Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Happening Now 20140917

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This morning what the state department knew about the security situation in benghazi before that attack. And what it did after to try to improve security. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel is live for us on capitol hill. He is is following the hearing today. Hi, there, mike. What is the stone tone and focus so far . Reporter heather i would say serious, businesslike and no sign of fireworks so far. This Bipartisan Panel is taking a look at recommendations that were made following the benghazi terror attack more than two years ago to see how those recommendations are being implemented. Early on chairman trey gowdy tried to set a very serious tone. So to fulfill duties owed to those we serve in honor of those who were killed, maybe just, maybe we can be what those four brave men were, neither republican nor democrat. Just americans. And in pursuit of the facts and justice and, no matter where that journey takes us. Reporter gowdy says he remains hopeful things like this Bipartisan Panel can actually transcend politics. Heather. Heather despite what congressman gowdy said a lot of democrats are not too keen on the hearing. What is their reaction so far on the hearing . Reporter so far they are pretty serious, not who is to blame but how best to protect american personnel serving in some of the most dangerous countries around the globe. Earlier on the top democrat on the panel was talking about oversight that can be productive and save lives. This is bigger than us. The things that we do today, and over the next few months will have the lasting effects, even when were gone on to heaven and that is how we have to look at this. And so we prepare not only for the present but we prepare for the future and generations unborn. Reporter the hope seems to be that this will stay serious, stay focused on trying to get to the bottom of benghazi. Also trying to make sure that american personnel are protected around the globe but there is a fear this could shift toward Election Year politics, heather. Heather mike emanuel on capitol hill following this hearing for us. Jon has more on that now. Bill the first scheduled witness for the state department hearing. For more on the hear, peter brookes, heritage foundation, former deputy secretary of defense and former member of the cia. Peter, mike remand all talking about the possibility this devolves into a political situation. House democrats yesterday rolled out a web page saying basically every question about benghazi and what happened has been asked and answered. You say there are questions yet to be answered . There are many questions yet to be answered and i think it is very troubling, jon, two years after this tragic event we have to have a Congressional Special Committee to continue to dig at this issue. This is a bipartisan committee. This first hearing theyre having seems to be an easy, easing themselves into the more troubling questions. Some of the things that bother me, jon, the fact that the whole story, that well talk about the videotape and what was, whether this was a terrorist attack and what im really worried about is the track record weve seen with this administration. You know, i feel in many ways that they have gotten it wrong on isis. The president called them the junior varsity. Took them months to get around having a plan for dealing with them. So i think as a National Security expert that there are bigger issues here, that benghazi is certainly art pa of and will help focus our attention on these important issues and important threats were facing. Bill again, one of the things that is often forgotten as you look what happened that night. This is administration in final month or so trying to get elected. That is one concern. Anybody in National Security worries about, that this, any administration not politicize National Security security or intelligence for their own benefit. Obviously were in the middle of a president ial election. This happened on september 11th. You know the anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. And, you know, this is something we have to be very concerned about. That the administration was straight with us. If they werent straight with us on this, how can we trust them on any other issue, especially National Security issues . Especially terrorism issues as were talking about upping our involvement and what is going on in iraq and syria. Related to isis. Any question in your mind this was a terrorist attack and not just a spontaneous demonstration . No, no question in my mind. Seems to be some differences of opinion on this. I think this one of the things that the special Committee Really needs to dig at and well probably see that in upcoming hearings. Like i said the first one is talking about the accountability review board and their recommendations and whether theyre implementing it. This is an important hearing, jon. Dont forget. We have diplomats today in harms way in places like baghdad and erbil because of what is going on in iraq and other, you know capitals around the region where there is definitely a terrorist threat. So what were seeing about in benghazi also applies to what is going on around the world today. Yeah, and ill reminded of past attacks on our diplomatic and other facilities. The Khobar Towers were bombed. We didnt really react. The cole was bombed. We didnt really react. The embassies in kenya and tanzania were bombed. We didnt do much of anything. We have one guy in jail, as a result, charged with, with criminal charges as a result of the benghazi attacks. What does that say to those who perpetrated this violence . Thats a very good point, jon. Youre sending signals with your actions. If it looks like people can attack americans, can kill americans and can at that time act american pa it facilities with impunity and they have no concern doing that we should certainly be concerned about that. Once again, words, and deed are critically important. As the president was speaking last week about the situation in the middle east, related to, related to isis, it is important what he says but even more important what we do. Peter brookes. Peter from the heritage foundation. