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Donald trump still has a narrow path to 270. It is really a narrow one. She wins florida and blue wall, shes president of the United States. Florida is the must win state for donald trump in order to stay alive. You believe it is america ending, their identity is ending. That is why trump is going to win this election. Wall to wall prognostication, do journalists have a clue who will win on tuesday . Was it a blunder for much of the press have written off trumps chances two weeks ago . As the fbi probe of hillarys emails fueled by lots of leaks been as big a bombshell as the pundits predicted and what role has media bias played in this endless election . Im howard kurtz, this is media buzz. Still to come, a blur for the media, donald trump and Hillary Clinton make their final sprint to the battleground states across the country and the rhetoric in this often Ugly Campaign has turned even harsher. She will get us into world war iii. She will get us into world war iii. Ill tell you that. Shes incompetent. She will get us into world war iii. The arrogant Political Class never learns. I am sick and tired of the negatives, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and behavior of people who support donald trump. Joining us now to analyze the Campaign Coverage in these chaotic last days, erin mcpike, reporter for real clear politics, molly hemingway, Senior Editor at the federalist and joe tribby, democratic strategist. A number of pundits that came out and said this week was over, done, hillary is going to win. Who is going to be in her cabinet, no way trump can pull this off. Was that reckless . It was in a way, throughout the primary the media kept saying that donald trump couldnt win the primary and then he kept winning state after state after state. And became the nominee. Maybe just maybe this time we know that it is always going to be a race until it is over. Molly, im not saying donald trump is going to win. Given that whole history of journalists and pundits writing him off and the avalanche of negative stuff in the press against him, he is still in convention. What does that tell us about the role of the press here . People should be very humble when they are analyzing how things are going in this race. That humility should have been built in from how often we got things wrong during the primary completely legitimate. It did seem like it was unwinnable a few weeks ago, still an uphill climb for him. Change is because he has gained in the polls and because Hillary Clinton had such a bad couple of weeks. This is not necessarily a problem, this is just reflecting the reality of the changed race. Your middle name is humility, joe, but many on your side did think it was a virtual lock for hillary. Dont commentators know even without the fbi and the other stuff that races almost always tighten in the final days, president ial races. I think a lot of commentators said things like that or preas iffed it with anything can change. More cautious ones did. But i think it always goes overboard and never look, they always get closer at the end, always do. Why is that . You want to appear so smart that you called it the day before someone else and you hope if youre wrong, if everyone loses a video if youre wrong, no one generally everybody is wrong. When it is going the way it was, when it was going the way it was precomey letter where everybody was sure it was going to happen, little danger in doing it. You set up my next question. Looking back, did the media overestimate the impact of james comey sending the letter to the hill, opening an inquiry into Hillary Clintons emails, Anthony Weiners laptop and all that, because it was covered wall to wall as if it was the biggest bombshell of all time. It was a big bombshell. It needed to be covered in a big way when it broke. I think the coverage has sort of evened out as we have gone on in the last nine days or so. It deserved to be covered because it was a huge story. The fbis involvement in this election is something that the media couldnt possibly ignore. Over the next few days, after the weekend that that story just kind of took over this campaign, there was an intense media focus on comey, the fbi director, and whether he was meddling in the election and New York Times news story even compared him to j. Edgar hoover. That shifted the focus in my view. What do you think . Shameful the way the media covered this. No daylight between the Clinton Campaigns approach to what happened and what you were reading in many media outlets. This should have been covered on the substance. You have an fbi investigation, into one of the candidates who is running for president. That is just legitimate on its own. How it affects the race should not be the primary concern of the media covering this race, and it is a big reason why people have such a difficulty trusting their media to cover things. Are you suggesting that media followed the Clinton Campaign line or just somehow came to the same conclusion as people in the Clinton Campaign. You can see it by the way the media covered things differently when the fbi let her get away with the mishandling of classified information in july, a lot of republicans were upset about that. You saw the Media Coverage saying this was so awful you would question an fbi investigation. All of a sudden, when it changes, they also change. It is, again, following the Clinton Campaign instead of doing real journalism. You cant take this out of the politics of it. It has got to get covered and there were politics and the other thing that was going on, the republicans i mean, both sides for partisan purposes piled on and the press the press initially covered what chaffetz