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0 he's on the morning show. that's the last step. but he does have a future., ba weddings, bar mitzvahs, bachelorette party is like you might want to hire that guy. out >> we'll see wha ot happens00 pm and we'll keep you posted. >> of course, we're out of time. thanks for joining us . eight p.m. every weeknight, the show is the sworn enemy of lying, capacity, smugness and groupthink. smug nat the best we can with te ones you love. nnity >>on welcome to this special ni' edition of "hannity" on a friday night. i'm pete hegseth, in tonight for sean. >> and tonight, americanace ha airspace has been breached oncea again for the second time inn ud as many weeks. >> in two weeks, a forneignto unauthorized foreign object flew into the united states . ws >> the we're told unmanned aircraft was described as a gray cylindrical vessel likeougy like a coke can cylindricale of roughly the size of a small car floating over alaska. t thisbut this time, biden didno wait for the object to make a cross-country trip beforen yo shooting it down. >> watch really briefly, can you speak to rumors that there is another chinese balloon above alaska or any other parts of u.s. territory that the u.s. shot down? can confirm that thea so i can confirm thattracki the department of defense was tracking a high altitude objects over alaska airspace in the last twenty four hours. out. the the object was flying at an altitude of forty thousand feet and posed a reasonable threat to the safety of civilian flight. out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of the pentagonth, president biden ordered the military to down the object, and they did. >> so the reporter knew something. >> john kirby didn't lead with that in his briefing. that was a question afteuestiond the fact. so did last week's chinese spy y balloon not pose a reasonable threat? it was the size of three school buses and potentially carriedl e an explosive payloads. we're learning more . multiple i mean, balloon was also equipped with multiple antennasd capable of sophisticated surveillance, potentiallillancyi listening to phone calls. >> and it was purposely flowns into the interior of the unitede states over sensitive nuclearse sites by members of the chinese communist party. y. joe biden was being tested bc joe biden was being tested by china and he utterly failedya . >> nowns a, justre how many our more chinese spy balloons ared c headed our way or others unexplained aircraft joining us now with more, former secretary of defense markd esper. >> mr. w secretary, thank you fi being here. based on what we know rightch t now, the descriptions from the pentagon, the way in whichfs they rolled it out, what do you make of this second aircraftmin? and the response of the biden administration? >> it's really interestingnd inu that, first of all, we'd have 1 a second intrusion withinwhat i the last 10 days, two weeksintee nextst. what is interesting is the factd that it came from the north, from the arctic ocean, as compared to the chinese spy balloon, which came up fromt thh the southwest, the aleutian islands. so this is gives me some pause as well. and then third, as you pointedrn out, when you in your introduction, they're muchs ,much smaller thanon the original spy balloon. so i don't think we really knowr expe it may well be another countryry scientific experiment ord now. a weather balloon. who knows? we have military on the ground now, i suppose securing debris, it the site, recovering debris, w o will take them a few days to gather all that, to get ithe back to location where the forensics can forensics canu go through it and we could find out what really happenedy happeo to your second question, look,wn it was a smart call to shoot this thing down.e have t now we have to defend our airspace. we have to defend objec our sovereignty. and that means knocking objectss out of the sky. beforbefore they traverse the e states . >> we do. but the first one was large and allowed to loom. thisowed one was small.d ha and we don't even know if it was china. it could have been russia.t knot alaska, much closer. >> russia, we don't know.d but it was smallhat and immediately interdicted. is that a dynamic of the criticism they receive? is that really about the altitude? they're saying foris forty thousand is commercial aircraft versus sixty thousand? i mean, how much this is driven by the exposure of the last 10 days and how much of this is driven by protocol, say, of the pentagon? >> and ia lo assume a lot oftige the protocols at the pentagon have been tightened up. they detecteeyd