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Us. And my thoughts. And chilling new video and what sparked the deadly terrorist attack in canada. And what is done here to keep americans safe. Plus, brazen bikers caught on tape. Why the gang of thugs taunted a california cop and it how it all ended. Its all happening now. A doctor just back from treating ebola patients followed cvc guidelines in the first week home in new york city. Welcome to happening now. Second hour, i am jon scott. I am Shannon Bream in for jenna lee. Doctor Craig Spencer came down with symptoms and called for help. After a week being back. This is great news. Texas nurse nina pham is out of the Hospital Free of the virus. The president is about to meet with her in the white house. We have Live Team Coverage Mike Emmanuel where a hearing is addressing ebola. But first live in atlanta, johnathon . Reporter hi, john, nina pham said it will be a while to regain her full strength. Doctors determining that her body is now free of the ebola virus. The nurse is scheduled to meet with president obama before returning to her home in texas where she is eager to be reunited with beloved dog bentley. Throughout the ordeal i put my trust in god and my medical time. I am on my way back to recover even though i reflect on how many others were not so fortunate. Reporter the World Health Organization said two potential ebola vaccines are ready for human trial. One was developed in 2005. A study pub lushed suggested that a single injection of that vaccine gave nonhuman primates full protection against ebola. But funding for human trials was not there at the time. The incentive for a Pharmaceutical Company to develop a vaccine for a disease up until this outbreak had less than 2500 people, we didnt have the incentivization on the part of industry. But we certainly have that now. Reporter the World Health Organization said after these human trials and after the vaccine is safe, the earliest would be in the summer of 2015 before you see mass distribution of the vaccine. The cvc will help local and state officials with the first ebola. Emory university is reporting that the other texas nurse. Amber vincent is making Good Progress and tests show they can no longer detect ebola in her blood. The university has not yet decided on when she will be released from the hospital. Exciting developments there, john. Good news about nina pham. But a lot of nervous people in new york city. Johnathon, thank you. Was the government ready for ebola and is it now . That is the topic of the congressional hearing and there is fierce criticism. Our live fox Team Coverage continues with Mike Emmanuel tracking it all from capitol hill. Hi, mike. Reporter shannon, there is tough questions and skepticism from law makers, both republicans and democrats about the administrations handling of ebola, Ohio Republican jim jordan who questioned the official about the spending choices. A lot of American People want to know why did we spend 374000 to host fruit and vegetable puppet shoes for preschoolers and some of this money cat logged by the staff totaling 39 million could have been used to help with treatment for Something Like ebola, and potentially a vaccine . Reporter a massachusetts democrat doesnt want to panic the public but worries about those down playing the danger. When a Government Agency comes before the committee especially and tells me there is nothing to worry about and we got this, thats when i start to worry. Reporter looking at the the house over sight committee, a number of law maker ares are more comfortable with the response to ebola after initial misstep. The tone is serious and recognize what ebola could do to people around the world if not handled properly. 85 percent of the nurses say they are not adequately trained and the level of preparation for ebola in our facilities is insufficient. 60 percent of the rns say their hospital has not communicated policy for admission of a potential ebola patient. Some say the federal response is not working after the new york city doctor, somebody who was tested and allowed to mingle amongst the public and still got sick, shannon. It is frightening and we are learning a lot through the hearing, mike thank you so much. And the outbreak going o. Ma li is the sixth to talk about a ebola. The patient is a twoyearold girl. The disease killed 5000 people in the region according to the World Health Organization. Four countries marked in red currently have cases of ebola. But nigeria and senegal is declared free of the virus now. Ebola showing up in new york city. Is the cvc doing enough to protect americans. Go to fox news. Com happening nowing now and get your thoughts in the conversation. New video of the terror attack in can cas capitol city showing people running for cover. The gunman gunned down a woman moments before. And a sergeant in arms taking out the shooter is a hero. Kevin vickerrs is humbled but praises the Security Team for keeping everyone safe. This incident and another attack in canada earlier this week drawing attention to vulnerabilities along our northern border. Kathryn . Reporter one day after the ottawa attack said the department is shoring up security but not at the crossing you might expect. We are building a southern Border Campaign plane in response from threat of isil and others in that part of the world. Earlier this month jacket johnson touted terror concern on the mexican border. But the agencies stationed on the 2000 miles on the southern border and compared to 2000 on the northern border which is 5500 miles in length. Critics question how safe can we be in the face of the lone wolf terrorist attack. The ottawa case is problematic because the 32yearold suspect was not known to the canadian authorities as being high risk for a terrorist attack and that means he was not flagged in a watch list or database that are shared with american investigators. The risk on the northern