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0 shocking twists that led them to movie johnny depp and who is ever heard screaming on fox nation?? that's it >> tonight . f the administration is giving us sogh much to worry about existentially as they say, we kind of miss this fda issue is warnings associated with vaccine risk. we'll tell you what it means tomorrow night. in the meantime,mo atrr the bess time with the ones you love, we'll see you tomorrow and welcome hannity. and tonight it is official the most arrogant, dishonest press secretaryarro in modern american history.on she willl soon be gonene in a little over a week. cheap propaganda circle back jen psaki will pro step dog after reportedly negotiating a big new contract with nbc news, the former home of lying brian. sa anyway, i'm sure psaki will feel right at homee atom the conspiracy channel network., and coming up, we're going to give her a proper and very special sendoff. jen , hope. you'll circle w back with us and watch later. also tonight , a disturbing story out of losrb angeles. di the city's farst left district attorney is now refusing to pursue felony charges for the man that viciously assaulted comedian like dave f chappelle. a lot isun funny as anyway. but attacked him while wielding a gun shaped knife s, a fake gun ,a real knife, a gun that looked like a knife. we'll show i you that in momenty and like many liberal cities, happily there you can seo happily tolerates violent crime . no bail laws or let's say defund, dismantle a pd oh , kamala harriss praised the lapd for defunding some of the lapd. more straight ahead. first we do turn to the steps of the u.s. supreme court nownd surroundeded by a large chain link fence with big cementnc barrierse erected overnight to protect the building. rightly so in my opinion. wewebuil need to protect every institution, every monument, every personryry that serves in this government. t this is the right thing tohe dol hopefully democrats have learned something from the five hundred and seventy four riote in the summer of s 2020 and the capitol breach in twentyty s twenty one , by the way. still no answers as to why nancy pelosi, mayor murielr bowser didn't use the up to 20 thousand troops authorized required by law by donaldre trup two days prior again as required by law. why didn't't now many people on the left are very, veryy angry that individual states c and voters could soon decide abortion law for their state overturning roe v. wade. ta all the talking points, all the lying, all the hysteria. it's not true .l not out it willla not outlaw abortion . by theited states that is the big lie that is being spread by the likes of w chuckho schumer who himself threatened two justices. justice gorsuch and kavanaugh on the steps of the u.s. supreme court o screaming you won't know what hit you among the threats. and ase we speak, they're threatening to burn our systems to the ground as per usual, democrats returning tong their favorite political tactic. that's mob violence and intimidation. intimidation. one liberal group is now organizing an effort to stalkni and harass supreme court justices and their families at homes.omes. this is not this is not okay in this country. but tonight prominent democrats refused to condemnmn this threatening behavior just like they refusese to ever speak out against the violence from their base and the five seventy four riots in the summer of 2020. take a look2020. if t so he doesn't care if they're protesting outside the supreme court or outsidede someone's private prison. i don't have an official u.s. governmentff positione on where people protest the reason people are protesting is because women across the country are worried about their fundamental rights that have been law for 50 years, their rights to make choices about their own bodies and their own health care are at risk. why that's why people are protesting. >> they're unhappy. they're scared. the message here give us what we want or else is? that the message now yesterday is seeminglyda deranged. elizabeth warren called supreme court justices right wing extremists who have hijacked the supreme court. she tweeted quote , we must expand the court to rebalanceo it r and defend our basic right, including the constitutional right to an abortion. in other words, she wants w a court that will do and bidding alone. now warren's comrade,, the congenital liar adam schiff, he also also demonized the justices and called for court packing. by the way, senator mike lee ofa utah has a new book coming out on this very topic. now clearly the marching orders have been given is does this mean now what the summer 2020 and all the riots? is that mean that season is i back ? i pray to god no. this. my prediction is this if god forbid something does happen like the summer of 2020 five hundred andn seventy four riots in america, we had dozens dead, thousands of cops injured and tens of billion dollars of property