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Shovelready projects. Mr. Obama heads to new york. He will be about 25 miles up the hudson river from where were sitting right now to the visit the tappan cebridge. A major hudson River Crossing built 60 years soarly needs replacement. The bridge is set to cost nearly 4 billion. Joining us to the talk about the politics of all this, juan williams, fox news political analyst. Charlie hirt, is a columnist at the washington times. Six years into his term, juan, were getting another appeal for shovelready projects. Why did not this get done the first time around . Well, what you had was other projects that were, at the time, thought to be shovel ready. Of course what we later learned from Vice President biden they were not quite as ready as they thought in terms of immediate injection into the economy. Right now youre at a point where there is, from the Democratic White House perspective, need for additional stimulustype spending. Jon, as you know, that word stimulus is politically toxic these days. So you have republicans saying, look at the deficit, look at the spending, questioning whether or not the first round of spending actually had the results that they had hoped. Jon charlie, you know, i cross the bridge a fair amount. I live up in that general direction. If i want to go across that bridge in my car, costs me about 5 to six bucks, depending on time of day. Some trucks, tractortrailer rigs when they go across the thing have to spend 50 bucks. All that money gets collected by government. What happens to it . Well, obviously a good portion of it gets kind of wasted but anytime you have a politician who suddenly starts worrying about roads and potholes you know that theyre in trouble and thats what the case weve got now with president obama. But youre point is exactly right. Were, what, four years after the great stimulus plan and, with all these shovelready programs, that not only, did they not stimulate the economy very well, but, they also left a lost huge Infrastructure Projects undone. And it does raise important questions about all of that and so at this point i think it is largely politics but one thing i think is important to remember, four years ago democrats controlled the white house, they controlled both chambers of congress and they controlled the senate with a filibuster majority. They could have done anything they wanted to. They could have raised your taxes, as high as they wanted to and gotten away with it and they didnt do it. But now that theyre not, now that voters stripped them of control or at least some control in the senate, now they want to do, you know, even more of this stuff. I just think it is all kind of politics if you ask me. Jon some control on the house side i think you mean with the republican majority there. Yes. Jon juan, what about that . If jobs and economy are issue number one and they generally are in most polls, why has the president spent the bulk of his time trying to revamp how we pay for health care in this country . Well, it is not the case that he hasnt paid attention to jobs. It is that when you look at the jobs bill, when you look at infrastructure spending, it is all caught up in the paralysis that afflecks washington, d. C. Right now. As you saw yesterday, we cant even get an energy bill done without politics intervening. It wasnt a big energy bill. It was about basic, sort of Energy Efficiency steps that the government could take. So what you get when you look at Something Like the tapensee, why wasnt done earlier . There was a lot done earlier with stimulus spending. Contrary to the popular myth, there was a lot of restimulus to the economy, job production that came from it. But people really have now viewed that stimulus spendingsing as questionable. That is why it is politically toxic. That is why it is hard when you look at the bridge, when you look at money you spend, jon, when you go across, where does the money going, the money goes into maintaining declining structure rather than rebuilding and repairing it. Jon we have the graphic shows what it costs to get a car across the tapensee, there are different fees from different times of day. If you have an ez pass they call it in the northeast, you get a lower rate. That is a Million Dollars a day operation. The charlie, the other crazy thing, who builds a bridge with intended lifespan of 50 years . Thats what government did, 50 years, that ought to be long enough . I think you put your finger why there is such immense frustration in both parties especially among conservatives and tea party crowd. You know, government doesnt do things like this very well and the farther you get government away from people and taxpayers, the worse they are at executing very basic, simple things. You know, towns that pay for projects, rarely have this kind of problem. There is, rarely this kind of waste and abuse and theft that occurs at that level. But, the sort of liberal orthodoxy that president obama has embraced that the only good things that happen, the only decent things that happen, the only honest