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Asked about taking a cognitive test. Have a look. Please clarify specifically t have you taken a cognitive test . No, i havent taken a test. Why the hill would i take a test . Come on, man, that is like saying before you came on the program, you are taking a test for taking cocaine. Are you a junkie . Es what do you say to President Trump who brags about his test andak make you an issue for voters . Well, if you cant figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, i dont know what the hell hes talking about. Come on, man, i know you are trying to goad me, but i mean, and so forwardlooking to having an opportunity to sit with the president or stand with the present and debate. There will be plenty of time. And by the way, as i joke with him, you know i shouldnt say that because i am going to Say Something i probably shouldnt say. Anyway, i am very well to let the American Public know my physical and Mental Fitness and to make a judgment about who i am. Jason if you can believe it, things only got worse from there. At one point, biden suggested that africanamericans are all the same. Watch this. Unlike Africanamerican Community with no exceptions, the Latino Community is a incredibly Diverse Community but incredibly different attitudes about different things. Jason really, joe . Is that what you meant to say . Apparently so because the next day biden said the same thing again, watch. We can build a new administration and the full diversity of our nation and the full diversity of the latino communities. En diversity, mean full like africanamerican communities in many communities and for everywhere. From europe, from the tip of south america all the way to our borders and the border of mexico and the caribbean. And different backgrounds. Different ethnicities and latinos. Jason thursday night joe biden tried to back track, i made promise about diversity in the africanamerican latino communities that i want to clarify. In no way did i mean to suggest the Africanamerican Community not by identity, not issues, not at all. An apology, not a clarification which would have been much more appropriate but we all heard what joe said twice. Tyty this week, we also heard joe get confused about the filibusters, stumble over his words, and lose his train of thought. He is campaigning from the basement he has the latest schedule of any president ial candidate in modern history so what is really going on here . Joining us with American Conservative Union chairman matt schlapp and one of the favorites on the show along with Fox News Contributor charlie hurt who we also love and glad he is joining us as well, gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this friday night. I can tell you, hiding joe biden is so different than donald trump. Donald trump would play rock and sock em football, hardball, and joe bidens over there with a wiffle ball and cant seem to hit it. This is the part i want everyone to think about. He is doing this with a teleprompter. This is all on video and he has paddles on the wall right by the camera. He cant read the answers. You know, cpac the group i chair, we have a bunch of students involved with the organization. I was talking to one of the interns today and he was saying might feel like his grandkids need to make the stop. He said its almost like its elder abuse. I mean i feel bad that we are all laughing, but it is pathetic and having his wife finish his sentences for him. Having one event every four days, he is not up to being president of the united states. Hes not up to sit across the table from kim jong un or the Chinese Communist government. Hes not up to the challenges we face. This is a real, really tragic thing to the Democratic Party. They are so dishonest that they think they can lied to us that their nominee is up to the job. Jason charlie, running for president is difficult, but ther most difficult job on the face of the planet is being the president of the united states. Im amazed by the energy donald trump brings to the job but joe biden walking up and down theis t stairs between his basement, i mean, at what point does the media actually cover the story and actually report on what is going on were not going on in o the world to joe biden . They never will. And i think we should have known that already. It has gotten to the point where its trulyg painful to watch. You look around i get it, people dont like donald trump and they want democrats want to field somebody to beat donald trump at 250 Million People in this country. This is the guy they came up with . He has run for president umpteen times before and has been rejected. Dy the only way he got in the white house at that moment barack obama in 2008 needed a guy that was like joe biden to be his sort of wing man. And that is the only reason he has any white house experience in the first place. But this is downright painful to watch. And i think matt is exactly right. At one level, it is kind of comical, but on the other level, it is like elder abuse. And you have these democrats who are willing to put a