Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Justice With Judge Jeanine 20170806 01:00:00

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less than 48 hours ago we found out how far democrats in the highest law enforcement agencies, allegedly non-partisan offices would go to couch for the obama administration. you remember that meeting on the tarmac between attorney general loretta lynch and bill clinton, outed only because a local reporter happened to be there. the f.b.i. wouldn't allow photos, pictures or cell phones. there were no reports made. but the highest ranging law enforcement official in this country was approached by the spouse who was being actively investigated in the most of important investigation in the history presidential politics. it was followed by an investigation of hillary clinton and we know her subject subsequent exoneration. the fbi and the department of justice to both colluding to
allow hillary a free pass. but we didn't know how deep and dirty the collusion really was until 48 hours ago. in response to a dream of information application to both the fbi and the d.o.j. by jay sekulow and the center for law and justice requesting all documents regarding that meeting, the fbi respond with a terse no records responsive to your request were located. that was a calculated, knowing and intentional lie. as for the department of justice. they never even bothered to respond. but a subsequent federal lawsuit decided not during the obama administration revealed 413 pages of documents between the fbi and the doj on that tarmac meeting.
and those documents, the fbi and the department of justice excluded on how they would handle the outing of this highly irregular, unethical and some would say illegal meeting what their stalking points should be. some talking points drafted even before loretta lynch was questioned. they agreed to coordinate by letting each other know what questions were asked by the press. so what did we snrern here is an example of the document the d.o.j. sent, redacted email between the fbi and justice. they blacked out the relevant talking points so you cannot see what collusion actually occurred between justice and the fbi to protect hillary, bill, loretta and the whole lot of them. but don't worry. a lawsuit will be filed first thing monday morning to unredact what they have covered up.
this is not information that, be legally withheld from us. it doesn't involve national security and you can be damn sure it doesn't involve what loretta and bill said they talked about, their grandchildren or their golf game. and it gets worse, folks. we see email emails from the poe fbi and the "new york times" where they make clear they don't want to cover this and the department of justice comment to the fbi that it looks like only fox news is covering this. folks, this is a coverup an illegal meet, collusion between bill clinton and the attorney general after which the fbi interrogated hillary then exonerated her. and hillary brazenly proclaimed, if she won, she would hire loretta lynch as her attorney general. while this country is virtually paralyzed with fake news stories
of collusion, i ask you, what evidence, give me one piece of evidence, one. >> i oh after something that done, one iota that donald trump's campaign excluded. you haven't heard one piece of evidence for 8 months, 24/7 collusion between donald trump and russians. i have an idea. it's time to take the country back. back to the original intent of our founders. no one is above the law and no one is below it. mueller impaneled a grand jury in a district that december pier pied -- thatdecember pies at d e
despises our president. hillary clinton's case needs to be brought to a grand jury immediately. there is time to prosecute her for putting our classified information on her private server that she shared with her girlfriends, one of whom shared her computer with her dirt bag husband. most of of the terms have already been violated and hillary must be prosecuted for perjury. she and her state department intentionally lied saying there were no benghazi emails and classified emails as she deleted 33,000 emails on yoga and her wedding dress. and she needs to be prosecuted for destroying and concealing subpoenaed property and the emails. the clinton foundation and all its spinoffs need to be brought before a grand jury i.
