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Close. Make a shortly after mister trumps appearance. Mashing police cars, clashing with from supporters. About 20 people were arrested as right police found finally managed to calm things down. No one was injured. Inside trump storing up his supporters. On june 7, youre going to go and vote. You might send it in but youre going to go and vote and we are going to start winning again. We are going to win with our military, were going to knock the hell out of isis. Were going to win for our veterans, our great veterans. Were going to take care of all that. Were going to win on the second amendment, its under siege. Were going to protect our second amendment. Were going to win with healthcare, were going to repeal and replace obamacare. Were going to be proud of our country and we are going to win and i love to do this and we will do it one last time. Were going to win. Jon correspondent john roberts live in burlingame California South of San Francisco where gop leaders will hear from two of their candidates john, whats the latest . Donald trump and john kasich here, we were expecting some protest here as well. At least one room on facebook has been encouraging people to come out and protest Donald Trumps speech to the republican gathering. The first time in memory california is going to matter in this process with that big primary coming up 7 june but meantime, the focus still on indiana which is the next contest. Fox news has learned its going to be another big newsday for that head Cruise Campaign after announcing the deal with john kasich on sunday then Carly Fiorini on wednesday. Today, mike pence expected to throw his support the time behind takers with an endorsement about an hour from now. Cruz hoping that like what happened in wisconsin when Governor Scott walker came out and endorsed him that princes endorsement will help push him over the top in indiana next tuesday. The Trump Campaign for its part is downplaying the effects of the pence endorsement saying its so late in the game its not going to make much difference and donald trump continuing to portray ted cruz, naming Carly Fiorina as his running might make three months before the convention as an act of desperation. He will get an award because honestly, i love to break records. For the first time in the history of american politics, man who is totally mathematically dead, he cannot win has appointed a vice president. First time in history. Lying ted, hes the only one. There are 57 delegates up for grabs in tuesday, hundred 70 in california and the delegate selection rules are interesting here heather because its not a party that picks the delegates. All the candidates put together from a list of applicants of slated delegates and ifthey win a Congressional District they automatically win their delegates and they go to the national convention. The california gop chairman told me a short time ago here in california , they want to let the voters decide. This is a secure democracy as you can get. Candidates control their destiny in california and thats how we think it should be. Its an interesting distinction because in South Carolina yesterday, ted cruz picked up another delegate whereas donald trump swept all the delegates during the primary and its expected tomorrow in virginia. Ted cruz will probably put supporters in the 13 awards delegates lot even though he came first in the commonwealth. The delegate wrangling continues unlikely will only through to the convention in july. Heather john roberts live with us, thank you. There were some scary images that came out of the riots there and there were some injuries. At least one trump supporter pulled out of his car and left the bloodied but nothing serious. Jon thats the good news after all that. Heather heather now we talk about Bernie Sanders still fighting for the nomination despite trailing by more than 800 delegates after losing four out of five primaries to Hillary Clinton tuesday. His campaign insisting he is still the democrats best position to beat the republicans in the general election. Fox news is blake berman is live in washington with details. Reporter much of the affirmation that Bernie Sanders is indeed continuing on in this campaign has come from his wife in the last couple days. Jane sanders saying yet again this morning, the mindset of the campaign isnt just to win influence within the Democratic Party but for Bernie Sanders to still win the democratic nomination. Yesterday on the foxbusiness network, jane sanders told neil caputo that her husband has to continue on campaigning through california. The fact is that there are very different visions for america between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and what we need to do is let the voters in everystate , 10 states still havent voted, have the opportunity to support the candidate of their choice and support the agenda they want the nation to follow. Reporter however the numbers are stacked right now against Bernie Sanders. When accounting for the superdelegates, Hillary Clinton is just about the couple hundred delegates shy of locking in the democratic nomination. Jane sanders added this morning that the campaign is not actively trying to flip some of those superdelegates. Rather she said she is hoping they will change their mind on their own by the convention. However that might not matter if clinton ends up eating enough pledged delegates to clear the democrats magic number of 2383 and that is within reach. Heather all about the numbers. Thank you so much, blake berman joining us live. Jon new information out of north korea this morning. At that rogue regime evidencing a us citizen of korean heritage to 10 years