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Incident hyped and manufactured for domestic political goals. The only thing more credible than the saudi cover story is donald trump and mike pompeo are pretending to believe what the saudis say. The murder at the saudi consulate. There are actually liberals blaming this somehow on the chaotic Foreign Policy of President Trump. Howie is the press accusing trump of the same business as usual approach to the suedes as other president s . And the president praises a congressman who body slammed a reporter. Im howard kurtz and this is mediabuzz. The Media Worldwide extremely sceptical of the saudi explanation that khashoggi was killed in a chokehold at their consulate in turkey. The president said there has been deception analyze, but at the same time the president defended the kingdom as an incredible ally. Here to discuss. Emily jashinsky, sara fischer, and mo elleithee. Emily, in this interview you will hear the foreign minister he sessionally essentially stick to the saudi story. This fistfight business, is this intensifying the media criticism of President Trump for not acting more forcefully in this case . Emily we have seen an eagerness to use this as a way for President Trump to tie this to some of the antitrump forces favorite narratives about him. So i think it reason we are seeing so much coverage of this, some of which i think exceeds the proportion it should be because there is an eagerness to tie it to some of the attacks on President Trump. Howie the story as gruesome as it is is getting more attention in emilys view because trump critics can use this as ammunition against him. Mo i think it gets a lot of attention for a lot of reasons. It was a gruesome and heinous crime against a journalist. When across the globe you are seeing autocratic regimes target journalists who are critical of them more aggressively. Thats a dangerous trend we are seeing globally. And i think its getting a lot of attention because it fits into a narrative that this president has given autocratic regimes that overstepped their bounds the benefit of the doubt. We have seen the president er step of the way when its clear the saudi government has been less than straightforward. Howie you think the criticism of the president using a cautious approach, you are saying its a fair narrative . Mo i am saying it is a narrative. This is a narrative the president repeated. If you look at russia, now saudi, there is example after example, north korea where the president sided with the autocratic regimes initial response. Howie for 18 days the media was in this box. Apparent death, alleged death, presumed dead. But everybody knew Jamal Khashoggi had been murdered but you couldnt quite say it. Now you have an official explanation, he was in a fight with 15 men at the saudi consulate. You have to report the ridiculous chokehold story. Does the press have to play along with this story . Sara no, and they shouldnt. What person walks into a consulate and picks i fistfight with 15 men wielding a bone saw. It sounds like the statement being put out by the saudi government is not accurate and its the journalists job to call that out. Howie saying the turks have audio and we havent heard it. The Washington Post reporting on a Whisper Campaign against Jamal Khashoggi. They say in this report, by some conservative comsome by somee commentators to paint him. Emily its perfectly understandable when a member of the press is murdered so heinously, its perfectly people in the press are mourning. But there are legitimate things some conservative outlets reported on that are getting peoples attention. I hadnt noticed the coordination. Howie Fox News Contributor Sebastian Gorka calls him a socalled journalist. Other say he was embed with bin laden. Harris faulkner took flack for asking about past ties with the muslim brotherhood. She said it was just a question. Howie is this coordinated to make it seem like his murder isnt so bad . Mo i dont think there is anyone saying his murder wasnt so bad. But there are people trying to make points in order to muddy the issue enough in order to give the president political room to maneuver in how he handles his relationship with the saudi government. As long as there is some questions hovering over Jamal Khashoggi, then that gives the president more room to maneuver. I think thats a disgusting strategy. Howie the media is naturally sympathetic. Some are saying its being overplayed. Tucker carlson said its a stunt hyped and manufactured for political goals. Mo i couldnt disagree with tucker more. Im disappointed in that comment. Emily people are using it for political purposes on both sides. It doesnt surprise me that there are people who would go to lengths to help the president. Howie what about this question of it being overplayed because Jamal Khashoggi used to be a reporter, and he was an opinion guy, that the media are far more invested in this story than if it was a dissident without journalistic kri dengses. Emily i think they are far more invested than their readers are. Whenever the press is involved, especially in an emotional