eric holder who perjured himself before congress needs to be prosecuted. i don't want to hear the dumb -r kumbaya. i want want to hear hillary clinton always good woman. she is not. while we play by the rules, they lie, steal, cheat and continue to get away with it because we let them. that's my open. tell me what you think on my facebook page or twitter. trash tatwitter. #judgejeanine. >> that was quite an intro. judge jeanine: i'm frightened because of north korea. last week congress received
what's called an ioc. and their insister continental ballistic capabilities from u.s. intelligence that was proven wrong by kim jong-un within 48 hours. within 48 hours of our intelligence community telling congress that kim jong-un didn't have the capability that he proved 48 hours later that he had, we finds out they were wrong. number one, we now know that korea is not only nuclear, but it can deploy a reliable as you guys call them, an icbm, not in two to four years, but as soon as one year. and so by shaving off years and also by now we believe their icbms could reach detroit,
chicago and even miami. we are in a bad place, doctor. i would like to know what's with the intelligence agencies? are they too busy with leaking on the president? and what can we do to protect ourselves? >> this president is going to do whatever it takes to protect this nation. but first things first. let's look at the nature of this challenge. north korea is a hard target in terms of intelligence. it's this closed utterly closed stalinistic system. if you look at way this country has been run. they are proud of this stalinist regime. getting human intelligence is difficult. so weep rely on other forms of collection. but the fact is it doesn't matter, judge because we are taking action. we have one of the toughest
ambassador haley who managed to shepherd through a unanimous vote where we are hitting hard on north korea. jesse: united nations voted 15-0 to sanction north korea. and china and russia voted with us. that's amazing. >> think about the fact we have unanimous. five permanent members. 10 rotating members. thank ambassador haley and rex tillerson and the trump team. we'll hit them to the tune of a third of their imports and shard currency. this is the toughest sanctions that have ever bern impose on north korea and a direct result of their actions. judge jeanine: i'm going back to my original question. here is the question.
if north korea is openly discharging these icbms, unlike north korea, iran has been hiding from us their abilities, a lot of their stuff is underground. we don't have the ability to access or find out what their nuclear facilities are. i'm frightened not just from iran. but we have seized from the ocean stuff north korea has actually sent off. >> judge, don't frightened. we have a commander-in-chief who will keep this country safe. look at what we have done. in the last six months alone we liberated mosul, revitalized nato, we increased the defense budget. judge jeanine: kim jong-un is crazy.
he's blackmailing the west. but this is not a president and this isn't a team you should blackmail. look at this team, look at the president. look at hot secretary of defense is. look at the commander-in-chief. look at the national security advisor. look at the secretary of state. this man is trying to do the old playbook that may have wed with the obama white house but it will not work with the trump white house. we'll put a stopth this and protect this nation. judge jeanine: that's comforting to hear. but one of the things that concerns me, with iran, if we have intelligence failures, it's much tougher to assess when they are going to start coming at us because of the fact they are hidden away on military bases that are inaccessible to inspection. give me some peace there. >> iran is at the top of the
list of our priorities along with north korea. one of the things we are looking at very hard is the disastrous iran deal. it facilitated iran. it didn't stop the nuclear aquestion significances, it just slowed it down. the sunset clause. but the president has maintained his stance. this is a bad deal it's not good for american national security and we are doing a ground-up review of our iranian strategy and the president is adamant. this is not a good deal for america. judge jeanine: what's it like with general kelly in the west wing? >> superb. yesterday morning he gathered nervet executive building and he told them very, very clearly. no more leaks. he says if you leak there will be kunzs because loose lips sink ships. we have a four-star legend in
the white house that matches beautifully with the president. judge jeanine: somehow when general kelly says loose lips sing ships, it seems more threatening than the words alone. next. more on the leaks with the former head of the house and oversight committee jason chaffetz. plus will the attorney general do his job when it comes to the scandal rocking debbie wasserman-schultz and the democrats? congressman ron desantis is here live to talk about why he's demanding a full investigation of her. then the leaker seekers in washington can't find the white house leaks. so i hit the streets to get some advice. how do you catch a rat?
