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mark: hello america, i'm mark levin, this is "life, liberty and levin." sunday. you know i try to do this show, in way that reflects how i think, how i approach events. and so i try to provide you with information you may not otherwise have. or have assess to. i'm not just going through a line of guests, i want to dig deeply with you. i think that is why you come to this program. there is somethingy going on with obama biden and the democrats and the way they run foreign policy. it is mostly done at a superficial level, if done at all in terms of discussing it. so i want to dig much further into this, because it is affecting peace versus war. and our survivability. this is a complete ideology that is an ideology that endangers us as a country and a super power, let me start with the peace in tablet. -- a piece in tablet. what is going on in the middle east, with iran? why do we have an administration that harbors iranians? who infiltrate and who are given classified positions at highest level of our government? why are we literally funding and allowing funds of our enemies in middle east starting with iran and palestinian terrorism. i mean, do these people hate america so much they are willing to fund our enemies? i think this will help us understand a little bit better. >> among other things who doran and others write is. on april 2, 2021, mal ap. this guy mali was head envoy for obama then biden with iran. why would they pick him. head of nuclear tops in vienna where europeans about to host indirectisis negotiation about rhetoricsi resurrecting obama deal. to lift american sanctions on iran and ensure that iran enjoys the benefits it was supposed to enjoy after the deal, trump killed deal, peace broke out biden comes in, even ber h before he was worn in. knabe one statement by abbas iran's lead negotiator in vienna said that american negotiators he claimed already agreed to remove sanction on iran energy econom econom econom economy is -- sector to eliminate all of the economy sanctions on iran, they did it, they got nothing in return. but even israeli have yet to absorb full scope and magnitude of accommodations in iran. not the part that sullivan and blinken are failing to restrain malley but they are marching in lockstep with him, not just on the obama nuclear deal but on every big question of middle east middle east strategy, everyone from president that is biden on down agrees that about the need to complete what obama started. the worse it yet to come. what does that mean? improving relations with iran. a terrorist state. this project to create a ne new middle eastern order that their project. they want tthey -- now spans two presidential administrations he calls this project theor the -- realign ament. it should fall on us this late date. many have been working for more than a decade is odd. grand as this one with a mayor address. and they further embroad irtheir invasion with smaller speeches and interviews, a new order in the middle east or biden, obama felt his project would advance best with stealth and misdirection. biden while keeping obama second term foreign policy team nearly in fact is using the same play book, he has been lying to us about he is taking on iran and supporting israel. he and his aides recognize confusions about ultimate goal makes achieving it easier, by lying and deceiving we the people, bargaining between washington and it tehran. how u.s. could relax sanctions without lifting them, the sanctions have not been formally lifted, and they will not enforce them. to this day. right now. as a result sullivan and blinken delivered documents to tehran a lot of them. and a rescinded trump era policy the u.n., that triggered so-called snab back mechanism, a move to reimpose international sanctions on iran, and released froz frozen iranian oil funds. the realignment. apeacappeasement. what is this all about? i have been thinking about this. the biden, blinken, obama, sul v sullivan ideology is this. stated by me, weaken the u.s. central role, super power status, we're just another player among many, you have to weaken our power, and empower those we're negotiating with or in a region to spring th bring them up. parity, that is outrageous, with terrorist regimes or china and russia, you deuc reduce america's super power role, this is their view. that is a view that in 1950s the hard left in america, there is nothing nonew, this is what leftists believe today, there is another problem we have. those of us who believe in a foreign policy that should be based on broad prudence. we're not interventionists, in every situation but, we don't believe in sitting on our hands in every situation, unless kansas itself is hit by a nuclear bomb, this is insane. this is serial isolationism, backed by the so calso-called populist this is not new it took place prior to attack in world war ii. he came under the america first. that is the 1930s, while hitler was building up. plane of o-- our allies under attack. no, no, we don't want to get involved in that war, funny thing