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0 unfortunately, the grand things french tourists will find in l.a. are prices and crime. that's a good after should have bought that sweatshirt. that's it for tonight. i'm jason chaffetz in for laura ingraham. thanks for watching this special edition of the anger angle. for more , go to jaeson in the house .com that you can find all kinds of things thanks to laura gutfeld is up next. they have love. you will never feel happy. friday my friday friends, i look great. tonight's monologue is about priorities, the media's priorities, the government's priorities. like there's any difference there and your priorities which don't matter to them. here's a fun story about new york . a knocks out a diner and an unprovoked attack, leaving him in a coma with a fractured skull. i told it was fun. the attacker recently got out of prison for a . i know he's probably a victim of the system. and by system i mean what we used to call law and order. so where is he now? well, after his charge for attempted murder was downgraded to a misdemeanor, he's out on no cash bail because trying to kill someone isn't that much different these days than loitering. and now he's free to beat and again. so, audience, have fun walking back to your cars because keeping him behind bars would have made him the victim and that's his job. making victims. so were we told that bail reform is only for nonviolent felonies, but it's a bait and switch, like when i order steak medium well and the waiter punches me in the face instead of once again the politicians left wing divas and judges play russian roulette with law abiding citizens. and every time they have something like bail reform, it's like they're adding another bullet to the chamber of a gun pointed at your head. to them, the city is just an experimental aquarium. so what's a few piranhas as they hide in that castle? in the corner? so this fiend is out. it's like the d.a.'s are saying, hey, you got down pretty well, but you still need to work on your murdering skills. so get out there. don't come back until you get it right. you think mayor eric adams would be all over this, but does more lip service than pelosi's plastic surgeon? here's what he's up to me guys. that it was all in the so he dressed up as a construction worker to destroy roy and outdoor dining shed. so first he was a cop. now he's a construction worker. anybody seeing a pattern here? i think we've got a one man village people going on . so he took down the shed because people were in them. fair enough. but if the mayor went around smashing everything that's been on in new york , there wouldn't be a thing left standing, including donna. what do you mean? i don't get it? i don't get now let's perps are disguising themselves as shed's. i question adam's priorities like brian stelter, cholesterol . this is not his biggest problem right now. people are being attacked and murdered. >> nero may fiddles, but eric hammering and what's the governor of new york doing ? she announced that she signed a bill replacing the word salesman with sales person. this to help women in the workplace. yes, some help. she's a real leah thomas. is up 10% and she's replacing man with person. this is really her priority, you know, 911. what's your emergency? i just assaulted by a salesman. >> you mean sales person? don't you? i'll send a squad car , but not for him, man. for you. someone should remind the governor that while jobs may not have genders, victims of violent crime do. a lot of them are women. so whether it's sales man or sales person, new yorkers shouldn't be buying the fauci selling. this is the same idiot, by the way, who replaced the word inmate with incarcerated person . that helps find i'd love to call violent criminals incarcerated persons, but none of them are incarcerated anymore. >> i , i , i'd say the inmates are running the asylum, but i can't say inmates anymore. i don't want to get canceled. and i tell people to file a complaint with the government. but what good would that do? hi . so my sister and i were attacked the subway mistake did nothing. sounds good here. have your next of kin fill out the form, find a notarized please include two copies of your original birth certificate, vaccination card and any coupons. i want to supervisor. yes, well there's a form for that. and they did this and the thank you. and here to fill out at least for now, you're good. we took care of it, okay. and done. you use ink. i can't accept those are to fill out a mishandled form form. let me see if i can grab that. and once i get back , can i submit all this at once? sure. that could be up for an emmy, not you. >> but this is all fakery. pointless virtue signaling while cities crumble. it's a disease afflicting this entire country thanks to a fake news media which decides what's important and what's not. few stories are more relevant than blood loss, but now it's all things trump and i get it. he wrote mean tweets that kept you up at night. the last i checked, he isn't roaming the streets killing people like ms 13 gang members he once called animals, which upset pelosi to no end. remember that none of those perhaps were orange . so as businesses closed, those businesses closed and people leave cities for the same reason they leave cats partment crime and decay. the media is focused on real brutality like tax evasion, which is cfo of the trump organization pleaded guilty for and surely the charge had absolutely nothing to do association with trump. but the seventy five year old dude, he's going to rikers island. the prison well attempted murderers roam free . and why? because our media only cares about stuff that has a smell of trump on it, including melania's clothes. apparently it's all right. knock it off. literally you don't rate. the news media knows trump hates pays the bills, not stories that actually affect your lives. besides the punishment spectrum, it's the thugs who are oppressed and you who's the oppressor. that is , until these left wing leaders feel the real life experience of actual crime, they're not going to care. gov abbott sent migrants to liberal cities so they could feel the consequences of their policies starting to do that with thuggery. i'd love to send a freed violent felons to the burbs of the judge, the d.a. who freed him. , i'll pay for the uber. but of course i can't do this because if something happened to the judge or the soros funded visa, i'd be an accessory. and that's my point. i'd be just like the judges, the days when every time one of these mutts, they they let loose again hurt