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When it comes to Chris Christie, he got into politician as a supporter of gun control. If donald trump wins the nomination, and he might, Hillary Clinton will beat him like a drum, just tear him up. It will be ugly to watch. Weve seen an explosion of attacks among almost all the top candidates sniping one way or another at each other. Is the coverage rewarding these attacks. Donald trump keeps pounding bill clinton over the sex scanned always and says hes worried that ted cruz is a canadians. Do you believe ted cruz is a naturalborn citizen . I dont know, to be honest. How do you have this hanging over your head . Hes hes a naturalborn citizen is his mother is a u. S. Citizen, and as a result hes a naturalborn citizen. Well, i hope hes right. President obama wipes away tears in announcing new gun control measures and tries to sell his decision with anderson. First i think its and ive been president for over seven years and gun sales dont seem to have suffered. And some pundits ripping him, some of the media openly sympathetic to the president s move. Im howard kurtz, and this is mediabuzz. When marco rubio declared that Chris Christie was christie told the Washington Post i dont think rubio will be able to slime his way to the white house. The tone took a strange turn when donald trump started talking about the wellknown fact that ted cruz was born in canada. Senator cruz, you have now raised the issue of his birth. He was born in canada. Why do you raise that now . I didnt raise it. The Washington Post raised it, because the worst thing that could happen is he gets sued by the democrats and hes not allowed to run. The texas senator says hes a naturalized u. S. Citizen, born to an american mother. Most legal experts agreed. He tweeted trump with a funny video of the fonz jumping the shark. One of the things media loves to do is gaze at their navels for hours on end. Who cares . Our good friends of the media are playing into the democrats play book. How about we talk about the real challenges. Mercedes schlepp, veteran of the bush white house. Betsy woodruff, a correspondent for the daily beast and michael to maski. Trump says hes not pushing the issue, hes just responding to questions posed from the Washington Post. Is that right . I think its a little twisted, another classic trump act, which is let me bring this up. Yes, i was asked by the Washington Post, but he has been able to carry on and feed this to the media and the media in response has decided theyre going to spend about five or six days talking about the fact of whether ted cruz, he was born in canada, and whether hes a natural born citizen and qualifies. Why are the media doing that . Again it partly we know two facts here. The conservative media are all in agree this is ridiculous, why are we even covers this. Like trump they like the fact lets bring bring up the doubt in the minds of the voters. Cruz is in a strange position of trying to brush this off, and producing a copy of hi mothers delaware birth certificate. No one questioned whether she was an american. This is where i would take issue, was breitbart and conservative sights that tons read are really driving this narrative. Theyre concerned the fact right, but theyre covering breitbart is covering it like a serious news story, while on the other hand our side, the Washington Post, other out lets are saying why are we even looking at this. In defense of breitbart has been both ways. They had a long article yes, very in depth, very much like a look at the documents. Proving the fath fact he is a naturalborn citizen. Michael, what does it say about Donald Trumps ability to dictate the medias agenta, we have spent a week on this, and it seems to bubble up. It says what weve known since june, if he opens his mouth, he says it in a way that pole tis, president ial candidates in particular never do, right . He says it in a bombastic way, a somewhat demagogic way. And he says, no im just trying to help ted cruz. I just want him to take care of this legal business. We know hes being coy. He does krif the agenda. Lets go through the handle rhetoric, now slamming each other as we get close to are the media rewarding them with lots of ink and airtime. Absolutely, but its fascinating to watch the mud wri wrestli wrestling. I think thats been the most face nating part. Every Campaign Heats up, but is the media guilty of elevating insults . I think perhaps what the media is focusing on trump to nearly the total exclusion of other candidates, unless they use the terms slimy to describe each other. The bar seems out of whack. So youre saying the other candidates have to engage in more rhetoric to break through the force field . Without a doubt. The bar of what makes something outrageous is so high. We all know the media thrive on conflict. That journalists are disappointed when ted cruz deflects these questions, and they keep asking him again, but arent you outraged . And cruz has been disciplined in not playing that game. He has disciplined. Yes, every campaign gets heated, and the media always overfocus on these attacks, but this is a little different because of trumps presence. He hayes ratcheted up the insult level, and