damage. and guess what ? nobody investigated anything and defended it. it they were silent when. they needed w to speak out. their silence was deafening.le they only condemn violence and riots that obviously advance their own political narrative on this show i have and i will continued to condemn allem violence politics should not play a part in that. we should protect our institutions, our elected just liks ele. that's a simple slam dunk fore me just like in twenty twenty during blm riots that left dozens dead, thousands injured. all of this happened. how is it that nobody covered this ? that manye on the democratic side were so unwilling to condemn what was obvious now fake news cnn referred to it right that seemed right there as a fiery but peaceful . monstration they actually said that the same year senator rand paul, you mightame remember, and hisrl wife were nearly trampled by far left protesters after the rnc convention. left wing rioters also showed up at senator mitch mcconnell's home, confronted him and his wife. they also harassed the pair at a local diner. i'm sure you remember that moment. they also terrorized senator josh hall, his wifeaw and their newborn baby at their front door. they confronted ted cruzz and his wife at a restaurant. they also harassed trump's dhsd secretary at a restaurant. t we played that tape before because they didn't like trump's border wall . in twenty eighteen they stormed the steps of the u.s. supreme courtt me. they pounded on the front door in order to disrupt kavanaugh's confirmation t. and more recently they followed senator krysten sinema into a bathroom and filmed her going into a stall becausein she wouldn't kill the filibuster. now they later then also tooky their kayaks out and they went over to joe mansions houseboat because he wouldn't support build back broke americart. b and while this farra left brand of political intimidation rarely works democrats, they just can't seem toca helps. themselves. but don't or they'll never be an investigation into this . >> take a look. you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. but i like to debate this gentleman. i said no, i said if we were in high school i'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of them. you hadd to be ready to take a punch. i think i'd be ready throw a punch, get out and you go out and you everyone should take note of that on both level that this is they're not going to let up and they should not. >>. i want to tell you what i want to tell you know, you have really whirlwind and you want to ridee get up in the face of some congress people. does any good running away from donald trump? i think you need to go b back ad then a bunch in face up therehe you say the things he of course i want too punch him in the faceth. yeah, i have thought an awful lot about blowing up a you have the last time i just needed president michelle says when they go low we go they go low, we kick my >> was barack obama telling this guy mr. burgess well put mr. burgess up again. upag. hannity eat themm >> i'm ready anyway. democrats love mob rule but only when they're on the losing side of an issue.. noww they are six months away from what could be an election beatdown. it's no secret it i the american people are notot happy, rightly so. inflation historically bad, gas prices historically histe border worse than the border worse than ever. chai the supply chain crisis is totallys messed up.orld stage r no one on the world stage or even in this country it seems h likes joe biden respects him. n and now a massive drop todayst in the stock market could spell the beginning of a painful new recessionn as presidentre trump very accuratelysi predicted, joe biden isel t destroying this great american economy and he's doing it in record time, sadly. me let me tell you about the stockt markethe. goe when the stock markets goes up, that means jobs. it also means 401k. if you got in if you everre became president with your ideassi, you want to terminate my tax, my taxes. i'll tell you what you'll lose . half of the companies that have poured in here will leave l and plenty of that are alreadyth here. they'll leave other places have they will leave l and you willh have a depression the likes of which you've never seen. like well, looks like trump was right again. was right a low gas prices, record low unemployment and major economic growth because that's what we got with president trump. i'll choose that guypr that guyt that calls our fake news for what they are fake and makes occasional mean tweets butut ges the job done. i choose him anyway. i want to biden we get economic turmoil along with a cognitives mess as a president who blames all ofro his problems on trump supporters or vladimir putin he called us the most extreme political faction in modernex american historyly actually in american history. in res, formeredyay president trump, he reacted. he told fox news .com quote, our country is going to