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And hamburg. History made today when President Trump sat down for the first time with the leader of russia. Clearly any time the russian president meets with the american president , it is a landmark event, but more so, given the international and domestic issues that are swirling around russian president Vladimir Putin, whats going on in ukraine and syria in the russian meddling in the u. S. Election. The two have talked several times over the telephone, but facetoface is always different in terms of setting the tone for the relationship Going Forward and President Trump has come out of several bilateral meetings saying we had very good talks and looking at what happened with president xi and maralago, they established a friendship. We dont know if that will happen this time around or if its appropriate for President Trump to have a friendship with Vladimir Putin, but the president did sound optimistic as they were sitting down. Listen here. President putin and i have been discussing various things and i think its going very well. Weve had some very, very good talks. We are having talks now and we will continue. A lot of positive things are coming out for everybody concerned. Its an honor to be with you. Thank you. For his part of n putin appeared to be a little more subdued then we have seen him in previous meetings with u. S. President s. He had both elbows on the arms of the chair, slumping just a little bit, not particularly an aggressive posture. What goes on behind closed doors can be completely different than what goes on in the public setting and there is no question that plan report will be absolutely ready to meet with President Trump and secretary taylor sin. Putin is sounding somewhat optimistic saying through a translator, your excellency mr. President , we spoke with the phone with you several times before on very important bilateral and international issues. A phone conversation is never enough, we want to have positive developments and be able to resolve most acute international problems, definitely we need personal meetings and im delighted to meet you personally, mr. President. I hope come as you have said, our meeting will yield positive results. It is possible, molly, for something to come of this. They could reach an agreement on syria and terms of deconflict in channels of the United States, there could be an agreement on north korea. Its interesting that while this is the president s first to sit down with Vladimir Putin, the secretary state also in the room knows him very well. Rex tillerson is used to dealing with Vladimir Putin, so hes a valuable asset to have of the president s side. Putin can be somewhat different than he initially repairs. I was at that summit in 2001 in slovenia between president george w. Bush and putin where bush famously said, i looked into his eyes and i saw his sou soul. I think of president bush had a do over, he would probably take it. President trump going into this, knowing what a slippery character putin can be and we can only hope for the sake of the nation that he went in with his wise wide open. Molly were looking forward to readouts from this meeting. Thank you, john roberts following all of the geopolitical universe today. We appreciate it. Jon who has the most to gain from todays first to sit down between the two leaders . Or the most to lose for that matter . The handshake, apparently quite cordial seen around the world as president s trump and putin meet for the first time. Theres plenty on the agenda for these two leaders to discuss with mr. Trump calling russia out on several issues during his appearance in poland yesterday. We urge russia to cease its destabilizing activities in ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes, including syria and iran. And to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and a defense of civilization itself. Jon lets bring in glenn hall, u. S. News editor for the wall street journal. The russians annexed crimea, they are making mischief in the ukraine to this day. They are believed to have shot on that malaysian airliner, all kinds of things that President Trump could press his russian counterpart on, but if they dont come away with some big agreement on some score, whether might the russians look like they won here . If you think about back in time when reagan had his first meeting with gorbachev, that was a two day summit and they still didnt accomplish very much. It was a ground setting meeting and i think thats more of what we are getting here. They may touch on these issues and start to feel each other out and terms of how theyre going to negotiate them, but its hard to say that we are going to have a big decree today. Jon kind of interesting because it supposed to be a sideline meeting to the g20 summit, but its overshadowing the summit, really in terms of the news coverage. And a lot of ways, yes. Youre talking about the two biggest superpowers, so does make sense that how they are navigating the relationship is going to be a global topic. Jon its been said that if they dont come to some big agreement on syria or something, whatever, that president putin can go back home to the russians, where he is a master at manipulating the press