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Know his plan and louisiana governor declares his intention on june 24th. It is a packed field with nine people in the field and the first debate in a couple months. Joe trippi is here and matt slack is chairman of the conservative union and former political director in the white house under george w. Bush. Lets talk about rick perry. His campaign started with promise last year and went down in flames. Do you count him out . He doesnt have a lot of room for era. As you point out he had a horrible experience last time, a bunch of gaps and just looked like he was unprepared. It damaged him. He never recovered from it. And First Impressions are it is tough to overcome that particularly in a field that is this strong and with this many candidates in it. But look dont count him out at all, i just think if he has any errors it will confirm what people said last time and they will not be able to take a chance on him. He has to come out of the gate strong and stay strong. I think he has the ability to do that. And this early trips in the iowa New Hampshire, south carolina, he is getting good reviews. I do think he will get a second look. I mind not count him out. Matt the last republican president was a longterm governor of texas, is there room for a second governor of texas at the white house . What is interesting is some states have multiple candidates. Ted cruz and rick perry from texas. And two from florida. Two big money stakes for republicans. Jeb bush and marco rubio from florida. So texas is playing a huge role. The problems are i agree with joe, the benefit for perry is he has done it before and for those who have run before the second time out is always helpful. The bad news for rick perry is since he ran before we have all of these new names that came on the stage. It is about Carly Fiorina and mark rubio and ted cruz and bobby jindel and scott walker. It is going to be hard to say he is the fresh voice of the party. Staying with you for the minute matt lets talk about that. Obviously a huge part of the president ial race is money and the ability to collect it. When you have so many republicans, and as you point out, a couple come from big money states of texas and florida. Do they spread out the money supply so thin it hurts the nominee. There is a lot of money to go around and there is a lot of donors in republican and conservative circles to spread around the candidates. I think ted cruz did a great job nailing down big funders who is support his super pac. For rick perry one of the problems he has is he is no longer an Office Holder and that helps. When you sit in office you are relative but when you are not it is harder. But jeb bush hasnt been sitting in the office for a decade and he is going to raise record amounts. The question is when does the race start to narrow down and i think you will see this happen come the summer months. So a lot of republicans are fretting there is too many candidates. Dont worry the marketplace reactions will happen and the field will narrow. He can point to the fact that eight of the Fastest Growing cities in the country 8 of the 15 are in texas. It is a state of 27 million with phenomenal Economic Growth with his term in office. He has a good track record to run on. He had one last time but no one heard about it because of the mistakes made. This time it has more to do with the breadth of the field and the talent of the field. It is a much different race. He has Second Chance to make the case but i dont think he has room for mistakes and i think it will be tough to get through with rubio and other governors like walker and other people in the race. But i do think he can have a big appeal in iowa. He is the kind of candidate where his ability to retail politics in a room is strong. I think they should react well to him and he could put together a surprise in iowa and that would go a long way if he could come out of the pac. Talk about a tough job getting through. Lets talk about the democratic side former rhode island senator is joining the race and he suggested the u. S. Economy would benefit from switching to the english sentence to the metric system. Lets join the rest of the world and go metric. I live in canada and they completed the process. Believe me it is easy. It doesnt take long before 34 degrees is hot. Only liberia miranmar, and the United States are not metric. It will help the economy. Threatening the good old english Measurement Systems as a campaign plank. Every once in a while i remember if i should be republican and i remember when i listen to him. Earth to him. This is not going to connect to voters. Seems strange to me what is his role in the race joe . Well clearly look that is the most publicity the metric system received in decades. That is part of it. I believe Hilary Clinton could get a scare in the primaries. I dont think it will be him who does that but i guess anything is possible. Look i have no idea why he entered the race particularly as a former republican and independent it is going to be difficult for him to get any credibility within the democratic primaries with people like Hilary Clinton, bernie sanders, and Martin Omalley and other democrats that are running. I think it will be very touch for him particularly if the metric system is the number one focus he is several thousand meters behind on the poll. Matt and joe, thank you both. The fbi laying out more shocking details in the alleged plot to violently attack a critic of islam. They are accusing david wright to behead Pamala Geller the woman behind the prophet mohammed contest. They shot and killed the uncle after they say he refused to drop a large knife. Molly lion is live now. Reporter the Boston Police con firming among those mentioned as a possible target in the plot is the Pamala Geller. Then the plan changed and the intent