and other republicans were and trump were saying, and that immediately politicized it. There was a reopening of an investigation, obviously true, and immediately you had the media changing the headlines on their stories in response to Clinton Campaign complaints. And it was the silliest thing to say it is a criminal investigation, and that shes going to jail and if he was president there is legitimate question of whether or not the hundreds of thousands of emails that were found on weiners laptop could turn out to be incredibly incriminating. Or nothing. We dont know. The fbi didnt know. They werent allowed to read emails. Hillary clinton started to i think what happened was it was politicized. The republicans youre saying both sides. Thats what im saying. Both sides politicized it. The republicans did and the democrats thats once the the media should not take part in that politization process. Should cover things down the middle of the road. We have questions we need answered by the investigation into Hillary Clinton, into the foundation and were wasting all this time talking about james comey instead of the actual investigation. Because there is an election for president going on both sides and one side is trying to use this to further its cause and the democrats are going to push against that. That leads to questioning why comey did it at that time, theyre going to do that. The press has to report all this. Let me get back to the road to 270 electoral votes. Let me put up a frame grab as we call it, of cnn the other day, breaking news banner, breaking news, look at the there, we dropped the banner, clinton dropped clinton was to longer a lock for 270. These are all projections based on analysts. Interesti interesti Interesting Exchange on msnbc, williams gave halprin a hard time. Take a look. I think youve gone out of your way to find the path, argue for the path, forge the path for him in an argumentative way with your cohost to the nomination tonight. I thought you were interestingly optimistic. Where are you getting the path of positive ty you laid out on your broadcast . Not optimism, it is looking at the data. Rough out there. That was surprising. Now, the cnn breaking news banner. We havent had election day yet, that was an interesting strange i will say, as you know, to fully disclose my bias, i love playing with the Electoral College map. It is really fun. But put in context, i want to read you a couple of sentences on the front page of the washington post. The u. S. President ial election has become an object lesson in everything that ails a country, long seen as a beacon of freedom and hope. In the second top story of the post, on the eve of the election, america is afraid. Put in perspective, talking about the electoral map is not quite that bad. You want to take an antidepressant after reading this i wonder how much of that is suddenly really about trump. But, joe, look, as everybody in the press obsesses on every new tracking poll and states, like arizona and colorado and North Carolina and florida and all that and donald trump going to michigan and thinks his campaign does believe they can put down play and now Hillary Clinton going back there and president obama going there tomorrow. It still seems like a crap shoot. You cant cover this election without the map. This is a national election. No one cares Everybody Knows how california is going to vote and idaho everything, the campaigns, where theyre going, where theyre putting ads up, everything all useful information. All about having said that horse race coverage can overwhelm the actual substance of the campaign. This has been an Interesting Campaign with candidates who have different ideas about foreign policy, immigration, economic policy, when you obsess over horse race politics at the expense of those issues, it kind of teaches people not to vote on issues so much as to vote strategically. Back in 2008, the night before the election, david gergen who is a cnn commentator went on and said i expect barack obama to get 332, maybe 339. He got 355. I remember watching that coverage and being surprised that someone would go on tv and say what would happen the next day. Now we do it all the time. Doesnt shock me at all. It did back then. We change so much of what we do. Got to get a break. Remember to email us. Ask questions or comments about the media. When we come back, donald trump pulls out an nbc reporter at the rally and the network pushes back. And the coverage of fbis clinton email investigation and a related inquiry, is the press making james comey the bad guy. Gegiving up all the thingsan she loves to do. It should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. Oh, that smells so good. Aw, and it tastes good, too. We can provide the right care, right at home. Yeah. R when you said that men are superior drivers . Yeah, then howd id get this. Allstate safe driving bonus check . Only allstate sends you a bonus check for every six months youre accidentfree. Silence. Its good to be in, good hands. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. Donald trump has been much more disciplined on the stump. At one rally, he couldnt resist calling out katie tur. There is something happening, theyre not reporting it. Youre not reporting it, katie. There is something happening, katie. It is a unique experience to have an entire crowd of people, whether it is an open air venue like we were today or a stadium with ten plus thousand people booing you. Especially unique when theyre actually saying your name and looking directly at you. This is a shtick he does. It is to rile up his base. Relatively mild, but it was a departure from trumps scripted approach and he has a history of calling out katy tur. There is a social contract in play and how we treat each other is part of the social contract. In recent years, destroying the life of a low level capitol hill staffer because she had the audacity to criticize the obama family, publishing the addresses of gun owners, hounding pizza shop owners because they have the wrong religious views and uva, they tried to destroy an entire institution, when people break that social contract, you expect it see people boo back. And the sensitivity among media people when they have done so much to destroy civil discourse, im not that impressed that were getting that upset by it. Katy tur has written of this, do you think the media is being overly sensitive to when trump singles out journalists by name and the crowd turns on them . I dont think. I think shes within her rights to talk about how this affects her personally. Shes doing a good job, shes never covered politics before. I think this is a more complex story than that, though. She is the first reporter from a major News Organization to be assigned to donald trump as she was in june of 2015. Shes been there from the beginning as msnbc says frequently before her live shots. I think donald trump probably feels he should get more positive coverage from her and thats what he expects. I think shes doing her job pretty well. Donald trump feels he should get more positive coverage from a lot banned from covering his rallies for months and months. A lot of access. It is all the press fault and trump had nothing to do with it when he calls them out like that. Yeah, he has a right to do that, and the reporters can push back, particularly when hes literally sicking his crowd on them, which he has a tendency to have done in the past. Just to clarify, youre not saying he is suggesting that anything physical oh, no, not the media has lower Approval Ratings than donald trump and Hillary Clinton and there is so little selfreflection on why that is and what we should be doing to improve our reputation. Let me get to Melania Trump, a speech in pennsylvania, this is about our web. The culture has gotten too mean and too rough to children and teens. The media reaction was along the lines of sncnns dana bash. It is a very fair criticism since the person we know who has bad behavior on social media than anybody is donald trump. They have a different standard for her relationship to her spouse or Donald Trumps relationship to his spouse than we do for Hillary Clinton to her spouse, supposed to create this huge wall between bill and Hillary Clinton that we dont see applied to the trumps. Bill a former president. Overall, the media fair to Melania Trump who doesnt seek the spotlight. I think the stories on her has been fair. And i think the campaign knows that. Her working illegally in the u. S. I think where shes gotten short shrift is she hasnt gotten the warmer fuzzier coverage. Chris wallace went to ann and mitt romneys home and she was making pancakes. She doesnt get those stories. But campaign hasnt put her out there in that way. Shes got someone short shrift there. Some snarky coverage earlier on about her life as a model and all that. Since the access Hollywood Tape and the accusations against donald trump, she stayed away from tv interviews, probably not wanting to deal with that sort of thing. I think the press has been unfair. She is not a politician. Shes never been out there before. This is very tough thing for a Family Member to do. And so when she goes out there and they give her a bad speech they wrote, or they have her talking about something the press should put more focus on bad staffing and sort of mismanagement. Can tell trippi has been in a lot of campaigns. He has empathy for civilians as we call them. Good it see you this sunday. Ahead, well hear from fox news correspondent who spent months following donald trump and Hillary Clinton and what that has been like. Up next, an internal investigation of Donna Brazile leaking questions to the Clinton Campaign but wont make it public. [accountant] my job is to manage and grow businesses. And ive never seen a rocket ship take off like this. [owner] im lindsey. Im the founder of ezpz. My accountant. Hes almost like my dad in this weird way. Yeah, im proud of you. 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Donna, the acting dnc chair is a nice person, but not straight with me when she denied leaking any conditions before a cnn town hall with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders last march. As we reported after the first wikileaks disclosure, brazile, cnn contributor at the time, told the clinton team in the email she sometimes gets the questions in advance. One person would ask about gun control and forwarded statistics on guns, thats how the question was set up by Roland Martin of tv one, cnns partner on the town hall. Cnn insisted it hadnt given her any questions and pointed the finger at Roland Martin. The criticism was aimed at his partner tv one. This week the other shoe dropped. In another email, she wrote one of the questions directed to hrt is a woman with a rash. Her family has lead poison and she will ask what Hillary Clinton will do for as president to help the people of flint. Will you mack a personal promise to me right now that as president in your first 100 days in office you will make it a requirement that all public Water Systems must remove all lead Service Lines throughout the entire United States . I agree completely. I want to go further, though. Jeff zucker had ordered an internal investigation. My sources say the following. Donna brazile doesnt talk to leann walters, but another flint woman when a rash and hoped to ask questions. Brazile and other folk were handing out bottled water in flint. They