You add the two kth candidates. Betting odds show her a fate. Key to winning this election are very close tonight. In the state of ohio, a new wall street journalnbc poll shows trump up by one point in a fourway race. North carolina has a close average. Hillary clinton is leading there by about 3 point. Joining us now is the founder from that weird site, tom bevin. Tom, i guess my first question is, why is the still a race . It does seem its a race. Etch in the class thinks its over. Polls suggest there is a war going on after the worst coverage anybody can get. Why hasnt trump completely collapsed . That is a question t. Core supporters have stuck with him thick and thin. He has lost dproupd with these other groums. Its basically peeled back to his core supporters. These polls, most of the data we are getting now, tucker, is postdebate, monday, tuesday, weps. But we havent gotten. This has been another bad week for him. It might be if we get polls coming out over the when, we will see more deterioration. Right now, his core supporters have sticking with him. That keeps him close in some of these Battle Ground states. Do we have a key idea how the core will vote, College Educated men in the midwest than they did in the last two cycles . In there we dont know that. We know his supporters are energized and waiting to go to the pollles. One of the warning sides in the Fox National Poll released yesterday is enthusiasm for him was down a little bit among his supporters. Thats been something. Hes had this Enthusiasm Gap the entire race. His supporters were excited. And Hillary Clinton reporters, a bicker people of people. Not competed to go and vote. He needs his folks to be enthusiastic. He also needs to be broadened beyond that. So ohio, a lynchpin of any National Campaign strategy. Where are we there . Clintons moved ihead by a pointandahalf. The latest nbcwall street journal had trump up one point. To your point, no republican has won the white house without ohio. This has been trumps strongest states, one of his strongest states i should say. He was leading there until last week. Now hes fallen behind by a pointandahalf. Hes snil still in the ball game. Gary johnson and jill stein taking former bernie voters. Gary johnson, where are those streets coming from, do we know . Sometimes etc. More from t. It depends on the 125i9. Theyre evenly dispersed. So as gary johnson had tapered off, we seen both clinton and trump rise. So it depends on the state pretty much. So to new hampshire, not a state that you think of as contested. Trump is doing badly there just last month. He seems would be striking zavenlts whats going on in inch . Thats the point clinton had the lead of six, seven points. Last few polls, including this latest poll out today has it at a threepoint race. Her lead is about six percentage points. Kelly anne is in her senate race. Not exactly sure why that race up there is tightening on behalf of trump, especially when all these other battleground states are moving in the other direction. You dont want to extrapolate too much from one set of polls in one state. Its a little weird of trump to be going up after the week weve just seen. No . Reporter absolutely. Yeah, we havent seen that anywhere else. In fact, we seen the option. Hes lost ground in pretty much across the board. New hampshire is the only one where, again, that could be just with the type of polls, the ones that were sort of fueling out of the average versus the ones loaded into the achg. Again, this one that came out a threepoint race there, thats tighter than we have seen in most recent polls in new hampshire. A part of the realignment. Thank you very much for joining us now. First, Hillary Clinton called Trump Supporters deplorable. Wikileaks exposed her and her catholic distain for catholics. Fox News National colonel ed henry has that story. Reporter Hillary Clinton continues to target donald trump for dividing the country i take no satisfaction in seeing what trump does. Reporter the ongoing dutch of hacked emails from the account of Clinton Campaign chairman john modesta, now an astonishing toll of over 10,000 messages leaked out, show a Democratic Party ripe with division. The Hillary Clinton documents released by wikileaks make more clear than ever just how much is at stake. Reporter after emails emerged attacking everyone from catholics to hispanics, today the target was the africanamerican community, which carried clinton through the democratic primaries in the first place. In february, 2016, an activist went after nbc head who had the tomerity. I know there are a million reasons to when. When clinton first launched her campaign. He lashed out writing, quote, im not the diversity police, but there is grumbling on the four white boys running next president ial i can him. Midesta hit back rye writing, quote, really, dont you think i know. That when david brock sucked bringing up Sanders Health record the clinton catch freak. In emails, he hit brock hard writing, quote, maybe he actually is a republican plant. Hard to think of anything more counter productive than demanding bernies medical records. Regarding clintons own response to the Health Record strategy, hillary, god, her instipths are