Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Happening Now 20160229

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Democrats, 155 for the republicans john roberts is following super tuesday by the president ial candidates. He is live now from atlanta to. Reporter good morning pick up marco rubio expected to speak in 90 minutes at the intercontinental in buckhead. Donald trump is on the defense today after former ku klux klan leader david duke said trump is the best of the lot when it comes to republican candidates and while he doesnt outright endorsing he does support his candidacy. Trump was asked about that in a satellite interview over the weekend and said he didnt know anything about david duke even though in the past he has sought to distance himself from him. Trumpclimbed to clean all that up claiming about your piece for not more clearly disavowing duke. Im sitting in a house in florida with a bad earpiece they gave me and you could hardly hear what he was saying but what i was hearing his various groups and i dontmind disavowing anybody and i disavowed david duke and this about him the day before at a major news conference. Now i go and i sit down again , i have a lousy earpiece but i disavowed david duke. Go. Jon marco rubio not buying that explanation same bad earpiece or not the words ku klux klan come through pretty clearly. Rubio continuing to step up his personal tax on donald trump say he has more hands and that you cant trust a person with small hands. Its a smart departure from the type ofcampaign marco rubio had been running but has he told me, its one that he plans to keep up. Donald trump is the bernie made off of american public. Hes pulling off a political ponzi scheme and were going to expose it. Reporter did you really have no choice but to get down in the mud with him . Hes been able to hide behind the facade hes created and were going to pull off the mask and people will see what they are dealing with, a worldclass con artist. Reporter marco rubio likened trump to the dog that finally caught the car saying we cant elect acandidate like that. The problem for rubio is that donald trump legion eight of 11 states up for grabs tomorrow. Ted cruz leads into. Rubio only leads in minnesota so its a big hill for him to climb. Jon john roberts in atlanta, thank you. Blunt brandnew pulls out ahead of super tuesday, a cnn orc Poll Shows Trump Holding a commanding lead nationally, racking up nearly 50 percent now with senators marco rubio and ted cruz stuck in the teens. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton has yet to 55 to Bernie Sanders 38 percent but in delegate rich texas, a different picture onthe gop side with an nbc wall street journal poll showing ted cruz in the lead ahead of trump by 13 percent. For the democrats, the story is the same. Clinton way out ahead of sanders in georgia, trump is on top followed by cruz and rubio who are tied for second place on the democratic side, clinton widens her lead more than 30 Percentage Points ahead of sanders bureau in tennessee, its trump with another commanding lead ahead of cruz and rubio while clinton is still ahead of sanders in the democratic primary there. Joining us now, David Drucker, senior Political Correspondent washington examiner. David, lets with the democratic race. There has been talk in the last month or two that Bernie Sanders was really going to get Hillary Clinton a run for her money, that this was not going to be a coronation on the democratic side. As that narrative changed . I dont know if its completely changed and it was clear after iowa and New Hampshire that Bernie Sanders was giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money. Nevada and South Carolina look a lot better for clinton and heading into super tuesday she looks like she is a relatively good shape so its possible the democratic race could be wrapped up a lot quicker than a lot of us thought. Jon could happen as soon as tomorrow . Will she potentially run out with so many delegates that it would be mathematically impossible for him to catch her . Im not sure about that and Bernie Sanders still has a loyal following. Hes raising a lot of money but i think one of the things clinton needed to do given the dynamics of her race with senator sanders is when so that she looks inevitable and looks like the stronger candidate because for somebody like her whos a frontrunner, when you look weak then voters start to reconsider whether or not they want to vote for you if there are enough loyal voters behind you that they are simply not going to listen to everybody else. I think thats why winning as been so important for Hillary Clinton getting that the email scandal is still hanging around and there are other things sort of hovering over her. Winning is an incredibly important cureall because shes got these other things to deal with. Jon marco rubio on the republican side has changed his tactics to some extent. Ted cruz has also, calling out donald trump. The question is it too late to make a difference in this race . A lot of republican strategists are very pleased with the strategy hes employing over the last half of the week. The they wonder whether its too late to make a difference and its important to point out that what rubio is doing isnt necessarily guaranteed to work even if he had tried much earlier but what he was doing, running a relatively positive race, focused on issues, im not talking about perfection here but that was generally the tenor of his campaign wasnt working enough that it was going to make a difference heading into super tuesday and the one thing you can see about his change in tactics is the first