guy out there like this through this humiliating experience. At some point his family has to come out and say, wait a minute, we take politics serious and we dont like donald trump, but this is too much. Jason i want you to bothas set aside all the blunders because they happen every night. We could do a whole show ever night on the blunders. But the content of what he is saying should be equally scary. He took a position that Illegal Immigrants should be able to have all the same benefits as everybody else in the world, and the united states. The content of what he is saying continues to go to the bar radical left, doesnt it, matt . The other thing is i keep saying he is radical and wrong. Joe biden and his 50 years of the senate vote, he was wrong o almost every major question facing the country. He moved to the left as he was in the senate. As he became Barack Obamas running mate, as charlie talked about, he actually embraced this whole socialist agenda. Now hes on to the aoc, bernie sanders, radical, socialist manifesto. This document they came out with, which is their platform. He has embraced everything but because im not a medical doctor so charlie and jason forgive me, but because he is a little gonzo in the head, he is going to need people to help him if he were to win. I dont think he will win buticf he were to win that is the question, who is sitting by his side making all the questions . Jason it is legitimate, but charlie real quick. I will give you the same chance and i have about ten seconds to tell us what you think on politics. The real problem is if hes not in charge of his own mental capacity, who will be in charge of the white house . Who will be in charge of nuclear these are serious questions because if not joe biden, the American People ought to know who it will be. Jason we have to know who the staff is behind it and his vp pick is so important. Matt schlapp, charlie hurt thank you so much. Coming up next, the media is spinning in circles trying to defend joe biden, but we willl show you the worst of the worse, larry elder and leo terrel are next. Plus, we have new information on bidens deep state, and a special edition of hannity continues. Guys, times are tough. But force factors test x180 can help us man up, america, by boosting total testosterone. Build muscle, fuel desire, and improve performance. Get test x180 from force factor, the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. We live with at t and we are well past the honeocupado tom. At t, whats this i hear about you advertising a 100 Fiber Network . Only like a fraction of my customers can get that. Thats it . . You have such a glass halfempty attitude. The glass is more than halfempty you need to relax tom. Oh tom, you need a little tom time. A little tt. Stop living with at t. Xfinity delivers gig speeds to more homes than anyone. Jason welcome back to the special edition of hannity. Now democrats and the media mob are out playing defense tonight and doing everything they can to spin for joe biden after troubling remarks this week about africanamericans. Here is just a small sample. Take a look. And what he was talking about is whether or not what continent, you know, we stop talking about latino americans and you were talking not just about various communities, countries, but various continents. Most africanamericans overwhelmingly support democrats and you travel to florida for example, you might have a puerto rican population that is moved to florida that has a different view than latino in nevada or arizona. Jason when the media wasnt defending or downplaying the remarks, they were down right ignoring them showing you just how much damage control biden continues to put his campaign and appeared late last night the Biden Campaign try to clean up the remarks but here is that thing. There is nothing democrats can do to clean up bidens decades of failure in the washington swamp and his endless disasters on the 2020 campaign trail. And it is why in 88 days, 88 days, we face the biggest election of our lifetime. It is not just joe biden and his bizarre blunders on the ballot in november, it is everything the new extreme Democratic Party stands for. Joining me now for a reaction, leo terrell civil rights attorney along with salem radio host larry elder. Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us tonight. Leo, they brought out the big guns to defend joe biden. They brought out congressman clyburn, the mayor of atlanta. They all tried to get out and put the spin on this thing. It just didnt fly, did it . No, you cannot do damage control and racist. Joe biden is a race to us for 50 years of history of this. Last night i predicted they would roll out jim clyburn. Jim clyburn came out and you know what is insulting about that . Jim clyburn carried joe by water and expect all black americans, larry, myself Condoleezza Rice to believe his version of what joe biden said. Jim insult our intelligence because again, he cant speak for me, he cant speak for black americans. And the other Networks Like msnbc, cnn, what are they doing . A disservice to black americans