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inappropriate use of the word terrorist. if these people were occupying a small park in lower manhattan, would harry reid be calling them terrorists? my guess is no. >> why is he doing it, aaron? >> i think harry reid has been doing this for a few years now. the senate, especially like dick durbin number two embarrassed that he goes up there and let's it fly like that? >> i don't think this is certainly going to help them retain the senate in any way. harry reid is a fighter. when he questions pushed he pushes back. >> for these bundys or not for them. i mean, like he didn't have to come out and call them domestic terrorists. >> no. he didn't. it raises more speculation as to whether he is going to run for re-election in 2016 a lot of people don't think is he going to run. this is not going to help his re-election campaign. people are either pro-or con on this. overall i'm surprised he has gone after them this hard but that's his nature. >> this isn't a nevada thing. this is a fight that's been going on well over 20 years. they have been fighting. not just bundy, they have been fighting about grazing on this land the federal government has tried and backed away. bombs have gone off. it's been a serious dispute. >> bombs or verbal bombs? >>. no actual bombs. >> actual bombs? >> yeah. >> literal bombs. >> so it's been a hot contentious western land dispute for a long time. it hasn't suddenly become terrorism. >> except that he calls the tea party terrorists and they have only been around, what, five or six years, whatever it is? >> yeah, i think he sees this fight as a lot of people do as a proxy battle between the tea party and the program government. this is a cause celeb for the tea party. they see this as a kind of epittization of -- because it's such a tea party thing harry reid sees it and says i need to fight back against this thing and that's why is he speaking in such significant terms. >> does he have any risks if the senate -- if the democrats hold the senate, does he have any risk of losing his position as majority leader? >> no, absolutely not. i think if he decides to stay around, even in the majority or the minority, he will be the leader, but, if they lose the majority, there is going to be a lot of speculation that he would bow out. >> why does he -- why do the democrats want him there? >> they like him. they respect him. he can be curmudgeonly, he can get into these disputes but overall they respect harry reid. the recent elections for the senate. even in 2010, they retained the senate despite the tea party wave. so overall harry reid has exceeded expectations over the last three or four elections. >> nobody is sort of like thinks like well maybe we shouldn't have a leader who uses the safety from libel in the senate floor? i mean, i guess it's politics? >> he is the classic bad cop. they like him saying some of this stuff, which they want to get out there but would not like to say themselves. >> this is why majority leaders, house speakers, party leaders in general don't make great presidential candidates. they are there for their side. they are not there to please everybody in the country. a lot of them are very unpopular on both sides. so i don't think he is all that concerned about his national reputation. he should be concerned about his reputation in nevada if he does want to run for re-election in 2016. >> all right. panel, now to the white house today. white house press secretary jay carney saying this is the most transparent administration ever. >> look, i think there is no question, i have covered two, the previous two administrations, and know a thing or two about ones before that, there has never been a more transparent administration. >> really? panel, your thoughts? bob, let's start with you. how transpatient is this white house? is jay carney right or wrong or is he smoking something? >> jay carney says it, there should be no questions about it listen, i'm going to give this administration some credit for the visitor logs at the white house. they are the first white house that has put the visitors. if you have gone to the white house can you see and gone online. how they have dealt with obamacare and releasing the information, whether it's young people or remember when they struggled with the web site, they couldn't find the numbers. they just couldn't find the numbers. when the numbers are better, like today over 8 million, they found them. so, listen, i think this white house came in saying we are going to do things differently, we are going to change washington. they didn't change washington and they have gone back to the trap that most administrations white house and they hold information that is bad. >> byron, you know, bob is quite charitable to jay carney. jo abeson. >> jay carney said it was the most transparent administration. how transparent is an administration if a top irs official pleads the fifth amendment rather than answer questions about what was went on at the irs? how transparent is it when members of congress have to just pull teeth to try to get information about the incident in benghazi kills four americans? this is not the most transparent administration in history. >> aaron, at the present time not just byron or jill abrahmson. they can't get access to the president. bob is a happy guy. >> there are all kinds of things that people point to. there was a study that came out recently from a.p. talking about how foia requests, freedom of information requests go unfilled. reporters do not get their information