>> with a rat trap. judge jeanine: once you catch the rat, what do you do with them? >> you cook them. it's like labor day weekend on top of the fourth of july. hotdogs. get your favorites on top of your favorites. only at applebee's. get your favorites on top of your favorites. i tabut with my back paines, i couldn't sleep and get up in time. then i found aleve pm. aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. fitting into my skinny jeans ♪again? that's cool. feeling good in slim fit? that's cool. looking fabulous in my little black dress? that's cool. getting the body you want without surgery, needles, or downtime? that's coolsculpting. coolsculpting is the only fda-cleared non-invasive treatment that targets and freezes away stubborn fat cells. visit today and register for a chance to
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greatest loss in the history of american politics. judge jeanine: president trump blasting the russian investigation at a rally this week in west virginia. this while special counsel robert knewer actually impaneled a grand jury in the probe. jason chaffetz joins us. in my open i talked about the fact we have mueller impaneling a grand jury in a district that tells me he's forum shopping. instead of southeast or the southern district of new york where the campaign was, he's chose be washington, d.c. you as chair of government oversight and reform. hillary sat in front of you. when she sat in front of you, do you think she was being truthful and do you think she should be
prosecuted or at least have a grand jury impaneled in the interest of equal justice? >> when i had director comey sit before my committee i asked him very specifically did he look at the testimony hillary clinton had given in front of the select committee, and the answer was no. judge jeanine: i think we have that sound. i want to show you saying that to her. >> did hillary clinton lie under oath? >> not to the fbi, not on the case we were working. >> you need a referral from congress to investigate her statements under oath? >> sure do. judge jeanine: that's not true, is it? >> i don't think it's true. but he did get a letter from myself and the judiciary committee and the fbi never ever responded to it. i have been frustrated with the
trump administration because the department of justice still hasn't responded to that. they have never given congress and the american people a definitive yes or no yeter she lied under oath. judge jeanine: if she was asked whether she had classified emails on her private server. about she said yes, they have her for the underlying crime. if she said no, they have her on perjury. my frustration with mueller, are you seeing a different justice department now? should this justice department start some grand jury impaneling or at least request them for everybody from hillary to loretta to eric holder? >> i want there to be a serious investigation. i want them to be held to the same standards. you had an inspector general who found classified information in
a non-classified setting, a violation of law. that is a conclusion of an inspector general. that's far more evidence than anything you heard with the name trump associated with it. whether they impanel a grand jury or appoint a special prosecutor. there has to be justice. there were 300 people identified at the state department that mishandled classified information. that investigation has been open for a year. judge jeanine: now we have the attorney general who has come out saying i'm going after the leakers. everybody has to be on notice. what have we done? who has been arrested. don't we know or shouldn't we be able to know who has access to information that the president
is speaking with the present of canada or president or present of australia? only a certain number of people have access to that. >> i think viewers would be shocked by the stunning number of people who actually have access to a personal conversation that the president is having on official business. i want to see some people in handcuffs. we know they were mishandling this information by the tens of thousands of documents during the when clinton was there. but now with donald trump there, you still have this happening. it's not that difficult to find the whole food chain whether they do lie detector tests or something else. they have to put people in handcuffs. >> the fact that we haven't gone back. let me ask the question differently. are we wimps? when you have the democrats in power. they will impanel a grand jury
and pull people out of major law firms. they are gunning for our president. we have them by the short hairs. and it's oh, you know, she is a nice lady. >> i think you are right. when republicans had their chance, remember there are inspectors general coming to conclusions and we still didn't pursue it and insist whether it be fast and furious or benghazi or the clinton email scandal. none of that. it was very, very frustrating. the duly issued subpoenas that are not followed through and the deep state is allowed to continue to do it and now embarrass the president. judge jeanine: we issue subpoenas and they get bleach bit and hammers and they destroy evidence. congressman jason chaffetz, thanks so much. catching the white house rats.
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of his life. a muslim civil rights group offering a 10,000 for information leading to an arrest in the bombing of an islamic mosque in minneapolis. i'm robert gray. now back to "justice with judge jeanine." judge jeanine: a ton of news on deck to uncover with my panel. let's get right to it. welcome michael. it's your first time here. we are happy to have you on "justice." you are a lawyer. let's talk about the leaks. when the attorney general says we are going after the leakers. what is it going to take find them. >> this is something democrats
and republicans can be bipartisan about. they are not on embarrassing for the president, but for national security in general. we'll have to look at who is in the room when these things are going on. judge jeanine: you know as well as i do, he talk a lie detector, it can't be used in a criminal case. >> it's an investigative tool to use the lie detector. these leaks are putting all of us in jane ever. the -- in danger. the transcript of our president and heads of state puts us in danger. it means we won't be able to have conversations between our president and other leaders when we need them. were they done while using a
government computer or phone? we used for bill frisk and we were told anything you send on a government email can be read on anyone in government. judge jeanine: when you say all americans should be concerned about this. what do you think of maxine waters when she said they should leak more. >> wicky leak is about the dnc. while it was long and a violation of our election. what maxine is talking about is national security. >> leaks are leaks. judge jeanine: some are worse than others which is why we