hes made it a confusing situation. Usually if youre in a multicandidate field, you know whom too attack to shed their support and move it in your direction, but now thats totally confused. The media has a big challenge. Theyre having to cover multiple candidates. In the newsrooms, theyre asking themselves, who do we cover . Theres only a limited window to give that time available. Another way that donald trump has seized controlling of the media agenda, this began last week and continued to some extent, with his attacks again bill clinton. And talking about past scanned always. This morning chuck todd on meet the press asked trump if he was willing to bring up bill clinton assist panel. Is that a threat to her . Is that what youre essentially saying . You want me to go down that road . Is this sort of public i dont want to say its a threat. But it is a threat. I can call it a nicer name, yeah. She was saying he has tendencies towards being sexist. Talking about you . About me. Wait a minute, shes married to an abuser, a woman who claimed rape, all sorts of things. So that was a candid answer, yes, its a threat. America loves those types of answers. He is able to say if she attacks me, i will attack her, and its fair game. This is when you throw away the political rule book that weve all tried to follow, you know, if hes feeling threatened, hes going to go after her and attack her. Michael, you have written that Hillary Clinton has an achilles heel, and ill ask you to come back on that, but juanita broderick, and paula jones, and kathleen williams, of 1993 explained. Well, its pretty simple. We know those things happened. Bill clinton admitted them. Fox may have no doubt, but bill clinton says no. They say yes. Consistency over the years and none of that but we dont know the truth, and bill clinton certainly isnt going to change his story. So youre saying its important for journalists to make distinctions, for example, ken starr didnt bring any charges or pursue the allegations. He pursued them, but didnt find any evidence in the case of juanita broderick, for example . He didnt find any evidence in that case, and in another case he decided she wasnt a reliable witness. Of course bill clintons past misconduct is fair game. He would be backly in the white house if his wife wins, but is this again a case of donald trump acting as a media assignment editor . To an extent you can argue that, but on the other hand she said shes standing up for survivors of sexual assault, and anyone who says they were assaulted need to be believed. She said that. Now we have cases where people are saying we actually shouldnt believe these women . That gets back to how Immediate Use halds hillary to her own standard. Is there any evidence that hillary was involved in that effort . It sounds like she was an enabler. Looking back in the history of it all, it was clear whenever any of these women back in the day, again 20 years ago, would bring up their situation of rape or sexual assault, the clinton machine was clear in jumping trying to destroy them, attack them. I think hillary was disciplined to stay as far away from it as possible. We may not get a straight aung from her, but i think thats a question in the minds of. American voters. Brief response. What i meant by the achilles heel, she did say that thing about women should be believed. I think what she kind of meant was women should not be reflexively you can also email. Ahead, when we come back, Rolling Stone has the sean penn interview of the notorious el chapo while on the run from mexican authorities. Is that journalism . And theres a big sitdown interview, but was the show hardball or softball . Gegiving up all the thingsan she loves to do. It should just mean, well, finding new ways to do them. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to provide help with personal care, housekeeping, and of course, meal preparation. Oh, that smells so good. Aw, and it tastes good, too. We can provide the right care, right at home. At ally bank no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like ordering wine equals pretending to know wine. Pinot noir, which means peanut of the night. I have a massive heart attack oright in my driveway. D the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Go talk to your doctor. Youre not indestructible anymore. In new york state, we believe tomorrow starts today. All across the state the economy is growing, with creative new business incentives, the lowest taxes in decades, and university partnerships, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in utica, where a new kind of workforce is being trained. And in albany, the nanotechnology capital of the world. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow, today at business. Ny. Gov this is a fox buzz alert. Rolling Stone Publishing sean pens interview with el chapo, and giving the notorious mass murderer veto power over the article. It was a headsnapping moment when we found out about it. What do you think . I think the veto power is kind of interesting. You have to ask yourself the question, its a drug lord, he can probably cut my head off, so maybe i do want to give him veto power . I think it works effectively for el chapo. On the other hand its crazy where a journalist feels like thats not how you do good journalism. I thought it was from a parody news site at first. And that sean penn was doing the interview. He functions as a journalist at times. Its weird. He asked pretty journalistic questions from what i could he doesnt ask him what your favorite food is. He asked some serious questions, butted media will chew over this one for a long time. Does anyone think this is an effort on the part of el chapo, now back in the custody of mexican authorities, to soften his image a bit and explain himself . Is that the role of Rolling Stone . I think he has a vision of el clappo goes to hollywood. That doesnt necessarily work when youre one of the fugitives. You really have to ask yourself a question, hes a smart businessman, hes caused a lot of trauma and death in mexico. So i think its interesting to watch what he has done. We will talk more about this later in the program, but first Hillary Clinton doesnt do that many tv interviews. She was on cbs this morning. She sat down with crihris matths on hardball. I want to Say Something is nice. You went out and acted like a champion for democrats. You said, you know what . Something good can come out of this, i can become a hero to people. What they were talking about is the period during and after the Monica Lewinsky scandal and how she handled herself, great in Chris Matthews view and how she went on to become a successful candidate for the senate. What did you make of that . He kept going out of the way to praise her guts. What i thought it was fascinating is it barely made any news. She pretty much regurgitate her talking points. The only real standout moment, when he said her a question, and her answer was a im a progressive democrat who wants to see things change. Thats not even remotely an answer to the question. What did you make of that whole question where he said i want to speak out now, and im whole hearted i felt like it was the many of n. O. W. Doing the interview. He honed in on the fact of the gender card, that narrative of the first woman president. Again, its one thing it plays well with the democratic base, the women who are supporting her. I guess hes trying to softer her image, for the views, great, but i thought it was an incredibly boring interview. Back in 2008, Chris Matthews said the reason shes a u. S. Senator, a candidate for president , the reason why she may be a frontrunner is that her husband messed around, and ten days later he apologized for what he called a nasty remark, so this is kind of a wakeup call . In fairness i would say ive seen in fox segments where cruz or trump are on, and theyre not exactly given michael cmon that would have been to be what i would consider to be the cheerleading interview. Shes also shes a tough a top interview but to your point. Shes a tough interview. I didnt expect an absolute inquisition from Chris Matthews, he makes no secret of having liberal sympathies, but it seemed like a softball shes a tough interview. Ive interviewed her. And by design. She doesnt do this very much. She doesnt need to. But at least thats the tough questions, my goodness. Asking how great is it being a champion for women is how great is it . On that note, betsy, mercedes, michael, thank you. Up next, we compare the coverage for donald trump and Hillary Clinton in our media microscope. You dont want to miss this. Everything kids touch during cold and flu season sticks with them. Make sure the germs they bring home dont stick around. Use clorox disinfecting products. 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Its covered by most health plans. The question, does donald trump get more Media Coverage that is Hillary Clinton . The answer is yes, by a lot, according to the new annu litti. Now, the gop race obviously far more competitive, but the tone, not that different. You see here a negative in red, positive in greens. Hillary clinton coverage a bit better, but now were going to drill down only to the media in iowa, not what we all see nationally. The first column for each candidate is four days in the beginning of december. The second column is four days this week. Trump was utterly dominant a month as in iowa, 354 mentions, four times as much as the next guy ted cruz, but its almost dropped in half to 173 mentions, as hi rivals ramp up their compare. Senator cruz is hot, almost doubling his attention in iowa to 137. Marco rubio tripling his presence in iowa, 40 to 118. Ben carson may be struggling nationally, but in iowa he tripled his media mentions, but look at jeb bush, less than oneeighth of trumps coverage. It remains mostly in negative. Cruz, rubio, trump, less any biff by three to five points, an eightpoint improvement to ben carson and 17point improvement for bush. All the candidates starting to change their image. Ahead on mediabuzz, is it fair to scoff at obamas tearing in discussing gun control . And the town hall with the president. Are the media feeding the addiction to all these web sites, apps and gadgets. This is claira. To prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her shes agreed to give it up. Thats today . Well be with her all day to see how it goes. After the deliveries, i was