time the press has really focused so much on Donald Trumps potentially problematic business dealings that might cause voters to reconsider and change thenarrative. I dont think you can criticize changing strategy because if it wasnt going to work , march is when everybody is out of time and its the only reason voters and everybody else are talking so much about rubio and a little bit less about trump and i think we will find out tomorrow whether or not we see some Movement Even though trump is going to have a very good night. Jon optimism has been the hallmark of some of these campaigns. Jeb bush tried to put it together a sunny, Optimistic Campaign that didnt get him very far. John kasich is trying to run a Campaign Based on optimism. Donald trump is running a scorchedearth campaign and its working for him exactly which is why i dont think you can criticize marco rubio or ted cruz for that matter for going negative and going personal. It works for donald trump. It gets him tons of free airtime, what we like to call in political circles earned media. Its something voters have taken to so when your opponent is doing something that works and you are doing something that isnt working, maybe youre not going to be able to beat him at his level but you give it a shot especially when the calendar is about to run out on you and one of the things with the polling weve seen over the past few days is donald trump is in command. We know hes going to have a good night on super tuesday and when the most and rack up the most delegates but these delegates will be awarded proportionally and one thing we dont know is whether or not thursday nights debate and the change in tactics by rubio and to a degree cruz are going to eat into Donald Trumps numbers and maybe set something up for a different outcome in march. Its a long shot. Its not necessarily likely but we dont know yet how well its working or if its working at all. Jon iwant to put up again that National Poll we started the segment with. Donald trump at 49 percent of Republican Voters saying that they like him for the nomination. Thats way above the number that all the party elders and pontificate hers were saying a few months back that he would be able to reach. Back then everybody said oh, youve got 33, 35 percent support max and he will never get above that. What does that say to you . Well, what it says is that waiting begets winning and thats why the early states have been so important because when voters see you are winning they assume youre not such a bad guy and they figure hey, i guess hes going to win. Maybe im for him and then you throw in acouple endorsements and it looks like the party isnt necessarily so against you after all. I still think that donald trump is an unusual frontrunner and i need it this way. If you wasnt normal frontrunner there wouldnt be talk about super tuesday in march. All the money for cruise and rubio would have dried up. The reason it hasnt, the reason we are still talking about a race that contested is because theres a large block within the Republican Party that opposes trunk, they dont agree with almost anything he says and theydont like the kind of character he presented in this race and thats why were still talking about this butno doubt when you when voters look at that and dont necessarily see the negatives that others see and put you in a position to wrap this up. Jon David Drucker , thanks for your expertise. Thanks a lot john. Jon keep it right here for complete super tuesday coverage all day tomorrow and when the polls close, live reports plus fair and balanced analysis of the results. Big super tuesday voting ahead and two dayslater, the gop president ial candidates square off in a debate right here on fox news with greg, megan and chris moderating. You do not want to miss it. Jenna an american citizen detained in north korea out in front of the cameras to apologize. 21yearold ohio native was arrested in january, accused of committing a quote, hostile act against the state. Greg has the story live from london. Reporter it was a show trial at the very least, a Show Press Conference if there ever was one. 21yearold University Undergraduate article warm beer was hauled in front of a media in pyongyang and has been held captive for some two months now, my north korea. Of his crime, trying to take away a political banner from the hotel where he was staying during a new years trip to north korea. He was a bit of what he had to say today. I understand the severity of my crime and i have no idea what sort of penalty on a face but i am begging to the Korean People and governments for my forgiveness. I am praying to the heavens so that i may be returned home to my family. He went on to say in a crying, emotional statement, it was the biggest mistake of his life, claiming he was manipulated by his friends, his school, his church, the cia, the Us Government all the while praising the north korea government. Like statements we have heard from other american prisoners in north korea, it is to say this was all done under duress but its not clear where he is being held or in fact what his fate will be all this comes at a time of big tension between north korea , its leader and the United States over its recent rocket launch and the nuclear test. Warnbier will no doubt be used for political ends. President ial candidate john kasich called the eye. A natives captivity inexcusable. A north korean troubleshooter, Bill Richardson has been brought in. As for the state department, they have said the welfare of us citizens is one of the departments highest priorities. Jenna tough to watch that video. This 21yearold, we will see whats next. Great