suboptimal. Pretty typical, though. All the checkpoint aides would say about wikileaks today isitative taken steps in recent weeks to make their communications more secure. I think it would probably undermine our efforts to protect oursles. People like the russian, if i talk too much about it. But we have taken additional precautions. They probably wish they had made some of those Communication Agency little secure a little bit earlier. Interesting, breaking tonight, there are reports that the u. S. , particularly the Central Intelligence agency may be preparing a cyber strike in retaliation against russia. We we heard already the Obama Administration believes russia is hein these attacks. As you we heard there from jennifer palmieri, they may even, nbc is reporting, go after the private Bank Accounts of some in the kremlin leadership to give you an idea of the stakes involved here. We dont know russia is behind that. What is the explanation of these emails. I know modesta and John Palmieri is saying this is not real. Are they continuing to claim that this. No. You know, whats interested, instead, is that they have actually not challenged the accuracy of a lot of these emails. They have said that some may be hoaxs, but have done two things i think, number one, theyve decide not to challenge the accuracy because a lot, if not all of them are true, but secondly, they made a political decision. They dont want to get mired in answering these 10,000 emails that have come out already. It will take them off message. Something the Trump Campaign havent learned. They have been hit by all things that you have been reporting on. They respond to every single one of them. They had trouble getting the message out of the Clinton Campaign on that point has been a little more disciplined. You think the supporters would push the issue a little bit. Ed henry, thanks a lot. Another email exchange released in that wikileaks dutch shows president obama knew about the email server and top aides may have ignored a congressional subpoena. The House Benghazi Committee told Hillary Clinton to hand over all her emails, up with day later, march 4th, 2015, the lawyer sheryl mills sent this email to john modesta, chairman, well, our pan sell joining us now. From the wall street journal glen hall and the post, this my answer, its confirmed he received a number from her. Isnt that a flat out lie . Yeah, there are a lot of instances in which president obama was asked about whether or not he knew about Hillary Clintons email server. I dont know the time laline ti. This does show president obama and Hillary Clinton had commune kapgs on this private email server. I think this is something we have absolutely seen before in january, this is something the state department came out and said there are these emails in this batch we are withholding because of executive privilege. So we knew this was the case. I think the timing here is obviously also very awkward having asked to produce these and responding with this question of do we need to turn these over . As far as i can tell is legal by the way. As a matter of fact, i think executive privilege is a real thing and a real question. I think its meaningful the president lied about his only in of her private email. We now know its illegal t. Fbi director made that clear. She shouldnt have done this. And it was a potential to leak new york security. You told us this. It turned out to be untrue, account for yourself. I think thats the next step that has to happen. We got the new batch of emails from wikileaks. Now we need to follow up and discover who knew what when. There are some distinctions knowing you were getting email from a private email account versus a private server. I dont know what the defenses will be. She did business on a private emailk. Thats the nub of the question. I had no idea. But he did. You know, i think he has answering to do. Mostly he is campaign on behalf of clinton. I think what you see in these emails was a sympathy from the Obama Administration towards helping Hillary Clinton avoid getting mired in this scandal, which hasnt happened, but they tried. To answer questions, have you the ask them. This goes to a larger question, why is this so profoundly uninteresting with the American Press core. You can say, maybe they should be leaked. You feel bad for modesta. But there is no denying they are chalk number of relevant interesting information. I dont see it on the front page of anything i read. Why is that . I think there are so many things to ask the president. Right . I totally get your point. I 100 understand your point. I think any journalist that has a chance to sit down with president obama has a long list of things they would like to ask. Hes a spokesman, too, you just say to the White House Press core, what about . Huh, right . The point i was going to make is you also have a limited availability. You have a limited amount of time and theres a lot going in the world. I honestly dont think on the scale of things going on in the world, an email to john modesta in 2015 rises to the level of something i would butch to the top of my list. Again, this is subjective. I am seeing nine stories about trump and his behavior, which i think are