things that happen in government happen at the federal level, it is just crazy and were seeing that. Were sawing that throughout stimulus and we see that with obamacare and we see that now. Jon happily when they built the Brooklyn Bridge more than 150 years ago they decided they wanted the thing to last and it has. So far. Also, worth noting the president s going to be collecting some Campaign Money while he is in new york. So he will ask the taxpayer for some money and collect some Campaign Cash at 32,000dollar a one last quick, jon. That money youre paying goes to local and state government, much more than the federal government. The federal government is trying to help out local and state governments. Its a difficult situation for jon as he tries to drive across that bridge and paying out of his head. That is crazy. Jon i can afford it. I take the tappan instead of George Washington bridge which costs twice as much. I digress. Charlie hirt, juan williams, thank you both. Jenna right now, Veterans Affairs employees in several states are under investigation after reports of long wait times for medical care were deliberately concealed. This as the secretary of Veterans Affairs prepares to testify before a Senate Committee tomorrow about the growing scandal over substandard care across the country. Certainly has been big news as of late. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin is live at pentagon with more on this jennifer, what do we expect to hear from the va secretary tomorrow . Reporter i would expect him to outline what he is doing to get to the bottom of the current crisis. He has order ad facetoface audit at more than 800 va facilities across the country but numerous whistleblowers say, va officials like shinseki have known about these specific complaints for months, if not years. Each article, or each new material that i received i purposely sent to those different gentlemen with a backup copy, just so that they can say, oh, i never knew this, or i never knew that. Every time they say, i dont know this, or i dont know that, somebody else dies. Reporter debra draper of the Government Accountability office is expected to testify tomorrow as well. Here is what she said in march. Va medical centers do not always provide timely care and in some cases these delays have resulted in harm to veterans. Reporter expect explosive testimony tomorrow on the hill, jenna. Jenna jennifer, how many states are now affected by the scandal . Reporter well at least five. Earlier this week at town hall meeting in arizona with senator john mccain vet reins and their families told of their experience with the va. My father died august 8th, 2013, waiting for care. Delayed care, aid and assistance. When i was on the fifth floor in august of 2012, somehow i contracted mrsa in one of my eyes, in my left eye. I went to the nurses they just said, oh, it is nothing, it is nothing. I kept telling no, there is something wrong. They looked at it and diagnosed it which she shouldnt have done. She is not a doctor. Reporter that man says he ended up going blind in one eye because of poor va care. Jenna obviously more on this today and tomorrow. Jennifer, thank you. Well russia now retaliating for u. S. Sanctions over ukraine, this time in space. Moscow is announcing that as of 2020, it will no longer participate in the the International Space station. That almost certainly means the space station experiment will end. Phil keating is live in miami with more. Huge news here. The International Space station, what, has six years left, phil . Reporter yeah, almost certainly that it will be the case if russia does deliver on this threat announced yesterday. 13 years old, 100 billion invested, 15 participating nations but in all practical senses without russias cooperation, the space station as we know it dies. Nasa budgets about 3 billion every year funding the space station and all the science up there. The u. S. Wants to keep it going and alive until at least 2024 but the russian side has the thrusters that keep it in orbit and property attitude. The u. S. Side controls the solar a ray, i. E. , the power source. It takes both nations to keep it operational. Nasa reaction, quote, cautious. Ongoing operations on iss continue on normal basis of the we havent received any official notification from the government of russia on changeses in space cooperation at this point. You as astronauts rely on russians to get up to the space station. That contract is good through 2017 and not affected by the movers from moscow yesterday. Phil keating in miami. Just unbelievable that that thing potentially could just burn up but well see, six years is long time away i guess. Thanks, phil. Jenna from outer space to under the water, an underwater attack caught on video. Well show you the full thing coming up. What triggered this assault and what sort of charges could the attacker face since it was under the water instead of on land. Dramatic new twist in the blade runner murder trial and what a judge ruled that Oscar Pistorius must do. Desperate search for survivors as a explosion traps