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Same person. Now, this as just three hours ago police investigated and then moved a green subaru out back with new jersey license plates an avenue away from the blast towing it away for further investigation. Earlier the fbi and nypd were also investigating a black toyota camry on 39th and madison with the left side of it with tons of shrapnel wounds as well as windows broken which appeared that the vehicle was broken or had received wounds and broken windows from the blast itself. We have not received confirmation from that but the fbi and nypd were all over this black toyota camry on 39th and madison. An active investigation and a crime scene trying to piece together the pieces. You have three different sites, two here in manhattan and the one in Sea Side Park. That is the latest here. When you say that Law Enforcement sources are confirming that they have identified a person of interest, is that person of interest someone based upon the car that either the toyota or the subaru or based on video . Do we know what it is based on . Reporter we do not know what it is based on. The report is based on two Law Enforcement sources. The important point you bring up, the subaru happens to have new jersey plates. We cant put two and two together. It is just an important detail to mention here that this vehicle that is of interest to investigators happened to have new jersey plates. As investigators are trying to find connections between the Sea Side Park explosion and what we saw here on 23rd street a detail to keep in mind while they try to figure out whether or not this is the same person. Sources say it is the same person that is involved in putting both explosives the one two hours south as well as the one here in chelsea sdplmpt with if they believe that it is from the same person then that Pressure Cooker that was undetonated on 27th did contain a treasuretrove of finger prints or serial numbers or a lot of information. Interesting 24 hours out we have learned a lot. Thanks so much. Reporter youre welcome. Joining me now is professor of strategy the institute of World Politics dr. Sebastian gorka. They have identified a person of interest and made a connection between the new york and the new jersey items that were used whether it is the pipe bomb in new jersey and Pressure Cooker in new york or whether the ied in the dumpster. What does this tell you . It is very interesting. If you go back in time a few years people associate the Pressure Cooker ied with inspire magazine, al qaedas magazine in which the instructions were given on how to build that device and that is the device that was used by the tsarnaev brothers in boston. People should be aware while they use pressure cooking devices when being chased by the police. They actually had multiple pipe bombs with them that they used to try to kill the Police Officers that were chasing them. It may be a symbol of the combination of the Pressure Cooker bomb and pipe bombs. This could be somebody following exactly the same play book. Recently according to information in some of these isis publications that they are now talking about calling people, young people to commit crimes, high concentration areas of unarmed civilians. When you look at new jersey that was supposed to be a 5 k run. People wouldnt be armed a 5 k run in residential new york. If the forensic analyst might be able to identify the person putting it together, might he be able to identify the product itself based upon these magazines or publications saying what kind of equipment to use . So lets remember the report from new jersey where this marine corps run was delayed. There were so many applicants the race start was delayed which meant it was by chance that you didnt have a lot of people going past. Four devices were in that bin. One exploded. The three other pipe bombs didnt. It is just a miracle that people werent killed in that instance. When it comes to what can be done now it is a huge asset for the fbi. The Pressure Cooker bomb will be in the fbi labs and taken apart. That is how we identify one of the accomplices of the shoe bomber. They found a palm print inside the bomb which led them to an individual who assisted richard reid in paris. We could have a treasuretrove of evidence because the second device did not detonate. What about what is going on with some of theseinse dents, three incidents in three different states, new york, new jersey, minnesota with the individual shot dead by an off duty cop in a mall where this individual stabbed nine people, seven men, two women and asked one if they are muslim and talked about allah, a connection . Could be. Just look at the trend. Since september there have been scores and scores of similar knife attacks in israel. If you look at the attacks in nice, in paris, in brussels we are seeing a new approach by isis mobilized or inspired groups saying you dont need something fancy. You dont need a 9 11. Steal a truck, buy a machete. Get black powder, make a pipe bomb. It is low Cost Investment with high dividends in terms of terror, in terms of the effect on local population. There is now an nypd cop on every corner in new york now in manhattan. That is what they want us to see. They want to see that kind of reaction, that fear generated. It is different from al qaeda. It is cheap. It is practical and gets the effect they want. The