the object much sooner, reported much more quickly, and teed up a decision for the president. t some good to glad to see it. the pentagon is improving itscee its procedures, if you will ,s, its protocols. y in but i think with regard to theek response, it's clearly informed by what happened last week, the blowback that president biden received, both bipartisan right. republicans, l and republicans who said that t week'sthe last acceptable spyn should have been shot downdown. before it entereoverd count the continental united states over alaska and not once itry thiny. . th i think that is largely to explain the fact that was forty thousand feet versus sixty five thousand is important, but i don't think that's the main driver it's im,i secretary.on and a bigger on a higherlass lei ,the professional class ine deci washington, the pentagon bureaucracy, the the decisiondon makers, what is the real sensei? of our looming showdownrsary, with china when they talk abouti a competition or an adversary? n is that really do they reallyd think we can partner with themoi for good in the world? >> or do they realize whathink the communist chinese are up to here? well, i think at the political w level, with the with the the are current administration, there is a view that there are places where we compete with them place and they're placesy where they want to cooperate with them. climate change is often cited as a place where they believe competition between beijing and washington is possible.g anb i don't believe that to be chine the case. i mean, the chinese are producin areg our building a col fired power plants every 10 , 10 days to two weeks, a little interest in them ireducing co2 into the air. al but we are clearly in a global contest now for who's goingwilli to who's going to continue to dominate in the years ahead will be the democracies of the west or the autocracies represented by russia. creases byand china. not and look, we do not want to live in a regime in a world e order dominated by the chinese communist communist party, where our freedoms are curtailed, where there's no liberties, where there's n o democracy. that a totalitarian state. that's what we're up against today. and that's what we alls neewitd to come to grips with . a ndand prepare and compete and take on the chinese. >> yeah, just really makesallowg us look unserious when we're allowing them to reverseo our country. and then we go to them with new climate change proposals and they laugh at us and build coal powered coal fired power plants. it doesn't seem serious. secretary espera, thank you for your time. we appreciate it. are joining us now with more california congressman darrell issa, along with thed ga author of the great us china tech war, senior fellow atm the gate stone institute, gordon chang. gentlemen, thank for beinggrea here. gordon, your book is the great us china tech war. where does this type of let'sdo assume just for purposes wkne don't know tonight, thatinese. l whatever that device was, was necessarily chinese, let's assume that it was or at least they would have follow ons. what does it tell you about the tech war or the looming conflict with china? >> well, we know that the chinese are hoovering up data around the world and they get it from spy balloons. they get it from tiktok.rces they get from so many different sources and artificial things tintelligence. there's two things to it. how there's the technology, but there's alsoyou pu how much date put into it, because the more b data you put inteto it, the better these systems work. soe clearly, the chinese are very good at taking our datag th and data around the world r aiand making their a.i. very, congressman, do we not look like fools at worst? asleep at the wheel at bestd wih right now with the way we engage with the first device? ma and that was the second device wof a reactor. i mean, what are we to readakinr and take from the decision making, this administration? >> how does beijing view it?jini well, beijing probablyon't is noticing that we don't makese the same mistake twice. and to that extent, i'll't give the president recognition i ques same mistake twice. but there's no questio, twn two weeks ago he was tested. he failed the test.n tested he appears to have been testedln again. but, you know, one oo dif the challenges is there is really no difference inbus an the decision betweend a bus and a car that's flying overr cy because your your country becauseom a suitcase can hold a nuclear weapon. so froem a size standpoint, both of these had the potential lethality that should have beenk taken seriously. and i'm glad