case like this, of course its being blown out of proportion. Howie most of people, including myself, had not heard of Jamal Khashoggi. He was a saudi citizen living in virginia. He has now in death become a symbol of the way President Trump is handling this and a symbol of the saudi authoritarian approach. Every past administration it seems to me for decades has overlooked the saudis terrible human rights record. The mistreatment of women. Most of of the 9 11 hijackers were saudis. Is there a possibility in this case the media are Holding Donald trump to a different standard than his predecessors. Sara this particular regime was supposedly progressive. They are empowering women to drive. They have the facade of being progressive. Howie experienced Foreign Policy writers and columnists were saying mbs was making some of the reforms you were talking about so the saudis were getting good press. Sara you could say the president is being held to a different standard. But in another, regardless of who the president is, we need to look at this particular case with extreme attention because of the fact they had been masquerading horrific things they have been doing with seemingly forwardthinking westernized ordeals. Mo this is a regime that was seen as trying to move reform forward. This sets this back. And you have to look at it through the lens of an increase in journalists being targeted across the world. There seems to be an uptick on that. The more we can put the spotlight on this, the better. Howie the saudis were trying to play the american media. Bret baier will be here with his exclusive interview of the Saudi Foreign minister. Media condemnation about the president s praise of a today is the day youre going to get motivated. Get stronger. Get closer. Start listening today to the Worlds Largest selection of audiobooks on audible. And now, get more. For just 14. 95 a month, youll get a credit a month good for any audiobook, plus two Audible Originals exclusive titles you cant find anywhere else. If you dont like a book, you can exchange it any time, no questions asked. Automatically roll your credits over to the next month if you dont use them. With the free audible app, you can listen anytime, and anywhere. Plus for the first time ever, youll get access to exclusive fitness programs a 95 value free with membership. Start a 30day trial today and your first audiobook is free. Cancel anytime and your books are yours to keep forever. Audible. The most inspiring minds. The most compelling stories. Text listen5 to 500500 to start your free trial today. Howie President Trump was campaigning from montana. The congressman who pled guilty to assaulting a reporter, throwing him to the ground while was asking questions. President trump any guy who can do a body slam is my guy. I said i know montana pretty well, i think it might help him, and it did. Hes joking about an assault on a reporter. In the face of world outrage about what happened to Jamal Khashoggi. There is the sad and simple fact that the president of the United States is yucking it up on the assault of one reporter while there is coverage of the murder of a journalist. Howie is it understandable for the media to lambaste the president. Emily he apologized for this. And its clear trump was joke. It was joke. I defended him on different occasions when people tried to tie him to le jet micing violence. Howie the president didnt say i was just joke. He said i stand by the comments. I dont think he should have gone there. But is it fair for some pundits on the liberal side to tie those comments to trumps approach to the murder of Jamal Khashoggi . Mo there are so many problems with the comment. I think it is fair to point to the fact there isnt a there is an uptick to violence to journalists around the world and the president is absolving violence against journalists. There is increasing violence against journalists. My problem with the comments is violence against anyone. He is slapping someone on the back for it. This is trump at his worst and one of the most of le jirt mat criticisms of how he approaches politics. Hes celebrating violence. Howie i want to turn to this a. P. Headline that drew a lot of criticism. Trump tells a. P. He wont accept blame if gop loses house. President trump to be honest with you, i get such phoney news. Everything is a fake. I gave an interview to a. P. , and the headline was totally different from Everything Else i said. Everything else was perfect. Howie here is what the president said. Do you accept responsibility if the gop loses house . No, i think im helping people. Sara i think with this a. P. Headline, this isnt going to be my fault. All he said was i think im helping people out. They took that and misconstrued it and painted the headline to be different than the rest of the article. Howie the president didnt have a problem with the story. It was the headline. Defamation lawsuit by stormy daniels. Trump won. He goes on twitter and says fine, now i can go after horse face. Most of people said this is beneath the dignity of his office. Emily the condemnation aspect of it i understand. The thundering