war is already here. The reaction is not really the issue. We have to be ahead of them. We have to be in a situation where we can anticipate and how do you anticipate the lone wolf assuming that it is . I dont believe in the lone wolf phrase. I think that is designed to make you disconnect the dots. All of these people are connected because they are connected by the ideology of jihad. How do you defeat them . It is proactive. Its the kind of structures and programs that the nypd develop after 9 11 that mayor blauz blablauz de blasio has been trying to shut down. You have to surveill the local areas where they are being recruited. If it means mosques it means mosques, as well. I couldnt agree with you more. Thank you so much for being with us. Thanks. Investigations are now underway into the attack in new jersey, new york and minnesota. Joining me now with reaction former fbi assistant director who ran the bureaus new york office and my friend james. Jim, you there . How are you doing . I am fine. Is this a new era in Law Enforcement where we have to now start worrying about a different kind of criminal . I i think we have been in it for a while. I think we will see more and more of this type of stuff. Because what you and i have said over and over again we dont have a clue who comes and goes into the country. We have sanctuary cities. We have all of these people coming that are vetted and now the president wants toinclude more. If hillary is elected she waupts to double that number. One of the things that occurred to me is that with all of the talk about local Law Enforcement and all of these alleged problems that we have, in a time when we are being confronted with probably the biggest threat to the greatest number of americans at the same time we need to militarize our local police. What a horrible time to demoralize Police Departments across the whole United States. What a horrible time to have the black lives matter crowd that want to kill police into the white house. Im talking about having the ability to have the equipment that is more militarylike than demilitarizing and not just demoralizing. They have taken a lot of that back. The reality is we need more cops. We need to get carry permit guys to carry. We need to encourage that. If you are in a mall here and you have your three kids and the next thing you know someone is stabbing your little children are you going to hope there is somebody with a weapon nearby . The thought itself is horrible. What does in terms of forensics and in terms of what we are learning now we are just learning that the local Law Enforcement working with the fbi is looking for a person of interest or a person of interest, what do you think that might be about . I was talking this morning with Maria Bartiromo and i said this case will be involved in the next three or four weeks because of cameras in new york and the fact that the fbi has the best database of bombs in the world. They have gone all over the battlefields in iraq and iran and pretty much all over the world and fing erprinted stuff. They are going to find prints and dna and the way the things are made and that will probably give a hint whether or not the same people is making the bombs. We will see more and more of this, unfortunately. And that is a sad commentary. As more of these magazines, very slick glossy publications by isis, they actually identify the types of products to use, the type of wiring to use, the call to use it among unarmed big civilian populations. That in itself is almost a clue as to where the person might be getting his or her motivation from. Without question. And on this nonsense, this talk of people i saw talking heads saying the new york city bomber and excluded the fact it might be international terrorism. That is nuts. All this gibberish about that, of course, its an act of terror. At this point in time lets find out who did it, who is roaming the streets and can do it again. You know, jim, it is absolutely amazing that somehow using the word terrorism is almost a fearful word to some politici politicians. We dont have time to get into that. I want to thank you for being with us tonight. Thanks for keeping this on the front burner. God bless you. And next donald trump is ripped by the media for using the word bomb last night while Hillary Clinton gets a free pass. Next trump Senior Adviser standing by live with reaction. We will talk about the tightening race as the debate show down looms. We will break down the states that could decide the election. We will find out if the latest attacks have an impact on the voters. Justice rolls on in a moment. Tired of redosing antacids . Try duo fusion new, two in one heartburn relief. The antacid goes to work in seconds. And the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. Try new duo fusion. From the makers of zantac. Attacks in new york, new jersey and minnesota over the last 48 hours have americans on edge about safety and security on u. S. Soil. This while polls show a dead heat between trump and clinton heading into the first president ial debate eight days away. Joining me now with reaction to all of this latest news Trump Campaign Senior Adviser. Boris, i want you to listen to this for a moment and then i want to ask you a question. Take a listen. I must tell you that just before i got off the plane a bomb went off in new york. I have been briefed about the bombings