Revolving door at the white house to tell but this morning with more cabinet shake ups a real possibility. Good morning to you. Im jon scott. Another day in washington. More heads could roll one day after President Trump booted has secretary of state Rex Tillerson and tapped cia director mike pompeo to take his place. Theres word of more staff changes on the way. Jon john rockets is live roberts is more with more. Reporter the president yesterday out hundred way to the helicopter to travel to california said hes getting the cabinet in the position and his staff that he likes it which was suggesting there was still some more to go. One of the moves to come very soon could be a David Shulkin who is the secretary of Veterans Affairs administration. He came in with such promise last year. The lone democrat in the president agency cabine cabinet. Hes falling out of favor. Having taxpayer pay for a trip to europe. Also clashing with trump appointees in the v. A. He is really kind of fallen into disfavor in weeks. One of the people under consideration to replace him Energy Secretary rick perry. He had lunch with the president on monday. Ive told that the subject of him moving to the v. A. Did not come up. Perry said that hes happy at the energy department. Hes got number of long term project. The chances of him moving to the v. A. Maybe remote. President got number candidates in mind for that position. It could be somebody from the outside. He cares lot about the v. A. Not going to tolerate mismanagement there. Seeing pictures of reduction x tillerson and his departure. Lets go back to Rex Tillerson. It was the chief of staff john kelly called him on friday. Tillerson asked the president if he can wait until tuesday before he made the announcement. He got back 4 00 a. M. Yesterday, five hours later, the president made the announcement. You saw the picture of pompeo. His replacement, the man who will lead the confirmation hearing. Senator bob corker he likes the choice. Listen here. Hes very smart. He knows lot about the world being head o cia. We had nice confers yesterday. The woman to replace pompeo at the cry gina haspel will face questions about her involvement in the cia black site operations in the early 2000s. Extraordinary rendition. But the senator rumored to be a candidate for cia is senator tom cotton who has nothing but praise for her. Gina was a great choice for deputy. To include from some of the obama intelligence officials. Just knows to show what good hands the cia will be in. Two other positions still to be filled, the leading candidates are mercedes slap and steve cortez whos head of the president s hispanic advisory council. Theres position of chief economic advisor. Front runner is larry cudlow. You dont see it in the normal shot of the white house. Theres a big help wanted sign out in front. Jon you might be able to find them on zip recruiter or one of those as well. John roberts. Lot to coffer there this morning. Thanks. Julie lets get to closely watched special Congressional Election in pennsylvania. As we still await the official results in the matchup between Republican Rick Saccone and democrat conor lamb. The race which by the way is still too close to call. Drawing National Attention as bill weather for the midterm. Rick saccone is not conceding yet. Took little longer than we thought. We did it. Were practical people. Were serious people. Tonight, we celebrate regaining our voice and our votes in the great business of governing this country we love. Were still fighting the fight. Its not over yet. Were going to fight all the way to the end. I never give up. You know my first race went into night. Julie joining us now is reporter for the associated press. Thank you very much. We watched this last night. It was very exciting. I stayed up until all hours waiting far results. Still nothing. The hope was for republicans that saccone would outperform absentee ballots. In Westmoreland County where he got 57 of the vote, Washington County where he got 53. 3 and green county, 58 . He did really well there. He was hoping to pick up those two westmoreland precincts to make up for lambs 641 vote margin. What say you . 100 of the votes counted. One county in the district yet to count absent tee ballots. Hes holding out. Thats an incredibly narrow margin. I think the grand total is something in the neighborhood of 200,000 votes cast. Were looking at just 600 votes. Like you said, this is just one county. It takes a lot. Its not all going to come in just lamb. Were just sack cone votes. Theres going to be a split depending how this comes in. Its still too close to call. We have these races every few months and recently, these special elections. We have no idea. Its so evenly split. Julie no matter who wins here officially, they will have to rerun in november. They will have a chance, the American Public in that district will have a chance to see how they vote. Its interesting regarding how the democrat in the race conor lamb votes how he seem to be showing in red district, really painting new light on how democrats are win the success come november by supporting republican issues. Lamb claim to be prolife, pro tax cut, pro