hundreds of desperate miners underground. A latest in a live report next. Translator fellows who work with me were gone just like that, making me so sad and heartbroken. Human lives were so easily taken away. Ef . Try dulcolax laxative tablets. Dulcolax is comfortcoated for gentle, overnight relief. Dulcolax. Predictable overnight relief you can count on. Jenna right now some new information on a few stories were following across the country today. An update on a story we brought you yesterday out of chicago. Chicagos two main airports returning to normal after smoke at a nearby radar facility stopped all flights in and out of the windy city for hours. Evacuation ordered lift in san diego after two wildfires forced thousands of residents to flee their homes. The fires are calming down as winds diminished there. No reports of damaged homes or injuries luckily. Ohio Appeals Court upholding a lower occur ruling that a deadbeat dad can be ordered not to have anymore kids until he play pays his back child support. A judge ordered Austin Taylor not to have anymore children while on probation for next five years. Said the order would be lifted in taylor paid nearly 100,000dollars in overdue support for his four children. Jon to a desperate race against time now in turkey where rescue crews are trying to reach survivors after an explosion at a coal mine trapped hundreds of miners underground. More than 230 people confirmed dead now. Crews estimate there may be more than 100 people still inside. Leland vittert is following the story live from our Mideast Bureau in jerusalem. What is the latest on the rescue, leland . Jon, there is not much good news coming out of turkey right now. In the words of an official on the ground there, hopes are diminishing when it comes to the rescue operation. It has been just about 12 hours since they pulled anyone out of that wreckage alive. The wreckage underground there, from that coal mine and this really is a daunting rescue effort that is underway. 400 rescuers, they have to trek about a quarter of a mile into the coal mine and pull each victim out by hand and theyre having to do that as theyre fighting some very dangerous gases that have built up there in that mine since the fire and explosion yesterday that occurred. Evidently some kind of Power Distribution panel there was an explosion, then a large fire there and obviously well over 200 people are now confirmed dead. This happened right at shift change there in the mine. So there was a much greater number of people, seven hundred plus people there inside of the mine at the time of this. Obviously that has complicated the rescue effort and as the fact that there is no power inside of the mine. They cant use the elevators and those kind of things. There were a number of cheers went out when they brought out some folks who were alive on this, a number who were very badly injured but overnight there was scenes in the hospital with great despair and anguish on faces of family members as they gathered not only at the hospitals but also the mine to try to get any word on their loved ones. It is coming hour by hour, there seems to be more bad news than certainly good news. There are now reports that there are angry mobs that have gathered in various places and chanting various slogans against the Prime Minister there, who has gone to the mine, inspecting and talking about the rescue effort. There is a lot of anger about family of miners about the type of Safety Equipment that was there, type of inspections, those kind of things. They say there is not being done to save their loafed ones. Back to you. Jon what a story. Leland vittert from jerusalem. Back to you. Jenna a terrifying scene as a man driving a stolen truck crashes right into a television station. We brought you the breaking news yesterday during our show as it was happening. What happened truly inside and what police are saying about the suspect. The full story just ahead. Midterm election cycles kicking into high gear as im sure youre aware. One analyst says high voter dissatisfaction could spark deja vu this november. Wall street journals gerald seib weighs in just ahead. When folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Trwith secure wifie for your business. It also comes with public wifi for your customers. Not so with internet from the phone company. I would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. But that would require wifi. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get two Wifi Networks included. Comcast business built for business. Jon new info on a story we covered here on happening now tuesday. The shocking video of a guy slamming a stolen truck into the lobby right through the front doors of a baltimore tv station. Take a look. Well, after smashing through the doors police say the man then got out of the truck, spent five hours barricaded inside that tv station. Thankfully nobody was hurt. Officers say he was aarped with a golf club, when they finally arrested him. He has now been charged with Second Degree attempted murder. Jenna noticing how close we are to the treat, jon, by the way, just traffic going by. So you just confront. Jon im told, im told the glass is very thick. Jenna well see. As primary season gets into high gear, new analysis what we might expect with elections in november. Wall street journal gerald seib writes in his column, political mood direction of the country, ratings of the incumbent president s Economic Performance and hopes for outcome of the economics, feelings are uncannily before october 2010, just before the democrats lost six senate seats and whopping 63 house seats, ceding house control to republicans. Joining me jerry seib, executive editor of the wall street journal. What is your big takeaway from what youre seeing in the polling . Look, i think the country is kind of in the same place it was in 2010, as you suggest, which is to say there is awful lot of economic insecurity out there. There is not a feeling the country is moving in the right direction. That never works well for the party. Incumbent president. That is what the democrats went through in 2010. They have to be worried what the lay of the land looks like right now. There are important caveats. Were still six months out from the election. This is may, not october. Well see what happens. Second, the democrats ace in the hole for years now the republicans are no more popular, and a lot less popular overall, 25 in our surveys said they had positive feelings about republicans. Jenna why do you think it is, jerry, feelings gone more negative so the republicans havent made up that difference . I not in favor of democrats but i wont vote in favor the republicans, why do you think that is happening. There is not zerosum game. There is disgruntlement with the system in general. That is democrats, republicans. That has to be concerned for republicans. The fact that democrats are down does not mean republicans go up. Weve seen that for several years. The other thing to keep in mind, the really important race this is fall are races for senate seats. Particularly the republican quest to take six seats away from the democrats so they win control of the senate. Those, those races tend to be campaigns unto themselves. Theyre not as influenced by the National Mood as house races are. They tend to be more influenced by quality of the campaigns and candidates inside of the state. So you have to be a little careful transposing National Mood on to individual state Senate Elections but the overall environment jenna i thought really interesting point, i want to underscore that for our viewers that you wrote in your column, you said for National Polls, we have one, the poll you mentioned jerry, whether or not the country is moving in the right or wrong direction, this is National Poll and sometimes you say the National Polls are helpful when it comes to house elections but senate not so much. Right. Jenna so, that begs the question then, for these local races, what is going to determine what is going to be the key issue and how, how do you see that playing out on a local level . Well, look what you know from these numbers is that the democrats face a headwind. Every democrat faces headwinds this fall. They have to deal with that one of the ways you deal with that in senate race, you make the race about yourself. You dont try to nationalize the race. I think republicans will have much higher interest making even house races, particularly senate races national races. In other words to project them on to the National Political landscape. I think Democratic Candidates will have to try to make this about what theyre for and detach themselves to some extent from whats going on in washington. Jenna one of the things were seeing, jerry, the president is here in the new york city area talking about shovelready projects. You point out in your piece the economy yet again will rise to the top here and be one of the big issues. We see democrats making that turn already. Theyre making a turn to talking about minimum wage, shovelready projects, et cetera. Were not exactly seeing the same thing from republicans. Do you think democrats are moving towards it too early . Do republicans not really have a plan to offer . What is your thought on that. That is an interesting point because i do think the democrats realize the economy is still the key issue. All these years after the 2007 recession began it remains a dominant issue in Many Americans mind and they will try to address that the overall economy is doing okay, not great. We have policies that will help the middle class more than republicans will. Republicans have to ask themselves, continuing to focus on Affordable Care act or obamacare, and benghazi and issues like, is that a Winning Strategy . Do they need to go out and make an economic argument aggressively from their side . My guess they will decide ultimately they need to be in the economic debate as much as democrats. Jenna what do you think that looks like . Look, again, you have, you have an economy that is not performing well. At love americans think is not working to their benefit. Thats a kind of an overhang of a very deep recession that hasnt