ok. Now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. More pills . Seriously . Seriously. All these stops to take more pills can be a pain. Can i get my aleve back . For my pain, i want my aleve. Get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. The footage has constantly replayed, president obama announcing expanded background checks, tearing up when they recalled the horror of the Newtown School massacre. Every time i think about those kids, it gets me mad. And, by the way, it happens on the streets of chicago every day. And then joining anderson cooper, he was questioned by kimberly, who was raped by a man who broke in. I refuse to let that happen again to myself or my kids. So why cant your administration see that these restrictions to make it harder for me to wear a gun or take it where i need to be is actually making my kids and i less safe. I just want to repeat theres nothing that we have proposed that would make it harder for you to purchase a firearm. Joining us, gayle trotter, a lawyer and political commentator, and in new york, ebony williams, also a lawyer, former cbs correspond and fox news contributor. Gayle, did cnn do a good job of providing progun voices as well as others i have two journalistic criticisms of the town hall. The first is cnn accepted the president s framing of the problem with San Bernardino massacre as being one of gun control or ineffective gun control instead of a problem of radical islamic terrorism. My second criticism is they gave the president a platform. Nobody else on the platform with him that represents the other side. They did have good questions, but the president , as you know hes a basketball player, too, but seemed to run out the clock filibustering the answers. Even though cooper asked him good questions, he kind of laid back and let him finish, ramble on and didnt. There were voices on the other side, and i thought cnn did a good job, particularly in the first half. A top nra official said his group didnt participate, because cnn insisted on prescreened questions. Is that a problem . Im sure they head the president accountable to that same standard. I think its good that the nra was invited, but played it smart that they didnt show up. I think anderson did give it some pushback, so i did see some actual pushback. Right. They say that expanded background checks, this is a modest proposal. Do you think the coverage has sympathetic to that view . Certainly. I think journalists unfairly criticized the president for getting emotional when they really should have challenged him whether the actions would be effective at solving any of these mass shooting incidents and more importantly about the issue of separation of powers. We know about president obamas famous quote about uses the pen and the phone when he cant get legislation through consequence, and this is yet another situation where he try toss steamroll on an issue. Cnn did a poll afterwards, 67 support president obama on his gun changes, including a bare majority of republicans. Ebony, have the media focused enough on the fact this is yet another obama executive order, yet another incident of the president , using his unilateral authority in bypassing congress . I think they focused too much on it. Is there anything in the proposals . I dont think so, but if theres anything that overreaches or is too brought, hes going to be sued and it will be instruct down. They want something more like a registering, but gayle will know this as well. When youre talking about anytime the president was between a rock and hard place there. I think thats the right decision. Let me pick up on a point gayle made, with the president tearing up on that announcement, some people who are critics of this, critics of the president , kind of mocked him. Lets take a look at a fox show. Obama was clearly faking his crying. If you see there you go. He put pepper to his eye. A good actor. What if he turned on the waterworks for political effect, can you blame him . I really dont think he did. I dont think it makes us look bad by saying that. Hold on. Cmon now. That wasd ebony, think its makes commentators look bad . Its just not my thing, howard. Certainly if the president was moved to emotion on that issue, only he knows the authenticity. Im going to take it at face value. I think its a waste of time quite frankly to be sitting around and scrutinizing the authenticity of somebodys emotions. People criticize where is his emotion on isis and other major things, but again i would say we dont know this mans heart, what moves him and why. Criticize him on the bypassing congress, criticize his conception of guns, but i watched that live. It looked like a genuine moment. I would, too, but he threw in the chicago violence at the end. It should all be concerning us. The women who are in dangerous neighborhoods who dont have and to, because the federal government has made the costs so high, he should be having tears for them as well. Stick around. Ahead on mediabuzz, are the media spending time obsessing on marco rubios boots . Seriously . But first sean penn interviewing el chapo for Rolling Stone. S in a fox buzz alert. Rolling Stone Publishing an interview with el chapo, done by none other than sean