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me. Well continue to keep an eye on these hearings as they progress. Heather lets talk about the war with isis, a big topic of conversation were following today. Were awaiting comments from president obama at u. S. Central command and in tampa meeting with the members of the military. The isis terror group releasing a video titled, flames of war. You can see a little bit of a clip from it. Showing militants blowing up tanks and trying to wound american soldiers. They consider warning tonights and sending troops in iraq. This comes up as the house gears up for a vote authorizing u. S. Soldiers to train and arm Syrian Rebels in the battle against isis. Back here at home, there are new concerns about isis recruiting fighters here on american soil with the arrest of this man you can see right here in up state new york. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is live for us in in our new york city newsroom. Catherine, what can you tell us about this guy . Reporter newlyreleased Court Documents that this rochester man was a recruiter for isis and was actively helping americans travel to syria. He also faces one charge of attempting to murder military personnel. His lawyer says he will enter a not guilty plea. Also at this hour were hearing from the nations most senior Law Enforcement and Counter Terrorism officials, you see matt olson and fbi director and Homeland Security secretary are on capitol hill are testifying. The use of the web to spread radical islam was predicted in the National Intelligence estimate of 2007. It concluded the web would allow likeminded individuals to connect directly without traveling to traditional safe havens of yemen, somalia, afghanistan and tribal areas ever pakistan. The document reads in part quote, the arrest and prosecution by u. S. Law enforcement of a shawl number of violent islamic extremists inside the United States who are becoming more connected idealogically, virtually or physical sense to the global Extremist Movement points to the possibility that others may become sufficiently radicalized, they will view use of violence here as legitimate. In plain terms, that extremist groups like isis will use social media to spread their message and the power of this technology will allow them to reach potential recruits inside of the u. S. As the rochester case has just shown. This was recognized the by the Intelligence Community nearly a decade ago. On tuesday the chairman of the joint chiefs explained how isis is capitalizing on social media. So unless there is, momentum is blunted, which will begin to strip away this myth that they have surrounded themselves with, be and unless we counter them in the media space, then the risk of radicalization through things like the internet will continue to rise. Reporter more evidence that the internet is really driving this digital jihad, in almost all of the these cases individuals or the suspects are under the age of 25. In this case with the rochester man is a little bit of anomaly that he is 30 but originally from yemen and naturalized u. S. Citizen, heather. Heather Catherine Herridge in the new york city newsroom. Thank you so much. Youre welcome. Secretary of state john kerry getting ready to testify about the u. S. Strategy to defeat isis. He is set to appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee just a few hours from now. He will give his first testimony on isis at a hill hearing. It could be meant to counter the recent growing criticism that the Obama Administration has been overly cautious on Foreign Policy matters and that the president s plan for isis lacks depth. Heather listen to this one. Overseas now. Afghanistan says that its country is broke, it is really broke. So broke that that government is now asking the u. S. For a 537 million bailout. Of course that is despite more than half a trilliondollars in American Investment in afghanistan over the past three years. Jennifer griffin is live for us in washington with the details. Jennifer . Really . Reporter heather, as the pentagon is trying to figure out how it is going to pay for the new war in iraq and combat the ebola virus in west africa, Afghan Government is asking the u. S. For immediate 537 million bailout. They say it wont be able to pay employees. 350,000 Security Forces are paid for bit nato coalition. Those troops rely on meals from the government. If the soldiers dont eat, the Central Government could face serious problems. The afghans are blaming their financial woes on the stalemated election results. Secretary kerry was there a month ago trying to arrange a unity government but neither president ial candidate is willing to step aside. Without a resolution to the crisis, the Afghan Government will be unable to prevent a full withdrawal of u. S. Troops at the end of this year. The special investigator for afghan reconstruction said recently during a speech at Georgetown University quote, the bottom line, it appears weve created a government that the afghans simply can not afford. The warning from the u. S. Inspector general comes as the taliban is increasing pressure around kabul killing two american troops outside the u. S. Embassy in suicide bombing. The Afghan Government relies heavily on foreign aid. More than 60 of gdp comes from foreign donors, mostly from the United