story. Jon a florida doctor found murdered in her home. Police say it was staged to look like a robbery. Now theres a stunning new arrest in this case. Plus, could the stalemate over a Supreme Court vacancy be resolved by nominating a military veteran . Coming up, we speak with one vet who says thats what the Supreme Court needs, justice with military experience. And we want to hear from you. Are the candidates going too far in personal attacks against one another . Ourlive chat is up and running. Go to foxnews. Com happening now , its our topic of the day. Thank you, well call you. Evening, film noir, smoke, atmosphere. Bob. Youre a young farmhand and e trade is your cow. Milk it. E trade is all about seizing opportunity. If parts a and bcare and want more coverage, guess what . You could apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan whenever you want. No enrollment window. No waiting to apply. 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Times audit editorial entitled its time for a wartime veteran on the court, he writes given that we are now nearly 50 years into the war on terror, the actions of a warm time veteran is all the more inexcusable. In this way the least democratic branch has become less representative andmirrors the yawning gap between the military and elite civilian institution. Joining me now is the oped author , dan driscoll. Its great to have you on the program. You have experience deploying into a war zone. Why was this important for you to write about . Thank you for having me on. My coauthor and i have been blessed to spend time in both the elite civilian institutions and in platoons in the army and weve always talked about how this gap has been present and growing in our short lifetime and went Justice Scalia passed away we started talking about this and it spun into this articles. Jenna what was interesting about the article is you gave us context. For the viewers who werent able to read it, were going to post it online. You gave us history about the veterans that have served on the Supreme Court. What is that history like . The court today is kind of an anomaly. If you look back at the revolutionary war, civil war, all the way through the 20th century theres always been a justice with battlefield experience. World war ii, seven of the future justices were in unifor. During armistice day, world war i, world war ii, and man full of justice is served and thats where the trail went cold. Ever since then, the korean war, the vietnam war, theres been no more veterans on the court. Jenna if you would stand by this for a moment, its ironic, were going to have to go to a ceremony dealing with an active duty member of the military. I want you to say what you think the lack of the Supreme Court member is impacting its decisions. Breaking news now. Reporter the medal of honor rarely given and thats perhaps a good thing because it generally means terrible things are happening. Anyway, the president here about to award the medal of honor to a navy seal, lets listen in. Like so many of our special operators is defined by a deep sense of humility, he doesnt speak the spotlight, in fact he shuns it. Hes the consummate quiet professional. I imagine there are a lot of other places he would rather be than in front of all these cameras. Back in coronado for another hell week, holding his breath under dark, frigid waters. Spending months being cold, wet and sandy. There are other things he would rather be doing. But, the medal of honor is our nations highest military decoration and todays ceremony is truly unique, a rare opportunity for the American People to get a glimpse of a special breed of warrior that so often serves in the shadows. We are a nation of more than 300 million americans. Of these, less than one percent wear the uniform of our armed forces. Of these, just a small fraction serve in our special Operations Forces. Among those who trained to become a seal, only a select few emergeand earn the right to wear that golden trident. And consider this. In the entire history of the navy seals, just five have been awarded the medal of honor. Their names have becomelegend. Noris, kerry, thornton, murphy, monster and now a sixth, buyers. Among the members of the medal of Honor Society who are with us, we are especially honored by the presence of tommy noris and mike thornton. [applause] now, given the nature of that service there is a lot we cannot say today. Many of the operational details of his mission remain classified. Many of his teammates cannot be mentioned and this is as it should be. Their success demands secrecy and that secrecy saves lives. There are, however many distinguished guests that we can acknowledge including members of congress, leaders from across our military including the navy. In fact, this may be the largest gathering of special ops in the history of the white house. Among them we have from special operations command, general joe motel and vice admiral sean titus. From joint special operations command, rear admiral tim kaminsky and from Naval Special warfare command, rear admiral brian losey and forest master chief derek walters. From America Special operators, this is a bit of a Family Reunion and its wonderful to have them all here. Most of all, we welcome eds wonderful family, his wife madison who like so many military spouses has kept their Family Strong back home while it has been deployed to their spectacular daughter hannah who is a competitive figureskater and looks the part. Ed likes to jump out of planes with a parachute and when hes not skydiving he is driving his 1976 shuttle had hardly. When hes not out writing hes staying in shape withhannah