it waens this time. but we've got a lot more to do. our southern border is open now. be open for our northern border appears to be open for aircrafrcraftt. t >> gordon, are we at more threat today than we've everwe'v been from china basedl on their calculation of this administration? >> i actually think so, becauset deterrence is broken down. and we've known for the lasty cs two and a half years or so thate the primary chinese narrative about the u.s.n te is that we'rn terminal decline, we're finished as a powe therstar and countries around the world should ditch relations with america and start obeyingus china. and one of the mos pt difficult histor and most dangerous periods inrre history in general is when you a have to reestablish deterrence . and that's exactly what the biden administration has to do. you know, this balloon, the , the chinese one , showed the utter disrespectth of that s biden administration and the united states by china ver and n shows a very dangerous mentality in beijing because that's going to drivhee to dod . things that could lead us to a world war. remember, we got war ine wa ukraine. we could have war on the otherr side of the eurasian landmass ln pretty soon start blowing up pipelines and of our of our allies and others. and a one miscalculation cal. e you're on the wrong side,declin congressman. >> power. >> arel th they righey at? was >> they are right in the senseon that our power was was unchallenged for more than a decade, sort of the legacy of ronald reagan. and it is now being challenged.o and so far we'vefa failed a few tests. certainly, afghanistan is a good example. ukrain, istan.e back in 2014 ber example when we didn't respond ,as promised to the aggression.s of russia and its continued. t it's reversible.n we certainly have the capability, but we've got to begin using the tools we have mos reat countries, if rond reagan were alive and in the white house right now, one hundred or two hundred spies posing as stateth departmente people for the chinese state department would be packing their bagsn us throughout the united states and being sent home. there are tool ns that we can ue in addition to not sending the secretary of state, the presidenusre it has to begin using those tools. >> if there's going to be confidence among our allies. >> gordon, we're talking about a spy balloon, but the reality is the most popular app inr ap america right now is tic-tace ag and kids between the ages of four and 18 use it on average 100 minutes a day. the communist chinese pump, you know, perverse and radical propaganda, taught our kids that they don't even allow their own kids to look at in china. are we china. are we being sere about what we're staring down here? >> dow no, we're not. is 86 mils and , you know, that's eighty six million spy balloons. in the united states as they say. that' you know, they take information from those and that's illegal. surreptitious taking of information from all of these phones. into their ai and that, of course, goes into their systems. but it's also, as you say, pum chinpsa pumps. it's through the algorithm that contt on tick-tock. china is able to send a lot of information, russian narratives, about the war int th ukraine. e waglorifying drug use.nese the chinese actually usedubvert to talk to to subvert the united states through encouraging and fomenting violence. they did that in 2020. so really what we have is a number of different appsg viol and it's not just tiktok, it's also wechat. and president trump banned ident and president biden reversed the ban. >> and , you know, it's even it'seo even worse than that. if you go to apple and you lookw at the top three apps, number. three is tiktok. the firsout two are also chines. >> if you go to mcdonald's to make a purchase, you are actually using chinese source code as part of the paying for it. so the the depth of it, tick-tock, is just the canary in the coal mine. c weom havpanye a lot of other prs that need to be dealt with and dealt with on a broad basis. >> i fear the next generation a may look back at us and say,, wt what fools? what fools they were. how did how did they not seeor it? congressman issa, gordon chang, you're not fools. b you're talking about it.os thank you for being here tonight. we appreciate it.e riy concerne tonight, most americans areover rightly concerned about china's tilenow overt, open, hostiles to behavior, but not joe biden. coun high flying cross-country incursiobin, it was no big deal. >> watch this. listen to the major security breach for the united thastates just the fact thatalv the balloon came intoth the