i have met with him personally. he was fine. >> was he a teacher? >> i am not at liberty to say that. >> was he stabbed? >> no. >> what were his injuries? what were the nature of them? >> he had injuries related to -- actually -- >> it was a medical condition rather than a surgical condition. >> he is being treated for a medical condition not a stab wound. >> do you have any idea what age range he is? >> i am not sure of that. >> we are making preparations for that, but we have not received anything like that. we will be working with the school in whatever appropriate way. we have such a vast team, a number of resources within our system. we have psychiatrists here and throughout the health system. we have some of the best folks around. so we will do what we can. as with others in the community. >> will any other students be transported? >> i don't know if we know all of their conditions. >> we do not. >> how did you first learn of this? >> i was notified through the team when the alert went out. it comes from a pipe page. >> definitely a sad day in the community. can you talk helping children in a story now getting national attention? >> the one thing, it has been on a journey the last 10 years with a level of services they provide. we have a cardiac program, open-heart program with implementation of a, program to prepare for an event like this. we live in a community that can be relatively isolated with bridges and tunnels and all of that so sometimes a response can be delayed. the critical nature of the injuries demanded an acute response. from the paramedics down the trauma surgeons. i say this is what we have worked for. >> even prior to today, there were two instances. the other did not get any media attention, but there have been at least two situations from the beginning where we have saved a life. they would not have made it going downtown. >> can you tell us the gender, girl, boy? >> they are all boy. >> they are all male. the ones who are here. there are females who were sent to other facilities. >> and their ages 15-17? >> 50-17. >> can you clarify what you told us earlier? >> we had a 17-year-old kid who suffered from a wound to the chest. >> talk about earlier, one of the surgeons congratulating you for helping save the life of a friend. >> amber had mentioned that earlier. that is correct. when applying pressure, it is important to preserve, that could be lifesaving. >> we were under impression that was a female brought here. >> she came. >> just wanted to get that. >> the friend that applied pressure to her friend, it was a girl applying pressure to the boy who was stabbed. >> she was not injured to the point. >> no. >> were the students wearing a jacket, did they have any protective clothing on them at all that you know of that might have helped at all as far as the severity of the injury? >> i don't think so. >> the way the paramedics responded, lots of the outer layer clothing is gone. >> in those circumstances the paramedics do everything they can. again, we cannot complement them enough. >> what would you have to say to her or him? what were you have to say in regards of what she did today? >> she displayed an amazing amount of composure to help a friend who was having probably pretty significant bleeding at that point in the pressure she applied probably played a significant role in his ability to survive this. >> would you say she saved his life? >> i don't know all the details. >> one thing that could be a working hypothesis for you to look into, the boy predicting fellow girl students as well. so some of the patients we have here may have likely been heroes this morning. you don't know that, i'm just saying it is something that would make sense to me, i think you need to look into it. >> do you know if the female student male friend, is he one of those that had to go? >> yes. >> can you tell us when you might know more about the significance of the injuries of the two, when will you know if they are out of the woods? will you know today? >> our hopes is they will be coming out of the er pretty soon. prior to coming over here i had been in the or. things are becoming stable and they were going to be plans to get them transported the intensive care units. >> can you confirm one of those students is suffering from a stab wound to the liver? >> again, with the stab wound and pantry nature, all those organs can be affected. again, the expertise that was available to us is the calls came in from everywhere. i was in contact with the general hospital and we had three young males with stab wounds, so simply made the call and said can we have the liver team activated on the way. they just got in the car and started driving here. their expertise was needed, is needed and is being utilized. >> i can let everybody else know there is a 15-year-old female who has been treated. i believe she was flown. >> thank you, doctor. thank you so much. jenna: this is the initial of measuring have about the four students in critical condition because of the stabbing that happened at a pennsylvania high school. at least 20 people we know are hurt because of the stabbing and we are learning what has transpired over the last several hours. the students showed up the high school and confronted something very different. a male student is now in custody. just outside of pittsburgh. happening as students arrived for the day. laura angle has been following the developments as we get them in the newsroom and we can piece together what actually happened this morning. reporter: his early-morning nightmare in high school located 17 miles east of pittsburgh took place reporting of the public safety spokesperson now confirms the suspect is a 16-year-old male student allegedly armed with two knives and went from classroom to classroom and through the hallways stabbing and slashing students. 19 students were injured and one adult staff member. we have learned a school resource officer was on hand to assist officers to take the student into custody fairly quickly. we do have some new sound we just got after the first call to 911. >> i need some asap. we are getting a call reporting one individual has a knife. there is a victim down. 115. jenna: as you have been hearing, the update from the regional medical center wors were sorry t serious injure students were taken. some of the stab wounds are been described as deep penetrating injuries. three students are in surgery, two are in critical condition but have stabilized. doctordr. say they have severe injuries to the lower organs. another head injuries to his torso. all of the students are said to be male. three or four are said to be okay, but one or two of them may require further surgery. all knife wounds to the lower abdomen and all seem to be the same pattern doctors say to the right of the lower abdomen. ) continue to flock to the school to check on their children. >> i have been in this community because i want a safe environment for my daughters to go to school so she can be competitive in today's society. jenna: we have been told and fbi interview specialist will be handling the questioning of the suspect who is in police custody. the student was evaluated and later be taken prehospital according to what are the detectives. the latest in the newsroom. jenna: still breaking and developing story. we have joining us on the phone. and fbi specialist is going to be looking into this. where do you begin? >> it's what a start with the questioning and were there warning signs, what led to him going crazy on fellow students. that is what they're going to try to figure out. any warning signs somebody could have acted upon at home or the school which could mitigate this. heard something from each one of these, really the focus is going to be what is going on. >> and happening in the days before. and knife attacks, certainly too many school shootings, but what does it say to you that it is a stabbing? >> he probably did not have access to a weapon, to not desire to get a weapon. that is the case, he took what was readily available. you try to put your kids in a safe school but this can happen anywhere at anytime. that is unfortunate thing about the society we live in. that is the life we have right now regarding schools and other businesses as well. jenna: something you work on, talking to businesses and different communities about how to