Stress disorder. Could that be the answer, it is all happening now. But we begin with president elect trump taking a victory lap in indiana. Welcome to the second hour of happening now. I am jon scott. I am jenna lee. Mr. Trump heading to indiana with mike pence. They arrived in indianapolis and they are expected to tour the carrier plant. The president showed he is the ultimate deal maker to keep a thousand jobs in the united states. One carrier employee said the incoming president is proving to be a man of his word. I would just say thank you for doing what you were saying to you would do. When it comes to president ial candidates, you know, sometimes if not all of the time, a lot of times they dont do what they promise they are going to do. And if he does do it, i will tell him thank you personally from me. They are live in cincinnati where the thank you tour kicked off. And we are learning new details about the deal that kept those jobs in indiana. Folks want to know what happened behind closed doors. What did you find out . A lot that went into the deal from the state perspective and vicepresident elect called me with information. Indiana is offering 7 million in tax breaks to it keep the jobs here in the state. That is performance based and contingent on carrier maintaining a certain level of job and training and capitol improvementes. That was tax breaks. It is described in the lowest quinteleof deals that indiana has made to keep them there. It is not like they are going out of their way to keep carrier there. It is a victory for donald trump elect. He and his vicepresident ial running maid are crafting deals to save american jobs. Rick link who is a 15 year veteran in indianapolis and lifelong democrat voted for donald trump and first time he voted republican, because he liked what he was saying about carrier and keeping american jobs in the united states. Here is link this morning on fox and friends. You know, he spoke to me and hit a core inside of me and talking to the working man and middle class. And you know, were tired of being the working poor. I mean, you know, we bust our tails for what . You know, companies are getting tax break and ceos are getting bonus and we are are getting the shaft. It is hard to swallow the tough pill sometimes. Reporter not everyone is cheering the deal. Senate issor debbie stab beenow was critical of the vicepresident elect saying why didnt you do it months ago . And one of the biggest issues for carriers, conversations with donald trump and pence, that environment for business would be better with Trump Administration with lower tax and regulations and they might be able to stay in the state and United Technologies wanted to maintain a Good Relationship with the Trump Administration and didnt want a dust up of carrier getting in the way of that. And meanwhile, the intrigue over who will be the secretary of state and secretary of defense. We were told it is down to four finalist. And maybe there was never four. And that number was ambiggous to it give wiggle room. 4 or 5 people who are in the running. Mitt romney. And rudy jill joule and David Petraeus and bob kosherb and john bolton interviewing at trump tower tomorrow. Mitt romney who had dinner with the president elect in new york city the other night continues to be the front runner. In terms of john bolton, maybe he would be be considered for the top job, but also might be better in the number two position and what we are learning about the secretary of defense, that sources tell me James Mad Dog Mattis is the number one contender for that position and the reason why they are alternatives because mattis is not retired from the military and has to get a special waiver from congress and make sure that is rock solid. And spread them out so they are not all done at the same time. Back to you. Thank you. Joining us on the trump transition and thank you, tour. Chris wallace. I cant remember, chris, another tour like this. I know you are a man possessed of a Crystal Clear memory . Have you ever seen a newly elected president and vicepresident tour the country. Nothing comes to mind nothing comes to mind from when donald trump announced he was running and now since he was elected. You can say it is a Frank Sinatra candidate and hes doing it his way. Hes not president , we have to remember that. President elect. Hes working deal and coping a thousand worker and carrier keeping a Campaign Promise even before taking the oath of office. And veng, the Celebrity Apprentice style choice of people, where he has a them auditioning and four people and no, it is it five people and they are going to the fancy restaurant and eating frogs legs. We ought to buckle our seat belts. Trump is going to do it his way and it will be different than any other president we have seen. Just the double meetings with mitt romney about the secretary of state post. Talk about bad blood between the two during the election. Trump called him a failed candidate who ran a miserable campaign and mitt romney called him a fraud and now dinner at a fancy restaurant and talking about the top diplomatic post in the nation . It is kind of a win win for trump. He showed he doesnt hold grudge and reaching out to the establishment section of the Republican Party and a group he did not do well with in the campaign and in a large measure ran against and if it ends up he decides that mitt romney will be the right person. There will be some blow back. But most people will figure if he is okay with mitt romney, so are we. How trump is picking a cab be bet that is the wealthiest. Steve mnuchin and wilbur ross and betsy devos. And from the stand point of somebody who covered washington for a long time, is there anything wrong with that . Talking about how inflation affects things when Dwight Eisenhower