made no public announcement until the latest wikileaks embarrassment. And the probe found no one at cnn did anything wrong. Here is the problem. Zucker hasnt addressed this publicly even though word leaked to the Huffington Post he told his staff on a Conference Call that braziles actions were disgusting. Cnn limited itself to a terse statement saying it was uncomfortable with what brazile did. Should know that weeking word of an internal probe wont convince anyone. Imagine if a president ial candidate did that. Part of the problem with keeping her on the payroll while at dncs vice chair, all the networks employ democratic and republican strategists who spin for their candidates. But Something Else to engage in outright cheating. Cnn needs to address disdain she left on their reputation. Ahead, trish regan explorz whether media bias twisted the coverage of this campaign. John roberts and Jennifer Griffin with a behind the scenes look at following trump and clinton. G new cars. Youre smart. You already knew that. But its also great for finding the perfect used car. Youll see what a fair price is, and you can connect with a truecar certified dealer. Now youre even smarter. This is truecar. What are you doing . Getting your quarter back. Fountains dont earn interest, david. You know i work at ally. I was being romantic. You know what i find romantic . A robust annual percentage yield thats what i find romantic. This is literally throwing your money away. I think its over there. That way . Yeah, a little further up. What year was that quarter . What year is that one . 98 thats the one. You got it nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Ally. Do it right. Lets get out of that water. Time to talk to two correspondents who went out there cover the president ial nominee for a long time. John roberts traveling with the Trump Campaign and joins us now from sioux city, iowa. Is it harder to cover a tiny Campaign Team where unlike in a Traditional Campaign you dont have top press people going out to dinner with reports and that sort of thing . I think the most difficult part of this is we havent been able to ride a Campaign Plane as we have other campaigns in the past, romney or bush in 2004 or gore in 2000. Were flying commercial between the stops, almost leaping ahead here and hes not taking press on the plane with him. You miss those intimate moments where the candidate comes back to the back of the plane and talks to the press and you interact with people from the campaign on a regular basis. Clearly we see people from the campaign from time to time, but not that same sense of intimacy i experienced in previous campaigns which makes it a little more difficult. You spend more tame on the phone making sure you keep up the contacts. And the challenge of getting to all the places by commercial flight. Has he gotten upset with something youve reported and youve been frozen out for a few days . You know, not this campaign cycle. I remember in 2012 when i was interviewing him in las vegas when he was about to endorse mitt romney, i said something to the fact that the endorsement would happen his hotel, and is it on the Las Vegas Strip . When i met him to interview him later that day, he said you something not nice about me. I said i thought you were a big enough guy with a thick skin. Well, i didnt like it very much. Funny thing with trump is, if youre a little critical of him, he tries to win you over. Where as if youre very fair and balanced with him all the time, and dont say anything particularly critical of him, he ignores you. If you want to get his attention, Say Something about him that he doesnt like. And youll get courted. Youve been on the trail, all these rallies where he often rails against disgustingly dishonest press, calling journalists scum, calling some of your colleagues out by name. Is that disturbing to watch . You know, to some degree it clearly, with fox news, almost everybody who comes to these rallies appreciates the fact that we try to be fair and balanced in our coverage. We had a couple of people yesterday who didnt like us a whole lot. Fox news viewers who come to these events, but to see the way that he plays off the media and uses the media as a foil, to some degree can get disturbing when the crowd turns on the media. The other day in miami, i saw him calling out one of my colleagues and he was winking at her. Hes just playing the game. Sometimes people in the audience take it more seriously. People are flipping off the media, yelling at them. You might hear somebody say tell the truth, which is fine. They start to get a little nasty and almost want to say borderline mean, it does get a little disturbing, you wonder what might happen. I remember one event, dont ask me what city it was in, the press came in off the chart, they were booed by 15,000 people in the audience. And that goes to show the fact that what hes said about the media, over the course of these weeks, is having an eeffect. Not too popular these days. John roberts, great to see you. Tough campaign for you. Good to talk to you. Thanks. A lot of frequent flier miles. Chelsea clinton and joe biden are on the campaign trail right about now, about to speak at events in chester and scranton, pennsylvania. A key battleground state where the polls have tightened. I spoke earlier, with Jennifer Griffin, who covers the Clinton Campaign from cleveland. Jennifer griffin, welcome. Hi, howie. For months you covered Hillary Clinton during the period when you had very little access to the candidate, wasnt holding news conferences. How did that feel in terms of you trying to cover her . Well, it doesnt feel that much different from today. We dont have much access to her today, even though were