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0 hungary versus soros streaming now exclusively on fox nation. sign up today. >> oh , we're out of time and no one sadder about us than we are. you probably want to break we we canan watch a conversation with you on horie on fox nation if you like ight we'll be back tomorrow night 8:00 pm and every weeknight show that is the sworn enemy of line pomposity, smugness and groupthinkgn and now to the right, sean hannity. ha all right.nnit and thank you,y." w tucker , and welcome to hannity. tonight we're tracking multiple major stories includingnc big news from canada nowri the country's pathetic prime minister still sti in hiding asa peaceful trucker protest against tons of momentum despite gofundme me trying to steal the donations or not dispense the money that people generously gave to them g despie a new injunction making it illegal for people and truckers and supporters to honk their horns. it willplain all of get to the scene as well tonight . meanwhile, back here at home, top democrats, they're getting rightfully slammed over their disgusting mascotus policy. but first, we're now beginning week two ofk the left's all out. well, attack on joe rogan boycott fire cancio wash, rinse, repeat. over the weekend,nd a far left group released a montage of rogen saying the n-word over the years on his podcast. let's state up front this is simple. it's not a hard one . it's a word nobody should use ever. rogen addressed it immediatelylo ,apologized he said t the clips were taken out off context.aking this here's what he said. i'm making video to talk about the most regretful and shameful thing that i've ever had to talk about publicly. there's video us out that's a compilation of me saying the n-word. it's a video that's made of clips taken out of context of me of twelve years ofrs conversations on my podcast. now i know that to most people there is no context where a white person is ever allowed. to say that word never mind publicly on a podcast and iha agree with that now i haven't said it in years but for a long time when i would bring that word up like you would come upp in conversation and instead of saying the n-word, i wouldco just say the word i thought as long as it was in context people would understand what i was doing like that context was part ofg. the clip we were talking about red fox, how red fox saidwe that word on television in the 1970s and how times havee changed so much since then or aboutmu how richard pryor use it as one of the titles of one of his albumsn:. this race was a lot of questions tonight . how will the country, the marketplaceil respond to comedians? let's say chris rock, for example, who use the word a lot on stage time will tell if rogen had said nobody should ever use this word and said the word in that context, would people be as upset? should they be?e i've not listen to any podcast mentioned in the montage, but rogen admits he's wrong, saidts he's embarrassed, he regrets it. this apology does sound sincere . kind of like what we goldberg's apology for her comments on the holocaust. well, to me it was sincere. i know her well enough over thel years. ik i know she's absolutely not anti-semitic and my rock solid support for israel and the jewish people is well knownn. i wouldn't tolerate an anti semite or racist. but again, this is the great thing about freedom. you don't like any of these showsik. you don't have to watch them.. you know, like whoopi goldberg, you know, like joe rogan, turn the channel no one can force you to watch. sadly, with many on the left all they want to do is silence, cancel, boycott and end all this dissent. most people also feign outragego when they're not actually offended. they're using censorship as a political tool often cancel conservatives. now think about this . joe biden, he's thede president of the united states. he ran for president for over as year. he's not a podcast host. he's not the co-host on a talk show and yet he's never, ever apologized for his years of frankly downright racist rhetoric and actionsc. as a senator , we've told you very few people ever pay attention, didn'tr, even come up except for kamala harris in one debate he workrm with segregationists. he worked with a formerer klansman to stop integration of public schools and bussing. he worried that children would go to public schools that are quote in his words, a racial jungle. his mentor in the us senate was a former klansman during a hearing in the eighties. he himself used the n-word multiple times uncensored while reading a quote he moree recently proclaimed that you have to have a slight indian accent if you want to work on dunkin donuts or a 7-eleven in his state. he also referred to obama as the quote the first mainstream african-american who is articulate and bright and clean. this is a storybook man. fr no other african-american before joe was articulate, bright and clean. this is the first time he bragged that his home state of delaware my state's the state, he said and in virginiae he'd done that fake african-american accent, toldca the crowd that mitt romney's going to put you all back in chains. biden's son hunter, longtimecr crack addict, frequently use the n-word and text messages atth his attorneys. is theretorn anyoneey on the let that was as outraged that the president of the united states is sononnt os. and himself withs racial history meaning joe , is anybody offended? anyone speak out?ea how often did you hear about if you're a democrat, if your last name is clinton biden? n no outrage from the democraticm left. there's no calls for boycott cancelations or censoring at all whatsoever if you're a conservative or god forbid you have the last name trump, i thinkk the reaction we all know would be very different. the last time i checked the president of the united states is a lot more powerful than a podcast host no matter how popular that hosts may be, by the way. so is the new mayor of new york city. his name is eric adams, once calling for his canceling his firing, his