border, someone can get in canada legally, they can legally come into the united states, they just have to show the passport and say i am going to visit vermopt or buffalo or detroit or seattle. Canadian authorities always pointed to the fact that 9 11 hijackers came to the united states, none of them trained or came through canada at that time, shannon. Thank you, very much. Youre welcome. Well have more on the security and radical islam in the west including one guest who said why those behind the attacks feel so compelled to act on their own. Just listen days to the mid term elections and some in the media calling on democrats to step up their game. Democrats should push Infrastructure Spending as a way to widen their appeal. Voters democrats are in trouble are white noncollege educated Blue Collar Workers who are often unemployed. And whose friends have crappie jobs in Service Sector in office parks. What do you think about that . Will that help the democrats this time around . I think it is little bit to late for the game change. I dont think infrastructure will do it. If you look at demdeps and republicans, they dont have a chlor agenda and thats why turn out is so low. Republicans have been going after the president with lower Approval Ratings and democrats dont have a contract with america and what they would do if they get the majority in the house if they keep the Senate Majority and can they hold on. And certainly democrats are getting nervous and pointing fingers at one another and not looking good for them. But it could be little too late to do anything right now. Democrats are defending more seats than republicans and a lot of states that midromney won this last time around. And tack in the ebola crisis and the isis rampage in syria and r out there. There are, and thats what the republicans seized on. The administrations handling of isis and bullpen. And thats why the president felt the pressure to name a ebola czar. They have done better in recent days, but over all, republicans want the election to be when the president. The gop has to worry about a race in kansas, and also now a race in georgia. They have to defend their seats if they are going to win the majority. And if democrats can steal one or both of those races. Mishil nun. In georgia. The president tried to boost her candidacy with a core audience and wound up sort of failing miserably, didnt he . There are gaffes by the president that made democrats cringe. And thats why they are asked did you vote for president obama in 2008 and 12. And a lot of democrats came in on president obamas coattails. They are saying different about the president now than six years ago. Bob cusack on the hill. 11 days. A federal judge threw out the lawsuit by the irs. The president of Tea Party Group joins us live. Isis advances in the middle east and the terror attack in canada and sparking new calls for Border Security. What is enough . Keeping america safe is going to take a lot more than keeping terrorist out. Before earning 1 cash back everywhere, every time. And 2 back at the grocery store. Even before he got 3 back on gas. 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But first thing is intelligence. Thats gathered in the middle east and right here at home and gathered in the communities and gathered on the internet and it is constant. Number one. Keeping that intelligence current. And the second thing is enforcement operations whether the bombing in syria and iraq and going after isis individuals. They keep us safe and at home seizing hard drives and computers and information is helpful. We get good performance out of making arrest. You have the intelligence and enforcement operations and same time beef up security. Thats what we see on the street and build your perimeters and doing your training and have your armed vehicles. It is all very important. It is not one thing that works by itself. All three things Work Together to keep us safe. You talked about how important to have infiltration of the groups and inform apts. I cant imagine how difficult it is. There are all kinds of lawsuits and directives that limit officers in houses of worships and communities and delicate balance being plugged in and not violating the privacy or constitutional rights. We are in the intelligence business. When you are a security agent and all of those lawsuits are all there for a reason, but you are focused on the people who are doing bad things and the guys who are really thinking of recruiting and having people travel and talking about bombing and hurting us. That is our job. If you are not doing that. We are not safe. You wor there are limits on that . We heard you cant use terminology or words you use. Stop and frisk was taken off of the table and tools that are every day things that Law Enforcement need in conversations and they are losing some of the tools even while the threats grow . I can tell you this. I talked to nypd today and people making policy decisions and high ups, and they are very much involved in all of these things and they are working closely with the nsan and counterparts in canada and counterparts in the middle east and sharing intelligence and also continuing to monitor what is happening. You have to take the International Area and national and local community right here in new york city and that is true for every city in our country. You have to share information and head these terrorist attacks off. And frankly we are good and lucky. Just in new york, there is 14 attacks that have been stopped in 12 years, thats pretty good. And in the country, there is a good track record. And so the kinds of things are working and have continue. We have to do more of them, not less. We cant thank our men and women working in intelligence and putting their lives out there. And they are getting shot at. They are the number one target. Anybody in uniform and serves in our military and Police Officer or government affiliated individual, thats