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Desperately search for loved ones, she decides to manipulate the pain, the anger and direct it toward lawful gun owners. She tweets. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer which the nra wants to make easier. Hillary, there is a reason you lost the election. As american comes to together, you seek to divide, not sympathize, not empathize, showing just how hollow a tin man you are. In your desperate attempt to be relevant. You go after gun owners in the nra, when this guy wasnt even a member of the nra. Then you go after the opposing party. Because i cant believe that one whole Political Party in the greatest country on earth is totally sold to the gun lobby. Judge jeanine but she is not done blaming everyone but the shooter. Do you feel they are complicit. The gop and the nra and the begun lobby . Of course they are. Judge jeanine the nra and the gop . How dare you connect law abiding citizens to a mass murderer of innocent civilians. How dare you call us complicit with a whack job police fi misfs the epitome of evil. Just as we cant blame all muslims for the actions of a few, how about you not blame all gun owners for the actions of paddock. Hillary, you have to stop trying to be joan of arc. Your word ring hollow. Tell me the last time you were in chicago where children on playgrounds dont even run at the sound of gunfire. Where is your dignity and compassion for africanamerican victims of gun violence every weekend. Dont black lives matter . You and your friends are so determined to disarm us. You, the same woman whose apartment used cia operatives tracked a gun to syria. You sending fast and furious guns across the border to the Mexican Cartel for free, some of which were used to kill us. You the same woman whose state Department Approved a deal in which you personally benefited that sold 225 of americas uranium to russia with the potential to kill us and you want to point the finger of blame at law abiding citizens and the gop to pursue your pathetic agenda. Im not going to waste my time telling you disarming legal gun owners is going to end the gun violence. Every weekend in chicago there are gun deaths where guns are banned. Dont try to hold innocent people up to public disdain. You want to tell us what kind of gun we should have. How much ammunition is enough, and whether we should have guns enough. Here is our collective answer. Its not only no, its hell, no. And we dont need your permission as to the reason one or one shouldnt have a gun. I own guns because its my right. Its my Second Amendment right. No one in washington gave me that right. Its a natural right confirmed by the very people who founded this nation. I dont want to hear about your politically correct or opportunistic nonsense. There is a time and place for everything. And its time for you to go back into the woods. Thats my open. Tell me what you think on facebook and twitter. New details emerging as investigators try to determine why the gunman, stephen paddock, fired on that concert crowd in the deadliest of mass shooting in american history. Dan springer is standing by with the latest. Reporter we are continuing to learn more about the extent of planning. We talked about that note found in the smoothers room was not a suicide note. It had a lot of numbers on it. Cbs reported it was a mathematical calculation so the killer could murder as many people as possible. He wrote count distance down to the concert. The drop from the 32nd floor and the speed of the rounds to figure out where he had to aim to maximize the casualties. Six days after the carnage and police have no idea what motivated him. They looked at his finances, electronics, nothing. They are putting up billboards around las vegas. Vice president mike pence was here today helping the city and the entire country heal. He made some remarks at city hall after a prayer walk. We find comfort in the knowledge we are united as one nation, as one people with one voice. United in our brief, united in our support for those who have suffered, and united in our resolve to end such evil in our time. Reporter a lawsuit is coming probably soon were than later. A lawyer representing some of the victims relatives filed a petition asking the court to freeze all of stephen paddocks assets. There was a report he made 5 million gambling a couple years ago. They are saying they are going to file against not only the shooter but also mgm and the folks who ran that festival last week. Judge jeanine joining me now, nra National Spokesperson dana loesch. What do you say to people who say gun control is going to keep americans safe. Well, thats an utter lie. And thank you so much for having me. Your Opening Statement was a thousand percent correct. I think what you said in those remarks reflect lawfully what law abiding begun eveners think. For those who think further gun control is going to keep us safe. I challenge them to tell me how they plan to elicit cooperation from criminals with the laws that already exist. Universal background checks and gun control failed in california. Wherever gun kroils implemented, thats where we see further loss of life. Whenever it is gun free, thats when you see further loss of life. If anyone can couple with the idea to say how they can get criminals to cooperate, im tall for it. Let them make their case. Judge jeanine we banned semiautomatic weapons for 10 years. Even the Clinton Justice Department Said it had no impact on the number of crimes or the number of murders that occurred. What is the ultimate goal of these people when they say we have got to have gun control and stop the nra . The nra, the gop, people want to kill other innocent americans. What is it all about . Thats a great question. As for Hillary Clinton and her