prepare. this correctly happen to anyone of us, what should we do? >> you can never be 100% certain this will never happen the matter looking for warning signs, keeping businesses and schools safe. you have people that sometimes their brain isn't working the way it is supposed to. you can't do anything about everything the one of those situations. the best practice, we are experiencing this sadness. jenna: standby for a second, some brand-new sound of the newsroom us while the parents parents and community reacting. i want to play that for the viewers. >> i just want to get him home. it was just a mess. school is telling us to take care. >> i walk into the school, i saw kids running and i was told to get out of there as quickly as possible. i ran out of there. i saw one kid, his arm look like he was bleeding but he was already attended to by other people. >> or stomach just drops not knowing what is going on, what is happening is a terrible, terrible feeling in our prayers go out to all the families affected. jenna: jeff, there will be a lot of attention on the boy who did this, but what about the students who experienced it, what is the right course of action for them today? >> everybody in the school will need to be talked to by a specialist who deals with trauma issues. there has to be an after action extension to get kids through this. things at some point have to return to normal. is nearly impossible, but you have to have a counseling session with all the kids, not just the ones that were hurt. everybody. if you don't deal with it right away, it will have an effect on their development. jenna: as has been described in a variety of different reports this young man who did this was taken away in cuffs. take us behind the scenes now, what is happening to him, who is talking to him at this time especially the fbi is going to be involved at some point. >> getting in cuffs is a first course of action. if mitigate the threat before you can rescue anybody, mitigate there is no more danger. what is happening now depends on the stage. he'll most likely need his parents involved. most jurisdictions not allowed to interview minors without guardians present. they are probably trying to figure out ultimately what it will look like. jenna: so the parents would have to be there for the questioning to begin? >> the parents have to be there for a federal investigation not sure how the law is in pennsylvania. jenna: great to have her expertise in a story like this. if you're just joining us, we're learning about this. 20 individuals stabbed at a high school. 19 students, still a lot of questions. we know there was a stabbing but we don't really know too much about what kind of weapons are being used, how the student was able to do so much damage. jon: very unusual to have a knife attack of this kind. criminal investigators i've spoken to in the past tell you when somebody uses a knife in committing this kind of a crime it implies a significant amount of rage the very personal amount of rage directed aft the victims because it takes a certain amount of nerve i guess for lack of a better term to actually physically make contact with your victims. jenna: these are the ones in critical condition, some of them are in surgery. there are females understand it sent to other facilities. ages range from 15 to 17, so just guessing at this time a sophomore or senior in high school. jon: a junior at franklin regional high school and joins us on the phone. we able to see any of what happened? >> i was not, but i was just above the incident. jon: what did you hear? it must have been chaotic. >> my first reaction when i thought it was just somebody pulled a fire alarm as a joke or something, but then there was a sense of panic, people got out of the school much faster than usual. i heard some screaming but i couldn't believe, is never occurred to me and incident was actually all current and were outside. jon: was class underway? my understanding is the first victims were going to the hospital around 7:30 this morning. >> class usually begins at 7:20. jon: that is when this thing began. >> yes. jon: we are told the accused suspect is a student at the school, are you able to confirm that? >> yes, he is a sophomore. jon: is he somebody you know? >> per se did not know him. he has a brother in my grade. comes for a pretty good, but i don't personally know him but i do know some of my close friends are in his first class. he seemed very quiet. jon: you don't need to use his name is probably best you don't at this point since he is 17 years old, but is it someone who has been known to have a history of trouble of any kind? >> i have never heard the name associate with trouble in our school before, it's just, i heard people talking to him this week who said they were just speculating but he seemed a little on edge this week, but that is just what i heard. jon: the victims, are they people who would have been on an enemies list? >> i happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time because personally i know one of the victims, he was a close friend of mine. i was riding with him last month, one of the nicest people i know. impossible to have anything against him. these are all good people. jon: we know you have a very big day ahead and awful lot of healing to do at franklin regional high school after the stabbing attack. thank you for sharing your insights with us today. jenna: we still have a lot of questions, why did he do this, what transpired, did anything happen the day before or perhaps earlier this morning that would have provoked this sort of attack. as we have more developments we will bring them to you we had we will make sure to keep you updated as we hear more. jon: a couple of big political stories breaking in washington right now including a possible vote in the house of representatives to hold lois lerner in contempt of congress. what would that all mean? we will talk about it with karl rove coming up. co: sometimes you don't know you need a hotel room until you're sure you do. bartender: thanks, captain obvious. co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone. anyone need a coupon? i don't. >> will conservatives bend a bit? jon: new action in irs political profiling scandal. we are live on capitol hill awaiting a vote in the house of representatives ways and means committee on lois lerner for criminal prosecution. she is at the center of the target controversy but she refused to testify about it before congress. taking the fifth amendment as two separate hearings. now there is where the republicans have evidence she helped direct the irs targeting against conservative groups and she misled investigators exposed private taxpayer information. the troubles not and therefore mrs. lerner. they will vote on holding her in contempt of congress. joining us now, karl rove. a fox news contributor. this committee that is voting today, if they vote in the affirmative, they kick it to the justice department headed by eric holder. what happens then? >> first of all i need to disclose i am associated with a group called crossroads gps conservative advocacy group. this is a group lois lerner is with, involved in the house ways and means committee action. she led an effort to deny 5o1c4 tax-exempt status diverting their own status and procedures to harass conservative groups. we know she reached out the irs, her former employer attempted to get them to join in declaring crossroads gps the group that had to file which they refused to do, when it became known that she was in communication over this issue, he resigned, left his job. so i don't know what is in the documents, but my suspicion is we have been led to believe the crossroads gps and will be all over the stock missed because lois lerner pick this out went after the tax-exempt status and violated her own standards and rules. it is a violation of federal law to give out an application of a 5o1c group like gps and the irs released their application through investigative unit underwritten by george soros and the irs admitted it. no action taken by the justice department, nobody has ever called and said we need to talk about the release of your confidential documents and the violation of the law that entails. i will be interested to see with the ways and means committee hitter says. it'll be referred to the justice department if