because the prerequisite to go on those shows, you have to be to the mentality. An end if he wants to interview black americans with different opinions can invite me, larry and we will tell her exactly how we feel that we want to move from this democratic mindset of extremism and we want to vote for President Trump jim clyburn has no credibility. He attacks our great president by trying to make a did dont make derogatory comment about being mussolini and a text american soldiers by calling gestapo tactics. He is a dinosaur and he needs to retire yesterday. Jason i certainly think so. I have the greatest respect for him but those comments are just so outrageous. But larry, these comments that i hear and especially from joe biden are so patronizing. How did they strike you . A course they are patronizing, jason and this is the Identity Party to try to act like its not the Identity Party. Ayanna pressleys last year so we dont need brown voices who dont want to be brown voices we dont need black places that dont want to be black voices. How is that different than joe biden telling Charlamagne Tha God if you dont vote for him, you aint black. These are how these guys roll. A woman once said, the republican opponent married to a white woman you have no ethnic pride. When donald trump got elected and invited people like jim brown and steve harvey to the white house, and mediocre and don lemon and kanye west flatter donald trump in the Oval Office Said he was a show. All that is doing his thing to black people it is only way to be black and if youre not a democrat, youre not black. Your uncle tom, coon, a sellout. That is what hes been taught and the campaign told him and when a white person says it it is insane indignation. Jason leo, i heard Ari Fleischer tweet out and i thought he was right, joe biden seems to treat africanamericans as this voting block. And not really showing caring compassion. I dont know what joe biden thinks hes offers the Africanamerican Community but what he has done in his three years. For 50 years, but donald trump has been there three and a half years. Hes got a record to run on. Donald trump has an excellent record to run on for supporting black america and their policy. The Unemployment Rate alltime low, historically funding black colleges. And signing a Justice Reform bill. The reason why donald trump doesnt get credit is because hes a republican. Democrats think they own us. They do not own a spear they have done nothing i dont need nancy pelosi and on the floor. I want policies and substance. That is what you get from donald trump. Black america, you do have a choice. You need to vote for donald trump because they will provide you with nothing, zero. Jason larry when you have africanamericans, yourself and candace owens, you have other people stand up and say good things about donald trump. They either get demolished by somebody online or they get chastised in every way that they do it, but the media, they are nowhere on this issue as well. They really are. And that is why i did that documentary, jason, call uncle tom at uncle tom. Com is Walter Williams and many of who people in black america dont even know about because ebony magazine every year has what is called 100 most influential black americans. Walter william and Clarence Thomas arent even in there. Imagine what would happen to the black community had people like Walter Williams listen to 30, 40 years ago talking about choice. It would have improved things in the black community immeasurably. They are not invited but dismissed as uncle tom because the democrats taught black people like that her enemies. That is how successful the democrats have been to convince them that the democrats were the black cat and republicans the whiteheads. Let me debate and go on that show. Let me debate you guys. Jason we will not let you go on another network, come on. I want to show you they were democrats that dont think the way as others. We think for ourselves. Jason that is what is amazing about joe biden. He made those disparaging comments twice. You know sometimes you make a mistake but twice, larry . Twice . Jason, since the spin off, the act that leo was talking about, 3,000 black men have had men convicted of dealing crack cocaine and 2,000 have been released. That was under president donald trump. Now, honestly, he pardoned jack johnson the first black heavyweight champion. That has been 15 years and Sylvester Stallone and obama wouldnt do it. Antitrump gets no credit. It is really amazing. Because hes a republican. Jason i really do believe going into this election, democrats are scared to death because donald trump, he resonates with the Africanamerican Community. Yes, he does. Jason he did something along the way. He didnt just talk about it and take him pat them on the back and say, but he actually did something in a short amount of time. Leo terrel and larry elder, thank you so much for being with us. I wish i had more time with you. Appreciate it, great friday night. Straightahead rumors are swirling and swirling around bidens vp pick. Plus, did aoc get snubbed from the dnc . Stay with us as the special edition of hannity continues. These are real people, not actors, whove got their eczema under control. With less eczema, you can show more skin. So roll up those sleeves. And help heal your skin from within with dupixent. Dupixent is the first treatment of its kind that continuously treats moderatetosevere eczema, or atopic dermatitis, even between flare ups. Dupixent is a biologic, and not a cream or steroid. Many people taking dupixent saw clear or almost clear skin, and, had significantly less itch. Dont use if youre allergic to dupixent. Serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. Tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. If you take asthma medicines, dont change or stop them without talking to your doctor. 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And the radicall agenda will be on full display at the Virtual Convention later this month with speakers reportedly, including senator bernie sanders, senator elizabeth warren, bill and hillary clinton, barack and michelle obama. But what is still not clear is whether or not congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez will be granted a highprofile speaking slot despite her role in bringing these radical positions into bidens platform. S joining me for reaction 2020 trump erin perrine with Fox News Contributor tammy bruce. Thank you both for joining me tonight. Tammy might want to start with you. What is on the line for the country and for joe biden in the selection of the Vice President ial pick . Well, i dont think a great deal because the president will win reelection. I am confident of that. But what it shows you with with the Democratic Party use of the future and who they are future talent will be. So for democrats and regular americans who are appalled as we are at what is going on and watching their party resolve right underneath them, they have an interest in what the signaling is here. If the clintons and the obamas are okay with this, that is the other issue. You know, you can look at portland is an indication whether or not the democrats felt first perhaps they were in charge and in control over what was happening in the streets. Nt ended suddenly, they lost control. I think that is where they are at right now. The only person in control of an agenda in this country, thank god, is donald trump and he is moving it forward. General chaos you know this is a benefit for the democrats appear they would have a huge ouoor fight and would not be able to stop alexandria ocasiocortez. My advice to her, by the way, if she is not invited with all the work she has done and i am opposed to everything she does, she should have a separate offense and challenge them with that. Americans who support her should have a right to see her. If she is shut out, she should make a point the American People understand she is unhappy about that. Jason she has been a major impact player for the democrats, but what timmy mentioned is right. These elections and the candidates are put forward about the future. When they were successful as democrats, think ofem bill clinton, barack obama, new, vibrant ideas with a lot of energy. This time to democrats or with somebody elected in 1972 when i was barely kicking a soccer ball. What does that say about where the democrats are and the importance of this vp pick for joe biden . Well, it shows the democrats really dont have any true ideas. They just needed a vessel for the radical, social agenda and they got that vessel in joe biden. When it comes to vp pick, we have seen him delay and delay and delay. Remember, had they had the convention at the normal time, it would have happen a month ago who they would select. Why is it delayed . Joe biden has bad choices acrosstheboard between crazy or crazy when it comes to who he will try to pick. You look at comrade karen bass who praises shook social dictators and Kamala Harris on the debate stage. I dont think like joe biden that much but you look at susan rice a bisno record in the Obama Biden Administration with the cybersecurity to standco don when they knew there was a potential for foreign election interference. It really doesnt matter who joe biden picks because it is a bad choice all around for him, not only is this who we thinks will be the future of the democrat party, but he says he is the transition candidate. But look who he is talking about. I dont know, governor Stacey Abrams or Gretchen Whitmer do as i say and not as i do with tyrannical poll in michigan. It doesnt matter to joe biden and he is filled with radicals. Jason timmy, what is your reaction to that. If i can mention, you know what they need from the Vice President ial pick is someone who can keep a secret. Remember, hypothetically and lets say joe biden wins some help which, again im 110 sure it will not happen. What they are thinking about is what Vice President ial choice, which one of those three women, for example, will keep their secrets . That was the scariest thing with donald trump and his team. We will come into possession of everything that they had been doing. Kamala harris