tariff and antipelosi. Not good news. Its interesting dynamic at play here. If youre democrat, to have worry about here. You have a riled up base right now. That provides you the energy and the votes going into the midterms. Thats how midterms work. The out of power party has the energy and passion and drives out voters more often than the party that controls the white house. You have to worry about moderate to conservative districts like this where if somebody wins democratic primary whos too liberal, they might not carry through. This is same them Tea Party Establishment party went throu through. Theres a big theres lot of questions. None of this is sealed. Julie regardless of the outcome. This is shift in politics. Politicians need to pay very close attention to. Its the tightness of this race that speaks volumes. Even if lamb had lost this race by very close margin or for some reason numbers change, the result for the rest of the country is still compelling. This sends warning signs that republicans can be in serious trouble in varying districts across the country. Julie you may remember the president visit to moon township. He won by nearly 20 percentage point. One has it beg the question, what did saccone do wrong . He might not have done anything wrong. There was a tweet last night from david jolly former republican congressman from florida, talking about how he might run again at some point. This is not the year hell do that. When you look at this, theres two broader forces at play if youre a candidate for anything. Senate house, president or whatever. You have to look at what the candidate is. You have to look at where the atmosphere and environment is. Some things you can change. Im think being john ossoff in the Georgia Special election to replace tom price. The atmosphere was right for democrat, suburban district. Probably the right democrat would have won. He didnt live in the district. This corrected that. This is a course correction. The right candidate in the right atmosphere will very often win. These are often at the margins. Were not talking about big swings here. Julie thank you very much. We await the official word. Jon just in the manhunt in intensities for a serial bomber in texas. Award for information leading to arrest now up to 65,000. Two people are edead one woman injured after three packages delivered to their homes exploded. Police say they received at least 265 reports of suspicious packages sense yesterday. Investigators also are treating the bombings as hate crimes. Julie recalling 1. 4 million cars apparently the Steering Wheel can detach. This can cause drivers lose control and crash. Recall is for ford fusion and lincoln mkg. There have been no crashes. One person was hurt. If you have one, take it to a dealer right away. They will replace the bolts with longer ones that will stop the steering run from coming loose. Jon families of victims in the new york city Helicopter Crash are taking action. Who they are suing now for negligence and carelessness. Plus the president and the prototypes. Donald trump was in california getting look at different border wall possibilities. Will any of these be hundred percent successful . This is not america. This is not what america stands for. I love it. Theres going to be a wall. They can try and top it all they want. Julie first lawsuit filed in that deadly new york city Helicopter Crash. The family of one victim is suing the Charter Companies involved in the accident for negligence and carelessness. The tourist chopper went down in the waters of the east river on sunday night kyle killing killing all five passengers. The pilot only survivor named in the suit. Jon it didnt take long for President Trump to return to a construction site. He was in california yesterday for his first president ial visit. He checked out prototypes for his much desired border wall. I met with a wonderful border agents. Border patrol and the i. C. E. Agents are unbelievable people. Reviewed prototypes of a new physical wall that will protect our border and protect our country. We dont have a choice. We need it for the drugs, we need it for the gangs we need it for lots of reasons we have to have it. It will be 99. 5 successful. Jon joining us now arizona congresswoman martha mcsally. Her district borders mexico. Congresswoman, it is candidate donald trump who made the wall a National Discussion point. Is it going to get built . It needs to. I represent a district one of only nine members of congress. When there were no barriers it was a free for all. We saw this in san diego where the president visited yesterday. We seen it in arizona as well. We finally have a president who has the will and desire to secure our border. We got cartels trafficking through communities like mine. Ill be sharing a hearing tomorrow afternoon to make sure that the country hear about what they asked for in order to secure our border. They put forth about a 33 billion request over the next year. It includes about 18 billion for border wall system plus an additional 5 billion for technology, 8 billion for agent. Its all of these together that we need to stop the cartels from trafficking a dangerous drugs