and planting stories story lines that he likes, and he can say President Trump is weak, he is hamstrung by investigations at home and internal politics and therefore, we couldnt do much. The flip side for President Trump is also that there may be criticism of him if they come back with some agreement on some of those topics, but he doesnt raise the issue of russian involvement in the u. S. Election because thats what so many congressmen in the media are focused on right now. Jon people in this country want to see him be tough with putin on the very issue. Yes come on that issue and all of the others. These are a lot of big important issues to tackle. All of these other things where we are talking about major global conflict, theres a lot to address, but so much emphasis on that one topic, its hard to see what will come out. Jon the president said we have a lot of issues to discuss and that initial on camera sit down, but again, we dont know whats going to come out of it and we dont know whether they will be essentially any progress in some very thorny areas. Going into this, we were unable to get a good read from anyone in the white house and what was on trumps agenda. Jon the russians didnt like that. They wanted an agenda for this meeting. Two very different types of leaders. Mr. Put likes to prepare and be ready for an agenda, mr. Trump is more freewheeling and that may also play to his advantage in this relationship. Jon when all is said and done, each guest to size up the other and perhaps this may be the prelude to bigger meetings, bigger psalmist on the road . Speak out that is typically when you should expect. Thats what worked with reagan, obama, and others. There is a scene setting and a relationship setting and then you can get back to you is Serious Business on the road. Jon glenn hall, wall street journal, its going to be a fascinating day. Will be reading your stuff. Molly this just then, Republican Leadership admitting for the first time that they may not be able to fulfill their Campaign Promise to repeal and replace obamacare. They may have to settle for its been messy, its been bumpy. I am not certain he will get it done, i hope we will, i believe we will. Molly very interesting development. Garrett tenney joins us with more. Senate leadership has him working over the Holiday Weekend to see what change they can make to the Current Health care bill and to see if those changes will be enough to get at least 50 republicans to support it, but with a growing list of g. O. P. Lawmakers who say they cant support the bill in its current form, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell now admits they may not be able to repeal and replace obamacare and could be forced to simply fix parts of the law. In southern kentucky yesterday, the Associated Press reported that if mcconnell met bipartisan cooperation to fix obamacare. He answered of my site is unable to agree on an adequate replacement, then some type of action with regard to the private Health Insurance market must occur. No action is not an alternative. The republicans would be limited in the fixes they could make to obamacare because that could not be done using sequestration, meaning any vote would need 60 votes to pass and it would force republicans to work with democrats and thats the result democrats have been hoping for a long period any statement, Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer said its encouraging that senator mcconnell today acknowledged that the issues with the exchanges are fixable and open the door to Bipartisan Solutions to improve our health care system. As weve said time and time again, democrats are eager to work with republicans to stabilize the market and improve the law. Right now, Senate Leadership still plans to introduce a revised version of the g. O. P. Health care bill sometime next week and their hope is at the possibility of republicans not actually repealing and replacing obamacare will help to bring some senators to the table. Molly it will be fascinating to see the political fallout from this one and to hear the constituents as to what they think. Garrett tenney from washington, thank you. Jon the trial of 1 of 3 men accused of rating and killing 19yearold holly bobo back in 2011, the trial is postponed now. Details of the newly discovered evidence next. Plus, with Hurricane Season in full swing, we take a look back at the deadliest Natural Disaster in u. S. History. And a highstakes meeting today between President Trump and Vladimir Putin, why are guest says it is the most important 3s entire trip. Help people find their way. Fastsigns designed new directional signage. And got them back on track. Get started at fastsigns. Com. Jon new information on some crime stories we are watching. A georgia woman accused of killing four of her Young Children and their father smiled and gave a thumbs up to reporters at her First Court Hearing today, posing for the cameras. She told the judge she doesnt want a lawyer saying her attorney is that people in her faith. Police say she called 911 after fatally stabbing her family. Authorities say convicted kidnapper has been captured in texas two days after escaping a South Carolina prison. In his his second escape. Hes a serving life in prison on