airspace, flew over the country for so many days. >> now, look, the total amount o of intelligence gathering is going on where every country around the world is overwhelming. and the idea thaloont the ballon could traverse american s airspace is anyway, this is not a major breach , is it? >> anyway, it's not a major breach . wow. the administrationministraorriec worried, more worried about gas stoves than the chinese spy balloon or ticktock surveilling nuclear sites in montana. oddly enough, the group lobbying for a gas stove ban, the rocky mountain institute has, you guessed it, deep ties to china and even met privately with biden's energy secretary, jennifer granholm. here now with reaction, former white house chief of staff reince priebus and fox news contributor jason chaffetz. >>r granholm. writes, as the cp staff, you would prepare a president for an interview tha like that. you would expectth a question ta like that. kno can't know he makes up at? i mean, we can't know exactly, but to dismiss it is not a major brief breach .d have >> seems like something>> they would have discussed. , yeh yeah. i mean, and your answerit's be pretty simple. yeah, it's a major breach .-2 that's why we sent an f twenty two , shot it out of. th the sky when we went over the water. i mean that's a pretty easy answer. eas even if we can debate when it should have been shot down. look, the one speaking you asked me about chief of staff.nk i think about one of the great lessons that i think i learned when in the white house was when we had dinner u with president xi. many os anf us , the presidentot and i sat right across fromt le president xi and one of the greatest lessons i learned that i tell a lot ofs peoplet about is that when president xid was asked by presidenten trump about taiwan, about japan, the indo pacific region, no exaggeration on taiwan, president xi spoke withoutthes. stopping for over 30 minutes.t a and when he was asked about japan, he spoke without o stopping for over 30 minutes. hundreds of years of history that he was recounting. here's to take away. pat they are going to be very patient. this silk and road campaignig where they're spendingn, a trillion a trill across the wd giving away 5g equipment, buying ports, building roads, they want to be the world's the only superpower in the entire world. and this is real . >> and all of the things you just talked about are extremely important. here's one positive thing so far in this conversation. tion. atat varying degrees, andi get it. and we argue those varying degrees. i will say the one thing that brings of all the issues, th between republicans and democrats, the one thing that we seem to be unified on ,f at least iron part, is the thret from china. and if you'rere e a business oun there and you're on wall street, you know that there is coming a day very quickly. ci we'rnae doing businesstryi with china, investinngg in chins trying to save money by sendings your plans to china is goingnt to be come an anti-americany is going to be a big problem for you in this country. ging u and i think that's the one positive thing that's bringing d us together. and that's the issue of china, taiwan and the the indo-pacifics >> you know, let's hope. let's hope that is . i mean, there is such a foreignm policy consensus in d.c. that maybe there was a mutual risecil cast be mutually beneficial and that should be cast away at this point. jason , you understand how d.c. works, though.ntio we mentionedne jennifer granholm meeting with with thisra institute, which is pushing for the banning of gas stoveshow do and has ties to the communist t check. >> how do yoheu how do you cuth through the web of chinese b influence in washington? which seems to be bipartisan, even? i thin well, look, i agree with what rice was was saying.i think bust i think america gets that.i i think business gets it.ts i don't think joe biden gets itd . and i worr hy that, hi he's compromised. i mean, his family has taken tens of millions of dollars personally out of china and youo need to follow that story. i think the overall lesson is you've got to follow the mone advantay. look, china take advantage. they started covid and there has been no challenge, no pushback from from president biden on that in irs ,the origin of the vendel comes from china. it's a synthetic drug and theyt thousa and it's killed more than one hundred thousand people. >> and you and you see joe bidet a darn thing about it., no, he just had the state of the union said we're going and to keep the borders open and porous as you want i porusth and then you have o the department of energy