named his cabinet. Ten millionaire and a plumbar. The head of the plumbar union and wealthy millionaires and now it could be half dozen billionaire ps and i dont know if there will be plumbars and democrats are saying, trump processed to drain the swamp, did he go back on the process . He indicated and what folks are saying you need insiders to drain the swamp and change things. You cant get somebody who doesnt know about wall street to change how it works. You cant find somebody who doesnt know how washington works to try to change that. To a certain degree and even if you are going to it reform it, you need insiders to show the case. Steve mnuchin. Suggesting freddie mac and fannie mae that lend most of the housing money, ought to be privatized and as a result their stocks are going through the roof . Remember they were private until we got into the Great Recession and the government took them over. And the government never wanted to be in that business and wanted to get out. And now mnuchin. Treasuriy secretary designate is talking abouty restoring it to the private market. A federal guarantee is an attractive market. But if it was private again, it would be be a good investment to a lot of people. Thank you very much. Thank you, john. President elect and vicepresident elect mike pence kick off the thank you, tour. Cincinnati, ohio is at accept oclock p. M. Eastern time. And Homeland Security jay johnson who is set to address the Homeland Security council. And his days after the somali attack on the campus. We are learning about a trip he made to our Nations Capital ahead of the attack. We are following all of these developments, catherine . Reporter jenna, the ohio state suspect artan travelled to washington before the shooting. This is looking for motivation. Sources say artan arrived late on thanksgiving day and left on a short trip. Fbi agents are seeking to get records from the phone Service Provider to it help nail down where he went in dc and if he contacted anyone. Artan bought a knife in home depo and that may be significant, because reporters were told artan purchased a knife at walmart monday morning and they are working to see what knife was used in the attack. Homeland security is getting briefing on what happened in ohio state. They are focused on his time in pakistan before he entered the u. S. With his family as a minor. We want to it know more about him. Was he radicalized before he came. And i know the family is interviewed by the fbi to see the contacts he had in pakistan. This is the fourth major case in the u. S. Where a suspect was a follower of alqaeda and teachings from the american cleric an war alawlaki is a steppingstone to it the Islamic State federal. And well expect jay johnson will get questions about this very topic in 20 minutes. Thank you. This event was breaking in the first hour. A bank robbery turned in a hostage stand off. We have the latest details on the disturbing ordeal. Real cost of Debt Relief Program for students. Is it a bail out with american taxpayers footing the bill . N e or here. Today, theres a new option. Introducing drugfree aleve direct therapy. A tens device with high intensity power that uses technology once only available in doctors offices. Its wireless remote lets you control the intensity, and helps you get back to things like this or this. And back to being yourself. Introducing new aleve direct therapy. Find yours in the pain relief aisle. Give the gift of lower back pain relief. Ive got a nice long life ahead. Big plans. So when i found out medicare doesnt pay all my medical expenses, i got a Medicare Supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if youre eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80 of your part b medical expenses. The rest is up to you. Call now and find out about an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare Insurance Company. Like all standardized Medicare Supplement insurance plans, it could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request your free decision guide. Ive been with my doctor for 12 years. Now i know ill be able to stick with him. [ male announcer ] youll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. Plus, there are no networks, and virtually no referrals needed. See why millions of people have already enrolled in the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Dont wait. Call now. Police in jacksonville, florida confirmed a Bank Robbery Suspect was arrested ending the hostages. It is unclear whether anybody was hurt after a spokeswoman denied initial reports that people may have been shot. New information on the real cost of the student Debt Relief Programs. The general account being office finds that the federal government is forgiving 800 billion upon in Student Loans. That is welcome news for those saddled with student debt. But for taxpayers. It is a costly bail out. Joining us is a Washington News reporter. And he covered the bail outs of chrysler and general motors. Are their comparisons and similarities between what the government did for general motor and offering to do with those who hold Student Loans . I think the issue with gm and chrysler, there was a threat to the economy itself. I think right now, people dont see this as a threat to the economy, its like a drag on the economy. These are two separate things going on here. The 108 billion expected to be forbegin by the government only affects or applies to the Current School year . No, it applies to everyone who got a loan up to this point. People who take out loans, that tab is increasing as more people go to school. We are looking at more than 108 billion. And thats getting paid for by american taxpayers. Yes, and whether the Student Loan Program gets a profit. There is increasing questions of whether they are making the proper assumptions. And one of the problems is, that the government relies on grad student and charges higher rates and relies on them. But they are going in income based plan and have the debts forgiven in 10 or 20 years. We are living in a time when inflation is low. But College Education is going through the roof, much higher than anything else. And one of the criticisms is, because government money is available, students take advantage and they enroll and it creates a demand for college that wouldnt be be there and increases inflation in the College Costs, is that a factor . Yes, we talk about Health Care Cost and Higher Education costs have risen 5. 