States, jennifer. Heather sobering news. Jennifer griffin at the pentagon, thanks. New developments on our top story, the first hearing on the house collect Committee Investigating the benghazi terror attack that left four americans dead including the ambassador to libia. The Committee Chair wants to focus out this would be prevented but will he be able to keep politics out of the discussion . Well go in depth. They disappeared nearly 40 years ago but the search just resumed for two missing sisters. Well tell you why next. Right now theres some crime stories were keeping an eye on. We start in fresno, california. Thats where the hunt is on at this hour for the suspect who brutally beat a teacher at an Elementary School there. Police say that the attacker tied her up, punched her, robbed her and threatened to rape her before he ran off. Police need your help. And in maryland, search is on for these two sisters who disappeared nearly 40 years ago. The girls were last seen near a Shopping Mall in 1975. Convicted child sex offender was recently named a person of interest in the case. Police are focussing in on an area near a Virginia Cemetery and thats where the offenders family owned property. Well keep you posted on that. Then another cold case. A North Carolina man driving across the country to confess to killing a arizona with a flashlight more than 15 years ago. Matthew gibsons Attorney Says that since then, his client has found religion. Gibson sentenced to 10 years in prison. A fox news alert. Lawmakers are grilling witnesses right now about the benghazi attack that killed a u. S. Ambassador and three other members of the Diplomatic Team there. Youre looking live at the first hearing of the House Select Committee. The chair of that committee promises to keep politics out of it. Democrats signed on saying they hope to try to ensure that. Is it possible, though . Charlie is a columnist with the washington times. Lynn sweet is Washington Bureau chief for the chicago sun times. To you first. Trey known to be a conservative member of congress but also a former federal prosecutor. He wants to ensure this is a fair proceeding. How do you assess it thus far . Thus far hes done exactly what he said. First of all, he delayed the hearings that were supposed to originally be scheduled this summer so they could do more research so they wouldnt just have an inflammatory approach and to ensure that the other thing he did that was very reasonable to avoid being called partisan was to have only one hearing scheduled before the november election. He has promised, charlie, to put his personal ambitions and all of that aside. How do you do that when youre a member of congress and, you know, in front of the television cameras, these things tend to turn into political theater. Well, i think obviously everything is politics here in washington but trey is a very serious kind of guy. As you mentioned, hes a seasoned federal prosecutor and hes been given very strict instructions from the speaker that this is not to evolve into partisan politics and i agree with lynn, that i think so far, he has strived mightily to keep that from happening. But that said, of course, and i think this is a gamble that a lot of republicans are sort of relying on is that the facts here are pretty damaging and pretty damning and because of that, they dont need to spend them and they dont need to try to make them into obvious partisan points. Just simply laying out the facts of what happened, what happened that night in benghazi and then what happened the next morning and then what has happened in the days, weeks and years since by the administration and others to cover up their role in it, i think that all of that stuff is quite damning. I was interesting in treys opening remarks that he did very forcefully make the point that a lot of the what were still seeing today going on is tied to at least the same types of people who are trying to hurt america with isis or isil or whatever you want to call them. Its the same sort of thing. So it really does sort of keep it makes the issue very much alive today. It is a good point. At the time these attacks took place a little more than two years ago, nobody was talking about isis, for instance. Thats true. So any time theres a new context, you can see things in the new light but i want to underscore what charlie said by having this considered approach that congressman is taking means that i think what hes looking for is the big view for the historic record. As democrats pointed out in a press conference they had yesterday, a bit of a preemptive strike, a lot is material heats been going over as we all know and all viewers know, there are multiple hearings on this. I think that means he has a higher bar here where the historic record to dig up new information. Thats the point of having this select committee and that, i think, is the test by which he will be measured by the history of this case. Im sorry. And i think for his own means of looking for the historic record, it was very smart to have a kind of a non controversial hearing today and then get into the topic deeper when they come back after the election. Right. Well see what they come up with and to that point, lynn, charlie, thank you both. We want to go back to those hearings now and just listen in for a couple of minutes. Okay. You were once an r. S. O. , correct . Yes, sir. In your distinguished career, do you ever remember recommending that a service not be used that you were familiar with anywhere and them being hired over your protest or your recommendation . Not in my experience, sir. Okay. But you would have at some point recommended somebody or maybe not recommended anybody but was it your job to look at the performance of these people that you were aware of . As an r. S. O. , when we have guard contracts, if we find