who isis wants them to go after and it is the sick individuals like in new york last night and in canada, they are not directly trained and financed they are inspired and out there. Thank you, bob. Thank you. A setback for victims of the irs political targeting scandal. A federal judge throws out a late against the irs after admitting the irs illegally skrutinized Tea Party Groups. Now one of the plaintiffs joins us live to respond, next. Danger on a freeway as cameras roll. Speeding bikers taunting a motorcycle officer and for police, the chase did not end well. Hey matt, whats up . Im just looking over the company bills. Is that what we pay for internet . Yup. Dsl is about 90 bucks a month. Thats funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. Wow thats fast. Personally, i prefer a slow internet. There is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website. Dont listen to the naysayer. Switch to comcast Business Today and get 50 megabits per second for 89. 95. Comcast business. Built for business. Right now authorities in california hope a Youtube Video will identify bikers in san jose. Popping wheelies at high speeds and appearing to taunt a Highway Patrol officer and saying you are not wanting and waving him away as he tries to be outnumbered. The officer got reinformants and by then they turned off on city streets and it was too dangerous for police to change them down. Federal judge dismissing a lawsuit against the irs for targeting tea party. The Tea Party Leader said the ears is getting away with abuse and think it will likely continue. Kathryn is here. Good to talk with you. Thanks for having me. You testified on the hill and you fought for years to get tax exempt status and by my count 15 government audits and fbi and a tf showing up at your business and family and the judge said you got that tax exempt status and so basically there is no merit to the suit and it is over. Is it over from you . Far from over. The judge essentially said yes, americans were targeted, but it is okay, they will probably never do it again. These are crimes, it is reprehensible and completely unacceptable. And the judge said now that you have tax exempt status and eradicated affects by the defendant. There is no reasonable expectation that the defendants will return to their old ways. Part of your concern that the irs and some employees including lois lerner, if they are not punished or sanctioned and no one is held responsible it is your worry itingly continue in the future once the spot light stops down . What is to stop it from happening again . We are looking carefully at our next step and it will be as aggressive as it can be to end the targeting of abuse to the american citizens. The vast majority of the attention and passing you off to employee to employee and asking for round and round of information seeking tax exempt status, the numbers prove it was a witch hunt based on political ideology, and so why should people on any end of the political spectrum be worried about it happening to them . What is to prevent it . We have created an iron curtain that protects and insulates an untouchable class in washington d. C. I think two things need to happen now. First people need to create their own solution. We need a watch Dog Organization that exists to be the catch all for stories like mine. And this watch Dog Organization needs to exist to investigate and report and hold accountable those who are behind the targeting efforts and congress now needs to expand the hate crime laws sadly to include government employees, and i think that if they are found to be guilty of such a crime, the penalty should be swift, and severe. And they should include immediate termination and heavy fines and jail time. When there is acknowledgment that there was wrongdoing, absent the consequence or penalty, and you raise a question who will be stopped in the future. I know you are still sifting through it. It was less than 24 hours. How far will you take this . Do you have a plan . We are looking in the options and it is it far from over. This is the beginning of what tyranny looks like and we cannot allow ourselves as a country to stand by and watch it happen. We know you are fighting all kinds of things from voter fraud and abuse and targeting by government agencies. Kathryn ebrecht, please keep us uptodate. The latest in the fighting of the terrorist. And the Police Release new Surveillance Video on the attack of canadas capitol city, new concerns about radical islam. People behind attacks like this one feel compelled to act alone. And watching a huge Space Mission about hints of trips to the moon, thats ahead. Kinda were new to the pacific northwest. The rain, the mudbabam its there. The outside comes in. doorbell its a Swiffer Wetjet oh, i love this i could do this everyday. Ewww. Sunshine is overrated, now we can get messy. Right now, kurdish fighter ares continuing to battling isis terrorist in and around Syrian Border town of covane. They are launching air strikes against isis overnight. They are saying two fighter jets dropped more than 70 bombs. Joining us with the latest is john from the middle east bureau. John . Reporter scionon, along with the french air strikes that struck a major blow to isis positions in iraq, we are hearing for u. S. Central command that released information about u. S. Led Coalition Strikes in syria and iraq. Starting with those in syria. Six air strikes near kobani struck the three isis units and u. S. Central command reports an additional 12 air strikes in iraq and on isis positions. Vehicles and isis controlled buildings and all in operation resolve. Isis is pushing ahead on three different fronts. Coalition air strikes helped the kurdish fighters, but the question remains, how long will they be able to hold off the isis militants. The turkish fighters will join in the battle but unclear whether those fighters have entered the point. U. S. Led coalition and french