part i dont. This is not new. Its not unusual for him. Sometimes the outrage is just fun the left is having fun with the outrage. I get it. I dont like it either. Howie the New York Times ran a story saying here are the things trump said, Carly Fiorinas face. Megyn kelly bleeding from her whatever. Maybe thats piling on, but did he open the door . Mo every time he does it he opens the door. The outrage factor in the social media era on both sides gets overhyped. This is where im glad when he does it, people are calling him out. The second we stop criticizing it, we should never allow it. Howie i wish he hadnt used horse face. But a lot of people outraged by very little coverage of rapper t. I. Making this mocking video with a fake woman portraying melania. You can see where this goes. The first ladys press secretary called this disgusting, and i have to agree. You didnt see much on that. Lets condemn both sides as we see whats happening here. Lets condemn both sides. We dont need to see that any further. Thank you, panel, emily jashinsky, sara fischer and mo elleithee. Bret baier is here with his first look at his interview with the Saudi Foreign minister. Howie the Saudi Foreign minister is defending the kingdoms explanation of the murder of Jamal Khashoggi well get brets take on the other side. Here is the interview with aljubeir. Bret joining us, adel aljubeir. Thanks for being here. Thank you for having me. Bret there is scepticism around the world, here in washington, all over of the latest explanation about the disappearance and death of Jamal Khashoggi. I want to give you a chance to lay out the latest explanation and how you came to this. We had an individual who came to the consulate, he was approached by the Saudi Security team. They told us he left the consulate. The they dispatched a team to turkey. Reports we were getting from turkey, they directed the Public Prosecutor to launch an investigation which he did. He discovered there were discrepancies. We discovered he was killed in the consulate. We dont know in details how. We dont know where the body is. The prosecutor put out orders to detain 18 individuals for questioning and possibly facing trial. This is the first step in a long journey. We are determined to uncover every stone and find out all the facts and punish those responsible for this murder. And we are determined to insure that the information we have with intelligence in the field has checks and balances into sure this can never happen again. Bret you said you dont know where the body is. Someone obviously knows. Was it chopped up and dismembered . We are work on this with our turkish colleagues, the prosecute years continuing his questioning. We are intent on uncovering all the facts that exist in this case. We want to make sure those responsible are held to account. Bret why did it take 18 days for the saudi story gel . First it was that he walked out of the consulate. Then it was silence. Then this failed explanation minus where the body is, and who ordered it. We had reports that indicated that he left the consulate. Then our investigating team in turkey discovered there were elements that contradicted what was in the report. Then the Public Prosecutor wants to do an investigation and he determined nawblg there was something that happened that was criminal and as a consequence when you have a situation like this you want the information you put out to be as accurate as you possibly can. You dont want to put out speculation and hearsay and gossip. These things take time. You look at the timeline between when the incidents were discovered and the report came out of what happened. These things take time and you want to be careful. Bret you are an authoritarian government. You are saying the crown prince did not know about this even though there are members of this 15person team that are closely aligned with him . First of all, we are mean in the authoritarian government. We are a monarchy. We have our checks and balances. The individuals outside the authority there was a tremendous mistake made and compounded the mistake by trying to couch. These things unfortunately happen. We want to make sure those who are responsible are punished and we want to make sure procedures are in place to prevent it from happening again. Saudi arabia since the founding of the modern saudi state we have never engaged in such behavior. This is an aberration, its a criminal act and those responsible will be punished. Bret did the crown prince know anything about it if there were people closely tied to him that were closely involved in the operation. There were pictures of some Security Officers in the security detail from time to time. But this is normal security, people who deal in security details rotate among the officials. Having somebody in a picture doesnt mean they are close at all. The crown prince is not aware of this. This was an operation that was a rogue operation. This was an operation where individuals ended up [inaudible] the responsibilities they had. They tried to cover up for it. Bret where what do you say do you believe that the turks have audio of what happened