remarks. Ill remind her many of her voters are members of the nra. And there were nra members also in a10 dance at that conference in las vegas. Hillary clinton would do to well to quash her words on this, otherwise shell cause her party to lose more voters to President Trump in the next election. As far as their ultimate goal. You note so eloquently when you were discussing chicago, they dont seem to be concerned there. They werent concerned when felony begun crime prosecutions dropped drastically. Chicago is at the bottom of the list. When you look at the cities with the highest crimes they are at the bottom of the list for prosecutions for felony gun crimes. Fast and furious. They didnt seem to minds that so much. Judge jeanine they are not prosecuting these case. The sphwawm Justice Department did not prosecute these case to the extent the rest of the country was prosecuting. This is not difficult stuff. I did it when i was d. A. You get involved in the gangs and finds out who is doing what. They dont even do that in chicago. When i called cook county, they wouldnt even give us the numbers. No one wants to go to hollywood and the gratuitous violence in the movies. They are selling this in so many ways, but the first thing they want to do is letting slate legal possession of guns and ban guns on us. This bump stock makes a rifle less accurate. What impact will that have on crimes in america . None. This is the only crime we are aware of in which bump stock we are not even sure if bump stocks used in the crime other than there were 12 present in the hotel room. As far as bump stocks, this is something where the nra urged congress to be more consistent. Congress needs to listen to what American Voters want. When make can voters went when American Voters went to the polls, they wanted reciprocity. Members of Congress Need to listen to voters on that. The atf needs to do their job. Ill caution americans. Who has ever followed Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer and nancy pelosi and come out on the right side of anything until they should not be in charge of determining rights. Judge jeanine when you do follow them, there is someone with a gun. Well see what congress does with this. The republicans seem to be open to this bump stock banning, so that would have made a difference . Would it have made a difference . You say we dont know if it was used. We dont 10 know it was used. I wish that lawmakers when they look at the number of lives saved because it greatly outweighs the number of lives lost. Judge jeanine what is the president planning in north korea . You will all figure that out pretty soon. 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Judge jeanine President Trump hinting at possible military action against north korea in a cryptic tweet. This amid talk that he will dessert fight iran deal next week. On this bump stock thing. You heard dana loesch from the nra said there is no evidence paddock even used a bump stock. What do you think the climate is in congress as it relates to bang the bump stock that obama let through . The best thing would be for the atf to revisit some of their earlier guidance on this. You can effectively turn a semiautomatic into a fully automatic weapon. There are different rules that this particular short wouldnt have had that capability. But its slippery slope when you start legislating. Nancy pelosi said she hopes it becomes a slippery slope. Judge jeanine you are saying if they let the atf look at it again, they will change their minds . Then you might end up having a legislative push that you can start off with a their he push on bump stocks as long as it doesnt become a slippery slope. Judge jeanine how many murder have we had in this country on bump stocks. There are arated members of the congress who are learning about bump stocks. Lets talk about north korea. Now, the president tweeted this afternoon, there is only one thing thats going to work with north korea. That tells me and these legitimately frustrate the president and their administrations have been talking to north korea for 25 years. Is it time for the president to preemptive live go after north korea . The president is not there yet. He hasnt said what the red line is. The president is making absolutely clear hes serious about the military option. We operate under the dime principle. Hes letting it be known to kim jongun and others in that region that hes serious about using military action if necessary. Judge jeanine didnt he draw the red shine when he said im authorizing the military to take down any missile headed towards hawaii, guam or the United States . If north korea actually attacked the United States, they would be met with fire and fury. We need to make sure north korea doesnt get capability to deliver a warhead to the United States. The timeline is getting so condensed. He has great people around him giving him the most of uptodate advice. He may be realizing the Multi Lateral policy and diplomatic pressure. He will let it be known to the world. Kim jongun they say hes homicidal and not suicidal. Kim jongun needs to know hes risking his life, not just his power and regime. My sense is its in our interest to do something preemptively. Lets talk about iran and the talk he will decertify. If the president decertifies the iran deal which is part of what he ran on when he ran for president. What happens then. That forces you guys congress to take action, right . If the president decertifies, he should, instinctively he said he knows this is a bad deal. It was a bad deal for what was in the deal and what wasnt in the deal. They have become empowered and become more after regional power. They are sponsored terrorism. Judge jeanine if its decertified, isnt the only thing that will hurt ran is the sanctions . We already gave them 150 billion. Unmarked. Thats the leverage. So the president in decertifying, he needs to put the onus on iran. If iran wants to keep all that sanctions relief long term. These are the terms. Judge jeanine we cant take the money back from them, can we . No, but we need to make sure that leverage is placed or we wont be able to deal with irans other bad activities. Judge jeanine does the congress have the fortitude to go along with the president on this . The votes are in the house, but its important for senate republicans, for all of them to understand Chuck Schumer and democrats, you dont need 0 votes. Judge jeanine Mitch Mcconnell has enough senators, does he not . There are some senators, they need to work with this president , not against him. Its time for them to snap out of it. Good to see you. Thank you. Rnc spokesperson is here. And if you are not already dvring justice, be sure to start now. This is an allstar Political Panel and its right here next. Dont go away. Im patti ann browne. Justice with judge jeanine continues now. Judge jeanine welcome back to justice. A ton of topics on deck for my Political Panel. Former secret service agent, dan bongino and chris hahn. Im going to give you a little bit of time to talk about whether or not a bump stop makes a darn bit of difference in this gun control debate. Chris, lets hear it. I want to get rid of bump stocks but we need a plan to regulate guns, we need insurance on guns. Ill let the nra sell the understand so they can decide who should and shouldnt have guns. But we need to do something so we know what beguns are out there and who has them. And we have to keep them out of the hands of people who shouldnt have them. If there was private sector insurance doing it. They will do the check. Because they dont want to lose money by some nut shooting up a concert. Judge jeanine dan . We are supposed to take advice from chris. He talks to us like we are not citizens. You guys did a bankup job in chicago where you run the city in controlling gun crime over there. And in baltimore. We are supposed to take your advice on the National Level . Because you are doing such a wonderful job where you rule on gun violence. Jenna why would you live in a city run by a democratic mayor . They have the highest rate of crime. How can you actually say that these cities, baltimore, st. Louis, chicago, these are cities where the murder rate is so high. Dan, where do you live . Thats what im saying. Judge jeanine how many criminals have you heard of with a bump stock. Like everybody else in america i just heard about bump stocks. Judge jeanine we dont know if a bump stock was used in this case. If we find out it was, dont you think we should take them off the streets so we dont have automatic weapons . We have a ban on automatic weapons. Chris represents the party that suckles at hollywood every day. They fight for the scraps on the table of the money. Hollywood makes them walk away like dogs for donation dollars as they put a bloodbath on screens every single day. His party runs chicago where Young Children are being mowed down every single day. And his party attacks cops at every opportunity. And we are supposed to now chris is fired up about bump stocks . Where was chris about chicago and hollywood and violence . Nowhere. The nra owns the republicans in congress. They own them. Judge jeanine oh, come on. Have you heard of the Second Amendment . Shall not be infringed . What are you talking about . What makes you think you can make a decision as to whether americans can have guns. There is a federal Appeals Court that just said a couple week ago that you dont have to explain a legal reason why you want a concealed carry. What is going on . The Supreme Court is saying you can have a gun. We have to have a real conversation about guns in this country. Even if it means revisiting the Second Amendment. Judge jeanine you want to revisit the Second Amendment . There were 30,000 begun deaths and 100,000 injuries and death. Judge jeanine how many drunk drivers. Should we sue General Motors . No, but we register and insure cars. Chris is a walking talking point. The nra owns politicians. I didnt miss it. Can you pipe down for a minute. I let you talk. The nra owns politicians . Planned parenthood gives a multiple of 10 times the amount of money to democrats than the nra gives to politicians. The nra has supported some democrats. Thats a lie. Judge jeanine dont say everything is a lie because you dont agree with it. Its true, look at the data. You know what the data is . Since 1991 there are over 100 million more guns in the United States and Violent Crime has gone down. You are the party of science, right . You are also brilliant . Can you do the correlation . The or laying goes in the opposite direction. More guns, less crime. 100,000 deaths and injuries from guns last year in america. Thats too many. Judge jeanine did you realized what you just said . Im going to tell Chuck Schumer you just talked about right to life in america. Is Congress Going to start looking into the hippa records and medical Health Records of individuals as the opposed from taking guns from law abiding americans. I dont think the congress or the government should determine who gets a job. I said the private sector should have an understand industry created to determine who should have guns. Because criminals are absolutely going to buy insurance. They will be the first ones in line for gun insurance. Judge jeanine heres the problem with understand. Then you have a national registry, dont you. Just what you wanted. Back in a moment. If we could make a deal at least on a temporary basis, because obamacare is exploding, its gone. The premiums are through the roof. You see whats happening. Ultimately we are going to block