in a timely manner. i think that's a major thing as far as reporters go. if you ask white house correspondents about this issue their response is almost unanimous that this white house has not lived up to its promises as far as transparency. now, whether they intended to be more transparent or not, i think they ran into a regions where it's just very difficult to conduct business and be totally transparent about everything. >> i probably should add that they criticized fox as being -- probably overblowing this or something. that's my word. >> one thing the democrats are not happy about, they have tried to get information from this administration on the legal authority on drones to go after americans abroad. they were unable to get a lot of those memos. so some democrats on capitol hill also feel this administration could be more transparent. >> we have converted bob? >> may have changed my mind a little bit. >> anyway, panel as always, thank you. >> thank you. >> now to another battle over christianity by the freedom from religion foundation. the atheist group put up in the washington state capitol building say jesus is a myth. south carolina. this time against clemson university saying christianity is being improperly interwoven into the school's football program. the head coach choosing the item's chaplain. michael joins us. >> geefn, sir. >> good evening, greta. always a pleasure to be. >> you in addition to being a reverend, you played football. i don't know if that makes you particularly relevant to a football story. tell me on this battle of christianity at clemson? >> it's a silly battle because i was actually -- when i was at virginia tech i was a student, obviously student athlete, i came back for graduate school and i worked as the chaplain, part-time chaplain. can i tell you that these programs are completely voluntary and there are things that the players themselves want to have. they want to be able to explore their faith in the context with their other -- with their other players. and it's just a great, great opportunity for young men to pursue. this but this is no way forced upon them. and it is completely voluntary. i don't understand why this freedom from religion group, you know, i guess they wanted to the profile of going after something that is established as not bothering anybody, none of the players are complaining. none of the players' parents are complaining. none of the coaches are complaining. i think it's only them that are complaining because they have an issue with god, not necessarily with the practice at clemson. >> well, it certainly is a different issue than the one on the state capitol where they objected to something put in -- you know, put into a public building. here it is totally voluntary. and so it's hard to figure out. i mean, i take it that there may be some peer pressure, but the fact that you still don't have to make it makes it it profoundly different, doesn't it. >> it does. you don't have to do it. it's profoundly different. now, with the issue with the crosses on a municipal building, i have an issue with that. because i do believe that in a public building when you have religious symbols, regardless of what religion it is, it does say that that religion is somehow aligned with government. that is a violation of what i believe the establishment clause was trying to prevent. the government cannot, should not be in the business of establishing a religion, nor should it be in the business of preventing the free exercise of religion and i think go ahead. >> does it make difference to you analysis. if it's around a particular holiday and if that same sort of display space is open to other particular religions to their holidays. does that change it for you. >> i think if that particular municipality and those people, the citizens in that community don't object to a free flowing display or rotating display at different times of year, i think that's fine. as long as the citizens in that community understand. the real trap here is that people may come in from the outside and not understand that. and feel that somehow that go. is -- government is aligned with a particular religion. for me personally i would stay away from that kind of expression because i do believe that violates the establishment clause. the free exercise thereof, i mean, you know, how could someone prevent someone else, a student in college from praying? >> and i guess there is sort of another issue. yes, i totally understand the establishment clause and i totally understand the first amendment. you know, the particular one that they have posted in madison, you know, which is an offensive statement to christians, you know, there is another sort of part of this called good manners. they were trying to be particularly provocative and really poke a stick in the eye. frankly, it's like -- you might be in the right. you might have, you know, the right to do something, but you don't always have to do it in the manner you choose. >> and, you know, you are exactly right, greta. and they have a religion. i mean, that's a religious point of view. their antithesis to who jesus christ is, their hatred to god is a religion in and of itself. in some ways i have to defend their right to do that but, it is rude. they don't have good manners. and, to be frank with you, i don't think they are very wise but, you know, the bible says it is a fool who says there is no god. >> all right. so, it's a very different situation down in clemson university which is a voluntary program and in your mind very different from what happens at, for instance, in the state capitol? >> absolutely. two totally different situations. and it shows the check and the balance between the exercise and the freedom of establishment clause. >> reverend, always nice to see you, thank you, sir. >> thank you, greta. >> this is a fox news alert. right now anguished parents desperately awaiting word on the fate of their children after the south korea ferry disaster. more than 270 people, many of them high school students still missing. possibly trapped in the ship's wreckage. 