our contractor is not performing, we have a variety of ways we can deduct money or we can ultimately find theyre not performing and if theyre found to be lacking and cant perform the contract, we terminated it, they can be barred. They can actually be barred if that, you know, goes that far. All right. You have mentioned the 17th, february 17 martyrs brigade, i believe is what it was called. Weve been told that that was basically the host company security. Is that true or not . I would hesitate to call that host country security, sir. I think at best it probably had some control in that area of the city but this is based on what ive read from the reports. Is there an individual that would be at the post that would be responsible for ensuring that the 17th brigade was responsible and dependable . Sir, i wasnt there at the time. As a former r. S. O. , i can probably tell you that there were likely limited choices and one of the things that an r. S. O. Would do at that point, if he was faced with limited choices, was try to train them as best he could, to try to make the best of whatever situation he was handed. He would have to train the february brigade or if he found they were not up to the levels that he wanted, he would engage in and assist in the training and making sure they understood the guard orders and make sure that they had capabilities that were necessary. Okay. Now, lets say that and they were hired to in case there was an attack inside the compound to respond, who would have had the Contact Information and who would have been responsible on the post for contacting the protective brigade of martyrs . There were as i read the reports, sir, again, i was not here at the time there were personnel on the compound. We are continuing to monitor the House Select Committee hearing on benghazi. It started at about 10 00 eastern time today. That hearing still underway on capitol hill as we were just taking a live listen to that. Weve been going to various people for reaction to whats coming out of this very first hearing on benghazi or at least from the select committee so lets now talk to rick. Hes a former adviser to four u. S. Ambassadors to the united nations. Rick, welcome. They were just talking a moment ago about some of the militias that our consulate relied on for security that day. It was called the september 17 brigade. One of the focuses of this committee is whether or not weve learned from our mistakes. Do you believe that weve learned from that mistake and relied on a local militia to secure our compounds . Well, i dont think that weve learned from our mistakes at all because really, no one has been punished and no one has been able to be fingered as saying this is something that we did wrong. Weve got the entire state department scrambling to pretend that everybody followed the rules. Look, heather. One of the main problems here and its really frustrating for me to watch the hearings because the state department is really good at spinning. Ill give you one example. When the state Department Says we didnt issue a stand down order, what they mean and what theyre referring to is the formal process of orders that the state department gets. Thats a formal diplomatic piece of paper that is given on the classified side. Its called an order. I agree there probably wasnt time to give a formal order but clearly, somebody told these individuals to stay down. We know that because the people on the ground said we were told to stand back. Thats new information. Adam and all of these other democrats who held a press conference yesterday, its frustrating for me to see them comfortably en sconced on capitol hill pretending like they know what happened that day and that specific time in benghazi. This guy who is talking who is called an r. S. O. , a Regional Security officer theyre the ones in charge. He wasnt there, either. Hes a manager guy. Regional Security Officers are management. Theyre not the guys on the ground who are protecting. What we have here is a fundamental problem is that the guys on the ground are telling their real story of what happened and u a bunch of management pretending like thats not exactly what happened. They werent there and the democrats who are in congress werent there. Neither were the republicans. We need to listen to the people who were on the ground. As you recall, we heard from charlene lamb a few months back when she was the person who basically turned down the locals request, the locals as in our people, request for more security. Do you think theres going to be a better coordination between the folks in washington so they are getting the resources that our people on the ground who are doing valiant work across the world in many dangerous spots, are they getting the resources they need in light of what happened in benghazi . Let me make one thing very, very clear. The state department has a ton of money. They have plenty of money to provide security for all of the diplomatic posts that need high security. Go to the european capitals. We have a whole bunch of money being spent on our embassies in london and madrid and a whole bunch of places that are a lot safer that dont need as much money. The state department, secretary clinton at the time, hillary clinton, decides how to spend that money. Nobody tells her to dont spend money on the benghazi support system or security and spend a whole bunch more money on the european capitals. She decides how to divvy up the money. Clearly the state department did not put enough money into high security, you know, diplomatic posts. Especially when folks on the ground said they needed it. Let me ask you about that. State department sent out a fax sheet earlier today saying theyve implemented 24, i believe, hard for me to read here with my eyes but most of the recommendations that the accountability