our enemies are not isolationists, they will do whatever they have to do to advance their insane goals. so, this based on basically the unwillingness of the bush administration, when we went to war in afghanistan to go to war to win a war. it went on and with, emplo. people cannot support the forever wars, they don't, they didn't want to defeat the enemy, we had the talk about not harming civilians as well. but worse was so-called democracy project in the middle east. talking about terror states. talking about third world countries well t led by monarchs and de dictators. project of the not dissystem lash to what jimmy carter did to the shaw of iran, supported his being dethroned. the ideologies are based on appeasement. they are not based on prudence, prudence would say this needs to be treated this way. we can deal with economic sanctions on this one, we need surrogates to help us fight them, that is prudence, using judgment. isolationist, call it i it, it america first, certainly the biden and obama idea ology destructive. we have a confluence of ideologies trachs place in our country right now, it is a serious problem, i want to get more about tony blinken and the guy malley who have been running our foreign policy, this is a scene by martin perets. he was considered sort of a left of center liberal and harvard professor, he wrote in part. secretary of state approved reopening' nuclear talks, with iran and outsource them to robert malley, he allowed to be appointed u.s. special envoy, blinken's reliance on malley that align themselves against american interest point to a large sober vision, plunging worse notes to malley, beside being an architect of obama iran deal, is a childhood friend of antony blinken, they grew up together in paris, malley is son of european style jewish communist with antiimperialist politics and links to yasser arafat and fiddlfidel castro. assignment of malley, for whom the idea of a national interest is suspect. shows that blinken has not paid much, tension to recent history of attempted reproach am w rapprochement with the regime, soros has not been mentioned, but he should be no one can claim malley's proximity, is irrelevant or an unfit subject of discussion, something more than child hood chummies at work with antony blinken he sends actor to negotiate with a state that on openly aligned with america's main streestrategic rival. engagement no matter the circumstances, regardless of actual precedent day human misery and oppression. by turning the means of international coalition building and decision making into a political end. antony blinken risks abetting malley's worst instincts rather than checking them. malley's preferred policy can could summed up in a single word, react. >> it is this this context other moves into be understood. he is downgrading the abraham accordsa. ing up support for ypg, and delists houthis. sending cash to palestinian officials, circumvent pay for slay act and reinstitute u.s. financial report for unrwa. and a symbolic move that shifts onus for peace from hamas and the palestinian authority to israel. sometimes engagement in the wrong approach it weakening america's strategic and moral i' imperatives. this is the ideology. appeasement at are all costs. no matter the enemy or their mission, all enemies are the same, that is we are the problem, the united states, our power, our former imperialism, this is american history that is the problem, we're a super power, we should cease being a super power, and engin engage our enemies and everyone as an equal, th the enemy sees this, they see stupid written all over it you know biden, antony blinken, sullivan and malley and the rift, th rest. this is the unstated doctrine, it is the obama doctrine, it is surrender, i'm the chase ink business premier card is made for people like sam, who make- everyday products, designed smarter. like a 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knew how to use it to gain power, a short story on how -- erdogan took power over turkey and has no intention of giving tut. he put out a statement to his hand-picked members of parliament and said, that hamas is not a terrorist organization, they by their own definition claim to be. and was building them up, and talking about how much he supports them. and then trashing the israelis and the jews. while he is giving safe haven to leaders of hamas, what do you make of this. >> you know, first time i heard about that news, i thought it was a fake news. and i watched a clip that you watched, and i could not believe it. how can a nato ally, can go out there and openly support hamas and hezbollah, this actually there are some a couple countryings in world like irk rank on -- countries like iran and turkey, they are a safe haven for the groups they raise so much money, for hezbollah and hamas and isis, these governments, turkey, gives passports, turkish passport to the terrorist groups. so, i mean, there have been many times that erdogan has been caught by sending weapons and help to the terrorist groups. not palestinians. but to the terrorist groups. and