20 people are now confirmed dead. and now the coast guard investigating where the ferry's captain was one of the first people off the ship. the captain telling reporters he is sorry and deeply ashamed and the ship's owner also apologized in saying that i committed a sin punishable by death. i'm at a loss for words. i'm sorry, i'm sorry. for the latest grn reporter jason struthers live in seoul. jason, nice to talk to you again. have they concluded that there is no chance anyone could still be alive? that the sealed compartment in that ferry or are they still looking. >> greta, the search is going to continue. no one wants to say that it's too late. there are so many parents down there that are just waiting for any news that their lost loved ones will be found. the government, the coast guard, the navy, they have already taken a lot of heat from these families. they completely botched the numbers at first, saying that all the high school kids, about 320 or so had survived the ship wreck. that turned out to be false. so, i -- they are not in a position right now at all to say that all hope is lost. >> what is the preliminary thinking? and i say it because i know that a lot can develop later in the investigation. why do they think that ferry tipped over and sunk? >> well, greta, as you indicated the captain of the ship is now coming into focus. the coast guard said that he veered off the prescribed course. media reports say that he was trying to take a shortcut and in doing so, perhaps, struck a rock or there is some indication that maybe he made a very abrupt turn, thus throwing all the cargo in the ship over to one side and which then made the ship lose its balance and capsize. the investigation is still underway, later today some cranes are going to be brought to the scene to start lifting the boat out. it's once they get the ship out of the water and back on to the shore that investigators can really determine what happened. >> how deep is that water there? do you have any idea? >> how deep is the water? >> yeah. >> somewhere between 20 and 30 meters deep. but it's very cold water. it's very murky. and from what i have been reading, the current have been very fast over the past 24 hours. it's day break here in south korea. and pictures i'm seeing look very foggy. just making any sort of rescue or recovery effort even more difficult. >> jason, thank you. >> thank you. >> and drugs, prosecution, rape. those are the disturbs allegations against a judge. so why are democrats raising campaign cash for the judge in the latest is next. also senate majority leader harry reid calling support supporters of rancher cliven cars are driven by people. they're why we innovate. they're who we protect. they're why we make life less complicated. it's about people. we are volvo of sweden. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. cocaine, prostitutes and sexual assaults. some of the allegations against a judge democratic power brokers still raise campaign cash for the judge. joining us from dallas kimberly joist johnson and here in d.c. kimberly joyce williams. what's going on with your judge down there? >> well, not my judge. he is definitely a judge in texas. you know, greta, he has had a decade of this type of behavior abuse against women, drugs, alcohol. unfortunately it's been covered up for a good 10 years by the democratic party so this is now finally coming to light based on appellate court ruling yesterday. cortez has been trying to keep this quiet for several years appellate court finally ruled that it could be made public and now we are hearing just awful awful facts that this judge has been involved in. >> is it actually covered up by democrats or they didn't know either that this guy is sort of a walking -- i don't know whatever it is. he has got a lost of arrests. maybe not convictions but arrests. is it truly covered up by the democrats? did they actually know it. >> greta, unfortunately it was truly covered up. the d.a. craig watkins is a big democratic supporter expunged his record in some of these cases. he got rid of some cases that were filed against cortez by women. there is other facts that some of the big power broker democrats, the big donors, they knew some of the allegations and turned the other cheek all in an effort to keep the bench, kept by a democrat. >> well, ted? >> well, greta, this is judge gone wild if you look at some of these allegations. >> and apparently more than this judge. anyone who is helping him. >> absolutely. we find out in 1999 he was arrested and charged -- wasn't charged but arrested for child sexual assault that went nowhere. >> conviction. >> no conviction. just allegation. allegation of a rape late in november. now,. >> no conviction? >> no conviction. then there was an arrest in december where he was charged with choking his girlfriend. >> 20th floor. >> this is what is interesting about that that case went to the grand jury. there was -- grand jury did not come back with a true bill. what transpirtd more than anything else is that