in prison. On charges of espionage and subversion. North korea also accuses us soldiers of trying to provoke its troops with quote, disgusting acts. Benjamin hall is following all this. These live in london with the latest. Reporter all the provocative acts coming from north korea, they are the ones testing missiles almost every week, they are the ones who have nuclear test in the pipeline and now they are the ones who have arrested a second us citizen this year. The North Koreans paraded kim dong chul, 61 who lived in virginia in front of cameras today after sentencing him to 10 years hard labor. He been accused of stealing state secrets, espionage and subversion. The North Koreans claimed he made an apparent confession on friday although for public conventions are common there. They said he was arrested in a economic note while receiving a visa containing nuclear secrets. This will bring back members memories of a ua student was arrested in january and also sentenced to 15 years hard labor for trying to steal a banner while on vacation in the country. Its unknown whether either american will be held. North korea has a vast network of labor cats and its estimated 200,000 people are held in them including children and the torture and abuse are routine. North korea issuing a strong warning to us troops on the border with the south accusing american soldiers of pointing their fingers at north korean soldiers as well as making quote, disgusting facial expressions. While the North Koreans are making accusations of fingerpointing they are the ones building missiles capable of hitting us bases , threatening allout nuclear war on their neighbors and arresting us citizens so a strange benchmark at the moment. Jon unbelievable behavior from that nation. Benjamin,thank you. Heather police ordering dna testing in the case of a murdered texas fitness instructor. Why a trip to the dry cleaners has investigators taking a closer look at the womans family. And donald trump says its all about winning and that if he loses, his campaign will have been a complete waste of time. Our panel weighs in on his remarks at a rally last night. Jon right now an update to crime stories weve been following. Police outside dallas testing a bloodstained shirt for dna after a murder victims fatherinlaw brought it to a dry cleaners. 45yearold missy bevers was found dead just after she was supposed to teach a fitness class. Her fatherinlaw reportedly says he got blood on his shirt and got into a fight with another dog. In san jose, two brothers behind bars after their parents were found shot to death in their home. Police say they arrested the 22 and 17yearold brothers after finding messages rolled at the scene apologizing for killing being quote, clumsy. And in michigan, a woman asking to be let out of jail on bond after new evidence gets her a second trial in the murder of her former boyfriend. Experts find she is not a match for dna down on a possible murder weapon. Heather before violencebroke out following his rally in Southern California last night, donald trump making it very clear to his supporters that for him , winning is not just everything, its the only thing. Its about winning. We cant make. [applause] we have to take of our country. We cant make the changes if i dont win. He says it doesnt matter, i will tell you this. If i dont win, as good as you say i have done, if i dont win i will consider it a total and complete waste of time, energy and money. I really mean it. Because we are on the verge of doing something thats really unprecedented. They used to call it the silent majority, and i will now we will call it the noisy majority because were not going to take it anymore. Heather joining us now, liz harrington, a wide writer for the washington herriman and a writer for the politics blog the fix. Thank you for joining us. So what he just said, you guys heard it. I will start with you. Does that raise a question in your mind about his motivation . I mean, it sort of answers the question. I think everyone was wondering why donald trump was were running for president. Hes not incorrect in that its very much a zerosum game if you dont win an election, you dont get that position and really that campaign has not achieved the house, he hoped for but if you look at the other side, Bernie Sanders was almost certainly going to lose to Hillary Clinton he is trying to use that to affect changes in the party, to affect american politics and effect how Hillary Clinton runs as a candidate. Essentially donald trump is saying thats not important to him. The only thing important is him being elected president and thats sort of what everyone assumed was his motivation forget getting into this. Heather no one wants to associate with a loser. We want to associate with a winner. The nfl draft lastnight, the Los Angeles Rams the first pick because they think he can win for them. Thats what we want right . Sure and i think thats what you are saying why hes been able to i think lock this nomination up. We only had indiana left for cruz and kasich and that socalled deal between the two has backfired for them and its going to hurt them and so once indiana happens, trump really has this wrapped up because there is this growing sense of inevitability behind him and voters want to back a winner just like jen said so once indiana comes down which i think will be for trump , really i think all these late siders as we saw tuesday, trump performed in the polls because they wanted to back a winner so i think hes got this locked up then he will be pivoting toward hillary and it will be a wild ride after that. Heather more on that in just a minute. Perhaps this statement is an indicator of whats to come because this