penn. One of the questions from the actor are you prone to violen violence . Do you try to avoid it . Or do you use it as a last resort . All i do is defend myself, nothing more. Do i go looking for trouble . Never. Rolling stone what do you make of sean penn meeting with this guy, at the time a fugitive from justice. I think this is desperate from sean penn. I dont understand. You look at them from outside of his film work, you see hi constantly inserting himself in these news cycle stories. Valiant effort with katrina, but this seems to have a different motivation, different flavor, and frankly i dont like it. Let me read some phrases from the article, about 10,000 words, saying he has a robin hoodlike figure, providings muchneeded services toe the area and im drawing with the inconsistent perceptions. Sean penn should stick with acting, stay in hollywood, because the article shows a complete moral inversion of journalism. Basically Rolling Stone and sean penn are aiding and abetting a known felon with an International Global conspiracy, a criminal syndicate. How are they aiding and abetting . Theyre allowing him to have a platform to get his message out. A lot of it is mexican positive drove el chapo to go into the marijuana and poppy fields when he was a youth, but that doesnt explain why hes the head of a global syndicate. He should apologize to all the americans whose sons and daughters have died in the heroin epidemic. Sometimes journalists have to interview bad guys. I dont think i would have had i might have had a problem with the writing if sean penn had gone to prison and talked to el chapo if hes behind bars, but the fact that the mexican authorities were conducting this huge effort to find this guy who had busted out of prison for the second time and he meets at a secret location, that made me uncomfortable. It shows again his motives. I dont think it was anything that was journalistic, i think its effective to lump sean pen into ka category with journalists. You and gayle have both talked about this robin hoodlike figure, its such a glamourization, but still looking at heinous charges, murder and tons of other capital charges. In fact, frankly Rolling Stone coming out of the virginia uva rape case, they have a credibility issue theyre trying to rebuild. I dont think this does them any favors. He was found guilty. Yeah. And i criticize this if its done with a politician, but given this criminal veto power of the article . Rolling stone said he doesnt exercise it, but it was submitted to him in advantage. Rolling stone should have never agreed to that. They already have a credibility issue because of the uva story, so they shouldnt be denigrating their journalistic responsibility any further. If you read the article, sean penn uses it as a platform for arguing against American Drug policy. Its really an opinion piece, not an interview, journalistic episode. Just briefly, ebony, ironically some News Organization is reporting this morning that this meeting helped mexican authorities capture finally el chapo, but what about he could have had clues that he could have given to law enforcement. And the ends dont justify the means to me. I think if indeed itlaw enforcement track this fugitive down, good for them, but i certainly dont want to give sean penn any credit. I think there were steps he could have taken to make this a better outcome. Ahead, the Political Writer whose nasty tweets turned out to be too much for his bosses. Some people are protesting how google, apple and microsoft have taken over our lives. Our digital download is next. When a moment turns romantic why pause to take a pill . Or stop to find a bathroom . Cialis for daily use is approved to treat both erectile dysfunction and the urinary symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently, day or night. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Do not drink alcohol in excess. Side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. To avoid longterm injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. 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I think the media, certainly by the time i get home. And that really hits home and makes me feel like, wow, im getting left out. The socalled dissenters, do some of what they say about how dependent weve become, does that resonate with you . It resonates with me because of one thing in particular, that is data. Every time you buy a new gadget, youre giving away a lot of data about yourself. Dont we take our privacy for the convenience . Were complicit in all this. It is a tradeoff, but theres times when we dont even think about the information were giving away. I think thats what the disdij dissenters are ting to express. But you kind of do this for a living. But i think there is some growing concern among folks that instead of listening to their kids read, they are texting to somebody, they need to check twitter. There might be new stuff. Dow find yourself do that . I go to lunch and i look at twitter, arguments ive never heard of it. And im like, wait, im out of it. You feel like you constantly need to be connected. An apple watch tells you if youre getting notifications, missing something on twitter its distracting. Earlier