on the plane with her. We havent seen her on the plane, shes not come back to talk to us since the fbi email story broke. It feels very much like when we started over the summer when she was in a very tough race against Bernie Sanders before the convention, before she crossed the finish line and got the nomination. Were back to the future with that one. Brief period of availability is now history. You told People Magazine the wikileaks emails shows there is a disdain in the clinton camp to the press. Have you felt that personally . Well, i cant say personally. I dont think it is any different towards me or fox news as to the rest of the press. I think what youre dealing with as a candidate who has been in the public eye for 30 years, they have been in the white house before, shes been secretary of state before, and she ever since the email controversy started shortly after her she launched her election, she has been in kind of a bunker mode and her campaign has been in bunker mode. And so it is really just the way that they treat all of the press. I think it is going to be a very different white house if she wins in terms of very difficult to cover, in fact, i would compare the way it has been even with her aides in the last week since the fbi directors announcement used to be at least they would come back, her spokesman would come back and talk to us. Now, they just sort of dip their big toe in and retreat look a turtle or come back and everything is off the record. Very difficult to get on the record statements. Right, so a stone wall, sounds like, in this final day. Do you think the whole attitude is related to the scars of the last 25 years and they see it, medias treatment of Hillary Clinton going back to the days when she was first lady. Absolutely. Ive heard some of her aides say even when she thinks shes sitting down with people shes known a long time, people she might consider friendly press, she always feels like she gets a gotcha question or somebody goes back to something she doesnt really want to talk about. And so, but what is surprising to me is Hillary Clinton has been around a long time, and as youve seen her on the debate stage, she can answer any question. No question that we the press can throw at her, that is really going to stump her. I find this reticence to talk to us somewhat surprising given the fact she can handle herself for 90 minutes on a stage with tough questions in a debate format. Perfectly capable. But just doesnt like to do if she can avoid it. Thank you. Coming up, has the press been as unfair to donald trump as he says. Trish regan will be here on that. Ed henry on the coverage of the fbi and the Clinton Campaign. The pursuit of healthier. It begins from the second were born. Because, healthier doesnt happen all by itself. It needs to be earned every day. Using wellness to keep away illness. And believing a single life can be made better by millions of others. As a Health Services and Innovation Company optum powers modern healthcare by connecting every part of it. So while the world keeps searching for healthier were here to make healthier happen. Yeah. Well, we gotta hand it thto fedex. Glasses. Theyve helped make our ecommerce so easy, and now were getting all kinds of new customers. I know. Ah, false alarm. Hey you guys are gonna scare away the deer idiots. Providing Global Access for small business. Fedex. Crazy Campaign Draws to a close, donald trump ratcheting up the criticism about the media favoring Hillary Clintons campaign. Here with more is trish regan. Ill hold up the cover of new york magazine, trump loser, big closeup of his face and front page of the New York Times, glowing picture of Hillary Clinton with beyonce and jayz. Thoughts on that . Well, first of all, dont get me started on jayz. You want to talk about someone who is demeaning to women, that is jayz. If you look at any of the lyrics and we did this week on the intel report, and, you know, look, i cant even repeat them, i wouldnt even dare repeat them on the air, they are so horrible, and hes a misogynist in terms of what hes saying there and it is horrible to think that he has had such a successful career promoting this kind of hostility to women and then the idea that Hillary Clintons touting him as someone, you know, who is one of her big supporters . To me there say double standard there in that this is a guy who writes horrifically about women, using many, many demeaning words, of course, everybody is concerned about Donald Trumps words and granted he is the one running for president , but to stand up there with the likes of jayz and say youre for women, i dont get it. Now, trump, of course, has complained and ive talked about a lot of the coverage of him being in balance in the sense he gets a lot of media scrutiny, far less for Hillary Clinton, some of it is absolutely legitimate. Trump foundation, business records, charitable contributions, statements. But has there been in your view any comparable or not that clinton hasnt been covered but comparable level of scrutiny . I think that the media is incentivized to go after him much harder than theyre going after her. We have seen evidence of this, even in the wikileaks documents that have been released that there is a cozy relationship, if you would, between many members of the media and the Clinton Campaign. And so they, for whatever reason, and perhaps it is because of their own political bias, they are out to get donald trump in a way they just arent for Hillary Clinton. And so, yes, were covering the wikileaks releases, the concerns about pay to play, whether or not that exists, but they have come forward with a lot of evidence that suggests there is some impropriety there. Were covering that. Most of the