isnt the first time trump has said this. Before iowa, he said almost the exact same thing. He said if i dont win i will have wasted my time because i will be able to do anything and we know what follows iowa, came to a close second in iowa then on new hampshire, on South Carolina so he is right. He is winning. Absolutely. Im curious also when he made the comments last night, if he met the nomination which it seems like hes going to win or if you met the general election which it seems like a lot more questionable and i think he has a lot more ability at this point to shape the Republican Party, shaped the republican agenda we buy for two of the fact that he have one so consistently and done so well. I think though that when you look at the general election is going to be interesting to see how much he frames the Republican Party agenda around the general election assuming hes the nominee over the long term. He raised a lot of attention about things within the Republican Party now but i think he said last night was hes not committed over the long term to fixing those things. Heather lets take a look at that. Moving to the general election, trump and clinton is pulling average we have for you shows clinton leading the 7. 4 percent to trump with 40. 1 percent. So thats what, a sevenpoint spread between them. There was another poll that came out with the George Washington University Poll which shows them only at three percent inference between the two. Clinton still in the lead. As we move forward and as they start to debate, what do you think will happen in terms of trump . Do you think he will be ruthless hes been ruthless on the republican side and hes in the lead. Right. I think hes going to try to brand hillary just as hes branded lowenergy jab bush and lying ted cruz throughout the primary and so hes going to comment hillarywith everything. Hes going to throw everything out there until it sticks. Hes got a lot of ammunition because hillary has been around a long time. Theres a lot of baggage. Shes got the clinton email server under fbi investigation, hes got already voters see here are as untrustworthy and trump will be the only republican candidate that will be willing to bring up bill clintons past history with women but hes going to throw everything at her. Hes going to see what sticks, going to try to brand her and i think its a long time between now and november and youve already seen them sort of tightening up between four and general election matchup between hillary and trump so i think the polls are alittle misleading , with trump trailing so much in the last couple of weeks. I think they are going to be close and he really does have a chance against the conventional wisdom to be hillary in the general election. Heather we will see what happens. Have to wrap it up thank you for joining us. Thank you. We will see what happens but first things first on indiana. Thank you. Jon senator ted cruz may finally getting the media spotlight hes been craving but is it for the wrong reasons . Our media panel weighs in. Youre late for work. You grab your 10gallon jug of coffee, and back out of the garage. Right into your wifes car. With your wife watching. She forgives you. Eventually. Your insurance company, not so much. They say you only have their basic policy. Dont basic policies cover basic accidents . Of course, they say. As long as you pay extra for it. With a Liberty Mutual base policy, new car replacement comes standard. And for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Learn more by calling at Liberty Mutual, every policy is personal, with coverage and deductibles, customized just for you. Which is why we dont offer any offtheshelf policies. Switch to Liberty Mutual and you could save up to 509. Call Liberty Mutual for a free quote today at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Incredible bladder prthat lets from always discreeyou move like you mean it now comes with an incredible promise. The always discreet double your money back guarantee. Always discreet is for bladder leaks and its drier than poise. Try it. Were so confident youll love it, well give you double your money back if you dont. Incredible bladder protection. Double your money back guarantee. Thats always discreet. Jon from americas election headquarters, 10 crews finally getting the press coverage he claims hes been missing out on but it might not be for the best reasons. Cruz has been grumbling for weeks about all the attention donald trump has received over the course of the campaign. What i know is if the media was in engaged in a love fest, giving trump 2 billion in free media. You were engaged in the love that. How many hours of free media does cnn and fox and every station, you let him call in and for a year. Weve asked you for interviews pretty much every day and youve declined every offer on my program. Jon senator cruise beginning to get more time in the spotlight but its because of his reputation in washington. This after House Speaker john boehner went off on him. Listen. He is lucifer in the flesh. [applause] in washington i have democratic friends and republican friends but ive never worked with a more miserable. [bleep ] over my dead body will he be president. Jon that from the man who just less office as one of the most powerful politicians in this country, a couple heartbeats away from the presidency so is ted cruz actually benefiting from the Media Attention that boehner has generated . Lets ask our media panel. Ellen ratner, bureau chief of talk media news, both are fox news contributors. Before we start, i wanted to mention this quote from jack shafer in politico. He writes any other politician would have winced at the characterization of the lucifer