gone away yet. I think thats the conversation most americans want to hear. I think ultimately that is where both parties and many of individual candidates will decide they need to be in that conversation above all. Jenna were looking forward to new ideas, arent we, jerry . Weve been talking about economy. Does anybody have any new ideas out there . That is interesting point. People are mystified the way the recovery unfolded and things are going on in the economy hard to understand and dont necessarily fit with past practices. That is what people want to hear discussed. Im not sure anybody has the right answers but those are the issues. Jenna we hope somebody does. We need someone in the drivers seat. It is interesting time. Where is innovation and what is coming next from politicians and everybody else. Jerry, great to see you as always. Thanks so much. Thanks. Jon danger in the deep blue sea. A scuba diver attacked underwater. What sparked this assault . The story on the way. Plus, obamacare taking center stage on capitol hill hill again as lawmakers get set to grill the president s nominee for health and Human Services secretary. Can we expect fire works at silvia burwells confirmation hearings. As secretary of hhs, will you in fact be the health and Human Services secretary for the American People or will you be as your predecessor said the bams today door of obamacare. It is my objective and i talked about in my opening statement, im here to serve mayo . Corn dogs . You are so outta here aah [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of greattasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. Nutrition inharge™. You always get the lowest price [ bottle ] ensure®. Book any flight or hotel and if you find it for less well match it and give you fifty dollars back thats the expedia guarantee woman this place has got really good chocolate shakes. growls man thats a good look for you. woman that was fun. man yeah. man let me help you out with the. woman . Oh no, i got it. man you sure . woman just pop the trunk. man vo i may not know where the road will lead, but. Im sure my subaru will get me there. announcer love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Jenna welcome back, everyone. The next phase of obamacare is in the spotlight on capitol hill as we await confirmation hearings for Sylvia Burwell. She is the president s nominee for health and Human Services secretary. Hearing get underway a few hours from now. Democrats hope it is start for new era for the controversial law but new polls suggest tougher times might be ahead. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel is on capitol hill the. Mike, what should we expect at the hearings today . Reporter Sylvia Burwell will get questions about recent headlines such as failing state Health Care Exchange and what are the current problems with the Health Care Law and what anticipated to be future problems with the Health Care Law. The last time she was up here late last week in front of a separate Senate Committee she was asked about all the obamacare adjustments and delays. I think it is fair to give business a delay but not individual americans, and, what further changes, if any to existing law and regulations do you anticipate having to make before december 31 of this year . From the administrations perspective what were trying to do is common sense implementation within the law. Reporter burwell was confirmed 960 in the senate to be budget director last year. So you can expect a lot of tough questions about obamacare and not so much about our personal biography. Jenna. Jenna mike, democrats seem a little bit more convinced after a bumpy start to this Health Care Rollout things are looking up. Why do they think that . Reporter thats right, we heard recent days democrats say that they think republicans are starting to retreat on obamacare. Some polling suggesting that perhaps things have stablized a bit. Some other polls suggest that once people get higher premiums for next year, that bigger problems may be ahead but clearly Senate Majority leader harry reid is trying to go on offense. When democrats face questions, do you want to get things done for the middle class, our answer is yes. When the republicans are asked that same question, only answer they can give is no. Reporter republicans still anticipate obamacare to be perhaps the number one issue in the 2014 election, particularly the component where they were promised people were promised if you like your doctor you will be able to keep it. Democrats are clearly trying to turn the page, jenna. Jenna well see what happens, mike. Thank you very much. Reporter thank you. Jon some new info now. The blade runner murder trial in south africa take as dramatic new turn as the judge orders Oscar Pistorius to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. This after a defense expert testified that the athlete suffers from generalized anxiety disorder. The evaluation could put his trial on hold for months. Lets bring in our legal panel, rebecca rose woodland, heather hansen, both are trial attorneys. Heather, this