is a transactional person. Ic she will do and say and become whatever is required to get what it is she wants. And it doesnt matter what shedo originally thought of joe biden. Maybe she now will think something differently. I dont think that or susan, well, susan rice can be trusted to keep secrets because she has a lot to lose as well. But i think karen bass will be a problem for them. So the issue is, who will do what they are told without becoming a problem. That is who that person will be seen, and that is not a good sign for the future of the party either of. Jason and you still wonder who the puppeteers are behind joe biden because, you know, hearing from democrat insiders, there are a couple of people to be with joe biden each day. Then he goes out with ati teleprompter and blows it. Now, senator sanders said joe biden would be the most progressive, the most liberal in the history of our country. Erin, we should believe him, shouldnt we . Absolutely. T. Bernies sanders is saying joe biden will be the most progressive candidate, we should take him at his word on this. Why . The bernie biden socialist manifesto a policy, including amnesty for 11 million Illegal Immigrants, Free Health Care for Illegal Immigrants, w b but whos paying for the health care . Oh, thats right, the hard working taxpayers of the united states. Those who are paying the taxes in the country. Listen, democrats have made it clear where they want to havemi more money, and more choice. They dont want opportunity. They want to ban fracking which would eliminate jobs. And the contrast on the green new deal, 10 million new jobs gone. What does joe biden think . He cant look at a teleprompter without an issue. Anything they are delusional and wrong for america. Jason thank you for joining us tonight. It will behe fascinating to see what happens next week. Erin perrine, tammy bruce, have a wonderful evening. Coming up, the Second Amendment is under attack, and we will show you what democrats are doing to expunge on your rights. Pam bondi and jenna ellis will join us. Plus, a very scary report about an alleged rapist who reportedly killed his accuser after getting freed from jail with covid19. That is straight ahead. Jail with covid19. That is straig jason welcome back to this special edition of hannity. A rape suspect in alexandria, virginia, were released to the coronavirus concerns allegedly shot and killed his accuser according to the police. The chief breaking news correspondent t Trace Gallagher joins us with more, trace. Jason, good evening prosecutor say one more example of criminals put back on the street while victims put back in danger. Back in april low euros 33yearold argued that hee should be released over coronavirus fears. Prosecutors had violent criminals were not eligible for release, but the judge set him free. Even though he faced charges of violently raping, choking Carla Domingues outside v of her alexandria, virginia, apartment, he was not supposed to leave his home in maryland but last week he drove to dominquez apartment and shot her to death. Two days ago, the cops spotted him but crashed his car before the cops could take him intoho custody. He shot himself. Experts argue violent offenders should never be included in the compassion release of prisoners but again and again they are and again and again they violently reoffend yet several states including california set to release thousands more prisoners that are concerns ofan contractg covid19, jason. Jason tough story, trace, thank you. Make no mistake your Second Amendment rights are on the ballot come november. Yesterday with less than 90 dayn until the election, new York Attorney general, judge james seeking to dissolve the National Rifle association. This came just one day after joe biden bragged about challenging the nra during his time in the senate. E. Promising to ban assault weapons. If elected president. Joining us now with more reaction, former pam bondi and senior legal h advisor for President Trumps reelection campaign, jenna ellis. Thank you so much for joining us. Former attorney general, pam, youve got a lot of experience in this on this topic. Joe biden has promised to put beto orourke, Robert Francis orourke in charge of gun policy, and we know what he said. Everything is on the line for the Second Amendment on this election. Jason, it it is not surprising because when she was running for office, she made it very clear she was going after donald trump. He was in her sights. She said she had her eyes on trump tower. She continued to go after eric trump and donald trump jr. In her business. So you know, being a chief legal officer and chief enforcement officer, i was at the Third Largest state. She is the fourth largest state in the country. It is a responsibility, yet sheb sees it as tremendous power. And jana and i can tell you and all the lawsuits we have filed innfnf error careers, 1633 page going after the nra when new york is in a time of crisis is really unheard of. They want to dissolve the nra and really even more unheard of. She said she said out loud this was not political, yet