the make america great again movement is saving america. there ise to joe iss nothing extreme about energy independence and a secure border . there's nothing extreme about safe cities and the rule of law. nothing extreme aboutxt parental involvement in their children's educationre. there's nothing extreme about freedom of speech and freedom of expressionexpr. there's nothing extreme about individual states regulating abortionvidu. n extreme and sadly there is an extreme political faction in this countryhis. but there on the other side of the fence outside the supreme courtth and inside the walls of 1600 pennsylvania avenue, the most radical government ever elected in the modern erahe by far it's not even close. it was reaction former senior counsel to president trump kellyanne conway, also former white house chief of staff mark meadows, former white house chief of staff, also reince priebusfar pri to toss a coin wt the better chief of staff? i'll let kellyanne makefi the final us . kellyanne, we'll start with youa tonight .nn start with you tonight because president trump was righ because president trumpt was right again. you know what people said? well, donald t trump fought a with the press. he called them fake news mediane and et cetera, et cetera.nt the country was so much better off i never thought it would w get this bad this fastou. >> and i don't think any american did. t they did not in lesso time than it takes to have a baby shot and they basically unraveled his great accomplishments and started to ruin america. look , when the white house in which the three ofre us worked, nobody ever wondereds who is the president, who's in charge and what ishe he thinking? all of those were assured at every moment. but i have too say something about the montage of lunacy. treate you this too is the beginning of your monologue. itit should not be ancc occupational hazard to workk in the united states supreme court as a justice or to s be a family member of one of those justices. some of them have small children. thinkdr many of them have spouss and the threats that are going to their lives are very worrisome. it is american to disagree, to i dissent, to protest. it is a crime to threaten people's lives and worse and publish their addressol and try to incite the kind of violence that we've seen in the pastst. , and they're saying rude sentence referring to the late justice ruth bader ginsburg. she didn't she wasn't force violence that she neverll compelled anybody, never incited people to go toeo folks houses. she and the late great antonin scalia were the best friends by all accounts. so b i really hope everybody turns down the temperature and law enforcement gets involved because i'm very concerned. but as for these use , look,ents everybody knows putin kim jong un , iran, jinping, they were all at bay when donald trump was in there. gas prices were lower, but our morale was higher too.ere lower. in the polls it actually includes issue sets but also ask just aboutdes the state of the nation. peopleleel are very hopeful. i think the last thing people really had hope was in on election day 2016 when they felt there was going wgh to be somebody different doing something differently and now traveling by is no way to run a country. joe biden thinks donald trump didd i undo it? t spight is no wayo to run a country, folks. and that's what we've got and. e so the maga hat movement, according to joe biden, mark meadows, the maga hat movement is the single greatest, danger and most radical group in america. let's seeha people that believe in energy independence secureeon borders, constitutionals on the bench, free and fair trade, peace through strength.o that's so radical. it's's so over the top. i've never heard such ideas>> that were that crazy. well, listen, sean, kellyanne is exactly right. right when we were in the. white house ,you didn't have to guesss who was the president of the united states because president donaldf trump was calling the shots and actually the maga hat movement, which is more than just the republican party .t that's where joe biden got itmo wrong. we've gotcr democratsand and unaffiliated voters that are part of the maga hat movement that says that they believe that america should be great. we should celebrate the greatness. and when joe biden actually leaves eighty five billion dollars worth of weapons to the taliban ,that should be condemned. and when they start to politicize the supreme court as they've done with leaking this document and ultimately by calls to pack the court and expand the number of justices so that liberaluall progressives can get their way ,it's just not what america isco all about, but it is what politics is all about. and that's why we should be calling out many of the progressive left that have on the supreme court. youu know, ryan brought up the five hundred and seventyf four riots in the summer of 2 2020. we had dozens of deadd americanh . we had thousands