Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Happening Now 20160621

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A major lawsuit. And a day in the amusement train. A roller coaster train plows into another one sending throw people to the hospital. It is all happening now. But we begin with politics and donald trump and Hillary Clinton slamming him for his economic policies on the campaign trial. I am jon scott. And i am heather in for jenna lee. Today the republican presumptive nominee meeting with with leaders here in the new york city. And Hillary Clinton in the battleground state of ohio before she meets with the democrats tomorrow. We start with blake burrman with more on the republican side. Blake . Reporter heather and jon. After firing his Campaign Manager yesterday, donald trump and his team today are turning their attention to Hillary Clinton. Trump will give an anti clinton speech tomorrow in new york city. In a tweet, he will focus on clintons failed policy and bad judgment. But before then, the billionaire businessman is having to defend his campaign finances. They reported their may fundraising totals and they did not compare. Supporters gave over throw million to trump last month as he enters june. And that means over a million cash on hand. However, clinton has 42 million total in the bank. And this morning, Trumps Campaign sent out a fundraising plea saying that trump would match dollar for there. And trump down played the cash disparity saying his Fundraising Efforts are only a few weeks old and reiterated his ability to right a sizable check. Trump described clintons money as tainted. Hillary clinton will spend a billion of wall street and money from the middle east. She his money from people that you dont want her to have money from. Reporter in the middle of all of that, he courts religious conservative. He met with them in new york. Blake, thank you. In the meantime, Hillary Clinton is criticizing donald trump directly in the speech in battleground state of ohio. Mike, we just heard her and then tomorrow set to lay out her policy specifics on the economy. Reporter thats right. She wrapped up here moments ago, Hillary Clinton said that Donald Trumps ideas are bad ideas and they would send the economy back in recession and mocked him and called him the king of debt and there is widespread bipartisan concern about his economic plan. Liberals and conservatives say that trumps ideas would be be disastrous. The chamber of commerce and labor unions, mitt romney and elizabeth warren. Reporter yet a new poll reveals 51 percent believe that trump would better handle the an eight point lead over clinton over what is a huge general election issue. And in a survey, has clinton and trump tied at 41 percent percent. Trump had a four point lead here in may. Expect candidates to spend time and energy here in the buck eye state. She continued to attack trumps temperament and say he cannot be trumped on the National Security and a line that got applause. All of his books on business end with chapter 11. She called on him to release his taxes as well. Mike emmanuel. Great to see you, talk to you again real soon. And now a fox news alert. Attorney general Loretta Lynch meeting with the victims and responders in the orlando attack. This comes after the fbi and Justice Department reversed course to sensor the transcript that omar mateen made releasing a more complete transcript after widespread criticism. Steve . Reporter jon, nine days after the attack that took place behind me, the attorney general is in orlando and meeting with the family members of those killed in the pulse night club, shes also meeting with First Responders and prosecutors. And we expect to hear from her. And she is expected to talk about the department of justices decision to remove isis by the killer in the phone transcripts. Originally the endorsement was omitted and after sharp criticism, the fbi put those terms back in the partial transcripts. She will likely have to address that today as well. In the pulse nightmare behind me. This is blocked off while the fbi went through the crime scene. They traced the trajectory of every bullet fired. And so mateen himself is done. They have opened up. And the businesses opening up as well. But the motivation and also the question of whether anyone else was involved could continue for months and not everyone ready to move on. There is a series was funerals here in florida and the hospitals. Still 12 people in stable condition. Four remain in critical condition. Jon, back to you. Steve, thank you. A new terror scare for a country on edge after deadly attacks. What was a hoax, what investigators found inside of a bomb belt instead of explosives. Plus Ronald Reagan and iron lady, marget thatcher. That style is missed today as british voters are about to it decide whether to stay in it the European Union. Britain does not dream of a fringe. Our destiny is in europe as part of the community. Nobodys hurt, but there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay three quarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive three quarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacement, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacement, well replace the full value of your car. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. This is your daughter. And she just got this. Ooh boy. But, youve got hum. So you can set this. And if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. Because youll get this. You can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. Youll know. So dont worry, mom. Because you put this, in here. Hum by verizon. The technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. Put some smarts in your car. Dont eat pasteurized processed cheese food. Its only required to contain 51 real cheese. With sargento 100 real natural cheese slices, a patty melt becomes more than just patty. Ham unites with its better half. And a Club Sandwich becomes part of a club you definitely want to be in. Real cheese people would never eat a slice wrapped in plastic when they can have a slice of 100 real. Natural cheese slices from sargento. Were real cheese people. And youre talking to your doctor about your medication. This is humira. This is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. This is humira helping me go further. Humira works for many adults. It targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. Doctors have been prescribing humira for over 13 years. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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They know their chances to work and travel and build the open and Successful Society they want to live in rests on this outcome. Thats british Prime Minister David Cameron appealing to the older generation of britons to stick with the European Union. Voters decide two days from now to it leave. A british exit from the European Union would damage the british economy. A bricksit fantasy. Brett stephens writes it may be a leave vote will not have such dire consequences and the uk will join switzerland and norway as a rich european noneu state. Benefits of disruption out weigh the cost but this is not a normal era. Brett stephens here from the wall street journal. You think they should remain . It would be prudent at this juncture to leave. Where are they going to . Britain is too small of a country to be independent state especially if scotland is tempted to love the united kingdom. In my column, i talked about the possibility 25 or 30 years ago, Ronald Reagan could have said join the line of English Speaking countries. And that would have been something. But that is not on the table and that is the problem. England has no place to it go. We played a clip of hers earlier and we want to play another bit of that now. Indeed, it is ironic that just when the countries that have tried to run everything from the success learn that success is away from the center. There are some in the community that want to move in the opposite direction. We have not successfully rode back the frontiers of the state of britain only to see them opposed in the pene pone p level. With the european super state dominating a new dominance from brussels. She was a conservative Prime Minister and seemed there to be complaining about the European Union and heavy handed regulations. And a legitimate complaint then. Margaret thatchers campaign for britain to be a member of the European Community and she believed in taking a middle role. Eu was fine as long as it was a Common Market and not a super state. I lived in brussels. Brussels is not moscow or a totalian empire. It is like ecea that upset people but not to it harmonize europe in a single dull gray. Tonight the british get told what to do by the europeans . Much less than the brits would proclaim. There is a lot of regulation that used to it regulate and the shape of cucumbers that the sell in supermarkets. But the problems with the british economy that is doing well. It is all british and it is a housing bubble. And National Health service in need of repair. And taxes is too high and cost of live nothing london is too high. They all have solutions to be found in london and no where else. What about the immigration issue . It is an issue. But british is not part of the zone. If you want to get to britain and going from france. You have to go through passport control. It is not the same regime with the migration crisis. That is not necessarily costing the britain taxpayers like vienna and germany. Those migrant trying to get to britain is in camps. It is possible if the migration crisis and germany and eu doesnt close the borders, there is a threat down the road, millions of people who are european is thes without european liberal clamoring to get. Britain stayed out of the euro and zone and have the advantages of the Common Market and have that huge 500 million person market at its disposal and not take on the burdens of a purely open borders europe. But back to it your common, benefits of disruption outweigh the costs but this is not a normal era. Does that mean you think that the british might vote to pull p out . This is the eran of surprises. We have a 50 50 split in the polls and it was moving in that direction until the murder of the labor member of parliament. I would guess they would stay because the british are conservative by nature. I wish this was an era, that britain could say join the union with United States and upon canada. But those options are not available to the british today. Now, we are going to