or even an apology that i've heard. but these comments every dayn in the police department articles crack up and police wouldn't want to collect famous sergeant denuke and the captain. you know the story i would rather wear whiteyo all day, grw big, smoke some weed and leave w this stuff alone because i wake up every day and don't like g themselves and they're going to beat me up. the people who say we've got real black leaders, they're going to say, listen, who's eric? you know what burisma he shouldt be made for . >> you know, mayor adams later apologized. did he mean it as with everyonel else, time will tell there areog now there were no calls for him to be canceled in any way. that wasn't even a lot of criticism. you know how far back do we go here? we're going to talk about howard stern and the in the eightiesesar. what about the times all these people dressed in blackface on many occasions said many things that they wouldn't say today. dodo we need to go back through the archives of anybody and everybody that might have said something that through today's prism is different t? ut i don't think the answer is yes. what about jimmy kimmel, madonna, quentin k tarantino, their use of the n-word, pulpa fiction in that case, what about the hundreds of songs right now on spotify that probably degrade women, call them derogatory names? are there any other songs glorifying violence and murder g and drugs that use the n-word? to their credit, spotify says they're not canceling joe rogan, at least not not as of today. if they do the growing streaming platform rumbold, they've offered rogan one hundred million dollars to make the switch. whether you'd like joe rogan or not, there is a good sign that there is a movementt in this country that's willing to accept the idea of freedom and turning the channel and not being forced to listen or watch something that you find's offensive. a and that's why i'm soda adamant about this .reason. why? because it's a very simple reason nobody can force you. you get to decide you have full control of this now notf everyone agrees you got fake news. cnn they would loveis rogen to e ripped off the airwaves. of course, no cnn watcheses and their dear leader is now long gone and now as one guestmp told humpty dumpty over thety weekend, i would be nervous ifft i was at cnn after potato heads ouster. and according to the wall street journal, multiple hosts are lashing out. humpday is in a panic putting his resume together in all likelihood. take a look and you can draw h a straight line from andrew cuomo downfall to zucker's a. nd itre is almost shakespearean, bt the people who sayo we're lacking journalism, that we've become an all talk channel so we've run off and we're all that jeffll the time zucker led us astray. people aren't watching cnn. they're not watching cnn. they're watching complaints about cnn on other channels. i don't know what they're about.gsher about. that's the truth. we lost our leader the this week for not going anywhere. so we'll see you back here next week. they're note w watching cnn firt time we stumbled on the truth but really what do you expect from jeff zucker, stenographer now? of course something is not a journalist nor is fake news a tapper or don they're all opinion hosts, talk show host just like me except i'm honest, they are like members of the pressai for sured they're not fair and balanced journalistss.. and by the way, if you're one of the few that do watch cnn for any length of time, you'll know it's true . look at jeffrey toobin recently to zoom call in front of his coworkers. he's not a journalist either. fake news jim acosta who just called a called virginia of soviet style police state. that's journalism. that's not an opinion because they ended mask mandates.he yeah, not journalism in the daytime or opinion from other trump hating obsessed democrats that they say arere journalistss and not their talk show hosts and members of the press, their talk show hosts, they occasionally do straight news, but they giveo a lot of opinion. and we got jonah goldberg, by the way, just joined fake news cnn the anti trump pundit is now so desperate for a platform that he joined cnn three years after tweetingea this meme right there. yikes.timeme right there. we can go on and on and on . straight news has been extinct for a long time over there almost pretty much now giving their opinion. s but here's this thing fake news. cnn still pretends that all of these hosts are not partisan journalists. they're not their talk show hosts. jt they'res. giving their opinion, which reminds me of a famous russian quote we know they are lying. lying. lthat they are they know we knowyi they are lying and we know they know. we w knowe they are lying but they're still lying. news.s fakee cnn now i don't call for anyonei to be fired, but if i were m humpty dumpty now, i'd probably be sweating a little more than he usually does. it was more author of here'ss the deal. kellyanne conwayy book is out very soon along with fox news contributor leo to point otro. all right, leo, let's get your overall broad view of rogan and this tape came out, the montage that came out, his response to it, spotify response to it and what do we do? are there going to be exceptions like this ? roc chris rock continue to dokto his act. thank you for asking that question. listen to me. bravo for spotify for thinking behind joe rogan. and let me say right now the only reason why the left is upset with joe rogan is not because the n word he's not on their team. he's not on their team, he's not one of their guys and therefore they want to control joe rogan, you gave a beautiful montage of the democrats using the n word the racial animus, all thoseoc individuals there on the team there on the democratic. if you are a democrat, you can get away with that. joe rogan, they are upset with him because of the fact he's out of their team. reme maybe youmb missed one last point. remember with bidenen said, hey, if you don't if you vote for trump, you ain't black. racist. how