relevant, by the way, i think they should be covered. I think wed see a lot more coverage if trump wasnt stepping into these issues that distracted attention. Come on, look, there, you know, a big News Organization has enough resources to cover both trumps indiscretion and like the other side and by the way, do you know a Single Person in the newsroom in america that doesnt think hillary will be president . Shouldnt they be coughing her more assertively . She might be the president , no . If i could defend a little bit. The trump front page story about obama an indiscretions in his office that also attacked Hillary Clinton the story didnt attack Hillary Clinton. Its a front page piece. We spent countless hours reading through 50,000 pages of emachl. We had stories every single day. Its not pleek we are ignoreing it. It seems the public is giving more attention to the trumpsiers, which are much more cellatious, perhaps. We break down the numbers, speaking of the public, how many minutes have you been presented on each story presented on the nightly news, we will break that down, its unbelievable. Another bombshell from wikileaks, donald trump may have proof from the Clinton Foundation in pay to plachl a law firm looked at the request of Chelsea Clinton and wrote this, as a blistering review. Some interviewees reported conflicks of those raising funds or donors, some of whom may have an expectation of quid pro quo benefits in return for gifts, that itself pay for play in other words. The u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. , john bolton joins us now. Professor, thanks for coming on tonight. This strikes me as one of those nuggets in the vast trove of wikileaks data juchs out justs at you. This is potential criminal activity i. Its not just the payforplay aspects. The report of the independent law firm brought in my Chelsea Clinton, interestingly, is devastating to the overall work of the foundation. The board of directors is a group of clinton friends and hacks. They meet once a year. The minutes of their meetings are copied from yeartoyear. The outside auditor has been complaining about the accounting methods that the Clinton Foundation used and then open top of it, you see all these activities in connection with donors expecting quid pro quos, not from the checkpoint foundation, obviously, but from the government of the united states. So this is not staff chatter and emails. This is the lawyer who headed this up is a heavyweight in the field. Shes 1 one of the acknowledged experts, comes from a respected and well known lauchl. This is a devastating report. Not just from optics point of view, from Legal Compliance its very serious. This is not something breipart cooked up. The people in question. The ones who effect pecked a fave if return for donations in many cases were foreign governments. Thats kind of exactly what you dont want, right . This goes to i think the biggest problem that Hillary Clinton has here. You know, havin into the deposit myself many times, anybody would tell you that its an arduous process to separate your former private life from your government life. Not quite like going into a monastery. But it approaches it in the kind of separation you have to make. They made no separation. You cant tell where the clinton administration, sorry, freudian slip the t state department leaves off and the Clinton Foundation begins. You got cheryl mills in some of these emails involved in nittygritty internal Clinton Foundation management matters, when by law shes supposed to have one job, working for the state department. So thats the kind of thing, you know, if the tomorrow of the state of new york were anything other than a political hack, i would take this outside expert report and say, what remediation did the Clinton Foundation make in the past five years . What have they done to avoid these kind of problems . That would make for an interesting investment. Dont hold your breath. Youll pass out, if you do. Great to see you. Thank you, tucker. Right now we will speed read other news from around the world of politics. Heres one more reason not the like the irs. As if there werent already enough a. Government watchdog found the irs wasted 80 million on email service it could not even use. They couldnt figure it out. The money was spent on prescriptions, but the irs neff even instuld the necessary software. The irs disagrees with the watchdog it wasted taxpayer money. Of course. More than 1 million americans are about to lose their obama cho care coverage, a new anal shows 1. 4 million will lose their plan. Aetna and United Health have decided to stop selling individual Health Insurance in 2017. Signup for 2017 begins next month. Kind of a big story. Then some voters who got themselves a voter renls strax extension. A federal judge ruled earlier today Hurricane Matthew disrupted the final signup days for new voters in chalt am counttie, that includes the city of savannah achlts newly renovated Nixon Library is back, opened for business t. Past year the facility was in the final resting pleas of president Richard Nixon and his wife pat while undergoing a 15 million renovation t. Liebrary if his hometown of yorba linda, california, features a twoscale replica of the oval office. And donald trump was propelled to the republican nomination by christian voters to a large extent. Will they stand by trump as moring a saegss stack up against him . Its a key political implication. Also, House Speaker paul ryan has a warning to all republicans about who ought to be in charge of your National Budget if the Republican Party loses control of the senate. Loses control of the senate. Find out who. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Grump Donald Trumps now infamous 2005 video, the one you seen 2,000 times in the past week. It left a sour taste in the mouth, many christians. Many are standing behind trump. Why is that . The author of honestly one of the best books written, it was just absolutely fantastic. If you can keep it. I have to suck up. The author, which is every bit as good. Its much better and shorter. Done. Yeah. So christians are in many cases in a quandary, they want to vote not only for a man that represents their interest and look at this tape and they this is an indecent man. What should they do . First of all, we have to be much more nuance. There is no such thing as a decent man or an indecent man. As a christian, i sa i we are all indecent world sinners, were all broken it doesnt mean there are more people more decent than others. I think we are at a time in our political life, or our culture. Thats the book, we havent been keeping the republicful frank lynn said if you can keep it. In other words, its up to the people to keep the republic. For the last 30 or 40 years, we have not been teaching why we should love our country 57b on anded on and on, i dont need to explain to you and your audience. In a way, thats why we have this election. I think things are different. You are saying i think the impulse of a lot of people of faith is to sit this one out. Exactly right. Are you saying christian maybe the obligation is too strong. They ought to vote for trump, why . Its real simple. The idea that you cannot loathe i find that its purely to aswanl your own consciences to say i didnt dirty my hand by voting for that pig. Right. Guess what, you then elected the other pig. We have two imperfect candidates. We have to make the imperfect difficult decision. Heres why. If you care about poor kid if america. Theyre going to be affected by whose president. Yes. If you care about other countries, if you care about what happens in the middle east, about kids watching their fathers drown by isis. If you care about people, you have to think about those people and you have to make a mature, rational choice and the reason its difficult is because we want everything to be black and white. Of course. Neat and clone. But my attitude is that were at a point in our country right now where if Hillary Clinton is elected president and by the way, if christians sit home and dont vote. If people say i dont want to vote or they vote for gary johnson or whoever else, Hillary Clinton will be elected. The point is, the christians will then have to live with that. Theyre acting as though they dont. So what are the issues that ought to propel christians to vote specifically for trump . The most specific one has to do with the supreme court. Were at the Tipping Point if it was 1980 we wouldnt be here. If we have a couple sotomayors on the court, we have the end of self government. Will you have an activist supreme court. We never had anything quite like that before. Thats effectively the america we know it. We become a america quote religious liberty goes out the window. We are not as to have an establishment of religion, we are seeing a secular humanist religion, which the boast is getting behind. Remember, the government is not supposed to pick winners. Its taking sides. Economically, corporately. Theyre doing that with regard to marriage, with regard to the definition of the human person. That is already happening. If Hillary Clinton is elected, thats going to be so dispositive. Its going to change everything. Yes. People who dont understand that need to think about this. Because its going to be a new america. Im very sorry to say. Bottom line, you are not voting to feel virtuous. Its noobt my virtue or the lack of virtue of drumpl its about the people that will be affected, wilbur force, he worked with horrible people because hes thinking of the african slaves. If you care about somebody, you sometimes have to work with people you dont like. You have to do things you dont like. I think for many people voting for donald trump is that thing. But if you dont do it, gods going to hold you responsible for the policies of Hillary Clinton. Theres no way to squirm out of it. A great piece in the journal making a lot of these points which you should read. Thanks for having me. Hillary clinton the women against donald trump are forcing the donald Trump Campaign onto the defense. Today trump hit back in a rally in greensboro, forth carolina. John roberts is on the road inside that rally. Reporter hey, tucker, good evening to you. Donald trump on the stage here. He just spent the last ten minutes going over the Sexual Misconduct allegations against him. Refuteing them all, saying he is the victim of one of the greatest political smear