the review board put forward, do you believe that this is enough to keep our american personnel safe . Because thats really essentially what its all about. Accountability, what happened in benghazi and then going forward, keeping our people safe. Yeah. Let me say one thing very clearly to the democrats who dont think benghazi is a big deal. This is about future safety, about the decisions that were made not to put enough security in a dangerous post. Weve got to fix that. Its not fixed, heather. I mean, its not fixed because the state department is scrambling, retending like they did everything right. The accountability review board was a joke. It didnt even interview the people who were responsible for trying to figure out where the money went. Patrick kennedy and secretary of state hillary clinton, one quick thing. We also learned yesterday that an individual saw documents being dumped. This individual was a Deputy Assistant secretary at the state department who gave money to president obama who supported president obama who now says hes being railroaded. And that was raymond maxwell. Were going to hear more on that. Hes expected to come before the committee at some point but not today. Rick, thanks so much as we continue to watch whats happening out of washington. A lot going on today. Thank you so much. We know isis is a threat overseas but what kind of danger could it and other terror groups pose to us here at home . And what is the federal government doing about it . Were live with an update on that. And flooding fears in arizona as that state gets pounded by more rain. The remnants of hurricane odile, how bad is it going to get . Were live at the Fox Extreme Weather Center. We have clouds in the sky. Were trying to be prepared this time around. Im praying that it wont do what it did the last time. Im too tired. I dont need more rain. When i heard there was more rain coming in, i panicked. Its horrible. Searching with devotion for a snack that isnt lame but this. Takes my breath away co until youre sure you do. You need a hotel room bartender thanks, captain obvious. Co which is why i put the hotels. Com mobile app on my mobile phone. Hotels. Com i dont need it right now. Still ko to mean, the growing threat of isis and how the feds plan to keep us safe here at home. Were live with an update. Watches and warnings posted as arizona deals with more rain. You wont believe the amount it is predicted to get. How much before its over. And also new warnings about the deadliest Ebola Outbreak ever amid news of a possible vaccine. Medical expert weighs in. Plus well hear from an american ebola survivor. Isis is just one of the issues topping the agenda on capitol hill today. A house hearing is underway on terror threats to our homeland. Doug is covering this angle for us, hes live from washington right now. Yesterday the isis hearing got all of the attention. Today weve been focussing mostly on benghazi. What is happening on isis . Well, this was the first timd to testify before the house Homeland Security committee. He and the other witnesses, d. H. S. Secretary johnson and the National Counterterrorism center director, matthew olsen, but more specifically, Obama Administration itself came under some really tough questioning from the very getgo in the hoping statement about the rise of isis. Listen up. Weve known for many months that isis was surging and registering a top threat to the United States but the white house dithered. The rise surprised virtually everybody. We could not have imagined that on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the 9 11 another american president would come before the American People to make the case for the destroying of a terrorist organization. In his prepared remarks, National Security director olsen said that al qaeda, isis, remains the supreme korldwide terror threat. He described how al qaeda has marched from a centralized heirarchy to a diffuse operation. Jay johnson described how d. H. S. Is increasing efforts to track those who enter and leave syria and who may seek to travel to the United States. He said that he has a, quote, reasonable degree of confidence, not a high degree but a reasonable degree of confidence that the u. S. Is doing a god job of tracking potential terrorist fighters to and from the United States. Director come y said that thousands travel to syria every year and tens of thousands of people travel to and from the United States every day. A daunting task it is trying to ferret out potential terrorists from the ordinary traveller. Doug from washington, thanks. Well, its the Desert Southwest but its hardly desert these days. Its bracing for potentially historic and dangerous flooding today. Remnants of hurricane odile dumping up to two inches of rain in arizona and new mexico last night. Now warnings of more rain, much more in some of those places. Maria is live in the Fox Extreme Weather Center with the latest figures for us. Good to see you. Hello. Thats right. Were expecting more rain across parts of arizona and new mexico and i kind of want to point out this part of the country typically doesnt see that much rainfall. We saw a little more than three inches about a week and a half ago in the city of phoenix and there was significant flash flooding occurring back then. There were cars being washed away and rescues that were even being done out there because of how much flash flooding we saw just from that amount of rainfall and we could potentially be seeing more than that as we head into today and also into tomorrow across portions of arizona and also in new mexico. And the reason for all of this is Tropical Storm odile. Its still a Tropical Storm and has maximum sustained winds at 40 miles an hour. The center of circulation is forecast to move over southern portions of arizona and you can see how