in new york and new jersey. Donald trump took all kinds of heat for using the word bombing. She used the word bomb and no one says anything. In fact, cnn doesnt even play it. They make like she never used the word bomb. What is going on . So much for journalistic integrity, right judge . I have given up on that. The leftist media is in a tail spin. She is losing. You look at all states. Donald trump right now is up in three states that barack obama won in 08 and in 12, nevada, new mexico and michigan. Were up in colorado, up in ohio. Look at key states right now we are speeding to a victory. She is absolutely falling like a rock and thats what is happening. Media will do anything to protect. He said this is what happened. We should be careful. She said i have been briefed. He responds. She takes briefings. Thats the story. Just her whole affect was like donald is out there in front of tens of thousands of people. He clearly is closing the gap. Can they close all of these surrogates she has out there. She has barack obama and michelle and bill clinton and al gore. He is an exciting guy. Can anyone close the Enthusiasm Gap for this woman . Maybe the reason she looked so sleepy giving the comments was because they are so boring. She is not someone who garners enthusiasm. She is a boring, slow and steady candidate. Thats why she barely beat a 74yearold socialist in a democratic primary. Bernie sanders should have been a 5 candidate. They all are behind him as well as millennials. They know she cant be trusted. How is donald trump doing with millennial snz. Doing great up nationally by 7 . They keep leading every single age group from 18 to over 65. Leading all of them. Why . Because she cant be trusted but because of Donald Trumps message on the economy. Lets be honest, we know what happened in minnesota. We dont know what was happening in this city. You refer to stabbing. That was isis. Isis is taking credit. We dont know the facts and shouldnt speculate. We know we need to be vigilant and need real leadership. Hillary clinton was the leader when isis was on her watch. The middle east went up in smoke when she was secretary of state. Never as bad as it is now. Much better in 08 as now. We cannot have four more years of that. What about the people who say that donald trump has a short fuse there. He doesnt have the temperament and maybe we need someone not so quick to pull the trigger. Thats crap. He has been so successful. Walk into trump tower and buildings. That is why he is doing so well on the economy. On National Security he is willing to walk away from the table. He wouldnt do the terrible deal with iran. He would walk away from that and make sure we are safe and iran does not have as much uranium to build nukes. What is donald trump doing to prepare for the debate . He is answering questions and talking to people. What does that have to do with hillary. She is cocooned in her bubble. She is a scripted candidate. It is going to be great. My thought is that she has called him every name in the book and called the people who support him deplorable and not american. The question is absolutely. Look at what their campaign is doing. The fact that donald trump took away their birther issue. That is gone. They have been trying to push that. Sydney blumenthal started that issue. Clintons are throwing anything they can at donald trump and the campaign. It is failing. You seeing it in the polls. Down to almost the final few weeks. About 50 days. In 50. My Political Panel is next to break down all of that plus what we now know about the investigation into multiple attacks on u. S. Soil. Bomb blasts in new york and new jersey and a rampage at a mall in minnesota. We will update you next. You t arkansas really cares . Clearly because used to be ahead by about ten points on terrorism and National Security issues. My original question is this. How does this impact the race . You think it helps donald . No doubt splmpt . No doubt. I think the rest of the issue helps hillary. Whenever they talk about policy she does better than he does because he doesnt have policy. Thats not true. A measured response. His initial response was not measured at all. His initial response was in fact that not just about it being a bomb but that we have to get very tough and not expressing empathy for anybody. Of course you have to get tough. His exact words were before i got off the plane a bomb went off in new york and nobody knows what is going on. She says i have been briefed on the bombings in new york and new jersey. Cnn criticized him for saying bomb. Im not criticizing. Im criticizing for his Immediate Response of course. Thats a duh response. She has an actual plan for dealing with it. She called it terrorism before he did. Exactly proved my point which is she is so sensitive to the idea of being tone deaf on the Obama Clinton side that she jumped the gun. Arent we saying we have to wait for the authorities to confirm who did this. This is what is funny. Former cia director under bill clinton has come out to endorse donald trump. Many in the military over 100 military people last week endorsed him. What is her plan . Her plan is an intelligence surge. She calls these people lone wolves. She did say that. I agree. What is his plan . What is his plan for domestic terrorism . At the moment what he said is a completely unconstitutional block on an entire religion or extreme vetting. There is extreme vetting. 