in that consulate . I dont know. They said they have audio, but we havent heard it. And i dont know any government that has access to those audiotapes. Bret do you believe the u. S. Intelligence agency has intercepts that has understanding at a high level of this operation . I dont know. I think they would have told us about it. I see a lot of speculation and hearsay and gossip in the press. I caution people to let the investigation unfold. And when the results come out, well know the truth. Bret you understand the scepticism, that this was a fight that developed in the consulate, and a 0yearold columnist a 60yearold columnist writer is going to resist a 15member Security Team and one of the members of the team was an autopsy specialist. How do you explain that. I dont believe all 15 members were in the consulate when this happened. We are looking at every individual member of the team. We are trying to figure out how they were aaccep a how they e assembled and dispatched and what happened consequent to that. The initial results are not conclusive. The investigation is in its early phases. Well pursue this to the end to uncover the truth to make sure Everybody Knows what happened and we hold them accountable. Bret im sure you heard lawmakers speaking out. Here is what senator rand paul said on fox news sunday. I feel certain the crown prince was involved and he directed this and we cant continue to have relations with him. Hell have to be replaced. Sanctions dont go far enough. Bret there were a lot of washington lawmakers in the same boat. How do you respond. I find it interesting how someone 6,000 miles away can have an opinion on the incident. This is a judgment call by senator paul based on speculation. With respect to the congress to wait until they have the facts, then judge the results of the facts and take positions then. But not jump to conclusions before something is conclude. There is a presumption of innocence and people have turned it upside down unfortunately. Bret are you worried that something in this investigation will turn up Something Different than the original story you put out now . We put out the version we have based on the facts we had at the time. Well continue to put out information as it becomes available and it is certified. We have been clear well leave no stone unturned. Bret king salman is standing behind the crown prince on all of this . [inaudible] the investigation to ascertain the facts and hold those responsible accountable and determine to put in place policies and procedures and measures in the Security Services to prevent Something Like this from happening again. Bret what will happen to the people who have been arrested surrounding this . This is up to the courts to decide. The Public Prosecutor will bring charges as the investigation unfolds. They will be referred to the courts and the courts will sentence them. Bret do you have a message to the khashoggi family . Yes, this is a terrible mistake, a terrible tragedy. We feel their pain. I wish this didnt happen. Unfortunately a few [inaudible] was made and i assure those responsible will be held accountable for this. Bret you spent a lot of time as ambassador to the u. S. , now as foreign minister. How concerned are you about the future of the u. S. Saudi relationship after all this . [inaudible] great interests that we share together. We have a great trade relationship. We have Security Issues important to both of us. We work closely on combating terrorism and extremism and containing irans aggressive policies in the region. Trying to bring peace to pakistan and afghanistan. The strategic relationship is important for both countries. I believe when the investigation is over and the facts are revealed, people know who is responsible and see those individuals punished, that the relationship with weather this. Bret saudi arains foreign minister, adel aljubeir, thank you for your time. How report Saudi Foreign minister calling the murder of Jamal Khashoggi a huge and grave mistake. Bret baier joins us in washington. He said he didnt give an inch on the saudis latest narrative. He says we dont know how khashoggi was killed. What struck you most of about the Foreign Ministers stance . Bret the repeated questions about whether the crown prince, mohammad bin salman knew about it. Eventually he got to he didnt know by the and didnt have details about it. But thats where the Trump Administration is coming down. If the crown prince knew and ordered this, then it will be hugely problematic for them. The details obviously he wouldnt go into, saying the investigation is continuing. Now we are hearing the turkish government will come forward with the turkish results tuesday. The saudi explanation is a little vague at this point. Howie mbs, the crown prince, drawing criticism because of this squad that went to istanbul. The president said nobody told me hes responsible, mbs, i would love it if he wasnt responsible. Addressing his soninlaw, jared kushner, they are just two young people. Bret that obviously is the linchpin to the relationship between the u. S. And saudi arabia and the different relationship