thing, especially coming from a fellow republican but given his longterm success at extracting vitriol and bile by the barrel from those who should be his ideological comrades we can only assume that cruz craves the hatred and condemnation and regards boehners lucifer comment as an endorsement. Does that make any sense . Ellen, lets start with you. Makes all the sense in the world. Youre not supposed to care about the press you get as long as they spell your name right and hes getting a lot of earned media, free press is what we call it and hes going to do well, not necessarily in the selection but hes looking at 2020 and i felt the press were not taking the whole and july into consideration such a 2020. What is duty going to say . Jon its rare to hear a politician described, especially a party member in the terms that boehner used but it seemed to me that cruz well, suggesting if you like the way the house ran under john boehner then you should book for donald trump, that kind of thing. Exactly. I have to say its the best thing donald trump has going for him is ted cruz because the republican establishment, conservatives have had such a hard time wrapping themselves around the alternative with ted cruz. I have never heard any politician be talked about in capitol hill as ted cruz is. Even bob dole who is kind of liked and admired by all or by most says, i really dont like the guy. When Lindsey Graham says if somebody killed him on the floor of the senate and ordered a trial in the senate, no one would be convicted. This is not a question of a man who is exceeded peoples low standards for what would be tolerated at capitol hill. This is a man who has gone out of his way to create enemies and i think its coming back to haunt him. I disagree with ellen. I think the Media Coverage of him reflects how he is viewed by his peers to be on but ellen, this is a year when the voters seem to be crying out for somebody who will kick down the doors and reform the system. Thats for sure but thats why donald trump is doing so well because if you look at cruz and you look at trump, trump is kicking down more doors than cruzs. Cruz is complaining a lot but trump is coming up with some you might not like it, im a liberal alternatives. Jon so are we to assume judy that the coverage that hes getting, i mean you mentioned hedoesnt have a big fan club on capitol hill. His wife and two children. I mean, i think thats it. Ihave yet to find anyone who likes him. Carly fiorina pretends to like them. Pretends to like him for indiana and we will see how long that lasts. Jon 10 crews responded to the boehner comments yesterday, i want to play this for you. When john boehner calls me lucifer, hes not directing that at me. Hes directing that at you. What boehner is angry with is the American People holding him accountable. Thats what the anger is because the corrupt system that boehner and hillary have been an mesh with four years, funded by donald trump. Donald is writing checks to boehner, writing checks to hillary. He is funding the system, it is unaccountable to the people. Jon a pretty artful report i thought. Ellen, whats your take . It was an artful report but i dont think its going to get him anywhere and again, im dying to know what she says. Jon judy . Spending a lotof 3 59 am looking at the primary result, heather and i have enjoyed it but i think he is completely wrong. He is demonstrating what donald trump calls lying ted cruz. Hes lying ted. The reason he is so unpopular and its that boehner hates them as that boehner holds 10 crews responsible for ruining his speakership. Boehner could get nothing through that he wanted to do because of tedcruz leading a band against him , against every republican. Lexi hold up legislation. Exactly. Even republican sponsored legislation so he has no allies. How you get elected in this country without political allies in your own partner artie is a mystery to me. Jon we also wanted to play some sound of the president explaining about the press but i will have to save that for another time. Weve been talking about the guys who are running for the office it that mister obama now holds. We will do that another time. Ellen ratner, judy miller, thank you both. Thank you. Heather forget the delicate deficit. Bernie sanders says hes staying put in the race for the democratic nomination but is he also trying to pull Hillary Clinton even further to the left . Our Political Panel is here. 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And no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Heather Hillary Clinton closing in on the democratic nomination for president and Bernie Sanders facing mounting pressure to drop out. But he is vowing to stay in the race and some say its because he wants to use his leverage to shape Hillary Clintons policy agenda. This as we are hearing clinton allies and the frontrunner has been pushed far enough and we will start taking a harder line against senator sanders. Lets talk about it, former Lieutenant Governor and julian epstein, former chief counsel for democrats on the house judiciary committee, thank you both for joining us x good morning. Heather i will start with you julia. How far left can she go . Well, i think its kind of like it takes it to wings to fly situation with Hillary Clinton. On the one hand she needs the intensity of the Bernie Sanders supporters so she needs to treat that constituency and his supporters and him very carefully. On the other hand she has to appeal to independents where her numbers have not been good so shes going to have to try to manage both. That said, i dont think Bernie Sanders has that much leverage. She clearly has an overwhelming advantage with both delegates and the number