campaigns in the history of this country. He wants to get back on telling e message, but the steady drip drip drip of his past continue to leave his campaign reeling. The latest coming from a woman summer zorbas a contestant on season five of the the apprentice claims when she was visited donald trump at the Beverly Hills hotel, allegedly for dinner several years ago, that he groped and acosted her in avila there against her wishes. Donald trump released this statement, quote earlier today, at an afternoon rally in greensboro, north carolina, donald trump addressed the broader allegations brought by the other six women in the last 48 hours. Heres what he said. I have no idea who these women are. I have no idea. I have no idea. And i think you all know i have no idea because you understand me for a lot of years. Okay. When you look at that horrible woman last night, you said, i dont think so. I dont think so. Whoever she is, wherever she comes from, the stories are total fiction. Reporter donald trump also addressing the timing of all of this, wondering why if some of these incidents are some 30yearsold theyre suddenly coming out now. Heres what he said about that in greensboro earlier today. They have no witnesses. There is nobody around. They just come out, some are doing it for probably a little fame. They get some free fame. Its a total setup. Now, doesntly after masuddenly many, many years, phony accusers come out less than a month before the most important elections in the history of our country. It also comes at a time as wikileaks unveils horrible, horrible things about Hillary Clinton. But, theyd rather talk about this. Somebody that youve never seen that said, oh, in 1992, he went like this. Reporter of course, all of this you, tucker, is leading up to the all important third president ial debate next wednesday in las vegas. One that one way or another will certainly be one for the ages. Tucker. So, give us some perspective. You are not. How much of his speeches are given over to responding to these allegations, is he reading off a teleprompter or is this ad lib. Reporter some is adlib. Some off the teleprompter. There is a pause, one of his supporters is doing something in the middle of the crowd. He asked for the medical team to come out. He spends about ten minutes the last few speeches he has given on this. The rest is all dedicated to the economic policies that he will pursue, Security Policies that hell pursue and going after Hillary Clinton, bill clinton and the Clinton Foundation and the Democratic Party over this treasure trove of emails that has been in this wikileaks dump. How is the turnout at this event . Reporter its great tonight. Im terrible counting crowd, lets just say theres thousands of people here. Yesterday was unbelievable in cincinnati. He was at the u. S. Bank arena there. Which holds 18,000 people. It was probably almost if not more than threequarters full. I think there was probably 15 or 16,000 people there. Last night, tucker. And thousands more that couldnt get in. We saw the same thing the other day in ocala, florida, where the fire marshall capped the people in the southeastern livestock pavilion at 7,000, there was an equal number of people outside getting in. He is having no problem attracting his supporters to these rallies. The big question is, that great center of america. Will they be so turned off that they wont vote for him or will they still come out an vote for him november 8th . That remains to be seen. I wouldnt even want to speculate. Hillary clinton continues to campaign behind closed doors, instead of rallies, she is holding starstudded fund raisers as she is today in seattle. Both former president clinton and president obama hit the trail. Fox news correspondent Jennifer Griffin is live on the road in seattle, washington. Jennifer. Reporter hi, tucker, well, Hillary Clinton by design is trying to stay out of the spotlight. She hopes that donald trump just keeps on talking. And that his accusers fill up all the air time. She just left the Paramount Theater here in seattle behind me. Thats where she held a fundraiser earlier today. She had capped a week, two days out here on the west coast. She had two fund raisers in california, where she raised 10 million in two events here when she arrived at the paramount, 24 hour Trump Supporters shouting lock her up. People ask me all the time, how can you do this . And believe me, i ask myself that. Its a grueling, strenuous challenge that requires a lot of stamina. Reporter since last weeks access Hollywood Tape became public. A new fox poll shows the largest declines for trump is women ages 45 and over, down 12 points. Voters zief 65 and older down 11 points. The Clinton Campaign wants to do etching it can to maintain support among women. That is why clinton is not sitting down for any serious hardhitting interviews. Instead, she appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show, where she joked about the last debate, sending her last surrogates to battle in states like ohio, urging women not the sit out this election. Her opponents made it pretty clear, he will drag this election as low as it can possibly go. And he physicals that if he makes our politics just