they pass it for a criminal referral and frankly i think it is the right thing to do but let's see if eric holder knows what the right thing is to do or the brushes is off as he has done in so many others. jon: republicans are saying one of the charges against her in their view is she relieves private taxpayer information made it public. the irony here it seems to me is democrats on the committee so you cannot have these hearings because that would take private taxpayer information and make it public. so where does it go? >> the application of among others perhaps. the democrats in the committee are in a bad place defending from using the irs to prosecute, to harass, to go after the political opponents. jon: let's change topics for a moment, both sides addressing the controversy today. democrats accusing republicans of trying to turn the terror attack into the scandal. >> it was a terrorist attack, well-trained terrorists who scoped out the facility and the key thing if they brought indirect fire in on the conflict, the cia. they were well-trained and had a direct mortar fire in the slit is good we don't know who concocted the lie, the reaction to a video. we do not know who chose and then briefed u.s. ambassador to the united nations susan rice to go on five television programs and light the american people, and we do not know if this was done inside the white house. we don't know who was responsible and we haven't had a chance to ask that person or the motivation was to protect the president whose election was two months away. the president has been consistently saying on the campaign trail al qaeda was on the run and usama bin laden was dead and it did not fit the narrative a terrorist attack by people associated with al qaeda was taking place so close to the election and for americans were dead as a result. we know some answers, we know the former deputy director of the cia hid for six months to over a year or a year and a half he was a guy responsible for watering down key parts of his agency key talking points and did not in key conversations with members of congress and previous testimony own up to that fact until his testimony this month. jon: what is the cia doing offering talking points anyway? >> the real question is why is the cia deputy director watering down his own agency's guidance? jon: karl rove, perhaps there will be answers. possibly select committee in congress to investigate. thank you. jenna: a pennsylvania high school experiencing a stabbing attack by a student. 20 injured, four are in the hospital at this time, some in operating rooms. we have breaking news out of pennsylvania, more on that after the break. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] help brazil reduce its overall reliance on foreign imports with the launch of theountry's largest petrochemical operation. ♪ when emerson takes up the challenge, "it's never been done before" simply becomes consider it solved. emerson. ♪ emerson. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. 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>> it is a good question, and the answer is probably not. this is about politics, about shining, continue to shine a bright light on the activities of the irs, but as you point out, just by virtue of their doing this the department of justice may or may not take the house committee's advice. i guarantee you they probably won't given the highly partisan nature of all of this up until now. we have seen the bickering on capitol hill even yesterday between eric holder and the republican on committee about the contempt charges. i don't think all this partisanship is going to clear in order for the doj to do what i think it ought to do, pursue charges. as you point out, that will not happen, at this point is largely political. jon: i find it interesting republican-led congress the first charges for democratic administration and the democratic run justice department. we famously remember a year or so ago on president obama said he was outraged by this scandal. what has the white house or what has he administration done since then to get to the bottom of it? >> there has been justice department investigation, fbi investigation. so far they say they don't have any evidence with criminal activity. it has not satisfied republicans on the hill who say politics may be involved here. i think that is why you see the head of the house ways and means committee participating in this because i agree with charlie, this is very political, but it is a political fight, you better get out your boxing gloves because we're going at it. going back to 1951, this kind of any conviction for contempt for somebody exercising their rights. jon: that is the point, they rarely result in any kind of a penalty from the court according to the research we have done. is it the at her? >> it is a political realm. where we are not supposed to see politics is in the irs. i stick fast to my believe what lois lerner and what the irs did targeting these conservative groups was clearly partisan. now we have a new inspector general report out an hour or so ago revealing highly political partisan activities in kentucky and in dallas. callers calling into the helpline and irs officials telling people they need to vote obama for reelection or it will hurt as taxpayers. this is astonishing stuff. while it is perfectly legitimate coming out of congress, the degree to which we can see politics in this administration is truly stunning. apparently it isn't outraged enough because it will get even worse. jon: the political groups are the brunt of the focus, to liberals have a dog in this fight? is this the kind of thing that liberals should be opposed to the matter what one's political philosophies are? >> that is why president obama said he was mad outside the box. if you use it as a weapon in political fights, it is beyond dirty, un-american. imagine if it is a republican, if anybody thinks they can use the irs against their enemy going back to the dirty old days of nixon. people know on both sides. at this point this is a political exercise to energize. it has lost steam from everybody except true believers, but it does stir the base. going into an election year, going to be effective. republicans are pursuing this story as if lois lerner were the great white whale. jon: we don't know what she was up to. we don't know what kind. >> that is her constitutional right. at some point you have to say that is what makes it. jon: thank you both. jenna: one family's ordeal is finally over after being rescued with their sick one-year-old daughter. coming up, how the one-year-old is doing today and why the parents are facing backlash about their choice to sail the seas. plus, a group of paralyzed man able to move their legs again. coming up the amazing new treatment giving them and thousands of others new hope for the future. ñ jon: we are checking with the newsroom to read more on the top story. plus the stories next hour. and naval ship picking two more underwater ping in the search for flight 370. could this finally be the break investigators need? plus a student festival at one university takes a violent and chaotic term. one student airlifted to the hospital. we will show you how things got so out of control. and new details on the bankruptcy proceedings. how the couple's lavish lifestyle is a big smoke and mirror show. jenna: another groundbreaking study giving hope to thousands of people confined to the wheelchair. after four men were able to voluntarily move their toes and feet after receiving a treatment known as electric stimulation. one of the senior researchers on the study and assistant professor at the university of louisville, kentucky, spinal cord injury center. and one of the participants of the study. we're so happy to have you both onset. so many questions, i don't even know where to begin. in general can you give us a brief idea when somebody injures the spinal cord, what happens and what does this treatment provide? >> the injury is localized for a very small area of the spinal cord, there is a thought the brain cannot connect with the spinal cord anymore. the spinal cord is actually intact. where making use of that part of the spinal cord implanting an electrode on the lower lumbar area and wake up a little bit to be more responsive and receive the signal from the brain. the spinal