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President s press secretary said if congressman nun else got intel from the white house it wouldnt pass the smell test. Howie are journalists losing the focus on whether there is collusion between the Trump Administration and russia. You think im bad for america . I do. In the longhaul you know what howie sean hannity takes on ted koppel. And we debate his comment that the meade jails out to destroy donald trump. This is mediabuzz. Media firestorm after devin nunes disclosed he was secretly on white house grounds and expressed information that surveillance picked up to trump aides. This is his meeting with the press. Did you meet with the president or of any his aides while you were there that night . No. Im sure the people in the west wing had no yifd was there. Howie the New York Times revealed the sources were two white house officials. Buy benson, the Political Editor at town hall. Com and juan williams. This report of devin nunes going away, coming back, talking to reporters about alleged surveillance. How big a story is that . We heard the president say the press is getting bogged down in process. Thats how stories get told. We need to see if 9 media is using devin nun else as a distraction the way donald trump uses his twitter feed as a distraction. I think its hard to follow the expript and the plot in i think its hard to follow the script in this saga. There doesnt seem to be hard evidence on either side of this. One of the beefs i have with the media in our coverage of this controversy is they are focusing so much on the house acrimony, very little attention is spent on the senate side. If we are trying to figure out whats happening with russia visa advice our arecollections, iaof advice vis a visour ele. We are focusing on that process its a distraction whereas the Senate Intelligence committees investigation might be doing parole work. Howie that assumes they are doing all the work. He can said the hearings and they are fueling the narrative in the press that the investigation is paralyzed. What you hear from his counterpart adam schiff the top democrat on the House Intel Committee, he feels nunes sacrificed his credibility, canceled his meetings. You had the white house behind the suggestion the House Intel Committee would have testimony from paul manafort, carter page and others. Howie how do you know that . The question is whether the white house has been using nunes to stop the course of that investigation, or to give a stage to people who would testify there was nothing going on. Howie do you believe this is murky or do you believe all the head lines are justified. I know the way we work as reporters. We are intent on the question whether the senate and house can properly investigate this case or as we heard from people like senator mccain and others. Maybe its time for an independent or special prosecutor. There has been something of a pileon for nun else. Pileon for nunes. But mr. Schiff came out and said there is circumstantial evidence of collusion. Where did that go . Howie a sleepyized chuck todd started talking about the surveillance scandal. The other one is the fake news story there is no victory for trump is pushing the phoney russia story. I think we are getting away from the point. When you watch cable, every missouri they have to reset the story. Reason we are holding these investigations, we have to get to the point to see if russia meddled in these elections. The president is trying make it unmasking of names the biggest story but its not. The biggest story is whether russia mid meddled in the election. Howie he went after a Washington Post story that said the white house sought to block the testimony of former acting attorney general sally yates. The Justice Department sent a letter to her lawyer saying her testimony. The implication that was shoveled to the audience at home, not just the post, but everyone covering it. This was if he their was, and the white house was using a heavy hand to squelch with a heavy hand. One of the things we learned a fact in the last few weeks came from the senate side where it turned out the russians were meddling on behalf of donald trump and Hillary Clinton. But they have been coming after paul ryan and marco rubio who revealed he was the target of this. Howie the white house included the denial in the original story. Another media uproar inside the beltway has to do with the House Freedom caucus which essentiallg law on the healthcare bill. The president tweeting again. The Freedom Caucus will hurt the entire republican agenda if they dont get on the team and fast. We must fight them and the dems in 2018. Its hard for the press to hold back when the press uses that language. The president s tweet tally. He tweeted he thought it was direct for mike flynn to ask for immunity. This fuels the story. The whole thing is this morning the tweets that you read over the weekend as well as the tweets during the week. The president is playing a major media role. He just has a more direct connection. According to polls most people think he should stop. Howie going after the Freedom Caucus the press is full of republican civil war. Is the president too quick to call this a republican civil war or is this too bloody . You just put the tweet up there. His social media director came after a specific member from michigan saying lets primary him. Another guy from idaho came to his defense tweeting back at the white house. I think the media loves to stoke the embers of internal uproar in the republican party, but in this case i think its justified. I cant tell you how much republicans love to get on the phone with reporters and bash other republicans. How arent reporters encouraging that . Thats our job to get information. Howie this particular tweet was headsnapping. But it depend on whether you view it as a serious threat to the president ial elections. Its worthy of coverage and hes the one doing it. Republicans this week saying we are being bullied. They pushed back. You say the media may be seeking to undermine republicans. Republicans are feeling there is a divide between our president and the Freedom Caucus. Howie all im saying is the president is enjoying this story. When we come back. When we come back. Sean spicer getting pushback. If you have medicare parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. 