toxic, then maybe youll just figure out, you got no good choices, you get discouraged and you just dont vote. But dont fall for it. Reporter bill clinton was in cincinnati today, also campaigning in ohio, where just a few weeks ago, polls showed the Clinton Campaign didnt seem to have a chance, now ohio is very much in play. Bill clinton faced hecklers who tried to change the subject about donald trump by calling him a rapist. Give this guy a hand. His side has had a very bad week. So lets try to make him feel better. What you are seeing is basically a microcosm of what this campaign is all about. You got one person whos a master at rubbing salt in peoples wounds, doesnt pay tacks. Doesnt even contribute to his own family charity, doesnt pay his contractors. Takes the life savings of people that go to trump u and dont get anything except trumped. Trump surrogates, meanwhile, say it is a bit rich for the clinton camp to be talking about trumps Sexual Assault of women. It is a subject that clinton surrogates get asked about on the campaign trail. No, it shouldnt matter. Look, i cant make any excuses for bill clintons conduct. And i wouldnt attempt to make excuser for his conduct. He paid a price for it. He paid a price. He was impeached and he was, he expressed his deep sorrow anding a nonld what he did. Reporter tucker, weve learned that those protesters who keep disrupting clinton rallies, both bill clintons and Hillary Clintons rallies, calling out bill clinton is a rapist are being offered 5,000 by info wars the group behind the wildest conspiracy theories about Hillary Clintons health. That we learned and why we are seeing more and more of those protesters try to get on National Television at those events, tucker. We met on the set of fox and friends ever vesffervesey exhi young man. A free speech can be racist. Well, if you have been paying any attention at all, you may have noticed there is a cultural revolution taking place, campus craziness is what we call it on this show. Todays edition is pretty crazy, first up, a feminist issuing citations to students who make kissing noises among other offensive sounds. Website campus reform which covers college news posted manls of the citation cards, which were created by sierras fem nis action club. They include invading my space, making whistling and pss noises. The text says, quote, have you received this card because you did something that made me feel uncomfortable and or threatened. Sierra college told fox news, it was unaware of the citations, but they have received no complaints so far. Well, speaker of Harvard Law School says terms like free speech may be racist and sexist. Graduate Kendra Albert told students when nonlawyers use legal terms like free speech, they lose the discriminatory history. The newspaper on campus. Albert takes issue with the use annual of the word defamation which she says, quote, hides deeply sexist and racist hor ro phobic antisex worker connotations. The power of these words make them dangerous. They deserve a second look. In other words, any word she doesnt like is dangerous and should be banned. Harvard law school says speakers with a broad range of view speaks at harvard, it doesnt take issue with any speakers point of view. Which is also untrue. Then black lives matter protesters at Ohio University interrupted this years homecoming Football Game by unfurling a banner, make racists afraid again, pushing fear. The campus reform the protesters started chanting whos lives matter . Black lives matter. A local newspaper on campus reported about 45 demonstrators dressed in all black held their fists in the air during a protest. In a statement to fog news, hoichlth University Said the students were fans and they were exercising their quote right to freedom of exprechlths a right under attack on other campuses. The University Says it supports that right. In missouri, a university considering a proposal that would use contributions to Equity Inclusion and diversity in determining which get tenure t. Proposal is a part of a 1. 1 million diversity audit at the university t. Local newspaper the missourian says the goal is to encourage faculty and staff to consider diversity issues in their teaching, it is not stressing what they are. You are supposed to know t. University of missouri did not respond to our request for comment. If you have a campus craziness story, let us know. Theyre abundant. We want to hear from you. You can email us, send it to xuzcraziness foxnews. Com. There is always a lot to choose from. How long did the three major how long did the three Major News Networks at bp, we empower anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right, so everyone comes home safely. Because safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Because safety is never being satisfied. You wont see these folks they have businesses to run. They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. Get a 4 week trial, plus 100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. Go to stamps. Com tv and never go to the post office again. So what would happen in a massive political story exploded in the face of the media and nobody covered it. Its not a rettical question. It happened thish test