the d.a., it is alleged, was enlisted as endorser for this judge. and as a result of that, nothing happened. there is need for an independent investigation of this. >> absolutely. so he is out at the end ever the year because he lost the primary. kimberly, there is this sort of problem, he has no convictions. i mean, look, i don't want the guy for a judge. i think it's horrible. i don't know any judges that go around collecting arrests for rape and child assault and all this stuff. there is something fundamental -- but he has no convictions. >> here is what we know, greta. we know from witnesses that this man hung out up to four times a day on the weekly basis in local strip clubs. he dated strippers. he paid for sex. we have woman after woman after woman coming forward and then saying they were all threatened, essentially said that -- told the same thing: you're just a stripper, a prostitute. i'm a judge. you know what will happen if you come forward. he intimidated every single witness, including this child that he sexually assaulted. and they were all intimidated. and i do think an investigation into all of those allegations should be be reopened. >> i mean, i'm totally with you on that. you know what, this guy has no business being a judge. >> no, no. >> no business. >> absolutely not. >> anyone who supports him and knew about this has no business doing that. >> we need to emphasize there are a lot of hard working judges in this country. >> most of them your good friends. >> a lot of them i love. this guy does not represent the cadre of judges out here. what i'm concerned about is there needs to be an investigation. this is just terrible. this is horrible to have gone on in dallas, texas, all of this time and nobody did anything about it. >> did nothing. not only did nothing, but apparently they helped him. >> greta, i would like to say the one man that actually finally turned cortez in to the judicial commission was a fellow democrat who tried to help him change his ways. and then when cortez refused, he finally said i have had enough, i'm not going to let you abuse the bench like this and turned his name in. >> all right. applause should go to him. >> interesting things going on in your court down there, kimberly, i'm going to stick that all on you. anyway. thank you, kimberly. ted, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> and disturbing news out of ukraine, masked men standing outside of synagogues, apparently giving jews notices that they must register with pro-russians. john bolton is here next. off-the-record, harry reid calling supporters of rancher cliven bundy domestic terrorists. i have much more to ♪ ♪ no matter what kind of business you own, at&t business experts can help keep it running... seamlessly. so you can get back to what you love. when everyone and everything works together, business just 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leaving synagogue on passover. the fliers telling the jews to register and pay a special fee or risk being deported and having their property confiscated. the pro-russian group behind it denies that they had anything to do with the fliers. it says it is really pro-ukrainian groups putting out that propaganda. former u.n. ambassador john bolton joins us. good evening, sir, when we saw this news, it just sent shivers up everybody's spine. your thoughts. >> absolutely. we don't know exactly who is responsible. my guess is it's pro-russian elements. maybe these uniformed militia men who may well be from russia itself. the fact that they would put the jewish question on the table like this shows that there is enormous trouble ahead in ukraine. whatever the outcome over the next few days. whatever the outcome of the agreement negotiated in geneva today, this is far from over. and by introducing this particular form of racial incitement, it's guaranteeing that the temperature is going to continue to rise. >> well, i think probably most americans feel, you know, it's like never again. you know, when they see something like this. it does change the dynamics if it turns out to be more than a rogue group with something that blows over. this is such an important issue, you know, to americans. what should the president say or do or think or what when he hears this? >> well, i think secretary kerry has already condemned it, and that's fine. that's of a piece with the problem with the entire obama administration policy in ukraine. it's essentially all rhetoric. you know, we had echos of 1938 already with the russian movement of armed troops across an international border annexing part of another country, the crimea. and today in geneva, again, to come back to this statement that was issued by the u.s., the eu, russia and ukraine, no mention of the crimea at all. that's a done deal now apparently from the point of view of the west. i think putin understands that i think it emboldens him to make more demands from the government of ukraine and risks further partition of the country. we are not stopping this aggression. we are facilitating it. >> ambassador, let's move on to the crisis in syria. we have all heard it it president obama repeatedly saying syrian president assad must go. >> i am confident that assad's days are numbered. >> i'm confident that assad will go. it's not a question of if, it's when. >> the only way to bring stability and peace to syria is going to be for assad to step down. >> assad needs to go. >> we would have preferred assad go two years ago, last year, six months ago, two months ago. >> i have called for assad to leave. >> a