to our communities. Which is a Public Safety threat. I appreciate the seriousness and leadership of the president. Were working on a bill now to fund our government. I hope its a down payment on these issues. Well be highlighting this tomorrow. Jon 33 billion for border protection. Democrats say its muddy money wasted. I ask them to come down to my district and talk to the ranchers and family members killed by dangerous individuals trafficking through our community. These cartel have scouts on hilltop that are directing track. They are a Public Safety threat. We have got to secure our border once and for all. It will take a very nimble approach. Cartels keep figuring out ways to push around. If you look back when they put up barriers in san diego, it pushed activities in arizona. People that i represent, we have got to put up this border wall system. A smart system combined with technology and intelligence agents and everything a takes in order to combat this threat. I would encourage any democrat who hasnt been to come down and show them what its like. Talk to the People Living there everyday and the safety threats theyre dealing with. Jon yuma area very different from maine or minnesota. Also the opioids that are coming through are going through a Community Near you. This is our nations problem. This isnt just the border district issue. Jon i want to play little bit sound from the president yesterday and get your reaction. The upcoming omnibus budget bill, Congress Must fund the border wall and prohibit grants to sanctuary jurisdictions that threatens the security of our country. And the people of our country. We must enforce our laws and protect our people. Jon he campaigned on wall. Congress has to appropriate the money. The house already passed all 12 appropriations bill. That included what was requested the initial 1. 6 billion plus additional assets for ports of entry. Resources that are Border Patrol agents. We were to pass that, were working through the final details the agreed upon funding bill and those things better be in there. Weve passed a sanctuary cities bill to make sure that were Holding People accountable like were seeing in california. This isnt a hyperbole, this is very real. This is a federal government responsibility. States like california have dangerous policies now. They shouldnt be receiving federal assets if thats the direction they want to take. I strongly support that. Jerry brown might want to Start Building a wall between california and arizona because his policies are actually dangering the rest of the country. Jon we are going to be watching that hearing tomorrow very closely. Wish you well. Thanks. Julie fox news alert. Take you to capitol hill where these students joined 3000 protest nationwide. Protesting gun violence. A group encouraging student all over the country from washington d. C. To hawaii to leave class 10 00 a. M. Local time for 17 minutes. One minute for each victim in the florida shooting. Great britain taking tough measures to retaliate against russia. The crome kremlin pushing back. When heartburn hits fight back fast with tums chewy bites. Fast relief in every bite. Crunchy outside. Chewy inside. Tum tum tum tum tums chewy bites. Unstop right there im about to pop a cap of mmm fresh in that washer. With unstopables inwash scent boosters by downy. Ah, its so fresh. And its going to last from wash to. Wear for up to 12 weeks. Unstopables by downy. Jon Great Britain is now retailuating against russia for the poisoning of former russian spy and his daughter. Prime Minster Theresa may causing russia in the attack. May order 23 russian dilemma mats out of the u. K. Russia called the measures a very serious provocation. Julie now to the shake up in the trump administration. At least the latest one. Rex tillerson out. Cia director mike pompeo in. Gina haspel is placed to replace pompeo. This latest cabinet shuffle may not be the last. President trump is looking to replace v. A. Secretary David Shulkin as well. Ive been here since before secretary shulkin was put in place. We have made lot of positive gains under his leadership. I hope that no matter what happens, we can continue that. I think he steered the ship in a good direction in many ways. Those decisions are up to the president. There maybe other things that im not aware of. They are discussing. I think that he has been going in the right direction. Ive been pleased to see that. Julie lets bring in our panel. Dan palmer is a former advisers for ted cruz president ial campaign. Thank you both for talking to us. Lets start with v. A. Secretary David Shulkin. He came in with promise. The president really liked him. But recently, hes fallen out of favor because as you know, taxpayers ended up paying for his wife to accompany him on trip to europe. Hhe reimbursed the money. You think shulkin is good as gone . I dont begrudge the president for employ his own people. Shulkin, im a veteran myself. I seen a lot of improvements in the v. A. Specifically when they did the voucher system to let us go to private practice once the v. A. Got so backlogged. Julie dan . I have to agree. Sort of following the Rex Tillerson program for early