givinge a four million plus dollar contract to the rocky mountain institute, who has an office iny china. and they are therein lobbying and wanted to go all electric and get rid of stoves. ry now they put regulations in place. you have the energy secretary n saying, oh, no, that's ridiculous. p but if you follow the money, iur you look at the puppeteer's, , u the ones that are behind the scenes pulling the strings, pete, guess what? those puppeteers, they're calling the shots. that's why we're havinpuppeteerr a discussion. and millions of americans aree a looking and saying, wait, thatnl gas stove that's supposed to be so clean and fuel efficient. yeah. you're telling me you're going d to make me get rid of that in e favor of electricity? >> my goodness. uide in given to the because there was guidance giving to the chinese office of the rocky mountain institutereit writes. >> what's it going to take? what's the moment that thatjo shift happens where people realize you, as joe biden, say it's not a joke. >> man like this is for keeps? well, i think you're seeing. >> but i'll tell you, i do think that the balloon, although we've been talking naue about this ad nauseum, i dos the ty think that it's the type ofk no thing that americans look at and they say, yo u heck know, s are they going to send a balloon over a country? i mean, some of the funniest i mean, tiktok, tick , tiktok. c and instagram is those guys ineg south carolina scream. i mean, there is a lot and i mean pro-american shoot downmean the ccp. i mean, americans are waking up. and if you think aboutt is amere first, people ask all the time,u what is america first? these are 80% issues.alvanize at that really galvanize america. st and what is one? stop endless wars and bring the troops home. number two, secure the bordeomeh protect the american worker. but the laste one iker.s confrl china, who's ripping off the world. that was a big part. 2016.s an and i think it worked and itinug woke up american ts. x year and now we're continuing to talk about this thing. six years later. yeah, my favorite meme was that the bloom was really just a valentine's card from fang fang to swalwell. i think we all sawa vale thanttd >> jason , real quick, last word. what? we're already at war with china in space . there's a reason c president trump created this space force. sp us . and they they know we wereand if dominant in space . and if you could see are the classified intelligence about what's going on in space , the chinese are goingre after us . it's not about just one balloon that's up there, folks. that's terribly naive and it dit is disingenuous for thisit's n president to go out there and say, oh, it's no big deal .' they are at us every single day. it's happening right now. to great point. if they can take out satellite networks, communications networks, networks, we're in the dark before the fight even starts, writes jason .. bide >> thank you both.s border appreciate you. all right. coming up, biden's boardercrosss is , of course, another one continues to spiral out of control. according to sources, there's ci an 800 percent increase in chinese nationals coming across illegally. >> sarah carter, brandon, weigh in next. if your business kept if your business kept on employees to the pandemic, get refunds. f it if it may r qualify for a payroll tax refund of uptf to twenty six thousand dollars per employee. per employee. even the received pgp.paid. and all it takes is eight minutes to get started. minutes to get started. then to fill out your forms and submit the application that easy. >> and if your business doesn'tm get paid, we don't get paid,, get refunds, .com help. businesses like yours claim over two billion dollars, but it's only available for a limited time. go to get refunds. .com powered by innovation refunds and dr. paul . i'm not a physician. i do recommend balance nature to my patients because it's almost a self-evident truth that if they eat a healthy diet that's rich in fruits and vegetables, that they're going to give their bodies the rich source of biochemistry. they need to have their best chance of being healthy. i've been in the field of nutrition and dietetics for thirty years and when i looked at the ingredients of balance of nature, i could see that there were a number of things that were so important to help . so getting balance of nature in your diet or you're getting the right amount of fruits and vegetables that you need. i think balance of nature is a great product. my name is dr. roger bond. i've been in practice thirty years now and i recommend the balance of nature to my patients