cord will actually take care of all the details. jenna: you have had a chance to experience this. how are you injured? >> i had a blown out tire. i was ejected from the vehicle. >> and so you are paralyzed from the waist down? >> from the chest down. jenna: how did you get involved? >> i saw in 2011 a commercial funded by the christopher reeves foundation. the year and half later i was accepted, moved to louisville to be a part of it. jenna: so what does this feel like? there is a pulsing. is it ongoing? >> the frequencies are about 30-hertz. so it continues. they know exactly how much voltage they need, you have to keep going up until they actually feel their muscles and feel the ability to connect to their muscles. jenna: i'm thinking about getting an electric shock. what does it feel like? >> you can fill your muscles turning on, it gets to a certain voltage, you can start controlling your muscles. so now i can stand, move my legs, toes and ankles, turn on my core, do more activities you had struggled with before. >> we're going to keep working on this, they are actually showing us every day what new things they are able to do, swear definitely going to keep working. we're working to see if one day we can get the individual to take some steps. jenna: what would be the ultimate goal? >> walking would be an amazing goal. there is a secondary effect, promising for myself and others with spinal cord injuries because we have had success in the spinal cord and sexual function. it is a huge boost to personal life and self-confidence. jenna: someday we want to do it. so when you are ready to show us the progress. thank you very much. jon: that is amazing, really good news. the latest on a young family terrifying ordeal and the criticism i have received because of it up next. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. 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controversy. adam is their lives with more on that. reporter: the family here in san diego about 45 minutes at the naval base. they will either come in right here, north island, as you come in to the bay, the warship is expected to come in and doc about 9:30 local time, 12:30 eastern. the normal place they would come into doc's north island. loading itself up with munitions. the family will get off the boat, no media access, take the one-year-old to a hospital for a final checkup. been rescued on sunday with the family. the u.s. international guard has flown out there on thursday to stabilize her. the sailboat had problem with direct than other problems with the motor and coming down with systems consistent with salmonella poisoning. a rash, diarrhea, high fever. they picked her up, brought 1000 miles back in here. lot of controversy surrounding this because the navy and everybody has said, the coast guard and international guard that they will not charge the family for this rescue. in response to that end the whole story, they released a statement from the warship saying in part we trie try to understand there are those who criticize our decision to sail with our family but please know this is how our family has lived for seven years and when we departed more than a year ago we were then it remains today confident we prepared as well as anybody could to sail. that came from the family. again, what happened was the san diego national guard flew out when i called for rescue and they said they needed help about 900 miles off the coast of mexico at that point. the warship would pick them up and bring them back here. the one-year-old is doing very well and we are told she should make a full recovery but will be going to the hospital when the family arrives here. jon: as the controversy wages on. thank you. jenna: we are waiting the vote for my house committee on whether or not to refer lois lerner to the irs scandal. we are live on capitol hill with the latest on that story next. c. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®. >> fox news alert. we're following a terrifying attack at a pennsylvania high school. welcome, everybody, to a brand new hour of "happening now." i'm jenna lee. jon: what an awful start to the day. police say a 16-year-old male student armed with two knives went on a stabbing rampage as students arrived at a high school out of pittsburgh. 19 students are wounded. one adult as well. doctors say two students at nearby hospital are critically injured. three are in surgery and thankfully all are expected to survive. the suspect is in custody. here is one student describing the chaos. >> my one trend got cut across the face. she was bleeding. my one friend saw her. i didn't see her. the one friend got stabbed in the back. my one friend's brother, he got tackled to the ground and they stabbed him several times. i don't know how he is doing. it is unbelievable. jon: there is a news conference underway right now outside the school. let's listen in. >> the actions and response of our staff, students, and local law enforcement officers saved many lives. our emergency responders provided critical support and medical assistance. we will continue to work in cooperation with the local law enforcement and in the coming dice and weeks ahead. our high school, as mr. stevens noted, will be closed over the next several days. however our elementary schools and our middle school will remain open tomorrow as we know that our school families and system, can provide strength and support to our students. counseling services will be available for the entire school community. if parents elect to keep their students home, we understand and we will provide any support for those families as well. further information in regard to these services will be shared out soon. we appreciate the thoughts, prayers, and support from our local community as well as from across the nation. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, superintendent. just following up, we do have a very large law enforcement presence. we have assistance from not only local law enforcement here in the muserriesville, penn township and surrounding communities. state police is here to assist us with the investigation. the fbi has brought in individuals to help the investigation background to see if there was anything that led to this particular situation. at this point i will open it up to questions. >> can you tell us about the -- [inaudible] >> that information will come out at a future time. this, the actual principal that tackled the individual is still being questioned by law enforcement and that information will come out later on. >> [inaudible] >> i can't release that at this point. >> was there any kind of safety exercise here at the school? >> it was probably, you know that is one thing we're very fortunate here. we work very closely, the department of public safety works with the school district. we were up here three months ago for a tabletop exercise and we had a full-scale exercise here about a year ago. so you know. franklin regional school district has been proactive when it comes to any type of school incidents that occur and you know, these plans are reviewed and the plan will be reviewed after this situation to see if anything needs to be improved upon. we have to look the a it from the standpoint what we saw happen here today, was very good evidence that the plan does work and students are, you know, safe as safe can be. we haven't lost a life. i think that is what we have to keep in mind. remember, we have to keep the people that are affected by this, the 19 students and the one faculty member that was involved in the actual stabbings, that we want to make sure our thoughts go out to those people. it's their, their world that we have to worry about right now. the school will resume. we will be back as strong as you were in the past, if not stronger in the future. thank you for everyone. >> thank you. >> are there metal detectors in place in the school? >> no other questions. jon: all right. the last speaker we believe was dan stevens. he is a spokesperson for the westmoreland county public safety division. speaking before him, the superintendent of the franklin regional school district. if you happen to be joining us late, 19 students and one faculty member were stabbed at a school about 16 miles outside of pittsburgh this morning. the suspect is in custody, a 16-year-old student. dan stevens use ad bit