air strikes continue as the bloody and brutal tugofwar in kobani continues. Right now the deadly attack in canada is sparking concern about home grown terrorism in the states. Some want Border Security and others say it needs to be dressed. The problem and the focus on canada right now. They have had two incidents in the last week. Home grown radicalization of is slammic fanaticism, rick . It is clear, we have a growing problem with men and women going on line and embracing radical islam. It is hard to understand. It seems perplexing that someone would be able to watch videos and watch teachings and embrace radical islam. It is it a problem and growing problem. It is one of the reasons i am concerned that we dont have a administration or push back. We have to recognize that it is a growing Islamic Radical problem. We need to say it and then combat it. It will be hard to stop all of the teachings on line. You will never be able to do that. But we can push back and make it and pressure people who would have the propensity to deputy on line and to become radicalized and we have the ability to push back and make sure people who are trying to do this understand it is the wrong way and it is it a radical way and a way that society rejects. We have to call it radical islam before we can confront it . You have to know what you are confronting. And be able to recognize it is it a radical fundmentalism and distorted view of islam that these individuals are graveitating toward. Whether you call it bone wolf or termology, these individuals no longer need the aid and comfort of the group, john. They feel compelled to do these acts on their own. They dont need the larger Group Support anymore and that is a huge problem. But back to your larger point. President obama doesnt like to use the term radical islam. You say he needs to and we need to. We need to show the public. The rational public and moderate islam followers, moderate muslips, what we need to do, show them the distortion and radical islamic is the wrong way. Just yesterday a msnbc producer wrote a lengthy piece making fun of Arkansas Senate candidate tom cotton. And making fun of them for are calling out and showing how radical isis is. So it is this idea if you confront or talk about it, you are are going to inflame it. I think it is the opposite. You have to show how radical it is in order to motivate rational people to condemn and force it out. Like the girls from colorado caught on a plane trying to head to turkey and ultimately to join isis in syria, you are saying somebody has to be providing a Counter Point to the stuff, and the nonsense they are fed on the internet . Yes, it is nonsense to rational people but it is working. Somehow, some way it is hard to understand. And reading radical teachings of islam and feeling so compelled by the teachings, they county need the group or support system. They are going out and doing that because they believe they have to. We have to have a society that calls that out and shoes how ratical it is. And unite around the fact that it is irrational behavior and have it in the open in order to push it out. The lone wolves seem to be on the rise among us. Rick grenell, thank you. China launching a experimental spacecraft. It is it on a eight day test run and travel all the way to the moon and back to earth. China hopes they can land on the moon soon and come back. A big scare in the nations largest city. The latest on the doctor with ebola has his apartment is being decontaminated. Could others be at risk . Yes, action heroes battle it out on the streets. Spectators thought it was a show but it turned out to be a real fight. More on the bizarre incident just moments away. Theres a new way to buy a car. Just find the one youre looking for, see what others paid for it, lock in your savings, and get the car you want hasslefree. With truecar, its never been easier. Coming up on the real story, breaking new details coming out of the Bowling Alley where the new york doctor went before he got sick. And a hatchel movie man attacks Police Officers. Shouldnt we look at them as individual lone wolves or add them up to make a pact. And what is winning the social war. Tracking it on facebook. All at the top of the hour. One of the favorites chuba ca. Do the voice. He comes to rescue on the hollywood walk of fame. Shocked tourist get a free look when they tuszle. Bat girl scratched him. And the enraged red super character broke loose x. Launching a frek attack on bat girl. Who else helped to break tup. Freddie kruger. Police are looking into what caused the outburst. Who would thought kruger would be peacemaker. Can confirming they are not the same character. Time to get a preview of media buzz. We have howard here as a fox media analyst. It is Investigative Journalism and losing one of the icons behind that idea . In the wake of ben bradleys death i wouldnt to the house and i talked to woodward of the challenges of investigative reporting. And i used do that in my younger days. Watergate seems like a so maniless narrative but it was not clear if they would prove links between the watergate burglary and the 96 conwhite house and campaign. Woodward brought up a parallel to todays investigative challenges. Well look at that. It is a reality in my view in the Obama Administration there is a lot of the Unanswered Questions about the irs particularly. If i were young i would take Carl Bernstein and move to cincinnati where the irs office is and set up head quarter ands go talk to everyone. And a lot of knocking on doors helped to crack the watergate. And a hot shot reporter ought to live in cincinnati where the political targeting took place. And yet no links are proven to the white house. Very nice this time of year in cincinnati. And lots of friendly folks there. You reference this. The fact that people think of watergate or watch the movie and it is very different than what is going on behind the scenes. And a lot of people