and they'll tell me a balance of nature is making a difference in their lives. take balance in nature because it really makes a difference. start your journey to better health by going to balance of nature .com. and don't forget to use discount code, fox news. >> some things are big, others are huge. is empire today's half price sale get twenty four hundred dollars of flowing for twelve hundred dollars fifty two hundred dollars for an amazing twenty six hundred dollars. that's half the price of your entire purchase just for carpet hardwood vinyl and laminate right from home and have it professionally installed. >> don't miss empires half price sale schedule now 898 three hundred. >> and today a heart attack delay of life insurance. no, but we have life insurance john . >> i'm trying to find something we can afford. fortunately, in only a few minutes, select found john a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty nine dollars a month and his wife and a five hundred thousand dollar policy for only twenty one dollars. go to select , quote, .com now and get the insurance your family needs at a price you can afford selectquote, we shop, you save living the american dream. without the support that

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Lessons , Seas , Answer , The One , Twenty Two , Chief , Water , President Xi , Presidentot , Cos , Dinner , Fromt Le , Ofs Peoplet , Jindo , Exaggeration , Presidenten Trump , Pacific Region , Mexid , History , Recounting , Hundreds , Uno Stopping , Spoke Withoutthes , 30 , Road Campaignig , Spendingn , Silk , Patient , 5g Equipment , Building Roads , Wd , Buying Ports , 5 , Superpower , Conversation , Nation , Gatat , Democrats , Issues , Degrees , Thret , Doing Businesstryi , You Rere Ea , Wall Street , Ci We Rnae , Business Oun , Problem , Money , Chins , Goingnt , Anti Americany , Plans , Investinngg , Aging , Issue , Hope , Beingan Here D Greg , Foreignm Policy Consensus In D C , Mutual Risecil Cast , Let , Let S Hope , Indo Pacifics , Point , Works , Wit Check , Cast , Banning , Thisra Institute , Gas Stoveshow , We Mentionedne , Though Ntio , Ts I Don T , Price , Think Business , Web , Itd , Chinese B Influence , Family , Lesson , Millions , Tens , Youo , Story , Mone Advantay , Worr Hy , Challenge , Drug , Origin , Pushback , Theyt Thousa , Avendel , Irs , One Hundred Thousand , Joe Bidet , O , Contract , State Of The Union , Rocky Mountain Institute , Department Of Energy Givinge , Four Million , Office , Saying , Stoves , Energy Secretary N , Regulations , Mary , Ones , Wait , Discussion , Shots , Puppeteers , Scenes , Guess What , Thatnl Gas Stove , Puppeteer S , Strings , Fiur , Goodness , Favor , Thatjo Shift , Electricity , Guidance , Uide , Rocky Mountain Institutereit , Oman , Joke , Banaue , Some , Stick , Ad Nauseum , Funniest , Instagram , Tiktok C , City , Sofk , Guys Ineg , America First , Amere First , Scream , Shoot Downmean , South Carolina , Issues Alvanize , 80 , Bordeomeh , Worker , Wars , Troops , Big Part 2016 , Valentine , Favorite , Meme , Bloom , Card , Sawa Vale Thanttd Jason , Up American Ts , Fang , Itinug , Swalwell , 2016 , Six , Reason , Space , Word , Space Force , Sp , Intelligence , Say , Credit , Thisit S N , Are Goingre , Folks , Fight , Communications Networks , Bide , In The Dark , Satellite Networks , Networks , Starts , Every Single Day , Increase , Nationals , Out Of Control , Brandon Judd , Coming Up , Biden S Boardercrosss , Weigh In Next , 800 , Refunds , Employee , Business , Employees , Payroll Tax Refund , Pandemic , Uptf , Epgp , Twenty Six Thousand , Twenty Six Thousand Dollars , Help , Businesses , Application , Eforms , Two Billion Dollars , Two Billion , Nature , Dr , Patients , Physician , Diet , Com , Innovation , Truth , Paul , Balance , Ingredients , Vegetables , Fruits , Chance , Source , Dietetics , Biochemistry , Nutrition , Field , Bodies , Thirty , Product , Amount , My Name , Roger Bond , Journey , Lives , Health , Mom , Discount Code , Price Sale , Empire Today , Twenty Four Hundred , Twelve Hundred , Twenty Four Hundred Dollars , Twelve Hundred Dollars , Carpet Hardwood Vinyl , Laminate , Miss , Fifty Two Hundred Dollars , 898 , Twenty Six Hundred Dollars , Fifty Two Hundred , Twenty Six Hundred , Life Insurance , Heart Attack Delay , Life Insurance John , Three Hundred , Dollar Policy , Quote , Insurance , Wife , Twenty One , Five Hundred Thousand Dollar , Twenty One Dollars , Five Hundred Thousand , Twenty Nine Dollars , Twenty Nine , Support , Selectquote , The American Dream ,

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