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Okay. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. That is it for this special report. Fair, balanced and unafraid. Greta goes on the record right now. This is a fox news alert. A new plan to build americas largest Detention Center for illegal children and immigrants. The plan is for 3500 beds. So where will it go . Is it near you . On the record has all those answers. You will get to them in a second. Developing now, the border exposed. The government regulations making it impossible for Border Agents to secure our southern border. On the record is on the ground getting the story for you. In moments, donald trump right here and on the record. First, inside the developing crisis. Theyre coming because they believe they are getting amnesty. They there are only some kids in Central America who can make the harrowing journey and get here. Disappear along the way. They are enslaved. I agree we ought to say to these children, welcome to america, you are gonna go to school and get a job and become americans. This is a humanitarian crisis. But its the direct consequence of president obamas lawlessness. I dont expect this president to do anything worthwhile unless he can raise money off of it. And donald trump joins us. Nice to so, donald. Hello, greta so, donald, have you been quoted as saying in essence the Immigration Crisis has to be some kind of concerted effort by president obama to get migrant system into the system. Is that essentially a correct quote . If so, what do you mean by that . Nothing like this could happen. I mean, nobody can be that incompetent to allow whats happening to happen. So, it must be a concerted effort. There is no other way that you can can think of come into the system and over a period of many years they become democrats and they vote for the democrats but this is a concerted effort because nobody is incompetent as its showing. People are flowing through mexico. They are flowing through like crazy. Hearing tors all meet up in the United States and get plenty from the United States. Horrible problem for children. No question about it. Are you saying that president obama these are children. Its going to be like 8 or 10 years before anyone anyone would be of age before they got citizenship. It is an awful long vision. President obama not only children that are coming through. Watch whats going on. Its also a lot of other people that are coming. Coming for years. Through mexico. By the way, you can not become a citizen of mexico if you are not already there one of the toughest policies of anybody. Mexico is called the highway to the united United States. All you have to do, if we had the proper leadership. They would call or speak to mexico and the leadership of mexico and, believe me, it would stop quickly. We give mexico so much in terms of Economic Development in terms of jobs. We give tax abatement if you open up in mexico. Its ridiculous but we give it with all that we give them. We cant even get our soldier that you cover probably better than anybody, we cant even get our marine out of prison and he is being beat to hell in mexico prisons. He is the only one that cant get into the United States from mexico. Well, in light of the fact that immigration policy is supposed to be set on the national level, at least thats what the courts say and thats what the president says and everybody else says. Do you think that the president of the United States should be headed off to march thats vineyard, the house and the Senate Taking their five week vacation, when they have crisis they themselves cause themselves by not setting a policy. Should they go on vacations when they have work . Well, you have more than one problem in this country. This is one. This is a a beauty. But you have many problems all over the world. And the United States is involved in many of them. Not any of them are getting solved. You look at what happened with the wealth of families when they are down 30, 35 from what they were many years ago. The familys wealth in this country is way down from what it was. You look at the things that are going on in the United States, and very soon we are not going to be a a great country anymore there are those that say we are not already. I would say a five week vacation is is a long time. I would say that if the country is in trouble, and it is in serious trouble, i guess you are supposed to be working. What do you make of mayor rahm immanuel. He wants to expand the number to bring into chicago, some of these children. Well, its, again, its the wrong signal. Look, i love chicago as a city. Chicago is getting a very, very terrible wrap. They have a lot of problems in chicago with the guns and everything else. Its confined to certain sections. Nobody talks about that chicago is a city that i happen to have property in chicago. And i love chicago. And its really a great city in many ways. But its going through a very big problem. I dont think this is sending out the right signal, absolutely. I would mall he wished he didnt say it its wrong time for him to be be saying that as the mayor of chicago, unfortunately there. Be later donald trump and the nfl. Is he buying a team . And s. It yours in the donald tells you himself in a bit. The third in a number of children pouring into cities across the United States showing no signs of slowing down. Now a massive shelter could be built in west texas making it the largest Detention Center in the United States. Fox news joshua is in clint, texas right now. Joshua, is that where the plan is to build one . Yeah. Absolutely, greta. Were just outside of the town of clinton here. Its a very small town here in west texas. Just off the i10 here. The interstate. And it would, in fact, be the largest shelter in the country housing more than 3500 undocumented, unaccompanied minors. And as we have been reporting, of course, all of them coming from Central America here. This facility, i have been talking