one thing that just i'm so shocked with it, that this nato ally that we're talking about. how can this nato ally, turkey, says we stand with freedom, we stand with the democracy but at the same time hig he shakin shakes hands with leaders like khamenei and putin and xi jinping, i'm confused. i do know understand why our administration is so soft on this dictatorship out there. with erdogan. mark: i want to ask you about that i have not heard biden or blinken or sul vi sullivan or any of those criticize turkey for giving safe haven to the leaders of hamas or for making the outrageous statements on heels of slaughter that took lacey place in israel, have you heard anything. >> erdogan is playing the west like a cat playing with a toy, look at nato and sweden, erdogan said if you don't listen to what i have to say i'm not letting sweden in, and biden -- is biden bluff, i have not hur heard of any of the biden administration say anything about turkey or their wrong doing, they put a bounty on my head, i'm a u.s. citizen, how can a foreign government, can put a bounty on a u.s. citizen head in american soil? we wrote a letter to president biden, it is not me, it is 35 congre congressmen, wrote a litter to president biden said this is unacceptable do something about it we didn't hear from them. this man. >> this is a shame biden is supposed to be most powerful man in the world, powerful house but they are scared of a dec dictator like erdogan, this is such a shame, everyone in the middle east is making fun of america right now. because of how weak we are. mark: freedom, you are very brave man. he put bo bounty on your head, erdogan did, you have family in turkey, he wants you extradited from u.s. to turkey, my question is, if we had extradited you to turkey, we won't or you travel abroad, some of his thugs kidnap you and bring balk t to -- bridg east war, 10 p.m. eastern time. mark: welcome back america, we're here with ennis freedom, he was a basketball player, he lost his career. becausel he stands to principle, he opposes terrorism and terrorist regimes. so freedom, i asked you before the break, if you were to go back to turkey or extradited or worse or kidnapped while traveling overseas and they brought you back to turkey, what would happen. >> i have 12 arrests warning for me, in their eyes i am an international criminal, i have a list, i can only about to 29 countries in the world, if i go to any other, i will be extradited back to turkey, i have not sig seen my family in almost 10 years, i don't know what my mom or dad looks like, my sister got married, i could not call her. because, if they get in touch with me, it is fore in their eyes like a terrorist act the they will all be in jail, they are afraid to pick up the phone, or send me a particul a -- text-message, if i went to turkey, you never never hear from me again, they put my dad in jail, we made them release him. they could not find no evidence they put my dad in jail, my family, had to publicly disown me so the turkey government would leave them alone, they have been getting harassed. and streets of turkey, and they have done nothing wrong. i am the one talking about the political prisoner and human rights violations, that made me a terrorist, if that makes me a terrorist, i'll take it. but it is a sad situation, turkey could have been a bridge of islam and the west, but now the problems are happening. you know turking is harassing armenia and greece and kurdish people, e erdogan wants to be leader of the muslim world, talk about the uighurs in china, they are muslim took why are you bombing kurdish cities, they are mutt li are -- muslim too, you know, it is hypocrisy, you want to -- he has a crazy thought in his head he wants to be leader of the islamic world and be the khalifa, but everyone knows you know his he is a dictator, a thug and he runs the country like a mafia leader. mark: how many palestinians have he offered to take into turkey from gaza. >> zero. if you care about innocent lives of palestinians why don't you let them in turkey? you know he is let in recall of the hamas terrorists, and letting isis terrorists in. and all of the hezbollah terrorists in. al qaeda, but when it comes to innocent palestinians he said he care bh bhe said -- he cared about, he said no. it is such a shame, people need to say enough is enough. it starts with our administration, president biden cannot be soft on this. starting with turkey. china, russia. already you know iran. this is happened because of the 6 billion dollar fund, you know. we just need to say enough is enough, we have to be the america that inc everyone thinks we are. mark: we're not the america that everyone thinks we are with an administration that appeases the very evil people who slaughter, torture and silent people. why do you think that biden administration is so weak? >> i. you know when it comes to some of the dec the dictate hthe dictatorship, they want a better relationship. but the dictatorships are taking advantage of this, i am a u.s. citizen, i have been trying to meet with president biden to talk