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Democrats are more than willing to let the madness go on. Tonight White House Deputy press secretary hogan gidley, michelle malkin, dan won begin oh, charlie kirk and more. Politicians are elected to represent us. Here here to put our interests over political interests. Refusal to work towards compromise is putting politics over people. President trump has been at the white house virtually every day waiting and work, and trying to make a deal. Bend and compromising and trying to find solutions. They not only disrespect him. They sometimes dont even show up. They refused his every overture, putting a stake in the ground, proving that politics are more important than putting people back to work. As 800,000 employees face the loves a second paycheck this tuesday, the democrats disregard their distress by not negotiating the partial Government Shutdown. But its even bigger. They refuels to negotiate for people who live paycheck to paycheck. They dont consider americans whose lives, safety, economy, and social Service Agencies are drained by these uninvited illegals. Today the president offered yet another compromise to reopen the government. There will be no concrete wall. Only steel slat barriers. 5. 7 billion for it. 805 million for drug detection technology. 800 million for human tear why assistance. Almost 3,000 new border agents. And 75 new immigration judges. The president described in clear and direct language the human crises ranging from 300 of our children dying every week from heroin. 90 of which comes to those poorest mexican borders. Now young people can seek asylum in their country without traveling with those dangerous human traffickers and coyotes. He talked about wham of us in Law Enforcement already know. Parents give their daughters Birth Control pills, knowing full well their daughters will be raped along this dangerous journey. And the kneejerk reactions are in. Nancy pelosi calls the president s proposals unacceptable and said whats original in his proposal is not good, and whats good in his proposal is not original. Chuck schumer, he called it onesided and ineffective. No surprise. Democrats, demon rats, are dug into the theater of lies and hate. Casting donald trump as evil, while casting themselves as angels supported by a Mainstream Media intent on publishing any antitrump story, however baseless or absurd. Journalistic standards be dammed. The theater was brought to the absurd when nancy pelosi sent a letter to the president saying it was too dangerous for him to you give the state of the union speech. Saying she didnt wants him telling his lies and distortions in the house. A typical example by the way of what the left is doing in general. Shut down the voice of the president. Shut down law and order. Shut down security at our border. Turns out, nancy, you never even spoke to security. In fact every day congress is in session nobody has been shut down from lack of security. Admit it, you made it up to shut them down. But never in the history of this great nation has a speaker refused the president the opportunity to give the state of the union address. And of course, not one to be cowed. The president pulls you off a government bus 30 minutes before your trip to europe. Nancy, what the hell were you doing boarding a bus with your democrat cronies on the way to brussels to meet with nato leaders . There is a partial Government Shutdown. We dont need you in brussels. How do you negotiate your way out of a stalemate while on a 7day european excursion that we the taxpayers pay for. You have got to chutzpah, lady. What were you going to do. Have a few parties on our dime. And then you and your band of friendlies, off then to afghanistan to find out whats going on from the troops on the ground. Really . You think some soldier is going to saunter up and whisper in your ear to give you the real scoop when his bosses at the pentagon would be happy to do so in washington . Or is it you think the troops are dying to see you. Send them a video, nancy, and thank them. And by the way. Is this how you reinforce your power base . Are you the career junket organizer . But then you have never been one to sacrifice. How about instead of the trips you escrow that money for federal employees. Whats that . You would rather not because polling blames trump for the shutdown and you are good with that. By the way, nancy, so is he. Hes wearing his big boy pants and he offered to take the burden just to get it done. How about since you are in charge of all spending bills, nancy, you forego your check until this is over. Man up like the federal employees going through the shutdown. Donate congressional salaries to those who wont get one. After all, for a start, you and your husband are worth over 100 million. How did you make that money, nancy . How long has it been since you have been in congress . President trump isnt taking a check. He donated his salary since day one to a number of federal agencies. And nancy, this is just the two of us talking, admit it, your big donors in california want illegals to pick grapes. Even cesar chavez, you are old enough to remember him, fought tooth and nail to stop illegal immigrants, to protects legal immigrants. And the farm workers. Its all theater, folks. The president they say is a fear monger. This is a manufactured crisis. Say that to the face of an angel mom whose child was murder and