kidnapping charges. In tennessee, the trial of one of the men accused of killing holly bobo in 2011 has been postponed now due to newly discovered evidence. Investigators reportedly found a gun under water near the home of zach adams, one of the accused and the defense team wants extra time to have it analyzed. Adams trial is set to begin now in september. Molly we are waiting for President Trump and russian president Vladimir Putin to wrap up their historic meeting. The first time a sitting american president has set him with a russian leader and two years. The two have a lot to discuss and a short amount of time. My guest says as it while may be historic, it is also dangerous. He is an expert on russia and ukraine. Peter, thanks for joining us. Here we are, this intimate meeting is underway right now, these two president s, president putin, President Trump, two strong personalities and their diplomatic counterparts as well as to translators, just 35 minutes long. Some of that time will be lost to translation back and forth. Seems like a short amount of time to get a lot of information and, how higher the stakes . Is a short time, but all the most important time of the president s trip in europe. First meetings between any u. S. And russian president are always historic, but they are also where the mistakes can happen. Bush and obama both terribly miss read putin at their first meeting, khrushchev misread kennedy. Theyre also incredibly risky. Whats happening right now is that both World Leaders are taking the measure of each other. Well see what comes from that meeting. Molly we dont have a lot of insight into exec and what will be discussed. The president speaking before going behind closed doors assaying various was the way he phrased it. They had a lot of ground to cover, potentially syria being among the most important topics. What do you think well see in the readouts following, various interpretations of how things went . Context is key here. Lets not forget that the president inherited an upside down relationship with russia because he inherited what occurred in the previous administration. Ed was president obama who sent to the secret letter to the kremlin who started the failed reset and it created the conditions that have turned u. S. Russian relationships upside down. The big goal here for the president is to turn them right side up. At begins with this first meeting. Certainly, 35 minutes is not a lot of time, but lets not forget the president has thrown down the gauntlet on north korea, on isis, and on finding a solution to the ongoing conflict and ukraine. 35 minutes is not a long time, but this is the first of what should be several interactions to help turn that relationship right side up. Molly there are some serious topics to discuss. One of the things thats overshadowing this meeting is that russian interference in the u. S. Elections and the political pressure that the president may be feeling too at very least bring it up and mention it. What could that mean for these talks . I think the president was pretty clear on how he assesses the geostrategic situation. He let us know during his public statements yesterday and warsaw, speeches that were very well received. 35 minutes is a very short time in which to have a meeting. I dont have a lot of expectations for major breakthroughs. Right now, weve seen the handshake seen around the world and that is a first start and both sides can hope that we find a positive outcome. As i said, turning this upside down relationship with russia right side up. It will be really up to putin as to how he wants to make their next move. Molly the handshake did seem fairly warm to kick things off, where is the Common Ground . Both sides of like to come out of this saying there was some sort of victory, i would think. Thats true, but its also important to remember that victory does not necessarily mean normalization. At the end of the day, there is a long, hard path that the russians and United States have ahead of them. The conditions are bad right now. We have an ongoing conflict in ukraine, we have questions over isis and assads future and syria. There is a lot of work that needs to be done and at the end of the day, a handshake does not mean normalization. Normalization and relations come at the end of a long process, not at the beginning. Molly it will be fascinating to see these readouts later today. Peter durrant, thank you. Jon eyed instruments aboard a delta flight forces a quick return to the seattle airport last night. What witnesses say happened and first class and why the fbi is getting involved. Plus, President Trump slamming the Mainstream Media even while he is overseas for the g20 summit, well take it up with our media Panel Straight ahead. They have been thanking us for a long time, theyve been covering me in a very dishonest way. Molly a Delta Air Lines flight for us to return to seattles airport after a disturbance on board. Plane was bound for beijing last night when a 23yearold first class passenger assaulted a flight attendant. Other passengers helping to restrain that man. Flight attendants and other passengers were hurt and taken to the hospital. The fbi says the men will be at federal court today, but does not appear to be a threat to