remember that and impress people in the next cocktail party. Hillary clinton trouncing donald trump when it comes to fundraising. What does it mean for the nominee . And a fun day in an Amusement Park goes horribly wrong as a roller coaster accident sends three people to the hospital. We were going over the hill and the car didnt stop. And it was a loud bang. I saw people crying and reacting that they were startled. Hey, need fast heartburn relief . Try cool mint zantac. It releases a cooling sensation in your mouth and throat. Zantac works in as little as 30 minutes. Nexium can take 24 hours. Try cool mint zantac. No pill relieves heartburn faster. Dinner may i be excused . Get the new xfinity tv app and for the First Time Ever stream live tv, watch on demand, and download your dvr shows anywhere. Right now three people are recovering after a roller coaster next wisconsin. Witnesses say it looked like a train car carrying riders was going full speed when it slammed in an empty car. The car hit a worker and he went up and over the car and he got out and they had him laying down. It was terrifying and there was my sixyearold daughter waiting to go on and people were horrified. Three people including two workers were taken to the hospital. These are the first injuries on that coastal since it opened five years ago. The ride is exp closed for a week. We want to keep it lean. I am not looking to it spend all of this money. How do you spend billion. Politicians are the only ones who will spend a billion. And Hillary Clinton will spend billion from the middle east and she has money from people that you dont want her to have money from. She will spend a billion dollars. In New Hampshire and other states i spent a tiny fractions and i won in a land slide. I like that much better. He sure did spend less than other candidates. After hitting the re set button on his campaign. He fired his Campaign Manager about growing concerns about the preparedness of the general election. He had 1. 3 million cash on hand in may compared to Hillary Clintons fro million war chest. Leslie marshal is a fox news contributor. And kerry is with the daily caller. Donald trump is an unconventional candidate and does he need all of the big bucks to make a win in the fall, leslie . Yes. Absolutely. And he knows he does. Thats why they had an Emergency Fund mail going out begging for cash. He knows not only is secretary clinton trumping with him with money but also in the polls. Hes lost four Percentage Points in ohio. That is a state a republican needs to win. And it doesnt look like he will win utah. And the gop is questioning how conservative he is. Looking at the battleground states, Hillary Clinton is targeting heavy ads about her experience and then attacks on him for lack of experience. Well bring in kerry. Leslie brought up the issue of ads. And Hillary Clinton has run millions worth of ads. Donald trump hasnt aired any. It will make a difference. However, the thing is donald trump is traditionally in Campaign Mode or business mode, particularly stingy when it comes to spend ping any money and lean when it comes to hiring people on the campaign. Manafort now that he is particularly more in control since lewandowskis departure, he will influence donald trump to have him spend more money on the campaign. Going into the general, you are going to see a lot more donors jump in. At one point they will see Hillary Clinton is going to be more of a serious reality to the Republican Party especially will going into the down ballot races. The Trump Campaign released a statement that we are talking about for the month of may. Mr. Trump said if needed there could be unlimited cash on hand as i would put up my own money spending over 50 million. Our campaign is leaner and more efficient like our government should be. That message resonates with the people. The federal government spends too much money and look at jeb bush. That doesnt work in the general election and it is not about what the voters see you spend because we dont know if donald trump has the means. He hasnt released the tax returns. What will people are going to see in the general election. It is when people who are part of a party grab on to that Party Democrat or republican or if they dont want to be a part of the party. They will see that with advertising. He has to do that to be competitive. Hillary clinton has had a year to raise money and well organized knowledgeable Campaign Staff and machine if you will that hes going to come up against. Speak ping of well organized, the convention is a now weeks from now. And once donald trump getses the nomination. Rnc will release staff and money and he will have access to all of that. So is this made a bigger deal than it is . Yes, and no. Trump needs to work on his relationship with with the state committee. He had a slash and burn with his primary opponents and bled into his relationships with the gop state committees particularly in the states he didnt win and those are the guys who are supposed to be his ground team and his army. And unfortunately because he didnt build that proper infrastructure on the ground in the primary which is what the general election for the nominee is supposed to be doing in the primary, it is a tough road for him ahead. He has to think about