testimony about generalized anxiety disorder, that came from a defense witness. Did it backfire . It certainly did, jon. I dont think that the defense ever expected that it would result in having a, perhaps even a commitment for 30 days. But what happened here, was the defense trying to bring that in as evidence that selfdefense was reasonable for oscar, giverren his generalized anxiety, given his physical disabilities, this was reasonable behavior. Instead it is now questioning whether or not hes dangerous because he is so anxious and whether or not he should be allowed to have weapons. Jon all right. Rebecca, what if the judge or what if the evaluators take him into this facility for 30 days as apparently is going to happen, and say, oh, yeah, he does have generalized anxiety disorder, he is not right in the head. What happens then . Jon, there are a couple of options that can happen. The judge is ordering him to go to an outpatient facility now. She wants to evaluate whether or not he is mentally incapable, which would possibly end the trial and have him submit to an institution immediately. Or, if his capacity was diminished, which would then affect the outcome in terms of sentencing if he is found guilty. So i think she wants to evaluate now, rather than after a verdict, have the defense appeal saying he had mental incapacity. Jon but this trial, heather, was supposed to have been over a long time ago. Now they have brought up this can of worms. He is going to go to, you know, the psych ward for 30 days at least. It could be months before they get this trial back on track . No doubt about it. The interesting thing here, jon, is that this psychiatrist who testified did not meet with oscar until may 2nd, i think the 7th. After his testimony. So it looks as though they wanted to bring her in to sort of bolster his testimony, to explain some of the behavior that he showed on the stand, and instead it resulted in this delay which no one counted on. Jon all right. I want to change topics now for our viewers. Take a look at this underwater video. And environmentalist was scuba diving in hawaii when an aquarium collector, bringing in fish to sell above, you know, on the surface, attacks her, ripping her breathing device off, 50 feet underunderwater. Here comes the guy. He is angry. The woman with the video camera winds up getting her regulator ripped out of her mouth. Its a possible dispute over collecting reef fish. The officials the say attacker is charged with Reckless Endangerment and harrassment. The collector, im sorry, the woman taking the video told a hawaiian television station he thinks the guy should be charged with attempted murder. Rebecca, what do you think . You know it looks like someone who has intention to harm someone underwater, removing her oxygen, her ability to breathe, seems like an attempted murder charge to me. It is a very aggressive move. He doesnt know that this woman happened to be an expert scuba diver. She claims had she not had 10,000 hours underwater she would have definitely drowned. So i think the authorities should be taking into account the fact this was an aggressive move win tent. Heather, the, the guy was collecting these reef fish, again, to take to the surface. You sell them for the aquarium trade. There are people in hawaii, you know, advocates, underwater advocates say the reef fish are being pulled away faster than they can regenerate and basically it is pillaging the reefs for a profit. This guy had an permit to do this he was doing this in an area where he allowed to do it. She is not exactly bothering him. She is 30 feet or more away with the camera. Is there any justification for what he did, apparently . There is long history here, jon. You kind of laid it out a little bit. There is long history between the environmentalist and people who collect the aquarium fish. She was actually charged with harassing a fisherman which is a charge in hawaii because of thee events. We dont know what led up to that approach. Clearly i think authorities have taken all of that into consideration. The fact that in fact these people may have met up before and in hawaii, these issues come up a lot more often than they would in new york city. Jon yeah. He is charged, yeah, you dont pull those kind of fish out of the hudson river, thats for sure. He is charged with Reckless Endangerment. Well let our viewers know if those charges are increased in any way. Rebecca hanson rebecca rose woodland, heather hanson. Thanks. Thanks, jon. Jon i have not had that happen. I guess you havent either. Jenna no, thankfully. Jon i used to keep aquarium fish, saltwater aquarium fish. Theyre great to have, but a lot of them do come from the wild, you know. Theyre tough to breed in captivity, a lot of them. And so they have to pull them off of reefs and, i dont know. Jenna i think well be checking over our shoulder a little bit if were doing any diving after seeing seeing that. Well keep you posted what will happen with that story. Warnings will be posted for u. S. Airports for people coming in from the middle east amid concerns about the