mass curled by an illegal immigrant. You have kids, nancy . You do, dont you . Why did you approve securing the the border like so many of your democrat cronies in 2006 and 13 under the secure fence act, but not this. The obvious answer because donald trump wants it. Instead your path is to disrespect americans. Instead respect those who violate our laws. While you and your ilk praise pictures of furloughed federal employees when you wont meet with the angel moms who come to our office with pictures of American Children killed by illegals. Let me see if i understand this. An American Mother shows a picture offed a child murdered by an illegal. And Chuck Schumer and his gang come out and show pictures of federal employees. Is there a moral equivalentssy . Are you working for americans or illegals . Or is it that you just dont give a damn. You vacation in hawaii. Your buddies vacation with lobbyists in puerto rico during the shutdown. And you plan a jaunt to europe while federal employees are trying to save every dollar to buy groceries. Admit it, you dont give a damn. And you are a hypocrite with a political operative. Your mantra, destroy the president of the United States. To hell with the tax paying hardworking americans. Let them eat cake. I have got a junket to go on. An ego to assuage. An electorate to ignore. Nancy, if you are too afraid to take a commercial flight, there are alternate ways to fly. Check this one out. Its tailor made for you. Thats my open. Joining me now with the latest on all the breaking news, hogan gidley, the Deputy White House press secretary. You had quite a week this week, didnt you . Absolutely. Nonstop at that white house. Judge jeanine i want to talk about buzzfeed in a minute. But first i want to talk about the reaction of the democrats after he laid out what he said at 4 00, but what they said before he even spoke. They did it before he came the Oval Office Address where they had a canned speech. Releasing information. Denying the plan the president put out. They said the plan was bad when they hadnt heard what he was going to say. So many people thought he was going to declare a National Emergency. Democrats are hypocritical and disingenuous. They are against the president before they even know what hes going to say. You i have in front of me the facts from 2006, secure fence act, the people hop supported it. The democrats voting yea in the 013 Border Security. Its stunning to me that they have the nerve to go out. I wouldnt have the nerve to do it, to go out and say a wall is immoral when six years agovernment wasnt immoral and 13 years ago it wasnt immoral. They said it was a manufactured cry significance as well. Barack obama called it a humanitarian crisis from the rose garden. Was it manufactured then . Was it manufactured when they cast votes to protect our border . Is it manufactured to the loved ones of those lost. We face a humanitarian and National Security crisis along our border. This president recognizes that and hes trying to do something about it. When you give the democrats the data, they dont care. The president has tried repeatedly to come to the table to fix this and the democrats are nowhere to be found. Judge jeanine their politics are above serving the people. Their politics are above making sure that a federal employee doesnt have to get a loan to pay the rent or mortgage. Its infuriating. You make the point. They pretend to care about these federal workers living paycheck to paycheck say together American People, these federal workers are in such bad shape, they have to sell their own clothing to make ends pleat. The only clothing they care about is resort casual. First they go to hawaii, then the Democrats Party if puerto rico then nancy pelosi wanted a 6day excurison to europe which would have insures the 800,000 employees for the federal government miss another paycheck. Thats unacceptable. The president refused to let her use military air so he could keeper in the country. And she still refuels to come to the table. Judge jeanine you have got management, then you have got the unions. Here we have management, we have the president , and there is no one at the table, but hes still pending and compromising. Lets go top buzzfeed. The hate for this man is unbelievable. Every democrat on this side of hawaii is willing to come out and say impeach, impeach when they publish a story with no foundation. The special counsel comes out and says there is no truth to this. The president never told cohen to lie. Cant the American People see through this . I think they are starting to. The president was saying fake news for a long time. And that was a perfect example of it. Its not just the buzzfeed story. Every outlet from sunup to sundown carried it. Buzzfeed ran a story with no corroboration. They ran it any way. And everybody other outlet picked it up. Not to mention that the subject was Michael Cohen. Someone who is a convicted liar and felon who defrauded this government of millions of dollars. Now we know this past year polling shows, 90 of the president is negative. I wonder how much of it is fake. I will bet its close to that number. Judge jeanine can you imagine fit was 670 . All he has done is left a louvre contract tough business to come into this white house to do everything he can to make our lives better across this country. He has done that regardless of demographic. Wages republic. America is doing outstanding and its because of donald trump. Judge jeanine much more ahead. Well debate the democrats proposal with dan bongino and chris hahn. Democrats pulled out their impeachment pitchforks when they jumped all over the the buzzfeed article. Justice rolls on on this busy justice rolls on on this busy big hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. 