll get the fun of bragging youre an owner. Thats how the Green Bay Packers are owned. Our executive producer, even she owns a share. So do i. The cost, up 200 a share. When i cheer for the packers, i cheer for my own team, one that i own. Not somebody elses team. If the Buffalo Bills are put up for sale to the fans, i think the shares would sell in less than 24 hours. Coming up, we have big news about 2016. Thats next. Lets speed read the news. A team of International Investigators got to the Malaysian Air crash site. The remains of victims have been lying in a field for two weeks. A dr. Carson telling the Washington Times he has selected houston businessman terry giles to be his 2016 campaign man. And it could take several more days after a giant water main break in los angeles to repair it. Workers are working to shore up the huge hole. And that is tonights speed

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