switched to the thought of going after Police Officers. The organizer of the cartoon contest responded to the investigation with this quote. This is a showdown for American Freedom and we will stand against the savages or bow down and silence ourselves. The effort to go after high profile targeting would be aspirational but the intent to kill cops proved to be operational. There have been chilling updated revealing the man killed in boston usaama rahim, ordered three military fighting knives and was about the put the plan to kill the officers into option. Another man is facing federal charges for constructing this. David wright is being alleged to conspire with rahim to destroy an electronic voice. The documents show they shifted from the plan to killing officers on tuesday morning. Phone calls intercepted between wright and rahim rahim declared the new plan to go after the boys in blue saying it is the best target. Then wright advised him to destroy the phone after that. The police are also in rhode island and there is a third person noted repeatedly to met with rahim and wright on a beach where they discussed beheading plans. But it is worth noting there is no third arrest in the investigation. To the battle to defeat isis overseas as the United States and coalitions launch two dozen new airstrikes. There are reports that isis fighters who control the adam are reducing the flow of water in the anbar province. Conner powell is reporting live. Reporter yeah, using the river as a weapon to control parts of anbar province. In some parts it is down several meters as isis closed 2326 gates at the key and important dam. They are limited the water to government areas sunni villages in the area on the side. And they are allowing water to areas held by isis. They are gaining freedom of Movement Since now they know when and where they can cross the river. It adds an ability to attack government held areas. This isnt impacking the capital city of baghdad much but it does reinforce the narrative that the Iraqi Government is in control of the country and not capable of fighting insurgeants as we have seen isis sweep across the country. Iraqs prime minter begged the International Community yesterday for more help but isnt taking responsibility for the poor fighting ability of the iraqi forces that laid down their weapons and ran across the country in almost every battle. Instead they blamed the United States and other coalitions members for not providing enough weapons and support. The u. S. Have said to the iraqis they need to be the primary responsibility for securing the country and putting more emphasis on the Iraqi Security forces. What we are seeing is an unwillingness to take that responsibility. They want to United States and others to do more to help fight isis. Not just weapons. But from the signals they are sending they want a greater u. S. Involvement on the ground. The argument goes on if that is appropriate or not. Conner powell thank you. The public paying respect to the biden family as beau lays in honor at the state capital dying of brain cancer at the age of 46. This is the first public event including a church viewing and friday is the mass where the president is delivering the uology. He was planning to run for governor next year. An unwanted sight on the coast of california with more beach goers asked to stay away. What does that mean for the Summer Season . And the pamala chartsmart case is one of the biggest murderers in New Hampshire and now a new chapter for the person who played a role in the killing. And will the growing gop field help or hurt the chances of them winning the white house next year . Get your thoughts in on the conversation. Armed standoff in colorado. A shoplifting suspect who fired at police hold up since yesterday inside a house in greenwood village. A little boy who was home when the suspect first barricaded himself inside did manage to get out. New druma on the intern that disappeared in 2001. Ten years later a suspect was convicted of killing her and a judge granted him a new trial. Prosecutors say the verdict was correct they didnt oppose the retrial and they will tell judge how long they need to repair. And the trigger man for the pamela smart man is getting out of jail after 25 years. Billy flynn was convicted of shooting and killing pamelas husband and her testimony was key in con victing her for orchestrating the crime. Long beach closure now where authorities shutdown a four mile stretch of the coach after tar balls have been washing ashore. Officials are trying to determine if they were from the oil spill in Santa Barbara county. Jonathan hunt is live. Reporter the beach is closed at this hour. The cleanup is ongoing. Crews were out until around 4 a. M. This morning picking up some of these large size tar balls which Officials Say are not like anything that should naturally occur on these normally pristine beaches. Listen here. This piece of material here is what we are dealing with on the beaches in long beach. We are not seeing it on the surface of the water but it is coming subsurface and rolling on the beach. This is what is causing us concern. Reporter Officials Say they dont believe tar balls are coming from any of the oil refinery or tanker activity. In the long beach area questions are being asked about whether this could be linked in any way to that huge pipeline link north of Santa Barbara some hundred miles or so from here in long beach. That happened on may 19th with a hundred thousand gallons of oil leaked. Officials investigating that say the pipeline in that link where it ruptured was only 1 16th of an inch thick. The ceo of the Pipeline Company has written a letter of apology to residents north of Santa Barbara calling it an accident and saying quote claims will remain on site and fully engaged until the response efforts are complete. Our objectives are simple. Do the right thing and do it quickly. If it is shown that that pipeline link on may 19th is also responsible for the tar balls that have been washing up along a vast stretch of Southern California beaches than the pipelines problems are just beginning. Thank you for that update. A horrific scene at a gas station with a fiery blast killing at least 73 people. The question is now what sparked the explosion. And the scenario unfolding with extremist planning to behead a man before switching to Police Officers. Devour food thats good for you, the same way, you devour food thats not good for you. Lets take a look at your credit. I know i have a 786 fico score, thanks to all the tools and help on experian. Com. 