of copss injured. we had billions in propertyind,e damage. played i played the rhetoric.tori kellyanne referred to itc. and the democratic party as a whole. democratic party as a their silence was deafening almost the entire time it seemsw to mehe that when it comes toci criticizing their radical base ,then i played comments of prominent democrats and the ones who want to punch donald trump in the face and dream an awful lot about blowing up the white house. nothing ever happens to n them ha. cons but ifer it was a conservative, if one day sean if hannity lost his mind and said something that's stupid, i don't think i'd t do anotheres show ever fort the rest of my life and i might have l the fbi at my door asking a lotd of questions and they might put me in these really p nice lookig handcuffs if they have. well, that is so true in here where here's where w we're at. these are the tactics of liberals in america. the good in america news is, isi think americans are starting to reject these tactics. tar and whate are the tactics? one is false labeling. they want to call everyone a white supremacist t has a maga hat on who who doesn't think that society should be taught in school. they call parents scienceci deniers becauseen they don't wat their two year olds and their five year olds wearing masks they call people who don't think that boys should compete against girls and sports tranz then they move toobic the platfm and they say that if you post anything that we don't agree with your op on twitter, youtt have a facebook and instagram. now elon muskerbo says you basically go jump in a lake. i'm going to take care ofwi twitter. then what do they do then they resort to violence and it's blm and it's antifa and these are and the reason why to answer your question ishe that these are the tactics embraced by liberals. and every once in a while i look at the rules for r radicals. we've talked about this before, but one of them in these rules for radicals is to find ways to intimidate margin lies and and isolate and punish individuals that espouse opinions that you don't agree with . sean, it's embedded in what they believe and howe, they operate. not a so this is not a surprise.e. but i doo thinksurp americans ae starting to have enough of this stuff and that's why they're going to get killed in november. kellyanne g, when i play chuck schumer threatening gorsuch and cavanough, is that a threat ? because i think it was yes, it was. and ast chuck schumer and i want this old white guy tell me what to do with my body shewn and how to think that very well. could you go ahead? ean: no, it was a it was a threat to work and threaten them.e right. by theic way, have you noticed as always cameras involved? they have to bother. and heidi cruz at dinner,r, kirschen yalcin, the secretarlw of homeland, they've always gotd their camera out and then they go, which makes you tch wor i think it's all escalated nowid and it's because of something you said earlierli, which is h that people are lying about what would happen if in fact that opinion holds and roe n versus wade and noo longer exit . of course abortion will be accessible. people are lying about that andd the left l benefits from the fat that a majority of americans when you ask them what is roeov vs. wade actually provide, they get it wrong. the democrats love that .d people know planned parenthood gets a half a billion dollars in taxpayer money selling fetal tissue and baby body parts a few yearsll to go there for nine month abortion. they're for selection, abortion. they're for taxpayer ninth fundi abortion. onrt i would ask every liberal out there, every pro-choice or just can you think of one abortion you think is a bad idea? justel one tell us describe we have many schools that allow for that . we kill it. we put the states in this union that allow abortion upun until the moment of birth. and then of course we played ralph northam. let me letlp. as well that yeah. let a me ask marc this question that was giving out the addresses of supreme court justices clearlys this is all y effort to intimidate the mark and maybe make the casebe as as people like the congenital liar adam schiff and elizabethia warren are suggesting we pack the courts but my message to c conservatives are would be never give out the address of any justice, any elected official, anybody that works on the lowest leveldy of government. and if you everr see anybodyan in public leave the alone. say hello if you want. be nice. otherwise leave them alone. well, leave them alone. ce and certainly what they're calling on a lotrt off the lefto do and going to protest at t some of these justices homes is not only inappropriate but it's dangerous. ry listen, we're all we love this country and being able to protest and it's express your opinion is something that we should be able to peacefully do. and you can do those, you know, in the public square. but t to suggest that doxing someone and giving out