much rain were still expecting the next few days, as much as four to even six inches. Locally even higher amounts will be possible, especially under some very heavy thunderstorms that could produce rainfall rates of one to two inches per hour. So flash flood watches are in effe as far west as parts of Southern California and out there were really not expecting that much rainfall. Most of it is farther off to the east but any isolated storm that fires up there could produce some flash flooding as well. By the way, we really need that rainfall in Southern California. We have not only Drought Conditions but also an elevated wildfire danger in place not only because of the Drought Conditions but also because of very hot temperatures and gusty winds. There is a trough farther off to the west so an area of low pressure that will be moving eastward and it will bring a relief to the very hot temperatures and dry conditions but again, extreme drought throughout the state of california. Were not really expecting to see that much rain from that storm system, just a couple of showers across northern portions of the state but take a look at this. L. A. , your High Temperature forecast to make it into the 90s today. You could see some gusty winds today, gusting to 20 to even 30 miles an hour so that will keep the wildfire danger high. By tomorrow, improvement out there. Temperatures dropping in the 80s and then the next several days, well see temps in the 70s so that will be some good news to southern parts of california. Yeah. If only we could shift that rainfall from the hurricane a little bit more counterclockwise, huh . Yeah. Thank you. Thank you z. And that rain in arizona has nowhere to drain. It just collects, doesnt absorb. Thats a problem. You know something about that. I used to live there. Got family out there. Lets talk about what president obama is doing told. Hes in tampa, florida meeting with Central Command and military leader there is and were waiting his remarks about our efforts to combat isis as we keep an eye on this at Macdill Air Force base but you also will remember this. These pictures of american ebola survivor arriving home and it was so amazing that he was able to walk out of this ambulance despite suffering from ebola. He is expected now to go to capitol hill to testify on exactly what needs to be done to combat ebola. So medical experts right now are briefing lawmakers on what they should do to combat that epidemic and well talk about that in just a minute. Following happening now outnumbered comes at the top of hour. Were awaying president obamas speech on isis as the Justice Department launches a Pilot Program to combat homegrown radicals. Is there any real way to stop them . Plus the nfl starting to feel the heat as more sponsors express concern over its handling of Domestic Violence and child abuse scandals. We know that smells, you know this can trigger strong emotions and memories but can they also be used to identify a persons politic political beliefs . I dont know that i would like that. All that plus our hashtag one lucky guy all happening on outnumbered at the top of the hour. I cant wait. What do you smell like, jon . Victory. Well stick with that. Not even going to go there but lets talk about this. The ebola survivor, remember him . The american who was working hard over there to combat ebola in west africa . Hes now appearing today before congress and hes you remembering u. S. Lawmakers to take action to try to stop the spread of this disease. Well, this comes less than a day after president obama announced a massive plan to try to control the deadly virus that he calls a Global Security threat. The World Health Organization is now warning that the number of cases in west africa could, listen to this, double every three weeks. So far there have been about 2400 deaths this year a len alone and the u. K. Is announcing the first vaccination trial. Joining us is a cardiologist and assistant professor of medicine at the university of North Carolina. Welcome. Tell us about this vaccine. Theyre actually testing this on healthy people. How does this work . Exactly. What we do in this setting is we take a virus thats a cold virus but has a common protein. Its a small percentage of ebola being injected, right . And it cannot cause the disease. Its just to stimulate our own immune system to make antibodies which allow us to fight off the disease. This could be a really it could be a game changer if we can create a vaccine that works. Theyre testing it on 60 people. Do we have any idea how quickly the vaccine could be ready . All of this is going to be fast tracked. Nerd, itsz going to go much faster than normal Clinical Trials would go. Theyll ask about side effects, local swelling, any other type of fever, chills, medical side effects and then draw the blood of the patients who have this and see if they develop this to ebola. If they have, larger trials will happen and hopefully within a year. 2400 deaths so far this year. Why do we not have a better handle on this . I really think it was a failure to act quickly. I think that our administration came out yesterday with some important things that theyre going to do. Wish they had happened 60 day ago. Weve got to get involved now. President obama announcing 3,000 troops to go over there, part of their mission will be to help train Health Professionals but also to build hospitals, provide more beds. A lot of us looking at this, probably thinking, boy, we dont want any american troops to be infected with this. Exactly. Its my hope these will be well trained troops that will have all the protective gear and equipment they need, all the isolation type tools. But these men and women may not be experts in infectious disease. I agree. Im hoping the army will provide this training for them quickly and we have