to officials here with the Texas Department of family and protective services. They said they have never heard of anything like this here. And, in fact, they have the application to get this thing started but they really cant do much about it because, as you just mentioned, there is nothing behind me right here. Once it is built, they can start inspecting it. But they also have to get it fully stawfd. Standoff, staffing would be huge. Equates to more than 400 people that would to be hired here to get this thing started. All right, joshua. Texas is a big state. I dont need to tell it you there must be dozens of empty buildings in texas. Cant they find an empty building in texas, number one, so you dont just spend like a year building one and plus we dont have to be wasteful. Secondly, is it a texan company . Does somebody have a contract to build this . Whats the story on this . As far we know, we do not knw the name of the company that would build this potential shelter here. Its out of new york, from what we understand here. Now, you bring up a great point here. The mayor of clint. Again, this is outside of the town of clint brought that up. He is like we have gotten toes of unoccupied buildings that could be used here to shelter these Migrant Children here. But its just a matter of figuring out the best way to do it. Of course, is he going to be working with local state and National Officials to try to figure that out as well. Again, greta, a lot of this just in the proposal stage. The exploratory stage here. And, of course, we are working to get more answers here to bring that of course, to your viewers. All right. Well i cant imagine they cant find some abandoned college with a dormitory they could fix up or a nursing home thats gone under or something. But instead they have got to get a company out of new york and build something brand new. Go figure. Joshua. Go figure. 800 miles of our border is unpatrolled. Why in the hill joins us. Hi, greta. Totally unpatrolled . Thats sort of the question that i looked at for the story. You know, 800 or so miles of the border, which accounts for about 440 of our southern border with mexico, is federally owned land it be wilderness, refuges, monuments. The boiler patrol officers from customs and boiler protection arent able to get in there and do their jobs. Why not . If we own the land and these are our federal Border Patrol, is it i mean, is there a problem . Are they going to like wildlife is going to leave the area . I mean, you know, whats the problem . Well, the problem is a lot of this land is set aside as, you know, as wilderness. But, you know, the democrats who are looking at this issue say they dont really see the problem here because there is a memorandum of understanding between the department of the interior, which oversees most of this land and custom and Border Protection that says they have to Work Together towards their goals of protecting the border. Protecting the environment. All of these things. Why arent they doing it. How about doing it . Well, you know, a lot of people. A lot of people say they are doing. The republicans in the house have put forward a proposal that would make it even clearer that customs and Border Protection takes priority over the department of interior and the department of agriculture. Trucks in there. Can we build a road can we put. Make it clear that securing the border is a priority. What year does this date back to by the way any idea . This is 2006. This is in the bush 43 administration and Obama Administration is enforcing or has the responsibility to try to fix and make it work with congress . Umhuh. Yes. Exactly. So, and it arose in the last connect at a cass securing the border at the time homeland stuart thought they needed more authority to do what they needed to republicans in the house and senate dont think thats working well enough to secure the border. If they just all sort of walked across the hill or walked across the hall or drove down the street they probably could work this out one way or the other if they ever bothered, right . They probably could. What a town. Anyway. Thank you very much, timothy. Thank you, greta. Now a disturbing prediction. Chairman of the House Homeland Security committee saying children are likely to die they u. S. Border. Thousands and thousands of children as temperatures arise in joining us is sean more ran. Nice to talk to you sean. Children Health Crisis, is it not . It is. This is something that we see every year and prepare for with our search and rescue teams. Anywhere along the southwest border and even in some parts of our northern border, you can succumb exposure easily. I suppose these kids are going to come in across, unaccompanied minors, coyotes bringing them across are not great caregivers, are they . They are not particularly concerned . No the only thick they are concerned about thing they are concerned about is getting paid. It shows in their tactics. If they were concerned with the healthcare they would have them surrender at a point of entry. Inted surrender to Border Agents so cartels can move their drugs around the periphery and make profits. This has always been a problem. Now with the surge of children, its going to be a larger problem. And so what is mexico doing . Because they are coming through mexico. Are they providing any water or any help to these children . You know, that, i dont know. In the past they have had a group called group obeta which was there to assist illegal aliens waiting to cross into the u. S. The Border Patrol has gone a long way in the past 20 years to get search and rescue teams, emts, paramedics in place. More air assets so that they can assist and have agents there should somebody get into distress from the heat or any type of exposure. Well, imagine how much less a burden it would be on our Border Patrol, with these children coming up, dehydrated and very sick if mexico did something more . Because its a long journey through