Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Huckabee 20130127

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0 headquarters for terroristpeter kings talks. >> and a dolphin in distress asked humans for help in the deep blue sea and jimicle yehis wife jill on how their marriage survives infell dillity and help. >> governor mike huckabee. welcome to huckabee. we are coming to you from los angeles tonight. this week callers to my radio show were not optmistic with four years of president obama at the helm. most of them lean conservative. but the term i heard was america was going to the dogs. i take strong exception to that. tuesday january 15th my black lab bradorjet died. he would have been 15 years old. i wanted to talk about it last week and i was afraid not to defense. >> nra condemned proposal. gun bans do not work . we are confident that congress will reject senator feinstein wrong handed approach. susana huff aagrees. she say it does nothing to keep minute people safer and she knows first hand what it is like to be in the presence of a mad man with a fire arm. >> i didn't grow nup a house with guns. i don't hunt. but i was given a gun by a friend when i was 21 to carry in my purse for self defense and taught how to use it. a couple of yearrs ago, my parents and i went to a cafeteria in texas on a bright sunny day . we were not in a dark alley. >> that was susaba huff testifying two decades ago. and that bright sunny day was october 16th, 1991 when a man susana mother and father were shot and killed that day. the law prevented her from possibly saving her parent's lives. >> i am not mad at the guy who did this and not mad at the gun who is did they didn't walk in there and pulled their own trigger. the guy who did it was a lunatic. i am made at the legislatures for legislating me out of the right to protect my family. >> from lubies to the legislature. one woman's fight against gun control. thank you for joining me today. i want to ask you about the situation that day in luby's, next door there was a number of police officers attending a conference. they had to go to their cars and unlock their weapons in order to go in and try to stop the shooter. when they got into luby's tell me specifically what they told you they saw in relation to what happened to your parents? >> well, actually a number of the officers were patients of mine and they took me and part of my family a week later and told me when they actually entered the building they didn't know who the shooter was but saw a woman cradling a mortally wounded man and they saw a 30 manage year old man walk up to her and put a gun to her head and she looked up to him and put her had down and pulled the trigger. my parents had just had their frenth wedding anniversary. it didn't occur to me my mom didn't go anywhere without my dad. >> susana your own feelings as a testified. you had a gun in the car and you didn't take it in with you because at that time texas didn't allow you to, it was a gun-free zone. tell me what you think of gun free zones. >> well, you know, it is almost hard for me to talk about it because it seems so painfully clear that all of these mass shootings occur in places where guns are not allowed. these lunatics want to rackk up high body bag accounts. they don't go to gun shows or nra conventions or places where hunters are gathering. they go where the government said you can't protect yourself and it frustrates me. i have children in school. i work in sometimes in places where guns are not allow puts me in the position of flag rantly ignoring the law or oboying the law and putting myself at risk. right now the president and vice-president and senator feinstein are proposing we crack down on people who owns guns and capacities was magazines. you faced it first hand with your own family. tell me what you think of the proposals and what you think are helpful to people like you or if you think it is more advantageous to the criminal than people like you? they are a joke. the only thing that gun laws like that do is prevent people like me from being able to protect ourselves. they don't affect people who are bent on doing harm in any way, shape or form. i find it very frustrating when they use such a horrible event as what happened in connecticut to try to go after guns that frankly, this is another one of my frustrations, is that the so-called assault weapons you talk to the average person on the street. they think they mean rapid fire. you and i know that rapid fire weapons have been illegal in this country in 19s 30s. they have just renamed them so people are afraid of them and they don't shoot differently than what i own. yeah, i don't want them to ban those. there is no logic involved. if there were a little logic, i would be okay with it. >> no, i think that is exactly what is troubling to so many of us. this is not a racial thoughtful process. but to aplyy to your situation, do you think your parents would have been alive had that gun been in your purse instead of out in the car in the parking lot. >> i get that question freiently. it is hard to second guess or arm chair quarterback. it would have made a difference. as it is, we were like fish in a barrel and the police officers told me all they had to do is fire a shot in the ceiling and this guy went to a back bathroom and exchange would gunfire with the police and then put a bullet in his head. for the most part they are looking for easy pickings. >> so many experts made the same comment. once their bubble is burst and no longer believe they have total controll of the shooting situation, they usually freezing or killing themselves on the spot because their fantasy of the shooting gallery has ended. susana. i am so sorry for the tragedy you experienced so many years ago and your challenger in coming forward in telling your personal perspective will be herd as this is an issue debated on the national level. >> thank you very much. that's why i wrote the book and i hope the word gets out to a lot of people. >> thank you for joining us today. has the front line on the war on terror moved from the mideast to northern africa? coming up. homeland security member and peter king on the new headquarters of terror. i would like to hear fru. go and sign up on facebook and follow me on twitter. cufind a to that at one plate! like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. just $11.99. offer ends soon! i'm ryon stewart, and i sea food diffently. we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day afr day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! 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