of votersshes gotten so shes in a good position to push back and veer toward the center for the general election. Heather but the general election, those independents will be important so how does she walk that fine line . I dont think she will. Shes a clinton. They have the verb triangulation because of the clintons and shes going to do exactly what those on the left really feared is run right in the center and shes even trying to head to the right of donald trump so theres a reason why Younger Voters just trust Hillary Clinton, there really isnt up for their. You dont think she will be perfect further to the left. Bernie sanders and her camp are trying to get her to go for free tuition, trying to make her to make tracking illegal, break up big banks. You dont think she will commit to any of that . She will try to do it with a vp pick she will either pick Elizabeth Warren or look at a liberal like tim scheme from virginia then on core issues really tacked to the right and try to go to the right of donald trump on a lot of different issues. Heather julian, go ahead. I think peter is exactly right. Shes going to move toward the political center. Ernie sanders makes good points about College Education and making it more affordable. I dont think breaking up the big banks is a Central Economic issue face. Thats getting back to four or five percent gdp growth. But look, the situation with the democrats is most democrats if you pull Bernie Sanders supporters say they will vote for Hillary Clinton. Its a much different picture on the republican side where you have four out of 10 republicans saying they think donald trump is acceptable or out of five republican women saying donald trump is unacceptable. She is ahead in almost every poll and Donald Trumps unfavorable going into the general election is 70 percent. Seven out of 10 voters have an unfavorable view of him, an unprecedented level so on the democratic side you have a little healing to do. On the republican side you have a civil war with lots of republicans saying donald trump is unacceptable. Heather clintons unfavorables are 54 percent which is isnt exactly great and you mentioned people that are not willing to vote for trump, 25 percent, may not seem like a lot but it will be important when it comes to the general election, 25 percent of Bernie Sanders supporters say they will not support Hillary Clinton unless Bernie Sanders tells them to do so and so far he has not been willing to do that. Does she need to be worried about that . Heather look, i dont think thats going to happen anytime soon and imagine what happens when Hillary Clinton starts doing the very things that forced sanders voters thought she should do which is run to the right. Triangulate. Do all the bad clinton politics of the 1990s. Thats what they are fearful for and shes tried to run as a hardcore leftist but you know, in practice shes going to go right to the right and her best support is in a crater. Shes going to have massive problems. Heather she was on the other side of the corn in 2008. 50 percent of her supporters said they would not pick or choose a president then. As senator obama to be president but we know that switch around in 2008. It always does. Theres a huge cream on the republican side. That will get better for the general election. Right now youve got 40 to 50 percent of republicans saying they wont vote for trump. That will narrow but its a much bigger clevelander of public inside on the democratic side is the point im making. On the democratic side, nobody doubts that Bernie Sanders will announce Hillary Clinton. There will be differences but theres not going to be this huge gulf, this huge civil war that has occurred on the republican side so its much easier for democrats to get the unification and go after independent and swing voters than it is for republicans who have huge, at least if donald trump is the nominee, will have a huge deficit not just with their own voters but with women, hispanics, virtually every other Demographic Group other than white males so republicans have a lot more making up to do than democrats in a general election if donald trump is the nominee. Heather rhode island, the majority of the voters there were independent and trump did very well there. Bernie sanders on that state. Trump also won over independents in ohio so we will see what happens in the general election. Thank you both for joining us. We appreciate it and i hope you have a great weekend thanks heather. Jon if youre running the Republican National committee, how do you get the stop Trump Movement from actually stopped for trump . Our rnc chairman joins us to talk about what lies ahead coming up. Hi. Im pamela yellen. You may have read my bestselling book the bank on yourself revolution. Over the last 25 years, ive researched more than 450 financial products. I found that one of the bestkept secrets to help you plan for your retirement is the home equity conversion mortgage. Its a line of credit for homeowners age 62 or older. And its offered by a company you can trust one reverse mortgage. Call the experts at one reverse mortgage now, find out if youre eligible, and get your free information kit the home equity conversion mortgage line of credit. Can help your Retirement Savings last longer; strengthen your Retirement Plan improve cash flow; give you access to extra money when you need it and i recommend that every homeowner who qualifies consider getting one now. Call one reverse mortgage right now jon on the republican side of things, establishment leaders in appeared to be accepting the idea that donald trump may be there man on the ballot come november. Given the outspoken stop trump people are apparently warming up or at