their address this is all about intimidation. this is what the leftftti has mastered and they continue toma master it and where are the democrats condemning this ? you know, when you think of the supreme court, no matter what the makeup of the court has been, is or will be , you want them to be a neutralal arbiter of the truth. and yet what we see are politicians and the leftul particularly pushing their agendaar and in this leakd document is is really an affront on the supreme court and that neutralitye co. s let me give you the last word. same question i really now fear for these justices and i would never want a conservative everus act in the same way.. reince priebus no, never. and i think that's the difference between republicans, democrats, liveals and conservatives by the golden rule. do unto others as you want to be done to yourselfot. ur butse the real question the real issue here is that democratsai and liberals, as kellyanne said ,they've taken it tooen far. they went to late term abortion. they went to taxpayerab abortios and then they said we're not going to tell parents whenel a 5 year old girl wants to go after school and have an abortion and that's when parents rose up and parents are rising up alls over this country like they did in virginia. they're doing it here and they're doing it cross red states in america and they're calling the questions and to the courts and the justices are likely to respond. . all all right. thank you all for being r r with us. we appreciate it. kellyanne us.. thank you . mark meadows, thank you and thank you . it's official tan jen psaki circling back around the white later lr the final time this month. she's leaving. she's going right there toeaea my fiancee. fa we'll show you some of our favorite circle back moments from the outgoing press secretary. we're kind ofre honoring her wih this and then later, the man that attacked dave chappelle on stage not facing felonyrg charges when he had a fakees gun with a real knifefe in it. are you kidding me? we'll explain. college wasn't built for me. he didn't care if i had to work a double shift or if my kid had a deadline. the deadline. i want to set the deadline. i'm going to take test when i'm ready. i want to take courses online feet up when i know my stuff. i went to university that cares about personal choices on the graduate, on your time and on top of university hoping you could talk to you and spread. it's time to start using ketanji maximum strength from you know. if so powerful like yours and prevent fungal infection. plus it has aloe in tea tree oil to restore skin health. say goodbye to toe fungus with fungi when it comes to real estate agents experience matters. the best agents know how to market your home or top dollar and navigate through a complex transaction that ideally we created our smart solar system with top rated local agents to sell your home for as low as a two percent commission. i was amazed in the fact that my house sold one idea to save me in the neighborhood of twenty to twenty five thousand dollars. the process was as easy as it gets. it was turkey . i'm a very busy guy and they just took care of everything. they are the number one way to sell. i've used ideal agent two times . i double agent guided me through the entire process every step you want to have the best agent but you want to get the best deal using ideal agent with both properties i've saved over thirty thousand dollars. our service is free available nationwide and there's zero obligation calls today or visit ideally dexcom each year americans waste twenty one billion dollars by overpaying on car insurance. that's why i went to the zebra .com because well every company claims to save you money on car insurance. e can compare car insuranceco to sleep atfa the uber .com today. do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? 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,T Spight ,Didd ,2016 ,In America ,Greatest ,What Movement ,Bwayo ,Maga Hat Movement ,Danger ,The ,Folks ,Sean ,Top ,Peace , ,Ideas ,Constitutionals ,Bench ,Trade ,Crazy ,Strength O ,Secureeon Borders ,Republican Party ,Guesss ,Shots ,Greatness ,Gotcr Democratsand ,Document ,Weapons ,Calls ,Taliban ,Eighty Five Billion ,Eighty Five Billion Dollars ,Number ,Progressives ,Progressive ,Liberaluall ,America Isco ,Deadd Americanh ,Billions ,Tori Kellyanne ,Propertyind ,Eye Damage ,Copss Injured ,Youu Know ,Ryan ,Rhetoric ,Itc ,2 ,Four ,Whole ,Comments ,Toci ,Cons ,Conservative ,Mind ,Them Ha ,Questions ,Lookig ,Flotd ,Do Anotheres Show Ever Fort The Rest Of My Life ,Nice ,Tactics ,Think Americans ,Liberals ,Good ,Labeling ,Whate ,America News Is ,Isi ,Star ,Parents ,School ,Maga Hat ,Doesn T ,White Supremacist T ,Society ,Deniers Becauseen ,They Don T Wat Their Two Year Olds ,Youtt Have A Facebook ,Twitter ,Platfm ,Boys ,Instagram ,Girls And Sports Tranz Phobics Ph ,Elon Muskerbo ,Question 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