about my family situation, since high-tech office. i -- he took office, i have a conversation with a democratic senator, i asked do you think that president biden knows me story, he said absolutely, i said i have been trying to get in touch with him or have a conversation with someone from the administration. he said, sorry about they will not meet with you, i was like why they said because, of turkey, and of irerdogan and them being a nato ally, you are telling me they are scared to meet with a 30-year old nnba player, he said i can not say they are scared but they are. mark: he seems to be able to meet wenc with everyone else. he won't meet with you, that is disgusting, thank you freedom for public stance you take for putting your life. your career on the line. and god bless you, my friend. >> thank you so much for giving me the platform, i appreciate it. mark: you better believe it. we'll be right bac ♪ ♪ make your dream car...a reality. mercedes-benz certified pre-owned vehicles are rigorously inspected to live up to the highest of expectations. some people just know there's a podcast about that. those are the people who know to choose allstate. big tea drinker? yeah. there's a podcast about tea. he knows and he wants you to know too. i was listening to a podcast on if dogs know they're dogs there's a podcast about that? just like he'd want you to know about allstate. there's a podcast about fly fishing... ...called why is that person doing that?'s called tea-rrific. are you listening to a podcast? yeah, it's about multitasking. some people just know there's a podcast about that. those are the people who know you're in good hands with allstate. this she■s a hero moment. even today, only a quarter of stem graduates are women. they'd go, oh, you don't look like an engineer. there is this preconception. some things are for boys. but diversity drives innovation. my goal is to really flip the script. pick something that you love and go for it. how do we live in space? how do we live on the moon? i want to help figure that out. you can create the blueprint. if you can see her, you can be her. mark: welcome back america we're here with katie britt, brand-new senator from alabama, she has made a big mark for herself, you were in israel, actually a week ago. you came back, you were emotional about what you saw there. could tell us what you saw and your experience was. >> we saw, was beyond comprehension it was absolute hurr pure evil, we met with families of the hostages who told us their stories, i listened as a mom, a wife, a daughter and a sister. we also met with the israeli government, we got to see the video of the massacre that occurred on october 7. and it is i'm perti imperative we continue to tell the story, these terrorists videoed this, they had gopro cameras on their heads, we watched as they slaughtered individuals and they made parents watch their children get shot, and children watch their parents be burned to death. it is absolutely disgusting, and despicable. i'm of belief that all religious can live together in peace, but good cannot coexist with evil, when you see evil rear its head we must look it in the eyes and take it down. mark: company back to the united states, you see people taking to the streets and college campuses supporting hamas. you see people talking about how israel is responsible for this. what do you say those people? >> that is -- once again, unimaginable. the people would be responding like this. one thing about our nation that i believe to be true is that we should be able to call evil evil and the fact that we have those among us that are not able to do that, is beyond comprehension. look, everyone believes in free speech but what i do not believe in it hate, hamas is standing with a stand for they want who wipe israel off of the face of the planet, they want to wipe the. > jewish people off of the face of that planet there is no way anyone should be able to defend their actions, people need to realize that hamas is also the enemy of those people in gaza, they are holding everyone, for ra ransom, they are cowards we as people here in u.s., and me as a christian i believe we have to stand firmly with israel, firmly with the jewish people and firmly against hate. mark: there are reports that hamas is now shooting at people who are trying to leave, egypt is blocking their passageway. there is not a single arab country that has offered to accept a single palestinian and you see in turkey they are harbors hamas leaders, and in qatar, they are paying a lot of money to the hamas terrorist. and the biden administration doesn't seem to be doing a hell of a lot about this. >> no, you are spot ofirst we need to go back to a strategy of maximum pressure. we need bone-crushing sanctions on iran, we know where the money is flying from, from the iranian regime, we have to cut off and dry up any financial resources they may have iran is not only funding but training hamas, there in gaza, and training hezbollah in lebanon and the houthis, there in yemen, we need ad miadministration that is willing to do, that easing