least resigning themselves to the possibility but according to the washington post, they are still afraid of damage down ballot and what could happen at a contested convention. Lets find out what Reince Priebus thinks about this, hes republican chairman of the national committee. You have an interesting task at hand right now. Youve got a former speaker of the house referring to a leading candidate as lucifer. Youve got donald trump who has not exactly engendered enthusiasm among some quarters in the party. Some people bowing to stop in and youve got just about every candidate except trump promising to go for a contested convention. How fun is your job right now . X actually listen john, i am actually having fun. Its not just us. Im not thinking through those things. Im in the front row seat to history but look, people need to remember, the fundamentals of where we are at as a party are very good. We have 70 percent increase turnout. Democrats are down 30 percent. We have more republicans elected in the battleground states today versus democrats than in 25 years so yes, there is drama but theres a lot of enthusiasm and as far as your comments on the divisive comments people are making look, i happen to believe that god gave us a voice to honor each other, honor ourselves and honor god so ive been saying for months that people ought to remember that before they start making comments that are out of line and just watch what you say and remember we are here to honor each other and ourselves so this is about our country. Its about the place that we love. Its not about the individual or the party, its about our future. Jon would you say for instance when donald trump says there is a rigged system and its a disgusting system and so forth in the Democratic Party, im sorry in theRepublican Party , youd like to see him back off, its like those . Know, listen, i dont have a problem with arguing over whether rule means, thats not the case but im talking about just name calling and getting things in the gutter. Thats what im talking about. Just honoring each other, honoring ourselves, honoring god and understanding this is about the future of america and thats what has to come first. Jon i want to take a look at what could be an interesting matchup if donald trump is the nominee and i know you cant take sides and youre not making predictions but among women, donald trump has an unfavorable rating of 66 percent, Hillary Clinton at 48 percent. She obviously is almost certain to be the democratic nominee. I know that youve made Great Strides trying to bring minority voters into the Republican Party. Donald trump as an unfavorable rating among blacks of 75 percent. Hispanics at 72 percent Hillary Clinton, 34 and 41 percent. Respectively among those to minority groups. Then finally among all voters, donald trump at 61 percentunfavorable rating , Hillary Clinton met 34 percent. This according to the latest university usa today polls and there is a three percent margin of error so if either meets the benefit of the doubt on that last, all voters on favorabilityrating, the effectively are tied. Not good numbers for either party but generally Hillary Clinton comes in a head. Is there time to change all that . Absolutely. First of all, things are more divisive obviously within our primary right now then they will be when we have a nominee so some of that stuff is going to smooth out and go away. There is still work to be done and thats what we are doing at the rnc. Thats why we got record amount of people in the field. Weve been working in black and hispanic communities for years now. Its been a cornerstone of our operation. If we werent in the field, things wouldnt improve so you actually have to have people from the community in the Community Working there in order to make a difference and thats the big thing weve done differently here. I realize that rhetoric can get in the way that i can tell you that without the field organization, without the rnc we wouldnt improve. You would atrophy. Because we are there, i think these are going to improve and because obviously we are going to run out of time soon , were going to have a nominee. All this analysis is going to end and we are going to move forward in the general and Hillary Clinton is in the ditch. People dont trust her. Her numbers are lousy, 54 four percent is nothing to write about in unfavorable and i think were going to do much better. Summer and fall. Jon as you approach the convention, the election, what you wont voters, especially independents and republicans to know about the Republican Party . Listen, we are the party of the open door. Where the party of equality, we are the party of read him an opportunity and we are going to show that the American People. We got more republicans elected since 1900. We dont have a problem in the party but we do have an issue with winning the cultural vote in america and we have to understand how to appeal to people in their communities door to door and thats the thing we changed so much over the last four years here at the rnc and through the Republican Party so we will be in your neighborhood talking about those issues, school choice, and Small Businesses and jobs and more takehome pay. Certainly the last three years have been great and giving Hillary Clinton another ticket for another four or eight, theres no way to run a country. Jon i could have included democrats in that pitch. Is this a year when you see democrats coming over . You know, its interesting. Weve got so much enthusiasm right now john in our party. You saw weve had record fundraising at the rnc. People think with all this drama that that would actually be a problem but weve actually broken a record, raise more money in