leader who slaughters his citizens and gases children to death, cannot regain the legitimacy to lead a badly fractured country. >> but as we all know president assad remains in power and does syria expose president obama's weakness in the region? ambassador, also say one thing, that first sound is from the third presidential debate where he says i'm confident assad's days are numbered. it's more than a year and a half ago. and now it looks like assad has won. >> look, this is classic obama. this is a man who lives in a world of words. who thinks his rhetoric really affects reality. it's a classic mark of the legislature who thinks that his principle responsibility is to give speeches. it's not the mark of a real president. i think it's that reliance on rhetoric to the exclusion of almost anything else that demonstrates the weakness. it's not coming out in syria the way he wants it. but he is not doing anything meaningful to effect it. so he has got to make up his mind. he ought to match his actions to his words or he ought to remain silent. i think putin, i think the chinese leadership. i think rogue states like iran and north korea, watch this kind of performance in syria, watch that collection of statements and say to themselves, this is a man who is not going to deliver on what he says his policy is and they, in turn, act accordingly and take advantage of us. >> even going back six months ago when he spoke before the u.n. general assembly. he said he has called for assad to leave. i think to myself as i read the news today that assad essentially has won and the rebels are in deep trouble. i think, you know, what was he thinking? they don't even care. what is putin thinking? what is assad thinking tonight? >> well, look, assad knows that the issue in syria will be decided on the battlefield. it will not be decided bus of barack obama's speeches. and vladimir putin knows that n. ukraine it will not be decided because barack obama calls him up on the telephone and complains that russia is in violation of international law. the president doesn't seem to understand that between rhetoric and actual armed force there is a universe of options that he could employ. take the ukraine where he says there is no military option. there may not be an option for actual hostilities but strong capabilities of military deterrence could prevent russia from going further in ukraine or could deter them from acting against the baltic derub biblical. this is part of leadership to match your capabilities and your action to your policy objectives. in all cases to try to achieve them peacefully. the president doesn't do that. he gives speeches and acts like he is done with it. >> so mary these -- marry these two issues together. assad pretty much over. putin making advancements in ukraine and doing better there. where are we six months from now? what do you predict in the president maintains his status quo policy? >> well, i think we have break jowble of american influence around the world. it is starting with the middle east. i think the odds now are in assad's favor. it's not over yet but it will show that the president's principle policy which is to negotiate with the russians over the future of syria will fail. we have seen already it's on the verge of the israel palestinian negotiations breaking down. the negotiations with iran over its nuclear weapons program have failed. the effort to negotiate with the russians to keep ukraine whole and independent are in the process of failing. and i think when all this collapses, the lessons that russia and others around the world particularly china will draw, is that they have got two and a half to three years more of the obama presidency to press whatever policies that they want that they think that they can get advantage from that the president simply will not resist. >> ambassador, nice talking to you. thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> well, they are back. the self-proclaimed royal couple who allegedly bought water front homes and yachts while collecting welfare. find out what they're up to now. a live report is next. also, senate majority leader harry reid calling supporters of rancher cliven bundy domestic terrorists. why is he doing that? i will take the constipation and belly pain feel like 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of a wrongfully obtaining public assistance and perpetrating fraud against the system against andrea lynn chisum and her husband collin chisum iii. >> meet andrea and collin chisum. minnesota natives. self-proclaimed scottish royalty and running from the law. >> lord and lady chisum iii are fraudsters of the first degree. >> the so-called royal couple accused of illegally collecting $167,000 in welfare and living a lavish lifestyle fit for a lord and a lady. driving a lexus, controlling bank accounts with more than $3 million deposited, owning this lakeside retreat in minnesota. and living on an 83-foot, 1.2-million-dollar classic yacht. >> there is the yacht. there is the master staple. i have never ridden on a yacht that nice. >> the couple collecting benefits from florida and minnesota until authorities getting suspicious in 2012. the criminal complaint noting that in addition to welfare benefits the chisums also receiving minnesota care health benefits including massages at a posh spa in minnesota. >> these rich folks ripped off the system. and i will assure you that this office is going to do every darn thing we can do to make sure these people do hard time today the fake royals appearing in a minnesota court. paul