stick their night out and doing that . The Washington Post was under enormous pressure no because of the rest of the media, but leaks from the administration. But on one hand you needed to have a leader like ben bradley in addition to the swagger backed up his boys, with a franchise on the line. And these days, we have all of the technology that he didnt have. I was trying to remember what it was like to do reporting without cell phone and email. But you have a Obama Administration that is aggressive in prosecuting leakers who talk to journalist and that is making it harder. Our colleague james rosen comes to mind. Well see you on sunday for this and more. Thank you. Thank you, shannon. New york is a global city and not surprising that ebola might pop up here. A doctor volunteering to work in west africa came down with the virus. We are here to separate fact from fiction in this case. We have prepared for just this circumstance. We were hoping that it didnt happen but also realistic, people come through new york and the new york airport. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. Its a fresh approach on education superintendent of public instruction Tom Torlaksons blueprint for great schools. Torlaksons blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a wellrounded education. And torlaksons plan calls for more parental involvement. Spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. Tell Tom Torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. Ebola comes to the First American patient to contract ebola now out of the hospital. She was the first to get it on u. S. Soil. Nina pham set to meet right now with president obama. This the day after a new york city doctor was diagnosed with the virus a week after he returned from west africa. Lets go to dr. David, professor of urology at Hofstra North shore lij school of medicine. Dr. Craig spencer. He was working with doctors without borders. Hats off to him for going to africa, for being willing to volunteer his time to treat these ebola patients, but then he comes back to the united states. The system breaks down. Does screening at the airport work . He came in. No fever. He was screened over there. He was screened over here. Yet, two days, three days after, he has fullblown ebola. How much does it speak for screening and the fever and everything . The other big issue is if you look at the website for cdc, it specifically tells you that if you have been exposed with these patients with ebola, you are coming from the hot zone, no public transportations. You either quarantine yourself for 21 days, if there are any problems, you call cdc, and he is out there exposing a lot of people, and thats really irresponseible. This is coming from someone who is an e. R. Doctor and should know even better than other doctors because thats what they do, triage in the emergency room. He apparently road the subway. He went to a couple of Bowling Alleys. He has been all over new york in the time that he came back. In the day or two before having this kind of fever, he is fatigued wresh has muscle pain. He has other symptoms. Was he contagious at that time . Is it just a fever that makes you contagious, or do you have other preliminary symptoms . These are the things that we need to be concerned about without causing fear and panic. As doctors if we are educating people, we need to know what is going on. There are a lot of questions that have gone unanswered. How did he get ebola . He was there was no breach in the protocol over there. He was covered from head to toe. He knows better. He has been trained by the doctors without borders. He was there for only, like, 22, 23 days. How do you get ebola . Thats the big question . And thats what so Many Americans want to know, and thats where the cdc seems to be falling down on the job. We need to be careful because with winter coming up, the temperature change, as the temperature comes down, this virus can survive longer. It can survive longer in, like, four degrees centigrade, and it can become aerosol, so he need to worry about, like, the holidays coming and temperature change and all of that. Dr. David, thank you. Thank you. Shannon. Well, the u. S. Attorney general speaking out on a decision to publicize a list of documents, records he and the white house thinks should be kept secret. Theyre tied to the fast and furious gun tracking scheme. Well take you there live. People with type 2 diabetes come from all walks of life. If you have high blood sugar, ask your doctor about farxiga. Its a different kind of medicine that works by removing some sugar from your body. Along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. With one pill a day, farxiga helps lower your a1c. And, although its not a weightloss or bloodpressure drug, farxiga may help you lose weight and may even lower Blood Pressure when used with certain diabetes medicines. Do not take if allergic to farxiga or its ingredients. Symptoms of a serious allergic reaction include rash, swelling or difficulty breathing or swallowing. If you have any of these symptoms, stop taking farxiga and seek medical help right away. 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Cdc Rapid Response team heading to new york now after the first case of ebola diagnosed right here in new york city. Hi, everyone. Happy friday. Im Gretchen Carlson, and we are here to bring you the real story today. Dr. Craig spencer is now quarantined in isolation after contracting the deadly disease while working earlier this month in guinea as a volunteer with doctors without borders. He passed through enhanced security checks after passing through j. F. K. Last week and seemingly went straight back to normal life seeing friends, bowling, and riding public transport until showing signs of the disease yesterday morning. Now at least three people he came into contact with are also in quarantine, but mayor bill

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