of awkward phraseology there which you can certainly understand in this circumstance. he said, talked about the 19 students and one teacher who were involved in the actual stabbings. he means victims of. there is no that anybody else was actually taking part in the stabbings. just wanted to clear that up in case you're just joining us. joining us on the phone, rod wheeler, former d.c. homicide detective and fox news contributor. rod, it is pretty strange you have a mass stabbing incident. i'm just baffled by this very often, if there is to be a stabbing it's one or two people. >> exactly. i think one of the questions that the law enforcement agencies now, jon is trying to figure out, one, how did this kid get the weapon in the school? from what i understand speaking to some of my sources, this particular school, jon, does not have metal detectors. that is not confirmed but comes from reliable law enforcement source. they do not have the metal detectors at the school. what the school does do they do spot-checks on certain students if there is need. one other thing that is very significant, there were three school refours sisters at the time of the shooting i'm sorry, not the shooting but the stabbing, this happened right after the 7:00 hour this morning. so that simply meant that most of these resource officers were probably stationed on the outside of the school because that is typically where they stand and where they're supposed to be on the outside of the school. so when the stabbing started these three resource officers ran into the building but by the time they got in, several people had already been stabbed and the principal had already captured this guy. so that's kind of how the situation appears to have went down earlier this morning. jon: yeah. obviously no metal detectors as you say would be a factor here but you know, there are a lot of people who just don't want metal detectors everywhere in american life. it is bad enough you have to go through them at the airports. >> well, you're exactly right. that will be up for debate, jon. we talk about this all the time. do we need metal detectors at our high schools? the other thing very significant with this case, that the viewers need to know, at this particular school the middle school and the elementary school, for this particular township is located on the same grounds. so that's why you had so many school resource officers there. but again, i think it is really good that they had this recently went through a tabletop exercise for active shooters and for active threats and by the way, from what my source always tells me the initial call that came into the police department this morning was critical incident, active threat, possible stabbing. so that is kind of significant for the law enforcement response. jon: spoke to a student earlier in, last hour, who is a student at the school and sort of acquainted with the victims said there was never any sign of trouble from this kid prior to this morning. again, what just a shocking way to wake up there outside of pittsburgh, pennsylvania. >> you know, jon as these cases come along as time goes by we'll learn more. the question is were there any warning signs. jon: that is always the question. rod wheeler, thank you. >> thank you, jon. jenna: we turn to those most affected by the stabbing, the victims, who have to deal with severe injuries as we've been reporting to you. we have dr. ernest patti, st. barnabas hospital and certainly works in the e.r. and dealt with stab wounds before. this transpired over the last five hours. some students are in surgery. we're learning from the doctors, a lot of male students affected had upper quadrant stab wound but also stab wound to the right lower abdomen. they seem to be following a pattern. what does that mean to you? >> well a lot of these things, jenna, are based on the height of the person doing the assaulting and what position victims were in when they were assaulted but mainly any of these injuries that affect the torso, and that includes the chest, the abdomen and the pelvis region, any of those injuries are all potentially life-threatening, because that is where the majority of your vital organs are as well as great blood vessels and abdominal organs which obviously have a lot of blood in them and perform a lot of vital functions to keep your body alive. jenna: and so, knowing that that's the area that could be affected, and as you mentioned we don't know the specifics yet, we just know they're in critical condition, what kind of surgeries could they be going through right now? >> anytime you have a multiple casualty incident like this where a number of people sustain life-threatening injuries basically the response by ems is always to do the most good for the largest number of people and to spread your resources as wide as possible some these folks are, get pulled into surgery right away because i'm sure a number were in shock due the amount of blood they have lost from these particular injuries. so what they, go into the operating room for is abdominal surgeries where they open up the abdomen to look for areas that are damaged and try to basically fix and repair the bleeding areas and or damaged organs to keep the patients vital signs in a good range so that they can remain viable and live to see, you know the healing of their injuries. jenna: we'll certainly get to the point where we're talking about recovery. right now we're sort of reacting to the news. dr. patti, thank you very much. we know so many students were losing blood, jon. that is one of the reasons why they had to be medevaced out of the area to a hospital in pittsburgh where some of this could be addressed so. jon: some of the finest hospitals in the world in bits burke. that's a noteworthy point here. jenna: we'll continue to watch the story. bring you developments as we get them. only five hours since the story first broke. we're learning a lot of information about both the students that attacked other students and also the conditions of the students who were attacked. we'll bring you that news as soon as we get it. jon: meantime this, fox news alert. house lawmakers push for criminal charges against the woman at the center of the irs targeting scandal. the house ways and means committee, moments ago voting to refer a letter to attorney general eric holder to pursue charges against former irs official lois lerner for contempt of congress and leaks of confidential taxpayer information. lerner has refused to tell lawmakers what she knows regarding the agency's targeting of tea party and conservative groups. now the committee's chairman says he has evidence lerner broke the law. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live with the latest on that. so what's the reason that those in favor are making for this criminal referral hearing? >> reporter: jon, i should point out the vote was 23-14 along party lines. lawmakers say we will see some of the evidence they considered ahead of this vote. the chair of the relevant subcommittee laid out these reasons. >> she was not truthful with congress. she was not truthful with the tax inspector general, or treasury inspector general for tax administration and she indeed divulged confidential tax information into the public domain. >> reporter: this is unusual procedure. the last time a criminal referral was sent to the justice department was 2008. major league baseball pitcher roger clemens, accused of lying to congress. the department of justice did take up that referral and prosecuted clemens. i should note, he was acquitted, jon. jon: there were some early signs of tension among the lawmakers. tell us about that. >> reporter: well, that's right. right off the bat republicans wanted to go into closed executive session to discuss the evidence they had to go forward against lois lerner. democrats wanted to keep it open, wanted to keep reporters in the room. check this out. >> what is the point of order? >> what is the gentleman's -- >> mr. chairman i have a right for point of order. >> chill out. what is the point of order. >> you follow procedure. >> what is the gentleman's point of order. >> what is the gentleman's point of order. >> i'm very chilled out. i want to ask the motion be read again and raise a point of order. >> two guys from michigan going at it. chill out. i'm very chilled out. jon? >> i'm not sure the term chilled out would be the term i would use to describe that scene. mike emanuel, makes your job interesting covering capitol hill. >> reporter: thank you, sir. jenna: if lawmakers say it can we say it during the show? jon: sure. jenna: chill out, jon, just chill out. very professional. wild scene, speaking of professional, on one college campus why a peaceful festival turned into chaos. look at this in iowa, iowa state. major developments in "the blade runnerrer" murder trial as oscar pistorius faces tough cross-examination about the night he shot and killed his girlfriend. get paid to do something you really love, what would you do?" ♪ [ woman ] i'd be a writer. [ man ] i'd be a baker. [ woman ] i wanna be a pie maker. [ man ] i wanna be a pilot. [ woman ] i'd be an architect. what if i told you someone could pay you and what if that person were you? ♪ when you think about it, isn't that what retirement should be, paying ourselves to do what we love? ♪ t! paying ourselves to do what we love? [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for... ...all day relief. hmm. [bell ring] "roll sound!" "action!" (agent) i understand. (dad) we've never sold a house before. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. (dad) so if we sell, do you think we can swing it? (agent) i have the numbers right here and based on the comps that i've found, the timing is perfect. ...there's a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (dad) that's good to know. (mom) i'm so excited. jon: at least one person had to be airlift to the hospital after riots break out on the campus of iowa state university overnight. students tipping over cars, ripping down street signs. the crowd then throwing beer cans and rocks at officers. it happened during the school's annual visia celebration. it is supposed to showcase the university. the injured student was struck by a falling light pole. his condition not known at this time. officers say riots like this happened a number of times over last 30 years. jenna: fox news alert now. serious concerns about internet security today as canada is forced to shut down online tax filing because of a new computer bug. this is just one side-effect of this computer bug that is really getting a lot of attention. it is called heartbleed. it targets a flaw in commonly used free software and leaving credit cards and critical information exposed. the problem is, this has been around, heartbleed for at least two years but cybersecurity experts discovered it. what do you know to know about it? we have a editor at large for encryption that when my brain starts to shut off. what is different from this bug or bugs in general? >> it is scarier. it is not local but on all servers that run millions of sites across the internet. just about any site you can think of, from news sites, banking sites, to social media. the service offer is apache and open ssl is on inside of this and millions and millions of websites. jenna: less about hey, my website got hacked and more about this is a server all these major websites go through. what websites? >> just about any. "new york times," any of these major sites might have some apache server in there. right now you can go to to check whether or not the sites are clear, what is really important to understand here, this is supposed to be what was attack and what is the big vulnerability is the area that is supposed to be most secure. ssl, stands for secure socket layer. it is handshake that is supposed to protect you and that is what has been broken. the big problem, so widespread, been around so long, there is no easy way to know which sites have cleaned up the mess and which ones haven't. jenna: so who would have the capability to hack, is it a hacker that would get into this and plant a bug? who would do this? >> well a security firm discovered it. what they immediately tried it out and found out how easily they could access all of this information. but the good news is that when a security firm does this, they're trying to help all of these websites and everybody using open ssl to get ahead of the problem and start fixing it. even though it is one line of little code, what i have heard it is not so easy to fix. so it takes some time to do so. jenna: so we can check to see if the website we use has been affected going to what website again? >>, good website for creating secure passwords. they have a site and put in url tells you potential whether or not that site is in infected. jenna: real quick because we've seen two different points of information. one was reported by the bbc that said we should go in and change all of our password and cnet from the "washington post," don't change passwords because it could cause more issues. what should we do. >> don't change your password. you don't know if the sites you're going to have been exited. you have to find out first. check with the sites if you can. use last pass as well. it might be smart to pull back on critical activities like banking until you know they have cleaned up their act. if you change your password right now, and it is still infected, you can't get the information. jenna: interesting. we head with the news about canada. we checked irs as well because obviously people are doing tax filing. we're checking to see if there is anything we should be concerned about. >> the irs, we talked with them and didn't even know about it. they say easy filing and point us to dozens of websites. i don't know if all the tax websites are in the clear. bad timing. jenna: really bad timing. at least a little bit of a head's up. at least we know something now. we can do some our own checking. >> right. jenna: lance, thank you. >> thank you. jenna: jon? >> the irs didn't know about it. government tax dollars at work. big problems for the white house as non-partisan think tank issuing a new report shedding light on obamacare enrollment numbers. plus "the blade runner" back on the stand for day three of his testimony facing tough cross-examination about the night he killed his girlfriend. the latest from the courtroom next. these days, everything your business does is done on the internet. and tomorrow you'll do even more. that's what comcast business was built for. slow dsl from the phone company was built for stuff like this. switch to comcast business internet. then add voice and tv for just $34.90 more per month. and you'll be ready for tomorrow today. comcast business. built for business. jon: more drama that in the oscar pistorius murder trial during an intense cross-examination. the olympic athlete accused killing his own girlfriend arriving at court. his pour just had several emotional breakdowns on the stand this week. now pistorius is in the cross-hairs of the chief prosecutor questioning him about reeva steinkamp's death. he is trying to portray pistorius as obsessed with guns and playing video of pistorius shooting watermelons is zombie killer bullets. >> to compare some biwhich is fix al character to human being the relevance i can't put two and two together. if i'm shooting at a watermelon or at a piece of wood or at a target, i don't points compared to human or shooting a human. >> well you did, well you did. you said, it is softer than brains. who else got brains? jon: the prosecutor ordering pistorius to admit he killed his girlfriend, even asking him to look at the gruesome crime scene photo of reeva steinkamp's head. >> take responsibility for what you've done, mr. pistorius. >> i've taken responsibility. by me not wanting to live my life for waiting for my time on this stand to tell the story of respect for reeva, and myself. i've taken responsibility but i will not look at a picture where imtormented by what i saw and felt. when i pick up my finger i touched her head. i remember. i don't have to look at picture. i was there. jon: let's bring in your legal panel. a former prosecutor and a trial attorney. diana, to you first, put on your prosecutor's hat. give us your assessment of the strength of that line of questioning from the prosecutor in south africa? >> it's very compelling and oscar is overdoing it. he is really trying to sell it and i think he is forgetting who his audience is. he is not talking to a jury. he is talking to a judge and being way too dramatic. he needs to pull it together. the prosecutor will walk all over him. jon: do you