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Only at td ameritrade. Howie sean spicer routinely mixes it up with white house correspondents. But one has sparked sharp criticism. How does this Administration Try to revamp its image two months in. You have got russia and wiretapping. No, we dont have that. I get it. I said it from the day that it got here until whatever there is no connection. You have got russia. If the president puts russian salad dressing on his salad tonight somehow thats a russian connection. I appreciate your agenda here. But the reality is. Hold on. At some point report the facts. Every Single Person who has been briefed object this subject has come away with the same conclusion. Republicans and democrats. Im sorry that disgusts you, you are shake your head. I have been here for 20 years. Since 1997. We have never seen anything like this before. My question was simple. How do you change the perception problem basically. Essentially i was road killed today. Howie sean spicer took a lot of heat including from Hillary Clinton talking about women of color. I dont put much into what Hillary Clinton says. Sean spicer has a tough challenge every day. I hate second guessing these guys too much. Probably a lighter touch was in order. If you are a reporter, not a commentator, but if you are a straight News Reporter and you are sitting there shake your head in disgust, i can see why spicer might get his dander up. I dont think she is a victim. She is a reporter doing her job and she doesnt need Hillary Clinton and others playing the race card. April is a tough reporter that knows how to throw it out and take it back. To somehow its demeaning for some folks to say that she cant take it. Howie basically hes saying he giving everybody a hard time in the Briefing Room. Lots of people perceived it as somehow treating her as a child, in a childish manner. Telling her to stop shaking her head. To me this is the back and forth. April ryan is quite capable and you can see she continued to talk to sean spicer. Howie when sean says i know you have an agenda thats the real heart of it. A lot of people have gone away from that because they want to focus on she is a woman and she is black. Sean spicer is saying she had an agenda. They make this accusation against the whole media generally. Howie erin, was thering wrong with april ryans question . No. Howie does this help her. I think a lot of people in the front of the Briefing Room perform their questions, and those who sit in the back ask questions that that get dismissed. This happened, its not unique to april ryan. Howie i did like the russian dressing line. And the next day he called on april ryan first, how are you doing. Up next the white house respond on the latest coverage of the president. Sarah Huckabee Sanders is here. Sean hannity says the Mainstream Media are trying to destroy President Trump. Howie joining us to respond to a difficult week of coverage for the president. Is sarah Huckabee Sanders. There has been a lot of coverage much devin nunes briefing the press on the surveillance. Your colleague sean spicer. This is receiving criticism even from conservatives. Everybody wants to talk about substance with it comes to the president and constant attacks on that. Now we have somebody with very deep knowledge of whats going on, has the ability to look at classified information and say there is something there. I think thats worth a lot more time than we are giving it. That part of it instead of the process and the back and forth. Howie why would the white house go through this cloak and dagger routine . That fuels questions as well. I dont think that was the white houses play or position. Its equal access that information is open for both of those individual to see what they have done. I know adam schiff spent a significant amount of time at the white house. He was there for several hours. Howie you are saying there is no reluctance to share this information with the ranking democrat on the House Intel Committee . Because there is something there we would love for him to come and see it. It turns out there is something of substance there for him to know about, we want him to see it. If there wasnt something of substance he would have walked out and said this was a waste of time and a dog and pony show. He hasnt done that, so i think its telling on what he saw friday. Howie why is the president calling these investigations a witch hunt . And why did he tweet chuck todd should stop with the fake russia stories . Didnt the president ask for the investigations . I think the media is so focused on the trumprussia component and not the fake news. They have been trying to make something out of it for the last nine months. Even senior officials in the Obama Administration said there is no collusion between the Trump Campaign and russia. If they had something they would have found it in the last few months. Lets move on to the surveillance story. If they dont want to talk about that. Lets talk about what the president has been focused on. Howie i would agree there is no hard evidence on either one of these arguments. I dont know that its realistic to say just focus on onehalf of the story. I think they have spent so much time focusing already and have come up with nothing so its time to move on. Howie when the president tweeted the House Freedom caucus could hurt the republicans. The New York Times called it avengeful tirade against members of his own party. He wants the members of his party to get on board. These are the guys who campaigned on repealing and replacing obamacare. We have an opportunity to do that, so lets do that. Lets fulfill the promises we made to the American People. Howie lead story in the Washington Post, trumps agenda getting upstaged. Is it a so that what the president is trying to accomplish is not getting as much attention . Absolutely. The media wants to talk about something that doesnt exist instead of something that does. We spent the last couple months doing major policy initiatives and rollouts in the form of executive orders. Creating an environment where businesses are confident in hiring again. We heard from ceo after ceo. They are excited about this president and the economy. The media refuses to cover that but they are happy to talk about a story thats fake. Howie the New York Times did