test a breakdown last. Nbc completely ignored it, leak they suppressed it. We will break down what explana this. Particularly nbc. They just dont mention it like it didnt occur . We have been in the media long enough. I cover media and i get that sex always triumphs. If you told me the trump story beat the Hill Wikileaks ratio, fine. New york times 11 stories on donald trump including one this sports section. Pretty negative. Zero on Hillary Clinton and wikileaks and everything coming out about that. Its remarkable. A couple of things, i get the sense the average reporter doesnt think it is possible to be unfair to donald trump. All bets are off. Embedded in these documents is shameful behavior by the press. John harwood who is part of the nbc empire is caught given Campaign Advice to Hillary Clinton people. Writing about how much he dislikes trump. Could that be part of the reason nbc didnt cover it. Someone on their payroll is caught giving advice to a president ial campaign. Thats about the most embarrassing thing a reporter can do. Id love to see accountability in this business. The people that run these networks, if you are mark hoffman at cnbc, the new york times, how do you not issue an apology after it is revealed and be why isnt there a suspension, any reprimand. People see nothing happening. Or even accounting for it. They wont answer questions. Heres what bothers me, the media outrage, but they are devaluing their credibility that is dangerous to the country. The Campaign Ends in three weeks. Half of which no one will believe them ever again. Survey in april finds 6, not 60 like after watergate, but 6 of americans have high confidence in the media. Thats disturbing. When this is said and done were not going to need one shower. We are going to have to acid wash ourselves in the media. Maybe not you and me but everybody else. Think of Donna Brazile giving Campaign Questions ahead to the campaign. She said it happened from time to time. It happened multiple occasions. Did they do an investigation who see who the culprits are, no they wont do it. They have a media reporter. Suppression. Great to see you. Paul ryan maybe using a scare tactic to get republicans if belose the senate you know who becomes the chairman of the Budget Committee . A guy named bernie sanders. Ever heard of him. This tells you what we will be dealing with if we lose control of the senate. Trying to right the ship not an easy task. Can he do that . Can he convince republicans to get out to vote this fall . It is great to see you. So first, glenn hall, wall street journal, he has a tough job, is in the right way to convince republicans to get out on election day. Good scare tactic. Reminding them what is at stake is what he needs to be doing. He is drawing a fine line. That would scare a lot of hillary supporters, bernie sanders. Especially on the banking committee. Imagine the reform he would bring. He staked out sanders has been clear what he would want to do and more serious than Hillary Clinton said she would want to do. No question that bernie sanders, Elizabeth Warren will pull a democratic president to the left. Thats what paul ryan is trying to play out there. Let me remind you what is at stake for our party and what the Republican Party believes in. Phillip of the Washington Post im struck by how few people in washington understand how things have changed because voters want Something Different than leadership wants. Can they put it back together . The Republican Party, no matter who wins will be a different party. Thats true. We have seen this rift, least since 2010. Paul ryan is speaker right now because of that rift because john boehner didnt get along with the caucus. That has been ripped open. Donald trump is running against the party right now. As he has from the beginning. There was a little makeup session in part because paul ryan came on board. I dont know if anyone knows how that is amended. It is a very difficult that paul ryan was already in. It is harder on november. Since this is a democracy, you have to ask who has more supporters. Do you think out there in the great middle of the country donald trump has more people that agree with him or paul ryan has more that agree with him. Thats the challenge that donald trump needs to figure out. Paul ryan has never had to do the national election. A different thing. Building support within wisconsin is one thing and in this coalition of the nation is another. It is the White Working Class that are brought in. This was not part of the Republican Party camp before and now it is. Can they hold on to that and build it . Thats where donald trump had the weakness, going beyond that base and pulling independents. Donald trump is more supported than the speaker. Well find out. Welcome to red eye. Im tom shillue. Lets check in with andy levey at the red eye tease deck. Andy . Coming up on the big show, they are searching google on how to write in a president ial candidate. Guys, it is not that difficult. It is spelled levy. And what are americans top 10 biggest fears . Where andy doing such a gad job job a good job hosting that i dont have a be jo on the list. That may be too specific

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