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Apparently bob mueller, special counsel is, too. He too the extraordinary step of saying buzzfeeds report that donald trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to congress. If it were to be true it means the president told someone to lie under the oath is a crime and impeachable. If this story is true we must begin impeachment proceedings. That rises to the level of an Impeachable Offense ice that an Impeachable Offense. Absolutely these are Impeachable Offenses. Thats the exact way nixon was kicked out of office. Its the exact way the house of representatives moved to impeach richard nixon. Suborning perjury is a crime. If the president of the United States committed a felony, we are in impeachment territory. Judge jeanine no wonder americans are confused. They hear this propaganda day in and day out. Michel malkin, we know buzzfeeds lead worther is a proven liar. He admitted he has seen no evidence in support of this report, and buzzfeed sources didnt bother to back it up in any way, and it goes on and on. And donald trump doesnt text or email so i dont know where he supposedly got this stuff. This is a the 90 thought time the president needs to be impeached. What say you . Right. Buzzfeed of course is buzz fake news. And this is really just the up tomorrow of everything President Trump talked about with the beltway swamp media. These are not journalists. These are political operatives masquerading as quoteunquote reporters when they go out there and recycle gossip. And you had 20 hours on friday of nonstop impeachment palooza. If we played a drinking game every time they said if or impeach, we would be bombed out of our sculls. And they never face consequences. Is this the 20th or 25th time we had a fake russia collusion story . There have been some reporters had had to resign after that. This buzzfeed reporter in particular had problems circulating anonymously sourced stories as quoteunquote corroborated reports. Judge jeanine its not going to end. They have gone the away with it. There are as you say, no consequences. Journalistic circumstances be damned. As long as we can just get all the team out against this man, you have to say to yourself. How does the president of the United States get up every day he doesnt take a check for this. How does he get up every day to this lunacy . Doesnt he say to himself, why am i doing this . Im work as hard as i can. He deserves a big salute for that. After 25 years of covering politics, i have never seen any politician democrat or republicans that is able to withstand the constant barrage of fake news this president has. Your book is so brilliant in talking about the here is and the leakers. You have to call out not just buzzfeed but the entire machine that pound on this fire friday. Where are the retractions, where are the apologies. Waiting, ticktock. Judge jeanine i dont think well see any of that. But this unique call by bob mueller is telling. Telling what i dont know. I dont like reading tea leaves. For him to do that is pretty incredible. It is extraordinary. I listened to the cleave executive of buzzfeed stammering and stuttering, explaining about how they contacted muellers office at some point to let them know the story was about to be published, and the entire time of course the left wing eating it up and recycling the lies. And of course the retraction if there is going to be any is going to get attraction of the attention that the initial lie did. Judge jeanine thats the problem. Thank you very much. Charlie kirk is still on deck. President trump puts a deal on the table and dan bongino and chris hahn are ready to debate. What are they going to say . The pan i am not for colds. 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The democrats are refusing to negotiate, basically saying there is no crisis. That its a manufactured crisis, when there are two more major caravans staging and about to enter the United States, and we just arrested 376 illegals that were digging a tunnel or tunneling under the fence or the border in arizona. How could this not be a crisis . I dont know how a tunnel is going to be stopped by a wall. Thats one thing. I dont think there is a crisis. I think what we need to do is open the government and negotiate a long term Border Security and immigration reform. Like the 2013 bipartisan agreement. Judge jeanine the dont you agree, 2006, 2013, the secure fence act basically the same thing as what the president is offering. The democrats supported it. Now they are on their meds and schizophrenic and they dont want to support it now. The 2013 bill never got a vote in the house. I think nancy pelosi and chuck human were would take these in a heartbeat. Why did she tell them that. Is that what your sources tell you . House your source, buzzfeed . Its complicated and they should open the government to discuss it. Judge jeanine they cant speak . You will have to give chris the bullet points and index cards before the debates because he never does his homework. That funnel hes talking about in yuma