was apparently his workout partner. Its good when your trainer is a navy seal. [laughter] we also welcome eds mom peggy who had one question when ed told her about the ceremony do you think i can come . [laughter] yes mom, youre allowed to come when your son gets the medal of honor. Eds brothers and sisters are also here as are about 50 cousins from all across the country and dozens of friends, many who served alongside ed. Some who have traveled from around the world to be here today. Thats the brotherhood, the debt of loyalty to service and missions that binds these team. Looking back, it seems ed byers was destined to serve. His father served during world war ii and now rests in arlington. As a boy, growing up in grand rapids ohio, ed would be in the woods in camouflage playing military. And i suspect the other kids did not stand a chance to go a boy scout who loved adventure, and saw a movie about the navy seals and fell in love with the idea of deploying by sea, air and land. I believe that man will not merely indoor, he will prevail, William Faulkner once said because he has a soul, spirit capable ofcompassion and sacrifice and endurance. Even if he had never performed the actions for which he is being recognizedhere today, ed byers would long be remembered for his compassion, his sacrifice and his endurance. 11 overseas deployments. Nine combat tours. Recipient of the purple heart twice. The bronze star with valor five times. About three years ago, our nation called on that spirit once again. In afghanistan, an american doctor, a husband and father of four children was working to Bring Health Care to the Afghan People was driving down or rural road. Donovan surrounded his car and took him hostage. They tied his hands and marched him into the mountains. The days went by. In romo valley in a small single room building surrounded by cold are you lost all hope. I was certain, he thought, i was about to die. His captors told him the americans are not coming for you. They were wrong. Whenever americans are taken hostage in the world we move heaven and earth to bringthem home safe. We send some thunder and some lightning. Our special operator forces, folks like ed byers. They are carefully selected for their character, theirintegrity and their judgment. They are highly trained with skills honed by years of experience. They willingly volunteered for missions of extraordinary risk like this one. In this case, there was reason to believe the caliban commander was on his way to take custody of the american hostage and move him into pakistan so time was of the f essence. From a remote operating base, ed and his 20 year. And launch. Once on the ground they moved under the cover of darkness on that cold december night through the mountains, down rocky trails for hours. They found their target and moved in quickly and quietly. Then when they were less than 100 free from the building, a guard came out and the bullets started flying. Our seals rushed to the doorway which was covered bya layer of blankets. Ed started ripping them down, exposing himself to enemyfire. A teammate , alida salter pushed in and was hit. Fully aware of the danger, and moved in next. In any regard in his rifle right at him. Ed fired, someone moved across the floor. Perhaps the hostage,perhaps another guard lunging for a weapon. The struggle was hand to hand. Ed straddled him, pinning him down. Ed adjusted his nightvision gospel. Things came into focus andhe was on top of a guard. The american hostage later described the scene. Thedarkroom suddenly filled with men and the sound of exploding gunfire. Narrow beams of light shot in every direction. Voices called out his name. He answered, im right here. Here in english, ed leapt across the room and threw himself on the hostage using his own body to shield him from the bullets. Another enemy fighter appeared and with his body, ed kept shielding the hostage. With his bare hands, and pinned the fighter to the wall and held him until his teammates took action. It was over almost as soon as it began. In just minutes, by going after the start ed saved the life of several teammates and that hostage. You are safe, the seals told the doctor. You are with american forces. And that hostage came home to be reunited with his wife and his children. Success came with a price. That first seal through the door, andhis friend nick was grievously wounded. Ed is a medic so on the way out he stayed with nick, helping him perform cprthrough the night, 40 minutes long. Today, we salute chief petty officer nicholas check. Back in monroeville, they remembered him as the driven kid, the Football Player and wrestler who always wanted to be a seal for his valor on this mission he was awarded the navy cross and is among the 70 members of the Naval Special warfare community, 55 of them seals who made the ultimate sacrifice since 9 11. The enduring love of nicks family and all those who admire him remind us of the immense sacrifices that our remarkable goldstar families have made and our obligation to stand with them always. So today, we dont simply honor a single individual, we also paid tribute to a Community Across our entire military. Special operators, aviators, engineers, technicians, analysts, countless enablers and their devoted families. These hard years since 9 11, our nation has called on this Community Like never before, small in number they haveborne an extraordinarily heavy load. But they continue to volunteer. Mission after mission, year after year. Few americans ever see it. I am truly privileged and humbled that as commanderinchief, i do get to see it. Ive given the order sending you into harms way. I see