2 percent in the past ten years and big concerns that programs like this it contribute to that. The schools know students will come out and debts will be forgiven and they are further desensitized to the cost of going to school and they are starting to tell the students, dont worry about the debt that you are taking on, because if you come out and go to the programs, you will not have to pay all of it. There is a problem with inflation here. Middleclass families who dont have kids and older kids, they are essentially paying the College Costs of 108 billion worth of people who graduated from college and couldnt foot the bill to it repay their loans. And people who owe a student debt and owe all of this debt and charged high Interest Rates and congress has helped me out. And i heard from so many people who said i paid off my student debt. Why should i have to cover them . And who is helped by the program . Many people who are going in to income based for payment and in white collar jobs and they make a lot. And so they are seeing the returns on their investment and should we forgive the debt . They are talking about privateizing the program which people think might be be the way to go. Josh mitchell, thank you. Sure, thanks. Can a gun that is illegal on the streets help the government. And using ecstasy to treat ptsb. And Vladimar Putin delivering his version of the state of union and what he said about the cooperation between the two nations in a trump president y see. More on that coming up. Is it manwich night . Put some manwich on the table. And give boring weeknight meals, the night off. Make tonight a manwich night an illegal drug prescribed by doctors. Fda approving a drug known on the streets of ecstasy to help patients overcome post Traumatic Stress disorder. Results appear to help the vets. They have done research on this. And doctor, it is great to have you on the program. Ecstasy treating ptsb, how does that work . Hello, i thinktn one importa point is, that it is not a take home drug. It is used only three types a month apart and conjunction with psychotherapy. And the way it works, it decreases peoples fear and defensive ofness and make sure they can face trauma and process it in therapy in the way they havent been able to without the mma. And they have had had private treatment and that is successful. One individual who did everything. He lost his family, depressed and tried pain killer and opiates andy he was considering suicide. And he went through a therapy. And he said it was a 12 week time period and you get the drug three different times. And it gave me my life back. It was not a party drug. But it gave him his life back. What results are you seeing personally . That was a person in our study and a lot of people said that. We have seen promising results in the series of phase two trials. And now we have to go forward in larger trials to defend or establish the safety and efficase. And in your banner it said fda approves the trials. They havent approved the protocols, but they gave us the go ahead to move on to phase three trails with the research. Research is so promising it is setting up larger clinical trials. And if it looks like it is working. How did you get involved and how did you think we are going to use ectrassy and it might work. I have been treating ptsb and some xufting treatments are effective for a lot of people and a large group of people who are not. And mma was used in therapy before it was a schedule one drug in 1985. There was reports but no controlled studies. It helped people in therapy. And i just thought it behooved us to look into a more systemic and rigorous way. What appears to be they key to making it work for someone who tried Everything Else . Well, there is a lot to are learn body spectacularly why it works. But what we find and do know that it decreases activity in the fear centers of the brain and increases activity in the higher Processing Centers and it kind of makes sense. And people have a period of time and not overwhelmed by the fear and not sedated and remember more clearly than they have before and then it is an opportunity to process the trauma in a way that becomes therapeutic. There is a therapist helping them do that. It is eight hour are sessions with two therapist for the entire session. It is carefully controlled and supported. If you are taking antianxiety immediate and you are taking them on a regular basis and you have to be on those all of the time and after the treatment. Do they crave being on acteas and on any other followup medication. And what we having seen them craving it and wanting it again and having taken it in this setting and monitor Blood Pressure and screen it carefully and it is appropriate in that way. And they are not inclined to take it in other settings. What are the sideeffects. They have is sideects and risks as well as benefits and there is side affects acutely like jaw tension and decreased appetite and things like that that are temporary. And the most important thing medically that mma does raise Blood Pressure and pulse significantly and kind of like vigorous exercise. We screen people to make