extr --while we have gray daiti. chelsea manning betrayed her country. she was in the military. when she gave that information, she gave it to a foreign agent. that's a total betrayal. judge jeanine: with the grand jury mueller has impaneled, he has made the decision to impanel in washington, d.c. >> he put it into the grand jury in d.c. what he believes the rumors are -- judge jeanine: why? >> looking at the obstruction of justice that would have come out of the white house. judge jeanine: what were they doing in virginia in the first place? >> that was about security papers with the nsa. when michael flynn filled out
his security papers it was in virginia. judge jeanine: he's forum shopping. it was the trump campaign, it should be in the southern district of new york. >> i'm concerned about what we are reading about how the special counsel is expanding his investigation to what he considered financial improprieties which is off his original mandate to investigate russian collusion. now we are talking about completely unrelated matters. >> how can you not look into the financial aspects of it. judge jeanine: we are going to use the special counsel as a bootstrap to get his tax returns? >> any wrongdoing is being referred to him that has nothing to do "finances or russia to try to squeeze trump associates. judge jeanine: federal prosecutors take the person down
the food chain and squeeze the next one and the next one to get their target. >> there has to be a crime committed. judge jeanine: is collusion a crime? judge jeanine: if it's obstruction of justice, james comey is guilty for not reporting it. >> the president has the right to fire the f.b.i. director. he serves at the pleasure of the president. >> i would challenge the president to do it. judge jeanine: let's talk about that fount of virtue, debbie wasserman-schultz. we found out she threw sanders
under the bus, now we have her suggesting the reason she took the part of that employee arrested on his way to pakistan after spending $300,000 of our money he illegally object trained from the credit union, why isn't that in the grand jury. >> indianapolis something that will be investigated. we should see what actually happened. this guy was fleeing the country. there are criminal allegations. judge jeanine: why can't you say it we can impanel a grand jury on debbie wasserman-schultz. >> everybody is getting a grand jury. >> her relationship with this person, why she protected him is very strange and no one understands it. it appeared she might have been threatening capitol police over computer issues. judge jeanine: so, with respect to the immigration, real fast,
wham your take on the suggested legislation by cotton and perdue? >> i have to say, i think this is a distraction. it doesn't address the problem. legal immigration is not the problem. illegal immigration is at an all-time low. judge jeanine: thanks to trump. >> that's not true. it's being used as a evening issue because the president is vulnerable heading into 2018. >> i think we need to give michael credit for making a distinction between legal and illegal immigration. we have a generous legal immigration policy. i would still be open to looking should we have more skilled workers and how we do that. judge jeanine: amy holmes, michael star hopkins. thanks for being with us
tonight. should the attorney general launch a full scale of debbie wasserman-schultz and the democrats? congressman desantis says yes. what are all these different topped & loaded meals? it's an american favorite on top of an american favorite, alice. it's like abe lincoln on top of george washington. yonder. get your favorites on top of your favorites. only at applebee's. get your favorites on top of your favorites. ♪ it's happening, it's happening! in the modern world, you can control just about anything
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you have this guy, his wife, two of his brothers, one of the brother's wives and one of their friend had been employed by various democrats for very high salaries. they took in $4 million from american taxpayers. they were being paid what a chief of staff would be paid which is sod. none of us do that for any i.t. support we need. some of these guys were never seen around the house of representatives one of the brothers was working at mcdonald's and another was working at a car company. they may have been no-show jobs. it's an awful lot of money. and they were suspected of access to sensitive information because they had access to the account of the members of the
committees. and you have fraud potential with the equipment they had access to. and the information they had, what did they do to that? because he sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to pakistan. his wife fled to pakistan with $14,000 in cash. judge jeanine: $4 million for no-show jobs, some of them, and i.t. staffer being paid what a chief of staff is paid. then this guy awan ends up being arrested on his way to pakistan after he just wired $300,000, $283,000 to be exact with $9,000 cash on him, just under that $10,000 limit. debbie wasserman-schultz said i wasn't going to let him go because it would have been easy
to fire him despite the fact i had not received any evidence of his wrongdoing. what makes this woman think she deserves evidence of wrongdoing. if there is a criminal investigation, she thriks she should have that information? >> his access to the network was suspended at that point. this is a guy you are paying a handsome salary to for i.t. support but he's denied access so he physically can't perform those duties, but he was still raking in money from the taxpayer. even if he had not gone to pakistan presumably he was still going to get paid. he his pay was only stopped once he got arrested. judge jeanine: you sent a letter to the attorney general. what are you requesting? >> as of the time of the arrest
awan and his family members had $1 million in pending real estate transactions and it's easier to wire money to pakistan if it's the proceeds of a real estate transaction. i think given the facts of the case they can do that it's important because we don't know where this money is going. he and his family members have been linked to an iraqi politician who has hezbollah ties. it's not clear to me whether this implicates our national security. judge jeanine: when i compare this to what we are hear being russian collusion there will be is so much evidence that a prosecutor can take and present to a grand jury. when can i report to my viewers that the debbie wasserman-schultz case is being reviewed by congressional oversight and reform.