somebody else. they're accessories to it's a shame they don't get the credit, says radarscope break with his comedy. well, think you want to slash your wrists, wendon razor dundrum, owner and comedian david denslow. he's my favorite shannen gop u.s. senate candidate from oklahoma, t.w. shannon. her two least favorite words are laugh and call the and finally he has to play monopoly with real house is my math sidekick in the nwa world champion. >> welcome to the show, david . it's been a while. it has been. thanks for having me back . oh, my pleasure. my pleasure. wasn't my choice but well we always do what we can when somebody good drops out and we need to find a replacement nearby. right. and you. because you work at that live down the street. yeah. come no problem. yeah, exactly. stand out in front of the audience waiting in line, hoping you get recognized. yeah. come on guys. one bright spot is crime impacting your razor business. oh that's a good question though greg, because we are america's largest american made razor. you know, everything's done here in the country, but we fortunately we haven't been impacted that way. yeah, i live in new york . the thing about crime is why can't they ? it'd be one thing if the rents went down with it, but the rent keeps going up. yeah, you know, can we get the i mean, i don't i wouldn't mind the crime if i could get the rent lower. right. you know what i mean. yeah. you think the risk you take the risk for the cheaper payment. however the rents go up because people stay more in their house. so they're willing to pay more . i'm just saying you could push me in the subway tracks if i could afford unit washer dryer. so i'd want to still go to the laundromat. no, come on . that's a joke. you're a . you know, you do you get the impression that there's no going back in the sense that somehow once you accept a certain level of degradation, people lying on the streets passed out recidivism out of control, that it's kind of like how do you get the genie back in the bottle? yeah, well, i think the first thing you got to realize, greg, this is not barhopping circumstance is not just gross negligence and incompetence. i think this is a deliberate effort to undermine the republican liberal agenda is pretty clear . they want they're against police. they're against the idea of guns and they're certainly against, you know, securing our border. we need to secure our border. we've got way too much crime. we had enough chinese fentanyl coming to this country to kill every american seven times. but t.w. that sounds well dandy for maybe fox and friends. >> but you know, liberals have kids, liberals go to work, liberals get mugged, but they're not mugged by reality. yet, but they don't live. remember the democrat party, what it's become and it's become a party of rich liberals and a few poor people that they require to stay poor so that they can stay rich. i mean, the truth is this party has lost it's gone off the rails a long time ago and the only way we get back is getting back to the things that make this country great. and it's really about the constitution. it's about capitalism. it's about christian . i would take most of the country. i would take more i think more cops do. yeah, but that's constitutional . i say what's going on over there? tara chillin. gutfeld yeah. oh, man. my boy, the mayor, he's playing bass, but the brother might want to get a steak in there after the board. the board wasn't even nails. i remember when he was running, i was like, man, i can get behind this dude. i don't care what his politics are because he's tough. yeah, and i might one time or another maybe involved in simulated combat wrestling for you layperson's. we would call that a blown spot. i mean, he had all the accouterments, which is something that only the elitists who he had to have the new helmet, he had to have had the matching outfits. he had to have the finest hammer and until he swung the hammer and realized this is heavy. so what what he did was he cut and then the real construction workers came in and set up the wall for him so he could do his plant based swing and knock over the wall, causing all of us to go . what was that as an example of what is wrong? it's the same thing when they keep changing the name. so you know what? calling somebody a white supremacist or racist is fair. we're going to call them one race enthusiast now. yeah, everyone's included. but this is this is the issue there. they focus on the wrong things and they think we don't see so big brother get a steak. i think in steak he's jim tough ,right? you could tell he's like he's the guy who does the curls . but when it comes to the free weights, he's got to go stretch out, even know if that means, you know, kat, are you relieved to know that sales man is now sales person has that or are you going to sleep better that much, much less frightening the potential of getting in? >> it's crazy. and i agree with you, david angello, that if the rent wasn't so bad but also the taxes weren't so high . yes. what are you paying for ? what am i paying for? i'll give you an example of what i'm paying for. they just opened the park by my apartment. the city opened the park. guess how many times we went before we saw a bomb taking a dump in the bushes. one first. yes. and there's a public bathroom right there. he wanted to do that. yeah. and i just i wouldn't mind, you know, if i'm going to be paying this much, i want to live somewhere where more people use toilets more often. yes. no sanctuary for public purpose. i think we should have declared neighborhood sanctuary city for toilets. if you want to use the toilet, you can. this neighborhood you know, i know a lot of people maybe not from here, but when you you can walk outside right now, there are people passed out in front on 6th avenue. there is a guy, a guy who burned down our christmas tree. remember that? he's outside. yeah, i got a picture on my phone. i'm going to tell you where he is . but this is insane arsonist's. ask this person, this person before we go a huge unknown rap music. i'm off next week, but we've got an amazing lineup of guest host cats going to be doing it monday, piris on tuesday. we couldn't find anybody on wednesday. brian kilmeade, then dana perino. and then on friday we got eggs taking a day off from repopulating the earth. yeah, tickets are still available. go to fox news .com slash gutfeld for more info. up next, tonya angad lefty nag's by selling close by three hundred compared to the 100% 892 de today and swing by .

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