she holds a grand press conference, flags and the background, talked about the nra, talked about the Second Amendment. Eded if you are a business right now in new york and your doors are closing, your ag, your consumer and your hg put a press conference that could have been prioritized later over you, a consumer. If you are scraping off graffiti off of your walls in new york, your attorney general wasnt out there protecting you. Governor cuomo, jason, you saw him begging businesses to come back to new york. She has been in charge of Consumer Protection and she could have been out there right with him. Yet she prioritized nra and going after the nra. Overall, violations and what about women in Law Enforcement who are out there . She is the top cop yetee politis over people. Jason and look at the scandal that is going on and what they did on the coronavirus in new york. And Senior Living centers. Jenna, im totally confused because i think there is a mixed message from democrats. On the one hand they want to take away your guns restrict what you are buying but on the other hand, you dont need those plans because Law Enforcement. But they also say, hey, we want to defund and direct it to Law Enforcement. So really, at the end of the day, they want to get rid of the Second Amendment, dont they . Yeah, jason, there is a clear message from the democrats and it is that they want to take away all of your freedoms andd all of your constitutional protected rights. Just exclusive to the Second Amendment. We have seen this in religious liberty case is going on right now. We have seen this in speech cases, association cases, so this is something where democrats all across the nation and leadership have put moderate and independent voters on notice that a vote for joe biden or a vote for a democrat all the way down the ticket is a vote for tierney. So that is a very clear message. They have been very consistent on saying they arent intent to destroy america. They need to be termed domestic enemies at this point in an unconstitutional forcing partisan, political prosecutions like this that are absolutely partisan. There were 26 attorney generals who are republicans that signed a statement in the nra case calling it a partisan hit job that is aimed at empowering the mob and endangering the law abiding citizens who love and support the Second Amendment. And President Trump has been very clear that he is the only candidate. He is the only president that stands on the side of the constitution and is willing to make sure that our rights, liberties, freedoms, and everything that makes this country great, that he is on the side of preserving and protecting for all. Jason this should not be difficult. This is an overwhelming issue. This is a constitutional right and if i want to carry and my wife wants to carry, we ought to be able to carry and buy those weapons to protect ourselves. This is the democrat. They are what was going after lawabiding citizens as opposed to go to the criminal element. Go ahead and tear down these buildings and have these riots. It is sickening to think that the American People get it. Pam bondi, jenna ellis, thank you so much. Coming up, it is a 180 for the history books. Senator Chuck Schumer admits we need to reopen schools to help the economy. Rachel campos duffy and theyu will join us after the break with the special edition of hannity continues. Welcome, todays discussion will be around sliced meat. Moms want healthy. And affordable. Land o frost premium no added hormones either. Its the only protein ive really melted with. Land o frost premium. Fresh look. Same great taste. Well now theres score , from force factor, to rev your libido and maximize physical response. Its no wonder force factor is the 1 fastestgrowing mens health brand at walmart. Unleash your potential in the bedroom with score . Jason welcome back. Well america faces the covid19 pandemic head on, the donothing democrats lack any sense of urgency to solve actual problems. This includes reopening schools in the fall, but today, suddenly senator schumer seem to have a sudden change of heart. Watch this. I think the problems facing us this next month or schools. Opening up the school safely. If you dont open up the schools, you are going to hurt the economy significantly. Jason what happened . Joining us now is the author of youre not enough and thats okay Allie Beth Stuckey and Fox News Contributor Rachel Campos duffy. Thank you so much for joining us. Rachel, all of a sudden democrats are suddenly coming to the realization, hey, maybe kids going to school would be a good thing not just for the economy them about what happened . Well, you may not know this, jason, but im actually trying to speak english, spanish, and i also speak Chuck Schumert so lt me tell you what happened there. What he actually said was we did some internal polling and we found out that closing schools and taking our economy is really not working well for the voters. Theyin dont like it. This was supposed to, you know, hurt donald trump, but now its hurting us. This is what this is all about. The only science