building those relationships and that will benefit him with with the donors going forward. Kerry said get on it. Well talk to you soon. Hillary clinton is leading in the state of florida. But a closer race in pennsylvania and ohio. Could donald trump win can pennsylvania and ohio. We are at fox news. Com. And go foxnews. Com happeningnow to join in. Donald trump tried to nail down the religious right. Did mr. Trump tell them what they wanted to hear . And another day of sweltering temperatures and a string of wildfires and we have the latest on the challenges facing firefighters out west . It has been 15 years. And they are in the hills 45 years. I dont know if i would to stay here . Uching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing [ park rides, music and crooooh unds ] [ brakes screech ] when your pain reliever stops working, your whole day stops. Excuse me, try this. But just one aleve can last 12 hours. Tylenol and advil can quit after 6. [ cheering ] so live your whole day, not part. With 12 hour aleve. Im terhe is. At golf. But id like to keep being terrible at golf for as long as i can. New patented ensure enlive has hmb plus 20 grams of protein to help rebuild muscle. For the strength and energy to do what you love. New ensure enlive. Always be you. From americas election headquarters, now donald trump meeting privately with leading evangelicals and social conservative. Mr. Trump left times square a few moments ago. It is a critical voting block with the group to it address longstanding concerns about mr. Trumps candidacy. Lauren green is live in new york city with a look at that, lauren . Reporter jon, Donald Trumps meeting with conservative christians and adding more drama to times square. As you said, evangelical make up a huge voting block of the Republican Party and donald trump needs their support in large numbers to win the general election. Thats why he came here. Over the primary season evangelicals gave him a edge. But many more do not. Hes considered least religious of all of the candidates and that includes Hillary Clinton and bernie sanders. Dr. Carson arranged the meeting so that conservatives get their questions answered. And the group may be surprised. A lot of evangelicals have gotten the impression that hes completely unchurched. And doesnt hold christian principles. Which is untrue. When they get a chance to hear his take on many issues that are important to them, that will make a big difference. Reporter now outside in times square, a Group Representing a multifaith organization talked about walls and muslims is about fear and not faith. Evangelicals hold a lot of pour in the Republican Party, organizers lament 35 million stayed home in 2012 giving barak obama a second term. They decided this meeting was designed to avoid a repeat of that. Lauren, thank you. A fox extreme weather alert. New trouble for firefighters out west. A heatwave are complicating the efforts. Crews are worrying that two fires in the forest will merge and then be one huge fire. There is a huge cloud of smoke in downtown los angeles. Jannice dean is live with us. We were talking about this how frightening it is to cover the wildfires. They can turn in a second and move so fast. And the firefighters trying to fight the fires. Wines are erratic and fires make their own weather patterns. It is hard to it keep track of the fires. We have seen four more wildfires. Well talk about that. The heat is expand nothing the southeast and central u. S. A lot of these areas over 100 degrees. Southwest, not a lot of moisture and dry and temperatures are high. Current temperature around 106. And phoenix daily records. And still heat advisories and high heat warnings in these areas shaded maroon. 110 to 120 degrees. The heat will break down. Well deal with extreme heat and not a lot of moisture and the wildfires, we had 17 large wildfires and that is up to 21 and it is expanding and each of them over a Hundred Acres burning and our hearts and prayers out to the firefighters and not a lot of rainfall. A little bit in portions of colorado and new mexico but not the areas we need it. We have a risk of severe thunderstorm watch in effect for dc, metto, and peninsula and up to new jersey until 9 00 p. M. Local time. Large hail and damaging winds and that looks like a Tornado Warning storm. People need to seek shelter. We could get strong winds and isolated tornados. Seek shelter and all of these stateses with a yellow and orange for the del varvan and dc. High risk of storms and isolated tornados. Want to make sure you are prepared and know what to do. We have a risk of more Severe Weather in midwest and chicago and milwaukee area and howe and risk for hail and damaging tornados. Wednesday and thursday, we have a trough in place and storm track that continues to bring Stormy Weather and strong storms to the region. That is an area we will be watching. Not only tornados and but the threat of heavy flooding as well. Some areas getting too much rain and well monitor that and check out the Tornado Warning storm and keep you posted on that. Look for the locust, janice dean, thank you. Got it. Fox news alert. The white house releasing new rules for low level drone flights. We learned Unmanned Aircraft could add 82 billion to the economy and support up to 100,000 