retirement. He has no support in his own building. Hes gotten cross ways with the president , general kelly on the public line. I think his days are numbered. Julie okay, lets talk about gina haspel. First woman potentially to head the cia. That is a big deal. But not necessarily all republicans are in favor of this decision. I think its a great decision. I applaud that decision. Im little bit skeptical about appointing pompeo to replace tillerson. Hes coming from the cia. I know that there are lot of trump people are skeptical. Just optical of cia person having that position. Lets just see how this rolls out. Julie what about the cia director makes more qualified to tackle the issue with north korea that was a big deciding factor. Rex tillerson was hoping the u. S. Will come to talk to north korea. The president first pushed back then later came out and said, yeah, hes willing to sit down under certain conditions with kim jongun. It seem tillerson and him were on the same page. But then not. How does pompeo do better . I think this really is a story about donald trump getting more comfortable in the job. I think hes had year plus of security briefings. He doesnt need Rex Tillerson skill set. He has clear idea what he wants to accomplish on the world stage. Hes challenge geopolitical conflicts. Moving pompeo over to state, is part of gathering the team necessary to respond to the immediate dilemma. Julie one of the people to move to v. A. Energy secretary rick perry. John roberts he was told that the subject being moved to v. A. Didnt come up between perry and the president in a recent lunch between the two. Perry saying, hes very happy at energy. Whats going to happen with perry . I read that with a degree of skepticism. I dont see that happening. Rick perry doing pretty good job where hes at. That job is maybe little bit over his skill set. Honestly i was not surprised that tillerson was leaving. Donald trump himself tweeted out that was fake news couple of months ago. Were seeing that is true. What i am curious about this suicide pac if one of the three got fired the other high level appointees would leave. Ill be curious so see today and tomorrow if that rolls out. Julie its hard to believe any of these stories that come out until they actually happen. There are so many leakers in that wows white house. Well break down more staff changes in the weeks ahead. Thank you. Jon new developments in the Deadly Florida High School Shooting with Nickolas Cruz set to face a judge. Prosecutors say they want the Death Penalty in this case. Mercedesbenz glc. With its hightech cameras and radar. Contemporary cockpit. Three hundred and sixty Degree Network of driverassist technologies. And sporty performance. 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As a prosecutor i tried Death Penalty cases. I didnt like the way the system was set up. I found it was dissipater. If there was case for Death Penalty, despite that im against it, i would have filed charges in this case. They have everything you need. Theres no question that hes the person who did it. There were innocent vulnerable children. Thats aggravating factor under the law. He did with planning without Mental Health defenses that would apply. Im against it, as a boss, i have to follow the law and i would file the Death Penalty. Jon his lawyers who are with the Public Defenders Office in Broward County saying hes men mentally unstable. This is one situation despite the gruesome crime, i think the prosecution is going to have a hard time. Number one, you have to make sure you have a unanimous jury that will sentence this guy to death. Its not guaranteed. Number two, the Supreme Court has long held that if you are intellectually disabled it is cruel and unusual punishment to put you to death. We dont know whether hes legally going to be able to put to death. Jon what about the fact that the fbi and other agencies clearly screwed up in the months and years before this shooting. Does that in anyway, offer this kid any element of a defense . They will try to use that as a defense. Theres planning, preparations, this is not an isolated incident. He has a violent history. He was debt indicated doing dedicated doing this. He did this with planning, foresight. He executed it perfectly. He ran from the scene which shows consciousness of guilt. The fbi didnt connect the dots, unfortunately, i hate to come out on them, we try to do intelligence policing where we share information from a federal, state and local authorities to target a guy. It doesnt mean it would have prevented the attack. Jon i want to turn another case in florida. Opening statements today in the trial of the widow of the Pulse Night Club gunman. Norris allman is on trial. The prosecutor say that she knew what her husband was planning to do. I want to read a text from her to him on the night of the shooting. She wrote, if your mom calls, say nemo, invited you out and noor, herself, wants to stay home. She asked where you were xoxo, love you. This is why he is doing the rampage or on his way to rampage . This case is unusual. Normally prosecutors dont bring the spouse of somebody of terrorist to attack. We didnt see it in las