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0 they feel. >> well you know we have such an intensive media culture now with the internet and everythings, that i think the public understanding of where candidates are coming from develops and advanced much more quickly than it did even 10 years ago. and think because of that i guaranty you there is tendency to dismiss early polls because it is so far out but the people who will be making decisions about where these campaigns go are looking at them very closely now because they are baseline polls and they tell them, for example, who are we going to have to make decisions about how we are going to attack them? how will we go after particular voter segments. that analysis is beginning now with this kind of poll, this early poll. harris: do you think any of these candidates or potential candidates are popular enough to help out their fellow republicans win in 2014 midterms? i have even heard democrats say there is chance they could lose alike in the sense you never know until all of the votes or all of the scores are counted who is going to actually win it but the one thing that you can say about hillary clinton is that she has very high negatives. she always had very high negatives and she has got these problems that are very difficult to overcome. such as, being the grandmother of obamacare. and we saw in 2008 just how vulnerable she is with the fact that barack obama came from nowhere and beat her. harris: you talk about obamacare and of course, you know the nation will remember she and her husband, former president bill clinton, you know, had that something they wanted to get done. they didn't call it that. they called it a different name. >> hillarycare. harris:, yes yes, hillarycare. whether this will be fodder for republicans to play with going forward but right now affecting everybody else. doctors are saying insurance companies may be forced to pay them less money for their services so they can keep the costs of new plans under obamacare down. if the doctors don't earn what they want from the insurance companies what can happen? >> the great achilles' heel of obamacare, medicaid and indeed any government-run health care system is precisely this area where somebody, and with the government, it will be a bureaucrat, has to make a decision who gets paid and how much. and doctors, we talk with doctors all over the country as part of our recent investigative survey how many doctors are dropping out or refusing to participate in it, doctors all over the country, they are saying, we can't afford to participate in these programs. and that's going to be a big, big problem for millions of people next year. harris: you know, also today, report that is even as president obama's health care insurance website, it is limping along back to recovery. it was overloaded and had problems this week but they say it is doing better, the same contractor who set up that huge website, mark, set up others in state-run website instances. now those states are having difficulties. in at least two states they're saying you know what, we'll not pay for this mess until you guys fix it. >> the washington examiner, our richard pollack reported on cgi, that is the company we're talking about, reported on their tremendously bad record of performance as a government contractor. about two months ago and, you look at what they did before they got this contract and all the mistakes they made and all the contracts that they had canceled because they couldn't perform them. , one of the great mysteries why did cgi get the main contract to build we still don't know the answer to that question. harris: what massachusetts and vermont are talking about doing you're alluding to is not paying the bills of cgi invoices coming in until they fix the problems because they really need to recoup some of the tax dollars people put into those websites. >> also complicating that particular situation is of course the low number of people enrolling at this point. there is no way to know whether the system is going to be financially self-sustaining. the odds are it is not going to be. that forces government officials now to start thinking where will we find the money to pay for this stuff? the contractor is one of the first places they look. harris: just to bring it back full circle to the politics of all of this, when you talk about these types of problems, people say there were probably unintended consequences for some things that went rolling along in obamacare. did the white house, did the administration for see any of these problems? you wonder if people will hold them accountable regardless? >> you know, harris, if you look in the dictionary of definition of government program, right beside the definition is the phrase, unintended consequences. they're always there. they're always much worse than anybody thinks. >> oh my. >> they're always much worse than politicians who promise they won't be there. harris: they sometimes cost people their jobs. >> absolutely. harris: mark, thank you so much. happy holidays to you. >> you too, harris. leland: for some reason there doesn't seem to be a lot coming out of washington folks are happy about on both side of the aisle and that includes the bipartisan budget compromise signed by president obama yesterday which dips far into the pockets of american heroes to keep the government open. a growing number about of lawmakers and veterans groups are trying to stop the cuts they say are unfairly targeting medical tear rye retiree benefits. steve centanni is in washington this morning. steve, what is exactly happening in the battle to restore the cuts to these veteran benefits? >> reporter: leland, there is that intense lobbying effort by veterans groups underway and there are bills being introduced on capitol hill to repeal that provision of the bipartisan budget deal. president obama signed the budget agreement just yesterday in hawaii. among other thing it calls for a cut in the cost of living increase for military retirees under the age of 62. this has cause ad huge uproar from veterans groups and some members of congress. the president of military officers association of america says the america sure comes at a terrible price for our existing force and retirees. the 1% annual deduction to uniformed service retired pay cost of living adjustment could have disasterous unintended consequences and does not represent good faith to our men and women in uniform. some house members on both side of the aisle are proposing legislation to overturn the cut. representative julia browning of california said in a statement, as a member of the house veterans affairs committee, i believe our servicemembers, veterans and their families must receive the benefits they have earned and deserve. these benefits are owed to them without equivocation. gop congressman ted poe of texas is introducing a very similar bill. leland? leland: steve, it seems what is a growing trend, this issue pitted prominent republicans against each other, right? >> reporter: in this case it has. senator john mccain and lindsey graham are on opposite sides of the fence on this very issue. mccain a veteran himself supported the bill in order to get some kind of a budget deal passed while lindsey graham opposed bipartisan agreement because of this very issue, because of cuts and increases in veterans retirement benefits. that battle bound to continue when congress returns next year. leland. leland: lots of battles ahead. steve centanni keeping an eye for us in washington of the thanks, steve. >> reporter: you bet. harris: there are new concerns about airport security after a fan was caught running on the tarmac of the phoenix airport on christmas day. we saw this happening. we know he wasn't the only one. similar incidents happened across the country in different areas. we'll tell you about them. driving through the dmv. remember leland said there was nothing he wanted to steal from the dmv. apparently others don't agree. what fast-moving thieves were after. stay close. 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