spread of this mers virus. Two hospital workers in florida becoming sick after coming in contact with a patient that had the virus. Jonathan scary is live in atlanta with the latest on this. Reporter hi, jenna. One of those hospital workers had been hospitalized himself and the other was quarantined at home awaiting test results. We have breaking news to tell you though. Those results just came back. The hospital announcing minutes ago that those two hospital workers had tested negative for the mers virus. In other words, they are not infected with it. Even though they have treated a patient with a confirmed case of mers. The two had complained about flulike symptoms after working in the Emergency Department at dr. P. Phillips hospital in orlando where they treat ad patient who later tested positive for the mers virus. Although the two workers tested negative, Public Health officials are testing 13 other workers at that hospital and five other Health Workers at Orlando Regional Medical Center where the infected person had accompanied another patient undergoing an unrelated proper last week. Take a list den procedure. The contacts that have been identified that were exposed to the patient, it all happened before the proper isolation precautionscautions were initia. So these people were in contact with the patient, without a mask reporter currently there are only two confirmed cases of mers in the u. S. , one in florida, one in indiana, both involving Health Care Workers traveling from saudi arabia. Researchers suspect the virus is related to camels or consuming their milk or undercooked meat. Health officials placed warning signs in airports alerting passengers traveling to and from the middle east of the potential risk. They say the virus is not easily spread persontoperson without prolonged close contact such as in a hospital setting. As for the one patient in florida with the confirmed case of mers that these hospital workers were treating, the hospital tells us that patient has been feverfree for the past 24 hours, still recovering in isolation, as a precaution but said to be doing well. So certainly good news, jenna. Jenna that is good news. I want to go back to the headline from your report, jonathan because people are concerned about this virus spreading but the two hospital workers they were concerned about that might have gotten the virus, now we know definitely thats not the case . Reporter we know thats not the case. They did come down with some type of a flulike symptoms but the tests show it is not from mers, Something Else. Jenna interesting. Thank you. Jonathan. Jon friends of the surviving Boston Marathon bombing suspect, dzhokhar tsarnaev, returning to court today. Next who they had to face in court. An exhibit honoring three thousand victims of the 9 11 terror attacks will open soon in new york city. Well have a sneakpeek coming up. Ive got a todo list and five acres of fresh air. Top three tools hammer, screwdriver, front loader. Happiness is a driveover mower deck. A john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. [ don ] in the right hands, an imatch quickhitch could probably cure most of the worlds problems. [ male announcer ] thats how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. Visit your dealer or johndeere. Com 1family. Jon 13 minutes away from outnumbered at the top of the hour. Sandra, andrea, whats coming up . Hey, jon, attorney general eric holder saying that the doj is holding off on investigating the va scandal over allegations of gross misconduct and peril deaths and this has critics all fired up. A major city cracking down with a cure few for teens, one of the toughest in america. Concerns this may go too far are running rampant. Others say parents need to step up to and raise their kids. Forget hiking and canoeing, and runways and calorie counts at a model camp for kids as young as eight years old. Oneluckyguy, guess who, at top of the hour. Jon cant wait. Thanks. Jenna social media, we talked quite a bit about cyberbullying for example. Police are working that technology into valuable Law Enforcement tool. Garrett tenney live in chicago with how social media is changing the way police solve crimes. Garrett . Yeah, jenna. We all know there is lots of people who post their every move on social media, everything from what they had to breakfast and when their neighbor was doing on the lawn. Police are using that because criminals believe, it or not, are even posting about their dirty deeds online for bragging rights now. Teenagers are especially active on social media and more often cops are finding when there is conflict or a shooting, it is because of something that started online, like just a few weeks ago on chicagos south side when two girls fighting over a boy on facebook, escalated to 14yearold inddiao martin being shot and killed on her way open from school. Chicago police say social media is increasingly important tool theyre using to help prevent and solve crimes. Plus superintendent Gary Mccarthy says it is become the modern day graffiti for gangs. Rather than spray painting on somebodys