mexico. Mexico is very hot. So, and we have no information if mexico is in any way trying to at least alleviate some of the humanitarian crisis to make the journey. Is that where we are . Thats correct. It would be good if mexico did something to disrupt the flow of people coming through its country trying to get to the United States. But, you know, Border Patrol agents, we will be on duty. We dont take five weeks off. We will be here doing our jobs and that includes rescuing people. Especially kids who probably dont know survival skills and, you know, are going through a very difficult, difficult period trying to get into the u. S. And i applaud all of you for not taking five weeks off. It wasnt humanitarian crisis that you created by not doing your job. You are actually trying to pick up the pieces because our politicians didnt do their job. So, anyway, thank you and good luck to you and also your colleagues, thank you. Thank you very much. And developing now, a fatal virus ebola, two americans in liberia and part of samaritans purse just diagnosed. Extremely contagious and deadly virus is already killing hundreds in africa. Its uncontained and spreading from person to person and now country to country. Prince joins us from liberia. How serious is it and how frightened are people just in liberia . Well, the government of liberia has reported that more than 129 has died from the ebola disease. Two americans. Right war contracted the virus while helping to spawnt the outbreak of the ebola. In addition, capital brisbane died four nights ago from ebola and was buried in his township. The outbreak is government has also reported that more than 200 people are confirmed to have the disease in the country. Today, president philippe met with task force the disease. The surrounding communities everybody is scared. Everybody is scared of the outbreak of the disease. Even today in my own community, several cases were confirmed positive of the ebola disease. So it is a fear and people continuing to die on a daily basis from the disease in liberia. Of course, you have got the situation where someone just left liberia on a plane the other day, i think works for the government of liberia, got to nigeria and died there, right . Confirmed, yes. Lie beerian traveled by aircraft who went to nigeria. It was confirmed that he died from the ebola disease. So right now the passengers coming into the country to make sure they screen all the passengers. And comes down with the symptoms of the disease, you will not be allowed to out of the country. Thank you very much for joining us. That doesnt take into account there is an incubation period people dont know they have it how wickedly contagious it is and fatal. Thank you very much, sir. This weekend on gretawire we started reporting the news of this ebola outbreak. We will continue to follow this Health Crisis right here on the on the record and of course on gretawire. Com. Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton said, what . Well, the 2016 frontrunner Hillary Clinton giving praise to president bush 43 and seemingly snubbing president obama. Why is she praising president bush 43 . You will hear it yourself in just moments. Right now there are explosions in gaza. Take you there live in minutes. Learning tonight of new reports of tension between president obama and israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The inside story straight ahead. She inspires you. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in Blood Pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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Bush is very popular in subis a heroin africa, why . Because of the Emergency Program whether you agreer disagree with a lot of what else he did and i disagreed with a lot of it. I am proud to be an American People say. I want to thank president bush the United States h. I. V. Aids. Joining us our Political Panel abc political director rick klein wes lowery and Washington Examiner byron york. They join us. Byron, she took a back hand slap at president obama, too. She spent a lot of time talking about how the president faces very difficult problems in the United States. Hasnt done a good enough job or this or that. You can take that as a back handed criticism of the president. As far as bush is concerned. I have to take bush is concerned. Something rather common for democrats to say. If you ask a democrat to Say Something good about george w. Bush, they will kind of gag for a while and then they will say he did a really good thing with aids in africa. Its quite common for them to it praise this program. I should also add, wes that she defended president obamas golfing, you know, because she was also asked about that the president golfs a lot and she was good loyal democrat on the golf. Definitely. I have to agree that it wasnt very surprising praise for president bush. I will note, actually i think moving forward as we get closer to 2016 we will see much more praise for george w. Bush than we did in the last cycle. More of it will be coming from the right as people like paul ryan and rand paul try to the conservatism bush was elected on in 2000. It certainly didnt surprise me to see her throwing that bone to president bush, but certainly i cant imagine her praising him much more than she pays praises president obama as we move forward. Rick . Any policy condenses between clinton and bush is coincidental. There is no strategy here for Hillary Clinton to pursue the presidency by running as a successor in any way to george w. Bush. She is likely to find some areas to praise, to be a little bit even handed. But clearly she is much more closely aligned with president obama. Thats not go to change. Is is she running to the left of president obama or to the right of president obama . This is an intriguing choice, right . Because the way that president obama came on the scene as senator obama basically to her left. A lot of the disappointments that