the difference you make every day, the partners you train, the relationships you forge, the other hostagesyou brought home. The terrorists that you take out. Ive waited like many of you in those minutes that seem like hours when the margin between success and failure is rate razor thin for word that the team is out safe. I agreed with you and ive stood with you to welcome our Fallen Heroes on their final journey home. Our special Operations Forces are a Strategic National asset. They teach us that humans are more important than hardware. Today is a reminder that our nation has to keep investing in this irreplaceable asset. Which means deploying our special operators wisely, preserving force and family, making sure these incredible americans embody in mind and in spirit. I will end where i started with the seal ethos. In times of war oruncertainty, theres a special breed of warrior ready to answer our nation call. A common man withuncommon desire to succeed. Forged by adversity, he stands alongside americas finest special Operations Forces to serve his country, the American People and protect their way of life. Senior chief Edward Ed Byers junior is such a man. Chief petty officer nicholas check was that man. Every navy seal and special operator that serves with honor in his profession is that man. The American People may not always see them. We may not always hear of their success but they are there in the thick of the fight, in the dark of night,achieving their mission. We thank god they are there. We sleep more peacefully in our beds tonight because patriots like these stand ready to answer our nation call and protect our way of life, now and forever. And as we prepare for the reading of the citation i ask you to join me in expressing americas profound gratitude to navy seal ed byers and all are quite professional. [applause] president of the United States, in the name of the Congress Takes pleasure in presenting the metal of honor to chief special Warfare Operator Edward C Byers junior of the United States navy at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as a Hostage Rescue Force Team member in afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring freedom on eight, december 9, 2012. The rescue force approach, a century detected them and dartedinside to alert his captors. The sentry quickly reemerged and alida salter attempted to neutralize him. Chief byers with his team sprinted to the door of the target building. As the primary preacher, chief byers stood in the doorway fully exposed to enemy fire while ripping down six layers of heavy blankets fastened to the ceiling and walls to clear up for the force. The first assaulter pushed his way through the blankets and was mortally wounded by enemy small arms fire from within. She byers, completely aware of the threat, fearlessly rushed into the room and engaged an enemy guard, aiming an ak47 at him. He then tackled another adult male who had darted toward the corner of the room. During the ensuing hand to hand struggle, chief byers confirm the man was not hostage and engaged him. As the other rescue team members called out, chief byers heard a voice responded in english and raced toward it. He jumped atop a hostage and shielded him from high volume of fire within the small room while covering the hostage with his body, chief byers immobilized another guard with his bare hands and restrained the guard until a teammate could eliminate him. His bold and decisive actions under fire in the life of the hostage and several teammates by his undaunted courage, intrepid fighting spirit and unwavering devotion to duty in the face of near certain death, chief petty officer byers reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the United States naval service. [applause] let us pray. Lord ofearth and sea and sky, as we conclude this moving and beautiful ceremony we offer you our prayers for the country we serve. You have blessed america with riches and with strength. May we use them to make this worldof yours more just , peaceable and humane. You have blessed america also with the tradition of hero is him like that of senior chief byers and his brethren in arms. May all of us trigger that history and may inspire all of us to serve bravely, generously and faithfully you amen. That concludes the ceremony but we actually through a Pretty Good Party here and ive been told the hors doeuvres are pretty good so we welcome all of you to join us in the reception. Ed and i will have to take a few more pictures before he joined you but we are so grateful to him, were grateful to his wonderful family, man im glad that you could come. We are grateful for our other metal of honor recipients who are here and to all the special forces who are here, we are extra ordinarily grateful to you. This is obviously an award for individual heroism but im glad we were able to make the broader point. We are so grateful for your service to our nation. Thank you very much everybody. God bless. [applause] reporter president obama they are awarding the metal of honor, the nations highest military honor to chief petty officer ed byers junior of ohio. You heard the incredible story of his heroism and as he and his seal Team Teammate rescued an american doctor who had been kidnapped a few days earlier in the darkness of afghanistan. Unfortunately, one of his teammates, pay officer first class nick check died in that rescue mission. Chief petty officer ed byers junior receives the metal of honor. Welldeserved. It also goes with his two purple hearts and five bronze stars with valor that he has received during nine combat tours in iraq and afghanistan. A true american hero. Jenna