is an old border wall that was built to stop vehicular traffic and didnt have a concrete base. Crisp former boss Chuck Schumer voted for the secure fence in 2006. Chris, you have nowhere to go. Just admit you are wrong. You are absolutely wrong, and trump outfoksd you today. Sorry. I think your problem is you dont hear us when we talk. We are not against fences in part of the border or against walls in parts of the boished everywhere it needs a fence. Today is the first time i heard the president say he doesnt want a fence all along the border. Judge jeanine the president said he doesnt need a concrete wall. You admit they should be talking. What is this woman going to afghanistan for . Why is she not talking . I think the speaker of the house visiting the troops in afghanistan is important and it was probably long planned. Judge jeanine she should visit the troops at the southern border if she wants to find outfits a manufactured crisis. They have nothing to do with her so they will have plenty of time to listen to her. Chris, dont play silly here. You know full well that these codel trips are a scam. Talk to an Embassy Staff personnel like i did in 30plus countries. They are going to afghanistan. [all talk at once] pay the troops in afghanistan. Thats how you show respect. The troops are getting paid. Open up the government. Give me a break. You have know codel is a scam. Its something we all pay for. We all read art of the deal, the president is asking them to negotiate against themselves. They had a deal in december but after ann coulter said it was a bad deal he wouldnt sign. Judge jeanine dan bongino, chris hahn, i took too much time on that. Former acting i. C. E. Director ron the unknown beyond the horizon. That was once our frontier. But today, a new frontier has risen. And this is the vehicle crafted to conquer it. Introducing the firstofitskind lexus ux and ux f sport, also available in hybrid allwheel drive. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. When did sleep start requiring effort . What if it didnt have to . Each tempurpedic bed is made with advanced pressurerelieving material, so you get the deepest sleep youve had. Ever. Theres nothing like tempurpedic sleep. So you get the deepest sleep youve had. Ever. My mom washes the dishes. Before she puts them in the dishwasher. So what does the dishwasher do . Cascade platinum does the work for you, prewashing and removing stuckon foods, the first time. Wow, thats clean cascade platinum. woman too late for lunch. O minutes. Starkist saves the day. Sweet and spicy tuna in a pouch smart choice, charlie. charlie no drain, no pain. Just tear, eat. And go try all of my tuna, salmon and chicken pouches. Judge jeanine welcome back to justice. Last week i sat down with acting i. C. E. Director ron patello. You just came back from the white house. You met with the president. And there is a lot going on on the border. Tell us way its like on the ground there. We have been faced with a crisis as it relates to the numbers of people and kinds of people come together border each and every day. Right before Christmas Cbp was seeing 200 people a day. 60 of that traffic is families or children traveling alone. That taxes the Border Patrol. Judge jeanine Border Patrol makes the arrest and everyone arrested comes to i. C. E. Thats correct. Judge jeanine with the numbers we are seeing at the bordered, how does that impact your ability to do your work . It makes it difficult because the facilities are been overtaxed. 60 of these families are children that are alone. We have to do all the transportation to the holding locations, and we didnt have enough room for all the people coming. Judge jeanine i read one sector, the rio grande valley. They average 320 people a day. Just this week we had people from romania, pakistan, china. Are we the patsies where everybody in the world knows you come to the southern border and the followup question was why would the democrats say we dont need a wall. Can you think of a reason . I used to be chief of the sector down there and we laid down 55 miles of the barrier. In that area its very well controlled. But you still have gaps in that border that need to be shored up. Judge jeanine where what are the arguments to not have a wall . I cant get inside their head. But if you have that barrier, its very important. Judge jeanine the dems talk about abolishing i. C. E. What do you think about that and what does that do for the more real. We had d for the morale. We had some agents threatened at their homes. We went after some people who made threats against the workforce. We are very concerned about that. The morale is up. Judge jeanine when we talk about the gang members coming through and hear about the democrats saying we dont need a wall. You have been in this system for three decade. You were rank and file, Border Patrol, now you are acting director of ice. What do you think when you look back to 1986 when president reagan gave amnesty to illegals. This is america, the greatest country on earth, why cant we figure it out. I think we can figure it out. We have a president who is enthusiastic about having the border secure. He looked to the professionals and what we need to do to fortify the border. Close the loopholes in the law. If we did both of those things we would have a dramatic impact on the border communities and the towns in the United States being preyed upon by gangs selling opioids. Judge