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I want to get your concerns on the growing isis threats in the country. It just reinforces the question of not is isis coming the answer is they are here and motivated. You can see the saverages and what they plan to do and the fact the fbi and local police and task force caught on is a blessing and we should encourage them to continue their efforts because they are keeping us alive. When you talk about the savagery rahim told wright about what he called a knife little tool he had just purchased meaning he bought a marine fighting knife as part of the plot to go after Police Officers. And right now we are hearing more and more from Law Enforcement that isis regards these conversations and the internet conversations taking place as the number one weapon of choice at the moment. Well they are organizing themselves through social media. Lets not underestimate the fact these are knives. We have fought wars with knives. A knife is more deadly than a firearm. And the fact the fbi got on to them is gratifying but one thing i would like to say is we are concerned about attacking Police Officers. My concern is they will turn to civilians. Police have weapons and they are trained. I am concerned they will focus on a Shopping Mall at school or a movie theater. We should encourage the fbi to go after the guys. Do you think the administration right now gets the gravity of the threat in front of us at this moment . Particularly with the fact the internet is being used as a major tool in recruitment . One of the reports coming out saying an estimated 200,000 people receive isis messages each day around the world. This coming from the National Center for terrorism. I dont know what the white house thinks about this i know the fbi local Law Enforcement take it seriously and they should. This is a very growing threat. We are an open society and these people are savages and they will stop at nothing to kill me and you and behead us if possible. I cannot speak to the white house only what the fbi and local Law Enforcement does. I know in all of the operations we do in the United States local Law Enforcement is very much concerned about attacks like this and take action to prevent it. What evidence are you seeing or hearing when you raise concern about civilians as opposed to Law Enforcement being targets Going Forward . They take targets of opportunity. They will kill anybody they think can get them publicity. Remember the lady in oklahoma was beheaded and isis had a plot in australia to kill people on the streets. This isnt a localized problem. This is a world wide problem with jihadist trying to conduct their business by terror. When you see what they have done you will see what they do. That is the best way i can describe it. It is coming and it will be worse. The threat is real indeed. Thank you for joining us. The Supreme Court could rule on obamacare subsidies and we will talk about what happens if the High Court Strikes them down. And a whole neighborhood nearly levelled in a deadly gas explosion and the prosecution says the man wanted to detroy one home to collect insurance money. And their new home was infested with snakes and now they are suing because of it. Do they have a case . Financial ruin . Devastating. Just you never wish this upon anybody to have to go through it and put a family through it. It is heart breaking for parents when you cant fix it. How do you tell your kid you cant go home . The world is filled with air. But for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. If you have copd, ask your doctor about oncedaily anoro ellipta. It helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. Anoro ellipta is the first fdaapproved product containing two longacting bronchodilators in one inhaler. Anoro is not for asthma. Anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. It is not known if this risk is increased in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. Tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. Call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. Nothing can reverse copd. The world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better. Get your first prescription free at anoro. Com. Right now a quick look at what is to come on happening now. The man prosecutored for a deadly gas explosion is going on trial and how a farari weighs in. The hunt is on for an armed robber but this guy is targeting professionals. Who he is going after. And a skyer plunges into a crack and how he made it out. We are waiting on a Supreme Court hearing challenging many of the subsidies at the heart of obamacare. If ruled against the federal Health Care Market could close down and what happens to millions who didnt setup for the exchange . Rich is live. Reporter 34 states use the federal exchange more than six million americans receive 1. 