bloom is live with the very latest. nice to talk to you. i guess they spent the day in court but now they are spending the night where? >> in jail, greta, fascinating. a day in court. what we learned today is that they apparently at least are alleging right now they have known movement andrea chisum the wife, wanted a public defender. the court is not sure what to do. they will wait to rule on that tovment the husband, collin chisum iii, the lord if you will, he had a private attorney, but the attorney said in court today he is not being paid. he can't pay the bills. so a lot of questions tonight. and they remain in their jail house jump suits in that jail in downtown minneapolis right now. >> now, as i understand it, they left the minneapolis area in december and they left a 5,000 square foot home. you know, how did they get that or who owns that in terms of trying to pay for lawyers or even bail? >> yeah. it's fascinating, greta. a lot of unanswered questions. they were renting this 1.5-million-dollar home in deep haven, minnesota. they bailed out, really. they took their 7-year-old out of school. they told family and friends they were heading to montana to care for andrea's ailing mother. no proof of that she had a dog breeding business. a dog that won award in westminster left the dogs with friends and relatives and bailed and ended up in the bahamas. that's where the law caught up with them. not only with they in the bahamas they were checking in with both carpets who could get athletic them to the turks in caicoss. no relationship with the u.s. to extradite. i think they, at least the prosecutors were alleging, they were trying to escape and live a life in the bahamas in the turks in caicos. obviously the court and judge is going to have a lot to say about that. >> getting 160,000ness welfare. i'm just curious only 30 seconds left. how it they earn money before they decided to allegedly defraud the welfare? >> well, that's the fascinating thing is their assets is their value, real money, collin chisum iii alleges net worth of $100 million at some points he was working a network satellite tv business trying to launch something in the caribbean. that was his excuse that he went to the bahamas on business. it's not clear exactly where this money came from, where it started, whether it was legally gained. but somehow they had this money, yet pretended to be poor in florida and minnesota. begging the system for welfare for food and for medicine. >> thank you. intriguing story. thank you, paul. >> okay, now it's time to show you what we are watching. we put together the most exciting videos out there tonight. take a look. big news for the clintons. no, it's not what you are thinking. former first daughter chelsea clinton announcing she is pregnant. >> mark and i have very excited that we have our first child arriving later this year. i just hope that i will be as good a mom to my child and hopefully children as my mom was to me. >> awe. >> that's a hard act to follow. secretary? are you expecting a child? [ laughter ] >> well, a grandchild, yes, which i'm really excited about. >> well, congratulations to the entire clinton family. and this is definitely not your typical selfy. a california man using a drone to take a selfie. the man, his friends and their dogs standing on a hilltop in san francisco. the footage starts weather forecast camera equipped drone floating several feet away from the men and then the drone takes off flying higher from the city until the men and mutt are reduced to dots and that's what we are watching tonight. you want to see more of the videos we just showed you, i know you do. go to and a republican congressman trying to take attorney general eric holder's paycheck. what's that all about? what's that all about? the texas congressman [ laughter ] smoke? nah, i'm good. 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number one question i'm asked when i talk to constituents what are you doing about president obama and arng holder and scandals. we have the power of the purse and congress. why don't we pass something that says if you are in contempt of congress we don't pay you this is another way to possibly get eric holder to come forward with the fast and furious documents we have been asking for for years suppose you have a rogue congressman and attorney general that is just under siege by a rogue conditioning. what are you going to do about that? allow that congress to seize every attorney general's paycheck? >> the idea is you have got to be in contempt of congress. that's not something we in congress take lightly. this is a very tightly. it's not just aimed at eric holder individually. it's any person who is in contempt of congress. if you were in contempt of fox news, you probably wouldn't be getting your paycheck. >> we will have to check it out. i may test that one. all right. so tell me, do you have any co-sponsors to this? >> we do. we have dr. darlay and mark alan ford from oklahoma. >> has leadership indicated whether or not they intend to move this forward. >> we just introduced it my idea is we can either do this as a stand alone bill or something we could tack on to the appropriations bill as they go through in a couple of weeks or the next few months. that way it will be on something that might actually pass the senate and the president might sign. >> what do you think speaker boehner would think about that? >> well, speaker boehner has said with respect to lois lerner she needs to be held responsible and i think he feels the same way about eric holder. he brought