sure they dont have underlying Heart Disease or cause problems with the Blood Pressure. I want to share this with our viewers and share this it in one study, twothirds of those involved in the study no longer met the criteria of having ptsb. And we look forward to having you more on the program to learn about it. Thank you very much. It is fascinating and president elect donald trump said he would scrape president obamas legislation. And turns out Many Americans want to keep obama care. And russian president putin saying hes ready to work with president elect trump despite accusations of the u. S. Of aggressive behavior. And jay johnson, he is expected to it address the attack be at the ohio state campus on monday and other threats in the Holiday Season and beyond. The first survivor of alzheimers disease is out there. And the Alzheimers Association is going to make it happen. But we wont get there without you. Visit alz. Org to join the fight. Test. Test test. Test. Test test. Test test test. Test test. Test. One of president elect donald trump Campaign Promises is eliminating obama care. He may keep certain aspects of the Affordable Care act. And only one in four americans want upon the president elect to completely dump the health care law. And 30 percent want him to expand it. And wall street reporting that republicans realize they will have to reach across the isle to replace the existing law. And joining us is julian epistein. It is great it have folks that understand the workings of government. It is hard to quote a poll these days. I am curious about that, ford. Do republicans have to work with democrats to figure out a solution. No, but they need eight more senate vote and that may be in the states that trump won. I dont think the poll changes trumps calculation. You want to repole obama care and a transition period. Before you embark a political suicide mission. Make sure your alternative works. How does that sound to you . The dog that caught the car. Polling has conivitientily shown upon a split with those that support obama care and those who dont. Half of those want something is stronger. And so you dont have a big constitency on obama care. 125 million americans benefit from the preexisting condition 135 million americans benefit from the prescreening protections. Out of pocket expenses. And 105 americans benefit from the lifetime cap provisions. You have 20 million americans that didnt have health care before. Julian, there ise no question that there are popular part was obama care and covering those preexisting conditions and it is something that the gop will have to work in. But the problem, ford, if you ask a health care economist, you cant keep preexisting conditions in there and get rid of the mand out. They also said if trump won the market will would tank. It is a cutie response. But getting rid of preexisting conditions. You skew it to every one that is sick. They will not be Getting Health Insurance and who will pay for the emergency room costs. Y we ary seeing that happening because there is not enough people joining in on the exchanges and there is concern about the health of obama care period. And i like cute responses all of the time just for the record, joule yen. Is there Common Ground to be found. We know about the preexisting condition and under the age of 26 staying on their parents i dont know if we lost ford, i dont know if julian did that on purpose. And one of the things we talked about is making sure you buy insurance across state lines and i know it is defendant. Would that be a solution . I dont think democrats will and try to obstruct reform in the way that republicans obstructed obama. The democrats should try to work with the president. The point of interstate competition is a good but limited thing and the point i was making before, democrats try to fix obama care and it is hard to create the divisions. How you try to you know, safe half. Baby here. It is almost impossible for example, to keep preexisting conditions in there unless you have people in the health care pool. If you reduce the pool, premiums are going to go up so high people will not be able to afford it. The premiums and dedubltibles are going up. That costs ever going up. Not as fast as that you would without obama care. How dew fix it, ford . Tom price will be the architect that will be quarterbacking this and there is a lot of way to do it tax credit and selling insurance across state lines. But the key is break up the unholy a liiance with the government and hospital and doctors and Insurance Company and one thing that trump will have to rake over the fire is insurance companies. You have less choice and you have a lot of insurers pulling out and consumers dont have a choice. Keep it assessable and affordable and give access to the american people. I have to say republicans have to watch out. The dems will try toous it to get out of the political wilderness and the republicans have to make sure it workings. We dont lose people permanently. Ford and julian, great to have you both. Thank you. Russian president Vladimar Putin reaching out to president elect donald trump in the state of the nation address. Putin calls for cooperation in fighting terrorism. And said hes ready to work with the Trump Administration. He didnt offer many details on how. And amy kellogg from mi lan, italy with that. Reporter he didnt offer details but the prospect of a new dawn danningled. Russia long accused the u. S. To being blame for the strained state of the relationship. And saying that the u. S. Turns the post cold world order in a uni polar world. This as russia accuses russia of a rash of wreaking instability in eastern ukraine. Putin would like to put that chapter he said in the past. Cooperation between the russia and u. S. In solving global and