a front page on the latest trade order. A lot of Media Chatter about ivanka trump taking an official white house job. She is an official assistant to the president. That led to the Financial Disclosure forms the white house put out and the New York Times piece on ivanka and her husband jared kushner. Walking and precarious ethical and legal grounds. I think it many a great thing to have people who have been successful come in and put their success into the public sector. We should be celebrating the fact that they are there. Democrats love to talk about the war on women. The only war on women i see is the one thats waged against every woman and every female thats close to this president. They have somebody thats the biggest advocate sitting next to the president that he listens to. They should be championing that. Howie ivanka they ignored lets see on radio show, so let me the end on this question of editing you know how it is with news manager shoes interview they edit down 10, 12 minute piece. Lets not waist. Hold on you say fake, edited news why fake. It is fake, because he didnt include my answer, i mean, listen i will be very honest this was a really good substantive giveandtake exchange i think people would benefit from seeing. Now on one hand ted thinks he is object just a secondive im he had to coppel this is nightline, that is fine, but ted koppel i actually had an answer for him, and i respectfully deferred let him make comments, right to supplies if you are going to interview and make yourself look good as possible a cheap shot, and i dont care he thinks i am bad for america i know otherwise we report stories look, first of all, i give the American People a lot more credit than he does. And that is i think people know that watch Fox News Channel that there are news programs and there are opinion programs. I dont think many people in america that watch my show dont pick up pretty quickly that i am a conservative. Or people on msnbc liberal. On that point on that point about your audience, coppel said you are pretty good at what you do but you have transacting people determined ideology more important than fact doesnt appear he thinks much is saying basically my audience by me i am a good liar i interpret those remarks couldnt be further from truth i have been saying for years, journalism in america is dead. That we have an information crisis in america. The old guard like coppel,they cant they cant fathom that day has come in many ways gone we have o evolved way beyond where they have been, they have monopoly all this time, and once people had he alternative sources of information, they sought them out i just want to make one point i dont care if vetting of obama, i doubt cbs every give a horrific record of obama after 8 years would i give on a regular basis during election campaign, i used for example i dont think they went indepth about the benghazi lies indepth about Hillary Clintons foundation iranian one deal, all i give more facts and information, they are neck doesntwork doesnh it an audience we are giving news information that is obviously people want need and desire, and are not getting anywhere else, i will be honest i am proud of the work we do here we work hard at what we do here. You talk a lot on your show obviously about liberal media bias. You are up front about your commentator dont claim to be a journalist very strong o supporter of President Trump back to campaign. Right. Even thougha why should not People Discount some of what you say. Why should they example one thing i ever said on this show not true. I wasnt saying wasnt true people shouldnt believe you i am saying why not discount it as being the uh well efforts of a guy who is in the opinion business is in a well he should. And others i think are pretty well aware that i have a political point of view, and frankly i dont care what other peoples points of view are i think in america the First Amendment is sacrosanct weout ought to have free open exaggerate of ideas ideals principles i consider myself a Radio Television talk show host a journalist in the sense advocacy journalist i am editorial page of paper we do straight reporting on my show on a regular basis. And i think a lot of the reporting we have do is a lot a better than you will find in main stream media i am not saying this are a gantry we go out of way to find news information that is valuable that i think is given short of shrift ignored. Last week Health Care Bill defeated you blames republicans on hill you said this is not President Trumps failure, now, just about i should say many, many people in media including conservatives says yes president worked very hard on legislation but it is partially his failure, are you going to i will tell you why i think you are wrong, because, republicans have been talking about repealing and replacing obamacare season of or eight years now give us house in 2010 got house, then, give us the house in senate no 2014 they got senate, then 2016, many of these people and in fairness even speakeran not a big supporter of donald trump, wouldnt appear with him, november 19 elected president he is president elect, donald trump represents the executive branch of government, paul ryan is a speaker of the house of representatives, legislative branch of government they had 8 years to build a consensus, now about before they rolled out the bill, we know there that the Republican Democratic parties are Coalition Parties should 4 gotten moderates tuesday group Study Committee wednesday friday Saturdays Group Freedom Caucus, hang on that was a consensus bill, that would have passed. They ended up letting trump do the heavy lifting and that is frankly should not be his job, they my opinion Republican House members were not prepared for this moment to lead and they let the president down, now, the president i have no problem with is there anything so far in Trump Presidency that disappointed you you know, listen, to i wish at times maybe wouldnt get in some of the battles that he gets in, yeah, built you know what it is not that it is not that meaningful to me. More of my interview in a moment later why are so many liberalize knocking the Vice President over his marriage . Constipated . Trust 1 doctor recommended dulcolax. Use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. Suppositories for relief in minutes. And dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax. Designed for dependable relief. Howie more of my sitdown with sean hannity. You said on cbs sunday morning you said this before. The press in this country is out to destroy this president. Every member of the press, a bit of an overstatement . Sean no, i dont think so. I have never seen anything like it. You follow the press and have for many years. Can you give me one shred of evidence that x have seen for 8 long nos. Russia conspiracy. Do you see evidence donald trump and his campaign in think way collude with russia . In terms of impact this election . Is there any evidence of that that you know of . Howie as of now there is no evidence. But its a story that needs to be covered. You sean every time you read a story that donald trump was involved in this collusion, its a false narrative, its a lie without evidence to corroborate it. Howie on the koppel thing, you love these fights, they put you in the spotlight. Sean i never back down from a fight. But if you ever look at the people if i fought with on twitter or the people i fight with on my shows, i try not to devote too much time to fighting because i have more information thats valuable to my audience. I serve my audience. They start the fights with me, i just dont back down. If they want to start a fight, im game, im in the arena. Howie success see more it on our Facebook Page or home page. Bill oreilly was criticizing Maxine Watters when he took a personal swipe saying it looks like she wears a james brown wig. Bill talking points believes Maxine Waters is sincere in her belief system and should not marginalized by political opponents. I made that mistake on fox and friends. I said the congressmans hair distracted me. That was stupid. It had no place in the conversation. Howie that drew plenty of criticism. I give him credit for apologizing at the top of his show. The New York Times reported on five cases where women have alleged Sexual Harassment by bill oreilly. . They paid 13 million in settlements. Oreilly said this. Just like other prominent and controversial individuals, im vulnerable to people who want me to pay them to avoid negative publicity. But most importantly, im a father who cares deeply for my children and would avoid doing anything to hurt them in any way. I would put to rest any controversies to spare my children. 20th century fox says they take these if mat percent very seriously. We looked over these matters and discussed them with in oreilly. While he denies the merits of those claims, he has resolved those he regarded as his personal responsibility. After the break, Mollie Hemingway on how a quote from howie there was an explosion over a froa profile of Vice President pences wife karen. He says he never eats dinner alone with any woman but his wife. Fan wont drink alcohol unless his wife is present. I spoke with Mollie Hemingway from new york. You had a great couple on this. Talk about the tone and intensity of this recycled comment from mike pence. You had the National Post saying mike pences evangel ask cal refusal to eat with ladies is the trip culture. Others thought it was an example of sharia. Vox was wondering fit was illegal to not dine with anyone who was not your wife. Howie what does it say about the media mindset. About the Vice President who with his wife is a Christian Conservative being taunt and ridiculed for how he refuses to conduct his marriage. The original story was respectful. But there is something of a disconnect with a lot of people not understanding how from digital religious believers live their life. This isnt that bizarre behavior for christians, muslims, jews. People who believe they need selfdiscipline to guard themselves against infidelity isnt something they would do. This is news room culture thats out of except with that mindset. You need diverse views in the newsroom so when you encounter things like this you dont teeth it like gorillas in the mist. Howie why dont you let mike pence do what he wants rather than suggest he has this rule because he cant control himself around women. It gets to the nature of man and whether they should easily overcome all temptations. Its a battle between a progressive and traditional mindset, and you are seeing it on great display. Howie you say in your piece what mike pence is doing is common sense and hes trying to guard against temptation and you talk about your own marriage and say temptation is a fact of life. We have so many news stories that come out because of scandal its not news that a lot of marriages end in divorce and infidelity is a big motivator for that. He. It is kind of weird for a politician to hold his marriage up in such high regard. But the idea that this is something to mock is not healthy given a how much damage is done by marital infidelity. We should have a conversation about healthy marriages. Howie mollie, when you are back in dc, do you want to have dinner . No drinking. Mike pence said he was sorry his wife karen couldnt be there but she had dinner plans. Howie the biggest story in london was moving ahead with a divorce from the european union. But the daily mail says never mind brexit. , lexit. They compared the legs of theresa may and nicholas sturgeon. The paper responded to a way of of criticism changing a subhead saying this is a lighthearted take. She says the critics should get a sense of humor. But its a strikingly sexist way to sell papers in 2017. Im howard kurtz. Thanks for joining us. We hope you like our Facebook Page. I try to respond to some of the comments. Look forward to your feedback. Seven miles. You got to run. Can you do seven miles . No. Two miles . Robert we are heading into a critical week in washington. President trump preparing to host the president of china as the senate careens towards the ultimate showdown over Supreme Court nominee neil gorsuch. Im Robert Schmitt in for harris faulkner. This is fox report. President donald trump with tough talk on North Carolina ahead of this weeks summit with the president of china. Mr. Trump telling the Financial Times the u. S. Will take action to eliminate north Koreas Nuclear threat with or without chinese assistance. China is one of north koreas sole allies and largest trading partner. Supreme Court Nominee judge neil gorsuch is expected to take a major step wa

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