national security. The flight to beijing took off once again late last night. Jon President Trump not letting up on his criticism of the Mainstream Media while hes overseas for the g20 summit. The president , just this morning tweeting i will represent our country well and fight for its interests. Fake news media will never cover me accurately, but who cares . Will make America Great again. Mr. Trump also taking a dig at what he calls fake news at a News Conference with polands president. Speak out what we want to see in the United States is honest, beautiful, free, but honest press. We want to see free press. I think its a very important thing. We dont want fake news. By the way, not everybody is fake news. But we dont want fake news. Its a bad thing, very bad for our country. Jon lets bring in judith miller, joe concha joins us as well. Obviously, theres a lot of attention focused on this trip overseas and when the president took on socalled fake media, he got a lot of heat from his critics and this country, was appropriate . Of course it was because he was asked a question by a reporter. What you think would happen with cnn the day before which was obviously cnns threat to unmask an anonymous reddit user . He dove into that and thats what happens. Hes a transparent person, but heres the thing. Just hours after that, the editor at large over at cnn tweeted out a video that showed two seconds of a handshake that appeared to show the polish first lady blowing off donald trump and going right to melania trump. If you want for seconds later, the handshake actually happens. A fake meaning is sent out by a political reporter at cnn and sure enough, he called cnn a couple hours before that and cnn took the bait and sent out that sort of video that is a very bad thing for the metrics. The editors resigning. Right now, that was a very bad thing for cnn and i was a welltimed criticism by donald trump. Jon he kept saying, oh, my a tweet like a 12yearold at a beaver concert. Thats a thing. You are a guy in your 40s, act like it. Jon lets talk what the president attacking fake news. The president of the United States is our commander in chief. He did not have to stand there and attack not only the media, which of course he always does, but i think we all are used to it by this point. Also, he raised questions about the veracity and the credibility of the american intelligence agencies. I was much more concerned about that than i was the repetition. The fact that before a meeting with Vladimir Putin, the president of the United States raises questions about their competence, about their finding that the russians definitely tried to interfere in our election process, that does not serve the country well, it doesnt serve the Intelligence Community well, its not fair to them, and its on president ial. Jon interesting too, the russians have been trying to metal with our elections and other countries elections for years. Its not news that theyre trying to meddle, the question is whether there was collusion or some kind of agreement. Thats what the president ought to be denying. Exactly. We are not there yet. I think robert mueller, the special counsel is going to answer that question for us eventually, but right now, we have to go on digging and try to answer the question. Jon you cut it meddling e election. Too many outlets say that russia hacked the elections. Its a clear indication saying that they got the Voting Machines and changed votes. Meddling is the right word, hacking is wrong. Jon lets turn our attention to another media related incident, this having to do with Rachel Maddow on something she sat on her program last night. Listen. A few weeks ago, we got a new document through that channel and at first glance, it was just unbelievably redhot. If, by any chance this document is real, it is so sensitive, so classified, that i cannot show it to you. We believe now that the real story we have stumbled upon here is that somebody out there is shopping carefully forged documents to try to discredit News Agencies reporting on the russia attack on our election and specifically on the possibility that Strong Campaign coordinated with the russians in that attack. Jon she sang she received a document that looks official, looks like essentially, it looks like it says the russians colluded with the Trump Campaign to alter the election. She says its fake and she is warning journalists out there. She should warn us because there seems to be a Concerted Campaign to put out information, to discredit the american media. We do a fair amount of that ourselves unintentionally. The fact of the matter is, i think its in the interest of people who want to discredit us to put out this stuff and what Rachel Maddow did last night, i watched her for a segment. The fact that it the first segment showed how important she thought it was. I was convinced that she was referring to a real phony document that her network got that was put out there by somebody who wanted to discredit msnbc. Its in great contrast to what happened in march when she said she had President Trumps tax reforms. This was much more careful and we bash the media all the time and they should be bashed. This was an opportunity for a Media Organization and a show to receive