vegas he had a significant other. Shes not being brought up on charges. One of the boston bombers had a wife. Shes not brought up on charges. I think it is a slam dunk. Its very easy to convict someone of obstruction of justice. She admitted to lying. They will prosecute her for knowing and doing nothing. Jon he took her to case out the club and said something like, whats it going to be like when these people are attacked. As a prosecutor, i agree substantially with the analysis. As a prosecutor, i have to look where weak points are. We agree, obstruction of justice shes done. On material evening and abetting charge, there are some factor, including that while the attack was occurring, hes texting her saying, are you seeing holy spirit going on. Shes saying, no. Hes like i love you babe. Lot of the indication she went to places he brought ammunition, doesnt mean she knew. If she knew and buys ammunition, those are dots you have to connect. Jon thank you both. Julie the secretary of state firing sparking concern about international relations. Much work remains to respond to the troubling behavior and actions on the part of the russian government. Russia must assess carefully as to how its actions are in the best interest of the russian people. And the world more broadly. With expedia one click gives you access to discounts on thousands of hotels, cars and things to do. Like the Avalon Hotel Beverly Hills for 40 off. Everything you need to go. Expedia. What is most important is to ensure orderly transition. The country continues to face significant policy and National Security challenges. Julie outgoing secretary of state Rex Tillerson there. Handing over the reigns after being fired by President Trump. Tillerson is promising to make the transition process as easy as possible, many are concerned about what this could actually mean for President Trumps planned meeting with kim jongun. Lets bring in retired air force, he is dean of the Mitchell Institute for aerospace studies. How did the firing of the secretary of state at this particular stage, of developments with north korea affect President Trumps planned meeting potential well kim jongun . What i will tell you, selection of mr. Pompeo actually strengthens the u. S. Position because before pompeo has been mr. Pompeo has been strong supporter of president s position with respect to kim jongun. All that said, the key person really in these upcoming talks as most people recognize is the president himself. Its been his strategy of maximum pressure along with strong rhetoric backed up with u. S. Power that has really forced kim jongun to come to the realization that he needs to sit down and talk or else, consequences reason very much different than the last 25 years worth of talk by previous administration. Julie youre right. 25 years of talk and no action. Despite verbal and written agreement. This administration has done things differently. Why do you think kim jongun is willing to talk at this time . What is his motivation . The one thing, tomb two things that really only one to mr. Kim is importance of his maintaining control over his regime as well as his personal survival. What the president has made very clear to the north korean leadership is look, you got one or two options. You can stay in control of your regime without a Nuclear Weapons program or you can see the demise of your regime and its elimination. I think that is the motivation that gotten mr. Kim to sit down. Julie do you think kim jongun will get rid of his Nuclear Program . If u. S. Actually enter talks north korea has promised us over and over again. Do you actually see denuclearized north korea in the future . Thats an excellent point. There where mr. Pompeo will earn his pay. After the president sits down, hes got to figure out what will be valid indication that the north koreans are serious about denuclearizing. What u. S. Willing to respond with. As you mentioned, allude to, the north koreans promised over 20 times to denuclearized since 1994. Like i said, hes got to figure out how can the United States and the world be assured that he will denuclearize. I believe that the president s strategy that got him to sit downtown talk in down to talk will result in kim realizing hes got to denuclearize. Julie lets hope so. Thank you very much lieutenant general. Thank you. Jon in austin, texas police are trying to find the bomber behind a deadly package explosion. A series of them. How this case is similar to one weve seen in the past. Suspicious package are showing up, we dont want people to touch them. If theres any doubt in someones mind, theyre thinking maybe thinks suspicious or not, when in doubt, call 911. Prudential asked these couples how much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Julie coming up on outnumbered. President trump and his first trip to california slammed sanctuary cities and states and demand congress punish them. This is as court upholding texas law that let people ask others if they are here legally. Which state is doing the range thing here . I dont know. So much to discuss. Democrats now backing away from Hillary Clintons latest comments on why she lost the election. New