media is reluctant to do so. They would much rather go after donald trump. I think the people get that, usa today poll, by 10 to 1, people think that people surveyed think that the media want Hillary Clinton to win and thats true of threequarters of clinton supporters. Let me ask you about something that jumped out at me. Charles blow writing about donald trump and saying with my last breath, america, are you blanking kidding . I cannot wrap my head around how others with level heads and sound minds can consider trump for president of this country. And to me, thats insulting to the people who support donald trump. Charles is living in a bubble where he doesnt get out much, i guess. If you go anywhere in this country outside of some of the big metropolitan areas, what you see is that people are really hurting. Theyre hurting economically. They have lost their jobs. They have lost their jobs to places like china and mexico and so that is why this message is resonating. They dont like big political establishment times telling them what they should do. This is a problem, the Political Parties had on both sides, right . You think about mitt romney and what he represented and how out of touch he was with the middle class in america, you now look at Hillary Clinton, shes out of touch. Suddenly you got a billionaire worth more than any of them and he seems to be relating more to the middle class in a way that regardless of what happens, the conservative party and the liberals as well, they need to embrace that more. People are feeling it. Do you think it is fair to say that much of the Mainstream Media are out of touch with or insufficiently sensitive to the concerns of these millions of people, many working class who think the system is broken . Yeah, of course. Mainstream media, people are highly educated, theyre living in affluent areas, they have no idea what it is like to be living on a paycheck to paycheck basis and youre worried about your factory shutting down because of the competition coming from overseas. Go to any little small town in upstate new york, and you see how devastated they are. And theyre just, you know, just a fraction of what they once were. Thats the feeling out there in the country, the media doesnt get it. Thanks so much. Good to see you. Both candidates not doing tv news anymore as a matter of strategy. Hillary clinton since september 12th. After the vote, a look at the leaks and counterleaks at fbi and justice over the Hillary Clinton investigation and ed henry is on deck. At old dominion, we see freight. As a combination of products and customers. Every ontime arrival is backed by thousands of od employees,. Who make sure the millions of products we ship arrive without damages. Because od employees treat customer service. Like our most important delivery. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Final days of the 2016 campaign, the media have been awash in leaks about james comey launching new fbi inquiries into Hillary Clinton. Joining us to look at the coverage, ed henry, fox news chief national correspondent. A separate fbi probe of Clinton Foundation has been going on for more than a year, very high priority, many interviews being pursued. Pete williams says there was an initial inquiry a couple of months ago. Is this becoming a battle of leaks . It is a battle of leaks. We can get to the substance of the allegations in a minute. I spoke to a senior fbi source who said brett and others were right, there was a big meeting at t beginning of this year. Fbi and the justice department, some of the agents presented serious allegations against the Clinton Foundation, wrongdoing, financial issues. And they got pushback. Not just from the Obama Justice department. Some said thats just politics. Im told some of the fbi superiors well said its not quite there. By the way, thats not that unusual. This happens with fbi investigations on any number of issues. Agents present evidence, they present facts, they present hearsay, they present everything, and then people above them have to make decisions. By the way, howie, thats what we do in newsrooms as well. You say i want the story on the front page. Im your editor, i say, ed, you havent got it. Go back and do more reporting. Whats unusual is the way this stuff has leaked out. I want to come back to that but let me mention bret baier clarified his report saying his sources are not certain if Hillary Clintons personal server was hacked by foreign intelligence agents and he addressed a subsequent interview in which he said was asked about whether the investigations would continue after the election. He said, yes, our sources said it would, they would continue to likely an indictment. That was a mistake he said. He should have said they will continue to build their case. On this question of its all playing out in public, the wall street journal was the first to get at this, ed, saying fbi agents were pursuing this, were hot on this story, but Senior Justice Department and fbi officials didnt think they had much evidence, and they asked the agents to stand down but some of them kept going. So it sounds like somewhere between an important investigation that is being poohpoohed or some rogue agents that dont want to give up. Mere is whathere is what i t. Theres not just one investigation, theres a second track here. Everyone assumed, look, this was just an investigation of classified information. And by the way, lets not forget Hillary Clinton lied about that in march of 2015. She said theres no classified information on the server. Proven again and again its not true. She told a lie. Second track now that was reported on is that the fbi has been been looking at the Clinton Foundation. As i have been investigating