something where the narrative was juicy, it was perfect for that audience, and producers and staff did their homework and made sure it didnt get to air and warned other news organizations, so good job. They also didnt show the document, good job. Jon remember what happened to dan rather over the george w. Bush thing. Thank you both. Molly a historic meeting today in germany with the longawaited sitdown between President Trump and russian president Vladimir Putin and while the stakes are high, so are the risks. Plus. What began as a Beautiful Day like this one ended as the worst Natural Disaster in u. S. History with 1012,000 americans dead. I will take you there coming up. For the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. Plus earn free nights and instant rewards at checkin. Yeah. Like i said. Book now at choicehotels. Com parts a and b and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. That means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Medicare doesnt cover everything. And like all standardized Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesnt pay. So dont wait. Call now to request your free decision guide. It could help you find the aarp Medicare Supplement plan that works for you. These types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. Rates are competitive, and theyre the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. Remember these plans let you apply all year round. So call today. Because nows the perfect time to learn more. Go long. Jon weve just closed up the first month of the 2017 Hurricane Season, thankfully with no major storms hitting the u. S. As we look at these beautiful images of texas, we are reminded that the next katrina or andrew could be brewing any day now. As bad as those two storms were, its nothing compared to what hit the texas coast back in 1900. At that time, the Weather Service did not name hurricanes, but even without a name, the great storm will never be forgotten. The idyllic beaches of galveston, texas, tourists come each year and frolicking on the shores. Its hard to believe seeing it today that this Peaceful Place was the epicenter of the greatest Natural Disaster in the history of the United States. It was 1900 and galveston was thriving. The largest city in all of texas, a booming population, building fortunes from galvesto galvestons busy commercial ports, shipping cotton and receiving goods from europe. Galveston was on an incredible growth pattern. It was without a doubt, the queen city of the gulf. Rightfully earned that title. Jon september 8th, 1900 was a day like this one. Clear skies and calm seas. But the skies suddenly turned black, the weather took a terrifying turn. The good people of galveston had virtually no defense against the great storm sweeping in from the sea. A category four hurricane lashed the islands community. It carried no name as was the practice of the time. It went up to 140 miles an hour and worse, a surge of seawater over a 15 feet high over want to be on protected city, leveling buildings and homes. In 1900, the storm came across the island and pushed water and wind across the island, destroying most of the houses and many lives were lost. Jon in an instant, half of galveston was gone. Homes along the shoreline ripped from their foundations, the storm smashing kindling. One of the horrible stories of that terrible night took place at st. Marys orphanage, a catholic home for children bit rate on the shoreline. Nuns, terrified tethered themselves to their children, determined to protect the little ones from being swept away. The nuns decided it would be safer to tie the Children Together in groups of ten. Jon the sisters brave attempt to save lives would be in vain. By the time the howling winds subsided and the ocean returned to its normal level, an estimated 12,000 americans were dead, 6,000 of them right here in galveston. It is still to this day, the deadly National Disaster in history. A horrible event commemorated by this poignant statue on the galveston seawall. When the storm passed, survivors emerged to a galveston they did not recognize. City streets filled with mountains of rubble. The debris from the houses and properties accumulated during the course of the storm. It became a wall of debris that protected the northern part of the island from the rest of the storm and water. We know that that debris line extended for maybe 2 miles and in some places, it was his two stories heights. Jon people dug through the rubble really searching for survivors, but locating virtually none. They found only bodies. Among them, ten catholic nuns and 90 orphans. Still tied together, only three of the st. Marys orphans survived the storm. I often think about what they would have experienced walking out their door on the next day and looking at what had happened and what was around them. Jon is Better Community would not be beaten. Neighbors pitched in helping neighbors and finding solace wherever possible. It became a place a priority for the city because it was a place of healing, it was a place that was nonreligious, nonpolitical. It was a place where people came together. Jon galvestons Grand Opera House though severely damaged in the storm, became a source of comfort and hope for the shaken residents