the democrats care about, frankly, is the science of polling. This is political calculation and they are playing games with our economy, livelihoods, and frankly, with our children. Jason i could not agree with you more. But democrats, they really do kind of e lets see how the winds blowing. And if it comes in trumps direction, they came to realize it, didnt they . Just last week and a couple of weeks ago, they were listening to the Teachers Union who were saying in l. A. , for example, the l. A. Teachers union, we are not going back to school unless you defund the police, pass medicare for all, ban charters and the Teachers Union standing in the way of staff, students, and teachers for a very long time. We know that they control the Democratic Party. So this time stuck between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, the Teachers Union trying their darndest to make sure that the teachers dont have to do their jobs in the fall. Then you have v the voters, hey, my kids need to go back to school, not just for them but also for the parents who have to go back p to work. Jason rachel, School Choice is going to be like a top tier, top five, top six, you know, type of argument that republicans will have against democrats coming into the election. Absolutely. I think one of the legacies to the pandemic, let parents who may be wary about School Choice or suddenly waking up to the idea educational freedom and Parental Choice is really important. But i will say, parents are smart. Parents love their kids more than the government, you know . So this is a situation, the data shows that our kids are less likely to die of covid than the seasonal flu. They look at how badly homeschooling meant for most of us and it really socked. And also, they look at what is happening with the economy. And they understand intuitively, that our economy and the Great Depression will hurt families, her childhood, and make us less free and more vulnerable to National Security threatsoo from china and so forth. A weak economy means a week america and that is bad for her kids and her family. Parents have made this calculation long before Chuck Schumer did. They figured it out. Donald trump was on to it, now lo and behold, they change their mind because of the pony show. Jason it is a classic argument the conservative way of thinking and empowering parents and their kids as opposed to this Big Government size fits all, Chuck Schumer a few the world. Isnt it, allie beth . Rachel made such a good point there that it is actually true, if there is one blessing that has come out of this that we are experiencing right now is that parents are realizing the importance of School Choice. Realizing later the government does notot have their best interest at heart, their kids best interest at heart. That is not something the democrats welcoming, but that will be a problem in the election, especially because the biden bernie Task Force Wants tg ban forprofit Charter Schools and limit School Choice. That is a part of their agenda. Im hoping parents are using this to wake up and realize that the time is now to take control of their childs education for the best of their child. Jason no, i really do hope this election, we have a serious discussion is the American People to look at this because really in the inner cities, if you look at what is going on in the inner cities, they will defund the police that are actually in those schools to make sure it is safe. We have to make a fundamental change. And i think as you said my think one of the legacies of covid will actually be School Choice comes to the forefront. At least i hope so. Thank you so much for joining us. I really appreciate it. More of this special edition of hannity after the break. Stay with us. Jason welcome back to this special edition of hannity. Before we go, if you want to dive deeper into understanding the washington swamp, i recommend my book the deep state and how an army of bureaucrats protected barack obama and working to destroy donald trump. Find it on my website jasoninthehouse. Com, jasoninthehouse. Com. Thank you for joining us on the special edition of hannity. Sean hannity, thank you for allowing me to sit in this seat. It is an honor and a privilege and i really do appreciate it. Sean will be back on monday, big week next week, joe biden will announce his Vice President nominee and you want to stay tuned to fox news to know all about it. The ingraham angle is is up next. Ne laura i am Laura Ingraham and this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. Newt gingrich and raymond arroyo. You dont want to miss it plus a blm protester vandalized as a tribute to Fallen Police officers. Now this is just minutes after it was painted. The artist is here tonight, and he is both hilarious and committed. But first, bidenology 101, that is tonights angle. Back in the cold war, we had criminologist, and they said everything they could find, pictures of official notices and so forth to guess about what was happening in the soviet union. After all, you had to try to

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