liberals feel are on the left. Any vulnerability that Hillary Clinton has in a democratic primary. She knows something about being vulnerable in the democratic primary there on the left. Find some issue areas on the left even as she talks about Foreign Policy and other areas that may be hitting on the right. By the way, her husband played a lot of golf in the white house. Thats another thing to remember. But, the part about the left, you know, we saw a really striking contrast, this past couple a week ago when president clinton said of his wife, you know, she needs some time this think through what she really would want to do if she were going to run for president. If my husband said that she needs time to think home. He needs time at home. At the same time Elizabeth Warren delivering a speech a lefty activist group. Giving a very stirring speech with a 11 point agenda of what she would do. She doesnt say she was running for president. But it was pretty clear that those principles would guide her as a president. So that contrast between the energy on the left and Hillary Clinton was really striking last week. And, of course, now we have got governor omalley in the mix, too. Of course. He at least it looks like it out in iowa this weekend. Definitely. You want to talk about people who are drawing distance between themselves and president obama he would be the example of that especially on immigration. The democratic field starts to shape up. We will start to see people looking at president obama, and seeing that his approval ratings on the left are still solid but are falling at times. They are going to be trying to pick their points of difference from the president. I think the fact that mark udall out in california didnt colorado didnt want to be with imhad. He didnt want him fund raising with him. You want the money but not seen with him. Thats going to be par for the course, so to speak in golf. Golf analogy for the rest of the cycle. Spaniel panel stay with us. Is tension building between president obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu . President mike rogers says its getting tense. Thats next. Donald trump getting serious about sports. Not a new golf course not this time. His eye is on sundays this time and the nfl which team is donald trying to scoop up. Donald will tell you next. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. While a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Staying active can ease arthritis symptoms. But if you have arthritis, this can be difficult. Prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain, and improve daily physical function so moving is easier. Because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain. And its not a narcotic you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. All prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. They all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. This chance increases if you have Heart Disease or risk factors such as high Blood Pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. 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That changed earlier tonight just as it was getting dark, pounding gaza. Also continuing to see hamas rockets being fired a few minutes ago. We saw one if not two fired from gaza into israel. But there has just been a constant pounding of artillery here in gaza. We are seeing seeing it in different parts that we havent seen in the past. Of course, citizens, civilians are caught in this in the middle. A strike on gazas largest hospital. 10 people killed. At least 8 of those were children. Back and forth about who actually caused it. This was in fact israeli air strike. Seeing heavier and heavier fighting and civilians, greta, still very much caught in the middle. Indeed they are. Conor, thank you. Fighting is escalating in gaza. So far secretary of state john kerry unable it to broker a ceasefire and tonight there is news of tensions rising between. Between president obama and israeli Prime Minister. Good evening, greta. Closest allies. Why do you say that there is friction between the two . Well, i dont think its newly caused by this particular conflict. If you look back, there has just been some uneasy times clearly between the Prime Minister and president obama. If you look back at 2009 in the president s cairo speech when he talked about the settlements of israel being illegitimate completely caught our israeli allies by surprise. In 2011, he surprised them again when he announced that he was would go back to the 67 borders for any negotiations going forward, which is a huge security concern for israel those uncertainties halittle frictione way. In this particular case, you know, the tactic of getting a ceasefire, to me has been a little bit suspect. You want to do these things you want to pull the parties in and try to hash it out without going to the press, without making a Public Statement about who ho is right and who is wrong going into this. Israel is literally fighting for its very life and existence here. And they need a little space on the security front and i think there are some things that hamas wants that can probably work into some agreement. You cant do that if you start to take sides early on in this this is a situation many have struggled with it. Does it make it any more difficult or is everyone sort of bypassing the friction and, at least is, there some smart strategy to go forward to try to resolve which is almost the impossible . Well, again, hamas is changing its demands and what it needs for a ceasefire, thats problematic. Israel has some very certain security needs. Counter tunneling is incredibly important. I think they have identified over 30. They have closed a portion of them but not all of them because its a complicated process to do that so, these represent a very clear and real threat to the safety and security of israel. Remember, its believed that some of these students a part of the kidnap operation and