this woman is a congresswoman. when can we find out when your ethics committees will be investigating it? >> there is a criminal case against him that we don't know will reach any of the members. there has been an ethics complaint filed against debbie wasserman-schultz. judge jeanine: forget ethics. this woman didn't fire the guy when everybody else did. we have no-show jobs. this is prima facia criminal activity. >> the house we have to investigate what information these guys took, where did they send it and was our security or the integrity of the house jeopardized by their access to that information. judge jeanine: thanks so much for being with us. set your watch it's almost street justice time.
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there is a rat in the white house. how are we going to find this rat? how do you find rats? >> get rid of them. judge jeanine: how do you get rid of them? >> fire them. jean rr how do you finds a rats? a mousetrap? >> maybe, a big one. judge jeanine: how do we catch them? >> rat poison? judge jeanine: have you heard about the rats in the white house? have you heard about the leakers in the white house. >> i have not. judge jeanine: have you read a newspaper lately? >> i have not. judge jeanine: what do we do about the rats? set a mousetrap. judge jeanine: if you are from cleveland you don't wear shirls that say cleveland. there are a bunch of rats in the white house leaking information.
>> i'm not a politician, but donald trump will take care of it. judge jeanine: nobody is going to confess. how do you catch them? >> give them false information, see if it gets out, then you know who the rat is. judge jeanine: how do you get them out? >> disinformation. >> we black list him and he never works in this country again. judge jeanine: how do you find the rats leaking information? >> i think they know. it's all a big stunt to make us forget about the things they should be working on. judge jeanine: once we finds them what should we do with them. >> fay treason. judge jeanine: should we feed them to the fish? what do we do with the rats?
>> you are a lover. you are very sweet. how do we finds out who these leakers are in the white house? >> they will have to do the computer work to find out who these people are and be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. judge jeanine: how .we mind how the who is -- how do we find out who is doing the snreeks. >> i guess you get somebody to leak it to you. >> people have a right to know what our government is doing. judge jeanine: what about our national security. >> we need it. we have to have it. judge jeanine: they are musting our stuff on the front page. >> i feel pretty secure. judge jeanine: who do you owe that to? soot men and women that have served. judge jeanine: how do you catch a rat? >> with a rat trap.
judge jeanine: once you catch the rat, what do you do with it? >> you cook 'em. they are delicious. judge jeanine: all right, darling, your cameo is over. we'll be right back. crab lover'm and new favorites like dueling crab legs with dungeness and snow crab. it's happening right now right here at crabfest. red lobster. now this is seafood. could be preventedrrent with the right steps. and take it from me, every step counts. a bayer aspirin regimen is one of those steps in helping prevent another stroke. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. it was always a dream of mine to become a professional soccer player, but i never imagined that i'd be playing in kansas city. when i was first elected mayor, they would talk about kansas city, kansas like... i can't wait to get out of here.