7 billion in monthly subsidies to pay from a thir Health Insurance through that system. If the Supreme Court rules against the administration those subsidies to those americans disappear. Without those most of the six million couldnt afford the obamacare and costing them their insurance and Insurance Companies raising rates for everybody else. State may have to establish exchanges to make sure their state receive subsidies. The reactions have been mixed. The state of oregons exchange is collapsing and they are giving up and letting the federal government take over but in the process they wasted 300 million of taxpayer dollars. And in rhode island and in hawaii they are having problem. Reporter michigan and texas will only tell us they are watching the case closely. They use the federal exchange as does pennsylvania where the Governors Office just submitted an application to setup a statebased marketplace. It took years to develop the plans with no certainty they will work well. Thank you very much rich. There is court action in the case of a deadly gas explosion that rocked an indiana neighborhood in 2012. The supect is said to have conspired with his girlfriend to destroy her house and get out of debt and by a fararii among other things but the blast destroyed or damaged 80 peoples killing two people. The monetary losses totaled more than 4 million. The story attracted so much Media Coverage the trial had to be moved and jury selection begins. Eric duster is here criminal defense attorney, and diana eisman a former prosecutor. Do you worry about moving the trial if you a prosecutor . Or you figure you will get the same justice either way . The evidence is so solid it doesnt matter where the jury hears this they will probably con vict. The most damaging piece of evidence for the defense is the fact that shirley, the woman involved in this whose house it was is going to be testifying against the two remaining defendants. And that information when a jury hears that is going to be damaging and difficult for a defense to overcome. She says she was under durest and her boyfriend put it up to it and she could not refuse him. If you believe that i have lake front property in the middle of manhattan to sell you. This woman was part of the plot. It will be interesting to see if the jury believes the testimony because when people tell on people they will lie to try to get their deal made. I am not sure they will believe her. But as far as the jury Selection Process and making sure they have a fair jury it was important they move the trial because there was so much publicity around the case where everyone was talking about it especially the depth and amount of damage and it was a rare occurrence. They had to move it. But the defendants definitely have trouble. Mark leonard is the key suspect and the girlfriend at the time is testifying against him. The prosecution wants to introduce tapes from the firefighters who are heard on the radio trying to save the life of the next door neighbor who ultimately died as a result of the fire and the explosion. The defense doesnt want that in. Why not . I mean it happened. It is part of the record. Why not let it in. They are going to argue it is outweighs by the affect. The jury will be consumeed with the emotional aspect. We know the two people died as a result of the explosion so the issue isnt whether or not this person committed murder. The issue is for the purpose of the tapes whether or not they are relevant in helping to prove. Any time there is evidence that the probing value is outweighed the law says it has to stay out. Lets move on to another topic that caught our attention. A maryland couple is filing a 2 million lawsuit after finding the home they had just purchased their dream home was infested with snakes. Their son spotted the snake crawling out of the house and that was just the tip of the iceberg. Snake number two which is seven feet in length was living there. The ground material is part of their nesting and home and remnants they were living in our ceiling above the main living space. We are still paying the mortgage on the place. So eric do they have a case . I mean the sellers contend this was a rental home and they had no idea it was infested with snakes. If it was a rental home, and the sellers are saying they didnt know. And this case is bizarre. It is almost like the snakes on the plane people with snakes all over the house and it is very scary and one of the worst and most troubling types of cases a jury could hear because if a jury hears this people are afraid of snakes and if they think one small bit of evidence where the seller knew the jury ay going to side with the plaintiffs. Do you have a duty to disclose if there is a snake here and there in the house . Just the word snake makes me skin crawl. This whole case is so disturbing but yes, the answer is yes. The seller has a duty to disclose if they had actual knowledge meaning if they knew or should have known there was a snake infestion they must disclose that. There were rumors prior to the purchase the home was infested with snakes and the tenants showed a picture of the house with a snake inside and the seller was approached about that and the response from the seller or the sellers agent was that was a discruntled tenant. So that shows they knew there was a snake problem. People do lie to get out of their lease. They could have lied and said here is a snake please let me out. But the truth is on their side. It is like did they know or should they have known and it is going to be a tough one. One inspector found snake highways in the walls. In the walls. Not across the Kitchen Floor we will let the viewers know what happened. You need a shower after that one. Very disturbing indeed is all i can say. Ukraines ceasefire is in battle as the fight continues on and a dire warning from ukraines president. And realtors in florida on high alert after harrowing moments for two women on the job. The moment that he walked in i knew he was not something was wrong. He came and literally pushed me to the bath room. Lets get a peek at the top of happening now. The gop field is getting more jammed as two more are