regional issues meets the interest of the whole world. We have a responsibility to provide security and stability. And i would like to underline that attempts to break paritiy are dangerous and lead to global catastrophe. The two men spoke on the phone. Thissy remains a political flirtation and all of this positive vibe between moscow and Trump White House is what happens when they sit down facetoface. They butt headed, john. And the Trump Administration said tax time will meet more money in your wallet. Well break it down, next. [vo] quickbooks introduces jeanette and her new mobile wedding business. At first, getting paid was tough. Until she got quickbooks. Now she sends invoices, sees when theyve been viewed and tada, paid twice as fast see how at quickbooksdotcom. New information on what taxes under the Trump Administration could mean for your bottom line. Ste ven mmucchin expects to implement tax reform in the first 90 days. The middleclass will see a tax cut and the wealthy will benefit from a simpler tax code. Peter barnes live in washington with more, peter . His comments invest are causing confusion in washington because they differ from what the Trump Campaign appearing to lower taxpayments for everyone. On the upper end, well cut the tax rate and offset with a significant reduction of deductions. And so for the upper it will lower the marginal rate to spur investment. But republican kevin brady echoed the comments this morning. We have lower rates for everybody to eliminate the special tax provisions for some. That is what we are proposing significant tradeoffses to move to this. Republicans here are waiting for more guidance on how to proceed. They are talking now. And the tax outlined the tax that trumpy released and suggested that top earners would get a lower tax bill p in his administration and the income thresholds would be similar to the House Republican plan that has the same tax rates as mr. Trump. These are the thresholds of what you pay if that passes congress. A couple making 75000 would pay 12 percent in taxes and 230000 would be be taxed at 25 percent. And anything above 231 would be taxed at 33 percent. And starting at 400000 per couple. And the House Republican plan would cut it 2. 4. And boost enough to pay for itself. Port barnes. Thank you. Nrussian cargo rocket carrying supplies blew up late in the launch. We have an update and where the debris is now. And the second man to walk on the moon evacuated promptly. And what prompted that sudden move, next. Hello, everyone. President elect trump arriving any moment in indianapolis. Plus, new details on how he convinced carrier to stay in the u. S. Including tax incentives, but is federal access a bigger draw . Can trump pressure other companies to do the same thing. And Vladimir Putin says he is ready to work with the united states. Saying russia needs friends. A Russian Spaceship carrying supplies for the International Space station was launched earlier today. The Russian Space agency says they lost contact. They said it fell back to earth and burned up in syberia. We have questions, tom, for this. When we first heard this news, the offense questibvious questi not in space, is it going crashing down on earth and it sort of did. Is that a risk that happens often . It is if youre on the spaceship, but for those of us on the ground, it just burns up. Thats the way they junk them when theyre finished, they let them drop into the as not fear and burn up. Small pieces might make it to the ground, but not dangerous. What do you make of the fact that this rocket lost contact with those trying to fly it . There is no question this is a troublesome failure for the supply line to the space station. This is the Second Russian failure in a couple years and two american cargo ships failed in the last 25 months as well. It indicates a continuing problem with the third stage of this rocket that once failed back in 2015. Also causing the loss of a cargo ship, so they have to get to the bottom of their assembly line. Is there any concern about whether or not they ugh supplies. Most of the supplies are vital, and they said the ast astronauts are not in danger. And nasa will get up any high Value Components launched on this one. So no supply issues, but you need every one of these ships toe make it up there to keep the supplies backed up and to maintain the space station and their experiments. Just quickly, buzz aldrin was evacuated from the south bole for medical reasons. What was the reason . I met buzz many times. He is a very vigorous guy, so being at the south pole doesnt surprise me at all. I would just guess that the elevation at the south poll got to him. Its over 9,000 feet in elevation, and the temperatures are below freezing, very dry air as well. He might have problems up there, once he had issues they got him out of that environment. I hope at 86 im thinking about traveling to antarctica. Thank you for your insights, great to have you on the program. Well be right back with more happening now. Im terrible at golf. He is. 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I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. Thank you for joining us, everybody. We wish buzz aldrin well. Americas news Head Quarters starts right now. President elect donald trump to land in indianapolis any minute now to tout a deal with carrier to keep 1,000 jobs right here in the u. S. Im shannon bream. They will tour the carrier plant and meet employees, then take off on a thank you tour of sorts if we have fox team coverage. Melissa francis and Charles Payne are standing by been what can you tell us about what is in this deal . Were finally learning the details of this. First reported by the wall street journal and confirmed by john

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