what a nice juxtaposition. You have the highest military award after the oscar awards, the campaign trail craziness, the debate after the Supreme Court and this is a nice breather. What good timing to have a breather about whats really important and the states that we are all confronting as a nation right now so it was really a nice moment. We watched a lot of these ceremonies and as you mentioned, sometimes awarded in situations you would never want anyone to experience but in this situation, an active duty member of the special Operations Community receiving this award. Reporter says he wants to go back to his team and im sure the navy is happy to let him stay. Jenna we congratulate him and his family and we will move on now as well because this flows nicely with the topic we were discussing before the medal of honor ceremony about whether or not we should have a military veteran as a nominee for the Supreme Court and our guest dan driscoll who also wrote a piece in the la times saying that might be a way to solve the schism between the republicans and democrats over who should get this position that Justice Scalia held but dan, you mentioned as we look back over the hundred years or so, we have seen times where the veterans were in the Supreme Court but in recent wars we havent seen that. What is missing from the Supreme Court without a veterans voice as part of that community . I like to quickly get a sincere congratulations to add. Im absolutely in all of your heroism but to answer your question i think whats missing is that if you look at the Supreme Court today , its more diverse in a lot of ways and thats a great thing but one of the things thats missing from it is kind of the adult job experience. That diversity is gone. Today, the Supreme Court, if you look at the justices, of the eight served as federal justices over their careers but if you went back 60 years it was the exact opposite. Id say you have a lot of different perspectives and ideas and experiences coming into the discussion in these cases and we think, my coworkers and i think it could be valuable for the court to add a doctor or businesswoman or we argue, a veteran to the court to bring in their experience with kind of the meat of the issue and these cases and the impact it has on human beings. Jenna im sure some folks are listening saying, who would it be question mark there are veterans that have been in recent wars. You name someone you think should be considered and you wanted to put on our radar. Who is that and why . We name general mark martin and we feel there could be a lot of veterans out there from these last few wars that have the experience and the ability to serve but as far as we can tell he would be the best choice and its not only that he served and deployed three times to iraq and on to afghanistan and has that more of his career in humvee with soldiers than in courtrooms, we thought more importantly hes one of the few people in this country that has experience with the military commissions in guantcamo bay and everything we are doing down there and thats parallel legal system that the Supreme Court serves as a backdrop to and right now none of the justices have any experience with it. Jenna fascinating. Just a name for us to think about and valuable perspective for us today on an interesting day where we had the medal of honor ceremony but all these other big issues swirling. We hope to have you back on the program. A great piece in the la times and well taken. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me the one back to politics. Donald trump and into super tuesday with three backtoback wins in the republican race as one of his competitors blames the media for his rise. Our media panel weighs in on that. Jenna breaking news now. My School Reunions coming fast. Could be bad. Could be a blast. Cant find a single thing to wear. Will they be looking at my hair . Wont be the same without you bro. When its go, the new Choice Privileges gets you there faster. And now, stay two times and you can earn a free night. Book now at choicehotels. Com jon the media under fire once again, this time it is not donald trump taking the shot but rather senator marco rubio. He is now the latest to charge that the media have pumped up trump so, are the media behind his meteoric rise . Near 50 percent in that hole we showed you earlier among Republican Voters, wanting us now tammy bruce, radio talkshow host and the talks news contributor. Also alan holmes, host of the alan combs show syndicated by fox news radio. I dont know if you saw that number. 49 percent in a republican National Poll, latest poll. What do you think about that and are the media responsible . Not for the reason marco rubio says. He is making theargument that the liberal media wants trump in so they can beat him in the regular election. The media would put trump. Because of ratings and eyeballs and i think he goes, the Celebrity Apprentice helped create them and they have to deal with the monster they created and now hes become what hes become and they havent given him enough of a challenge when they interview him and he goes on and talks about not being able to, he claims, here the question but he repeated david dukes name, said he didnt know who he was even though in 2000 when he was a possible candidate he did disavow him then so was the dog whistling to white racist . What is he doing . It does seem his story has changed. What about it . A lot of what donald trump does is to to his positions and social media seems to have made him as much of a phenomenon as anything but are the media are responsible for creating donald trump the candidate . Ever since the Nixon Kennedy debate, media matters. Television matters. How you look matters. How you react matters we now are in the 21st injury. Every candidate must realize that news media matters and now course social media is the new factor. You got on those dynamics. Youve got to adjust. Barack obama is a creature of that to some degree but i would partly agree with alan that trump is interesting television so it makes sense but theres also the benefit of thinking wow, it will make every republican look bad so lets keep on doing this but then they began to see what we all saw out of nevada. 