18 to 24 months. Thats my wheelhouse. Youre a good friend but i dont think you have been paying attention. Donald trump has gone out in specificity giving speech specifically on how to handle isis and terror. Excuse me this is not domestic terrorism. There is a link. When you battle isis you battle them abroad and at home. They are part of an orchestrated effort. Donald trump is focussed very down on the cyber connections that allow them to recruit here. You are lacking inspiration to recruit. The idea is to call these things hollow points. Does that mean she will surveill mobile communities and mosques . Is she going to up the number of fbi following up on cases like this . No. She is not. What has she done so she was a isis developed these rules. She was not the president of the United States. She was secretary of state. She was in charge of foreign policy. 2011 isis had barely developed. Lets go back. Conditions were Donald Trumps plan plus some notion about a loyalty test that any terrorism is trying to get into the United States would lie on in two seconds. Could you name me two american president s who targeted countries in the middle east . Jimmy carter in the 70s and barack obama for a period of time. There is an absolute precedent to suggest there is a part of the world where people are coming. I have 30 seconds left. Im asking the questions. She has called him every name in the book. What does she have left . She called him misogynist and racist. He has called everybody against him and insulted them and called them losers and haters. She has policy left. If they have a 50day debate about these policies got to wake up. She is not ready for that 3 00 a. M. Call. The woman is exhausted. She called 50 of americans deplorable. And next we talk about the race and Donald Trumps chances of will this latest rounds of attacks on american soil have an impact on the election . Lets keep the conversation going. With me now david. Good evening. You heard us. What impact does this have on the election . Does it help or hurt . This incident doesnt have much impact which is Hillary Clintons problem. The momentum right now is with donald trump. His supporters are more energized. There was an article today in one of the Media Outlets talking about the lack of enthusiaiasm Hillary Clinton has with motivating her base of hispanic voters. She is having a problem motivating millennial voters. Two parts she must turn out if she will get elected president. What this weekend does is under scores the concern americans have for personal security. And you know the concern for the personal security, do they want to hear someone like donald trump or do they want to hear someone like hillary . And i have to tell you, when you just look at their body language, she was just i dont think she was like quite with it when she was responding. And she uses the word bombing and he uses the word bombing and everybody jumps on him almost as though the media doesnt care that they are hypocritical or that they are covering up for her. Americans want a leader who is strong and who shows determination in winning these battles and getting to the baultm of what happened here. In fact, the governor of new york, a democrat did a better job of answering questions than what Hillary Clinton has had. His answers were far more closer to the forcefulness that donald trump did than the answers that Hillary Clinton gave. Its almost as though the word terrorism is just not in their play book. I think it is bigger than that. I sometimes think if they call it terrorism it means they are not winning the fight against this islamic terrorism and the violent extremism as they call it. Lets talk about the fact that donald trump is on this roll or so it seems right now. Anything can change next week at that debate. What do they need to do, each of them . And what do you think americans are looking in each of them . Trump needs to continue talking about ideas. Americans want to go a different direction than what they currently are seeing. They want washington shaken up. Hillary clinton doesnt offer any type of change. She has to convince people who are happy with the way the country is going she has to motivate them to vote and to somehow make donald trump look unacceptable to undecided voters. Trump needs to continue as he has done this week showing momentum in the polls. Why . Because late deciders want to be with the winner. And this has been one of the best weeks for the Trump Campaign because he has closed the gap in many states and in some states he is now actually up. And for late deciders they want to be with a winner and the momentum he has right now will do a lot for him to get undecided voters and keep his spo supporters motivated. What is interesting is that as the maps are coming out and with the Electoral College, one of the most important states is florida. And it appears that according to certain polls they do each of them in florida view trump and hillary as equally unfavorable. But she just cant seem to close the gap with even hispanics in florida. It still boils down to the economy. And the insecurity people feel about their jobs and their financial situation. And another big number that came out for trump this week, 51 of americans think he would do a better job than Hillary Clinton would at creating jobs and improving the economy. Why is that important, judge . If you look at the cross tabs on how trump got the nomination and how he did well among evangelicals and firsttime republicans and longtime republicans. He won the category because people said they liked his position on creating jobs and getting the economy moving. He has always been strong on that. Thanks so much for being with us this evening. Thanks, judge. Breaking down the election state by state with lee carter next. You wont see these folks at the post office. They have businesses to run. They have passions to pursue. How do they avoid trips to the post office . Stamps. Com mail letters, ship packages, all the services of the post office right on your computer. 