jumping in. Mark rubio joins us on the couch. And Hilary Clinton refusing to take questions and a memo from her event reminding reporters to stay behind the barricades but with the dropping poll numbers is that a good idea . Really . Stay behind the barricades . Really . And the fbi said it doesnt have the weapons it needs to fight homegrown terror. All of that and more with our special oneluckyguy republican candidate marco rubio. That is going to be a fascinating hour. We have new information on the crisis in ukraine. Fighting is clearing up between the russian sepritist. Ukraines military is being said they must prepare for what is being called a full scale invasion by russia. Do you think putin is ready to make his move . I think he is already making the move slowly but surely. He has been testing the United States and europe. And we are failing those test little by little so the message we are sending to him in many ways is we are not interesting. He hears president obama consistently saying i am not going to start a war. President obama is talking about the middle east but he is very clear in his Campaign Promise president obama, that he is not going to pick these fights. He is not going to do anything that looks like he is creating a war. Putin hears that. The whole huge land grab by putin and taking crimea and getting sanction we see them in the front passenger of the new york times. The pentagon saying some of the sanctions we have against buying russian engines is not working for the United States. The pentagon is asking congress to roll them back. We are not keeping the to sanctions and president obamas word Means Nothing and putin dorsey sees that. Watt about the european . Why not more from sanctions on their side or going to putin saying lay off . I think the germans are leading them on all fronts and very tied to the russians when it comes to natural gas. We are asking the europeans to do too much. So we cannot wait on the europeans. They will eventually follow like they usually do but the unions is the one that needs to lead. We need to ratchet up the sanctions. We are supplying blankets to the ukrainians when they are asking for military hardware. If we were able to sell military hardware to the ukrainians that would be the right decision. Why are we not selling the equipment . I think the president thinks it is provocotive. When you look at the media right now, putin is closing down western style media all over the place. It isnt just political media it is livestyle media. If you are a reporter in the region you work for a putinrussian controlled media organization. We are not seeing good information coming out of there. The United States radio for europe, and all of our tools should be aggressive in the information one. The u. S. Lost their creditability and he doesnt care. So he is going to do what he wants at this point. Thank you for joining us. A skier gets off course and the experience is all caught on tape. We will tell you how it turned out. Every Auto Insurance policy has a number. But not every Insurance Company understands the life behind it. Those who have served our nation have earned the very best service in return. Usaa. We know what it means to serve. Get an Auto Insurance quote and see why 92 of our members plan to stay for life. Relook. Rethink. Reimagine. Because right here, right now its time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crows feet. See what real results can really look like. So talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. And make it part of what you do for you. 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The suspect is declared to be looking for. A french man who fell into a cuvas and the rescue is on tape. Reporter this is an amazing video again. Much of it was caught on the helmet camera of the person who was involved. It is online now. It happened ten days ago but it is gripping. Experienced french skier was skiing on a 12,000 foot Tall Mountain in the swiss alps when he tumbled down a winder car vas and arms flailing and shouting for about 25 minutes. For many long minutes he was at the bottom of the hole looking up to a small opening where he could just see the sky. He is experienced and well equipped and organized and tried to get out. Finally after 17 minutes a group of skiers made contact with him. They dropped down a rope lifeline and he worked his way up from what could have been a snowy grave even warning those on top to be careful so they didnt fall in. After a half hour he emerged and skied another half mile down the slope and picked up by an emergency medical helicopter. No injuries after being brought to the hospital. I suppose there are a lot of lessons and one could be if they get involved wear a camera. This video has gotten 37,000 hits. Back to you. Here is a new story we are working on for the second hour of happening now. The view from a helmet camera as firefighters rushed into a burning apartment. Why the department is releasing this video now. And thousands of americas bridges in terrible collision and they could collapse. A we are waiting for the big announcement from rick perry moments from now and you will see it live right here. Uma okay. Well see you back here in an hour. Jon outnumbered begins right now. This is outnumbered. Im andrea tantaros, here with us today, harris faulkner, Kirsten Powers todays oneluckyguy, republican president ial candidate and senator from the great state of florida, marco rubio is here with us on the couch and for the first time in history senator, youre officially outnumbered. Well, great to be here. Very happy to have you. I love the show. Seen it on tv a few times. Im excited to be here. You watch outnumbered . My kids are excited. All four of your kids. Hopefully nye ninth grader is taking their last final exam. Good luck

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