jobs. Cheryl joins us from the fox business network. The Administration Made the announcement. Allowing the drones would be good for the question and say it could add Economic Growth in 2025. But the drones for commercial use can only fly in the day unless specially eequipped and stay away from the airports and less than 55 pounds and the operators must be certified every two years. But this is bad news for amazon, walmart and other companies that want to use drones for customer deliveries. There is no practical use for a drone besides search and rescue or research prayings. The new rules state that it must be in visual site is. Thats not what walmart and amazon envision for themselves and spent millions on developing and designing. The fa a will work on a separate set of rules for the company but have no idea how long that will take for them to figure out. Back to you. I will get my shoes the Old Fashioned way, and not by drone. Much safer. Court are documents in the stanford rape case shedding new light, sentencing a athlete six months in jail for Sexual Assault and the car that killed know the actor could face a lawsuit. Our legal panel will weigh in. I take prilosec otc each morning for my frequent heartburn because you cant beat zero heartburn ahhh the sweet taste of victory prilosec otc. One pill each morning. 24 hours. Zero heartburn. Think fixing your windshield is a big hassle . Not with safelite. This family needed their windshield replaced but theyre daughters heart was set on going to the zoo. So guess what, i met them at the zoo. Service that fits your schedule. Thats another safelite advantage. Safelite repair, safelite replace. Do you really know what it means . No. The answer is no. Because its complicated and sciencey. But with my nutrition mixes, you dont have to worry about the science. You can just put it in your pie hole. Planters. Nutrition starts with nut. Fiat chrysler could face a major lawsuit over the death of the accountor yelt sin. His Jeep Grand Cherokee rolled away and crushed him on the fence. It is one of the Million Companies recalled for that exact issue. The automaker are doesnt have a permanent fix for it. Talking about it with our legal pan ple. Fox news legal panel elis wiehl and eric guster is a defense attorney. If they come to you and say you are in trouble. Yes, we need the legal team. There is no proof. But there is proof in reference to their knowledge that something was wrong with the gearshift. They knew there was something wrong and they should have changed it when they realized there was an issue. As we talked before the segment. They mention the in the drivers maniel make sure it is in gear. It is a electronic button. They say take early care to make sure the car is in park and turned off. They put in the manual there is an issue. And they are admitting in the manual that there is a fault in the car. And this fault has killed in 2016, they were aware of 212 crashes and 2015 they paid 575 million to settle civil lawsuits. They knew about it. Take extra care, that is a death nail for the case. That is it. They knew at that point there is a problem that the average consumer and driver would not Pay Attention to this and take extra care with this and that is probably what happened in this case. But they recalled the vehicle. It was supposed to be done by september of this year, obviously he didnt make it that far. They recalled it in april of 2016. We dont know if he got the notice or not because it happened in june. It may be a slip in the mail or lost in the newspapers. One recall notice if i was the plaintiff lawyer one recall does not notice make. And then the other thing i would do, i would really tell the jury the horrific manner in which he died. He was penned by his own car and drive way. He would not die a painless death in ten seconds, it would make a while for him to die. They have to blink at the media there is a problem and we cant just send an email. It probably went to the junk box. They have to do an exceeding effort to let everyone know there is a problem. They had a duty and damage. The company is going to investigate this particular accident. The first fatality with the recall. And a new transcript that sheds light to a controversial sentence. The stanford athlete convicted of Sexual Assault to six months in jail. The judge said he takes brock turner at his word and took in turners lack of criminal history and the character remorse and the media impact on on the sentence. Turner faced a maximum of 14 years in prison for sexually assault issing an unconscious woman. He was given six months and probation. The prosecutors wanted ten years and the judge said six months. And the thing that blowses me away. The judge said i can tell you are really sorry. The victim in the statement that so many people read, said i didnt get any remorse from the guy. We have to be careful. The judge was in the guidelines. But the sentence was short. But he was within the guidelines and thats why he is the judge, hes the one to make that decision. I dont agree with it, it is within the guideline and a legal sentence. This sentence makes a mockery of the horrific nature of rape itself. And the judge. I agree with you. The victims here, the impact statement was horrific. And all rapes are horrible, but this