today we were playing around with it. But heres our exit question. Does this backlash matter, by which i mean, are we now all captives of this hyper speed culture and its not going to change . I dont think will change nif time soon. Dont think changing Big Companies involved in our lives will change. I thieve the way it might change the way we get compensated for the data theyre pulling from utz. I dont think its going to change anytime soon. In the meantime, im going to look at goog will glass. Were responsible for ow data diets. Still to come, newsweek apologizes for a writer trashed ted cruz. A political reporter gets in a twitter war with jeb bushs people. A kick in the pants for the meet area for focusing on marco rubio o s boots. Ant lying. Ant lying. The company is actually doing really well on, on social media. Oh thats interesting. I i started social media. Oh it was my. Baby. You have to feel healthy. On the outside. At your core. Trubiotics a probiotic from one a day naturally helps support both your digestive and immune health by combining. Two types of good bacteria. Trubiotics. Be true to your health. Iall across the state belthe economy is growing,day. With creative new business incentives, and the lowest taxes in decades, attracting the talent and companies of tomorrow. Like in the hudson valley, with world class biotech. And on long island, where great universities are creating next generation technologies. Let us help grow your companys tomorrow, today at business. Ny. Gov politicos top reporter in florida has gotten into a really nasty twitter war with jeb bushs super pac. Murphy and his aide paul lids about a bangup shot with a 50 million spent. He called ball lindsay a desperate he said running a feckless effort in being a cal amight has given paul lindsay intellect ute butt hurt. Doesnt sound like a reporter treating a reporter fairly. He said he ate ought to get help. A politico Spokesman Says these statements were inappropriate. Mark has deplete dlooeted them and this immediate action spikes for itself. Newsweek apologizing for this nazi picture with the caption tud cruz has a strong ground game in iowa. Wow, your top tweets. How much coverage should the media give about ted cruz being born in canada. It there is a question about his citizenship, its easy. Zero. Considering cruz was actually born in another country, at least as much coverage as you gave to the obama birthers. That was ridiculous. Zero. Hash tag trump plays media like a drum. Perhaps the silliest episode of the 2016 campaign started with a New York Times tweet, marco rubio is rocking seriously fashionable boots. Which led to a very prominent story in the times which led to vanity fair wonder willing how much the boots cost, neighbor 90 which led new York Magazine which led to this. Senator rubio is wearing a boot with a bit of a heel to it. What . Yes. Something like that. Oh, my god. Look at that. Those boots. Glad they dont turn the camera. Theyre shagalicious. Its 510. Does he really need the booties . Lets see mr. Cruz without the heels. The Rubio Campaign told politico they were from floor shiemz perhaps the duke. Let me get this right. Isis is cutting peoples heads off, setting people in fire in cages. Saudi arraiabia and iran are one verge of a war, the stock market is talling apart. But r boy, are we getting a lot of coverage about a pair of bootsz. This is craziness. This is crazy ms. This is how the media stomp over all other important stories. Mercedes, you agree with that . We need to lighthearten in all of this. You love this story. Its not that i love this story. But coming from miami, which is where marco rubio is from, his shoes are more like the miami beach clubbing shoes i remember back in the day than what you connect with what would be the republican conservative. What do you prefer . Wait a second. I prefer these nice muddy cowboy boots my husband wears all the time. Thats what i think weve got to send over to marco rubios campaign office. Ifd understand this is a lot of fun, but politico ran a piece saying other candidates are using this pressing issue as proving him effeminate. Now theyre taking the story a little way over the top. Come on. Hes a dolphin fan. He talk bz fantasy football all the time. We dont need to question senator marco rubios manhood. Time for me to stay thats it for this edition of media buzz im howard kurtz. Lets hear from you. And as every week were back here next sunday ow know the time, 11 00 and 5 00 eastern with the latest buzz. A fox news alert. The United States demonstrating support for its allies in asia, amid droe growing tensions with north korea. An american b52 bomber capable of delivering a Nuclear Missile flying over south korea as a show of force. The bomber accompanied by u. S. And south korean fighter jets before returning to its base in guam after the flyover. Hello, everyone. Welcome to americas news headquarters. Im arthel neville. Hello, im eric shawn. This demonstration comes just days after north korea conducted that underground nuclear test. Pyongyang claiming it was a successful test of a hydrogen bomb, but Nuclear Experts doubt that claim, though they apparently

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