comments what she said what theyre saying and whether all this hurts or helps the democrats. One lucky guy outnumbered top of the hour as well. Well see you then. Jon in austin, texas, people remain on high alert after exploding packages in the city killed two people. Nearly 24 hours police getting more than 200 reports of suspicious packages with people afraid to open or go near them. Their delivers on their doorsteps. The police do not know who is doing this or why. They have found enough to be able to believe theres a link between these three explosions. Theres nothing yet that ive been told that would indicate what the motive might be or the link between these individuals might be. Jon people are comparing are the explosions to the unabomber case. Joining me now is former fbi Deputy Assistant director. Danny, are the comparisons these austin, texas bombs and uni bomber case. Theres no doubt about it. Unabomber bombs were complicated. He was able to deliver them without blowing themselves up. We have similar situation here. Let me say one thing. This chief of police done really good job. He put together great tack force. Hes not talking too much about the case. Hes playing it close to the vest. Hes given out great Public Information for safety. I think thats admiral and good to see leader do that work. Jon we know that whoever is making and delivering these bombs is frankly pretty good at it. He is pretty good. He or she is pretty good. Unfortunately, you can get this stuff off the internet. Its possible to rehearse and make of the bomb without voice the explosive. Im not too surprised hes been successful. I wanted to stop it. We need for the fib and atf and to catch this guy. Probably public support can play a big role. They may know about this. They need to come father and forward and help out law enforcement. This is a dangerous situation. The people in austin, texas dont need to go through this. Jon what do you sum mize about the bomber . Im afraid it could be a hate crime related. Its a minority neighborhood. So far the victims have been minorities. You never know until you look at it. I like to follow the evidence back to the motive. This going to get solved. Theres lot of things to be done. Lot of technical things that can be done. We dont want to talk about too much of that. The bomber can be watching you and me talk about it. Theres a lot of complex things gon on going on here. Jon these packages were not delivered by the Postal Service or ups. They were hand delivered. That tells i that these tiptoeing up to peoples doorsteps with these packages. Absolutely. You got to remember, they look at the packages. To deliver explosive devices it difficult. That he or she is bringing out hand delivered, that tells us a lot. It will be nice if we can get a video either from the neighborhood. I know theyre looking at videos from commercial establishments too. Thats very good thing to do to put a time line together and see if we have the same individual in the general neighborhood like at a gas station or convenience store. That can be helpful too. Jon huge investigation under way with lot of agencies involved. Lets hope they get this bomber. Thanks for your expertise. Julie sanctuary city battle ramping up as President Trump slams Governor Brown during his first trip to california. What action the president is now pushing to require cooperation from state officials. How his position is sitting with resident. Thats straight ahead on outnumbered. Millions of you are online right now, searching one topic. That will generate over 600 million results. And if youve been diagnosed with cancer, searching for answers like where to treat, can feel even more overwhelming. So start your search with a specialist at Cancer Treatment centers of america. Start with teams of Cancer Treatment experts under one roof. Start where specialists use advanced Genomic Testing to guide precision Cancer Treatment. That may lead to targeted therapies and more treatment options. Start where theres a commitment to analyzing the latest research and conducting clinical trialsto help each patient get the personalized cancer care they deserve. Start at one of the Cancer Treatment centers of america hospitals near you. The evolution of cancer care is here. Learn more at cancercenter. Com experts Appointments Available now. When this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Jon thank you for joining us on this wednesday. Julie you got couple of more days left though. Outnumbered starts now. We come in with a fox news alert much watched special election in pennsylvania 18th district is too close to call. Democrat conor lamb has a razor thin victory. Republican rick saccone is not conceding. Republican will demand recount and now saying there was problem with Voting Machines which cause lamb to get votes intended for saccone. Well have more on this in a few minutes. The story is coming together. We await official results. This also making news. New reaction to the president latest surprise move cracking down on city and states which refuse to enforce federal immigration law. This is outnumbered im harris

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