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Of course, the road is 270. The red, of course i wont get into the colors. Right now things are changing. And it appears that donald trump has the momentum that he is moving in florida, ohio and pennsylvania. Those are key states, are they not . Those are absolutely key states. In fact, we havent had a president win without carrying ohio in years and years. Ohio is really key. Pennsylvania, trump is lagging right now. He looks like he is winning florida. Things are really fluid right now. We are seeing lots of shifts. The momentum is definitely going towards donald trump. What is interesting about florida is that she has vastly outspent him in florida. She has all of these Campaign Offices in florida and yet he is in florida right now its like a point . Not even. It is a point. It is fascinating to me because conventional wisdom would say spend more money and have the ground game and you will win. Donald trump doesnt have the ground game. He doesnt have the traditional tools at his disposal. What he does have is the momentum. He has captured the heart of americans who havent been excited for a really long time. We are seeing more people register than in a long time in the republican side. I think we will see him outperform the polls because a lot of polls is likely voters. Those voters who have voted recently. I know people voting for donald trump did not necessarily vote last time. He is energizing people who have not been energized in 20 years. With respect to ohio you have kasich who wouldnt show up to the republican convention. How important is it in a crucial state like ohio to have, you know, the whole system in place that a governor clearly has in place . You would think it would be really important to have him on your side although what we are seeing is that this is a race where donald trump is somebody that isdifferent. What we have heard from voters over 60 of voters say they think donald trump is the man to come in and fix the government and shake things up and change them for the better. I think not having establishment on his side actually is working to his favor in changing the dialogue and saying i believe he can go and do Something Different. A lot of politicians have gone to washington, d. C. And make empty promises and havent lived up to them. I want to try Something Different and i think he can shake things up. Pennsylvania, in pennsylvania he is having a little more trouble. What does he have to do in pennsylvania . Is it the demographics . Is it possible . It is possible. Depending on the poll he is somewhere between four and seven points behind in pennsylvania. He would argue he hasnt spent a lot of time there. I think he needs to get out there to the suburban cities, serbia of philadelphia, he dozen carry cities. He can carry the suburbs. He is starting to make a big appeal to married women. When you talk about women in general he is losing with single women in particular. Married women he is gaining momentum. I think it is important that he picks up the demographics. He needs to pick up minorities. I think if he starts talking about returning jobs, economy, those things in pennsylvania are going to be really, really key. I think once he focuses his attention there and we have seen this happen as he focuses attention on key states and key areas he can pick up ground. Lee carter, thanks so much for bogue with us. Anytime, great to be here. And well be right back. P . P i sat down with congressman jason chafets for a fascinating interview and the stone walling he is facing from clinton staffers who refuse to answer questions. Take a listen. Does it frustrate you and worse, does it disappoint you . I take this job very seriously. This oversight government reform committee, Abraham Lincoln sat on this committee. This was founded in 1814. We are selfcritical. We do look under the hood. If you are a Banana Republic you let political elite go. She is not supposed to peek and see if it is a clinton and come up with a different result. Yes i take it very seriously and of course we will continue to pursue this. We will get there. You pursue it aint nobody going to prosecute it. There is going to be a change in the administration. You think this can last beyond the election and there is no statute of limitations on this . Thats right. We have obligation to get to the truth no matter how long or short it is. We couldnt bring you the entire interview as we had planned this weekend. You can watch it in its entirety on my facebook page. Remember to friend me on facebook and follow me on twitter and instagram. Thank you for watching. See you next week

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