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Haven T , Idea , Russians , 24 7 , 8 , Law , Intent , No One , Mueller Impaneleda Grand Jury , Founders , District , Thatdecember Pies , De Despises Our , Pier Pied , Grand Jury , Case , President , Classified Information , Computer , Server , Terms , Dirt , Girlfriends , Bag , Husband , Perjury , State Department , Yoga , Benghazi , 33000 , Clinton Foundation , Wedding Dress , Destroying , Property , Spinoffs , Eric Holder , Congress , Woman , Rules , Cheat , Steal , Kumbaya , Page , Twitter , Facebook , Open , Trash Tatwitter , Judge , Jeanine , North Korea , Judgejeanine , Intro , Last , Intelligence , Capabilities , Ioc , Insister Continental , It Didn T , Community , Capability , Kim Jong Un , Guys , Korea , Icbm , Number One , Icbms , Reach Detroit , Four , Two , Sebastian Gorka , Doctor , Place , Intelligence Agencies , Chicago , Miami , Things , Nation , Target , Nature , Challenge , Stalinist Regime , Run , Stalinistic System , Fact , Human Intelligence , Collection , Action , Forms , Doesnt Matter , Haley , Vote , Members , United Nations , Jesse , China , 0 , Five , 10 , 15 , Team , Third , Shard , Imports , Tune , Thank , Rex Tillerson , Question , Sanctions , Actions , Result , Bern , Iran , Hiding , Stuff , Abilities , Ability , Facilities , Commander In Chief , You Don T , Country Safe , Defense Budget , His Crazy , Nato , Mosul , Six , Secretary Of Defense , West , Isn Ta Team , White House , Man , Playbook , Obama White House , Secretary Of State , Stopth , National Security Advisor , Intelligence Failures , Top , Military Bases , Inspection , Peace , Deal , List , Priorities , Nuclear Aquestion Significances , Stance , American National Security , Sunset Clause , Kelly , Review , Strategy , West Wing , Superb , Leaks , Ships , Kunzs , Legend , Nervet Executive Building , Lips , Words , Jason Chaffetz , House , Oversight Committee , More , Head , Job , Will , Next , Democrats , Debbie Wasserman Schultz , Congressman Desantis , Washington , Can T , Scandal Rocking , Seekers , The Rat , Advice , Streets , Rat Trap , Labor Day Weekend , Hotdogs , Fourth Of July , Favorites , Aleve , Spain , Paines , I Couldnt Sleep , Strength , Sleep , Applebee S , Aid , 12 , Cool , Jeans , Am , Little Black Dress , Feeling Good , Chance , Treatment , Register , Targets , Coolsculpting , Fat Cells , Body , Downtime , Surgery , Needles , Freezes , Visit Coolsculpting Com , Fda , Patient , Mr , Stay With Me , Parker , Hospital , Network , Responders , Teams , Mrs , At T , Power , Robert Knewer , History , Russian , West Virginia , Loss , Rally , American Politics , Probe , Southern District Of New York , Mueller Impanelinga Grand Jury , Forum Shopping , Front , Reform , Chair , Government Oversight , Be Washington Dc , Hillary Sat , Committee , Impaneled , Interest , Comey Sit , Jeanine Pirro , Oath , Answer , Testimony , Sound , Hillary Clinton Lie , It , Statements , Referral , Letter , Judiciary Committee , People , Trump , Hasn T , Yeter , Crime , Department , Impaneling , Frustration , Everybody , Inspector General , Standards , Anything , Violation , Conclusion , Setting , Name , Special Prosecutor , 300 , Leakers , Notice , Shouldn , Viewers , Number , Present , Canada , Australia , Handcuffs , Conversation , Business , Tens Of Thousands , Happening , Food Chain , Lie Detector Tests , Something Else , Lady , Chairs , Law Firms , Republicans , Inspectors , Conclusions , Fast And Furious , Subpoenas , Scandal , State , None , Rats , Congressman , Bleach , Hammers , Battle , Michael Star Hopkins , Amy Holmes , Panel , 83 , Nutrients , Women , Food , Bone Health , 90 , Snow Crab , Crab Legs , Dungeness , Crabfest , Crab Lover , Women S , Calcium , Vitamin , Gummies , Tablets , D Onea Day , Classicr , Twith , Choices , Nobody , Seafood , Red Lobster , Shopping , Birthday Parties , Planning , Sink , Groceries , Rock Band , Updentist