of a once grand city. They could group together, or they might come and laugh and forget about everything. Jon all of the great storm 1900 brought this booming city to its knees, the people of galveston rebuilt and fortified, constructing a seawall bolstered by granite boulders, 17 feet high and 6 miles long. It will protect them from future storms. They also pump sand on top of the obliterated sections of their city, raising the island as much as 18 feet near the seawall. Surviving buildings that could be jacked up off their foundations were lifted to the new grade, some were simply too large. This ceiling that were standing under was very low, but it was a that way. It would have been 13 feet, the floor is 8 feet higher than it would have been in the original structure. They filled in the island as much as 18 feet and parts. It feels like the ceilings come down on the floor has gone up, but it was a phenomenal project. Jon talk about that. In those days, they didnt have caterpillar tractors and excavators and things like that. Its amazing what they did. They used courses and manpower and pulleys and wagons. Somehow they raised so many buildings in in the city and protected them from future storms. Jon the great storm took the lives of 1 out of every six gala stony ands. Some who did survive simply moved away. Galveston would never again be the biggest city in texas. The months and years after, the determination and ingenuity of those who stayed breathe life back into a community that Mother Nature left for dead. The spirit of the people of galveston is really whats important to remember and its that spirit of we are not going to give up, we are going to make this our home, we are going to handle a star if it happens, but we are going to come back and still be a great city. Jon hard to believe, 1012,000 people died in that storm and even here in new york, they had fundraisers, there was a big fundraiser at the waldorf and the keynote speaker, a guy name samuel clemens, mark twain. They raise 50,000 to help with the rebuilding of galveston, which in those days was a huge amount of money. Molly that was a beautifully done story. The historic photos were incredible and i think the most fascinating part was not just the ingenuity that was shown there and rebuilding the community, the engineering feats involved, but i cant help but think, this is more than 100 years ago. It had such a tremendous impact on generations of families. Jon we are so fortunate and so blessed today to have the satellite imagery, we know these days when hurricanes are coming and we can prepare for them. Back then, they had absolutely no warning. Molly it was a beautiful story. The part about the orphans is heartbreaking and it really speaks to how important it is to be able to see whats coming next. Jon absolutely. Were going to be doing more on that in future stories here on happening now. Molly we are in the mist of the season, so hopefully will have a peaceful Hurricane Season. Regions out west, fastmoving wildfires, we are live on those fire lines as crews battle to save lives and property there. Plus a blockbuster discovery that could shed light on one of the worlds biggest mysteries. Here why one expert thinks it truly points to the fate of legendary aviator, amelia earhart. Around the world lady bird and her crew, ready for an adventure that nobody has ever tried before. Molly a fox news alert. Violent protests breaking out for a second day in germany and an effort to disrupt the g20 summit. Police in hamburg using tear gas and Water Cannons to push back the demonstrators who said cars, barricades, trash cans on fire. Earlier today, Authorities Say protesters almost hit a Police Helicopter with fireworks. They slashed tires on cars belonging to the canadian delegation. Authorities say 11 demonstrators were very seriously injured after falling 13 feet off of a wall. So far, 45 people have been arrested and 160 Police Officers have been injured, three of which had to be hospitalized. Jon a brandnew clue services from a deep well of history and one of the worlds most tantalizing mysteries. The disappearance of aviator Amelia Ehrhardt over the Pacific Ocean in 1937. Out to circle the earth at the latitude of the equator and thats the earths greatest circle. The plane has extra tanks filled to capacity with gas. The tricky task on a longdistance flight, to take off with a heavily loaded plane. A long run on the ground, and a slow rise into the air. Jon now, a photo has turned up taken 80 years ago at the marshall islands. It appears to depict a woman who looks a lot like Amelia Ehrhardt and a man who looks a lot like her copilot and navigator fred noonan. Some believe the pair survived a crash and were captured by the japanese. A History Channel special debuts this week with a closer look entitled Amelia Ehrhardt, the lost evidence. Were joined now by dan hampton, histories aviation expert for the program. He is a decorated former pilot and author of vibra pilot. Thanks for being here. This picture, what is a come from, how did it suddenly come to light . It came out of the national archives. Its the only one like it thats ever been found. A gentleman by the name of it lest kenny found it which then made its way to the History