off on sanctions, resulted in iranian have scrin iran regime with oil and gas money, we have to show peace through strength, that starts with freezey 6 billion dollars, not with handy shake agreement but a real guarantee that money is not moving, reinforce sanctions then we're going to have to start really holding people accountable, we need to deterrentses in region but what our airbase esars are struck w we have to respond. and we see people that are buying into media narrative there needs to be an immediaciimmediate, ceasefire, the innocent men and women in israel have to tuck their children in every night, people say this is similar to 9/11, i say to, that when we woke up the next day after both, we were able to tell our children that the enemy was oceans away, these men and women woke up the next day, and the enemy was less than 5 miles away, we have t t t to eradicate hamas, we stand firmly with israel, we make sure we eradicate evil that starts by taking out hamas. mark: we'll be right b ♪ today, my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪ centrum silver is now clinically shown to support cognitive health in older adults. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine. mark: welcome back america. we're here with senator katie britt of alabama who was just in the middle east. here at home, we have a hamas network there has been scholarship expeferredz and evidence funding activity they set up front groups like care in a meeting they had in 1990s if philadelphia, students for justice for palestine, another hamas connected group, they have infiltrated our colleges and universities and much of our public. do you think that senate would take a serious look at this and see if there are things that could be done, you don't have a first amendment right to be tied to terrorist groups. >> that is right. i was proud to sign on to a piece of legislation that addresses this. that says we will not tolerate, the school sanctions hate where they are going after and actually advocating for the eratification of the jewish -- eratification of the jies. >jewish people that is despicable and no taxpayer dollars, should be tied to or go to any institution anywhere across this nation. that allows for that to your early point, we allow for free speech but we do not allow for pro hamas, pro-ir eratification of an entire people, we have to stand strong, we of proud to sign on to, that we will continue to hear a narrative and hear us stand up and push back there is a fundamental crack in the foundation of when we are as a nation we're not able to call evil, evil right now, we have to work to create a better foundation for our future. mark: you were also on the border and saw horrific things there, how could the border remain wide open on top of everything else, we saw what happened in israel, their border is fortified, we don't know who the hell is coming in we know of many terrorists have tried which mean some have gotten in and fentanyl is coming in, what will it take to secure the border. >> thank you. the first two months that i was in office, i went to the border 3 times that is because i just like me going and putting boots on ground there and israel to hear from the people, i believe you can't just read or listen you have to see it for yourself, particularly as we work to implement change, we have a humanitarian and a national security crisis occurring there under biden's failed border policies, we must go back in put in remain in mexico policy and a safe third country policy, and make sure we secure our border and also create an opportunity for greater enforcement in our interior. we hit ity on the nail o -- the nail on the head, we say it is open season for drug cartels, for human traffickers and terrorists, we know that the fentanyl is coming over the border at record rates that is the leading caught of death between individuals between ages of ain't a 18 and 45, we stop it with a secure border, we look at terrorists coming over our border it is unbelievable. now we are in the number of hundreds this are caught. you look at number of known got had. got-aways by end of bin administration at this rate wiem ha we'll have over 10 million people w40 -- who have come across the border, we have 1.5 million got aways that moved into this nation, we saw them but never touched poli touched with them. we don't know who they are, after what we've seen what happened in israel, could we not all come to table and say for safety and security of american people, for children, we must secure the border and put policies in place, make sure we have safer and stronger communities, i think that time for that is now. and we're every day, that we allow that border to be open as one more day we have no idea who is coming in, i for one as a mom and a u.s. senator, have cid enou said enough is enough we'll fight bako the bideed by -- back on biden failed border policies. mark: that is great, you are a great addition to u.s. senate, very much appreciate you. i wish you all of the best, god bless you. >> thank you so much, i appreciate it more than