30 percent decrease in democratic turnout, almost any equipment increase in republicans that whoever the republican nominee is will likely win, when you are looking at 60 point difference in enthusiasm, suddenly it became less of their plan was going to not work so well because other intervening factors. John mccain experience being loved by the media then the moment they got thenomination they turned on him. The media is going to be out of gear this time. Jon could that happen again . There is one candidate who says there is a reason the media are loving donald trump so much. We will get into that in just a moment. Jon tammy bruce, radio talkshow host and alan combs, host of the alan coles show syndicated on fox news radio. And okeefe, Washington Post reporter, frequent guest of this program tweeted this. He says rubio, marco rubio claims the media would go after trump like the hounds of hell. They will spread him to pieces once he is the gop nominee, suggesting the media are holding their fire until trump wins the nomination. Rubio wants to make him the nominee, i dont view the media in that conspiratorial mindset. The media wants trump, what the media does need to do is confront trump on his statements. Hes not been held except in a few statements, his feet to the fire where he has to respond policy ideas, he has to respond to all the sudden at the back your piece event not understanding what was being said in spite of the fact that he repeated names he was asked about. He is clearly not telling the truth and trying to scam the American People. Jon columnist sam reisman wrote a piece entitled its time to blame trump supporters, not the media for trumps rise. What do you think . We consider fred to blame donald trump. Some of the media are afraidto go after them as well but you always see them going after him because they are seeing their strategy has failed. Of course alan is not going to see it. Im politically blind. Thank you. So you are going to see this. Youve seen this time and again, we dont have to guess that this is what they do but marco rubio also has to be able to engage this. Theres no crying in baseball. Theres no whining and politics. Just step up. President reagan owned the media, i think donald trump might be in for a surprise. Mccain was surprised when they came after him. Already the media is going after him a little bit because they areactually afraid they might not be able to tear him down and frankly the American People might not care at this point. Numbers are only going up. Media is descending to trump level about the size of his hands, that kind of stuff. The mocking work in the debate. Its not residential. Its not what you want to see in an oval office resident. But that will also shift. I dont know if its going to work but apparently mister trump has been taken off his game a little bit with the mocking. Lets see if that continues but this is far from over even though of course mister trump seems to be on a path to the nomination. Jon do you think the media will hold trumps feet to the fire as you say they should . I hope theyshould. I hope they are starting to. I think marco rubio is finally stepping up his game although im not crazy about all the things he say and the media has had all the opportunities for years to do this. That proves a point. Why not . Because they have access. They dont want to lose it. They have access donald trump, theyre afraid of him. Were going to use lose the eyeballs. You can bring donald trump to your show without talking to him at all. You can get those eyes in the ratings but the fact is they dont take him on and that proves my point when its obvious that it would be interesting to take him on. They will lose the access to have them on their show. They know hes going to say im not going to talk to him anymore and they want the eyeballs. Thats not what its all about. The secret is we dont want to alienate the guests sometimes. That proves the point that perhaps hes not suited to the whitehouse. Hes going to be that patty. Alan coles and tammy bruce, thank you both. Jenna westmark. Jenna next hour, use force air force veteran accused of trying to join isys and hes one of the First Americans to face trial on those charges. The case defense has against him and much more coming up on whats happening now. Hiim here to tell homeowners that are sixtytwo and older about a great way to live a better retirement. Its called a reverse mortgage. Call right now to receive your free dvd and booklet with no obligation. It answers questions like. How a reverse mortgage works, how much you qualify for, the ways to receive your money. And more. Plus, when you call now, youll get this magnifier with led light absolutely free when you call the experts at one reverse mortgage today, youll learn the benefits of a governmentinsured reverse mortgage. It will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you taxfree cash from the equity in your home and heres the best part. You still own your home. Take control of your retirement today

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