rape was exceedingly horrific and this sentence makes a joke of what he did to this poor woman with. Taking this in consideration. His character . This poor guy, horrible life. Ridiculous. There is a recall petition under way for the judge and is that an appropriate thing to do. The community can come together and fight injustices such as this. This is an injustice because the sentence was so low. We have to be careful, if we dont like something that the judge does on one case. Hes within the guidelines. It was within the law. He was within the guidelines and i dont agree with it before the twitter war tweets me, i dont agree with the sentence, but he was in the guidelines and they need to change the law. Communities put judges on the bench to have good judgment. And if the community decides that this judge did not exercise good judgment they can recall him. Thank you both. Heather . She was convicted of brutally murdering a los angeles couple. One member of the manson family about to go free . The california governor is set to decide that. Looking for balance in your digestive system . Try align probiotic. For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Live 24 7. With 24 7 digestive support. Try align, the 1 ge recommended probiotic. Hi, everyone. Happy tuesday. Im Gretchen Carlson. We are awaiting a Big Press Conference with attorney general Loretta Lynch. Shes going to be in orlando. Shell take the terrorist 911 call. Well bring that to you live. Hillary clinton is attacking trump on the taxes, trump is firing back on instagram and twitter. He said she got something right, so whats that . Trump meets with a large group of evangelicals in new york city and questions Hillary Clintons religion. Get the inside story. Well bring you the real story moments from now. One of the manson family killers could soon be a free woman. Leslie van hausen has been behind bars for more than 40 years now. She was convicted back in 1971 in the murders of a supermarket executive and his wife. Those murders took place just one night after another group of manson followers killed the actress sharon tate and four others back in 1969, a horrific story back then. Adam in los angeles with the details. Adam, now the governor gets to decide. Any idea what hes going to do . No. We dont know for sure. Shes been up for parole 20 times or so. A twoperson board on the parole board, twoperson group, actually recommended that she get parole earlier this year. That took place saying that shes been a model prisoner over her time and that shes got a masters degree, a bachelors degree and has done some other things that have been popular in the prison itself. As you might imagine, sharon tates sister who was murdered by the manson clan the night before has been fighting to keep all members of the manson family behind bars. The killers were all first sentenced to death. Thats all been changed over the years because they changed the california laws. On monday tates sister presented almost 140,000 signatures to the Governors Office here in california trying to prevent the release of leslie. Shes now 66 and had been recommended by parole, now governor jerry brown will have the last say. This is not an accidental situation, this is a woman that conspired to murder my sister and then proceeded doing happy dance to go get the labiancas the following night. Just wonder who could do Something Like this. What kind of person, what kind of mentality, what kind of heart could somebody do this . Very hard for me. Now brown had until mid september to make his decision. Almost 47 years ago, heather, thats when seven people were killed on backtoback nights. Charles manson himself still in jail, 81 years old. Wow. Families never recover from that just as clear as it was back then. Absolutely. Adam, thank you. Yeah. Well, summertime is finally here after the longest day of the year. With it came a rare lunar event. A strawberry moon. Why strawberries . The verizon winwinwin event is back with the iphone and ipad. Win number one you get americas largest, most reliable, most consistently fast 4g lte network. Win number two . Well pay up to 650 when you switch and trade in your phone. And the third win . Buy an iphone on the best network. And well give you 300 off any ipad. Why settle . You can have it all at the winwinwin event. At Verizon Stores and vzw. Com afdave stops working, but his aleve doesnt. Because aleve can last 4 hours longer than tylenol 8 hour. What will you do with your aleve hours . Did you notice last nights strawberry moon . What is it . Its a rare event where the moon is full on the summer solstice. Got its nickname from the al con quinn tribe. They harvested their strawberries nkts thats why my kids couldnt get to sleep. Gretchen is up. Hi, everyone. Hillary clinton slamming Donald Trumps economic policies. Im Gretchen Carlson this is the real story for a tuesday. Clinton warning that Trump Presidency would hurt middle class families and lead to an economic downturn. You might think that because he has spent his life as a businessman hed be better prepared to handle the economy. Well, it turns out hes dangerous there, too. Just like he shouldnt have his finger on the button, he shouldnt have his hands on our economy

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