Appointments , Helping Maria Iher Daughter , Le Mom , Mortgages , Rocket Mortgage , Mortgage , Shred , Details , Mortgage Confidently , Quicken Loans , University , Profit , Southern New Hampshire University , Arrest , Life , Bombing , Muslim Civil Rights Group Offeringa 10000 For Information Leading , Islamic , 10000 , Justice With Judge Jeanine , Mosque , Robert Gray , Minneapolis , Deck , Welcome Michael , Talk , Lawyer , Let , General , Room , Lie Detector , Tool , Danger , Heads Of State , Transcript , All , Jane , Leaders , Conversations , Government Email , Government Computer , Phone , Bill Frisk , Government , Anyone , Maxine , Wicky Leak , Election , Dnc , Others , Chelsea Manning , Military , Gray Daiti , Agent , Betrayal , Decision , Grand Jury Mueller , Obstruction Of Justice , Dc , Rumors , Security Papers , Nsa , Michael Flynn , Trump Campaign , Improprieties , Counsel , Reading , Mandate , Special Counsel , Matters , Aspects , Wrongdoing , Nothing , Prosecutors , Person , Tax Returns , Finances , Bootstrap , Associates , James Comey , Director , Pleasure , Lets Talk , Fount Of Virtue , Money , Pakistan , Reason , Way , Bus , Part , Employee , Spending , 300000 , 00000 , Guy , Isn T , Credit Union , Allegations , Indianapolis , Relationship , Police , Immigration , Respect , Issues , Capitol , Real Fast , Problem , Distraction , Cotton , Legislation , Wham , Evening Issue , Low , Thanks To Trump , 2018 , Distinction , Immigration Policy , Credit , Thanks , Workers , Scale , Favorite , George Washington , Meals , Alice , Abe Lincoln , World , Yonder , Stop Taking Victoza , Blood Sugar , Proof , A1c , Same , Son , App , Mobile App , Car Insurance , Lights , Esurance , Truth Etes , Pill , Goal , Injectable , Weight , Diabetes , Weight Loss , Ways , Pen , Announcer , Medication , Three , Family History , Type 1 Diabetes , Ingredients , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 2 , 1 , Side Effects , Lump , Stomach Area , Difficulty Breathing , Rash , Itching , Neck , Swelling , Symptoms , Pancreatitis , Kidney Problems , Headache , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Wife , Brothers , Wives , Brother , Situation , Friend , Chief Of Staff , Sod , Salaries , Taxpayers , Million , 4 Million , Car Company , House Of Representatives , Another , Mcdonald S , Access , Jobs , Account , Committees , Equipment , Fraud Potential , Cash , Hundreds , Thousands , 14000 , 4000 , Staffer , Guy Awan , Limit , 0000 , 9000 , 000 , 83000 , 283000 , Point , Salary , Support , Taxpayer , Duties , Pay , Family Members , Real Estate Transactions , Arrest Awan , 1 Million , Facts , Real Estate Transaction , Proceeds , Politician , Implicates Our National Security , Ties , Hezbollah , Iraqi , Prosecutor , Oversight , Debbie Wasserman Schultz Case , Congresswoman , Ethics Committees , Complaint , Didnt Fire The Guy , Forget Ethics , Prima Facia Criminal Activity , Everybody Else , Integrity , Watch , Installment , Apr Financing , Subaru Outback , Love , Adventures , Honey , Woman Vo , Avo , 2017 , 63 , Models , Mousetrap , Rat Poison , Newspaper , Leaking Information , Bunch , Cleveland , Wear Shirls , Care , Disinformation , Stunt , Fish , Fay Treason , Lover , Somebody , Computer Work , Extent , Snreeks , Right , Men , Cameo , Em , Darling , You Cook , Steps , Step Counts , Aspirin Regimen , Stroke , Preventedrrent , Bayer Aspirin Regimen , Soccer Player , Mayor , Kansas City , Speedway , Shopping Area , Opportunity , Catalyst , Soccer Stadium , Obstacle , 30000 , Partners , Population , Cancer , Results , Topic , Answers , Citi , 600 Million , To Guide Precision Cancer Treatment , Specialist , Search , Cancer Treatment Experts , Roof , Cancer Treatment Centers Of America , Cancer Care , Commitment , Treatment Options , Therapies , Research , Trials , Evolution , Cancer Treatment Centers Of America Hospitals ,

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