brutal murder of those teenagers happened through some of these tunnel networks. This is incredibly important to their National Security it has to be a part of the discussion. You cant just say we are going to have a ceasefire and not account for those security concerns. And these Rocket Forces if you will of the military wing of hamas. Chairman, assume that hamas wont agree to a ceasefire request do we go from here . Israel is going to degrade the military wing of hamas. They have to do that this is about the third time since i want to say around well, in the last few years that there has been an exchange, hamas fires missiles, israel are reacts to that better trained military wing of hamas. Thats concerning. Concerning for you will of a us. I think they believe they have to degrade the military capability of hamas in order to get a ceasefire in a settlement where they get Permanent Peace between israel and gaza there is a lot of issues to work through. You can get to a ceasefire in this that i think would meet both standards. All right. In order to degrade. At what point does hamas cry uncle . They are getting pummeled and pummeled with the superior military strength with israel. What is it that is going to get hamas, how far are we going to go with this not we israel . Sure, well, they want certain conditions. They certainly want border crossings. They want the free flow of goods and services, again, security concern for israel about them rearming and reequipping. So they both have a set of demands, both hope to get an objective done before there is a ceasefire. And i think thats important to understand that israel, to degrade the Wing Military wing of hamas and hamas to get some concessions on the free flow of goods and border crossings and other things that they believe help empower them. So, thats where you are at. I think you will will see military military wing of hamas. Then i think you will see a much more concerted effort to try to find a ceasefire. I think hamas is going to keep going. As long as they believe that Public Opinion is going their way. Remember, they are taking civilian casualties because they are fighting from civilian populations in a way that is irresponsible and dangerous for the lives of the people they supposedly care about. Mr. Chairman, thank you, sir. Thanks. And coming up, senator Lindsey Graham blasting the United Nations calling the organization antisemitic. Senator Lindsey Graham is here next. Plus, donald trump. Is is he red dr. To cut a a check to buy an nfl team . And is it your team . 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And 17 countries abstained, germany, france, great britain, the resolution made me sick to my stomach. Can i read you this one sentence . Yes. Deploring the massive israeli military operation in the occupied palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem since 13 june 2014 which have involved disproportionate and indiscriminate attacks and resulted in grave violation of the human rights of the palestinian civilian population. 1600 words and one half of one sentence talks about israel and never mentions hamas. Hamas, greta, has a goal. Not for two state solution but to destroy israel. Two things. One is disproportionate issue is a little bit odd to me in war. Like some sort of game like we are supposed to have even teams. Thats a little weird. 2500 rockets have been fired since the conflict started. Hamas is trying to kill israeli civilians the Israeli Government is trying their best not to kill citizens. I have a video of hamas leaders urging the population to go to the areas that israel is about to bomb and bare your chest and become martyrs for the causes a israel drops leaflets to evacuate an area. The leadership of hamas is saying go to that area, get on top of the buildings and bare your chest to the enemy the u. N. I expect to be sort of feckless. They have never done anything. The most appalling thing to me on this is germany. All these European Countries essentially voting president. They dont even have the guts to vote yes or no or this resolution. Who would you want to be your neighbor . Hamas or israel . Israel is not a perfect country. No one is. There is no more moral equivalency. Why are they voting present. Media. They have Historic National opinion they ought to worry about. This resolution passed by the Human Rights Committee within the United States was author why hamas and great democracies of our time took a pass and hid in the corner and congress is going to push back. I just met with israeli ambassador six democrats excuse me, three democrats and three republicans. We have had had it with this u. N. Double standard, israel is going to fight for their lives. They need the ability to destroy these terror tunnels. 11 soldiers were killed today. The tunnels have one purpose to kill israeli civilians. The rockets are designed to kill as many as they could. The only reason they havent killed a lot of civilians in israel is because of some iron dome. There is no moral equivalency. Hamas is a terrorist organization. They have one goal to destroy israel and were not going to let that happen repeat myself at the risk of being boring 17 countries voted present. China voted with you can understand china and rush sharks right . Whereby is frapsz, great britain. Great britain, unbelievable. And france. Germany of all people. Senator, thank you. I look forward to seeing that video. Thank you. Could donald trump be a new owner of your favorite nfl team . Thats in just minutes. Donald trump goes back on the record. When you compare the top speed of dsl from the phone company with the top speed of comcast business internet. Well, theres really no comparison. Why pay more for less . Call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. And find out more about our twoyear price guarantee. Comcast business. Built for business. This august House Republican should occupy the capital. Great editorial. Give up your your