this wholewikileaks situation, is there a quid pro quo . Were not sure but there is a whole lot of quid here. Money from the king of morocco going into the Clinton Foundation. Do you think they wont seek favors from a potential president clinton . For 12 million . This is fruitful stuff to investigate. Anthony weiners laptop which goes back to the first track on was there classified information or not. Secondly, huma abedin was being paid by the state department and the Clinton Foundation. So that laptop, by the way, might have information that these fbi agents bret was talking about might be interested in. In terms of whether, im not saying there was, was there a nexus with the donors giving millions to the foundation who might have got something from the clinton state department. The lead of the story was there is an fbi investigation into the Clinton Foundation and fox stands by that. Absolutely. There is now this debate about is it an investigation, an inquiry, how much has it gotten . And Rudy Giuliani took some heat because he indicated he knew about the comey letter in advance and then he backtracked to say he only talked to former fbi agents. This is extraordinarily hard stuff to get. As a reporter you always like getting the inside scoop, but at the same time Law Enforcement people are not supposed to be talking about reporters about ongoing criminal probes. Why are these leaks coming . Is there politics involved . Rudy giuliani shouldnt have gotten a heads up on that. At the end of the day thats a distraction and doesnt get to the main point of what bret is getting at and the wall street journal is getting at, which is lets follow the facts, and thats something for Hillary Clinton. The major point of all this thats come out in the last few days is the fbi probe of Hillary Clinton is not over. Win or lose, shes going to have Big Questions coming, especially if she wins. Shell be dealing with james comey as her fbi director. They have tenyear terms. Whether its donald trump or Hillary Clinton, james comey is still there. This is not going away. Were not going to find out much more before tuesday, but this is not going away. Thats what im sticking to, the facts. Thanks very much, ed. Still to come, a devastating legal ross for Rolling Stone magazine and some final thoughts on the coverage. Everything your family touches sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. Because no one kills germs better than clorox. My friends know me so well. S they can tell what im thinking, just by looking in my eyes. They can tell when im really excited and thrilled. And they know when im not so excited and thrilled. But what they didnt know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. But i knew. So i finally decided to show my eyes some love. Some eyelove. When is it chronic dry eye . To find out more, chat with your eye doctor and go to myeyelove. Com. Its all about eyelove, my friends. Look at this. Abc National Reporter Lindsey Davis doing a live shot in South Carolina where a sex offender had allegedly held a woman captive, but that Yellow Police tape behind her is phony. Put up by her crew. Thats right. Abc faked a crime scene as noted by cnn. Abc calls this completely unacceptable and pulled the producer from the field, but doesnt the correspondent also have some responsibility for this troubling trickery . Rolling stone lost a major libel suit on friday over that botched and utterly false story about a supposed gang rape at the university of virginia. A jury held sabrina erdly, the reporter, libel in the suit and found the magazine defamed her with actual malice. The trial showed many red flags took place and Rolling Stone didnt fully check the claims of the accuser. The publisher apologized but it was way too late. Now this wild, crazy, intense, utterly absorbing campaign finally comes to an end on tuesday, but i have to say the media has never had a worse campaign. The constant focus on sensationali and i sensationalism and insults. Then there was the misjudgment and sometimes outright hostility toward donald trump and the far lower level of scrutiny visited on Hillary Clinton and the repeated attempts to declare the race over and core nate coronat former first lady. The press needs to do some examination even as we gear up to cover the new president elect. Thats it for this edition of media buzz. Im howard kurtz. Thanks for joining us. Check out our facebook page. You can send your questions in by email, mediabuzz foxnews. Com. Everybody here wants to know whats going to happen, and we have this Great National melodrama where we really dont know. Heading up to new york tomorrow. Ill see from you the fancy new fox studio in manhattan on election night. Everybody is very jealous of that studio, including me. And we are back here next sunday. Hope youll join us then with the latest buzz. Well look back at the campaign and the coverage of the new administration. Were live all day. A special edition of outnumbered begins right now. Fox news alert. The finish line is in sight. Can you see it . We are counting down the hours to election day. Hillary clinton, donald trump making their final arguments to america. This is a special edition of outnumbered. Here today sandra smith, meghan mccain, democratic strategist Julie Roginski and todays hash tag one lucky guy. The Senior Writer for the Weekly Standard steve hayes is here outnumbered. Thats the seat hes, in but hes our friend and were glad to see you. Thanks for having me. We have a rock and roll show. Are you ready . Im ready. This is the final sprint to the finish. Donald trump is testing his appeal to voters outside the gop heartland by holding rallies

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