dare him? he is a racist. h bute it's okay because he's on the democratic team and that cnn mantosh same thing. all those guys are asian. zucker on down agents of the democratic party . they were the people behind the andrew cuomo. glad but joe rogan i'm glad he is still on on spotify and i accept his apology because i know it's taken out of f context and they're out to get him because ofac that fact.. he is a free agent, not on their team. how is it, kellyanne, that you look at joe biden's racial history, you look at what kamala attacked during that one debate, for example, then you look at hunter biden using the n-word again and again and again. barely anybody showed any offense whatsoever to the president's son doing that . what if it was donald trump's sont on tape saying it in email saying they're just a bunch of hypocrites? as you know, i really have to commend the way joe rogan handled this . his apology is sincere. iphe's asking for mercyes and redemption. people should grant it. and i also have to give a lot of credit to someone i've never met, which is c the ceo of spotify is daniel ek.he said i mean, he basically said i disagree i with the content. i'm glad joe has removed it. and by the way, we're not going to go any further. we're not going to cancel orce censor people because of something that they've said and apologized for in isolated incidents. that's not what's in somebody's heart. why don't we cancel people according to what's in their heart, not an errant word here or there. i reminds me of what jon karp, the head of simon schuster said year he had a lot of people in the company say, you know, all the books you're saying don't publishbl conservatives. and he said we come to work every day tos. publish, ought to cancel. and i think that's the way to look at this now on his comments about race, don't forget that it was joe biden who also described his primary opponent in 2008, barack obama as a clean, articulate while sorry, harry reid. right, right. harry reid. yeah. gois and what about and what about. harry reid? god rest his soul. butt he had said that to mark halperin in that book called based hangege. he really insulted president obama based on his race. he thought he was complimentings him, but there's no other way to read it. the difference is, are you republicanss, you conservative, liberal? and that's what's happened to cnn. cnn'sblem problem is not that it based its business model around jeff zucker, cnn's problem is it based its business model around donald trump. they left the podiums open foras 30 minutes in 20 in march of 2016 in twenty fifteen over a two week period, 78% c of their political coverage was about donald trump a even though 16 other republicans were running. i can i can forgive him for not wanting to show us more hillary and bernie sanders, but 70% of the coverage went to donald trump. tru they gave the trump campaign i know it. i was on there everymp day on that network every day up to five billion dollars of free coverage f. . then we get into office instead of saying that the media and the white house have joint custody of the country for four years, sean leo, how can we work together? 93% of the coverage according to harvard university. 93% of the coverage of trump in the first 100 days was negative. now the ratings are down 90% year after year. so they built their model trump, trump, trump, trump, trump and for all the reasons that you already mentioned. but i think race has been a big part of to they love to call the race card i write in my book you'll see very quicklyse abortion used tod be what all the democrats talked about in their last convention in twenty . a they ignored that . they talked about race, notbo abortion. let me go back to you of the final question and i said it's a bad idea for anyone to say it even in the context of you saying saying it is evil. okay, joe said in his statement as a white person i should not say this word. what would you say?n what does this mean going forward for somebody like chris rock who i think is funny as ? i say right now i don't want top say the word, but i'm going to tell you right now it depends on what side you're on . going i mean i mean, that's never going to go away is the word we use. no. can it be used yet? can i use those on the lefto who will condone that type of activity but attack others if they're on their side? o and one last point about eric adams. that guy was in a position of power when use that term white . that's what that's one thing to be a podcast. give an opinion, bad a guy, use his power to hate white american white. rs that's a different i don't forgive him. i do not forgive eric at all. right. kellyanne, what won't be clear about that and leo, good to have you books out soon. we'll tell you when it does. all right. now we turn to congresswoman of cortez who just proudlyal announced that capitalism just is notre a redeemable system for us really. take a look to move capitalism at its core. what what we're talking about when we talk about that is p the absolute pursuitur of profie at allnv human, environmental and social cost. that is what we're really discussing. that is not irredeemable system for us to be b able to participate in for the prosperity and peace for the vast majority of people. it was reaction. senator marco rubio w who by the way, just introduced legislation that would ban the use of arrest papers as identification for illegal immigrants at airports. the fact that you have to bring that legislation is a little mind numbing. you know, there's a very large and we were down in miami together and we didid this town hall is a very large cuban-american communityer ,vibrant community in miami.t ci and i mean the people that suffered under the castro i know have a very, very different opinion than aoc on this issue of capitalism, the greatest wealth producingdy system for anybody that wants to work hard and drive s themselves to success. yeah, i mean, i'm not surprised by comments. those comments are nowow the mainstream of the