the First Quarter this year than we did in 2012 and thats small dollar and a large dollar. The dnc has not beaten the rnc in small dollar donations i think in years. Im not out of line to tell you i bet over the past year and a half, i bet there hasnt been more than three months that the dnc has actually beaten the rnc in small dollar gets so we are doing really well. The fundamentals are good. The enthusiasm is off. I dont think drama in the industry is a problem as long as you come together in the end and we take it to the democrats and exposed Hillary Clinton for the dishonest person she has. Jon its going to be fascinating to see what happens in cleveland. Thank you for joining us. Reince priebus, head of the Republican National committee. Heather pilot acing charges of flying while intoxicated. Could this be a broader problem . How worried should you be the next time you get on a plane . pilot talking to tower on radio once you get out here. Theres just one direction. Forward. One time now. And theres just one sound. You and us. Together. Telling the world. Were coming for you. My name is jamir dixon and im a locafor pg e. Rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg e. My truck is something new. Its an 811 truck. When you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you dont hit them when youre digging. 811 is a free service. Im passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. Theyre the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then ill drive it every day of the week. Together, were building a better california. Jon lets check out whats ahead on outnumbered at the top of the hour. Sandra and harris, what you have . Donald trump not letting up on his criticism that Hillary Clinton is playing the woman card to win votes. Will this line of attack work for him or could it backfire with female voters . And takers firing back after john boehner called him lucifer in the flesh and should childless women get Maternity Leave also . Maybe in the eternity. All that and a bold and beautiful man, hashtag one lucky guy getting outnumbered today. Was also bold and beautiful . Jon scott. Jon we will be watching for that. You information now on recent incidents of Airline Pilots flying while drunk. Jetblue pilot Dennis Murphy junior is out of a job facing possible jail time after being charged for flying under the influence. Hes accused of having a blood alcohol content of. 11 while flying from florida to new york. 10 is enough to bring criminal charges under federal law. Now a foxnews. Com investigation revealing an Alarming Number of pilots lying or trying to fly while intoxicated and even engaging in criminal behavior when they touched down. Lets talk about with mike boyd, an Aviation Security analyst. It seems like we see one of these stories every month or so about a pilot trying to board an airliner with too much alcohol in his system. How serious is the problem . Not real serious. Right now with all this news, its painting the pilot profession as a bunch of drunks and prostitution runners. When you have over 100,000 people in the profession, to find 38 of them in a year is probably a better rate than you were going to find among lawyers or politicians. Keep in mind theres a lot of things out there that will monitor this. It not only airlines butalso pilots in their pilot unions are right on this so i dont want to paint this to be something where we have drunks flying around in the sky on re routine basis. Thats not the case. Jon the number of incidents we talked about, 38 pilots or so who have lost licenses , you are saying that given the number of flights there are, given the number of people in the profession, statistically very lowpercentage . Yes, i mean one is too many, theres no question about that but when you are dealing with human beings and you have over 100,000 of them, youre going to have people who slip through. Youre going to have people taking drugs you cant find but the reality is we do have safeguards. Not only the airline but every pilot union out there, they will drop the dime on anybodywho does this. They dont cover these things up. These kind of stories are good because it brings it to the four but what it brings out is, there are systems out there to find these people and when it happens its bad but its very rare. Jon also true that you have copilots in the cockpit. You dont have that in other transportation systems. Correct. You have that plus the pilots are passing through an Operations Area with other pilots. If one pilot sees another pilot in any kind of distress like this, theyre going to saysomething. Thats protecting the profession. Jon in short, you think americans should not be worried west . Absolutely not be worried but understand, as long as we are hiring humans, to fly airplanes and making them, were going to have problems like this but i suspect the pilot profession is among the lowest that would have this problem. Jon aviation analyst mike boyd. Thank you and we will be right back. Cascade platinum. Powers. Through. Your toughest stuckon food. So let your dishwasher be the dishwasher. See . Told you it would work. Cascade. Jon were back in an hour. Outnumbered starts now. Harris this is a fine friday. Outnumbered. [laughter] here today, sandra smith, cohost of the five, kimberly guilfoyle, the Fox Business Networks elizabeth macdonald, lovingly emac, and todays oneluckyguy. His fans know him from the bold and the beautiful, actor, author and red eye regular here on fox news, sean canaan is outnumbered and welcome. Thank you so much. Its so exciting to be here. Sandra good to have you. Harris you ready to talk some news and politics . Sure

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