idea. Newspaper. Its even greater than that i said this before and i will say it again. Its not entirely a vacation. They are politicking. We are paying for them to get their job back tore the job they didnt do. I dont get that if i didnt show up here, they are not going to pay me to hustle cnn or msnbc to hire me. I do think they are working on contingency plans to stay here for while. They have got to do something about this border there is a bill, you know, to provide, i think, 225 million to israel to fund more iron dome defense. Harry reid tried to attach that to about the border bill. Now they have taken it off and going to do something about that. They may actually get some stuff done before the end of the eke. That is so big of them they are doing their jobs. So big of them. Generous. They will get some stuff done. For example, the senate will confirm Ronald Mcdonald as v. A. Secretary. How long has that been pending. A few months ago. We have been talking about that Erin Shinseki resign. The v. A. Deal struck. It doesnt look if they will stick to that four day schedule immigration is going to get handle. Senator reid went let anything be voted on. He votes present. Sad stumble to the finish line before this august recess. You know that there are big issues. In the case of immigration, we know the contours. We know we need more money and immigration judges. Probably a change in who you can deport. Not a serious effort to get it done. House plan, a senate plan, president ial plan, no plans to actually talk about them and get it done. I think its a low level outrage in all of washington that you are going to go into this recess with so much unfinished business. A highway bill thats still out there, too. They have got to work on v. A. Reform. Only work in deadlines. You know why they are lucky . Because we are talking about these issues. F. We he go ba what they promised when they ran last time tax reform. Go back to the things they promised and dont have done. We need another two hours. We have to deal with things that pop up as well. On this border thing. I mean, there is a legitimate difference that they have not been able to bridge yet. But, also a humanitarian crisis. They created. Absolutely. But, there is this question. Of whether this law should be changed this 2008 law should be changed. Democrats seem to be slightly open to it for a while and then they put their feet in cement. No go. Republicans are the same way on the other side. Republicans very hesitant to authorize the type of money the Obama Administration has asked forker even the amount of money Senate Democrats at the present time put up there seems to be this gap that we havent seen built over it which not very optimistic. They wanted the job and said they could do and it they should do it. Thank you, everybody. Lets go offtherecord for a minute. The dnc press secretary did something really rotten. Has to do with the war on poverty. President johnsons challenge to the nation and for 50 years we have been losing that war on port. Poverty is very painful. Its humiliating and people do not want to be be pour. I get enraged when someone has an idea to fight poverty, lift people out of poverty and then someone, like the dnc press secretary stomps all over it with a stupid press release. Now republicans have been guilty of this, too. On different issues. But the dnc press secretary takes the cake on this one. Congressman paul ryan came up with an antipoverty plan. A new idea, a starting point. He wants the nation to win the war on poverty. He gives a damn. If you want to serve people in congress and you think you cant solve a problem thats a problem in our communities, you shouldnt be in congress. What is exciting is that a democrat, former president clintons labor secretary robert rice who also gives a dam about poverty didnt endorse rines plan but said this on abc this week. I was frankly very impressed. This is something that is very new and different from the republican party. And i think it deserves a careful look by democrats. This is great. Its a start. Both sides of the aisle looking at new ideas. So, what does the dnc press secretary do . Embrace the chance to possibly win the war on port . No. Praise the fact that both sides could Work Together . Nope. He does something awful. He shows how lame is he. Releasing a statement criticizing representative ryan for his antipoverty plan, saying, among other things that paul ryan is not fooling anyone. My thought for the dnc press secretary . Buddy, its you who is not fooling anyone. You obviously dont give a damn about poverty. All you care about is winning. Thats my offtherecord comment tonight. Coming up, donald trump is thinking of buying an nfl team. Could it be yours . Find out which team after the break. donald trump declares which nfl team is he set to bid on. I hear you might be interested in buying an nfl team . Im looking at a team and we will see what happens. I dont know. Im also somebody that likes to buy for the right price. Right now you see pricing of certain types of assets, including real estate assets going through the roof. I like buying things. We will see what happens. I will put a bid in and we will see. I would be good. The team is buffalo, as you know. And we will see what happens. Everyone knows im doing that. I will be bidding. But many other people will be bidding. And i would say that the chances are very, very unlikely because, you know, im not going to do something totally stupid. Maybe just a little bit stupid but not totally stupid. Well, i guess we would be come competitive owners then i have my share in the Green Bay Packers and you the buffalo bills. I know you do. Thats a great great franchise and they could have a great year. The nfl has done a terrific job and exciting and terrific people. I know some of the owners, really terrific people they have. Its going to be one of many bids. Many people will bid and we

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