agree, pillar? >> no, i think that the fact that he's pretty much been a crying mess the entire time, i think that the prosecution has to go after him but what they want to do is get him to give inconsistent testimony. if he doesn't change his story and all he does is cry, there is really a risk, the judge, who is a human will feel sorry for him. jon: but one point, diana, if he is going to cry what his own attorney is asking him questions for the defense, he needs to be exactly the same, maybe even worse when he is subjected to cross-examination from from the prosecutor. >> yeah, at some point. tears stop being believable. he really needs to pull it together and the prosecutor is making him out to be a vicious reckless person who did a horrible thing. jon: and the zombie killer bullets i wanted to say, pillar, apparently they have video of him shooting watermelons. it was something that was actually run on a television network in south africa, because of course this guy is a national icon down there, to say an international icon as well. so they had video of him shooting these watermelons with bullets that expand and basically made them explode. he said, oh, i don't know if i ever seen such a thing. i don't know if i ever been filmed doing such a thing. then they pull out the video, sure enough he is doing it. that had to be pretty effective moment? >> well i him claiming he didn't know what a some by stopper, whatever the word was, that definitely questions his credibility. i don't know shooting a water mellon, definitely has an effect but not different than target practice a lot of people do and doesn't make them murderers. clearly prosecution wants to show he had fascination with guns. if i were defense he had a fascination with guns because he was scared around he wanted to be a good shooter so he could protect himself because it was pretty clear he was always afraid somebody would break in his house. jon: diana, this was a man born without fibula, the bone that connects the knee to the foot. that is were the amputation took place. he basically has two stumps. his defense attorney had him take off his prosthetics and walk across the courtroom apparently or horrible across the courtroom without his prosthetics on to show what a vulnerable person he is when he is not, you know, the paraolympic athlete we've all come to recognize. effective, do you think? >> right. more drama, drama, drama. again, who are you playing to? there is no jury here. you're talking to a judge. you need to respect her intelligence here and doing things that are theatrical and over the top are not going to be helpful for him with this particular judge. jon: a five-week trial at least. many weeks to go still. diana aizman, pillar prince, thank you both. >> thanks, jon. jenna: lawmakers from both sides of the aisle hitting the benghazi controversy hard. dems say the gop turning into a scandal while republicans say they just want answers. how and why did four brave americans die and the terror attack is still a central question today in washington, d.c. plus so many false alarms for the search of flight 370, why authorities are saying they are confident they will find the lost aircraft and the latest on the search. and this. a veteran who inspires all of us here on "happening now." so many are fox news viewers. here he is skydiving. he is a quadruple amputee, that doesn't slow him down much. that is staff sergeant travis mills. he is marking a major milestone. he will talk to us straight ahead. ♪ with equity experts... who work with regional experts... that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration. mayo? 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do you have any way to assess that? >> reporter: the key question whether the house intelligence committee held out as being sort of the beachhead for these investigations made significant progress. the feeling after morell's testimony last week that not sufficient progress has really been made on this front. jon: catherine herridge in washington, thank you. >> reporter: you're welcome. >> "happening now," an important milestone for one of you areour show's favorite guests. nearly two years ago during his third deployment in afghanistan staff sergeant travis mills was gravely wounded. he lost portions of both armies and both legs bomb becoming the nation's fourth amputee. we followedded travis ever since an at least attempted to keep up with him as he learned to walk and run as you can see on your screen there. to snowboard as well. and showed us how he has adapted to life with his wife kelsey and their little girl chloe who is a fan favorite, once she can complete speak in complete sentences we'll have her on the air. since travis left walter reed in bethesda he has been traveling country and preparing an in-depth documentary about his recovery. this is one of many projects he has been working on. tomorrow a special day. it marks two years since his injury in afghanistan. travis mills is joining us on the phone. hi, travis. >> hello, good afternoon. jenna: how is everything going? >> awesome. let me tell you, thanks for having me on you lovely lady. please tell your husband i said hello as well. hate to be rude and not say that. worked on my moneymaker. got my teeth cleaned out and everything. that's good. jenna: we have you on the phone. the first interview travis mentioned his moneymaker, his handsome face. he still had his handsome face so there was no stopping him. i'm glad we brought it up again. i'm sorry we can't see your face, travis because it's a sight to be seen. >> i got to shave actually. i'm getting ready to go tomorrow to colorado. i have to shave up for that event. i'm a little scruffy right now. you don't want to see it. >> we'll forgive you for that. tell us a little bit, tomorrow is a two-year anniversary and you have said this feels different than last year. how so? >> well i mean, you know, looking back at what i've accomplished and what i have overcame i best from being in the hospital bed and not knowing what is going to happen to last year, you know, learning how to redrive and do a few things and not really out there and now, retired, on my own, with my family. you know i don't think of it as a sad day. as my buddy scott, trucks for troops. it is his birthday. i call it a birthday. i think about it as a day in the past that happened. i don't consider myself wounded anymore. one of those i was hurt on like you remember if you're a in a bad accident, that was a rough day. we're going forward and moving on. i'm excited to be able to moving on. jenna: what are you focusing on now? we mentioned a documentary. i know you've been going around the country and traveling and meeting people and showing that documentary but what else have you been working on? >> i have a camp up in maine for all veterans i'm working on. we're going up to maine for five days during easter to have a big pow-wow for some of the advisory board of the travis mills foundation. we're going around with a documentary. i'm in colorado tomorrow. i come back friday. sunday i'm in peoria illinois. congressman schock is bringing me in to show it and should be a big event and the film festival is honoring a live day for me. so that is pretty awesome tomorrow. i go around speaking quite a bit. i got back to baltimore and i was speaking with 7,000 people about occupational therapy. it was awesome. jenna: did you get nervous in front of 7,000 people? >> no. if they don't like me they will boo me and i get offstage so i figure i roll with the punches. i want to know about this. they see me and want to kind of know. when you have a guy with no arms and legs up there you're kind of drawn into it. jenna: we certainly were. we're drawn into it and following your story along the way. reminds me, we're showing video when i visited you at walter reed ba these today. you were just coming back last year or you were going to visit some of the boston bombing victims and you were going to meet with some of the people that had lost limbs in that. >> right. jenna: i know you met a lot ofpu know, challenges that are similar, maybe not the same to yours but similar. what do you tell them, now, travis? now that you're two years past this event? what is your message to them? >> bombing victims or amputees that come to walter reed, i tell them, walk in, do you have