Channel. Molly when he found this, did he know what he had or thought he had . I think he was well aware of what he had. My first inclination when i saw it as it cant be real, but then we had it authenticated by the fbi and they showed me how it had matched to these two people, i became more and more convinced. Jon the facial Recognition Software was employed. If you look real closely at a blob of fred noonans face, it appears he has a bandage on it which drives with the data on the fact that he had been injured on the forehead and the knees. Jon the woman who is sitting down there on the right center of the screen, its just her back, how do you know that that might be Amelia Ehrhardt . Molly she had such distinctive features. She was a swimmer and they had her sitting by the side of appeal taken a few years earlie earlier. Without getting too technical, they went into all the dimensions and Everything Else and got a point, a match on it what that was sufficient for the fbi to say this is true. Molly this is true as in the timing of the photo and everything works out . It does because theres no other reason for her to be on a dock and was possibly identified as johnny would harbor unless she had gone down somewhere close by. While switch you be there . Molly which of the japanese have to say about it . Out there not saying anythin anything. All that was destroyed when the war ended, and is not in their best interest to come forward, but we keep hoping that somebody will, maybe theres a letter or photograph, sony has more information. Jon what happened to the aircraft . The aircraft, again, i can speak to im positive thats her and fred noonan and the airplane are all there. What happened after that is still at supposition and being investigated. The airplane was destroyed toward the end of the war. What happened to those two, we hope to have part two of this. Jon there is a something under a tarp that appears absolutely. Molly thanks for joining us, Amelia Ehrhardt, the lost evidence. Check your local listings for that. Should be fascinating. Cruise out west hoping for a break from Mother Nature coming up next. First kid you ready . By their second kid, every mom is an expert, and more likely to. Choose luvs than first time moms. 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Apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan any time you want. So dont wait. Call unitedhealthcare now to request your free decision guide. Meghan no reaction is President Trumps us down for his first facetoface meeting with russian president Vladimir Putin. Would be a game changer . Kennedy plus violent threats during a Health Care Protest at a republican senators office. One suspect reportedly saying that liberals need better aim. Thats reference to the shooting of steve scalise. Meghan all that plus or oneluckyguy, outnumbered top of the hour. Weve got a lot of firefighter fatalities in the path of trees coming down. Molly dozens of firefighters fighting wildfires as high winds and high conditions feel those flames. One leader issuing mandatory evacuation orders as a massive fire inches closer to their tow town. We are here at a middle school near breckenridge and bristol colorado. The last report, there are 85 acres burned. That may not sound like a lot of acreage, but the real danger here is proximity because im about a mile and a half from that fire is a subdivision that is evacuated right now. You go to miles, youre at the breckenridge ski resort. 450 homes are under a mandatory evacuation. That subdivision i just mentioned and even more on our own preorders. This became what is known as a type one incident. Navy seals of firefighters have now taken over the fire. One thing that continues to be a menace, drones. Basically we need everyone to keep their drones at home. Please dont fly drones in the area. The real deal is f8 drone is flying in the area, we cannot fly our aircraft in the area. Out there are currently 39 large fires burning and 11 11 states. In northern california, 500 acres have burned and the evacuations are underway. In northern nevada, shifting winds pushed a wildfire there toward a team of firefighters. The fire chief said fortunately no one was injured. More than 500 people have been evacuated as a brush that was dried out made that fire move quickly. Well have an update here on containment. The last reported that 7 . A molly thank you for keeping an eye on that precarious situation, we appreciate it. Jon knew next hour happening now, more and more u. S. Factories are trained to robotics to compete with cheap foreign labor, but its opening up a whole new world for american workers. Jon molly and i are back in an hour. Outnumbered starts now. Meghan fox news alert, we are waiting to hear from second of state Rex Tillerson who will brief the press after the much anticipated meeting between President Trump and russian president Vladimir Putin, but he is also attending it. Here today, the host of kennedy on fox business, also the cohost of after the bell, melissa francis, former security staffer under president bush and obama, gillian turner, and our oneluckyguy, pete hegseth and youre outnumbered. Pete am glad to be here. Meghan kicking off your

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