now. The question about is king salman standing behind the crown prince. We didnt get a definitive answer from the foreign minister. Saying the investigation will continue and the cards will fall where they may. I think well see a few more shoes drop in coming days in all of this. Howie as an interviewer you want to be fair. But you are asking him about a timeline of nine days when they discovered khashoggi didnt walk out of the consulate like the saudis originally claimed. Its a situation where hes trying to defend a story that frankly on its face seems ludicrous. I think you had to decide how you would approach that. Bret i just went point by point on the scepticism. Hes going to and the way hes going to answer. I think that in itself is newsworthy. When pushed about the authoritarian government when he came back, we are not authoritarian, we are a monarchy. Look at abu ghraib, the u. S. Didnt have an explanation of what happened there. I cover the that story. But to bring up that suggests that thats the pushback. Thats the defense. We are a sovereign nation, we are going to deal with this. You can choose to believe it or not, but this is how you are going. Howie its interesting aljubeir used the phrase innocent until Proven Guilty. People dont think of innocent until Proven Guilty as one of the tenets of the way that kingdom is being run. Bret hes playing off the a. P. Interview the president gave saying we just went through this with kavanaugh, innocent until Proven Guilty. The saudis know they have a strategic relationship with this administration, they want to preserve it. But there is a lot of pushback. Im not sure this interview takes away any of that. But its the first time the saudis have spoken publicly since putting out the first explanation. Howie the questions about what they knew and why it took so long. Its difficult to buy these explanations. This is a smart foreign minister. He knew you were going to press them. Bret he knows the operations. I asked him a few more questions that ill air on special report tomorrow night. Howie thanks for being here, bret baier. 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The president said we went up 600 points on the market and they didnt have it in the major news. Perhaps you could have point out the dow dropped 1,300 points the previous week. Stuart the extraordinary report on job openings. There are 7. 1 million Jobs Available in america today. That is a record number. Its an astronomical number. That report received zero coverage on. Even though it showed the economy is doing remarkably well. I wanted to make that point with the president. Howie you could find some way that the market went un600 points that day. You asked him about cutting spending. He said he would. You said it would be tough. Stuart some responsibility, but very limited. Most of of this increasing deficit was set in motion by the obama administration. Obama policiesh created that long running deficit. What is interesting to me is hes tackling it. Hes stepping on the third rail of american politics. You want to cut government spending, he has a fight on his hands. Hes asking departments to cut 5 from their budget. He broke news during our event and it was not picked up by establishment media. President trump sometimes i get a nasty person with a stupid question like from cnn. I will hit the reporter back modestly hard. Howie do you think the cnn reporters ask the president horrible questions or are his expectations unrealistic. Stuart no journalist will be comfortable with the hostility between the president and the media in particular. But what i want to emphasize not whose fault this, but this is the nature of this presidency and this president s reaction to the media. Its entirely understandable. When was the last time you saw something positive about this president or his policies in the establishment media. Very, very rare. 92 of the coverage has been negative. When is the last time you could see an article on the front page of the times other post other evening news saying the president is doing the right thing and hes wing. Howie it does happen occasionally. You did say has anyone tried to take your phone away to stop yourself from tweeting into trouble. Do you think someone should . Stuart i have been critical of some of the tweets and the language in those tweets. I believe its an impediment for the president going forward. Thats why i suggested maybe somebody should take your phone away from you. He rejected to tha rejectd that entirely saying varney, lay off. We like the tweets. Howie thats it for this edition of mediabuzz. We tore up our show at the last minute to make room for bret baiers interview with the Saudi Foreign minister. He said the murder of khashoggi was a grave mistake. But he doesnt know how he was killed or where the body is, the defense of the crown prince bin salman. Check out my new podcast mediabuzz meter. We check out the the original videos and continue the conversation so i can buy from enterprise car sales and youll take any tradein . Thats right great here you go. 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