fence, they do it on social media. Often times because of farreaching effects of social media and awe eyes can see it, quickly escalate into further gang violence. Jenna, this is just spreading, the Police Departments across the country, almost all of them have some type of presence on social media and they all say within the next year, in a recent survey, that they are going to be expanding those presences. Jenna . Jenna very interesting, garrett, thank you. Jon speaking of monitors, parents are using new hightech tools to track their babys vital signs. Is this going overboard or just a smart way to keep little children safe . We want to hear from you. Go to foxnews. Com happeningnow. Click on the americas asking tab. Well see you on the chat. The National September 11th Memorial Museum opening its doors. Rick leventhal live at ground zero to tell us about his tour of the site. Rick . Reporter jon, it took eight years to build it at a cost of more than 700 million if you include the memorial but the museum is finally finished. You see it behind us there. It is ready for visitors tomorrow. We got a preview and well show you inside of that museum coming up. True businessgrade internet comes with secure wifi for your business. It also comes with public wifi for your customers. Not so with internet from the phone company. I would email the phone company to inquire as to why they have shortchanged these customers. But that would require wifi. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get two Wifi Networks included. Comcast business built for business. Jenna National September 11th memorial Mir Hossein Mousavi is about to open its doors my yum. It will open to rescue and recovery workers before opening to the general public just one week. Rick leventhal with closer look for us. Rick . Reporter jenna, some of were down here on 9 11 and millions more in the city and estimated two billion people watched events unfold around the world, so everyone has a story that day, where they were, how it affected them and their families. That is a big part of the museum, and artifacts and images from the one of the worst days in American History and what happened before and what happened since. This is the september 11th, 2000 one. It sort of marks the beginning of the story that were about to tell. All the content in this area is happening after 8 46. You v. The first tower hit and lots of people being on the street and looking up, seeing what happened. This is what i remember vividly. Charred pieces of paper raining down. Exactly, exactly. This is actually some video from inside of the towers. There was a french documentary crew that happened to be following one particular firehouse and at this point in time, one tower had been hit. Nothing had collapsed. You hearing the emergency radios and hearing sirens. Exactly. You see the time stamp up there. 9 03 a. M. This is moving footage of the second plane hitting the second tower. These are parts of the plane that struck. This is the area we talk about flight 77, that was crashed into the pentagon. Sign obviously shredded and the phone melted. Exactly. The pentagon is a strong, strong, multiringed building. To have flight 77 crash into it and wreck this damage and kill so many people, something that we need to tell as part of the story. In addition to the trade center and the pentagon the story of flighted 93 and how those passengers and crew, who knew things were happening, decided to take action. They knew their plane was an attack device to strike Something Else. And. They werent going to let it happen. And they werent going to let it happen and they didnt let it happen. Were at the point where both towers collapsed. The dust cloud is just covering lower manhattan. The debris and force of the wind of the towers talling and this thing was completely burned out. This is section talking about people going to the towers. They collapsed now. Now it is about finding people that are still alive. Reporter victims, family, members, survivors and firstresponders will have five days to tour the museum starting tomorrow and the public will be invited to tour it starting next wednesday, may 21st, jenna. Jenna emotional to watch on television, rick. I cant imagine what it will be like in person for some. Rick, thank you. Jon a guntoting suspect, no match for a daring dog. This police k9 hailed as a hero. Well tell you what he did and what is next for bruno, the crimefighting k9. Jenna a relic police dog getting a new lease on life. Bruno is in anaheim, California California . Ecl police k9 who nearly killed trying to apprehend the suspect. That is what is ahead. Jon and a good pension, we hope. See you back here in an hour. Jenna outnumbered starts right now. This is outnumbered. Here today, sandra smith, jedediah and one lucky guy, Tucker Carlson officially outnumbered. Welcome back. Great to be here, thank you for having me. Are you ready . Totally ready. I spent a lot of time with women in the last few weeks. You are normally outnumbered with your daughters and

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