the contempt votes against eric holder. we have just been unable to get holder to do anything. the civil contempt is caught in the d.c. court. the criminal contempt went to the justice department to be prosecuted. so, holder is not going to prosecute himself. so we have got to come up with some enforcement mechanism and this is one i think we have the constitutional authority to do. >> so, in other words, you are trying to amp up the pressure to make the contempt have a little teeth because, in reality, that these contempt allegations they just sort of languish out in contempt sphere, nothing ever happens. >> right. and, you know, we have got another contempt coming up with lois lerner. this wouldn't effect her because she is already retired. you could potentially do language to deal with that situation as well. it's not aimed at any individual, it's aimed at pulling some power back to congress that's been eroded into the executive branch over the years. >> has attorney general eric holder made any attempt to cure that contempt by providing the documents you want? >> he has not. in fact, he is following the typical obama administration playbook of stonewall and delay whenever either the government oversight reform committee or the judiciary committee that i'm on asks for anything. >> representative, nice to he see you, thank you, sir. >> always a pleasure to be with you. >> okay, let's go off-the-record for a minute. i can't figure this one out. how does senate majority leader harry reid keep his job as leader of the democrats? i would think they would give him the boot. he doesn't lead. the senate has been in a virtual lockdown for years, but, worse, he has become nothing more than a school yard bully. slicking insults. not substantive arguments or dee debate. i love that insults. taking aim with the republican party calling them modern day anarchists, spends too much time talking about the koch brothers as they're the reason he can't get anything done. that's peculiar. here is what he said about the supporters of the ranker cliven bund ynchts these people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not. they are nothing more than domestic terrorists. >> i'm not suggesting that senator reid should agree with the bundies or not. that's certainly not the issue of this off-the-record. the issue is leadership. and the example one sets as a leader. he has become the senate majority bully. and that's my off-the-record comment tonight. and cliven bundy will be on hannity tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. right now you have heard the warnings about the heart bleed computer bug. bleed computer bug. po making sure you pay the right price for a new car just got a whole lot easier. introducing the kelley blue book price advisor. the powerful tool that shows you what should pay. it gives you a fair purchase price that's based on what others recently for the same car and kelley blue book's trusted pricing expertise. it all adds up to the confidence that you'll get a great deal. that's just another way helps you make a smart new car decision. time to speed read your way through the news. today the bluefin completing its first full mission in the underwater search for flight 370. search crews are waiting for analysis of the data from the mini submarine. meantime the analysis of an oil sample collected in the southern indian ocean concludes that it is not iraircraft engine oil or haw hydraulic fluid. a 19-year-old college student is accused of using the heart bleed blood to hack into canada's tax industry. that forcing canada to delay its tax filing deadline. that's tonight's speed read. join us tomorrow evening 7 p.m. eastern for very special show investigates. here is a preview. >> i remember drew kessy talking to us about how jen had mentioned to him on several occasions that she was uncomfortable with the way some of the workers, the construction workers there at the condo complex looked at her. >> the glaring, staring, there was a lot of reports of peeping toms. the workers would drive around hooting and hollering in their golf carts. >> jen is an attractive woman. she said a couple would larry at -- lehrer at her and make cat calls. >> paint needed fixed, little touchups in her condo and she had a group of condo workers who were in and out and they had a key. >> she was on the phone with me while they were in her condo and i remember her being irritated as far as they were taking forever and they were doing a half ass job. i remember talking to her on the phone and she was complaining and i was like hey, look, they can understand you. they can hear you, you know. just calm it down a little bit. she was irritated by the fact that it wasn't done when she wanted it to get done. >> don't miss this very special greta investigates here on fox. go to and read the poll question there for you. good night from washington, d.c. it's a poll question. gr tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." why was the transformer known as bumblebee found hiding at the top of the empire state building 1234* we will investigate rumors that he may be in fact deciding to join the deceptecon. and is a sequel to "mrs. doubt fire" in the works? >> we should be open to other ways we can make it better. as president that's what i intend to keep doing as long as i'm in this office. >> finally, does stifling a sneeze make you look polite or just really stupid? we will get to the bottom of it next. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> now

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