a question? and they just like, wow, look at him. you know, with maybe one of five total, you don't see much worse amputations that i have. i told them. you will be okay. you'll be fine. let's talk about. i ask questions and see what's going on. jenna: i'm sure that is valuable to be able to talk to someone like you. i'm glad we're talk today, travis. i hate it we talk about something on the day it happens and you feel late to it. of tomorrow is travis's alive today. that is when you call the day this accident occur, your injury occurred in afghanistan. what do you want our viewers want to think about tomorrow could be a normal thursday but wasn't a normal thursday to you when you were in afghanistan? what would you like our viewers to think about? >> you know, whatever you want to think about. i appreciate you taking time for me right now. everybody has a day in their life that changes them, you know like a wedding or, you know, maybe someone passed away. you remember them. for me, stop by travis, hit facebook button and hello me out with some likes and i appreciate it. aside from that, you know, just say hi and, you know keep supporting our troops and have a great day. i don't know, i guess that is weird question. jenna: that sound like a good message. i'm with it. i'm with it, travis as usual. how is chloe doing by the way? is she all right. >> she is phenomenal. her and kelsey made cookies. we want to katy's house, one of the producers and brought to the deer and opened up monkey backpack and handed them to katy. she was excited. jenna: sound like a pretty good day for the family if you ask me. visit he is all over the place. we'll talk soon, okay? >> thanks so much. have a great day. jenna: thanks, travis. jon: great guy. we're closely following the stabbing attack at a pennsylvania high school. we'll have the latest on the condition of the victims and more about the teenage suspect who is now in custody. what motivated this attack? ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... jon: well, some new obamacare enrollment numbers are out and they are on the dismal side. the rand corporation, a political think tank, find 9.3 million americans now have health insurance as a result of the affordable care act, but only about 3.9 million actually signed up for obamacare. the rest used private insurers. we will note however, those numbers do not include the last-minute surge of sign-ups at the end of last month of the reporter kate rogers in our new york newsroom with more on these numbers. kate? >> reporter: hey there, jon. open enrollment period has ended and public is waiting for official announcement and demographic break down from the department of health and human services. non-profit research organization rand came out with their own report this week and they're estimating there was a net gain of 9.3 million people newly insured under the care care. affordable care act. they estimate 8.2 enrolled with coverage by their employers. and 72.000000 were previously uninsured. you may notice a difference in the stats rand is reporting and those coming from the obama administration as the reported last week that 7.1 million americans had selected plans on both state and federal exchanges. this is strictly marketplace coverage while rand is including those that enrolled in group plans and medicaid. their survey ended in mid-march and doesn't include the enrollment surge hhs reported in the final week of the open enrollment period. we're still wondering who paid their first month premium as is this how the insurance industry historically defined coverage. hhs secretary kathleen sebelius said last week she estimateds 80 to 90% of enrollees made first meant's paints but there is no definitive report on the stats up-to-date. under aca every individual in the country will have to have insurance by open enrollment period will face a fine of $95 a year or 1% of their annual income failing to apply. those unable to enroll have an extension until april 15 to comb pleat that process. jon: thanks, kate rogers in the newsroom. 08 to 90% seems like optimistic number per. >> it does. jon: thanks. jenna: they are trying to find whoever shot at more than a dozen vehicles in past month on roads near kansas city, missouri. hair russ faulkner with more for us from the newsroom. >> at 13 shootings along busy highways in one month, kansas city, missouri, wants the fed to step in to take the lead on this thing. local detectives meeting with federal agents. so far it is concentrated on the south side known as the grand view triangle where three interstate highways connect and u.s. 50. however, it is also happening in the suburbs. three people have been wounded. they're all expected to recover and here's what they're looking at. each shooting happened in a similar way. either near an exit ramp or road split and at the same time of the day. but police say there is no physical evidence that anything has been left behind connecting them. and listen to what some of the people who are saying that are driving? >> my check inbegin light came on shortly afterwards and found out my car was shot a second time. that i was unaware of because a bullet went under the car and bounced off the road and hit a part. >> all right. that is his car, that white vehicle with the bullet holes. look at that. people in the kansas city metro are being asked to help by doing this. call the tips hotline and report what they know or see with regard to this. kansas city crimestoppers, 816-474-8477. they want to get that information out widely because these are interstates. so people may be traveling in and out of missouri and having this happen or seeing something. so they're hoping they can widely get the information. jenna: we'll have to run. harris, thank you. jon: right now they were tv stars living large. now they are flat broke. court documents reveal the shocking details of a famous reality tv couple deadbeat lifestyle. julie banderas is here with the fox 411. >> hey, jon, teresa guidice, second highest paid housewife in the housewives of new jersey raked in $650,000. according to "tmz" that acquired bankruptcy documents reality deadbeats only paid 7500 bucks to creditors. with that they are free and clear of more than $13 million in debt. thanks to a judge's bankruptcy ruling. the documents also reveal teresa and joe apparently never had real wealth to begin with and barely any equity among all their lavish possessions. talk about smoke and mirrors. "tmz" reports on $1.7 million home, only have 140,000 in equity. they have a properties paid by bank loans and no equity. maserati and ford escalade, no equity. go-carts among other non-nessties, no equity. who did it buy long to? five banks in all, each loaned couple more than a million bucks will get stiffed for it all including wachovia bank that cold out $5.3 million that will never get paid back. as we reef previously reported they are getting prison time for bank fraud, making fails statements on loan statements and bankruptcy fraud and failing to file tax returns for four years. if convicted joe and teresa could serve 20 to 50 years in prison. both remain free on $500,000 unsecured bonds. jon: unbelievable. julie banderas. >> imagine. reality tv stars being fake. shocker. jon: julie, thank you. jenna: superhero among giants. the 5-year-old batkid is back. this time he is a baseball star. we'll show you. >> all right. you may remember the five year old boy, who had his wishful filled in being that kid in san francisco last year. he is throwing out the first pitch in the joint's game in the opener. he got to steer the bat mobile. his luke louk is now in remission and the make a wish fo come true in san francisco. he is now a celebrity. >> all of that happiness will help him get cured. >> he is a brave kid. >> and thanks for joaning us, have a great day. >> america's new's head quarter ares. >> a stabbing in a high school in murrayville, pennsylvania outside of pittsburg. a 16-year-old boy, was flashing two knives in a stabbing rampage. 19 students, and a school security officer injured before the officer and assistant principal stopped the suspect. two students undergoing surgery. the suspect is in custody and no motive. the bloody crime scene may take days to process. we'll be there live in a moment here

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