jeanine even though members of your agency are not getting paychecks. You still think it many worth it to fight this fight . Im grateful for the service they give this country. They come to work whether they are getting paid or not. Im grateful for the work they do because they are protecting this country each and every day. Judge jeanine should the president call a National Emergency . Its clear to me hes committed to getting this job done. Whatever means he needs to do it i think he should do it. Judge jeanine thanks so much. A showdown on capitol hill in the wake of President Trumps offer to democrats. Charlie kirk is here to talk about that and more hi there, this is a commercial about insurance. But lets be honest. Nobody likes dealing with insurance. See, esurance knows its confusing. I literally have no idea what im getting. I dont know either. Im just the spokesperson. But thats why theyre making it simple so that even actors, like us, can understand it. Im not an actor. Id love to tell you more but i only have thirty seconds. So heres a dramatic shot of their tagline so youll remember it. When insurance is simple, its surprisingly painless. Judge jeanine President Trump trying to make a deal with the dems to finally end this shutdown standoff. Joining me the turning point u. S. A. Founder, charlie kirk. Its interesting. I dont know if you heard the discussion between dan bongino and chris hahn that i always interject myself in. Rye not to. Its hard not to. Judge jeanine he said what the president said today, this is not a concrete structure from sea to sea. Hahn said they should like that. But my recollection is the president always talked about or recently talked about the steel slats. So he has compromised and they are still saying its a nonstarter. Its disappointing. The president is acting reasonably, the president s are acting radically. This is a very fair deal. This is a compromise the democrats have been saying for weeks. Nancy and chuck opposed it before he even says it. At what point will the media be able to report this fairly and say no matter what trump says and what he brings to the table, they dont want a deal to get done. They wont agree to anything unless there is no wall, and if they have some form of citizenship. This is the final point. For anyone out there who is a recipient of daca. Its the democrats keeping you from being permanent in this country. Not the republicans. Judge jeanine we are spending billions in afghanistan building walls and bridges and infrastructure, a power grid. And we dont want to spend 5 billion for steel slats when 90 of the heroin of 300 americans die each week coming from mexico. These people elected by the illegals . The democrats are losing Middle America quickly. They are losing states like missouri, indiana and iowa. The on way they think they can have political success i by getting 10 to 0 million illegals in the country and getting them to vote. The democrats know they can no longer win actual americans with their policies. Trump is acting reasonable here. Hes acting to find a deal down the middle. This will upset some people on the conservative side. You might be able to get 60 votes to reopen the government. The democrats were in puerto rico partying with lobbyists, and in hawaii over new years. Judge jeanine as we go forward on tuesday, Mitch Mcconnell is going to offer that bill it appears there are enough democrats that they can peel off in the senate to get the bill passed. There are at least 6 or 8 of them who said i think a wall is some kind of structure is appropriate in places. So then what happens . If they can get the senate to do that, the president has given them everything, and they just want the Government Shutdown over which is a bunch of hogwash. What happens after that . Well, the pressure has to go then on the speaker of the house. I would like some journalist to sit down with nancy pelosi. Some number she throws around. Maybe a dollar toward Border Security. She has a majority. But not an overwhelming majority. There are Many Democrats getting unease yesterday. Incoming democrats have not seen this and the heat is vo hand can we talk . We used to play so beautifully together. Now. We can barely play anything. Even cards with the girls. vo if you have bent fingers and cant put your hand flat, talk to your doctor. It may be dupuytrens contracture. hand isnt it time to do something about this . vo your hand is talking. Isnt it time you speak to a doctor . Learn more about dupuytrens contracture. At factsonhand. Com. More information is within reach. It is such a good time to dance it is such a good time to [ laughing ] scoobidoo doobidoo scoobidoo doobidoo [ goose honking ] [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. Progressive helps keep you out there. The fight against donald trump goes all the way to the tp. Finally a sneak peek of my new special based on my broken. Its available right now on fox Nation Program you are not a member sign up today. Im advocating for truth and justice and the american way. D10 is coming up next. I will see you next saturday night. [cheers and applause] greg just another slow week. Lets start with the meal that made the media squeal. Pizza, 300 hamburgers , french fries. Greg many, many french fries that seems like a year ago but the media lost their lunch over this and raged at trump to serve

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