democratic party and either peopleth believe that or they have to pretendoc they believe in some of they woke ups to one day and i guess decided that marxism was right all along, that the cold war should have never ended. and i don't understand how people that feel that way don't just move to one of these other countries. there's so many other countries out there that actually agree with that sentiment about socialism being better than than capitalism ano in the real world world. i come from the neighborhood that i grew up and the people i've grown up around my family capitalism. it's not these big corporation capitalism is the small business owner. it's the person that started it out of the basement there aree their home or their garage and now owns a small business and employs four peoplee. that's not possible and any other system but the capitalist free enterprise system, that's the only system in the world. that's ever been possible where someone can come hereso legally from another country i and in a short period of time be the owner of a business and control their own economic destiny, provide for their families and jobsnd for others like them. so look, i think that's a greate debate to have. we should have it's important to reinvigorate in every generation the belief in capitalism. b this the sort of rejection of it and this embrace of socialism by the congresswomanac that's nown, the mainstream of the democraticow party . so she wants this green new deal which would basically be cradle to grave to the tomb redistribution of wealth. my question is i have a hard time understanding wherent this belief that government can be successful now the same government that bankrupted social security and medicare that both headed for insolvency, they there was no lockbox. they they raided the lockbox and squandered the money. the same people that destroyed our school system in many towns and cities across the country, the same people that promise keep your doctor tromi, keep the and save money. while millions l lost their doctors, millions lost the care and we're all paying about two hundred plus percent more the same people that can't keep law and order. why would we trust themlaw and r with any other aspect of our daily lives? because socialism is not abouta economics. ec it's a big mistake that we make socialism nothing to it. it's about power. it's about the ability tore control people. if you control where people work, if you control how much they make, if you control who owns what , then you can control what they say. you can control who they hire, you can control what they can sell, what they can do, what hours they can open. that'sbout power. it's about control. that's what socialism has always been about w. socialism ultimately is not possible. the socialism she's talking and they talk about it's reallyr not possible without a government that actually olcontrols every aspect of your life because that's why i think i don't think that troubled by inflation, i think they like the fact that inflation has run amoktrou and prices are high because that just means that they can come in with the argumentyo that you see the market can't provide for your needs. only a government check can, only government guarantee can. it plays right into their hands. but again,nds. socialism is not about economics. it's about power. it's about control. that's why abo people flee. that's why miami has inherited eight hundred thousand or a million m people from latinri america who flee socialism because it fails and it destroys lives. i'll quote ronald reagan and end the segment with government is the problem . senator , always great to have . thank you for being straightton ahead. we have a live reporter on the ground in ottawa tonight . things are heating up their freedom convoy truckers they continue to pledge they will stand against these draconian vaccine mandates t. that's next door to a month in your medicine left days callm coming on sakyamuniul no. one post threatening brand highly recommend that dance. last night campany formula is a short that can be cpac so your home is expensive and stressful so we set out to create a better home style experience with a network of the most successful real states in america. it'll sell your home for as little as a 10% mission. the icing on the cake with the ideal agent was that we saved twelve thousand dollars in commissions. we would definitely use our delays and a the whole process was so positive for us . excellent, excellent service getting right to the point hiring ideal agent. i wish we would have done that sooner and we would have saved six months of time and mortgage payments that would have probably never happened. we would have just gone with him first. they were so stress free the whole process was amazing and i would definitely recommend that . we certainly recommend that ideally over time over friends. it's just a great experience. we are not discount brokers. these are topical agents that'll get you the best results. hello, i'm mike lindell and i'm here to tell you about my brand new product, my slippers. what makes my slippers different from those other slippers is my exclusive four layer design. the first layer is my pillows and foam which will help prevent fatigue and offer you incredible support. my second layer is a memory foam that will give you amazing comfort and layer three is my patented compact shelf. it'll help reduce stress on your feet and layer four is a durable outdoor indoor so you can wear my slippers anywhere, anytime. a minor right now to order your very own pair up the new slippers you put on your screen and save an incredible 40% off your my slippers order. you can enjoy my slippers anytime anywhere. what i love most about my slippers is that i can wear them all day long and not have to change shoes. i personally guarantee the first time you put them ssl on they'llee be the most comfortable slippers you'll ever own. do you struggled to fall asleep and stay asleep? 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