grant back to the states. If we made a temporary deal, obamacare is a disaster. The numbers are out. Its exploding like i said it would. Judge jeanine thats President Trump sounding like he may be willing to cut a shortterm deal on obamacare. The gop establishment has failed him yet again, so will it be a deal with the dems . What the president said is look, i called Chuck Schumer, i want to do a great healthcare deal. And schumer says i told trump repeal and replace is off the table which isnt the first time he said it. Where are we and what is the rnc think . President trump hasnt possibly they are interested in modifying it so there is never really a repeal and replace where the president is trying to give some kind of relief to the american people. Chuck schumer and nancy pelosi need to wise up and realize they bought into a failing system. They dont care. They tell us everything is fine. Judge jeanine what do you say to Mitch Mcconnell. Get the party in line behind the president of the United States. Judge jeanine if he cant, what should happen to Mitch Mcconnell. The republicans in congress will decide that. Judge jeanine Everyday Americans are frustrated with republican rinos. I want to move to something that personally infewer yates me. Thats the issue of california that personally infuriates me. As if they are setting the tone, is now a sanctuary state. There is a requirement that bars police from asking an immigration status and bars police from participating in immigration roundups. What is that about . This is a slap in the face to every american victimized by immigrant crime. She lost her son in california. And she told me she was heartbroken today. Her son dominic died at the hands of an illegal immigrant. Judge jeanine what happens since its a sanctuary state now. Jeff sessions said ill not give you that grant money unless you comply with the requirements. And we are not asking you to do anything other than alert us. If we present you with a detainer you have to do this. You have to do this. This is an unconstitutional piece of legislation i expect to be challenges. Federal government is in charge of government. Judge jeanine isnt california the 9th circuit. But perhaps we can have faith in the striewm cour supreme coun strikes down the judge jeanine President Trump is trying to make America Great again. But how can he move his agenda forward when the deep state is there at every step. I want to spotlight two of washingtons worst. But first let me bring in my guest charlie kirk. The president indicated his next legislative agenda is for tax reform. When i thought about that i went back to the fact that Jeff Sessions on a friday last month says, you know what . We are not going to prosecute lois lerner. In this swamp the person who shockingly is still the director of the Internal Revenue service is john koskinen. How is it this guy is still the head of the irs . Wasnt he impeached . He was put up for impeachment. Jason chaffetz said koskinen testified untruthfully. He was deep into the coverup of lois lerners coverup. They went after conservative nonprofits and enact audits for people they disagreed with. He was instrumental in that coverup. Remember the 24,000 emails just disappeared. He said sorry, those emails are gone forever. Judge jeanine you know whats amazing. He was so splug. He said we lost those emails. Judge jeanine im thinking i can finds this stuff. Then he comes back and says oh, we found them. All of the emails, what are we talking about . We are talking about emails of lois lerner, and all of this Obama Administration attempt to punish republicans. And this guy is still getting a check. The president has an agenda. Yet this guy is still collecting a check from taxpayers. Why . Unacceptable. Secretary mnuchin has the to remove him and he should. This guy is an obama holdover that does not hold the agenda to make America Great again. They want to redo the tax rates abductions, and with that is nonprofit status. And you are going to keep the same guy who was involved in the coverup under lois lerner . Judge jeanine lets go to the second person i think is a washington wasteland. Thats andrew mccabe. And hes now deputy director. He took money from mcauliffe, the governor in virginia for his wife, 600,000. And at the same time that she he was investigating the Hillary Clinton email scandal. And his wife is running on the same ticket with Hillary Clinton. Thats exactly right. The president president s instn this were right in the summer when he challenged sessions. He said why is this guy still around . He was actually in charge of the Hillary Clinton investigation in the fbi when that contribution came over. Completely unacceptable. Not to mention hes under investigation for violation of the hatch act. No one is talking about it. Why is this guy still around . He does not see eye to sigh with the president. Those are two people, koskinen and mccabe, i think the president s instincts are get rid of these people and thats what should happen. Judge jeanine well be right [vo] quickbooks introduces rodney. He has a new business teaching lessons. Rodney wanted to know how his business was doing. So he got quickbooks. It organizes all his accounts, so he can see his bottom line. Ahhh. Thats a profit. Know where you stand instantly. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Judge jeanine i love reading your post income is on my social media so remember to friend me on facebook, follow me on twitter in instagram. Remember, tell your friends and family to watch and if youre too busy dont forget to set your dvr. Thanks so much for watching. That is it for us tonight. Greg gutfeld is next. Well see you next week. Well keep digging deep and find washingtons first

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