wonderful resources in our military such as navy corps men and others who are medically trained. Do you think we can get a handle on this . I think we can but we have to act now. We cannot delay any further. We need to get there, train africans to actually diagnose, treat and protect themselveses so we can get a handle on it. If not, it will become endemic there. A Georgetown University student died from what they believe may have been meningitis. Her name is andrea jamie. She was a sophomore in the Nursing School there at georgetown and georgetown is waiting for confirmation she did, in fact, die of this but we know there have been outbreaks of meningitis in our universities. Princeton was one where they did a vaccination against the students after the fact. How concerned are you about this . Meningitis, particularly bacterial meningitis, the real concern here, is incredibly contagious and can be deadly. Is viral easy to treat . Viral meningitis is seen in younger people. It can occur in adults but you usually treat symptoms and dont see deaths from that. Thats the good one if youre going to get it. Exactly. Bacterial, how do you treat that . You want to diagnose very quickly. I would begin antiobiotics almost immediately. When we were training in internal medicine, we were taught if you think theres meningitis, give antiobiotics quickly, immediately and then do the diagnostic test at the same time. How did the subject even get this . Its very easy to transmit through body fluids, airborne, its seen in College Dorms because we live in close proximity to one another there. Its a big deal. Im sure theyre providing antiobiotics to those in close contact with her. Thank you very much. We are waiting remarks from president obama. Hes on the ground meeting with military leaders in florida at centcom regarding the way forward dealing with isis. Commander in chief supposed to make those remarks about now. We understand hes running about 30 minutes late. Hell be at the podium there at Macdill Air Force base. When he does, we will take you there live. Also a School Bus Driver dies on the job but is hailed as a hero. Her final act of bravery coming up. She jumped off the bus. The bus driver tried to stop the bus and then the bus tried to run over the kid. Shes a hero. She did exactly what you or i or anybody else would do when youre dealing with children, make sure the children are safe. This is simply an unbelievable story. A school bus d hero. She jumps in front of a moving bus to save a little girl who would have been hit. It happened as the driver and some students were taking part in evacuation drills at the school but suddenly, the bus lost control. The bus starts rolling in reverse, going backwards and its going down the hill here. So shes a 10yearold, she panics and jumps off the bus. Bus driver grabs her and throwing her in the tree line. Rolling bus crashed into the driver but the little girl was just fine. What a miracle. What a hero she was, certainly. Investors on wall street are keeping their eyes pealed for major announcements today. Up about 20 points right now. Investors are waiting to hear from the Federal Reserve announcing a big decision on Interest Rates. Also a lot of anxiety about whether scotland will vote to leave the united kingdom. That vote comes tomorrow. Lauren of the Fox Business Network has mr more on this for us. Where do we begin . Lots of market moving data not moving the markets much. Dow is up, waiting to hear what the fed says. But here is something we have not said in almost a year and a half. Consumer prices fell, down. 2 last month as you spent less on gas, air fare, clothing, used cars, even home decor. The price of food, however, that does continue to rise and anyone food shopping certainly knows that. Beef and veal prices jumped the most last month. Meanwhile, oil prices, theyre coming down today. We got a report about an hour ago showing a build in crude supply last week. Thats more god news for the gas tank. Price to fill up, 3. 37 nationally this morning and get this, it might drop even more. Another good piece of information, if youre ready for it, is the report on home construction. A report showing that Home Builders are more confident than theyve been in nine years, a better job market is helping that situation. And the big question now is, what does all of this mean to the fed . It has not raised Interest Rates in eight years. What will policy makers say about that . Their decision on rates is expected two hours from now and remember, because this is a big deal, it only happens four times a year, fed chair holds a News Conference at 2 30 eastern time to discuss all of this and if thats not enough for you, tomorrow we get what is expected to be a very, very close vote from scotland on whether that country will succeed from the united kingdom. Tough sessions certainly tomorrow and friday. Back to you. And youll be around to interpret what the fed chair says at that News Conference, right . Absolutely. Always sounds like gobbly gook. Considerable time. Thats what we want to hear this time around. Like the language in the hobbit, right . Exactly. Were standing by for president obama to speak from centcom. Hes visiting in florida for a joint briefing on the fight against isis. While take those remarks live as soon as they begin. Well be right back. Could help increase returns so you can enjoy that second home sooner. 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We welcome back todays hashtag one lucky guy, Fox Business Network and we remind charles hes outnumbered. Welcome back. Thank you very much. Outnumbered in the best kind of way. Yes. Im excited to be back. Another big news day right now. Well hear the president. Were anticipating hes going to talk about isis, not sup

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