you kn >> welcome back america in the minute i left i want to address something. while all the other things are going on. the former president of the united states is being brutalized by her phony legal system. the so-called special counsel, jack smith has asked the so-called objective judge tanya chutkan to expand her gag order on the former president to send the former president to prison for violating it. it is clear what is going on here. joe biden does not want to run against, they do not want to hear from trump, they're trying to shut him down, corrupt joe biden corrupt his personal finances, corrupt in politics, corrupt in any imaginable way in his corruptive administration using a hack prosecutor, left wing judge and a democrat city to persecute former president trump. it seems to me is more influenced by the thugs in the middle east and were able to influence middle east. i will see you next time on life, liberty and the

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Members , Terrorist Organization , Definition , Parliament , Leaders , News , Israelis , Safe Haven , Jews , Rally , Clip , Groups , World , Hezbollah , Couple Countryings , Money , Terrorist Groups , Governments , Passports , Turkish Passport , Isis , Times , Help , Weapons , Democracy , Hig , Khamenei , Putin , Xi Jinping , Mark , Erdogan , Dictatorship , Slaughter , Heels , Statements , Lacey , Anything , Toy , Cat , Sweden , West , Sweden In , Wrong Doing , Biden Bluff , Citizen , Bounty , American Soil , Letter , Glitter , Congre Congressmen , 35 , Shame , House , Dictator , Fun , Family , Bo Bounty , Thugs , Some , Bridg East War , Balk T , Basketball Player , Eastern Time , 10 , Terrorist , Becausel , Regimes , Break , Principle , Overseas , Arrests Warning , 12 , Eyes , Mother , List , 29 , Fore , Mom , Dad , Sister , Touch , Married , Particul A , Jail , Terrorist Act , Phone , Text Message , Evidence , Streets , Prisoner , Human Rights Violations , Problems , Armenia , Bridge Of Islam And The West , Leader , Cities , Hypocrisy , Uighurs , Muslim World , Kurdish , Mutt Li , Mafia Leader , Thought , Khalifa , Gaza , Lives , Palestinians Why Don T , Zero , Terrorists , Al Qaeda , Recall , Bhe , Biden Cannot , 6 Billion , 6 Billion Dollar , America That Inc Everyone , Dec , Torture , Dictatorships , Advantage , Relationship , Hthe Dictatorship , Senator , Office , Conversation , Me Story , Irerdogan , Someone , Wenc , Old Nnba Player , Everyone Else , 30 , Stance , God Bless You , Friend , Platform , Vehicles , Certified , Dream , Mercedes Benz , Podcast , Allstate , Expectations , Highest , Tea , Tea Drinker , Person , Dogs , Fly Fishing , Multitasking , Tea Rrific , Women , She , Stem Graduates , Quarter , Sa Hero Moment , Preconception , Engineer , Script , Boys , Innovation , Diversity , Space , Figure , Moon , Blueprint , Katie Britt , Alabama , Comprehension , Experience , Hurr Pure Evil , We Saw , Hostages , Families , Wife , Daughter , Stories , Massacre , Video , Cameras , Story , 7 , October 7 , Children , Individuals , Death , Parents , Heads , Shot , Despicable , Evil , Belief , Its , Cannot Coexist , Company , College , Campuses , Nation , Unimaginable , Speech , Hate , Standing , Planet , Face , Stand , Actions , Anyone , The , Ransom , Nra , Christian , Passageway , Single , Leave , Egypt , Qatar , Shell , Maximum Pressure , Doesn T , Resources , Houthis , Funding , Training Hamas , Training Hezbollah , Lebanon , Ad Miadministration , Easing , Yemen , Have Scrin , Oil And Gas , Shake Agreement , Strength , Guarantee , 6 Billion Dollars , People Accountable , Airbase Esars , Men And Women In Israel , Media Narrative , Immediaciimmediate , Ceasefire , Both , 9 11 , Men , Ttt , 5 , Health , Out Hamas , Charge , Tb , Adults , Step , Centrum Silver , Corners , Makers , Pain Relief Patches , Improvement , Peeling , Array , Ingredients , Salonpas , Youuu , 89 , Spain , Medicine , Sizes , Care , Funding Activity , Home , Meeting , Network , Scholarship Expeferredz , 1990 , Group , U S Senate , Colleges , Universities , Students , Justice , Public , Palestine , Philadelphia , Look , Amendment , Legislation , School Sanctions , Eratification , Taxpayer Dollars , Institution , Jies , Pro Hamas , Point , Pro Ir Eratification , Foundation , Crack , Narrative , Stand Up , Border , Fortified , Top , Everything Else , Fentanyl , 3 , Ground , Change , Boots , Border Policies , Security , Crisis , Safe Third Country Policy , Put , Mexico , Interior , Season , Nail O , Drug Cartels , Nail , Opportunity , Enforcement , Rates , Human Traffickers , Record , Number , Wages , Ain T , 18 , 45 , Bin Administration , Rate , Hundreds , Got , Got Aways , 10 Million , Poli , 1 5 Million , Policies , Safety , Communities , Bideed , U S Senator , Addition , Have Cid Enou , Kn Welcome Back America , Best , President Of The United States , Tanya Chutkan , Jack Smith , Gag Order , System , Prison , Corrupt , Against , Corruptive , Judge , Finances , Corrupt In Politics , Hack Prosecutor , City , Wing , Liberty ,

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